3d without openGL

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Posts: 3908
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Re: 3d without openGL

Post by BasicCoder2 »

Although at this point in time I have been too busy with other non computer related things to sit down and work through Paul Doe's contributions he has certainly made this thread interesting.
And thank you Dodicat for your input as I love your short compact fast code even if I can't at this stage follow all of it.
Posts: 1645
Joined: Jun 04, 2005 9:51

Re: 3d without openGL

Post by dafhi »

here's my version

Code: Select all

/' oop 3d 2017 Oct 29 - by dafhi

  framerate-independent physics


#ifndef pi
Const Pi = 4 * Atn(1)
const TwoPi = 8 * Atn(1)

type v3
  as single         x,y,z
  declare property  len as double
  declare sub       normalize
  declare sub       rand
End Type
property v3.len as double: return sqr(x*x+y*y+z*z)
End Property
sub v3.normalize:  var slen=x*x+y*y+z*z
  if slen < .5 then: x=0:y=1:z=0
  else: slen = 1/sqr(slen): x*=slen: y*=slen: z*=slen
End Sub
sub v3.rand:  y=2*(rnd-.5):  var r=sqr(1-y*y)
  z=rnd*twopi: x=r*cos(z): z=r*sin(z)
End Sub

operator *(l as single, r as v3)as v3:  return type(l*r.x, l*r.y, l*r.z):  end operator
operator *(l as v3, r as single)as v3:  return type(l.x*r, l.y*r, l.z*r):  end operator
operator +(l as v3, r as v3)as v3:  return type(l.x+r.x, l.y+r.y, l.z+r.z):  end operator
operator -(l as v3, r as v3)as v3:  return type(l.x-r.x, l.y-r.y, l.z-r.z):  end operator

type cloudObj
  as single         size = 1, _size    ''future: child objects
  as v3             ori', _ori
  as v3             vx, vy, vz
  as single         a0, a1, a2
  as long           uchild = -1
  as cloudObj ptr   child(any)
  declare sub       rot(a as single, byval norm as v3=(0,1,0))
  declare sub       reset
  declare constructor(ori as v3=(0,0,0), size as single=1)
  declare sub       sincos(angle as double)
  as double         cosa, sina, dlen
End Type
constructor.cloudObj(_ori as v3, size as single): ori=_ori*size: _size=size: reset
end constructor
sub cloudObj.reset:  size=_size: vx=type(size,0,0): vy=type(0,size,0): vz=type(0,0,size):  end sub
sub cloudObj.sincos(angle as double):  cosa=cos(angle): sina=sin(angle):  end sub
sub cloudObj.rot(a as single, byval norm as v3)
  if dlen < .5 then
    dlen = -1/sqr(dlen): norm.x*=dlen: norm.y*=dlen: norm.z*=dlen
  endif:  sincos a
  vx=(1-cosa)*(norm.x*vx.x+norm.y*vx.y+norm.z*vx.z)*norm + cosa*vx +_
  sina*type(norm.y*vx.z-norm.z*vx.y, norm.z*vx.x-norm.x*vx.z, norm.x*vx.y-norm.y*vx.x)
  vy=(1-cosa)*(norm.x*vy.x+norm.y*vy.y+norm.z*vy.z)*norm + cosa*vy +_
  sina*type(norm.y*vy.z-norm.z*vy.y, norm.z*vy.x-norm.x*vy.z, norm.x*vy.y-norm.y*vy.x)
  vz=(1-cosa)*(norm.x*vz.x+norm.y*vz.y+norm.z*vz.z)*norm + cosa*vz +_
  sina*type(norm.y*vz.z-norm.z*vz.y, norm.z*vz.x-norm.x*vz.z, norm.x*vz.y-norm.y*vz.x)
End Sub

sub incr(byref ret as single, i as single=0, modu as single=1)
  ret+=i: ret-=modu*int(ret/modu)
End Sub

sub main
  var u = 9999
  dim as v3 a(u)

  for i as long = 0 to u
    a(i) = type(rnd-.5,rnd-.5,rnd-.5)

  var w = 800,  midx=w/2
  var h = 600,  midy=h/2, y_invert=h-1 - midy

  screenres w,h, 32

  var scale = sqr(w*w+h*h)/4

  dim as cloudObj  axis=type(type<v3>(0,0,2), scale)

  var   iphys_fps = 1/67, phys_t = 0f
  var   ianim_fps = 1/57, anim_t = 0f
  var   tp = timer
  while inkey=""
    if anim_t <= 0 then
        for i as long = 0 to u
          var p = a(i).x*axis.vx + a(i).y*axis.vy + a(i).z*axis.vz + axis.ori
          if p.z > .01 then
            var s = scale/p.z
            pset (midx + s*p.x, y_invert - s*p.y)
      anim_t += ianim_fps
    sleep 1
    var t=timer, dt=t-tp
    anim_t -= dt
    phys_t += dt

    var frames=0
    while phys_t>0
      frames += 1
      phys_t -= iphys_fps
    var rate = pi*iphys_fps*frames*5
    incr axis.a0, .1*rate, twopi
    incr axis.a1, .011*rate, twopi
    axis.rot axis.a0, type(1,0,0)
    axis.rot axis.a1, type(0,1,0)
end sub

Last edited by dafhi on Nov 07, 2017 21:32, edited 6 times in total.
Posts: 1645
Joined: Jun 04, 2005 9:51

Re: 3d without openGL

Post by dafhi »

hi paul - i simplified your dependencies. you can accept or discard as you see fit


Code: Select all

   #include once "platform.bi"
   #include once "crt.bi" '' needed for memcpy

Code: Select all

   #include once "core.bi"

Code: Select all

   #include once "math.bi"

Code: Select all

   '#include once "core.bi"
   '#include once "platform.bi"
   #include once "vec4.bi"

Code: Select all

   '#include once "platform.bi"
   '#include once "core.bi"
   #include once "math.bi"
   '#include once "crt.bi" '' needed for memcpy

Code: Select all

'#include once "platform.bi"
'#include once "core.bi"
'#include once "math.bi"
'#include once "vec4.bi"
#include once "mat4.bi"
#include once "arrayList.bi"

Code: Select all

'#include once "platform.bi" '' platform specific definitions
'#include once "core.bi" '' core functions and defines
'#include once "math.bi" '' math functions and constants
'#include once "vec4.bi" '' vec4 type and operations
'#include once "mat4.bi" '' mat4 type and operations

#include once "object.bi"    '' the camera class definition '' 2017 Oct 21 - by dafhi

Code: Select all

#include once "camera.bi"    '' the camera class definition  '' 2017 Oct 21 - by dafhi
camera test.bas

Code: Select all

#include once "fbgfx.bi"
'#include once "platform.bi" '' platform specific definitions
'#include once "core.bi"      '' core functions and defines
'#include once "math.bi"      '' math functions and constants
'#include once "vec4.bi"      '' vec4 type and operations
'#include once "mat4.bi"      '' mat4 type and operations
'#include once "arrayList.bi" '' convenience

'#include once "camera.bi"    '' the camera class definition
'#include once "object.bi"    '' the object definition
#include once "utility.bi"   '' to draw lines an' stuff directly in 3D space

Code: Select all

   '#include once "core.bi"
   #include once "math.bi"

Code: Select all

   #include once "vec2h.bi"
   '#include once "math.bi"

Code: Select all

   '#include once "core.bi"
   '#include once "vec2h.bi"
   #include once "mat3.bi"
grid test.bas

Code: Select all

'#include once "platform.bi"
'#include once "core.bi"
#include once "grid.bi"
'#include once "vec2h.bi"
'#include once "mat3.bi"

Code: Select all

   '#include once "core.bi"
   '#include once "vec2h.bi"
   #include once "mat3.bi"
   #include once "arrayList.bi"

Code: Select all

'#include once "platform.bi"
'#include once "core.bi"
'#include once "mat3.bi"
'#include once "vec2h.bi"
#include once "shape.bi"
#include once "fbgfx.bi" '' needed for the constants used by multiKey()
paul doe
Posts: 1735
Joined: Jul 25, 2017 17:22
Location: Argentina

Re: 3d without openGL

Post by paul doe »

Hi dafhi

You just had to tinker with it, don't you? ;)

If you prefer it like that, no prob. The reason they're laid out like that, is that every file should be able to compile itself, with the dependencies it needs. It's easier to isolate the errors in each file (syntactic or otherwise) that way. In small code snippets like this, that's a non-issue, but in bigger projects it makes all the difference.
Anyway, work with it however you like. I'm preparing another code snippet that you (and also dodicat, perhaps) will find interesting. It deals with how I usually manage things like the inner loop of the code and other issues. And it even resembles real code XD
I was considering a GitHub repository for these things as a convenience (as they use many files). Or is it better that I post them here, the way I'm doing? What do you think?


PS: Has the code 'settled' yet? ;) If so, you'll probably like the next one. Catch you later.
Posts: 1645
Joined: Jun 04, 2005 9:51

Re: 3d without openGL

Post by dafhi »

regarding dependency - in their current form they don't throw errors (self-contained)

as far as git, i have no opinion at this point; i haven't been coding much. Looking forward to seeing any new code from you regardless
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