ReForm : a Visual Designer for

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ReForm : a Visual Designer for

Post by enform »

Hello ,

This is my Visual Designer , GUI code maker for FBGUI 2 - library . ( 600 and + instructions , mainly for GUI code ) .
ReForm is not made by a professional of programming , but it works ... not so bad .

It produces the code in 1 file . See Test1.bas .

Produces code with all the Gadgets , Menu , PopMenu , Colors , Font .

To find FBGUI 2 -Window9 : Forum/Board Index / Libraries , or on SoundForge .

Update 2017/03 : discontinued .

Update 2016/08

Links on ( personal one drive ) :

ReForm v10-21 :

MD5 :

Size : 463 KB (474 112 bytes)

This is the help file :

Code: Select all


 This txt was written with FbEdit , and read with Notepad , the result is very ugly .

ReForm  v10  is a visual designer for window9  , in a beta version .
It can create 9 windows , all the gadgets + a menu ,a popmenu , with choices of Fonts and Colors , Subs Declare ,Subs ,
 Do Loop with Events .
 Running the compiler , then the Exe , is possible .

 - a menu designer , i hope very easy to use , with pre-view in a separated form.
 - and PopMenu , with a designer . No pre-view .

 There is no project file , the bas file itself is the project : ReForm can reload it ...and always read after any modif , then 
 display again windows and gadgets .

 - 1 main window with the code
 - 1 ' Inspector Gadget ' with 4 tabs : Gadget , Flags , Win / Prj , Misc .
 - 1 Settings form
 - 1 mini editor : the main code is displayed in  a listbox , easier to manage , so a few lines can be edited  modified and re-pasted in the 
    lisbox/main code  . 

---- Additions for v10.21  -------------------------------------

 Added a List / Find tool  ( in Settings Form ) :
  List : All the instructions
  Find : search tools among and/or

 popmenu  : like MenuDesigner but script like : 
   very simple .
contextual menu in the main listbox ( code ) :

   -move_to_the_left or right : uses a Tab , 1 more or 1 less .
   -copy_Gadget_nn_to_clipboard  : Select a line that include 'Gadget_1001' (for ex) 
   -past_Gadget_nn_from_the_clipboard  : Select a line and paste  'Gadget1001' (for ex)    

--------End additions --------------------------------------

 Commands in the main window :
 - Load    : a bas file with a correct GUI code ...
 - Reload  : only the last bas . Before i click Reload , i need to verify if the name of the last
     bas is displayed in the mini editor 'Project' ( in 'Win / Prj').
 - New prj : asks  for a file name  , but if i don't want and just click 'Ok'  , a name by default is
     given :   Test1   if you leave the text box empty  . Or just a name without   '.bas' .
    Lines of code are written , with the first window , named 'Win1'  . It's easy to change its name : 'Caption' in 'Win / Prj'.

 - Save.bas or Save  
        For the first 'save my bas' , 'Save As' is required .

 - Copy code : all the code displayed is copied in to the Clipboard .
 - Copy lines :  the selected lines are copied in to the Clipboard .

 - Cut : Delete lines ; a mini window is displayed with a Checkbox : 'While checked , Preview update is locked' :
             while this window is displayed , i can delete all the lines i want without problems :
             Unchecked out at the end : all is updated now . Remember the code is the project , if the code is not correct ,
             one cannot say what the result will be ; BUT the tool is not an interpretor , it just needs the datas where they must be ! 
              So, Delete lines in Enum ( Gadget_1 = 1001 ,...)only if you delete
             the corresponding gadgets code in Functions ! ! 

 - Paste : from the clipboard to the main code , after the selected line .

 - Edit : Select a line , click Edit ; an Editor appears .
		- Modifying , replacing lines in the main code: 
		       The lines are selected , click 'Edit' 
		       In the Editor , modify something , click 'Replace' .
		- Import lines : if you have imported 1 line from the main code , you can now import more lines : click the SpinBox .
		- old lines : Undo like .
		- Sub --> Function : Replace Sub by Function ; do it line by line in the main code :
		       the concerned lines are    :  Declare , Sub , End Sub .
		- you can import a 'Declare Sub ....' line , modify the Sub name and click 'Update Sub name' .

 - Settings : (A Checkbox )	Shows all the settings in a new form  .
             1 - Settings :

                  Values for Toolbar size : width , height and TBcorr (20 by default)  . Editable .
                  TBcorr is added to the vertical position of gadgets .

                  Find fbc.exe  : a button ; its path will be stored in ini file .

              		xini , yini , wini , hini  : x,y,size by default for the gadgets to create. ( values <--> ini )

								Unlike other VDes the mouse doesn't pre-pos the Gadget : see 'Cloning' feature
              		active panel : 0 by default ; the code for panel is prebuilt with 3 tabs-panels ,
              							the code in bas depends of this nb .(Showwindow ..., HideGadget...)

              		Gadget mini : 0 by default ; with a 0 ,the first gadget will be Gadget_1 .
              		              ! ! ! : if i want to include a bas to a previous project , it is possible
              		               to  start with Gadget_101 , for ex , if  'Gadget mini' is 100   .					

              		Gadget base id : 1000 by default ; same case .									
              		Menu base id  : 10000 by default ; same case .

 - Quit  : with a Messagebox Yes , No .

 Inspector Gadget : a window with lists , values , settings for gadgets , commands .

 !!!  'Parents'  and 'Gadgets' buttons are not real buttons ( no action ) , just here for the look ...

 First column : list of parents : windows (Window_1 , Window_2, etc)
                                  panels (panGadget10 ,panGadget20 ,panGadget30  ) .( $A )
                                  groups (group5  : 5 if  GroupGadget(Gadget_5 ,....)
                                  containers  (cont5  : 5 if  ContainerGadget(Gadget_5,.... )
											Very ! important to select a parent before you to add a Gadget inside .

                 ( its title : Parents  ; it's a button , but only for the fine XP style ! , not functional)

 Second column : ( its title : Gadgets  ; it's a button , but only for the fine XP style ! , not functional)

                 Ex  for a button , a line like this :      w1 : Button    : Gadget_1 = 1001
        -->  w1  is the parent (Window_1) ; or p10 (panel10), g1 (group1)  , c5 (container) ... 

 Third column : Create  : A button , active , this time !
                All the possible gadgets in a list ;  + Window  + PopMenu + Menu  .
                Here ,  Menu is a prebuilt code . Or see  MenuDesigner below .
                PopMenu uses an editor : - for each line you want , just enter in a Menuitem  ( 'Load' , 'Help' , ...  without ''  )
															and press Enter on the KeyBoard . ( no Titles , no 'i,Load' or 'i,Save' like in MenuDesigner , just a Menuitems alone )
                                         - click 'Confirm' ; the code is added to the main code .
                                         - you can use 'Load' , 'Save'  buttons . But 'Save as' is not possible ( just for MenuDesigner ).

   --------->>> First step , in the 'Parents' column , a window OR a parent must be selected ! (else , Window_0   by default)
                A parent can be (examples ): cont1 , group5 , panGadget10 , Window_2 , ...   . For a Menu , PopMenu , only a window ...

                - Toolbar and StatusBar are made with a prebuilt code .( and displayed in the window in a 'mini-mode' :
                     just a text 'Toolbar' or 'StatusBar'  is displayed )

 4 tabs : - Gadgets  : values with editors , spins

                      Changing values : manual or with a spin ; press Enter
                      Color : editor or 2 buttons :  'T'  (text color) and Bk (background) --> Requesters .
                      Font  : editor or a button  :  'Font' --> Requester .

                     - Disable : a checkbox  ; the state  (see the bas code after )
                     - Hide    : a checkbox  ; the visibility  (see the bas code after )
                        ! ! !   unchecking after checking theses settings is not valid , see the main code ,
                                only Delete ( line of code ) can work ! Sorry . 

                     - Clones  : select a gadget source
                                 select a gadget in the list 'Create' : yes , what you want ...  
                                 click 'Clones' , a small window appears ,
                                 choose the nb , vertical or horizontal , space between , ok
                                 if a (new) type of gadget is not selected , a Messagebox appears . select a gadget in the list 'Create' , click Ok .

          - Flags   : it is just a mono-line editor displaying the values if they exist , 
                       the feature doesn't really exist : using FbEdit , it's easy to add Flags with the popup menu
                       in the final bas .    Sorry ... but it is not so easy !

          - Win / Prj : values in editors for a window
                        editor 'Project'  : the name without '.bas' . Don't press Enter , the main code is always updated .
                        text   'Last Project'  : displayed at startup  : if ok , this prj can be 'Reload'ed.
                        text   'Last Dir '     : displayed ( partially )for control

          - Misc : Compile : if all is complete , ( Do Loop ...) , click !  , then click Run Exe
                   Compile CB ( with clipboard ) : shows a Messagebox with : "in cmd , right click ,
                                                  choose 'paste' , push 'Enter' ".
                                                  with this procedure , errors are showed .
                   Run Exe  : if compiled , click ...  Reform waits for the exe to be closed .

                   Clear Part2 : possibility to rebuilt the Part2 . Starts to clean-up at
                                  #Include XXX.-a.bas   ( after the GUI code ).
                                  So , it is not an obligation to use 'Split in 2 bas' . Re-built with Part2 .

   --------->>> All this part of code is deleted , even if it is 'your' code !!!   Rename or Save it before .                                 
                   Change Gad nb  :  The base nb (0 --> 100 , 200 , ... )can be changed     :
                                    normal example  : with 0 , Gadget_1  is the first .
                                    With a base 100 , will be changed  to Gadget_101  .

                   Change base id  : The base id (1000) can be changed     :  maxi 9900 ... menu begin at 10000 .
                                     but menu base id can be changed with Settings  : ultra maxi 58999  !.

                   Real humans : in order to be moved-resized , gadgets are not reals ! just colorized
                                  rectangles . ( Except Panel-Tab ) . With  'Real humans' , they are shown
                                  in their real appearence , if possible ! ( not all ! ; if not possible , the
                                  type  is showed  , like 'ContainerGadget , ... ').

                   Menu Designer : Manual design  in 2 windows  : Menu Designer and Preview . A 3rd window 
                                   is displayed if you compile the code of the menu for a real test :
                                   Cde 'Save as complete bas and run'  .

      --------->>>                 First , in the column : 'Windows' in Inspector Gadget , a window must be selected ! (Window_1 by default) 

						- 1 : Menu Designer : commands : spin 'id'  , start at 10000 from ini , but editable ( for menu + popmenu).
															      button 'Confirm' --> Preview form 
															      buttons 'Load' and 'Save'  , a menu-project file ( *.txt ).
															      button  'Save bas'  , as a bas file .
															      button 'color' of the final menu display
                                                   toolbar  Undo,Redo ,Paste  ( or Ctl-c , Ctl-v )
                                                   button 'Include into bas ' : the menu is correct ? send the 
                                                           code to the main code .
															      main editor , multi-lines : it works with short commands :

															t  : a title  -->  t,File or  t,Edition or ...
															i  : item     -->  i,Load or i,Save or ...
															s  : submenu  -->  s,Others ...
															-i  : item in a submenu  --> example  :  -i,Delete  ( - = shifted )
															c   : flag  "MF_CHECKED"
															d   : flag  "MF_DISABLED"
															g   : flag  "MF_GRAYED"
   a real example  copied from the main editor :                                                          


   no spaces  , push Enter at the end of line   . You can copy theses 10 lines for a first test .
   Even if it is a script ,I think it is easier than all the commands in the Menu Designer in FbEdit , PureForm , ... no ?

						- 2 : Preview  : a list , a complete bas code : Enum , End Enum , ...
											  button : ' Include into bas ' : transfered to the main bas .
											  button : ' Save as a complete bas and Run ' : Compiled and Runned , it's
														    a real preview . Don't change the name 'MenuExe.bas' , just save .
														    Uses the current dir , if it exists : save your bas project before ( for the good path ).

 Tested with 2 windows in the project and the same menu 2 times (easier.... ): the final code is correct , good compil .
 Just selected 'Window_2' in Inspector Gadget ( a parent ! ) the 2nd time , then clicked 'Confirm' .

 Moving - resizing with the mouse : left side , right , top , down and right-down corner only .

 - a window : managed by Windows , as usual with the mouse .

 - a gadget : see the hand or double-arrows when the mouse is over a gadget . Left-click and move .

              - Corners : Only  the right-bottom corner can be moved  (see diagonal double-arrow)

              - key 'Shift' pressed : moving only in vertical

              - key 'Control' pressed : moving only in horizontal

              - right click or 'Space' : refresh the form ; left click for grid  

              - key 'Esc' or 'Z' : return to the original position  , but no more left click before !

              - key 'A'  : long dotted lines as guides with 5 choices :

                          A + mouse click on left , top , right or bottom  :  1 line

                          A + mouse click  on center : 4 lines ;   move the gadget now , or not .


              -  Ctrl + A  or Shift + A  is possible              

   Grid : visual 10 x 10 , but magnetic 5 x 5  or 10 x 10 if the key 'G' is pressed when moving the mouse .


 Bugs  :  Tell me ,please ...  If i can update this long code ...

   The end . Have fun !                                                                                    

Example : Test.bas

Code: Select all

     ' Test2
#Include Once ""
	PopMenu_0_file =  10001
	PopMenu_0_load =  10002
	PopMenu_0_save =  10003
	Gadget_1 = 1001      '  Button  :  HELLO !!
	Gadget_2 = 1002      '  CheckBox  :  
	Gadget_3 = 1003      '  CheckBox  :  
	Gadget_4 = 1004      '  Container  :  
	Gadget_5 = 1005      '  Editor  :  
	Menu_0_mymenu1 =  11001
	Menu_0_mymenu2 =  11002
	Gadget_6 = 1006
	Gadget_7 = 1007      '  Spin  :  
	Gadget_8 = 1008      '  String  :  
	Gadget_9 = 1009      '  Text  :  
	Gadget_10 = 1010      '  Editor  :  
	Gadget_11 = 1011      '  Editor  :  
	Gadget_12 = 1012      '  Group  :  
	Gadget_13 = 1013      '  CheckBox  :  
End Enum
Namespace G
Dim As Handle group12
Dim As HANDLE cont4
Dim As HWND hwndWindow_0
Dim As HMENU hPopMenu_0
Dim As Long ww0 , hw0 , wwold0 , hwold0    ' for resizing
Dim As HWND pan0Gadget_6
Dim As HWND pan1Gadget_6
Dim As HWND pan2Gadget_6
Dim As HWND pan3Gadget_6
Dim As HWND pan4Gadget_6
End Namespace
Sub MenuWindow0
	Dim As HMENU hMenu_Window_0
	hMenu_Window_0 = Create_Menu()
	Dim As HMENU hLoad0
	hLoad0 = MenuTitle(hMenu_Window_0,"Load")
	MenuItem(Menu_0_mymenu1, hLoad0,"mymenu1")
	MenuItem(Menu_0_mymenu2, hLoad0,"mymenu2")
	MenuBackColor(hMenu_Window_0,&hDDDDDD, 1)
End Sub
Using G
Sub MenuDesigner
End Sub
Sub GadgetStates
End Sub
Declare Function Sub_Gadget_1( )  As Long   '   Button  : HELLO !!
Declare Sub Sub_PopMenu_0_file( )
Declare Sub Sub_PopMenu_0_load( )
Declare Sub Sub_PopMenu_0_save( )
Declare Sub Sub_Menu_0_mymenu1( )
Declare Sub Sub_Menu_0_mymenu2( )
Function OpenWindow_Window_0( ) As HWND
	hwndWindow_0 = OpenWindow("Win1000",334,3,818,411)
	SetGadgetFont(,CInt(LoadFont("Courier new",8)))
	hPopMenu_0 = CreatePopMenu()
	MenuItem(PopMenu_0_file, hPopMenu_0,"file")
	MenuItem(PopMenu_0_load, hPopMenu_0,"load")
	MenuItem(PopMenu_0_save, hPopMenu_0,"save")
	ButtonGadget(Gadget_1,20,15,135,50,"HELLO !!")
	cont4 = ContainerGadget(Gadget_4,165,15,135,185)
	SetGadgetFont(Gadget_3,Cint(LoadFont("Cambria" , 12 , 0 ,  , 1 ,  , )))
	pan0Gadget_6 = AddPanelGadgetItem(Gadget_6,0,"Tab0")
	pan1Gadget_6 = AddPanelGadgetItem(Gadget_6,1,"Tab1")
	pan2Gadget_6 = AddPanelGadgetItem(Gadget_6,2,"Tab2")
	pan3Gadget_6 = AddPanelGadgetItem(Gadget_6,3,"Tab3")
	group12 = GroupGadget(Gadget_12,10,10,230,95)
	pan4Gadget_6 = AddPanelGadgetItem(Gadget_6,4,"Tab4")
	SetGadgetFont(Gadget_2,Cint(LoadFont("Arial" , 11 , 0 , 1 , 1 ,  , )))
	Return hwndWindow_0
End Function
hwndWindow_0 = OpenWindow_Window_0()
Sub resize
	Dim As RECT re
	ww0 = WindowWidth(hwndWindow_0) : hw0 = WindowHeight(hwndWindow_0)
	If ww0 <> wwold0 Or hw0 <> hwold0 Then
		'ResizeGadget(Gadget_panel,,,ww0 -30,hw0 -200)   ' is a panel
		'Var gwpan = GadgetWidth(Gadget_panel) : Var ghpan = GadgetHeight(Gadget_panel)
		'ResizeWindow(pan0Gadget_panel,1,1,gwpan,ghpan)  ' resize tab itself
		'ResizeGadget(Gadget_xx,0,0, ww0 -350,hw0 -200)
		'ResizeGadget(Gadget_xx,0,0, ww0 -350,hw0 -200)
		'ResizeGadget(Gadget_xx,0,0, ww0 -350,hw0 -200)
		wwold0 = ww0 : hwold0 = hw0
End Sub
Function Sub_Gadget_1( )  As Long   '   Button  : HELLO !!
	' Static As
End Function 
Sub Sub_PopMenu_0_file( )
	' Static As
End Sub 
Sub Sub_PopMenu_0_load( )
	' Static As
End Sub 
Sub Sub_PopMenu_0_save( )
	' Static As
End Sub 
Sub Sub_Menu_0_mymenu1( )
	' Static As
End Sub 
Sub Sub_Menu_0_mymenu2( )
	' Static As
End Sub 
' code MAIN

' endcode MAIN
	Var event = WaitEvent
	Select Case event
		Case WM_SIZE
			' resize
		Case EventClose
			Exit Do     ' End
		Case EventMenu
			Select Case EventNumber
				Case Menu_0_mymenu1
				Case Menu_0_mymenu2
				Case PopMenu_0_file
				Case PopMenu_0_load
				Case PopMenu_0_save
			End Select
		Case EventGadget
			Select Case EventNumber
				Case 0
				Case Gadget_1      '  Button : HELLO !!
					Sub_Gadget_1( ) 
			End Select
			Select Case EventNumberToolBar
				Case 9999
			End Select
	End Select

Last edited by enform on Mar 13, 2017 17:54, edited 7 times in total.
Posts: 1626
Joined: Feb 11, 2009 14:24
Location: Austria

Re: ReForm : a Visual Designer

Post by St_W »

I cannot download it, I always get the following message after waiting 15 seconds and clicking the download Button: wrote:•Vous devez attendre avant de télécharger ce fichier.
I do only understand a little bit French (as learned in school years ago), but as far as I got it, it seems to complain about waiting not long enough (or at all). I did wait that 15 seconds, though. Tried in both Firefox and IE - same result.

Is the source code included? If so, could you upload it on another hoster or explain how to fix that error? If not not, forget about it, it wouldn't be interesting in that case anyway.
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Location: France

Re: ReForm : a Visual Designer

Post by enform »

' wrote:•
Vous devez attendre avant de télécharger ce fichier. ' ( wait before downloading ) :

yes , the same thing for me . I click ' Actualize ' .

no source code , just an exe without install . I am not a virus maker !
You can run it in a sandbox , like Sandboxie .
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Location: Austria

Re: ReForm : a Visual Designer

Post by St_W »

enform wrote:no source code , just an exe without install.
Oh, ok :-(
enform wrote:I am not a virus maker !
You can run it in a sandbox , like Sandboxie.
I totally believe you and I would never assume that anyone contributing to the FB community would harm other FB programmers by providing some malicious executable binary. Security is no reason for me (here). It's a very simple reason: As I don't know really much about Window9 and haven't used it until now / didn't plan to use it in the near future I currently simply do not have a use for your application as such. You might ask now, why I'm interested at all. First I read the title "Visual Designer" -> sounded interesting; then I read "Window9", and as far as I know that's somehow related (similar?) to WinAPI -> maybe interesting. I thought that looking at the application, what features it provides and especially how those were implemented, might be interesting, as I have looked at other similar software before (e.g. FbEdit's Designer) and have already developed a few applications using WinAPI.
So, to summarize: I'm not really interested in the application itself, but the implementation might have been interesting.

However, I will probably try again to download it in a few days, and run it to get a an impression about the basic look & feel of your application and whether it has some nice features that are not available or worse-implemented in other Visual Designers for FB.
Maybe you could still upload it to another hoster? Use some hoster, that doesn't have obtrusive restrictions for free users, e.g. (afaik) or
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Re: ReForm : a Visual Designer

Post by enform »

Updated the first post with infos about FBGUI 2 - Window9 library

and a source code ... made by ReForm ;-) . ( at the end ) .

forgot to give a name to buttons ; look like this :

Sub Sub_Gadget_1() ' Button MyOkButton

the same comments for declarations and events in the do-loop
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Re: ReForm : a Visual Designer

Post by VANYA »

Hi enform!

I can not download from your exchanger. Please download the file to another exchanger
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Re: ReForm : a Visual Designer

Post by enform »

St_W ,

With ' I am not a virus maker! ' , i was not angry , don't worry ...

FBGUI 2 - Window9 is a great lib for the beginner i was on Windows programming . And now , it is so fast to code
with it , i don't change for !
But it is not supported by the FB team , no citation , no wikki , no link , nothing .

You ' have already developed a few applications using WinAPI ' : it should be a hard task for me with !

A new try to download my zip file : i had to wait about 2 minutes , with several clicks on ' Actualize ' in Firefox .
I uploaded several tools on this site now ; if i can avoid to change all ... , but i will try your suggestion for .
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Re: ReForm : a Visual Designer

Post by VANYA »

I managed to download, although this site is very bad and uncomfortable.

According to the program:

You could not record video or chm file for use (tutorial)? Because the deal is not so easy to program.
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Re: ReForm : a Visual Designer

Post by enform »

Hi Vanya ,

Uploaded to speedyshare ; and downloaded : speedy !

First post updated .
I hope it will work on your system .
If you can give me your opinion , it will be the first test in the real world ... :-)

Edit : a tutorial ? : i can try that .
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Location: Austria

Re: ReForm : a Visual Designer

Post by St_W »

@enform: I managed to download it now, thank you for the additional upload. I forgot to mention a better alternative to all that one-click-hosters:, see e.g. ... 08#p187808
Just write Sebastian a mail and you'll get a safe and convenient place to publish / store your FreeBasic or related programming work. I'm using his service already for years and can fully recommend it. You have the advantage that you can access the server via FTP and that uploads don't get deleted after some time of inactivity, like it is the case with many free one-click hosters. The users have the advantage that they can directly download; no nag screens, waiting times, speed limits, etc.

Regarding your designer: I've tried it. First impression of the visual appearance: The UI doesn't really look appealing, modern and consistent, but I can fully understand that as it's a development tool for a special user group. The multi-window concept may bet good for bigger screens, but on my laptop I think it is a little bit confusing, especially one thing: to close e.g. the settings window a checkbox is used; the settings dialog however, appears above the main window with the checkbox so that one has to bring the main window to foreground and uncheck that checkbox to hide the window. A close button would be nice. The Code window doesn't resize, when the window is resized.

But let's talk about the features: The editor seems to have many, many features; I think even more than FbEdit's designer. One feature I especially like is the two-way synchronisation between code and visual design. However, there seem to be some cases, where that doesn't work optimally - e.g. each selection of "hide" generates a new line, but deselection doesn't remove it. It would also be better if the user had more freedom to edit the code; currently only single lines can be edited/deleted.

That's my impression after a quick test of your program. Alltogether really nice features. Good Work!

regarding Window9: I'm currently looking at other, more abstract GUI Toolkits, like GTK or wxWidgets, but next time when I want create a WinAPI application I'll consider using window9 instead.
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Location: France

Re: ReForm : a Visual Designer

Post by enform »

St_W ,
the Ui is ugly ... yes , i will repaint with a pink color :-) ( was not my first task ... )
What is the size of your screen ? You can see the Code window + Inspector without moving a window ?
And Settings window is complete ? Probably , i can add a close button .
the Code window is not a good editor , of course ; read the doc : ReForm is not an universal bas code interpretor !
If you have to modify the code , respect the rules , because the parser is not universal ... it can crash ... Save the code .
in short , your code must be a clone of the auto-code .
' each selection of "hide" generates a new line, but deselection doesn't remove it ' : yes , it is mentionned in the help ;
you can only delete lines with the ' Delete ' command . Poor tool ...
May be i can use ' Undo ' for that in the future . Or a better feature .
Without a specific project file , the management / modifs are not really easy ... : retrieving the lines of code ... :-(
But a project file is not simple too .
Remember : ReForm can build and delete the 2nd part of the code ( declare , subs , do-loop ) ; but if you have reloaded a code
with your own modifs , all will be lost .
Can i rename my tool : ReForm Wizzard ? No ... ;-)
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Joined: Apr 24, 2011 12:57
Location: France

Re: ReForm : a Visual Designer

Post by enform »

Update : version v9m : new colors ( blue ) .
debug in declare sub , subs , do-loop .
See 1st post .
Posts: 185
Joined: Apr 24, 2011 12:57
Location: France

Re: ReForm : a Visual Designer for

Post by enform »

Update 2016/08

Version v10-21

See first post .

The code is a bit different , in 1 file . The use of the tool is different .

One can easily ( a click ) add/remove Event and Sub for a Gadget .

See the videos . For the best quality , download them . On the link , choose 'Open in new tab' .

New features : - Search tool for ( and , switchable ) .

- List tool for ; uses a combobox for all types of gadgets , instructions .

The instructions are sorted like in the window9 help file .

Uses a modified version of FbCall.api with many modifs , additions ; instructions have been sorted . ( hours of work ... ) .

A click on a line/result and the left part is copied in to the clipboard
[ not the part between () ] .
So the Search/List tool can be used with any editor .

Maybe i will code an independent Search/List tool ...
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Location: Argentine

Re: ReForm : a Visual Designer for

Post by arqstaad »

I cannot download it!
Posts: 666
Joined: Jul 02, 2008 14:55

Re: ReForm : a Visual Designer for

Post by aurelVZAB »

hello enform ..hello vanja
I would like to try this new designer but it loks that download is broken...
I remember win9 is cool set of pb functions for FreeBasic

If you have problems with upload you are free to upload it on my forum as standard attachment..
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