Curved but Linear path traversal using Catmull-rom splines..

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Curved but Linear path traversal using Catmull-rom splines..

Post by relsoft »

Useful for enemy movement patterns.

Code: Select all

Type Tpoint
    x           as single
    y           as single
end type

function catmull_rom(byval p0 as TPoint, byval p1 as TPoint, byval p2 as TPoint, byval p3 as TPoint, byval t as single) as Tpoint

	dim as single  t2 = t * t
	dim as single  t3 = t2 * t
    dim as Tpoint catmull_point
	catmull_point.x = 0.5f * ( ( 2.0 * p1.x ) +_
        ( -p0.x + p2.x ) * t +_
		( 2.0 * p0.x - 5.0 * p1.x + 4 * p2.x - p3.x ) * t2 +_
		( -p0.x + 3.0 * p1.x - 3.0 * p2.x + p3.x ) * t3 )
	catmull_point.y = 0.5 * ( ( 2.0 * p1.y ) +_
		( -p0.y + p2.y ) * t +_
		( 2.0 * p0.y - 5.0 * p1.y + 4 * p2.y - p3.y ) * t2 +_
		( -p0.y + 3.0 * p1.y - 3.0 * p2.y + p3.y ) * t3 )
    return catmull_point
end function

function cosine_spline(byval p0 as TPoint, byval p1 as TPoint, byval t as single) as Tpoint

    dim as Tpoint cosine_point
    dim as single ft,f        
    ft = t * 3.1415927
    f = (1 - cos(ft)) * 0.5
    cosine_point.x =  p0.x *(1-f) + p1.x *f
    cosine_point.y =  p0.y *(1-f) + p1.y *f
    return cosine_point
end function

function bezier(byval p0 as TPoint, byval p1 as TPoint, byval p2 as TPoint, byval p3 as TPoint, byval t as single) as Tpoint
    dim as Tpoint bez
    dim as single b
    'A = p1
    'B = p0
    'C = p3
    'D = p2
    b = 1 - t
    bez.x = p1.x*b^3 + 3*p0.x*(b^2)*t + 3*p3.x*(b)*(t^2) + p2.x*(t^3)
    bez.y = p1.y*b^3 + 3*p0.y*(b^2)*t + 3*p3.y*(b)*(t^2) + p2.y*(t^3)

    return bez

end function

screen 18,,2

randomize timer

const as integer MAXPOINTS = 50

dim i as integer
dim points(0 to (MAXPOINTS-1)) as Tpoint
dim p as Tpoint
dim p0 as Tpoint
dim p1 as Tpoint
dim p2 as Tpoint
dim p3 as Tpoint

for i = 0 to MAXPOINTS-1
    points(i).x = rnd * 640
    points(i).y = rnd * 480
next i

dim current_color as integer

current_color = 2
dim index as integer
index = 1

for i = 0 to MAXPOINTS - 1
    circle (points(i).x,points(i).y), 5, 5
next i

if index = 0 then 
    p0.x = points(index-1).x
    p0.y = points(index-1).y
    p1.x = points(index).x
    p1.y = points(index).y
    p2.x = points(index + 1).x
    p2.y = points(index + 1).y
    p3.x = points(index + 2).x
    p3.y = points(index + 2).y        
    p0.x = points(index).x
    p0.y = points(index).y
    p1.x = points((index + 1) mod MAXPOINTS).x
    p1.y = points((index + 1) mod MAXPOINTS).y
    p2.x = points((index + 2) mod MAXPOINTS).x
    p2.y = points((index + 2) mod MAXPOINTS).y
    p3.x = points((index + 3) mod MAXPOINTS).x
    p3.y = points((index + 3) mod MAXPOINTS).y        
end if

for i = 0 to 99
    dim as single t
    t = i/100
    p = catmull_rom(p0,p1,p2,p3,t)
    if i = 0 then
        pset (p.x,p.y), current_color
        line -(p.x,p.y), current_color
    end if
    sleep 1
next i


index += 1
if index = MAXPOINTS then 
    index = 1
    current_color =  1 + (current_color + 1) and 15
end if

loop until inkey<>""

Posts: 242
Joined: Sep 26, 2006 16:30

Post by Skyler »

I tried to use this, substituting READ p.x, p.y for the random number generator, but it connected the dots in the wrong order. How come?
Posts: 46
Joined: Feb 25, 2007 1:43
Location: N.Z.

Post by Manpcnin »

I've done somthing very similar.

It was just a test for my spline Function but it makes a very smooth random motion. it looks like a firefly.

Code: Select all

screen 14,16
randomize timer
type p2d
    x as double
    y as double
end type

type spline
    p1 as p2d
    p2 as p2d
    vert as p2d
end type

declare function spline(myspline as spline,along as double)as p2d
dim spline1 as spline

spline1.p1.x = rnd * 320
spline1.p1.y = rnd * 240
spline1.p2.x = rnd * 320
spline1.p2.y = rnd * 240
spline1.vert.x = rnd * 320
spline1.vert.y = rnd * 240

dim point1 as p2d
dim point2 as p2d
dim array(51) as p2d
    point1 = spline(spline1,0)
    point2 = point1

for i% = 0 to 100
    sleep 1
    point1 = spline(spline1,i%/100)
    for k% = 50 to 0 step -1
        line (array(k%+1).x,array(k%+1).y)-(array(k%).x,array(k%).y),rgb((50-k%)*5,(50-k%)*5,(50-k%)*5)
    next k%
    array(0) =point1
next i%

spline1.p1.x = spline1.vert.x
spline1.p1.y = spline1.vert.y 
spline1.vert.x = spline1.p2.x
spline1.vert.y = spline1.p2.y
spline1.p2.x = rnd * 320
spline1.p2.y = rnd * 240

loop while inkey$ = ""


function spline(myspline as spline,along as double)as p2d
dim ret as p2d    
select case along
case is< 0 :f1# = 0:f2# = 1
case is> 1 : f1# = 1:f2# = 0
case else : f2# = 1-along:f1# = along
end select

tx1# = (myspline.p1.x+myspline.vert.x)/2
ty1# = (myspline.p1.y+myspline.vert.y)/2
tx2# = (myspline.p2.x+myspline.vert.x)/2
ty2# = (myspline.p2.y+myspline.vert.y)/2

tx1# = ((tx1#*f2#)+(myspline.vert.x*f1#))
ty1# = ((ty1#*f2#)+(myspline.vert.y*f1#))
tx2# = ((tx2#*f1#)+(myspline.vert.x*f2#))
ty2# = ((ty2#*f1#)+(myspline.vert.y*f2#))
ret.x = ((tx1#*f2#)+(tx2#*f1#))
ret.y = ((ty1#*f2#)+(ty2#*f1#))
spline = ret
end function
Posts: 1767
Joined: May 27, 2005 10:34
Location: Philippines

Post by relsoft »

Skyler wrote:I tried to use this, substituting READ p.x, p.y for the random number generator, but it connected the dots in the wrong order. How come?
Posts: 242
Joined: Sep 26, 2006 16:30

Post by Skyler »

Code: Select all

declare sub phaser(x as integer, y as integer)
declare sub brush(x as integer, y as integer, c as integer)
declare sub cut(x as double, y as double, x2 as integer, y2 as integer, c as integer)

Type Tpoint
    x           As Single
    y           As Single
End Type

Function catmull_rom(Byval p0 As TPoint, Byval p1 As TPoint, Byval p2 As TPoint, Byval p3 As TPoint, Byval t As Single) As Tpoint

        Dim As Single  t2 = t * t
        Dim As Single  t3 = t2 * t
    Dim As Tpoint catmull_point
        catmull_point.x = 0.5f * ( ( 2.0 * p1.x ) +_
        ( -p0.x + p2.x ) * t +_
                ( 2.0 * p0.x - 5.0 * p1.x + 4 * p2.x - p3.x ) * t2 +_
                ( -p0.x + 3.0 * p1.x - 3.0 * p2.x + p3.x ) * t3 )
        catmull_point.y = 0.5 * ( ( 2.0 * p1.y ) +_
                ( -p0.y + p2.y ) * t +_
                ( 2.0 * p0.y - 5.0 * p1.y + 4 * p2.y - p3.y ) * t2 +_
                ( -p0.y + 3.0 * p1.y - 3.0 * p2.y + p3.y ) * t3 )
    Return catmull_point
End Function

Function cosine_spline(Byval p0 As TPoint, Byval p1 As TPoint, Byval t As Single) As Tpoint

    Dim As Tpoint cosine_point
    Dim As Single ft,f       
    ft = t * 3.1415927
    f = (1 - Cos(ft)) * 0.5
    cosine_point.x =  p0.x *(1-f) + p1.x *f
    cosine_point.y =  p0.y *(1-f) + p1.y *f
    Return cosine_point
End Function

Function bezier(Byval p0 As TPoint, Byval p1 As TPoint, Byval p2 As TPoint, Byval p3 As TPoint, Byval t As Single) As Tpoint
    Dim As Tpoint bez
    Dim As Single b
    'A = p1
    'B = p0
    'C = p3
    'D = p2
    b = 1 - t
    bez.x = p1.x*b^3 + 3*p0.x*(b^2)*t + 3*p3.x*(b)*(t^2) + p2.x*(t^3)
    bez.y = p1.y*b^3 + 3*p0.y*(b^2)*t + 3*p3.y*(b)*(t^2) + p2.y*(t^3)

    Return bez

End Function

sub phaser(x as integer, y as integer)
    line (1, 1)-(int(x), int(y)), 4
    line (2, 1)-(int(x), int(y) - 1), 14
    line (1, 2)-(int(x) - 1, int(y)), 14
    sleep 10
    line (1, 1)-(int(x), int(y)), 14
    line (2, 1)-(int(x), int(y) - 1), 4
    line (1, 2)-(int(x) - 1, int(y)), 4
    sleep 10    
end sub

sub brush(x as integer, y as integer, c as integer)
    pset (x, y), c
    pset (x+1, y), c
    pset (x-1, y), c
    pset (x, y+1), c
    pset (x, y-1), c
end sub

sub cut(x as double, y as double, x2 as integer, y2 as integer, c as integer)
    dim i as integer
    dim d as integer
    dim a as double
    dim dx as integer, dy as integer
    dim fx as double, fy as double
    dim sprite(256, 256) as integer
    dx = x2 - x
    dy = y2 - y
    d = sqr(dx^2 + dy^2)
    fx = dx / d
    fy = dy / d
    for i = 1 to d
        x = x + fx
        y = y + fy
        get (0,0)-(x, y), sprite
        phaser(x, y)
        sleep 10
        put (0, 0), sprite, pset
        brush(x, y, c)
    next i
end sub

Screen 18,,2

Randomize Timer

Const As Integer MAXPOINTS = 4

Dim i As Integer
Dim points(0 To (MAXPOINTS-1)) As Tpoint
Dim p As Tpoint
dim oldp as Tpoint
Dim p0 As Tpoint
Dim p1 As Tpoint
Dim p2 As Tpoint
Dim p3 As Tpoint

For i = 0 To MAXPOINTS-1
    read points(i).x, points(i).y
Next i

Dim current_color As Integer

current_color = 2
Dim index As Integer
index = 1

For i = 0 To MAXPOINTS - 1
    Circle (points(i).x,points(i).y), 5, 5
Next i

If index = 0 Then
    p0.x = points(index - 1).x
    p0.y = points(index - 1).y
    p1.x = points(index).x
    p1.y = points(index).y
    p2.x = points(index + 1).x
    p2.y = points(index + 1).y
    p3.x = points(index + 2).x
    p3.y = points(index + 2).y       
    p0.x = points(index).x
    p0.y = points(index).y
    p1.x = points((index + 1) Mod MAXPOINTS).x
    p1.y = points((index + 1) Mod MAXPOINTS).y
    p2.x = points((index + 2) Mod MAXPOINTS).x
    p2.y = points((index + 2) Mod MAXPOINTS).y
    p3.x = points((index + 3) Mod MAXPOINTS).x
    p3.y = points((index + 3) Mod MAXPOINTS).y       
End If

For i = 0 To 99
    Dim As Single t
    t = i/100
    oldp = p   
    p = catmull_rom(p0,p1,p2,p3,t)
    If i = 0 Then
        cut (p.x, p.y, p.x, p.y, current_color)
        cut (oldp.x, oldp.y, p.x, p.y, current_color)
    End If
    Sleep 1
Next i


index += 1
If index = MAXPOINTS Then
    index = 1
    current_color =  1 + (current_color + 1) And 15
End If

Loop Until inkey<>""

data 100, 100
data 100, 150
data 112, 125
data 125, 150
Posts: 5494
Joined: Sep 12, 2005 20:06
Location: California

Post by anonymous1337 »

Oooh boy, this is amazing :D I never actually compiled this code ._. Glad I took a look at it.
Posts: 1767
Joined: May 27, 2005 10:34
Location: Philippines

Post by relsoft »

Skyler: Please use a newer FB build. (What are you using 15b?)

Code: Select all

Declare Sub phaser(x As single, y As single)
Declare Sub brush(x As single, y As single, c As Integer)
Declare Sub cut(x As single, y As single, x2 As single, y2 As single, c As Integer)

Type Tpoint
    x           As Single
    y           As Single
End Type

Function catmull_rom(Byval p0 As TPoint, Byval p1 As TPoint, Byval p2 As TPoint, Byval p3 As TPoint, Byval t As Single) As Tpoint

        Dim As Single  t2 = t * t
        Dim As Single  t3 = t2 * t
    Dim As Tpoint catmull_point
        catmull_point.x = 0.5f * ( ( 2.0 * p1.x ) +_
        ( -p0.x + p2.x ) * t +_
                ( 2.0 * p0.x - 5.0 * p1.x + 4 * p2.x - p3.x ) * t2 +_
                ( -p0.x + 3.0 * p1.x - 3.0 * p2.x + p3.x ) * t3 )
        catmull_point.y = 0.5 * ( ( 2.0 * p1.y ) +_
                ( -p0.y + p2.y ) * t +_
                ( 2.0 * p0.y - 5.0 * p1.y + 4 * p2.y - p3.y ) * t2 +_
                ( -p0.y + 3.0 * p1.y - 3.0 * p2.y + p3.y ) * t3 )
    Return catmull_point
End Function

Function cosine_spline(Byval p0 As TPoint, Byval p1 As TPoint, Byval t As Single) As Tpoint

    Dim As Tpoint cosine_point
    Dim As Single ft,f       
    ft = t * 3.1415927
    f = (1 - Cos(ft)) * 0.5
    cosine_point.x =  p0.x *(1-f) + p1.x *f
    cosine_point.y =  p0.y *(1-f) + p1.y *f
    Return cosine_point
End Function

Function bezier(Byval p0 As TPoint, Byval p1 As TPoint, Byval p2 As TPoint, Byval p3 As TPoint, Byval t As Single) As Tpoint
    Dim As Tpoint bez
    Dim As Single b
    'A = p1
    'B = p0
    'C = p3
    'D = p2
    b = 1 - t
    bez.x = p1.x*b^3 + 3*p0.x*(b^2)*t + 3*p3.x*(b)*(t^2) + p2.x*(t^3)
    bez.y = p1.y*b^3 + 3*p0.y*(b^2)*t + 3*p3.y*(b)*(t^2) + p2.y*(t^3)

    Return bez

End Function

Sub phaser(x As single, y As single)
    Line (1, 1)-(Int(x), Int(y)), 4
    Line (2, 1)-(Int(x), Int(y) - 1), 14
    Line (1, 2)-(Int(x) - 1, Int(y)), 14
    Sleep 10
    Line (1, 1)-(Int(x), Int(y)), 14
    Line (2, 1)-(Int(x), Int(y) - 1), 4
    Line (1, 2)-(Int(x) - 1, Int(y)), 4
    Sleep 10   
End Sub

Sub brush(x As single, y As single, c As Integer)
    Pset (x, y), c
    Pset (x+1, y), c
    Pset (x-1, y), c
    Pset (x, y+1), c
    Pset (x, y-1), c
End Sub

Sub cut(x As single, y As single, x2 As single, y2 As single, c As Integer)
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim d As Integer
    Dim a As Double
    Dim dx As Integer, dy As Integer
    Dim fx As Double, fy As Double
    Dim sprite(256, 256) As Integer
    dx = x2 - x
    dy = y2 - y
    d = Sqr(dx^2 + dy^2)
    fx = dx / d
    fy = dy / d
    For i = 1 To d
        x = x + fx
        y = y + fy
        Get (0,0)-(x, y), sprite
        phaser(x, y)
        Sleep 10
        Put (0, 0), sprite, Pset
        brush(x, y, c)
    Next i
End Sub

Screen 18,,2

Randomize Timer

Const As Integer MAXPOINTS = 4

Dim i As Integer
Dim points(0 To (MAXPOINTS-1)) As Tpoint
Dim p As Tpoint
Dim oldp As Tpoint
Dim p0 As Tpoint
Dim p1 As Tpoint
Dim p2 As Tpoint
Dim p3 As Tpoint

For i = 0 To MAXPOINTS-1
    Read points(i).x, points(i).y
Next i

Dim current_color As Integer

current_color = 2
Dim index As Integer
index = 1

For i = 0 To MAXPOINTS - 1
    Circle (points(i).x,points(i).y), 5, 5
Next i

If index = 0 Then
    p0.x = points(index - 1).x
    p0.y = points(index - 1).y
    p1.x = points(index).x
    p1.y = points(index).y
    p2.x = points(index + 1).x
    p2.y = points(index + 1).y
    p3.x = points(index + 2).x
    p3.y = points(index + 2).y       
    p0.x = points(index).x
    p0.y = points(index).y
    p1.x = points((index + 1) Mod MAXPOINTS).x
    p1.y = points((index + 1) Mod MAXPOINTS).y
    p2.x = points((index + 2) Mod MAXPOINTS).x
    p2.y = points((index + 2) Mod MAXPOINTS).y
    p3.x = points((index + 3) Mod MAXPOINTS).x
    p3.y = points((index + 3) Mod MAXPOINTS).y       
End If

For i = 0 To 99
    Dim As Single t
    t = i/100
    oldp = p   
    p = catmull_rom(p0,p1,p2,p3,t)
    If i = 0 Then
        cut (p.x, p.y, p.x, p.y, current_color)
        cut (oldp.x, oldp.y, p.x, p.y, current_color)
    End If
    Sleep 1
Next i


index += 1
If index = MAXPOINTS Then
    index = 1
    current_color =  1 + (current_color + 1) And 15
End If

Loop Until inkey<>""

Data 100, 100
Data 200, 150
Data 312, 225
Data 25, 320
Posts: 242
Joined: Sep 26, 2006 16:30

Post by Skyler »

I've got 17b, I think.

EDIT: Just checked. Most definitely 17b.

EDIT2: Your code is connecting the dots in this order:
3, 4, 1, 2.
Posts: 1767
Joined: May 27, 2005 10:34
Location: Philippines

Post by relsoft »

Skyler wrote:I've got 17b, I think.

EDIT: Just checked. Most definitely 17b.

EDIT2: Your code is connecting the dots in this order:
3, 4, 1, 2.
Starts from 2. 1st cpoint is needed for control and it would be used as last controlpointsegment.

Must I do everything for you?

Code: Select all

Declare Sub phaser(x As Single, y As Single)
Declare Sub brush(x As Single, y As Single, c As Integer)
Declare Sub cut(x As Single, y As Single, x2 As Single, y2 As Single, c As Integer)

Type Tpoint
    x           As Single
    y           As Single
End Type

Function catmull_rom(Byval p0 As TPoint, Byval p1 As TPoint, Byval p2 As TPoint, Byval p3 As TPoint, Byval t As Single) As Tpoint

        Dim As Single  t2 = t * t
        Dim As Single  t3 = t2 * t
    Dim As Tpoint catmull_point
        catmull_point.x = 0.5f * ( ( 2.0 * p1.x ) +_
        ( -p0.x + p2.x ) * t +_
                ( 2.0 * p0.x - 5.0 * p1.x + 4 * p2.x - p3.x ) * t2 +_
                ( -p0.x + 3.0 * p1.x - 3.0 * p2.x + p3.x ) * t3 )
        catmull_point.y = 0.5 * ( ( 2.0 * p1.y ) +_
                ( -p0.y + p2.y ) * t +_
                ( 2.0 * p0.y - 5.0 * p1.y + 4 * p2.y - p3.y ) * t2 +_
                ( -p0.y + 3.0 * p1.y - 3.0 * p2.y + p3.y ) * t3 )
    Return catmull_point
End Function

Function cosine_spline(Byval p0 As TPoint, Byval p1 As TPoint, Byval t As Single) As Tpoint

    Dim As Tpoint cosine_point
    Dim As Single ft,f       
    ft = t * 3.1415927
    f = (1 - Cos(ft)) * 0.5
    cosine_point.x =  p0.x *(1-f) + p1.x *f
    cosine_point.y =  p0.y *(1-f) + p1.y *f
    Return cosine_point
End Function

Function bezier(Byval p0 As TPoint, Byval p1 As TPoint, Byval p2 As TPoint, Byval p3 As TPoint, Byval t As Single) As Tpoint
    Dim As Tpoint bez
    Dim As Single b
    'A = p1
    'B = p0
    'C = p3
    'D = p2
    b = 1 - t
    bez.x = p1.x*b^3 + 3*p0.x*(b^2)*t + 3*p3.x*(b)*(t^2) + p2.x*(t^3)
    bez.y = p1.y*b^3 + 3*p0.y*(b^2)*t + 3*p3.y*(b)*(t^2) + p2.y*(t^3)

    Return bez

End Function

Sub phaser(x As Single, y As Single)
    Line (1, 1)-(Int(x), Int(y)), 4
    Line (2, 1)-(Int(x), Int(y) - 1), 14
    Line (1, 2)-(Int(x) - 1, Int(y)), 14
    Sleep 10
    Line (1, 1)-(Int(x), Int(y)), 14
    Line (2, 1)-(Int(x), Int(y) - 1), 4
    Line (1, 2)-(Int(x) - 1, Int(y)), 4
    Sleep 10   
End Sub

Sub brush(x As Single, y As Single, c As Integer)
    Pset (x, y), c
    Pset (x+1, y), c
    Pset (x-1, y), c
    Pset (x, y+1), c
    Pset (x, y-1), c
End Sub

Sub cut(x As Single, y As Single, x2 As Single, y2 As Single, c As Integer)
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim d As Integer
    Dim a As Double
    Dim dx As Integer, dy As Integer
    Dim fx As Double, fy As Double
    Dim sprite(256, 256) As Integer
    dx = x2 - x
    dy = y2 - y
    d = Sqr(dx^2 + dy^2)
    fx = dx / d
    fy = dy / d
    For i = 1 To d
        x = x + fx
        y = y + fy
        Get (0,0)-(x, y), sprite
        phaser(x, y)
        Sleep 10
        Put (0, 0), sprite, Pset
        brush(x, y, c)
    Next i
End Sub

Screen 18,,2

Randomize Timer

Const As Integer MAXPOINTS = 4

Dim i As Integer
Dim points(0 To (MAXPOINTS-1)) As Tpoint
Dim p As Tpoint
Dim oldp As Tpoint
Dim p0 As Tpoint
Dim p1 As Tpoint
Dim p2 As Tpoint
Dim p3 As Tpoint

For i = 0 To MAXPOINTS-1
    Read points(i).x, points(i).y
Next i

Dim current_color As Integer

current_color = 2
Dim index As Integer
index = 0

For i = 0 To MAXPOINTS - 1
    Circle (points(i).x,points(i).y), 5, 5
Next i

    p0.x = points(index).x
    p0.y = points(index).y
    p1.x = points((index + 1) Mod MAXPOINTS).x
    p1.y = points((index + 1) Mod MAXPOINTS).y
    p2.x = points((index + 2) Mod MAXPOINTS).x
    p2.y = points((index + 2) Mod MAXPOINTS).y
    p3.x = points((index + 3) Mod MAXPOINTS).x
    p3.y = points((index + 3) Mod MAXPOINTS).y       

For i = 0 To 99
    Dim As Single t
    t = i/100
    oldp = p   
    p = catmull_rom(p0,p1,p2,p3,t)
    If i = 0 Then
        cut (p.x, p.y, p.x, p.y, current_color)
        cut (oldp.x, oldp.y, p.x, p.y, current_color)
    End If
    Sleep 1
Next i


index += 1
If index = MAXPOINTS Then
    index = 0
    current_color =  1 + (current_color + 1) And 15
End If

Loop Until inkey<>""

Data 100, 100
Data 200, 150
Data 312, 225
Data 25, 320
Posts: 242
Joined: Sep 26, 2006 16:30

Post by Skyler »

Relsoft, please. I'm just trying to understand your code, not insult your programming skills. And my code was intended to produce a lowercase h, not something else. I'm trying to write letters in cursive.
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