24 to 4Bit Color using dithering.

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Joined: Feb 01, 2014 11:45

24 to 4Bit Color using dithering.

Post by BunnX »


maybe you know graphicguestbook? At this page you can draw small pictures using a 12 color pallet. So I decided to paint something really special for a friend and made a programm that can convert RGB to LAB and find the closed looking color mixed up 12*12 colors in 8 blendings and placed some tile pictures to one big picture.

Now I increased the colors to 16 an implemented the c64 color pallet, so you can convert every picture to 16 colors with dithering (~400 colors) and I think it's maybe good to share.



Here you can download the color.b24 file for the actual pallet. This file holds an 24 bit indexed array to store every color-index calculated from the pallet, that matches best. So everytime you add, remove or change a color... this calculations have to be refreshed and this takes a while. But this way you can convert in realtime (I watched TV this way).

http://www.file-upload.net/download-870 ... r.zip.html


Code: Select all

#INCLUDE "vbcompat.bi"
#Define MAX_COLOR 16

Declare Function readShader( shader() As Byte ) As Integer
Declare Function mix_color(c1 As ULong, c2 As ULong, ratio As ubyte) As ULong
Declare Sub rgbToLab(ByRef c As UInteger, lab() As Single )
Declare Function de_1994(lab1() As Single, lab2() As Single) As Single
Declare Function loadBMP( Dateiname As String ) As ULong Ptr

Type mixed_colorT
	vRGB 		As ULong
	c1			As ULong
	c2			As ULong
	ratio		As UByte
	vLAB(2)	As Single
End Type

Dim Shared intPalette(0 To 15) As UInteger
intPalette(0) 	= &hFF000000
intPalette(1) 	= &hFFffffff
intPalette(2) 	= &hFF883932
intPalette(3) 	= &hFF67b6bd
intPalette(4) 	= &hFF8b3f96
intPalette(5) 	= &hFF55a049
intPalette(6) 	= &hFF40318d
intPalette(7) 	= &hFFbfce72
intPalette(8) 	= &hFF8b5429
intPalette(9) 	= &hFF574200
intPalette(10)	= &hFFb86962
intPalette(11)	= &hFF505050
intPalette(12)	= &hFF787878
intPalette(13)	= &hFF94e089
intPalette(14)	= &hFF7869c4
intPalette(15)	= &hFF9f9f9f

Dim Shared As Single cc1, cc2, dc, dl, da, db, dh, ssecond, third
Dim Shared As ULong Ptr bild
Dim Shared As ULong Ptr sc
Dim Shared As UInteger sW, sH

Dim As Byte shader(8, 2, 2)
Dim As mixed_colorT mixed_color(MAX_COLOR * MAX_COLOR * 8)
Dim As UInteger color_count, pixel
Dim As UShort Ptr trueColor = Callocate(2^24 * SizeOf(UShort) )
Dim As Double sec
Open Cons For output As #1
Print #1, "generating shaders..."
readShader( shader() )

Print #1, "mix the colors..."
For c1 As UInteger = 0 To MAX_COLOR - 1
	For c2 As UInteger = 0 To MAX_COLOR - 1
		For ratio As UByte = 0 To 7
			Dim As UInteger found
			Dim As UInteger col =  mix_color(intPalette(c1), intPalette(c2), ratio)
			For test As UInteger = 0 To color_count
				If mixed_color(test).vRGB = col Then
					found = 1
			If found = 0 Then
				mixed_color(color_count).vRGB 	= col
				mixed_color(color_count).c1 		= intPalette(c1)
				mixed_color(color_count).c2 		= intPalette(c2)
				mixed_color(color_count).ratio 	= ratio
				rgbToLab(col, mixed_color(color_count).vLAB() )
				color_count += 1
			End If
			found = 0
Print #1, color_count - 1 

If Not FileExists("color.b24") Then
	Print #1, "Calculating new..."
	For f As uinteger	 = 0 To 2^24
		Dim As Single 		diff, oldDiff = &h0FFFFFFF
		Dim As UInteger 	ff
		Dim As Single 		lab1(2)
		rgbToLab(f, lab1() )
		For t As UInteger = 0 To color_count - 1
			diff = de_1994(lab1(), mixed_color(t).vLAB() )
			If diff < oldDiff Then
				ff = t
				oldDiff = diff
			End If
		Dim As UShort saveFF = ff
		trueColor[f] = saveFF
		If Timer()-sec >= 3 Then
			Print #1, CInt (100 / 2^24 * f) & "%"
			sec = Timer()
	Print #1, "Saving..."
	Dim map As Integer = FreeFile
	Open "color.b24" For Binary Access write As #map
	Put #map, 1, trueColor[0], 2^24
	Close #map
	Print #1, "Load from file..."
	Dim map As Integer = freefile
	Open "color.b24" For Binary Access Read As #map
	Get #map, 1, trueColor[0], 2^24
	Close #map
End If

Print #1, "Done."
bild = loadBMP( Command(1) )

Dim As Integer r, g, b
For y As UInteger = 0 To sH - 1 Step 3
	For x As UInteger = 0 To sW - 1 Step 3
		Dim As ULong col 		= *(bild + 8 + x + y * sW)
		Dim As UShort cIdx 	= trueColor[&h00FFFFFF And col]
		Dim As Integer xxx, yyy
		For yy As UInteger = y To y + 2
			For xx As UInteger = x To x + 2
				If xx < sW And yy < sH Then 
					Select Case shader(mixed_color(cIdx).ratio, xxx, yyy)
						Case 0:
							*(sc + xx + yy * sW) = mixed_color(cIdx).c2
						Case 1:
							*(sc + xx + yy * sW) = mixed_color(cIdx).c1
					End Select
				xxx += 1
			yyy += 1
			xxx = 0
		yyy = 0
		xxx = 0


Function loadBMP ( Dateiname As String ) As ULong Ptr

	Dim As Integer ff = FreeFile
	Open Dateiname For Binary As #ff
	If (Lof(ff) < 32) Then
		Close #ff
		Return 0
	End If
	Get #ff, 19, sW
	Get #ff, 23, sH
	Close #ff

	sH = ABS(sH)

	If ((sW < 0) OR (sW > 2000) OR (sH > 2000)) Then Return 0

	ScreenRes sW, sH, 32
	sc = ScreenPtr
	Dim bild As ULong Ptr
	bild = ImageCreate(sW, sH, 0, 32)

	BLoad dateiname, bild 
	Return bild

End Function

Function mix_color(c1 As ULong, c2 As ULong, ratio As ubyte) As ULong

	Dim As UByte r1, g1, b1, r2, g2, b2
	Dim inv_ratio As UByte = 8 - ratio
	Dim As UByte rM, gM, bM

	r1 = lobyte(hiword(c1))
	g1 = hibyte(loword(c1))
	b1 = lobyte(loword(c1))  
	r2 = lobyte(hiword(c2))
	g2 = hibyte(loword(c2))
	b2 = lobyte(loword(c2))  
	rM = CInt( (r1 * ratio + r2 * inv_ratio) / 8)
	gM = CInt( (g1 * ratio + g2 * inv_ratio) / 8)
	bM = CInt( (b1 * ratio + b2 * inv_ratio) / 8)
	Return RGBA(rM, gM, bM, 255)
End Function

Function readShader( shader() As Byte ) As Integer
	Dim As String 	pixel
	Dim As Integer block, x, y
	For i As UInteger = 0 To (3 * 3) * 8 - 1
		 Read pixel
		 Select Case pixel
		 	Case ".":
		 		shader(block, x, y) = 0
		 	Case "#":
		 		shader(block, x, y) = 1
		 End Select

		 x += 1
		 If x = 3 Then
		 	x = 0
		 	y += 1
		 	If y = 3 Then 
		 		y = 0
		 		block += 1
	Return 1
End Function

Sub rgbToLab(ByRef c As UInteger, lab() As Single )

	Dim As Single r, g, b
	r = LoByte(hiword(c)) /255
	g = HiByte(loword(c)) /255
	b = LoByte(loword(c)) /255
	If r > 0.04045 Then
		r = (r+0.055)/1.055
		r = r ^ 2.4
		r = r/12.92
	End If
	If g > 0.04045 Then
		g = (g+0.055)/1.055
		g = g ^ 2.4    
		g = g/12.92
	End If
	If b > 0.04045 Then
     	b = (b+0.055)/1.055
		b = b ^ 2.4    
		b = b/12.92
	End If
	r *= 100
	g *= 100
	b *= 100
 	Dim As Double x, y, z, x1, y1, z1
	x = r * 0.4124 + g * 0.3576 + b * 0.1805
	y = r * 0.2126 + g * 0.7152 + b * 0.0722
	z = r * 0.0193 + g * 0.1192 + b * 0.9505

	x1 = x/95.047
	y1 = y/100
	z1 = z/108.883

	If x1 > 0.008856 Then
     x1 = x1 ^ (1/3)
     x1 = 7.787* x1 + 16/116
	End If
	If y1 > 0.008856 Then
		y1 = y1 ^ (1/3)
		y1 = (7.787 * y1) + (16/116)
	End If
	If z1 > 0.008856 Then
     z1 = z1 ^ (1/3)
		z1 = 7.787*z1 + 16/116
	End If

 	lab(0) = 116* y1 -16
 	lab(1) = 500*(x1-y1)
 	lab(2) = 200*(y1-z1)

End Sub

Function de_1994(lab1() As Single, lab2() As Single) As Single
     	cc1 = Sqr(lab1(1)*lab1(1)+lab1(2)*lab1(2))
		cc2 = Sqr(lab2(1)*lab2(1)+lab2(2)*lab2(2))
		dc = cc1 - cc2
		dl = lab1(0) - lab2(0)
		da = lab1(1) - lab2(1)
		db = lab1(2) - lab2(2)
		dh = (da * da) + (db * db) - (dc * dc)
		If (dh < 0) Then
			dh = 0
			dh = sqr(dh)
		End If
		ssecond 	= dc / (1 + 0.045 * cc1)
		third 	= dh / (1 + 0.015 * cc1)
		Return (sqr(dl * dl + ssecond * ssecond + third * third))
End Function

Data ".", ".", "."
Data ".", ".", "."
Data ".", ".", "."

Data ".", ".", "."
Data ".", "#", "."
Data ".", ".", "."

Data ".", ".", "."
Data ".", "#", "."
Data ".", ".", "#"

Data "#", ".", "#"
Data ".", ".", "."
Data "#", ".", "#"

Data ".", "#", "."
Data "#", "#", "#"
Data ".", "#", "."

Data ".", "#", "#"
Data "#", ".", "#"
Data "#", "#", "#"

Data "#", "#", "#"
Data "#", ".", "#"
Data "#", "#", "#"

Data "#", "#", "#"
Data "#", "#", "#"
Data "#", "#", "#"
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