FbEdit, new IDE for FreeBASIC written in FreeBASIC

User projects written in or related to FreeBASIC.
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Re: FbEdit

Post by spartacus13012 »

St_W wrote:
spartacus13012 wrote:[..] I ended up making that I wanted: one which opens as ' encodes snipplets ' and which shows every ' TODO: contained in a file.

Now I would like to see the functioning of an addin which would intercept evenements keyboard and mouse in editeur of text of fbedit.
A generous ame would have it deja had resoudre has this probleme.
Your approach does not work because of multiple reasons:
1. there is no single edit control - a new edit control is created for each new file opened. lpHANDLES->hred is zero at plugin initialization
2. the RAEdit control consists of multiple child-windows, which receive and handle most window messages. the probably most important one is RAEditChild, which contains the editor window. For some reason there are 2 such RAEditChild windows - you could look into the RAEdit source code to find out why and what it does.

You can do it like this:
1. specify HOOK_CREATEEDIT to receive notifications on RAEdit control creation
2.a: Retrieve RAEditChild window handles from RAEdit window handle (passed as wParam)
2.b: Subclass the child window
2.c: Save the old wndProc
3. Call the old wndProc in the new wndProc

Some concept code:

Code: Select all

#Include Once "windows.bi"
#include once "win/richedit.bi"
#include once "win/commctrl.bi"

#Include Once "fbedit/raedit.bi"
#Include Once "fbedit/addins.bi"

Dim Shared As Integer lpOldWndProcEdit

'FBedit Addin Variables
Dim Shared hooks as ADDINHOOKS
Dim Shared lpHandles as ADDINHANDLES ptr
Dim Shared lpFunctions as ADDINFUNCTIONS ptr
Dim Shared lpData as ADDINDATA Ptr

Function InstallDll CDECL alias "InstallDll" (byval hWin as HWND,byval hInst as HINSTANCE) as ADDINHOOKS ptr EXPORT

	lpHandles = Cast(ADDINHANDLES ptr, SendMessage(hWin, AIM_GETHANDLES, 0, 0))
	lpData = Cast(ADDINDATA ptr, SendMessage(hWin, AIM_GETDATA, 0, 0))
	lpFunctions = Cast(ADDINFUNCTIONS ptr, SendMessage(hWin,AIM_GETFUNCTIONS, 0, 0))
	OutputDebugString("TEST: Install")

	Dim tmp As String
	tmp = Str(lpHandles->hred)

	hooks.hook1 = HOOK_CREATEEDIT
	hooks.hook2 = 0
	hooks.hook3 = 0
	hooks.hook4 = 0
	return @hooks

End Function

Function WndProcEdit(ByVal hWin_ As HWND, _ 
              ByVal uMsg_ As UINT, _ 
              ByVal wParam_   As WPARAM, _ 
              ByVal lParam_   As LPARAM) As Integer
  'Dim As String wmName
  'wmName = "TEST: edit ctl wndProc "+getWMName(uMsg_)
  Select Case uMsg_
          OutputDebugString("TEST: 2 bouton souris dans edit")  
  End Select

  Return CallWindowProc(lpOldWndProcEdit, hWin_, uMsg_, wParam_, lParam_)
End Function

Function DllFunction CDECL alias "DllFunction" (byval hWin as HWND,byval uMsg as UINT,byval wParam as WPARAM,byval lParam as LPARAM) as bool EXPORT
	Select Case uMsg
			OutputDebugString("TEST: EditCreated")
			Dim As String tmp
			tmp = "TEST: Edit Ctl hWnd " + hex(wParam, 8)
			Dim As HWND editChildhWnd, editChildhWnd2
			editChildhWnd = FindWindowEx(wParam, 0, @"RAEditChild", 0)
			editChildhWnd2 = FindWindowEx(wParam, editChildhWnd, @"RAEditChild", 0)
			tmp = "TEST: Edit Child 1 Ctl hWnd " + Hex(editChildhWnd, 8)
			tmp = "TEST: Edit Child 2 Ctl hWnd " + Hex(editChildhWnd2, 8)
			lpOldWndProcEdit = SetWindowLong(editChildhWnd2, GWL_WNDPROC, @WndProcEdit)

	end select
	return FALSE
End Function
Thank you for the answer I am going to try in succession
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Joined: Nov 30, 2014 12:37
Location: FRANCE

Re: FbEdit

Post by spartacus13012 »

Greeting of France,

I have use the code which St_W has me deal, and it works perfectly.

Now I have a problem in my code which consists in changing the back color of identical all words has selection.

When I change back color by the message EM_SETCHARFORMAT with a variable of type CHARFORMAT2, the sendmessage return a zero.

Whatever modifs.

Me lack it something?

There at it a thing which I ignore sweats this message

Thank you in advance

My code

Code: Select all

	Type enrselect
		Dim posorigine		As Integer
		Dim posfin			As Integer		
		Dim chaine			As ZString * (1024*10)	'String
		Dim encours			As Integer 
		Dim colbackligne	As COLORREF
		Dim colbackfond	As COLORREF
	End Type

	Dim Shared doubleselecttext			As Integer = FALSE
	Dim Shared memenregselect				As enrselect

	Sub displaySelect(ByVal hWin_ As HWND, _ 
							ByVal match As Integer)	   'TODO: 0000
		Dim poschaine		As Integer
		Dim txtrange 		As TEXTRANGE
		Dim buffer			As ZString * (1024*10)
		'Dim poscarstart	As integer
		'Dim poscarend		As Integer
		'Dim texte		As String
		' charge la chaine a chercher dans editeur 
		poschaine = SendMessage(hWin_, EM_GETSEL, 0, 0)
		memenregselect.posorigine = LoWord(poschaine)
		memenregselect.posfin = HiWord(poschaine)
		txtrange.chrg.cpMin = memenregselect.posorigine
		txtrange.chrg.cpMax = memenregselect.posfin
		txtrange.lpstrText = @buffer
		SendMessage(hWin_, EM_GETTEXTRANGE, 0, Cast(LPARAM, @txtrange))
		memenregselect.chaine = buffer
		'preparer recherche			
		Dim uFlags 			As Integer
		Dim nRet 			As integer
		Dim find 			As FINDTEXTEX
		Dim fmt 			As CHARRANGE
		Dim formatcar		As CHARFORMAT2
		'Dim FindBuffer  	As String * 256
		If match = TRUE Then
			uFlags Or= FR_MATCHCASE
		formatcar.cbSize = sizeof(formatcar)  	'formatcar
		formatcar.dwMask = CFM_BACKCOLOR	
		formatcar.crBackColor = RGB(0, 0, 255)
		find.chrg.cpMin = 0
		find.chrg.cpMax = -1
		find.lpstrText = Strptr(memenregselect.chaine)
		' recherche
			nRet = SendMessage(hWin_, EM_FINDTEXTEX, _ 
										uFlags, Cast(Lparam, @find))
			If nRet = -1 Then Exit Do
			If find.chrgText.cpMin <> memenregselect.posorigine Then
				' selection 
				fmt.cpMin = find.chrgText.cpMin
				fmt.cpMax = find.chrgText.cpMax
				SendMessage(hWin_, EM_SETSEL, fmt.cpMin, fmt.cpMax)
				nRet = SendMessage(hWin_, EM_SETCHARFORMAT, _
								SCF_SELECTION, Cast(LPARAM, @formatcar)) '
				LOC_messageOutput(Str(nRet))'TODO: effacer apres tests
				'Exit do  'TODO: effacer apres tests
			find.chrg.cpMin = find.chrgText.cpMax
			find.chrg.cpMax = -1

		' selectionne le mot d'origine 
		SendMessage(hWin_, EM_SETSEL, _ 
							memenregselect.posorigine, _ 
		' en cours
	End Sub

	Function WndProcEdit(ByVal hWin_ 	As HWND, _ 
						ByVal uMsg_	    As UINT, _
						ByVal wParam_ 	As WPARAM, _ 
						ByVal lParam_ 	As LPARAM) As Integer
		Select Case uMsg_				
				'TODO: 0002 annuler selection si necessaire
				If doubleselecttext = TRUE Then
					If wParam_ = MK_SHIFT Then
						displaySelect(lpHandles->hREd, TRUE)
						displaySelect(lpHandles->hREd, FALSE)
					doubleselecttext = FALSE	 
			'Case WM_KEYUP    
			'	isProcAtCursor(lpHandles->hred)
				doubleselecttext = TRUE
		End Select	   
		Return CallWindowProc(lpOldWndProcEdit, hWin_, uMsg_, wParam_, lParam_)
	End Function
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Re: FbEdit

Post by stephanbrunker »

I'm the one who created the tutorial at freebasic-portal.de. I found this thread because I wanted to know if there's anyone interested in it and it was mentioned. I work with FBEdit version, which is the last one compiled at freebasic-portal.de . If there's actually a need, then I can translate the whole tutorial in an english version if there's no native english speaker who can translate it from german. I've also a couple of additions which I didn't wrote yet, mostly because I don't know if someone would read or need them (Treeview, transparent bitmaps for menu, dynamic menu bar, including a Html Help ...).

For my windows applications, i prefer the combo Freebasic + FBEdit, because the knowledge base on pure C windows programming is quite a big one, and translating C into Freebasic is not so hard. Writing in C ... urggh. Also, since v1.02/1.03 of the freebasic package, the windows headers are way improved.
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Re: FbEdit

Post by spartacus13012 »

stephanbrunker wrote:I'm the one who created the tutorial at freebasic-portal.de. I found this thread because I wanted to know if there's anyone interested in it and it was mentioned. I work with FBEdit version, which is the last one compiled at freebasic-portal.de . If there's actually a need, then I can translate the whole tutorial in an english version if there's no native english speaker who can translate it from german. I've also a couple of additions which I didn't wrote yet, mostly because I don't know if someone would read or need them (Treeview, transparent bitmaps for menu, dynamic menu bar, including a Html Help ...).

For my windows applications, i prefer the combo Freebasic + FBEdit, because the knowledge base on pure C windows programming is quite a big one, and translating C into Freebasic is not so hard. Writing in C ... urggh. Also, since v1.02/1.03 of the freebasic package, the windows headers are way improved.

I do not want to get ahead for the others, I think that a tres good idea would belong. Because translation google, they know all that this gives.

Up to now I went through this tutos by taking some ideas to advance in the knowledge of BFRS. With an English version, for my part, I am really going to be able to advance, by using them entirely.

Good courage for this job.

PS if you know an automatic translator of better quality than google I take.
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Re: FbEdit

Post by chung »

Need help !
its been a while yet my fbedit dont save .undo file any more , how can i have it saved again ?

i am running windows 8.1 64bits
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Re: FbEdit

Post by St_W »

chung wrote:its been a while yet my fbedit dont save .undo file any more , how can i have it saved again ?
First check whether you have the "UndoSave" Addin enabled (Options -> Addins -> "UndoSave.dll" should be checked).
You can check whether it was loaded by looking for the "Clear Undo buffer" entry in the edit menu. It should be there (the name may be a little different).

.undo files are only saved for Projects, as far as I remember. So if you don't use a project you won't have an .undo file.
Another thing you can check is whether FbEdit has all permissions needed to create and write into the .undo file in the project directory. You could use e.g. "ProcessMonitor" to check whether FbEdit tries to create an .undo file and fails or does not even try.
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Re: FbEdit

Post by chung »

i am using fbprojects , but i have no undosave.dll in my addin menu , how can i get it ? on sourceforge there is only the 1068 version
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Re: FbEdit

Post by fxm »

Last edited by fxm on Sep 18, 2015 16:15, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: FbEdit

Post by chung »

thanks, it works now
Posts: 58
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Compiling FbEdit sources...

Post by andykmv »

hi all! i have the fbedit sources and i am trying to compile it but just getting a freebasic editor popup dialogue box with the compile command in it (with my paths to fbc.exe, the bas file, the rc file and the -x target exe path and name. come to think of it, i am trying to compile fbedit from within fbedit.

my reason for wanting to compile fbedit - i am preparing to write an application and fbedit actually has a lot of the elements i want so i thought i might pare it back to the essentials i need, so successful recompile was my first step.

i recently saw some posts in a thread about compiling the 1.0.7xx sources for windows when someone else was trying to compile it and i cant for the life of me find it. can anyone point me in the right direction ?

come to think of it, i am trying to compile fbedit from within fbedit - but the target exe is fbedit-andys.exe so shouldnt clash, unless fbedit.exe is produced in an intermediate step..... ?
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Re: FbEdit

Post by St_W »

I wouldn't recommend starting a project with such a big and complicated application as FBedit as basis - especially as a beginner.
That's why:
- large parts of FBedit are written in assembly language (i.e. most controls including the editor) and the FreeBasic code "just" puts everything together
- there's nearly no documentation you've to jump between assembly and FreeBasic code to understand what code might do
- the code is not structured very nicely
- the code extensively uses Win32 API
- the code does not use modern programming techniques like OOP, but is rather Assembly- or C-style.

Anyway, if you'd still like to build FbEdit I'd suggest taking the following sources (use a svn client to check out):

They contain a "Make.bat" file, which does everything for you. Just make sure that you enter valid paths for all the needed tools in "Make.ini" before. The FreeBasic Composer, MASM and RadASM are needed. Afterwards everything you've to do is double clicking the "Make.bat" (ideally :-) if you've done everything right).
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Re: FbEdit

Post by Cherry »

@andykmv: Maybe you are refering to my posts on page 60?
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Re: FbEdit

Post by andykmv »

@cherry and @St_W, thanks for your replies.
@cherry thanks - i knew i had seen it somewhere! :)
@St_W - many thanks for the tips - i like a challenge, and i'm just starting to get my head around the messaging model of the win api, so a long learning curve for me. doing a successful compile will be a useful learning exercise in itself :)
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Re: FbEdit

Post by andykmv »

@St_W - many thanks - the svn site is asking for uid and pw - is there a standard one or do i need to request an access uid & pw ?
St_W wrote:I wouldn't recommend starting a project with such a big and complicated application as FBedit as basis - especially as a beginner.
That's why:
- large parts of FBedit are written in assembly language (i.e. most controls including the editor) and the FreeBasic code "just" puts everything together
- there's nearly no documentation you've to jump between assembly and FreeBasic code to understand what code might do
- the code is not structured very nicely
- the code extensively uses Win32 API
- the code does not use modern programming techniques like OOP, but is rather Assembly- or C-style.

Anyway, if you'd still like to build FbEdit I'd suggest taking the following sources (use a svn client to check out):

They contain a "Make.bat" file, which does everything for you. Just make sure that you enter valid paths for all the needed tools in "Make.ini" before. The FreeBasic Composer, MASM and RadASM are needed. Afterwards everything you've to do is double clicking the "Make.bat" (ideally :-) if you've done everything right).
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Re: FbEdit

Post by St_W »

andykmv wrote:@St_W - many thanks - the svn site is asking for uid and pw - is there a standard one or do i need to request an access uid & pw ?
I don't think you need any authentication for checkout (only if you wanted to commit changes). Can you access it in a normal web browser?
Just use:

Code: Select all

svn co https://svn.freebasic-portal.de/svn/fbedit/
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