Anonymous E-mailer

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Joined: Aug 28, 2017 14:34

Anonymous E-mailer

Post by XpL01T »

I'm new to programming in basic but Ive been developing web applications in PHP for a few years now. I wanted to learn a new language that was easy to learn for beginners. Out of my options I decided to start with FreeBasic as Ive heard its relatively easy for beginners to learn. Anyways, Ive created a form in FreeBasic but I am lacking the knowledge to get the program to do what I want. Ive searched and searched google for tutorials or examples with very minimal results. Its hard for me to understand how everything works if I have no examples or anything to go by. If anyone could please lend some assistance it would be greatly appreciated. Below, Ive attached a URL to a screenshot as well as the code that I currently have.


Code: Select all

                               ControlIndex   as Long, _      ' index in Control Array
                               hWndForm       as HWnd, _      ' handle of Form
                               hWndControl    as HWnd, _      ' handle of Control
                               idTextControl  as Long _       ' identifier of text control
                               ) as Long

   Function = 0   ' Sub FF_Control_Disable( ByVal hWndControl as HWnd ) 
    ' Disable the window.
      EnableWindow hWndControl, False
End Sub

End Function

                                  ControlIndex     as Long,  _     ' index in Control Array
                                  hWndForm         as HWnd, _      ' handle of Form
                                  hWndControl      as HWnd, _      ' handle of Control
                                  idStaticControl  as Long   _     ' identifier of static control
                                  ) as Long

   Function = 0   ' change according to your needs
End Function

                                         ControlIndex  as Long,      _  ' index in Control Array
                                         hWndForm      as HWnd,      _  ' handle of Form
                                         hWndControl   as HWnd,      _  ' handle of Control
                                         ByVal lpNMHDR as NMHDR Ptr  _  ' pointer to NMHDR
                                         ) as Long

   Function = 0   ' change according to your needs
End Function

                             ControlIndex  as Long,  _     ' index in Control Array
                             hWndForm      as HWnd, _      ' handle of Form
                             hWndControl   as HWnd, _      ' handle of Control
                             wMsg          as UInteger,  _  ' type of message
                             wParam        as WPARAM, _    ' first message parameter
                             lParam        as LPARAM   _   ' second message parameter
                             ) as Long

   Function = 0   ' change according to your needs
End Function

                              ControlIndex  as Long,  _     ' index in Control Array
                              hWndForm      as HWnd, _      ' handle of Form
                              hWndControl   as HWnd, _      ' handle of Control
                              wMsg          as UInteger,  _  ' type of message
                              wParam        as WPARAM, _    ' first message parameter
                              lParam        as LPARAM   _   ' second message parameter
                              ) as Long

   Function = 0   ' change according to your needs
End Function

                                      ControlIndex   as Long, _              ' index in Control Array
                                      hWndForm       as HWnd, _              ' handle of Form
                                      hWndControl    as HWnd, _              ' handle of Control
                                      idTextControl  as Long, _              ' identifier of text control
                                      ByVal lpSelChange as SELCHANGE Ptr  _  ' pointer to SELCHANGE structure
                                      ) as Long

   Function = 0   ' change according to your needs
End Function

                               ControlIndex   as Long, _      ' index in Control Array
                               hWndForm       as HWnd, _      ' handle of Form
                               hWndControl    as HWnd, _      ' handle of Control
                               idTextControl  as Long _       ' identifier of text control
                               ) as Long

   Function = 0   ' change according to your needs
End Function

                                  ControlIndex     as Long, _      ' index in Control Array
                                  hWndForm         as HWnd, _      ' handle of Form
                                  hWndControl      as HWnd, _      ' handle of Control
                                  idButtonControl  as Long   _     ' identifier of button
                                  ) as Long

   Function = 0   ' change according to your needs
End Function

                                 ControlIndex     as Long, _      ' index in Control Array
                                 hWndForm         as HWnd, _      ' handle of Form
                                 hWndControl      as HWnd, _      ' handle of Control
                                 idButtonControl  as Long   _     ' identifier of button
                                 ) as Long

   Function = 0   ' change according to your needs
End Function

FBIDE (.bas)

Code: Select all

' Source code generated by FireFly Visual Designer Version: 3.78
' Generated: Monday  August 28, 2017 at 01:12:23 AM
' Visit for more information

#Lang "FB"

#Include once ""

#IncLib "gdiplus"
#Include Once "win\"
#ifdef __FB_64BIT__
    #if __FB_VERSION__ >= "1.04"
       Using gdiplus
   Using gdiplus

#Include once "win/"  ' needed for WinXP Theme support
#Include once "win/"
#Include once "win/"

' Place your user defined Declares, Constants, and #Include files below this line. FireFly will not
' parse any of your defined #Include files - it simply includes it in the final generated code.
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Dim Shared gFLY_RichEditClass    As zString * MAX_PATH
Dim Shared gFLY_AppID            As zString * MAX_PATH
Dim Shared gFLY_FontHandles(Any) As HFONT
Dim Shared gFLY_hDlgCurrent      As HWND

#Define DQ  34     '  double quote 

#if __FB_VERSION__ < "1.02"
   #define ENM_PARAGRAPHEXPANDED &h00000020 

#Include Once "win/"

    FormInit As Long  ' Form initial width or height
    FormCur  As Long  ' Form current width or height
    P_Init   As Long  ' Point initial value
    P_New    As Long  ' Point newly calculated value
End Type

' Structure that holds Form/Control information
Type FLY_DATA                                  
   OldProc               As WNDPROC    ' address to old window procedure 
   hWndControl           As HWND       ' handle of the control
   hWndParent            As HWND       ' handle of the parent
   IsForm                As Long       ' flag indicating that this is a Form
   IsModal               As Long       ' flag indicating modal form
   hFont                 As HFONT      ' handle to font
   hAccel                As HACCEL     ' handle to accelerator table
   hBackBitmap           As HBITMAP    ' handle of background form bitmap                 
   hStatusBarTimer       as Long       ' handle of timer for statusbar
   ControlIndex          As Long       ' controlindex of control
   CtrlFocus             As HWND       ' control with current focus
   SelText               As Long       ' flag to highlight text in edit controls
   ProcessCtlColor       As Long       ' flag to process color messages
   IsForeSysColor        As Long       ' flag indicating to use system color
   IsBackSysColor        As Long       ' flag indicating to use system color
   hBackBrush            As HBRUSH     ' brush for background color
   nForeColor            As Long       ' foreground color
   nBackColor            As Long       ' background color
   fResizeInit           As Long       ' flag signaling that resize has been initialized
   rcForm                As Rect       ' Rectangle holding the Form's client dimensions (resizing)
   rcCtrl                As Rect       ' Rectangle of the control in client relative dimensions (resizing)
   zConstraints          As zString * 30    ' resize constraints
End Type
' Common info that the programmer can access via the Shared APP variable.
   Comments        As zString * MAX_PATH      ' Comments 
   CompanyName     As zString * MAX_PATH      ' Company Name 
   EXEName         As zString * MAX_PATH      ' EXE name of program 
   FileDescription As zString * MAX_PATH      ' File Description 
   hInstance       As HINSTANCE               ' Instance handle of the program
   Path            As zString * MAX_PATH      ' Current Path to the EXE
   ProductName     As zString * MAX_PATH      ' Product Name 
   LegalCopyright  As zString * MAX_PATH      ' Legal Copyright 
   LegalTrademarks As zString * MAX_PATH      ' Legal Trademarks
   ProductMajor    As Long                    ' Product Major number   
   ProductMinor    As Long                    ' Product Minor number   
   ProductRevision As Long                    ' Product Revision number
   ProductBuild    As Long                    ' Product Build number   
   FileMajor       As Long                    ' File Major number     
   FileMinor       As Long                    ' File Minor number     
   FileRevision    As Long                    ' File Revision number  
   FileBuild       As Long                    ' File Build number     
   ReturnValue     As Long                    ' User value returned from FF_FormClose
End Type
Dim Shared App As APP_TYPE

Function FF_Remain_Internal( ByRef sMainString   as String, _
                    ByRef sMatchPattern as String _
                    ) as String

    Dim nLenMain as Long = Len(sMainString)
    Dim i as Long
    i = InStr(sMainString, sMatchPattern)
    If i Then
       Function = Mid(sMainString,i+1)
       Function = ""
    End If   
End Function

' =====================================================================================
' Get the Windows version (based on code from Jose Roca)
' =====================================================================================
FUNCTION AfxGetWindowsVersion () AS Single
   Dim dwVersion AS Long   
   Dim nMajorVer As Long   
   Dim nMinorVer As Long   
   dwVersion = GetVersion
   nMajorVer = LOBYTE(LOWORD(dwVersion))
   nMinorVer = HIBYTE(LOWORD(dwVersion))
   FUNCTION = nMajorVer + (nMinorVer / 100)

' =====================================================================================
' Scales an horizontal coordinate according the DPI (dots per pixel) being used by the application.
' Based on code from Jsoe Roca
' =====================================================================================
      Function = cx
      Dim hDC As HDC
      hDC = GetDC(Null)
      Function = cx * (GetDeviceCaps(hDC, LOGPIXELSX) / 96)
      ReleaseDC Null, hDC
End Function

' =====================================================================================
' Scales a vertical coordinate according the DPI (dots per pixel) being used by the application.
' Based on code from Jose Roca
' =====================================================================================
      Function = cy
      Dim hDC As HDC
      hDC = GetDC(Null)
      Function = cy * (GetDeviceCaps(hDC, LOGPIXELSY) / 96)
      ReleaseDC Null, hDC
End Function
' =====================================================================================

' =====================================================================================
' Based on code from Jose Roca
' Creates a standard tooltip for a window's entire client area.
' Parameters:
' - hwnd = Handle to the window
' - strTooltipText = Tooltip text
' - bBalloon = Ballon tip (TRUE or FALSE)
' Return Value:
'   The handle of the tooltip control
' =====================================================================================
Function FF_AddTooltip( BYVAL hwnd AS HWND, strTooltipText AS STRING, BYVAL bBalloon AS Long    ) As HWND

      IF hwnd = 0 Then Exit Function
      Dim hwndTT AS HWND
      Dim dwStyle As Long   

      IF bBalloon THEN dwStyle = dwStyle OR TTS_BALLOON
      hwndTT = CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_TOPMOST, "tooltips_class32", "", dwStyle, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, Cast(HMENU, Null), 0, ByVal Cast(LPVOID, Null))
      IF hwndTT = 0 THEN Exit Function

      ' // Register the window with the tooltip control
      Dim tti AS TOOLINFO
      tti.cbSize = SIZEOF(tti)
      tti.uFlags = TTF_SUBCLASS
      tti.hwnd = hwnd
      tti.hinst = GetModuleHandle(BYVAL NULL)
      GetClientRect(hwnd, Varptr(tti.rect))
      ' // The length of the string must not exceed of 80 characters, including the terminating null
      IF LEN(strTooltipText) > 79 THEN strTooltipText = LEFT(strTooltipText, 79)
      tti.lpszText = STRPTR(strTooltipText)
      tti.uId = 0
      SendMessage hwndTT, TTM_ADDTOOL, 0, Cast(LPARAM, Varptr(tti))
      Function = hwndTT

End Function

' Declares/equates for all functions, Forms and Controls in the project

' Modules specified with ParseModule property set to False

' Modules specified with ParseModule property set to True
#Include Once ""
#Include Once ""
#Include Once ""

'#PARSESTART#  'do not delete this line

Function FF_WINMAIN( ByVal hInstance     As HINSTANCE, _
                     ByVal hPrevInstance As HINSTANCE, _
                     ByRef lpCmdLine     As String, _  
                     ByVal iCmdShow      As Long ) As Long

   ' If this function returns TRUE (non-zero) then the actual WinMain will exit
   ' thus ending the program. You can do program initialization in this function.

   Function = FALSE    'return TRUE if you want the program to end.

End Function


Function FF_PUMPHOOK( uMsg As Msg ) As Long

   ' If this function returns FALSE (zero) then the processing of the regular
   ' FireFly message pump will continue. Returning TRUE (non-zero) will bypass
   ' the regular message pump.

   Function = FALSE    ' return TRUE if you need to bypass the FireFly message pump

End Function


Sub FLY_InitializeVariables()    
   ' All FireFly variables relating to Forms and Controls are initialized here. This
   ' includes any Control Arrays that have been defined and control identifiers
   ' per the listing in the Declares include file.
    IDC_FORM1_OPTION1 = 1000
    IDC_FORM1_LABEL1 = 1001
    IDC_FORM1_TEXT5 = 1002
    IDC_FORM1_TEXT4 = 1003
    IDC_FORM1_COMMAND1 = 1004
    IDC_FORM1_TEXT3 = 1005
    IDC_FORM1_VSCROLL1 = 1006
    IDC_FORM1_TEXT2 = 1007
    IDC_FORM1_LABEL4 = 1008
    IDC_FORM1_LABEL3 = 1009
    IDC_FORM1_TEXT1 = 1010
    IDC_FORM1_LABEL2 = 1011
    IDC_FORM1_FRAME1 = 1015

End Sub   

Sub FLY_SetAppVariables()    
   ' All FireFly App variables are initialized here. This Type variable provides
   ' easy access to many commonly used FireFly settings.
   Dim zTemp As zString * MAX_PATH
   Dim x     As Long
   App.CompanyName       =  ""
   App.FileDescription   =  ""
   App.ProductName       =  ""
   App.LegalCopyright    =  ""
   App.LegalTrademarks   =  ""
   App.Comments          =  ""

   App.ProductMajor      =  1
   App.ProductMinor      =  0
   App.ProductRevision   =  0
   App.ProductBuild      =  0

   App.FileMajor         =  1
   App.FileMinor         =  0
   App.FileRevision      =  0
   App.FileBuild         =  0

   ' App.hInstance is set in WinMain/LibMain

   ' Retrieve program full path and EXE/DLL name
   GetModuleFileName App.hInstance, zTemp, MAX_PATH
   x = InStr(-1, zTemp, Any ":/\")

   If x Then 
      App.Path           =  Left(zTemp, x) 
      App.EXEname        =  Mid(zTemp, x + 1)
      App.Path           =  "" 
      App.EXEname        =  zTemp
   End If

   ' The following two arrays are used to allow FireFly to reuse font
   ' handles that are common to one or more Controls. This saves us
   ' from consuming a GDI resource for every created control font.
   ReDim gFLY_FontNames(0)   As String
   ReDim gFLY_FontHandles(0) As HFONT
End Sub

Function FLY_AdjustWindowRect( ByVal hWndForm As HWND, _
                               ByVal cxClient As Long   , _
                               ByVal cyClient As Long    _
                               ) As Long
   Dim dwStyle As Long
   Dim hMenu   As HMENU
   Dim rc      As Rect
   If (cxClient <> 0) And (cyClient <> 0) Then
      dwStyle = GetWindowLongPtr( hWndForm, GWL_STYLE )
      rc.Left = 0: rc.Top = 0: rc.Right = cxClient: rc.Bottom = cyClient
      hMenu = GetMenu( hWndForm )
      AdjustWindowRectEx VarPtr(rc), dwStyle, (hMenu <> 0), GetWindowLongPtr(hWndForm, GWL_EXSTYLE)
      If (dwStyle and WS_HSCROLL) = WS_HSCROLL Then rc.Bottom = rc.Bottom + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYHSCROLL)
      If (dwStyle and WS_VSCROLL) = WS_VSCROLL Then rc.Right  = rc.Right  + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVSCROLL)
      SetWindowPos hWndForm, 0, 0, 0, _
                   rc.Right-rc.Left, rc.Bottom-rc.Top, _
   End If

   Function = 0
End Function

' Enum all child windows of the Form (basically, all Controls) in order to handle
' the WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE message. This will delete existing brushes and recreate 
' them using the new system colors.
Function FLY_EnumSysColorChangeProc( ByVal hWnd As HWND, lParam As LPARAM ) As Long
   Dim ff As FLY_DATA Ptr 
   ff = GetProp(hWnd, "FLY_PTR")
   If ff Then
      If ff->ProcessCtlColor Then
         ' Create the new colors/brushes if we are using System colors 
         If ff->IsForeSysColor Then ff->nForeColor = GetSysColor(ff->nForeColor)
         If ff->IsBackSysColor Then 
            If ff->hBackBrush Then DeleteObject(Cast(HGDIOBJ, ff->hBackBrush))
            ff->hBackBrush = GetSysColorBrush(ff->nBackColor)
         End If   

      End If
   End If
   Function = TRUE
End Function

Function FLY_SetControlData( ByVal hWndControl    As HWND, _
                             ByVal AllowSubclass  As Long   , _
                             ByVal AllowSetFont   As Long   , _
                             ByRef sFontString    As String, _
                             ByVal nControlIndex  As Long   , _
                             ByVal nProcessColor  As Long   , _
                             ByVal IsForeSysColor As Long   , _
                             ByVal IsBackSysColor As Long   , _
                             ByVal nForeColor     As Long   , _
                             ByVal nBackColor     As Long   , _
                             ByVal nTransparentBrush As HBRUSH, _
                             ByVal CodeProcedure  As WNDPROC, _
                             sResizeRules         As String, _      
                             ByVal nFontUpgrade   As Long    _   
                             ) As FLY_DATA ptr
    Dim zClassName As zString * 50            
    Dim sFont      As String
    Dim ff As FLY_DATA Ptr 

    ff = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, SizeOf(*ff) )
    If ff Then
       ' Store the pointer for later use
       SetProp hWndControl, "FLY_PTR", ff  
       ' Subclass the control
       If AllowSubclass = TRUE Then
          ff->OldProc = Cast(WNDPROC,SetWindowLongPtr( hWndControl, GWLP_WNDPROC, Cast(LONG_PTR, CodeProcedure) ))  
       End If
       ' Set the Font for this Form/Control
       If AllowSetFont = TRUE Then

          ' FireFly handles two types of font strings. The first is the traditional
          ' logfont string and the second is the simplified PB version. FireFly is moving
          ' towards the simplified version but needs to handle the logfont version
          ' for backwards compatibility.

          ' If the FontUpgrade property is active then we need to replace the FontName
          ' based on the current operating system.
          If nFontUpgrade <> 0 Then
             IF AfxGetWindowsVersion >= 6 THEN     ' Vista/Windows 7+
                sFontString = "Segoe UI," & FF_Remain_Internal(sFontString, ",") 
                sFontString = "Tahoma," & FF_Remain_Internal(sFontString, ",") 
             End If
          End If

          ff->hFont = FF_MakeFontEx_Internal( sFontString )

          If ff->hFont Then 
             SendMessage hWndControl, WM_SETFONT, Cast(WPARAM,ff->hFont), True
             If UCase(zClassName) = "SYSDATETIMEPICK32" Then
                SendMessage hWndControl, DTM_SETMCFONT, Cast(WPARAM,ff->hFont), True
             End If
          End If

       End If

       ff->ControlIndex = nControlIndex
       ff->IsForm       = FALSE          
       ff->hwndControl  = hWndControl 
       ff->zConstraints = sResizeRules
       ' Flag to process the WM_CTLCOLOR??? messages.
       ff->ProcessCtlColor = nProcessColor
       If ff->ProcessCtlColor Then
          ff->IsForeSysColor = IsForeSysColor
          ff->IsBackSysColor = IsBackSysColor
          ff->nForeColor     = nForeColor
          ff->nBackColor     = nBackColor
          ' Create a Brush for painting the background of this Control.
          If nTransparentBrush <> Cast(HBRUSH,-1) Then
             ff->hBackBrush = nTransparentBrush
             ff->hBackBrush = IIF( ff->IsBackSysColor, GetSysColorBrush(ff->nBackColor), CreateSolidBrush(ff->nBackColor) )
          End If
       End If
    End If

    Function = ff     ' return the pointer to the data structure

End Function

Function FLY_DoMessagePump( ByVal ShowModalFlag  As Long, _
                            ByVal hWndForm       As HWND, _
                            ByVal hWndParent     As HWND, _
                            ByVal nFormShowState As Long, _
                            ByVal IsMDIForm      As Long _
                            ) As HWND
   Dim zTempString As zString * MAX_PATH
   Dim hWndActive  As HWND
   Dim msg         As MSG
   Dim ff          As FLY_DATA Ptr 

   ff = GetProp( hWndForm, "FLY_PTR" )
   If ff = 0 Then Exit Function

   ' If this is an MDI child form, then it can not be displayed as modal.
   If ( GetWindowLongPtr(hWndForm, GWL_EXSTYLE) And WS_EX_MDICHILD ) = WS_EX_MDICHILD Then ShowModalFlag = FALSE 

   If ShowModalFlag = TRUE Then
      ' Determine the top level window of the active control
      WHILE (GetWindowLongPtr(hWndParent, GWL_STYLE) AND WS_CHILD) <> 0
         hWndParent = GetParent(hWndParent)
         IF (GetWindowLongPtr(hWndParent, GWL_EXSTYLE) AND WS_EX_MDICHILD) <> 0 THEN EXIT WHILE
      ' Set property to show that this is a Modal Form. The hWndParent is
      ' stored in a property because that window needs to be re-enabled
      ' prior to modal form being destroyed and exiting the modal message loop.
      ff->IsModal    = TRUE
      ff->hWndParent = hWndParent
      ' Disable Mouse and keyboard input for the Parent Form
      If hWndParent <> 0 Then EnableWindow( hWndParent, False )
      ShowWindow hWndForm, nFormShowState
      UpdateWindow hWndForm
      ' Main message loop:
      Do While GetMessage( @Msg, 0, 0, 0 )    
           ' Exit the modal message loop if the Form was destroyed (important).
           If IsWindow(hWndForm) = FALSE   Then Exit Do
           If msg.message        = WM_QUIT Then Exit Do
           If FF_PUMPHOOK(Msg) = 0 Then
             If IsMDIForm = TRUE Then
                If TranslateMDISysAccel(hWndForm, @Msg) <> 0 Then Continue Do
             End If                                                          
             If TranslateAccelerator(hWndForm, ff->hAccel, @Msg) = 0 Then
                hWndActive = FLY_GetActiveHandle(gFLY_hDlgCurrent)
                ' Handle the strange situation where pressing ESCAPE in a multiline
                ' textbox causes the application to receive a WM_CLOSE that could
                ' cause an application to terminate. also allow the TAB key to move
                ' in and out of a multiline textbox.
                GetClassName GetFocus, zTempString, SizeOf(zTempString)
                Select Case Ucase(zTempString)
                  Case "EDIT", Ucase(gFLY_RichEditClass)
                    IF (GetWindowLongPtr(GetFocus, GWL_STYLE) AND ES_MULTILINE) = ES_MULTILINE THEN
                       If (msg.message = WM_KEYDOWN) And (Msg.wParam = VK_ESCAPE) Then
                           msg.message = WM_COMMAND
                           msg.wParam  = MakeLong(IDCANCEL, 0)
                           msg.lParam  = 0
                       ElseIf (Msg.message = WM_CHAR) And (Msg.wParam = 9) Then
                           ' allow the Tab key to tab out of a multiline textbox
                           If (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SHIFT) And &H8000) = 0 Then
                              SetFocus GetNextDlgTabItem( GetParent(Msg.hWnd), Msg.hWnd, FALSE )
                              SetFocus GetNextDlgTabItem( GetParent(Msg.hWnd), Msg.hWnd, TRUE )
                           End If
                           msg.message = WM_NULL
                       End If
                    End If
                End Select
                If (hWndActive = 0) Or (IsDialogMessage(hWndActive, @Msg) = 0) Then
                   TranslateMessage @Msg
                   DispatchMessage @Msg                     
                End If     
             End If
           End If
      Function = Cast(HWND, Cast(LONG_PTR,App.ReturnValue))
      App.ReturnValue = 0
     ShowWindow hWndForm, nFormShowState
     Function = hWndForm
   End If
End Function

Function FLY_GetActiveHandle( ByVal hWnd As HWND ) as HWND

  Static szClassName As zString * 100

  ' Determine the top level window of the active control
  Do While (GetWindowLongPtr(hWnd, GWL_STYLE) AND WS_CHILD) <> 0
    GetClassName hWnd, szClassName, SizeOf(szClassName)
    If Left(szClassName, 5) = "FORM_" Then EXIT DO
    hWnd = GetParent(hWnd)


End Function    

Function FLY_ResizeRuleInitEnum( ByVal hWnd As HWND, ByVal lParam As LPARAM ) As Long

   Dim ff As FLY_DATA Ptr    
   ff = GetProp(hWnd, "FLY_PTR")   
   If ff = 0 Then Function = TRUE: Exit Function   

   If ff->fResizeInit = TRUE Then Function = TRUE: Exit Function   

   ' Store form width and height for future reference
   GetClientRect GetParent(hWnd), Varptr(ff->rcForm)
   ' Get the control's rectangle and convert it to client coordinates
   GetWindowRect hWnd, Varptr(ff->rcCtrl)
   MapWindowPoints 0, GetParent(hWnd), Cast(LPPOINT,Varptr(ff->rcCtrl)), 2
   ff->fResizeInit = TRUE

   Function = TRUE

End Function

Function FLY_ResizeRuleEnum( ByVal hWnd As HWND, ByVal lParam As LPARAM ) As Long

   Dim buf(1 To 4)          As FLY_RESCALEDATA
   Dim i                    As Long    
   Dim Constr               As String
   Dim Constraints          As String   
   Dim ConstrRef            As String
   Dim RefPntPercentage     As Single
   Dim ControlName          As String
   Dim rc                   As Rect
   Dim ff                   As FLY_DATA Ptr    
   ff = GetProp(hWnd, "FLY_PTR")   
   If ff = 0 Then Function = TRUE: Exit Function   
   If ff->fResizeInit = FALSE Then Function = TRUE: Exit Function

   Constraints = UCase(ff->zConstraints)
   if Len(Constraints) < 7 Then Function = TRUE: Exit Function
    ' Control was already initialized. Get its initial coordinates to be used for reference.
    ' Store the controls initial coordinates in the calculation buffer. 
    ' One entry for every side of the control.
    Buf(1).P_Init = ff->rcCtrl.Left         ' Left x-coordinate of the control
    Buf(2).P_Init = ff->rcCtrl.Top          ' Top y-coordinate of the control
    Buf(3).P_Init = ff->rcCtrl.Right        ' Right x-coordinate of the control
    Buf(4).P_Init = ff->rcCtrl.Bottom       ' Bottom y-coordinate of the control      

    ' Store the form's width and height in the calculation buffer. 
    ' One entry for every side of the form
    Buf(1).FormInit = ff->rcForm.Right      ' For Left x-coordinate of the control
    Buf(2).FormInit = ff->rcForm.Bottom     ' For Top y-coordinate of the control
    Buf(3).FormInit = ff->rcForm.Right      ' For Right x-coordinate of the control
    Buf(4).FormInit = ff->rcForm.Bottom     ' For Bottom y-coordinate of the control
    ' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ' (2) Get current dimensions of form and store the coordinates in a 
    '     buffer to be calculated later on
    ' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    GetClientRect GetParent(hWnd), Varptr(rc)
    Buf(1).FormCur  = rc.Right      ' Left x-coordinate
    Buf(2).FormCur  = rc.Bottom     ' Top y-coordinate
    Buf(3).FormCur  = rc.Right      ' Right x-coordinate
    Buf(4).FormCur  = rc.Bottom     ' Bottom y-coordinate

    ' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ' (3) Calculate new control coordinates (for every one of the 4 control sides)
    ' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    For i = 1 To 4      
       Constr = FF_Parse(Constraints, ",", i) 
       Select Case Left(Constr, 1)   
          Case "S"    ' Scaled coordinate
            Buf(i).P_New  = Buf(i).P_Init * (Buf(i).FormCur / Buf(i).FormInit)
          Case "F"  ' Fixed coordinate
             ConstrRef = Mid(Constr, 2)     ' Remove the "F"
             Select Case ConstrRef
                Case "L" : RefPntPercentage = 0       ' Left side
                Case "R" : RefPntPercentage = 100     ' Right side
                Case "T" : RefPntPercentage = 0       ' Top
                Case "B" : RefPntPercentage = 100     ' Bottom
                Case Else   ' Must have been a number
                   RefPntPercentage = Val(ConstrRef) 
             End Select 
             ' Calc the new position
             Buf(i).P_New  = Buf(i).P_Init - _
                             (Buf(i).FormInit * (RefPntPercentage / 100)) + _
                             (Buf(i).FormCur  * (RefPntPercentage / 100))

          Case Else
             'MsgBox "Unknown constraint parameter:" & Left$(Constr, 1) & " in " & Constraints        
       End Select

    ' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ' (4) Redraw the control
    ' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    SetWindowPos hWnd, 0, _
                 Buf(1).P_New, Buf(2).P_New, _
                 Buf(3).P_New - Buf(1).P_New, Buf(4).P_New - Buf(2).P_New, _
   Function = TRUE ' Continue enumeration of children   
End Function

Function WinMain( ByVal hInstance     As HINSTANCE, _
                  ByVal hPrevInstance As HINSTANCE, _
                  ByRef lpCmdLine     As String,  _
                  ByVal iCmdShow      As Long _
                  ) As Long

    ' Initialize the Common Controls. This is necessary on WinXP platforms in order
    ' to ensure that the XP Theme styles work.
    Dim hLib As HINSTANCE
    uCC.dwSize = SizeOf(uCC)

    InitCommonControlsEx VarPtr(uCC)

    ' RichEdit 4.1 (Windows XP)
    hLib = LoadLibrary("MSFTEDIT.DLL")
    IF hLib THEN
       gFLY_RichEditClass = "RichEdit50W"
       ' Try RichEdit 2.0 or 3.0
       hLib = LoadLibrary("RICHED20.DLL")
       IF hLib THEN
          gFLY_RichEditClass = "RichEdit20A"
          ' Try RichEdit 1.0
          hLib = LoadLibrary("RICHED32.DLL")
          IF hLib THEN
             gFLY_RichEditClass = "RichEdit"
          End If
       End If
    END IF

   ' Define variable used to uniquely identify this application. This is used 
   ' by the FireFly function FF_PrevInstance.
   gFLY_AppID = "FORM_Emailer_Form1_CLASS"

   ' Define Control Arrays if necessary

   ' Set the values for the Shared App variable 
   App.hInstance = hInstance

    ' Initialize the GDI+ library
   Dim gdipToken As ULONG_PTR
   Dim gdipsi As GdiplusStartupInput
   gdipsi.GdiplusVersion = 1
   GdiplusStartup( @gdipToken, @gdipsi, Null )

   ' Call the Function FLY_WinMain(). If that function returns True 
   ' then cease to continue execution of this program.
   If FF_WINMAIN(hInstance, hPrevInstance, lpCmdLine, iCmdShow) Then 
      Function = App.ReturnValue
      Exit Function
   End If   
   ' Create the Startup Form.
   Form1_Show 0, TRUE

    ' Shutdown the GDI+ library
   GdiplusShutdown( gdipToken )

   Function = App.ReturnValue

End Function

End WinMain( GetModuleHandle( null ), null, Command(), SW_NORMAL )
Posts: 3910
Joined: Jun 02, 2013 9:27
Location: Switzerland

Re: Anonymous E-mailer

Post by MrSwiss »


using a code generator (FireFly3) is not the best way (IMHO), to get acquainted with a
"new" language ... (since it uses a lot of abstraction, from base instructions).

For FireFly help, you'd have to contact Paul Squires (the author), at his FireFly forum:

FreeBASIC Manual and more, are at: online reference, installing, getting started, tutorials, etc.
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