Re: sGUI
Thanks for this info, Muttonhead, german reference not seen deeply ... !
For me personally is enough to knowing that problem with possible misusing 'Get/SetCombo/ListVals' routines for wrong gadtype, and adding a few words about it to designer online help - F1 keypress - as general part "Troubles & solutions". For now it 'll be sufficient without changes in sGUI code.
For me personally is enough to knowing that problem with possible misusing 'Get/SetCombo/ListVals' routines for wrong gadtype, and adding a few words about it to designer online help - F1 keypress - as general part "Troubles & solutions". For now it 'll be sufficient without changes in sGUI code.
Re: sGUI
Hi, Mutton
I made next another tuning for 084 'ListBox/ComboBox' to be used both as Color Chooser (palette of user defined NAMED colors in an array). other things stays now.
256 color palette is in file "".
It's alpha version but works.
Q - I don't know which header parameter is better for calling it ?? - next number {...,colorChooser as integer=0 / 1, or string ...,colorChooser as string="" / "cc"} ?
This flag is then stored in 'gad->Ctrl(4)' as integer.
Screenshot + discussion about color contrast is here ... =3&t=24782
Founded that 'sGUI' has global variable 'contrast', but not satisfied with trial results.
I 'll post final 084 code and upload 085 files later.
I made next another tuning for 084 'ListBox/ComboBox' to be used both as Color Chooser (palette of user defined NAMED colors in an array). other things stays now.
256 color palette is in file "".
Q - I don't know which header parameter is better for calling it ?? - next number {...,colorChooser as integer=0 / 1, or string ...,colorChooser as string="" / "cc"} ?
This flag is then stored in 'gad->Ctrl(4)' as integer.
Screenshot + discussion about color contrast is here ... =3&t=24782
Founded that 'sGUI' has global variable 'contrast', but not satisfied with trial results.
I 'll post final 084 code and upload 085 files later.
Last edited by petan on Jun 21, 2016 0:09, edited 1 time in total.
Re: sGUI
"sGUI.bas" added new variable
084 ListBox - color chooser mode
Testing example - Listbox color chooser and contrast
Code: Select all
dim shared as uinteger colorChooserBackgroundColor=black 'my Johnson black light r g b
static shared as uinteger dotColor=rgb(0,0,0) 'my
'System Events
Code: Select all
declare function AddListBox(event as EventHandle ptr,PosX as integer,PosY as integer,NumChars as integer,NumRows as integer,DisplayMode as integer=0,ScrollBarMode as integer=0,colorLister as integer=0) as Gadget ptr
function AddListBox(event as EventHandle ptr,PosX as integer,PosY as integer,NumChars as integer,NumRows as integer,DisplayMode as integer=0,ScrollBarMode as integer=0,colorLister as integer=0) as Gadget ptr
dim as Gadget ptr gad
gad=event->GadgetList->AppendNew (GadgetType)
if gad then
gad->gadKind=3 'my GadgetType flag
gad->gadw=NumChars*8 + 6 + 15 '6 >> Rand innerhalb MLEB, 15>> Breite ScrollBar rechts
gad->gadh=fontheight*NumRows + 6'6 >> Rand innerhalb MLEB
gad->subevent=new EventHandle
if gad->subevent then
gad->gad(1)=AddScrollBar(gad->subevent,gad->posx+NumChars*8 + 6,gad->posy,NumRows*fontheight+6,1,1,1,NumRows,1,ScrollBarMode)
end if
gad->extTObject=gad->gad(0)->TObject'Verbindung zum Textobjekt erzeugen das eigentlich zur LB in gad(0) gehört
gad->useextTO=1 'Flag für alle TO-Befehle extTObject zu benutzen
gad->gad(0)->Ctrl(4)=colorLister 'my color chooser flag
gad->DoDraw =@DrawList
gad->DoAction =@ListActions
gad->DoUpdate =@UpdateLB
end if
end function
Code: Select all
sub DrawLB (gad as Gadget ptr)
Dim as integer PosX,PosY,GadWidth,GadHeight,offset,NumRows
Dim as integer boxc,boxl,scrollpos,scrollline,lcount,selline
Dim as integer idc,ela7 'my
dim as uinteger tcolor
Dim as TextLine ptr l
Dim as string tmpstring,cursorchar
PosX =gad->posx
PosY =gad->posy
GadWidth =gad->gadw
GadHeight =gad->gadh
' ? "b gad->Ctrl(4) ";gad->Ctrl(4), "b gad ";gad
if gad->act=0 then
FrameB PosX,PosY,GadWidth,GadHeight,1
'set backgrounds
'my if as color chooser funcionality
if gad->Ctrl(4) then
ClearBox PosX+1,PosY+1,GadWidth-2,GadHeight-2,colorChooserBackgroundColor 'my
'ClearBox PosX+1,PosY+1,GadWidth-2,GadHeight-2,white
ClearBox PosX+1,PosY+1,GadWidth-2,GadHeight-2,GadgetTextBackgroundColor 'orig
end if
if NumRows then
'my if as color chooser funcionality
if gad->Ctrl(4) then
if idc andalso idc<ubound(kolorem)+1 then 'check array range
tmpstring=String(5,chr(219))+m+kolorem(idc).nameKolorem 'global - user 256 colors palette e.g.
? "listbox kolor index error"
end if
end if
if gad->Ctrl(3) then 'DisplayMode 1
if left(tmpstring,3)="LBL" then
FillA PosX+1,PosY+offset+lcount*fontheight,GadWidth-2,fontheight,BackgroundColor,0
end if
if left(tmpstring,3)="ITM" then
' tmpstring=left(space(2) & right(tmpstring,len(tmpstring)-8),boxc) 'orig
' tmpstring=left(right(tmpstring,len(tmpstring)-8),boxc) 'my
tmpstring=left(right(tmpstring,len(tmpstring)-ela7),boxc) 'my
if (scrollline+lcount=selline) then
ClearBox PosX+1,PosY+offset+lcount*fontheight,GadWidth-2,fontheight,CursorColor
end if
end if
else 'DisplayMode 0
if (scrollline+lcount=selline) then
ClearBox PosX+1,PosY+offset+lcount*fontheight,GadWidth-2,fontheight,CursorColor
end if
end if
'my if as color chooser funcionality
if gad->Ctrl(4) then
tcolor=kolorem(idc).whichKolorem 'my
end if
draw string ( PosX+offset, PosY+offset+lcount*fontheight ),tmpstring,tcolor 'orig
lcount +=1
loop until (l=0) or (lcount=boxl)'keine Zeile im TO oder der Zeilenzähler=Anzahl der zu zeigenden Zeilen(lcount startet bei 0!)
end if
if gad->act=2 then put(PosX,PosY),gad->Background,alpha,SleepShade
end if
end sub
Code: Select all
/' user color palette defined in designer file ''
type Kolory256
nameKolorem as string
whichKolorem as uinteger
end type
dim shared as Kolory256 kolorem(1 to 256)
dim as string a
dim as uinteger b
for i as integer=1 to 256
read a,b
next i
end scope
data "AliceBlue",&HF0F8FF
data "AlizarinCrimson",&HE32636
data "Amber",&HFFBF00
data "Amethyst",&H9966CC
data "AntiqueWhite",&HFAEBD7
data "Aquamarine",&H7FFFD4
data "Asparagus",&H7BA05B
for pjt=1 to ubound(kolorem)
next pjt
'backgrounds of colorchooser
dim as uinteger ccBkgC(4)
if RMB=HIT then
end if
'F1 - swap background
if multikey(&h3b) then
x+=1:if x>ubound(ccBkgC) then x=1 'Johnson counter
end if
loop until event2->EXITEVENT=1
Re: sGUI
085 ListBox speedy tuning as colorchooser succesfull ;)
Problem is fixed font; when loaded, no colorized polygon written, but some "U" chars.
Equally as label, fontMode must be optional parameter for ListBox/ComboBox to prevent this behavior, when
colorchooser mode is needed.
I'll play with that for a moment, uploading 085 ListBox files tonight.
Problem is fixed font; when loaded, no colorized polygon written, but some "U" chars.
Equally as label, fontMode must be optional parameter for ListBox/ComboBox to prevent this behavior, when
colorchooser mode is needed.
I'll play with that for a moment, uploading 085 ListBox files tonight.
Re: sGUI
(Updated *.BAS - Demo_font, Demo_label, Demo_ListBox, sGUI_font, sGUI, Listbox, Listbox_Basis)
Added hard FB default 8 px font as fontMode 2, it can be used even if another fonts exist & loaded in FontImg.
Now it likes me more ;)
(Updated *.BAS - Demo_font, Demo_label, Demo_ListBox, sGUI_font, sGUI, Listbox, Listbox_Basis)
Added hard FB default 8 px font as fontMode 2, it can be used even if another fonts exist & loaded in FontImg.
Now it likes me more ;)
Re: sGUI
Okay, done.
084+085 'ListBox+ComboBox' colorChooser functionality added (user defined palette in array)
'FillA' tuned slightly to catch/highlight ANY color selected item in ListBox+ComboBox.
Now it's fine, black&yellow pattern box frame 'll do that.
Maybe better tuning for pattern remains - dashed/dotted/another ??
Background color is swapped to get contrast for color name item
084+085 'ListBox+ComboBox' colorChooser functionality added (user defined palette in array)
'FillA' tuned slightly to catch/highlight ANY color selected item in ListBox+ComboBox.
Now it's fine, black&yellow pattern box frame 'll do that.
Maybe better tuning for pattern remains - dashed/dotted/another ??
Background color is swapped to get contrast for color name item
Re: sGUI
Hi, Mutton
Looks like a bug in 085 alpha ?
combobox and listbox - when mouse is on opened list items, then mouse cursor is invisible... until moved a bit...?
084 is OK.
Not a bug, some code switched badly !, searching...
combobox and listbox - when mouse is on opened list items, then mouse cursor is invisible... until moved a bit...?
084 is OK.
Not a bug, some code switched badly !, searching...
Last edited by petan on Jun 27, 2016 21:24, edited 1 time in total.
- Posts: 141
- Joined: May 28, 2009 20:07
Re: sGUI
can't repeat the behavior...:(. on my machine its looks ok...
but there's a heavy bug in the update routine of listbox in v.0.85...
it appears when you use the filerequester: scroll up and down and then try to go to parent directory, program will crash...
i'll check this... this version is embeded in Charset2FBFont too. :O :(
but there's a heavy bug in the update routine of listbox in v.0.85...
it appears when you use the filerequester: scroll up and down and then try to go to parent directory, program will crash...
i'll check this... this version is embeded in Charset2FBFont too. :O :(
- Posts: 141
- Joined: May 28, 2009 20:07
Re: sGUI
in ListBox.bas routine UpdateListBox(gad as Gadget ptr)
comment line 102:
comment line 102:
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
Re: sGUI
085 Mouse visibility IS MY problem tested in "DemoActivationTest.bas" !
- mouse off any gadget is visible - if in move or stay
- mouse on gadget is invisible - if stay
If slowly in move - is visible
- mouse on gadget is fully visible Ok - ONLY on 'BMP gadget' and 'String gadget' and 'Label'
and 'MultilineEditbox gadget'
Upss, tested second clear copy of 085 alpha pack, there is correct behavior.You are right!
'Setmouse' command is not a source of problem, so it looks like an intensive refresh somewhere added, or switched by me in tuned code.
Clear, I'll check tuned files separately to isolate that behavior and reason.
085 Mouse visibility IS MY problem tested in "DemoActivationTest.bas" !
- mouse off any gadget is visible - if in move or stay
- mouse on gadget is invisible - if stay
If slowly in move - is visible
- mouse on gadget is fully visible Ok - ONLY on 'BMP gadget' and 'String gadget' and 'Label'
and 'MultilineEditbox gadget'
Upss, tested second clear copy of 085 alpha pack, there is correct behavior.You are right!
'Setmouse' command is not a source of problem, so it looks like an intensive refresh somewhere added, or switched by me in tuned code.
Clear, I'll check tuned files separately to isolate that behavior and reason.
Re: sGUI
Hmm, 085 Filerequester seems withou crash here on Slax 7, I cannot repeat that behavior..
Re: sGUI
084 mouse visibility problem in designer too.Color chooser is OK.
Mouse invisible even off designer widget - this bug detected to 'windowtitle' command in a loop.
Next visibility troubles on some gadgets activated, on others is cursor OK.
IDU this, looks like some refresh problem in a bigger complex code.
Trying to isolate that problem.
Mouse invisible even off designer widget - this bug detected to 'windowtitle' command in a loop.
Next visibility troubles on some gadgets activated, on others is cursor OK.
IDU this, looks like some refresh problem in a bigger complex code.
Trying to isolate that problem.
Re: sGUI
tip for 084/085 Manual/Tutorial - to add this note (chapter "Troubles/Solutions")
... important functional difference, easily changeable in mind, between
if GetSelect(myGadgetXY)=1 then .... 'gadget is clicked
if myGadgetXY->act=1 then .... 'gadget is visible
lost a 30 min until founded mistaked functionality in designer's improved gad properties setup.
... important functional difference, easily changeable in mind, between
if GetSelect(myGadgetXY)=1 then .... 'gadget is clicked
if myGadgetXY->act=1 then .... 'gadget is visible
lost a 30 min until founded mistaked functionality in designer's improved gad properties setup.
Re: sGUI
Back in resizing .. IMHO this would be good as default possibility for MultilineEditor and Filerequester..
Q - is 'xSleep' routine able to compute a mouse distance between 'click-hold-(move)-released' mouse sequence ?
Q - is 'xSleep' routine able to compute a mouse distance between 'click-hold-(move)-released' mouse sequence ?