SevenSegment (FB 32/64, static lib)

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SevenSegment (FB 32/64, static lib)

Post by MrSwiss »

Some Time ago, I've coded this pure FreeBASIC library. The main aim was:

a 7-Segment (single/multiple) graphical, scalable display (with a single, scaling
factor (variable), all other calculations are inside the library itself).
(Everything is integer based, therefore it isn't "smooth scaling", more "stepping".)

Consisting of:
  • (header file, to be included in source, using the library)
  • SevenSegment32.bas (32-bit lib-source) --> libSevenSegment32.a (32-bit lib)
  • SevenSegment64.bas (64-bit lib-source) --> libSevenSegment64.a (64-bit lib)
    (both source files are identical, except: name/comments)
I'll post some examples in the following post(s).

(keeping this post free, for possible, later updates)

Code: Select all

' -- 2017-08-15, by MrSwiss

#Ifndef __SevenSegment_bi__
#Define __SevenSegment_bi__

Const As ULong  black = &hFF000000, white = &hFFFFFFFF, _   ' pre-defined color's (32bit)
                grey = &hFF7F7F7F, transp = &h00FF00FF, _   ' const's are GLOBAL!
                b_red = &hFFFF0F00, d_red = &hFF3F0000, _   ' to be preferred, over: _
                b_org = &hFFFF7F00, d_org = &hFF7F3F00, _   ' "dim shared"!
                b_yel = &hFFFFDF00, d_yel = &hFF5F5F00, _
                b_grn = &hFF00FF00, d_grn = &hFF003F00, _
                b_blu = &hFF00CFFF, d_blu = &hFF001F3F, _
                pink = &hFFFE00FE, violet = &hFF3F003F, _
                blue = &hFF007FFF, yellow = &hFFFFBF00, d_gry = &hFF3F3F3F

Type LED_Rec    ' a helper Type (not used directly)
    As Short    x_, y_, w_, h_  ' position / size
    As ULong    bc_, dc_        ' LED colors
    As Boolean  vis_, stt_      ' visible / status, both: ON or OFF
    As UByte    mod_, res_      ' mode: H / V, reserved 
End Type

Type SevenSeg
    As Short x1_, y1_, x2_, y2_ ' SevenSeg border positions x1, y1, x2, y2
    As ULong bgc_, frc_         ' colors: bg / frame
    As UByte frs_               ' frame style 0 = none/bg, 1 = single/bg , 2 = double/bg 
    As LED_Rec  LR(1 To 7)      ' 1, 4 and 7 = horizontal, rest = vertical
    Declare Sub initSS(ByVal w As Short=6, ByVal frs As UByte=0, ByVal v As Boolean=TRUE, ByVal s As Boolean=FALSE)
    Declare Sub sca_SS(ByVal w As Short=6)      ' only for re-scaling! (use initSS for first run!)
    Declare Sub pos_SS(ByVal xo As Short, ByVal yo As Short)    ' SSoffset from init (0, 0), as above
    Declare Sub clr_SS(ByVal As ULong, ByVal As ULong, ByVal As ULong=&hFF000000, ByVal As ULong=&hFFFFFFFF) ' 3rd/4th param. is opt.
    Declare Sub dec_SS(ByVal bi As UByte=16)    ' Byte decoder (16 = all OFF)
    Declare Sub dis_SS(ByVal sty As UByte=0)    ' display it (sty overrides default)
    Declare Sub gframe(ByRef x1 As Short=0, ByRef y1 As Short=0, ByRef x2 As Short=0, ByRef y2 As Short=0)  ' size getter
End Type

#Ifdef __FB_64BIT__
#Inclib "SevenSegment64"
#Inclib "SevenSegment32"
#EndIf  ' __FB_64BIT__

#EndIf  ' __SevenSegment_bi__

Code: Select all

' SevenSegment32.bas -- 2017-08-15, by MrSwiss
' compile: -lib

Type LED_Rec
    As Short    x_, y_, w_, h_  ' position / size
    As ULong    bc_, dc_        ' LED colors
    As Boolean  vis_, stt_      ' visible / status, both: ON or OFF
    As UByte    mod_, res_      ' mode: H / V, reserved 
End Type

Type SevenSeg
    As Short x1_, y1_, x2_, y2_ ' SevenSeg border positions: x1_, y1_, x2_, y2_
    As ULong bgc_, frc_         ' colors: bg / frame
    As UByte frs_               ' frame style 0 = none/bg, 1 = single/bg , 2 = double/bg 
    As LED_Rec  LR(1 To 7)      ' 1, 4 and 7 = horizontal, rest = vertical
    Declare Sub initSS(ByVal w As Short=6, ByVal frs As UByte=0, ByVal v As Boolean=TRUE, ByVal s As Boolean=FALSE)
    Declare Sub sca_SS(ByVal w As Short=6)      ' only for re-scaling! (use initSS for first run!)
    Declare Sub pos_SS(ByVal xo As Short, ByVal yo As Short)    ' SSoffset from init (0, 0), as above
    Declare Sub clr_SS(ByVal As ULong, ByVal As ULong, ByVal As ULong=&hFF000000, ByVal As ULong=&hFFFFFFFF) ' 3rd/4th param. is opt.
    Declare Sub dec_SS(ByVal bi As UByte=16)    ' Byte decoder (16 = all OFF)
    Declare Sub dis_SS(ByVal sty As UByte=0)    ' display it (sty overrides default)
    Declare Sub gframe(ByRef x1 As Short=0, ByRef y1 As Short=0, ByRef x2 As Short=0, ByRef y2 As Short=0)  ' size getter
End Type

' start procedure(s) implementation(s)
Sub SevenSeg.initSS( _          ' base initializer (no pos/colors yet)
    ByVal w   As Short=6, _     ' width LED (also: scaling factor!)
    ByVal frs As UByte=0, _     ' frame style (none, single, double)
    ByVal v   As Boolean=TRUE, _' visibility: ON
    ByVal s   As Boolean=FALSE _' LED status: OFF
    If w < 2 Then Exit Sub      ' only 2 or larger accepted (min. size)

    Dim As Short vx = 1.1 * w, vy = vx, lw = w, lh = w * 5
    For i As UInteger = 1 To 7  ' LBound(This.LR) To UBound(This.LR)
        With This.LR(i)         ' dealing with sub-type LED_Rec
            Select Case As Const i 
                Case 1, 4, 7    : .mod_ = 1 ' a, d, g (horizontal)
                Case 2, 3, 5, 6 : .mod_ = 0 ' b, c, e, f (vertical)
            End Select
            .w_ = lw : .h_ = lh
            If .mod_ = 1 Then Swap .w_, .h_
            .vis_ = v : .stt_ = s
            Select Case As Const i
                Case 1 : .x_ = 2 * vx : .y_ = vy
                Case 2 : .x_ = 2 * vx + lh : .y_ = 2 * vy
                Case 3 : .x_ = 2 * vx + lh : .y_ = 3 * vy + lh
                Case 4 : .x_ = 2 * vx : .y_ = 3 * vy + 2 * lh
                Case 5 : .x_ = vx : .y_ = 3 * vy + lh
                Case 6 : .x_ = vx : .y_ = 2 * vy
                Case 7 : .x_ = 2 * vx : .y_ = 2 * vy + lh
            End Select
        End With
    With This                   ' dealing with SevenSeg Type
        .x1_ = 0 : .y1_ = 0
        .x2_ = 4 * vx + lh
        .y2_ = 5 * vy + 2 * lh
        .frs_ = frs
    End With
End Sub

Sub SevenSeg.sca_SS(ByVal w As Short=6) ' only for re-scaling! (use initSS first!)
    If w < 2 Then Exit Sub      ' only 2 or larger accepted (min. size)

    Dim As Short vx = 1.1 * w, vy = vx, lw = w, lh = w * 5
    For i As UInteger = 1 To 7  ' LBound(This.LR) To UBound(This.LR)
        With This.LR(i)         ' dealing with sub-type LED_Rec
            .w_ = lw : .h_ = lh
            If .mod_ = 1 Then Swap .w_, .h_
            Select Case As Const i
                Case 1 : .x_ = 2 * vx : .y_ = vy
                Case 2 : .x_ = 2 * vx + lh : .y_ = 2 * vy
                Case 3 : .x_ = 2 * vx + lh : .y_ = 3 * vy + lh
                Case 4 : .x_ = 2 * vx : .y_ = 3 * vy + 2 * lh
                Case 5 : .x_ = vx : .y_ = 3 * vy + lh
                Case 6 : .x_ = vx : .y_ = 2 * vy
                Case 7 : .x_ = 2 * vx : .y_ = 2 * vy + lh
            End Select
        End With
    With This   ' calculate new frame positions (relative to current)
        .x1_ += .LR(1).x_ - 2 * vx
        .y1_ += .LR(1).y_ - vy
        .x2_ = .x1_ + (4 * vx + lh)
        .y2_ = .y1_ + (5 * vy + 2 * lh)
    End With
End Sub

Sub SevenSeg.pos_SS( _
    ByVal xo As Short, _
    ByVal yo As Short _
    With This
        .x1_ = xo : .y1_ = yo
        .x2_ += xo : .y2_ += yo
    End With
End Sub

Sub SevenSeg.clr_SS( _
    ByVal bc  As ULong, _
    ByVal dc  As ULong, _
    ByVal bgc As ULong=&hFF000000, _
    ByVal frc As ULong=&hFFFFFFFF _
    )    ' 3rd param. is opt.
    With This
        .bgc_ = bgc : .frc_ = frc
        For i As UInteger = 1 To 7
            .LR(i).bc_ = bc
            .LR(i).dc_ = dc
    End With
End Sub

Sub SevenSeg.dec_SS( _
    ByVal bi As UByte=16 _
    If bi > 17 OrElse bi < 0 Then Exit Sub
    ' 16 = all off, 17 = - (dash), otherwise: 0 to F (hex)
    Dim As Boolean  a, b, c, d, e, f, g

    Select Case As Const bi
        Case  0 : a = TRUE  : b = TRUE  : c = TRUE  : d = TRUE  : e = TRUE  : f = TRUE  : g = FALSE ' 0
        Case  1 : a = FALSE : b = TRUE  : c = TRUE  : d = FALSE : e = FALSE : f = FALSE : g = FALSE ' 1
        Case  2 : a = TRUE  : b = TRUE  : c = FALSE : d = TRUE  : e = TRUE  : f = FALSE : g = TRUE  ' 2
        Case  3 : a = TRUE  : b = TRUE  : c = TRUE  : d = TRUE  : e = FALSE : f = FALSE : g = TRUE  ' 3
        Case  4 : a = FALSE : b = TRUE  : c = TRUE  : d = FALSE : e = FALSE : f = TRUE  : g = TRUE  ' 4
        Case  5 : a = TRUE  : b = FALSE : c = TRUE  : d = TRUE  : e = FALSE : f = TRUE  : g = TRUE  ' 5
        Case  6 : a = TRUE  : b = FALSE : c = TRUE  : d = TRUE  : e = TRUE  : f = TRUE  : g = TRUE  ' 6
        Case  7 : a = TRUE  : b = TRUE  : c = TRUE  : d = FALSE : e = FALSE : f = FALSE : g = FALSE ' 7
        Case  8 : a = TRUE  : b = TRUE  : c = TRUE  : d = TRUE  : e = TRUE  : f = TRUE  : g = TRUE  ' 8
        Case  9 : a = TRUE  : b = TRUE  : c = TRUE  : d = TRUE  : e = FALSE : f = TRUE  : g = TRUE  ' 9
        Case 10 : a = TRUE  : b = TRUE  : c = TRUE  : d = FALSE : e = TRUE  : f = TRUE  : g = TRUE  ' A
        Case 11 : a = FALSE : b = FALSE : c = TRUE  : d = TRUE  : e = TRUE  : f = TRUE  : g = TRUE  ' b
        Case 12 : a = TRUE  : b = FALSE : c = FALSE : d = TRUE  : e = TRUE  : f = TRUE  : g = FALSE ' C
        Case 13 : a = FALSE : b = TRUE  : c = TRUE  : d = TRUE  : e = TRUE  : f = FALSE : g = TRUE  ' d
        Case 14 : a = TRUE  : b = FALSE : c = FALSE : d = TRUE  : e = TRUE  : f = TRUE  : g = TRUE  ' E
        Case 15 : a = TRUE  : b = FALSE : c = FALSE : d = FALSE : e = TRUE  : f = TRUE  : g = TRUE  ' F
        Case 16 : a = FALSE : b = FALSE : c = FALSE : d = FALSE : e = FALSE : f = FALSE : g = FALSE ' all off
        Case 17 : a = FALSE : b = FALSE : c = FALSE : d = FALSE : e = FALSE : f = FALSE : g = TRUE  ' -
    End Select

    With This   ' after decoding, set the LED's: ON/OFF status
        .LR(1).stt_ = a : .LR(2).stt_ = b
        .LR(3).stt_ = c : .LR(4).stt_ = d
        .LR(5).stt_ = e : .LR(6).stt_ = f
        .LR(7).stt_ = g
    End With
End Sub

Sub SevenSeg.dis_SS( _
    ByVal sty As UByte=0 _
    Dim As Short    xoffs = This.x1_, yoffs = This.y1_

    With This
        If .frs_ <> sty Then .frs_ = sty    ' frame style override (permanent)
        Line (.x1_, .y1_)-(.x2_, .y2_), .bgc_, BF   ' background always
        If .frs_ = 1 Then
            Line (.x1_, .y1_)-(.x2_, .y2_), .frc_, B    ' single frame
        ElseIf .frs_ = 2 Then
            Line (.x1_, .y1_)-(.x2_, .y2_), .frc_, B    ' double frame
            Line (.x1_ + 1, .y1_ + 1)-(.x2_ - 1, .y2_ - 1), .frc_, B
        End If
    End With
    For i As UInteger = 1 To 7
        With This.LR(i)
            If .stt_ Then
                Line (.x_ + xoffs, .y_ + yoffs)-Step(.w_ - 1, .h_ - 1), .bc_, BF
                Line (.x_ + xoffs, .y_ + yoffs)-Step(.w_ - 1, .h_ - 1), .dc_, BF
            End If
        End With
End Sub

Sub SevenSeg.gframe( _
    ByRef x1 As Short=0, _
    ByRef y1 As Short=0, _
    ByRef x2 As Short=0, _
    ByRef y2 As Short=0 _
    With This
        x1 = .x1_ : y1 = .y1_
        x2 = .x2_ : y2 = .y2_ 
    End With
End Sub
' end procedure(s) implementation(s)

Code: Select all

' SevenSegment64.bas -- 2017-08-15, by MrSwiss
' compile: -lib

Type LED_Rec
    As Short    x_, y_, w_, h_  ' position / size
    As ULong    bc_, dc_        ' LED colors
    As Boolean  vis_, stt_      ' visible / status, both: ON or OFF
    As UByte    mod_, res_      ' mode: H / V, reserved 
End Type

Type SevenSeg
    As Short x1_, y1_, x2_, y2_ ' SevenSeg border positions x1, y1, x2, y2
    As ULong bgc_, frc_         ' colors: bg / frame
    As UByte frs_               ' frame style 0 = none/bg, 1 = single/bg , 2 = double/bg 
    As LED_Rec  LR(1 To 7)      ' 1, 4 and 7 = horizontal, rest = vertical
    Declare Sub initSS(ByVal w As Short=6, ByVal frs As UByte=0, ByVal v As Boolean=TRUE, ByVal s As Boolean=FALSE)
    Declare Sub sca_SS(ByVal w As Short=6)      ' only for re-scaling! (use initSS for first run!)
    Declare Sub pos_SS(ByVal xo As Short, ByVal yo As Short)    ' SSoffset from init (0, 0), as above
    Declare Sub clr_SS(ByVal As ULong, ByVal As ULong, ByVal As ULong=&hFF000000, ByVal As ULong=&hFFFFFFFF) ' 3rd/4th param. is opt.
    Declare Sub dec_SS(ByVal bi As UByte=16)    ' Byte decoder (16 = all OFF)
    Declare Sub dis_SS(ByVal sty As UByte=0)    ' display it (sty overrides default)
    Declare Sub gframe(ByRef x1 As Short=0, ByRef y1 As Short=0, ByRef x2 As Short=0, ByRef y2 As Short=0)  ' size getter
End Type

' start procedure(s) implementation(s)
Sub SevenSeg.initSS( _          ' base initializer (no pos/colors yet)
    ByVal w   As Short=6, _     ' width LED (also: scaling factor!)
    ByVal frs As UByte=0, _     ' frame style (none, single, double)
    ByVal v   As Boolean=TRUE, _' visibility: ON
    ByVal s   As Boolean=FALSE _' LED status: OFF
    If w < 2 Then Exit Sub      ' only 2 or larger accepted (min. size)

    Dim As Short vx = 1.1 * w, vy = vx, lw = w, lh = w * 5
    For i As UInteger = 1 To 7  ' LBound(This.LR) To UBound(This.LR)
        With This.LR(i)         ' dealing with sub-type LED_Rec
            Select Case As Const i 
                Case 1, 4, 7    : .mod_ = 1 ' a, d, g (horizontal)
                Case 2, 3, 5, 6 : .mod_ = 0 ' b, c, e, f (vertical)
            End Select
            .w_ = lw : .h_ = lh
            If .mod_ = 1 Then Swap .w_, .h_
            .vis_ = v : .stt_ = s
            Select Case As Const i
                Case 1 : .x_ = 2 * vx : .y_ = vy
                Case 2 : .x_ = 2 * vx + lh : .y_ = 2 * vy
                Case 3 : .x_ = 2 * vx + lh : .y_ = 3 * vy + lh
                Case 4 : .x_ = 2 * vx : .y_ = 3 * vy + 2 * lh
                Case 5 : .x_ = vx : .y_ = 3 * vy + lh
                Case 6 : .x_ = vx : .y_ = 2 * vy
                Case 7 : .x_ = 2 * vx : .y_ = 2 * vy + lh
            End Select
        End With
    With This                   ' dealing with SevenSeg Type
        .x1_ = 0 : .y1_ = 0
        .x2_ = 4 * vx + lh
        .y2_ = 5 * vy + 2 * lh
        .frs_ = frs
    End With
End Sub

Sub SevenSeg.sca_SS(ByVal w As Short=6) ' only for re-scaling! (use initSS first!)
    If w < 2 Then Exit Sub      ' only 2 or larger accepted (min. size)

    Dim As Short vx = 1.1 * w, vy = vx, lw = w, lh = w * 5
    For i As UInteger = 1 To 7  ' LBound(This.LR) To UBound(This.LR)
        With This.LR(i)         ' dealing with sub-type LED_Rec
            .w_ = lw : .h_ = lh
            If .mod_ = 1 Then Swap .w_, .h_
            Select Case As Const i
                Case 1 : .x_ = 2 * vx : .y_ = vy
                Case 2 : .x_ = 2 * vx + lh : .y_ = 2 * vy
                Case 3 : .x_ = 2 * vx + lh : .y_ = 3 * vy + lh
                Case 4 : .x_ = 2 * vx : .y_ = 3 * vy + 2 * lh
                Case 5 : .x_ = vx : .y_ = 3 * vy + lh
                Case 6 : .x_ = vx : .y_ = 2 * vy
                Case 7 : .x_ = 2 * vx : .y_ = 2 * vy + lh
            End Select
        End With
    With This   ' calculate new frame positions (relative to current)
        .x1_ += .LR(1).x_ - 2 * vx
        .y1_ += .LR(1).y_ - vy
        .x2_ = .x1_ + (4 * vx + lh)
        .y2_ = .y1_ + (5 * vy + 2 * lh)
    End With
End Sub

Sub SevenSeg.pos_SS( _
    ByVal xo As Short, _
    ByVal yo As Short _
    With This
        .x1_ = xo : .y1_ = yo
        .x2_ += xo : .y2_ += yo
    End With
End Sub

Sub SevenSeg.clr_SS( _
    ByVal bc  As ULong, _
    ByVal dc  As ULong, _
    ByVal bgc As ULong=&hFF000000, _
    ByVal frc As ULong=&hFFFFFFFF _
    )    ' 3rd param. is opt.
    With This
        .bgc_ = bgc : .frc_ = frc
        For i As UInteger = 1 To 7
            .LR(i).bc_ = bc
            .LR(i).dc_ = dc
    End With
End Sub

Sub SevenSeg.dec_SS( _
    ByVal bi As UByte=16 _
    If bi > 17 OrElse bi < 0 Then Exit Sub
    ' 16 = all off, 17 = - (dash), otherwise: 0 to F (hex)
    Dim As Boolean  a, b, c, d, e, f, g

    Select Case As Const bi
        Case  0 : a = TRUE  : b = TRUE  : c = TRUE  : d = TRUE  : e = TRUE  : f = TRUE  : g = FALSE ' 0
        Case  1 : a = FALSE : b = TRUE  : c = TRUE  : d = FALSE : e = FALSE : f = FALSE : g = FALSE ' 1
        Case  2 : a = TRUE  : b = TRUE  : c = FALSE : d = TRUE  : e = TRUE  : f = FALSE : g = TRUE  ' 2
        Case  3 : a = TRUE  : b = TRUE  : c = TRUE  : d = TRUE  : e = FALSE : f = FALSE : g = TRUE  ' 3
        Case  4 : a = FALSE : b = TRUE  : c = TRUE  : d = FALSE : e = FALSE : f = TRUE  : g = TRUE  ' 4
        Case  5 : a = TRUE  : b = FALSE : c = TRUE  : d = TRUE  : e = FALSE : f = TRUE  : g = TRUE  ' 5
        Case  6 : a = TRUE  : b = FALSE : c = TRUE  : d = TRUE  : e = TRUE  : f = TRUE  : g = TRUE  ' 6
        Case  7 : a = TRUE  : b = TRUE  : c = TRUE  : d = FALSE : e = FALSE : f = FALSE : g = FALSE ' 7
        Case  8 : a = TRUE  : b = TRUE  : c = TRUE  : d = TRUE  : e = TRUE  : f = TRUE  : g = TRUE  ' 8
        Case  9 : a = TRUE  : b = TRUE  : c = TRUE  : d = TRUE  : e = FALSE : f = TRUE  : g = TRUE  ' 9
        Case 10 : a = TRUE  : b = TRUE  : c = TRUE  : d = FALSE : e = TRUE  : f = TRUE  : g = TRUE  ' A
        Case 11 : a = FALSE : b = FALSE : c = TRUE  : d = TRUE  : e = TRUE  : f = TRUE  : g = TRUE  ' b
        Case 12 : a = TRUE  : b = FALSE : c = FALSE : d = TRUE  : e = TRUE  : f = TRUE  : g = FALSE ' C
        Case 13 : a = FALSE : b = TRUE  : c = TRUE  : d = TRUE  : e = TRUE  : f = FALSE : g = TRUE  ' d
        Case 14 : a = TRUE  : b = FALSE : c = FALSE : d = TRUE  : e = TRUE  : f = TRUE  : g = TRUE  ' E
        Case 15 : a = TRUE  : b = FALSE : c = FALSE : d = FALSE : e = TRUE  : f = TRUE  : g = TRUE  ' F
        Case 16 : a = FALSE : b = FALSE : c = FALSE : d = FALSE : e = FALSE : f = FALSE : g = FALSE ' all off
        Case 17 : a = FALSE : b = FALSE : c = FALSE : d = FALSE : e = FALSE : f = FALSE : g = TRUE  ' -
    End Select

    With This   ' after decoding, set the LED's: ON/OFF status
        .LR(1).stt_ = a : .LR(2).stt_ = b
        .LR(3).stt_ = c : .LR(4).stt_ = d
        .LR(5).stt_ = e : .LR(6).stt_ = f
        .LR(7).stt_ = g
    End With
End Sub

Sub SevenSeg.dis_SS( _
    ByVal sty As UByte=0 _
    Dim As Short    xoffs = This.x1_, yoffs = This.y1_

    With This
        If .frs_ <> sty Then .frs_ = sty    ' frame style override (permanent)
        Line (.x1_, .y1_)-(.x2_, .y2_), .bgc_, BF   ' background always
        If .frs_ = 1 Then
            Line (.x1_, .y1_)-(.x2_, .y2_), .frc_, B    ' single frame
        ElseIf .frs_ = 2 Then
            Line (.x1_, .y1_)-(.x2_, .y2_), .frc_, B    ' double frame
            Line (.x1_ + 1, .y1_ + 1)-(.x2_ - 1, .y2_ - 1), .frc_, B
        End If
    End With
    For i As UInteger = 1 To 7
        With This.LR(i)
            If .stt_ Then
                Line (.x_ + xoffs, .y_ + yoffs)-Step(.w_ - 1, .h_ - 1), .bc_, BF
                Line (.x_ + xoffs, .y_ + yoffs)-Step(.w_ - 1, .h_ - 1), .dc_, BF
            End If
        End With
End Sub

Sub SevenSeg.gframe( _
    ByRef x1 As Short=0, _
    ByRef y1 As Short=0, _
    ByRef x2 As Short=0, _
    ByRef y2 As Short=0 _
    With This
        x1 = .x1_ : y1 = .y1_
        x2 = .x2_ : y2 = .y2_ 
    End With
End Sub
' end procedure(s) implementation(s)
Posts: 3910
Joined: Jun 02, 2013 9:27
Location: Switzerland

Re: SevenSegment (FB 32/64, static lib)

Post by MrSwiss »

First Example:
7-Segment LED Clock in Tips & Tricks section (more complex initializer).

Show case for scalability of 7-Segment display:

Code: Select all

' SevenSegment_ShowCase.bas -- 2017-08-19, by MrSwiss
' compile: -s gui

#Include ""

' decimal splitter, range: 0 to 99, for single numerals result
Function Div_Mod ( _        ' UByte processing only
    ByVal iB  As UByte, _   ' dividend
    ByVal dvr As UByte=10 _ ' divisor (default 10), decimal
    ) As UShort             ' high: div res. | low: mod res.
    Div_Mod = ((iB \ dvr) Shl 8) + iB Mod dvr
End Function

' init code: clock specific positioning (spaces in between HR/MIN/SEC)
Dim As SevenSeg SS(5)       ' 6 elements, of SevenSeg (0 to 5)
Dim As UShort   startx = 50, starty = 50, endx, endy, sp_sec, sp_min, sp_hou, _
                LnStyle = &hF3F3    ' fbGFX fixed in FBC x64 1.05.0 (min. ver.)

For i As UInteger = 0 To 5
    SS(i).initSS(8)         ' '8' sizes SevenSeg (width of a LED, default = 6)
    SS(i).clr_SS(b_red, d_red)  ' bright/dark LED, bg, frame (colors)
    Select Case As Const i  ' positioning depending on prev. set pos.
        Case 0 :        SS(i).pos_SS(startx, starty)    ' first position only
        Case 1, 3, 5 :  SS(i).pos_SS(endx + 1, starty)  ' to next position
        Case 2, 4 :     SS(i).pos_SS(endx + 21, starty) ' next pos. + space = 20
    End Select
    SS(i).gframe( ,, endx)  ' get end pos. x-axis (+1 = next start pos.)
    If i = 5 Then SS(i).gframe( ,,, endy)   ' on SS(5), endpos. y-axis
Next    ' we now have start/end coordinates of the whole SevenSeg block!

' below: customized procedures using lib's primitives (extending them)
Declare Sub ColorControl(a() As SevenSeg, ByVal tm As UByte)
Declare Sub SizeControl(a() As SevenSeg, ByVal ts As UByte, ByVal ct As UByte=5)

' ===== MAIN =====
'#Define timing  ' uncomment to see run-time (comment it, for normal operation)

ScreenRes(endx + startx + 150, 2 * (endy + starty), 32, 2, 64)  ' Alpha Primitives = 64 / &H40 _
ScreenSet(1, 0)                                                 ' just in case of transparent bg
Color(black,  grey) : Cls

Dim As String   cTime = Time, TM = "MrSwiss made(TM)", _
                title = "Digital 24 hour's clock, using SevenSegment Lib"
Dim As UByte    tmp_sec, tmp_min
' example to show preprocessor code use (conditional compiling of code)
#Ifdef timing
Dim As Double   t1, t2      ' only needed if 'timing' is defined (see main top)

    If Time <> cTime Then   ' run's once a second only
        #Ifdef timing
        t1 = Timer          ' NOTE: previous run's time is shown!
        Draw String (10, 4), "run-time: " + Str(t2), yellow : t2 = 0.0
        ' refresh time and (show) title's sequence
        cTime = Time
        Draw String (110,  18), title, white
        Draw String (238, 196), TM, white
        ' animation sequence (colors and sizes)
        tmp_sec = CUByte(Right(cTime, 2))   ' get seconds (for anim.)
        tmp_min = CUByte(Mid(cTime, 4, 2))  ' get minutes (for anim.)
        SizeControl(SS(), tmp_sec, 3)       ' change size every 3 seconds (on sec's)
        ColorControl(SS(), tmp_min)         ' check for MIN change (delegated to Sub)
        sp_hou = Div_Mod(CUByte(Left(cTime, 2)))    ' get split hours (straight away)
        sp_min = Div_Mod(tmp_min) : sp_sec = Div_Mod(tmp_sec)   ' using intermediates
        ' pre-set and diplay sequence
        If HiByte(sp_hou) = 0 Then          ' switch OFF, leading zero (on Hours only)
            SS(0).dec_SS()                  ' all segments OFF (default: on dec_SS)
            SS(0).dec_SS(HiByte(sp_hou))    ' decode it (LED's: ON/OFF status)
        End If : SS(1).dec_SS(LoByte(sp_hou))   ' lower hour part (always displayed)
        SS(2).dec_SS(HiByte(sp_min)) : SS(3).dec_SS(LoByte(sp_min)) ' minutes
        SS(4).dec_SS(HiByte(sp_sec)) : SS(5).dec_SS(LoByte(sp_sec)) ' seconds
        For i As UInteger = 0 To 5 : SS(i).dis_SS() : Next  ' display them all
        ' show max. size border lines (w = 24), reqires FBC x64 >= 1.05.0 !!!
        Var ey = 2 * (endy + starty)        ' calc. once, use many times, speed!
        Line (474, 35)-(474, ey - 20), yellow,, LnStyle ' left side
        Line (699, 35)-(699, ey - 20), yellow,, LnStyle ' right side
        Line (ey, 420)-(ey + 270, 420), yellow,,LnStyle ' bottom (top, no change)
        Flip    ' ScreenCopy: switch buffer's
        #Ifdef timing
        t2 = Timer - t1
    End If
    If Len(InKey()) Then Exit Do
    Sleep(100, 1)
' ===== END-MAIN =====
' implement declared proc's ...
Sub ColorControl( _             ' SevenSeg coloring
    a() As SevenSeg, _          ' array of SevenSeg (implicit: ByRef)
    ByVal tm As UByte _         ' current minute
    Static As UByte  sb, cnt    ' keep values in between call's

    If sb = tm Then Exit Sub    ' no change? --> get out!

    Dim As ULong    nfc, nbc    ' temp. colors
    sb = tm : cnt += 1          ' update sb | incr. cnt
    Select Case As Const cnt
        Case 1 : nfc = b_red : nbc = d_red  ' new color
        Case 2 : nfc = b_grn : nbc = d_grn
        Case 3 : nfc = b_blu : nbc = d_blu
        Case 4 : nfc = pink  : nbc = violet
        Case 5 : nfc = white : nbc = d_gry
    End Select
    For i As UInteger = 0 To 3  ' hours & minutes only
        a(i).clr_SS(nfc, nbc)   ' set new color's (no bg, no frame)
    If cnt Mod 2 Then           ' seconds only (different colors, alternating)
        a(4).clr_SS(b_yel, d_yel) : a(5).clr_SS(b_yel, d_yel)
        a(4).clr_SS(b_org, d_org) : a(5).clr_SS(b_org, d_org)
    End If
    If cnt = 5 Then cnt = 0     ' reset counter on maximum
    ' a().clr_SS() default: bg=black, frame=white (overwrite them, if different)
End Sub

Sub SizeControl( _              ' SevenSeg scaling
    a() As SevenSeg, _          ' array of SevenSeg (implicit: ByRef)
    ByVal ts As UByte, _        ' current second
    ByVal ct As UByte = 5 _     ' seconds to wait, for change (default: 5)
    Static As UByte sb, cnt     ' keep values in between call's
    Static As Boolean d_i_r     ' FALSE = scale down, TRUE = scale up
    If cnt = 0 Then sb = ts + ct : cnt = 8 : d_i_r = TRUE   ' init once only

    If ts <> sb Then Exit Sub   ' not equal? --> get out!

    sb = ts + ct                ' update sb (curr. sec. + sec's 'to wait')
    If sb > 59 Then sb -= 60    ' minute correction (sec. range: 0 to 59)
    If d_i_r Then cnt += 1 Else cnt -= 1
    If cnt < 2 OrElse cnt > 24 Then  ' range check (allowed sizes)
        d_i_r = Not d_i_r       ' switch direction (edge condition)
        If d_i_r Then cnt = 3 Else cnt = 23  ' manually set cnt to current
    End If
    a(4).sca_SS(cnt) : a(5).sca_SS(cnt) ' set new scale factor (= LED's width)
End Sub
' ----- EOF -----
A simpler initializer, using the "getter" to place consecutive 7-Segment displays:

Code: Select all

' SevenSegment_Test2.bas -- 2017-08-11, by MrSwiss
' compile: -s gui

#Include ""

' init code
' default: decimal splitter, range: 0 to 99, for single numerals result
Function Div_Mod ( _        ' UByte processing only
    ByVal iB  As UByte, _   ' dividend
    ByVal dvr As UByte=10 _ ' divisor (default 10), decimal
    ) As UShort             ' high: div res. | low: mod res.
    Div_Mod = ((iB \ dvr) Shl 8) + iB Mod dvr
End Function

Dim As SevenSeg SS(5)   ' 6 elements SevenSeg
Dim As UShort   startx, starty, endx, endy, sp_sec, sp_min, sp_hou

For i As UInteger = 0 To 5
    SS(i).initSS(4, 2)
    SS(i).clr_SS(b_red, d_red, black, blue) ' bright/dark LED, bg, frame

SS(0).pos_SS(50, 50)
SS(0).gframe(startx, starty, endx, endy) ' get sizes of: SS(0)
SS(1).pos_SS(endx + 1, 50)               ' to position SS(1)
SS(1).gframe(startx, starty, endx, endy)
SS(2).pos_SS(endx + 21, 50)
SS(2).gframe(startx, starty, endx, endy)
SS(3).pos_SS(endx + 1, 50)
SS(3).gframe(startx, starty, endx, endy)
SS(4).pos_SS(endx + 21, 50)
SS(4).gframe(startx, starty, endx, endy)
SS(5).pos_SS(endx + 1, 50)
SS(5).gframe(startx, starty, endx, endy)

' ===== MAIN =====
ScreenRes(601, endy + starty, 32, 2, 64) ' Alpha Primitives = 64 / &H40
Dim As Integer  x, y : ScreenInfo(x, y)  ' get size(s) current screen
ScreenSet(1, 0)
Color(black,  grey) : Cls

Dim As String   cTime = Time, TM = "MrSwiss made(TM)", _
                title = "Digital 24 hour's clock, using SevenSegment Lib"

    If Time <> cTime Then
        cTime = Time
        'Draw String ( 10,  10), "width:  " + Str(endx) ' debug only
        'Draw String ( 10,  22), "height: " + Str(endy) ' debug only
        Draw String (110,  18), title, white
        Draw String (238, endy + starty - 29), TM, white
        Draw String (350, (endy + starty) / 2 - 4), "width: " + Str(4), yellow
        sp_sec = Div_Mod(CUByte(Right(cTime, 2)))
        sp_min = Div_Mod(CUByte(Mid(cTime, 4, 2)))
        sp_hou = Div_Mod(CUByte(Left(cTime, 2)))
        If HiByte(sp_hou) = 0 Then
            SS(0).dec_SS()  ' default: all LED's OFF
        End If  ' above: switch leading zero OFF (hours only) 
        SS(1).dec_SS(LoByte(sp_hou)) : SS(1).dis_SS(1)
        SS(2).dec_SS(HiByte(sp_min)) : SS(2).dis_SS(1)
        SS(3).dec_SS(LoByte(sp_min)) : SS(3).dis_SS(1)
        SS(4).dec_SS(HiByte(sp_sec)) : SS(4).dis_SS(1)
        SS(5).dec_SS(LoByte(sp_sec)) : SS(5).dis_SS(1)
    End If
    If Len(InKey()) Then Exit Do
    Sleep(50, 1)
' ===== END-MAIN =====
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Re: SevenSegment (FB 32/64, static lib)

Post by BasicCoder2 »

Command executed:
"C:\FreeBasic\fbc.exe" "C:\FreeBasic\MrSwiss\SevenSegment_Test2.bas"

Compiler output:
C:\FreeBasic\bin\win32\ld.exe: cannot find -lSevenSegment32

Compilation failed

FBIde: 0.4.6
fbc: FreeBASIC Compiler - Version 1.07.1 (2019-09-27), built for win32 (32bit)
OS: Windows NT 6.2 (build 9200)
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Re: SevenSegment (FB 32/64, static lib)

Post by MrSwiss »

Of course, as usual, without reading/comprehending what's been written ...

There are two ways: precompile the 32 and/or 64 bit library -- OR --
include the library code into main (if you don't want precompiled library).
Meaning of course: the *.bi isn't at all needed in the second case.
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Re: SevenSegment (FB 32/64, static lib)

Post by BasicCoder2 »

MrSwiss wrote:Of course, as usual, without reading/comprehending what's been written ....
It does have to be bright proof for me :-)
A program that any bright can use is a clever program or an explanation that any bright can understand is a good explanation.
Probably why I bought "C++ for Idiots" and "C++ for Dummies". They were however written by experts.
There was a good professional text book "C++ How To Program by Deitel & Deitel" that I found easy to work through.
However that was a long time ago and I have forgotten most of it due to a lack of practice as a result of using FreeBASIC for over 10 years.
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Re: SevenSegment (FB 32/64, static lib)

Post by MrSwiss »

BasicCoder2 wrote:It does have to be bright proof for me :-)
Well, I dunno, but I sort of expect it to be logical, that a library is a pre-compiled
piece of software (which thereafter, needs to be placed correctly <FB>/lib/ folder),
before it can be used ... (but that's the same for all static libraries).
The *.bi typically goes to <FB>/inc/ folder (at least on windows).
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Re: SevenSegment (FB 32/64, static lib)

Post by BasicCoder2 »


Just noticed in the source files,
' compile: -lib
' compile: -s gui

Not sure how to do it.

I used to use (without much understanding) the command prompt when creating programs using NASM but I never liked doing it that way. I gave up on C++ for the same reason with the complicated process required to link a graphics library into a C++ project using the CODE::BLOCKS ide. That is why I like FreeBASIC. It is much like writing a program the way I did on the old C64. Type and (compile)/run a single file. It is nice to have all the messy bits done for you and all you have to do is write an "include or import a library" statement in the source code.
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Re: SevenSegment (FB 32/64, static lib)

Post by MrSwiss »

BasicCoder2 wrote:@MrSwiss

Just noticed in the source files,
' compile: -lib
' compile: -s gui

Not sure how to do it.
Those are the FB compiler's command line switches.
(usually preset in IDE's compile options)
to make (compile to) a static library, result: libSevenSegment32.a or ....64.a
(whereas, below)
-s gui
is for the main code with 'graphical' sub-system (windows only)

If you just use the advice on compiling the different parts (with the different options),
and after that put the files into the correct folders, below your FBC compiler-folder,
you should be OK. (meaning: everything will work, as expected)
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Re: SevenSegment (FB 32/64, static lib)

Post by BasicCoder2 »

These are the setting on FBIde that I am using. So I have to change them to -lib or something?
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Re: SevenSegment (FB 32/64, static lib)

Post by MrSwiss »

I haven't used FbIde for a looooong time, in fact, since discovering FbEdit ...
But I think that, the <$param> is the variable, that 'hands over' the selectet options.

That selection should be somewhere on the IDE's main screen (mouse select maybe?).
In the header's space 'on top of the code window' ...
Xusinboy Bekchanov
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Re: SevenSegment (FB 32/64, static lib)

Post by Xusinboy Bekchanov »

MrSwiss wrote:I haven't used FbIde for a looooong time, in fact, since discovering FbEdit ...
But I think that, the <$param> is the variable, that 'hands over' the selectet options.
That selection should be somewhere on the IDE's main screen (mouse select maybe?).
It is necessary to add at the end of the Compiler command.
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Re: SevenSegment (FB 32/64, static lib)

Post by dodicat »

some compiler commands for fbide:

"<$fbc>" -gen gcc "<$file>
"<$fbc>" -gen gas "<$file>
"<$fbc>" -gen gcc -lib "<$file> (for a static lib)
"<$fbc>" -gen gcc -dll "<$file> (for a dll)

(or -gen gas is OK of course for the libs in 32 bits)

For The Run Command I have (it is optional)
cmd /c "<$file>" <$param> & pause

This means that if using the exx flag
"<$fbc>" -gen gcc -exx "<$file>
Then any errors stay on the console, the console doesn't just disappear.

Remember for a dll your actual code must use export for each procedure

function dothis(x as double) as double export

. . .
end function
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Re: SevenSegment (FB 32/64, static lib)

Post by PaulSquires »

Instructions for WinFBE Editor:

Copy from this webpage.
Select "New File"
Paste into the code editor.
Save the file as

Copy SevenSegment.bas from this webpage.
Select "New File"
Paste SevenSegment.bas into the code editor.
Save the file as SevenSegment.bas
Select "Win32 Static Library" from the combo box in the toolbar at the top of the editor (or select it from the F7 popup dialog).
Press "Compile" or Ctrl+F5 (this creates the libSevenSegment.a static library.

Copy SevenSegment_ShowCase.bas from this webpage.
Select "New File"
Paste SevenSegment_ShowCase.bas into the code editor.
Save the file as SevenSegment_ShowCase.bas
Select "Win32 GUI (Release)" from the combo box in the toolbar at the top of the editor (or select it from the F7 popup dialog).
Press "Build and Execute" or F5 (this creates and executes the sample/demonstration program.

Hope that works for you.
The same instructions apply for the 64 bit code. You just need to select the corresponding 64 build options rather than the 32 bit ones as outlined in the steps above.
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Re: SevenSegment (FB 32/64, static lib)

Post by badidea »

For compiling to library, I switch to command line / terminal. This way I don't have to change my default compile settings.
These are the 2 commands for me (fbc32 & fbc64 are the freebasic compilers in the path):

fbc32 -lib SevenSegment32.bas
fbc64 -lib SevenSegment64.bas

After that, I have the following files:


Where I can compile 'clock_example.bas' in the normal way from the IDE (geany).
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Re: SevenSegment (FB 32/64, static lib)

Post by MrSwiss »

Just to make things clear, this isn't an IDE discussion, which I'd call: going OFF TOPIC.

I profoundly dislike your 'advertising session'. You might as well delete it.
(I also don't do it, in your threads.)

Back ON TOPIC, again.

@dodicat and badidea,
thank you, for the helpful suggestions, regarding compiler options/compiling.
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