FreeBASIC Screensaver Kit

User contributed sources that have become inactive, deprecated, or generally unusable. But ... we don't really want to throw them away either.
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Post by tinram »

This tweaked SS kit still generates a 'suspicious pointer' error, but otherwise works on my 0.17b.

Hope this can help.

Code: Select all

' tweaked by tinram 6/6/07 to run with FB 0.17b (RETURNs in CASE statements were killing it)
' 0.16 original by jofers

'Option Explicit

#include ""

Type SaverInfo
    Bounds As Rect
    ClassName As String
    EndDialogPtr As INT_PTR
    hInstance As HINSTANCE
    hDC As HDC
    hMemDC As HDC
    hWnd As HWND
    hWndParent As HWND
    IsClosing As BOOL
    IsPreview As BOOL
    Message As MSG
    MouseLocation As POINT
    PaintStruct As PAINTSTRUCT
    ScrWidth As uInteger
    ScrHeight As uInteger
    Style As uInteger
    StyleEx As uInteger
    Timer As Double
    TimerDelay As Double
    WindowClass As WNDCLASS
End Type

Dim Shared SaverInfo As SaverInfo

Declare Sub SetupScreenMode
Declare Sub StartConfigDialog
Declare Sub StartScreenSaver
Declare Sub WindowThread
Declare Function AboutDialogProc(ByVal hWndDlg As HWND, ByVal Message As UINT, ByVal wParam As WPARAM, ByVal lParam As LPARAM) As BOOL
Declare Function ScreenSaverProc(ByVal hWnd As HWND, ByVal Message As UINT, ByVal wParam As WPARAM, ByVal lParam As LPARAM) As LRESULT

'Do Until SaverInfo.IsClosing = TRUE
    'Pset(Rnd * SaverInfo.ScrWidth, Rnd * SaverInfo.Scrheight), Rgb(Rnd * 255, Rnd * 255, Rnd * 255)

Sub StartScreenSaver
    If LCase(Left(Command, 2)) = "/c" Then
    End If 
    If LCase(Left(Command, 2)) = "/p" Then SaverInfo.IsPreview = TRUE

    ThreadCreate @WindowThread
End Sub

' Sets up GFXLib to be compatible with the screen
Sub SetupScreenMode
    Dim hScreenDC As HDC
    SaverInfo.ScrWidth = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN)
    SaverInfo.ScrHeight = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN)
    ScreenRes SaverInfo.ScrWidth, SaverInfo.ScrHeight, 32, 1, -1
    ' This helps Windows convert its BMP format to GFXLib's
    With SaverInfo.Bv4Header
        .bV4Size = Len(BITMAPV4HEADER)
        .bV4Width = SaverInfo.ScrWidth
        .bV4Height = -SaverInfo.ScrHeight
        .bV4Planes = 1
        .bV4BitCount = 32
        .bV4V4Compression = BI_BITFIELDS
        .bV4SizeImage = SaverInfo.ScrWidth * SaverInfo.ScrHeight * 4
        .bV4XPelsPerMeter = 1
        .bV4YPelsPerMeter = 1
        .bV4ClrUsed = 0
        .bV4ClrImportant = 0
        .bV4RedMask = &h0F00
        .bV4GreenMask = &h00F0
        .bV4BlueMask = &h000F
        .bV4AlphaMask = &hF000
    End With
    'Set up memory DC and copy screen to it
    hScreenDC = GetWindowDC(GetDesktopWindow)
    SaverInfo.hMemDC = CreateCompatibleDC(hScreenDC)
    SaverInfo.hMemBM = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hScreenDC, SaverInfo.ScrWidth, SaverInfo.ScrHeight)
    SelectObject SaverInfo.hMemDC, SaverInfo.hMemBM
    BitBlt SaverInfo.hMemDC, 0, 0, SaverInfo.ScrWidth, SaverInfo.ScrHeight, hScreenDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY
    'Copy memory DC (and consequentially, the screen) to ScreenPtr
    GetDIBits SaverInfo.hMemDC, SaverInfo.hMemBM, 0, SaverInfo.ScrHeight, ScreenPtr, CPtr(BitmapInfo Ptr, @SaverInfo.Bv4Header), DIB_RGB_COLORS
End Sub

Sub WindowThread
    With SaverInfo
        .hWndParent = CuInt(Val(Right(Command, Len(Command) - 3)))
        .hInstance = GetModuleHandle(NULL)
        .ClassName = "SCREENSAVERCLASS"
        'Set up window's class
        With .WindowClass
            .hCursor = NULL
            .hIcon = NULL
            .lpszMenuName = NULL
            .lpszClassName = StrPtr(SaverInfo.ClassName)
            .hbrBackground = NULL'GetStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH)
            .hInstance = SaverInfo.hInstance
            .lpfnWndProc = @ScreenSaverProc
            .cbWndExtra = 0
            .cbClsExtra = 0
        End With
    End With

    'Register the window class
    If RegisterClass(@SaverInfo.WindowClass) = 0 Then
        MessageBox 0, "ScreenSaver Failed To Initialize", "Error!", MB_ICONERROR
    End If    
    'Change some settings based on whether or not it's in the preview box
    If SaverInfo.IsPreview = True Then
        SaverInfo.Style = WS_CHILD
        SaverInfo.StyleEx = 0
        GetWindowRect SaverInfo.hWndParent, @SaverInfo.Bounds
        SaverInfo.Style = CuInt(WS_POPUP Or WS_VISIBLE Or WS_MAXIMIZE)
        SaverInfo.StyleEx = WS_EX_TOPMOST
        GetWindowRect GetDesktopWindow, @SaverInfo.Bounds
        SetCursor NULL
    End If
    'Create and show the window
    SaverInfo.hWnd = CreateWindowEx( _
        SaverInfo.StyleEx, _
        StrPtr(SaverInfo.ClassName),  _
        StrPtr("SCREENSAVER"), _
        SaverInfo.Style, _
        0, _
        0, _
        SaverInfo.Bounds.Right, _
        SaverInfo.Bounds.Bottom, _
        SaverInfo.hWndParent, _
        NULL, _
        SaverInfo.hInstance, _
        NULL _
    ShowWindow SaverInfo.hWnd, SW_SHOW
    UpdateWindow SaverInfo.hWnd
    'The infamous message loop
    While GetMessage(@SaverInfo.Message, NULL, 0, 0) = TRUE
        TranslateMessage @SaverInfo.Message
        DispatchMessage @SaverInfo.Message
End Sub

Function ScreenSaverProc(ByVal hWnd As HWND, ByVal Message As UINT, ByVal wParam As WPARAM, ByVal lParam As LPARAM) As LRESULT
    Dim TempMouseLocation As POINT
    Dim Bounds As RECT
    'If the screensaver is not a preview, then close it in the event of a mouse click
    If SaverInfo.IsPreview = FALSE Then
        Select Case Message
            Case WM_LBUTTONDOWN
				PostMessage hWnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0
            Case WM_RBUTTONDOWN
				PostMessage hWnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0
            Case WM_MBUTTONDOWN
				PostMessage hWnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0
            Case WM_KEYDOWN
				PostMessage hWnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0
            Case WM_SYSKEYDOWN
				PostMessage hWnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0
            Case WM_MOUSEMOVE
                'WM_MOUSEMOVE actually happens all the time, so we have to compare
                GetCursorPos @TempMouseLocation
                If (TempMouseLocation.x <> SaverInfo.MouseLocation.x) Or _
                   (TempMouseLocation.y <> SaverInfo.MouseLocation.y) Then
                   PostMessage hWnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0
                End If        
        End Select
    End If
    Select Case Message
    Case WM_CREATE
            'Store the cursor
            GetCursorPos @SaverInfo.MouseLocation
            'Create a ~60hz timer
            SetTimer hWnd, 1, 17, 0
            'Get the proper bounds, according to the screensaver size
            If SaverInfo.IsPreview Then 
                GetWindowRect SaverInfo.hWndParent, @SaverInfo.Bounds
                GetWindowRect GetDesktopWindow, @SaverInfo.Bounds
            End If
        Case WM_DESTROY
            PostQuitMessage 0
            SaverInfo.IsClosing = TRUE
        Case WM_PAINT
            'Copy the GFXLib screen to the actual screen
            SaverInfo.hDC = BeginPaint(hWnd, @SaverInfo.PaintStruct)
            StretchDIBits SaverInfo.hDC, 0, 0, SaverInfo.Bounds.Right - SaverInfo.Bounds.Left, SaverInfo.Bounds.Bottom - SaverInfo.Bounds.Top, 0, 0, SaverInfo.ScrWidth, SaverInfo.ScrHeight, ScreenPtr, CPtr(BitmapInfo Ptr, @SaverInfo.Bv4Header), DIB_RGB_COLORS, SRCCOPY
            EndPaint hWnd, @SaverInfo.PaintStruct
        Case WM_TIMER
            'Force the window to update every timer tick
            InvalidateRect hWnd, NULL, 0
            UpdateWindow hWnd

        Case Else
            'Let windows handle the messages we don't care about
            Return DefWindowProc(hWnd, Message, wParam, lParam)
    End Select
End Function

Sub StartConfigDialog
    'Checks to see if the user included an about dialog
    If FindResource(SaverInfo.hInstance, "FB_SCRNSAVER_ABOUT", RT_DIALOG) Then
        DialogBox(SaverInfo.hInstance, "FB_SCRNSAVER_ABOUT", SaverInfo.hWndParent, @AboutDialogProc)
        MessageBox 0, "No Settings To Display", "Settings", MB_ICONINFORMATION
    End If    
End Sub

Function AboutDialogProc(ByVal hWndDlg As HWND, ByVal Message As UINT, ByVal wParam As WPARAM, ByVal lParam As LPARAM) As BOOL
    'Display some info until the user clicks "OK" or closes the box
    Select Case Message
        Case WM_COMMAND
            Select Case LOWORD(wParam)
                Case IDOK:
                    EndDialog hWndDlg, wParam
                    Return TRUE
            End Select
    End Select
End Function
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Post by porfirio »

Thank you :p

oh and for fix that warning put

.hWndParent = Cast(HWND,CInt(Val(Right(Command, Len(Command) - 3))))
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Post by tinram »

You're welcome.
Thanks for the warning fix.
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Location: Portugal

Post by porfirio »

You know anyway i can cleanup what i drawed, so i get my desktop back

I'll explain....

I want to do a screen saver that displays my shop Logo on top of desktop, floating around with some transformations
I don't want to overdraw obvious so i need to clean-up what i drawed before

I could use a screenshot but, since my wallpaper change, i would like to see it live, also can see what is going on :p
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Post by KristopherWindsor »

One inefficient way to do it is to Bsave the screen before your program draws anything. Then you can Bload the screenshot to an image, and redraw that image. I tried to directly capture the desktop to a Get() buffer, but it didn't work right.

Here is my code, but you need Multiput and a slightly modified version of the Screen Saver code. (I renamed some things in my version, and added Sleep statements.)

Code: Select all

' Test Screensaver! v1.0
' (C) 2007 i-TECH and Kristopher Windsor

#include "FB_ScreenSaverKit.bas"
#include "itech\fromweb\"


Dim As Integer x, y, xv, yv
Dim As Double a, scale
Dim As String filename
Dim As Uinteger Ptr pic = imagecreate(SaverInfo.ScrWidth, SaverInfo.ScrHeight), thescreen = imagecreate(SaverInfo.ScrWidth, SaverInfo.ScrHeight)

Randomize Timer
filename = "desktop " & Date & " " & Rnd & ".bmp"
Bsave filename, 0
Bload filename, pic

x = SaverInfo.ScrWidth / 2
y = SaverInfo.ScrHeight / 2
xv = Int(Rnd * 24) + 10
yv = Int(Rnd * 24) + 10
scale = 1

  If scale > .5 Then
    scale *= .99
    x += xv
    If x < 0 Or x >= SaverInfo.ScrWidth Then xv *= -1
    y += yv
    If y < 0 Or y >= SaverInfo.ScrHeight Then yv *= -1
    a += .1
  End If

  'Line thescreen, (0, 0) - (SaverInfo.ScrWidth, SaverInfo.ScrHeight), &HFF000000, bf
  multiput thescreen, x, y, pic, scale, scale, a

  Put (0, 0), thescreen, alpha, 100
  Sleep 50
Loop Until SaverInfo.IsClosing = TRUE
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Location: Portugal

Post by porfirio »

No problem, i'll do the screen saver in other way, without showing desktop

Thank you any way
Posts: 48
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Location: Lille, France

so excellent code

Post by parakeet »

Thank you very much for this usefull work !
Posts: 154
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Location: Portugal

Post by porfirio »


I created a small SS with

My shop logo

The truth is that i am a newb to fbgfx lol, also i am very bad with colors lol
Dont know if it will look good on all resolutions, mine is 1440*900 an it fits ok here
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Another Screensaver Template

Post by OldPaths »

Hello everyone,

after some time of using FreeBasic, I finally decided to subscribe to this forum. I may not be a frequent guest here since I do not have a lot of time for programming related issues, but I might contribute from time to time.

Before finding this thread, I had already programmed a Windows screensaver in order to teach myself some Windows GUI programming. (Although it is not a pure "Windows" screensaver, since its fullscreen display uses an FB graphics window; but I think this would not be too difficult to change.) I hope the comments are understandable. - Graphics functions can be replaced by any other pattern, so the code can be used as a template for any screensaver. (The configuration dialog, however, is specific to this example which simulates several interferring water waves.)

So here goes the source code...

Code: Select all

'#                                                                     #
'#     WAVES SCREENSAVER FOR WINDOWS                                   #
'#     =============================                                   #
'#                                                                     #
'#  Shows interference patterns of up to 6 different waves.            #
'#  Complete with Preview and Configuration Dialog for customizing     #
'#  waves and color palette.                                           #
'#                                                                     #
'#  Code is organized in such a way that it can be used as a template  #
'#  for other 8-bit paletted screensavers at a fixed screen resolution #
'#  of 640x480.                                                        #
'#                                                                     #
'#  "Mandatory Fixed Functions" are functions which should be copied   #
'#  literally, without change.                                         #
'#                                                                     #
'#  "Mandatory Customizable Functions" are functions which must be     #
'#  present and must accomplish the task specified in each function,   #
'#  but can be customized. Theses are the functions responsible for    #
'#  generating images, and for managing the Configuration Dialog       #
'#  Box.                                                               #
'#                                                                     #
'#  "Auxiliary functions" are additional functions needed by the       #
'#  customizable functions; their presence depends on them.            #
'#                                                                     #
'#  This screensaver does not conform 100% to Windows standards        #
'#  because it does not use the internal Windows Screensaver Library,  #
'#  and because it uses an FB Graphics Window for the fullscreen       #
'#  animation. But it performs the tasks expected from a screensaver,  #
'#  namely Preview, Configuration Dialog, and Fullscreen display.      #
'#                                                                     #
'#  For use as an actual screensaver, compile as a Windows GUI program,#
'#  rename the extension from ".exe" to ".scr" and copy to the Windows #
'#  System Folder.                                                     #
'#                                                                     #
'#  Tested so far under Windows 98 and Windows XP.                     #
'#                                                                     #

'$lang: "fblite"
#Include Once ""
#Include Once ""
'Note: The first time, the compiler was unable to find "".
'      I had to copy it from the "win" subdirectory to the main "inc" directory.

'SCREEN SAVER COMMANDLINE PARAMETERS: (copied from a rather old internet article)

'/s = execute saver full screen.
'/p #### = Preview (#### = handle of parent window in decimal)
' Your saver should create a child window of it, of the same size, and display itself in this child window.
' Under Windows '95, if the Display Properties control panel regains focus at any time, 
'    then the preview window is first destroyed before the current saver is started in preview mode all over again. 
'    If it was your saver that was running as the preview, it should respond to the destruction of its window by terminating.
'    Under NT, this does not happen.
' Also, obviously, when a different saver is selected in the control panel, then the previous one that was running in the little preview monitor will be destroyed. 
'/c = Configuration dialog (execute as child window of current foreground window).
'(Note: under XP, the argument was "/c:XXXXXXXX" !)

'No arguments: Same, but use NULL as parent window.

'DefWindowProc(WM_SYSCOMMAND,SC_SCREENSAVE) executes the saver full screen.

'For fullscreen display: Change Screen Resolution with: ChangeDisplaySettings(). 

'########### Defines from RC File (Dialog Template) #################

#define IDD_DIALOG 1000
#define IDC_STATI 1001
#define IDC_TRACKBAR 1002
#define IDC_COLOR1 1003
#define IDC_RAINBOW 1004
#Define IDC_TRACKBAR2 1005
#define IDC_STATIC2 1006
#define IDC_COLOR2 1007
#define IDC_STC1 1008
#define IDC_CONTRAST 1009
#define IDC_EDIT 1010
#define IDC_STC2 1011
#define IDC_PALETTE 1012
#define IDC_CHK1 1020
#define IDC_CHK6 1025
#define IDC_EDT1 1026
#define IDC_OK 1056
#define IDC_CANCEL 1057

'############  Mandatory type declaration  ###############

'Problem here: I did not manage to accomodate 256 palette entries within the
'  BITMAPINFO type declared in the FB *.bi files.
'  Therefore I created my own type and called it BITMAPINFO8.
	bmiColors(255) As UInteger
End Type

'###########  Custom types and initialization, only for this example  ##############

Type waveparams Field=1
	x As Integer
	y As Integer
	flag As Integer
	amplitude As Double
	wavelength As Double
	speed As Double
End Type

Type PaletteData Field=1     'use CLOCK INDEX for color1,2 !
	color1 As Integer
	color2 As Integer
	contrast As Short          '"Short" because of Updown Control... !
End Type

Dim Shared As waveparams Wave(5) => { (50, 50, 1, 20, 20, 3),_
																			(300, 170, 1, 20, 17, 3.5),_
																			(1300, 240, 0, 20, 100, 1),_
																			(320, -200, 0, 20, 33, 6),_
																			(-500, 240, 0, 20, 7.3, 2.1),_
																			(320, 5000, 0, 20, 461, 9.7) }
Dim Shared As PaletteData Paldata = (&H23000, &H43000, 64)

Dim Shared As Double sinetable (1023)

Const pi2 As Double = 6.28318530717958647      'pi+pi

'############ Mandatory Fixed Functions  ################

Declare Function Fullscreen()
Declare Function Preview (hParent)
Declare Function Config(hParent)

Declare Function WinMain (ByVal hInst As HINSTANCE, ByVal hPrevInst As HINSTANCE, lpCmdLine As String, ByVal nCmdShow) AS Integer 
Declare Function WndProc (ByVal hWnd, ByVal uMsg, ByVal wParam, byval lParam) As Integer

'############# Mandatory Customizable Functions ####################

Declare Function InitFullImage ()
Declare Function UpdateFullImage ()
Declare Function InitPreviewImage ()
Declare Function UpdatePreviewImage ()

Declare Function DlgProc (byval hWnd, byval uMsg, byval wParam, ByVal lParam) As Integer

Declare Function ReadConfig()
Declare Function WriteConfig()

'############## Auxiliary Functions ####################

Declare Function MakeRainbowImage (hdc, clock1, clock2, contrast)
Declare Function MakeSolidImage (hdc, clr)
Declare Function ShowLastError (title$)

Declare Function ColorToClockIndex (clr)
Declare Function ClockIndexToColor (ByVal clock)
Declare Function MakeColor (hue, brightness)
Declare Function MakeGeneralRainbowPalette (clock1, clock2, contrast, pal())

'################  FIXED CODE STARTS HERE (can be copied as is)  ############

Dim Shared hInstance, hwndDlg, counter
Dim Shared hdc, hdcWin, hDIB, pixdata
Dim Shared As RECT winRect
Dim Shared As BITMAPINFO8  BMPinfo
Dim Shared As Any Ptr FBImage

hInstance = GetModuleHandle(0)

Select Case Left$(Command$(1), 2)
	Case "/s"           'Normal (Fullscreen)
	Case "/p"           'Preview (Little window)
	Case "/c"           'Config Dialog
	Case Else
End Select


Function Fullscreen()
'Here we use an FB Graphics Window, so no Win API functions for graphics.

	ScreenRes 640,480,8,,1
	SetMouse 320,240,0

	res = SystemParametersInfo (SPI_SETSCREENSAVEACTIVE, TRUE, 0, 0)
	FBImage = ImageCreate (640, 480)
	InitFullImage ()     'Must define palette in BMPInfo.
	For i = 0 To 255
		clr = BMPinfo.bmiColors(i)
		Palette i, (clr Shr 16), ((clr Shr 8) And 255), clr And 255 

	Do           'yes: this exits instead of allowing scrsaver to be "restored".
		Put (0,0), FBImage, PSet
		For i = 1 To 127
			If MultiKey(i) Then Exit Do
			'We cannot use SLEEP nor INKEY:
			'   Alt+Enter would restore our fullscreen window instead of exiting, etc.!
		GetMouse (x,y)
		If (x < 318) Or (x > 322) Or (y < 238) Or (y > 242) Then Exit Do
		Sleep 15 
	While InKey$<>"": Wend    'Empty keyboard buffer
	SystemParametersInfo (SPI_SETSCREENSAVEACTIVE, FALSE, 0, 0)
End Function

Function Preview (hParent)

  DIM wc AS WNDCLASSEX, message AS MSG, hwnd AS HWND
		res = GetClientRect (hParent, @winRect)
		w = winRect.right-winRect.left+1
		h =

    className$ = "previewWindow"
    wc.lpfnWndProc = @WndProc
    wc.cbClsExtra = 0
    wc.cbWndExtra = 0
    wc.hInstance = hInstance
    wc.hbrBackground = COLOR_WINDOW+1 
    wc.lpszMenuName = 0
    wc.lpszClassName = STRPTR(className$)
    wc.hIcon = LoadIcon (0, IDI_APPLICATION)
    wc.hIconSm = wc.hIcon
    wc.hCursor = LoadCursor (0, IDC_ARROW)

    e = RegisterClassEx (VARPTR(wc))
    hwnd = CreateWindowEx (NULL,_
                WS_CHILD Or WS_VISIBLE,_
    ShowWindow (hwnd, SW_SHOWDEFAULT)
    UpdateWindow (hwnd)

	BMPw = (w+3) And -4 
	BMPinfo.bmiHeader.biSize = 40     'struct size
	BMPinfo.bmiHeader.biWidth = w
	BMPinfo.bmiHeader.biHeight = h
	BMPinfo.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1
	BMPinfo.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 8 
	BMPinfo.bmiHeader.biSizeImage = BMPw * h 
	InitPreviewImage ()
''''	hdc = CreateCompatibleDC(0)
'  Creates a memory DC compatible with the application's current screen. 

'All the following handles, and ptr "pixdata", are SHARED.)
					hdcWin = GetDC (hwnd)
					hdc = CreateCompatibleDC(hdcWin)
					hDIB = CreateDIBSection (hdc, @BMPinfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS, @pixdata, 0, 0)
					GDIFlush ()

    msgPtr = VARPTR(message)
'			InvalidateRect (hWnd, 0, TRUE)    'param.2 = @winRect resp. 0 for entire client area.
    	UpdateWindow (hwnd)   'this was OK now (the line above not; all was white...)
			Sleep 63
			If PeekMessage (msgPtr, hWnd, 0, &H7FFFFFFF, PM_NOREMOVE) Then  'PM_REMOVE did not work...
      	If GetMessage (msgPtr, NULL, 0, 0) = 0 THEN EXIT DO
      	TranslateMessage (msgPtr)
      	DispatchMessage (msgPtr)
			End If


		DeleteDC (hdc)	
		DeleteObject (hDIB)
		ReleaseDC (hWnd, hdcWin)
    Function = message.wParam    'Return exit code.

End Function

Function Config(hParent)
  Dim message AS MSG
	InitCommonControls()  '!!!

	hwndDlg = CreateDialogParam (hInstance, IDD_DIALOG, hParent, @DlgProc, 0)

    msgPtr = VARPTR(message)
      IF GetMessage (msgPtr, NULL, 0, 0) = 0 THEN EXIT DO
      IF IsDialogMessage (hwndDlg, msgPtr) THEN GOTO again
      TranslateMessage (msgPtr)
      DispatchMessage (msgPtr)
    Loop Until hwndDlg = 0      '!!! (DlgProc must notify us by means of a SHARED var. that it has been closed!) 
    RETURN message.wParam

	'following is for Dlg as Main Window...
'	END DialogBoxParam (hInstance, IDD_DIALOG, 0, @DlgProc, 0)

End Function

FUNCTION WndProc (byval hWnd, byval uMsg, byval wParam, byval lParam) As Integer

   	Case WM_PAINT
'					hdcWin = GetDC (hwnd)
'					hdc = CreateCompatibleDC(hdcWin)
'					hDIB = CreateDIBSection (hdc, @BMPinfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS, @pixdata, 0, 0)
'					GDIFlush ()
'Not necessary. We can work all the time with the same SHARED DCs and handles.


			dummy = SelectObject (hdc, hDIB)
			GDIFlush ()
'Following line uses the SHARED winRect coords, instead of retrieving them every time anew.
			BitBlt (hdcWin, winRect.left,, winRect.right, winRect.bottom, hdc, 0,0, SRCCOPY)

'			ReleaseDC (hwnd, hdcWin)
'			DeleteDC (hdc)	
'			DeleteObject (hDIB)
     PostQuitMessage (0)
     Function = DefWindowProc(hWnd,uMsg,wParam,lParam): Exit Function

'################           FIXED CODE ENDS HERE                 ############

'######### Following functions must be present, but can be customized. ######

Function InitFullImage ()
	'This function MUST define palette in BMPInfo.bmiColors().
	MakeGeneralRainbowPalette (Paldata.color1, Paldata.color2, Cast(Integer, Paldata.contrast), BMPinfo.bmiColors())
	'For sine values: use a lookup table to increase speed.
	For i = 0 To 1023
		sinetable(i) = Sin(i*pi2/1024)
End Function

Function UpdateFullImage ()
	'This function must update the image in FBImage,
	'  and the SHARED var. "counter".

	Dim As UByte Ptr ptr1
	Dim factor#(5)

	For i = 0 To 5
		factor#(i) = 1024/Wave(i).wavelength

	ImageInfo (FBImage, w,h, bypp, pitch, pixdata)
	ptr1 = pixdata

	'Set blocks of 4 pixels to the same color; else it is too slow.
	For y = 0 To 239
		For x = 0 To 319
	    waveH# = 128
			For i = 0 To 5
				If Wave(i).flag Then
					dx = wave(i).x-x: dy = wave(i).y-y
					dist# = Sqr(dx*dx+dy*dy)
					index = Cast(Integer, (dist#-counter*wave(i).speed)*factor#(i)) And 1023
					'Here we use the sine table initialized in InitFullImage.
					waveH# += wave(i).amplitude * sinetable(index)
				End If
			clr = Int(waveH#)
			If clr < 0 Then clr=0
			If clr > 255 Then clr=255
			*ptr1 = clr
			ptr1 +=640
			*ptr1 = clr
			ptr1 += 1
			*ptr1 = clr
			ptr1 -= 640
			*ptr1 = clr
			ptr1 += 1
		ptr1 += 640
	counter += 1
End Function

Function InitPreviewImage ()
	'This function MUST define palette in BMPInfo.bmiColors().
	MakeGeneralRainbowPalette (Paldata.color1, Paldata.color2, Cast(Integer, Paldata.contrast), BMPinfo.bmiColors())
	For i = 0 To 1023
		sinetable(i) = Sin(i*pi2/1024)
End Function

Function UpdatePreviewImage ()
	'This function must update the image at (SHARED) pixPtr
	'  with the dimensions specified in BMPinfo.bmiHeader.
	'  It must also update the SHARED var. "counter".

	Dim ptr1 As UByte Ptr
	Dim factor#(5)

	For i = 0 To 5
'		factor#(i) = pi2/Wave(i).wavelength     'no, we use a circle divided in 1024 "degrees".
		factor#(i) = 1024/Wave(i).wavelength
	ptr1 = pixdata
	w = BMPinfo.bmiHeader.biWidth
	pad = (-w) And 3 

	scale =  320/w

	yy = 240
	For y = 0 To BMPinfo.bmiHeader.biHeight-1
		xx = 0
		For x = 0 To w-1
	    waveH# = 128
			For i = 0 To 5
				If Wave(i).flag Then
					dx = wave(i).x-xx: dy = wave(i).y-yy
					dist# = Sqr(dx*dx+dy*dy)
'					waveH# += wave(i).amplitude * Sin((dist#-counter*wave(i).speed)*factor#(i))
         'line above is old code; now we use a lookup table for sine values.
					index = Cast(Integer, (dist#-counter*wave(i).speed)*factor#(i)) And 1023
					waveH# += wave(i).amplitude * sinetable(index)
				End If
			clr = Int(waveH#)
			If clr < 0 Then clr=0
			If clr > 255 Then clr=255
			*ptr1 = clr
			ptr1 += 1
			xx += scale
		ptr1 += pad
		yy -= scale
	counter += 1
End Function

Function DlgProc (byval hWnd, byval uMsg, byval wParam, byval lParam) AS Integer
	'This function must respond to the messages from the Configuration Dialog.
	STATIC hwndEdit, hwndButton, hTrackbar1, hTrackbar2, hColor1, hColor2, hPalette
	Dim myRect As RECT
	Dim contrast As Short  '!! from an Updown control: -1 = (0000)FFFF ! 


'     SetFocus (GetDlgItem(hWnd, IDC_CONTRAST))
			mini = 0: maxi = &H5FF
			SendDlgItemMessage (hWnd, IDC_TRACKBAR, TBM_SETRANGE, TRUE, mini + (maxi Shl 16))
			SendDlgItemMessage (hWnd, IDC_TRACKBAR2, TBM_SETRANGE, TRUE, mini + (maxi Shl 16))
     hTrackbar1 = GetDlgItem(hWnd, IDC_TRACKBAR) 
     hTrackbar2 = GetDlgItem(hWnd, IDC_TRACKBAR2)
     hColor1 = GetDlgItem(hWnd, IDC_COLOR1)
     hColor2 = GetDlgItem(hWnd, IDC_COLOR2)
     hPalette = GetDlgItem(hWnd, IDC_PALETTE)
     hEdit = GetDlgItem(hWnd, IDC_EDIT)
     SendDlgItemMessage (hWnd, IDC_CONTRAST, UDM_SETBUDDY, hEdit, 0)
     SendDlgItemMessage (hWnd, IDC_CONTRAST, UDM_SETRANGE, 0, &HFF81007F)  'here is MINIMUM the MSW!
			'! Can NOT set images here...!
			' (anyway OWNERDRAW style is better.)
			pos1 = Paldata.color1 Shr 8
			pos2 = Paldata.color2 Shr 8
			SendDlgItemMessage (hWnd, IDC_TRACKBAR, TBM_SETPOS, TRUE, pos1)
			SendDlgItemMessage (hWnd, IDC_TRACKBAR2, TBM_SETPOS, TRUE, pos2)
			SendDlgItemMessage (hWnd, IDC_CONTRAST, UDM_SETPOS, 0, Paldata.contrast And &HFFFF)
			id = IDC_EDT1
			For i = 0 To 5
				SetDlgItemText (hWnd, id, Str$(Wave(i).x))
				SetDlgItemText (hWnd, id+1, Str$(Wave(i).y))
				SetDlgItemText (hWnd, id+2, Str$(Wave(i).wavelength))
				SetDlgItemText (hWnd, id+3, Str$(Wave(i).amplitude))
				SetDlgItemText (hWnd, id+4, Str$(Wave(i).speed * 10))  '?? factor??
				If Wave(i).flag Then 
					SendDlgItemMessage (hWnd, IDC_CHK1+i, BM_SETCHECK, BST_CHECKED, 0)
					For k = 0 To 4
						SendDlgItemMessage (hWnd, id+k, EM_SETREADONLY, TRUE, 0)
				id += 5
   	Case WM_CLOSE
      EndDialog (hWnd, 0)
      hwndDlg = 0           '! signal to Main that we are finished!

   	Case WM_DRAWITEM        'for owner-drawn controls
	    clock1 = SendDlgItemMessage (hWnd, IDC_TRACKBAR, TBM_GETPOS, 0,0)
	    clock2 = SendDlgItemMessage (hWnd, IDC_TRACKBAR2, TBM_GETPOS, 0,0)
			drPtr = lParam
			hdcWin = drPtr -> hDC
			myRect = drPtr -> rcItem
			w = myRect.right-myRect.left+1
			h =
			hdc = CreateCompatibleDC(hdcWin)
   		Select Case wParam    'ctrl id
   			Case IDC_RAINBOW
					hImg = MakeRainbowImage (hdc, 0, &H5FFFF, 0)
					imgW = 256: imgH = 20
   			Case IDC_COLOR1
					hImg = MakeSolidImage (hdc, ClockIndexToColor(clock1 Shl 8))
					imgW = 8: imgH = 8
   			Case IDC_COLOR2
					hImg = MakeSolidImage (hdc, ClockIndexToColor(clock2 Shl 8))
					imgW = 8: imgH = 8
   			Case IDC_PALETTE
   				contrast = SendDlgItemMessage (hWnd, IDC_CONTRAST, UDM_GETPOS, 0,0)
					hImg = MakeRainbowImage (hdc, clock1 Shl 8, clock2 Shl 8, Cast(Integer, contrast))
					imgW = 256: imgH = 20
   		End Select
	 		dummy = SelectObject (hdc, hImg)
			GDIFlush ()
			StretchBlt (hdcWin, myRect.left,, w,h, hdc, 0,0, imgW, imgH, SRCCOPY)
				'before-last 4 params are x,y,w,h of SOURCE rectangle.
			DeleteDC (hdc)	
			DeleteObject (hImg)
''NOT!!					ReleaseDC (hwnd, hdcWin)
     IF lParam=0 Then     				 'Menu Item selected; does not apply in this program
'       	CASE IDM_TEXT
'	        	buffer$ = SPACE$(512)
' 	        GetDlgItemText (hWnd, IDC_EDITAR, buffer$, LEN(buffer$))
'   	      MessageBox (0, buffer$, "Config", MB_OK)
'     	    SetDlgItemText (hWnd, IDC_EDITAR, NULL)
'       	CASE IDM_EXIT
'      	   EndDialog (hWnd, 0)
'	      	 hwndDlg = 0           '! signal to Main that we are finished!
'       END SELECT
     ELSE														'Msg from a Dialog Control
       SELECT CASE (wParam SHR 16)
          SELECT CASE (wParam AND &HFFFF)
          	Case IDC_CHK1 To IDC_CHK6
          		btn = (wParam AND &HFFFF)
          		check = SendDlgItemMessage (hWnd, btn, BM_GETCHECK, 0,0)
          		If check = BST_CHECKED Then flag = FALSE Else flag = TRUE
          		btn -= IDC_CHK1
          		idEdit = IDC_EDT1 + 5*btn
          		For i = 0 To 4
          			SendDlgItemMessage (hWnd, idEdit+i, EM_SETREADONLY, flag, 0)
							Next i
          	CASE IDC_OK
					    Paldata.color1 = SendDlgItemMessage (hWnd, IDC_TRACKBAR, TBM_GETPOS, 0,0) Shl 8
	    				Paldata.color2 = SendDlgItemMessage (hWnd, IDC_TRACKBAR2, TBM_GETPOS, 0,0) Shl 8
		   				Paldata.contrast = SendDlgItemMessage (hWnd, IDC_CONTRAST, UDM_GETPOS, 0,0)
							id = IDC_EDT1
							For i = 0 To 5
								buffer$ = SPACE$(32)
								GetDlgItemText (hWnd, id, buffer$, LEN(buffer$))
								Wave(i).x = Val(buffer$)
								GetDlgItemText (hWnd, id+1, buffer$, LEN(buffer$))
								Wave(i).y = Val(buffer$)
								GetDlgItemText (hWnd, id+2, buffer$, LEN(buffer$))
								Wave(i).wavelength = Val(buffer$)
								GetDlgItemText (hWnd, id+3, buffer$, LEN(buffer$))
								Wave(i).amplitude = Val(buffer$)
								GetDlgItemText (hWnd, id+4, buffer$, LEN(buffer$))
								Wave(i).speed = Val(buffer$)/10          '? factor ??
								id += 5
								check = SendDlgItemMessage (hWnd, IDC_CHK1+i, BM_GETCHECK, 0,0)
								Select Case check
									Case BST_CHECKED
										Wave(i).flag = 1
									Case Else
										Wave(i).flag = 0
								End Select
              EndDialog (hWnd, 0)
				      hwndDlg = 0           '! signal to Main that we are finished!

          	Case IDC_CANCEL
              EndDialog (hWnd, 0)
				      hwndDlg = 0           '! signal to Main that we are finished!

          END SELECT
     END IF

   CASE WM_HSCROLL    'from Trackbar!!  lParam = handle of scrollbar/trackbar.
		Select Case lParam
			Case hTrackbar1
				InvalidateRect (hColor1, 0, FALSE)
			Case hTrackbar2
				InvalidateRect (hColor2, 0, FALSE)
		End Select
		InvalidateRect (hPalette, 0, FALSE)
   	Case WM_VSCROLL   'from Updown-Control
			InvalidateRect (hPalette, 0, FALSE)

END Function

'#########  Functions to store and retrieve configuration data to/from Registry.
'Are used in the Configuration Dialog, and in InitFullImage(), InitPreviewImage().
'If your screensaver does not store configuration data,
'  these functions are not needed.

Function ReadConfig()
	res = RegCreateKeyEx (HKEY_CURRENT_USER, @"Software", 0, @"dummyClass", 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, 0, @hSoftware, @action)
		'this OPENS the key if already exists; check "action" retval for the difference.
	If res Then 
		ShowLastError ("ReadConfig 1")
	res2 = RegCreateKeyEx (hSoftware, @"WavesScrsaver", 0, @"dummyClass", 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, 0, @hMyKey, @action)
	If (res Or res2) Then   '0, 6 !! ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE
		ShowLastError ("ReadConfig 2")
		Exit Function
	If action = REG_CREATED_NEW_KEY	Then
		'Config Data should be the same as initialized...
		RegSetValueEx (hMyKey, @"Waves", 0, REG_BINARY, @Wave(0), 6*Len(waveparams))
		RegSetValueEx (hMyKey, @"Palette", 0, REG_BINARY, @Paldata, Len(Paldata))
	Else             'Key exists already
		wSize = 6*Len(waveparams)
		pSize = Len(Paldata)
		RegQueryValueEx (hMyKey, @"Waves", 0, 0, @Wave(0), @wSize)
		RegQueryValueEx (hMyKey, @"Palette", 0, 0, @Paldata, @pSize)
	RegCloseKey (hMyKey)
	RegCloseKey (hSoftware)
End Function

Function WriteConfig()
	res = RegCreateKeyEx (HKEY_CURRENT_USER, @"Software", 0, @"dummyClass", 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, 0, @hSoftware, @action)
		'this OPENS the key if already exists; check "action" retval for the difference.
	If res Then ShowLastError ("WriteConfig 1")
	res2 = RegCreateKeyEx (hSoftware, @"WavesScrsaver", 0, @"dummyClass", 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, 0, @hMyKey, @action)
	If (res Or res2) Then
		ShowLastError ("WriteConfig 2")
		Exit Function
	RegSetValueEx (hMyKey, @"Waves", 0, REG_BINARY, @Wave(0), 6*Len(waveparams))
	RegSetValueEx (hMyKey, @"Palette", 0, REG_BINARY, @Paldata, Len(Paldata))
	RegCloseKey (hMyKey)
	RegCloseKey (hSoftware)
End Function

'###########     END OF MANDATORY CUSTOMIZABLE FUNCTIONS     ###############

'########  Following functions are auxiliary functions for the present example.

Function MakeRainbowImage (hdc, clock1, clock2, contrast)
'Used for generating the rainbow colors on Dialog Control

	Dim pixPtr As UByte Ptr

	BMPinfo.bmiHeader.biSize = 40     'struct size
	BMPinfo.bmiHeader.biWidth = 256
	BMPinfo.bmiHeader.biHeight = 20
	BMPinfo.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1
	BMPinfo.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 8 
	BMPinfo.bmiHeader.biSizeImage = 256*20 
	MakeGeneralRainbowPalette (clock1, clock2, contrast, BMPinfo.bmiColors())

	hDIB = CreateDIBSection (hdc, @BMPinfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS, @newPixdata, 0, 0)
	GDIFlush ()

	pixPtr = newPixdata
	For y = 0 To 19
		For x = 0 To 255
			*pixPtr = x
			pixPtr += 1
	Function = hDIB
End Function

Function MakeSolidImage (hdc, clr)
'Used for generating the Color Samples in the Configuration Dialog.

	Dim pixPtr As UByte Ptr

	BMPinfo.bmiHeader.biSize = 40     'struct size
	BMPinfo.bmiHeader.biWidth = 8
	BMPinfo.bmiHeader.biHeight = 8
	BMPinfo.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1
	BMPinfo.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 8 
	BMPinfo.bmiHeader.biSizeImage = 8*8 
	BMPinfo.bmiColors(0) = clr

	hDIB = CreateDIBSection (hdc, @BMPinfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS, @newPixdata, 0, 0)
	GDIFlush ()

'Following is not necessary in newer versions of Windows,
'   because DIBSection is initialized to all zeroes;  but in Win 98 NOT!

	pixPtr = newPixdata
	For i = 0 To 63
			*pixPtr = 0
			pixPtr += 1

	Function = hDIB
End Function

Function ShowLastError (title$)
			erro = GetLastError()
			buffer$ = String$(256,32) 
			FormatMessage (FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, 0, erro, 0, buffer$, Len(buffer$), 0)
			MessageBox (0, buffer$, title$, MB_OK)
End Function

Function ColorToClockIndex (clr)
	'returns a "clock number" where Byte 0 = 0, Byte 1 = Step value; 
	'Byte 3: red=0, orange=1 yellow=2, green=3, blue=4, violet=5
	'Assumes clr is a "pure hue" (one clr component is 0).
	If (clr And &HFF00FF) = &HFF0000 Then
		Function = (clr And &H0FF00) Shl 1: Exit Function
	ElseIf (clr And &H0FFFF) = &H0FF00 Then
		Function = &H2FF00 - ((clr And &HFF0000) Shr 8): Exit Function
	ElseIf (clr And &HFF0000) = 0 Then
		Function = &H30000 + ((clr And 255) Shl 8): Exit Function
	ElseIf (clr And &H0FFFF) = &H00FF Then
		Function = &H40000 + ((clr And &HFF0000) Shr 8): Exit Function
	ElseIf (clr And &HFFFF00) = &HFF0000 Then
		Function = &H5FF00 - ((clr And 255) Shl 8): Exit Function
		Function = -1         'signal error, no pure hue.
End Function

Function ClockIndexToColor (ByVal clock)
	If clock >= &H60000 Then clock -= &H60000
	B = clock And &HFF00
	Select Case clock
		Case Is < 0
		Case Is < &H20000
			Function = &HFF0000 + ((clock shr 1) And &H0FF00)
		Case Is < &H30000
			Function = &HFFFF00 - (B Shl 8)
		Case Is < &H40000
			Function = &H00FF00 + (B Shr 8) - B
		Case Is < &H50000
			Function = &H0000FF + (B Shl 8)
		Case Is < &H60000
			Function = &HFF00FF - (B Shr 8)
	End Select
End Function

Function MakeGeneralRainbowPalette (clock1, clock2, contrast, pal())
	'Contrast: from -127 (bright to dark) to 127 (dark to bright).
	'Pal. turns always red-yellow-blue-red.
	bright = (128-contrast) Shl 8
	brightStep = contrast+contrast
	If clock2 < clock1 Then clock2 += &H60000
	hueStep = (clock2-clock1) Shr 8
	clock = clock1
	pal(0) = MakeColor (ClockIndexToColor(clock), bright Shr 8)
	For i = 1 To 255
		clock += hueStep
		bright += brightStep
		pal(i) = MakeColor (ClockIndexToColor(clock), bright Shr 8)
End Function

Function MakeColor (hue, brightness)
	If brightness <= 0 Then Exit Function     'return directly 0
	If brightness >= 255 Then Function = &HFFFFFF: Exit Function 
	red = hue Shr 16
	green = (hue Shr 8) And 255
	blue = hue And 255

	sum = red + green + blue
	newSum = brightness + brightness + brightness
	If newSum = sum Then Function = hue: Exit Function
	If newSum < sum Then
		red = red*newSum/sum
		blue = blue*newSum/sum
		green = green*newSum/sum
		factor# = (765-newSum)/(765-sum)
		red = 255 - (255-red)*factor#
		blue = 255 - (255-blue)*factor#
		green = 255 - (255-green)*factor#
	Function = (red Shl 16) Or (green Shl 8) Or blue
End Function
.. and here the RC file:

Code: Select all

#define IDD_DIALOG 1000
#define IDC_STATI 1001
#define IDC_TRACKBAR 1002
#define IDC_COLOR1 1003
#define IDC_RAINBOW 1004
#define IDC_TRACKBAR2 1005
#define IDC_STATIC2 1006
#define IDC_COLOR2 1007
#define IDC_STC1 1008
#define IDC_CONTRAST 1009
#define IDC_EDIT 1010
#define IDC_STC2 1011
#define IDC_PALETTE 1012
#define IDC_STC3 1013
#define IDC_STC4 1014
#define IDC_STC5 1015
#define IDC_STC6 1016
#define IDC_STC7 1017
#define IDC_STC8 1018
#define IDC_STC9 1019
#define IDC_CHK1 1020
#define IDC_CHK2 1021
#define IDC_CHK3 1022
#define IDC_CHK4 1023
#define IDC_CHK5 1024
#define IDC_CHK6 1025
#define IDC_EDT1 1026
#define IDC_EDT2 1027
#define IDC_EDT3 1028
#define IDC_EDT4 1029
#define IDC_EDT5 1030
#define IDC_EDT6 1031
#define IDC_EDT7 1032
#define IDC_EDT8 1033
#define IDC_EDT9 1034
#define IDC_EDT10 1035
#define IDC_EDT11 1036
#define IDC_EDT12 1037
#define IDC_EDT13 1038
#define IDC_EDT14 1039
#define IDC_EDT15 1040
#define IDC_EDT16 1041
#define IDC_EDT17 1042
#define IDC_EDT18 1043
#define IDC_EDT19 1044
#define IDC_EDT20 1045
#define IDC_EDT21 1046
#define IDC_EDT22 1047
#define IDC_EDT23 1048
#define IDC_EDT24 1049
#define IDC_EDT25 1050
#define IDC_EDT26 1051
#define IDC_EDT27 1052
#define IDC_EDT28 1053
#define IDC_EDT29 1054
#define IDC_EDT30 1055
#define IDC_OK 1056
#define IDC_CANCEL 1057

CAPTION "Configuration"
FONT 8,"MS Sans Serif",0,0,0
STYLE 0x10CF0000
  CONTROL "Initial color:",IDC_STATI,"Static",0x50000201,0,0,216,12
  CONTROL "",IDC_TRACKBAR,"msctls_trackbar32",0x50000000,0,12,220,20
  CONTROL "0",IDC_COLOR1,"Static",0x5000000D,220,8,28,16
  CONTROL "",IDC_RAINBOW,"Static",0x5000000D,4,36,208,12
  CONTROL "",IDC_TRACKBAR2,"msctls_trackbar32",0x50000004,0,64,220,24
  CONTROL "Final color:",IDC_STATIC2,"Static",0x50000201,0,48,220,16
  CONTROL "IDC_STC",IDC_COLOR2,"Static",0x5000000D,220,48,28,16
  CONTROL "Contrast:",IDC_STC1,"Static",0x50000201,220,64,36,12
  CONTROL "",IDC_CONTRAST,"msctls_updown32",0x50000022,220,76,12,16
  CONTROL "",IDC_EDIT,"Edit",0x50010000,232,76,24,16,0x00000200
  CONTROL "Palette:",IDC_STC2,"Static",0x50000202,0,96,32,16
  CONTROL "IDC_STC",IDC_PALETTE,"Static",0x5000000D,36,96,220,16
  CONTROL "Wave parameters:",IDC_STC3,"Static",0x50000001,0,124,256,12
  CONTROL "Activated:",IDC_STC4,"Static",0x50000201,0,140,40,12
  CONTROL "x",IDC_STC5,"Static",0x50000201,40,140,40,16
  CONTROL "y",IDC_STC6,"Static",0x50000201,80,140,40,16
  CONTROL "Wavelength",IDC_STC7,"Static",0x50000201,120,140,40,16
  CONTROL "Amplitude",IDC_STC8,"Static",0x50000201,160,140,40,16
  CONTROL "Speed",IDC_STC9,"Static",0x50000201,200,140,40,16
  CONTROL "1",IDC_CHK1,"Button",0x50010003,12,156,24,12
  CONTROL "2",IDC_CHK2,"Button",0x50010003,12,168,24,12
  CONTROL "3",IDC_CHK3,"Button",0x50010003,12,180,24,12
  CONTROL "4",IDC_CHK4,"Button",0x50010003,12,192,24,12
  CONTROL "5",IDC_CHK5,"Button",0x50010003,12,204,24,12
  CONTROL "6",IDC_CHK6,"Button",0x50010003,12,216,24,12
  CONTROL "",IDC_EDT1,"Edit",0x50010000,40,156,40,12,0x00000200
  CONTROL "",IDC_EDT2,"Edit",0x50010000,80,156,40,12,0x00000200
  CONTROL "",IDC_EDT3,"Edit",0x50010000,120,156,40,12,0x00000200
  CONTROL "",IDC_EDT4,"Edit",0x50010000,160,156,40,12,0x00000200
  CONTROL "",IDC_EDT5,"Edit",0x50010000,200,156,40,12,0x00000200
  CONTROL "",IDC_EDT6,"Edit",0x50010000,40,168,40,12,0x00000200
  CONTROL "",IDC_EDT7,"Edit",0x50010000,80,168,40,12,0x00000200
  CONTROL "",IDC_EDT8,"Edit",0x50010000,120,168,40,12,0x00000200
  CONTROL "",IDC_EDT9,"Edit",0x50010000,160,168,40,12,0x00000200
  CONTROL "",IDC_EDT10,"Edit",0x50010000,200,168,40,12,0x00000200
  CONTROL "",IDC_EDT11,"Edit",0x50010000,40,180,40,12,0x00000200
  CONTROL "",IDC_EDT12,"Edit",0x50010000,80,180,40,12,0x00000200
  CONTROL "",IDC_EDT13,"Edit",0x50010000,120,180,40,12,0x00000200
  CONTROL "",IDC_EDT14,"Edit",0x50010000,160,180,40,12,0x00000200
  CONTROL "",IDC_EDT15,"Edit",0x50010000,200,180,40,12,0x00000200
  CONTROL "",IDC_EDT16,"Edit",0x50010000,40,192,40,12,0x00000200
  CONTROL "",IDC_EDT17,"Edit",0x50010000,80,192,40,12,0x00000200
  CONTROL "",IDC_EDT18,"Edit",0x50010000,120,192,40,12,0x00000200
  CONTROL "",IDC_EDT19,"Edit",0x50010000,160,192,40,12,0x00000200
  CONTROL "",IDC_EDT20,"Edit",0x50010000,200,192,40,12,0x00000200
  CONTROL "",IDC_EDT21,"Edit",0x50010000,40,204,40,12,0x00000200
  CONTROL "",IDC_EDT22,"Edit",0x50010000,80,204,40,12,0x00000200
  CONTROL "",IDC_EDT23,"Edit",0x50010000,120,204,40,12,0x00000200
  CONTROL "",IDC_EDT24,"Edit",0x50010000,160,204,40,12,0x00000200
  CONTROL "",IDC_EDT25,"Edit",0x50010000,200,204,40,12,0x00000200
  CONTROL "",IDC_EDT26,"Edit",0x50010000,40,216,40,12,0x00000200
  CONTROL "",IDC_EDT27,"Edit",0x50010000,80,216,40,12,0x00000200
  CONTROL "",IDC_EDT28,"Edit",0x50010000,120,216,40,12,0x00000200
  CONTROL "",IDC_EDT29,"Edit",0x50010000,160,216,40,12,0x00000200
  CONTROL "",IDC_EDT30,"Edit",0x50010000,200,216,40,12,0x00000200
  CONTROL "OK",IDC_OK,"Button",0x50010000,60,232,64,16
  CONTROL "Cancel",IDC_CANCEL,"Button",0x50010000,148,232,64,16
I hope it is useful.
Posts: 73
Joined: Jan 14, 2011 2:34

Post by qbworker »

When I try to compile it throws a whole list of errors in the include file, and only one from my file, which tells me that this was made with an old version of FB. If this could be updated to the latest version it would be greatly appreciated.

P.S. I would do It myself, except for the fact that I suck more than a black hole at WinAPI programming.
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Joined: Apr 18, 2011 16:24
Location: Peru

Post by OldPaths »

I am sorry for not being here for such a long time...

It compiled fine from FBEdit with FB 0.20.0. But to be sure, I am downloading now version 0.22.0 and will try again later. What kind of errors did the include file generate? (I suppose you refer to
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Joined: Apr 18, 2011 16:24
Location: Peru

Post by OldPaths »

PS: qbworker: or are you not referring to my code, but to the original project with which this thread started?
Posts: 62
Joined: Nov 17, 2010 1:17

Re: FreeBASIC Screensaver Kit

Post by joshwiker14 »

The link is broken now. can you upload it again? I am doing screen savers for a CTE Fair and this would save me a lot of work.
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