A circular buffer implementation

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A circular buffer implementation

Post by badidea »

A circular (or ring) buffer (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circular_buffer) that allows overwrite (when full, new data overwrites the 'oldest' data). Data is never removed / popped from buffer, only added and contents read. But 'popping' can probably be added; I don't need that.
I plan to this for a 'rolling oscilloscope' function in my power logger/plotter program (for the TPlink HS110 device).

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'-------------------------- Example data type ----------------------------------

type data_type
	dim as double absTime
	dim as integer sample
	declare constructor()
	declare constructor(absTime as double, sample as integer)
	declare operator cast() as string
end type

constructor data_type()
	this.absTime = 0.0 : this.sample = 0
end constructor

constructor data_type(absTime as double, sample as integer)
	this.absTime = absTime : this.sample = sample
end constructor

operator data_type.cast() as string
  return str(absTime) & "," & str(sample)
end operator

'---------------------------- Circular buffer ----------------------------------

type rolling_buffer_type
	dim as data_type myData(any)
	dim as integer first, reader, numRead, numData, bufferSize
	declare constructor(dataSize as integer)
	declare destructor()
	declare function add(newData as data_type) as integer
	declare sub readerReset()
	declare function getValue(byref readData as data_type) as integer
	declare sub show()
end type

constructor rolling_buffer_type(bufferSize as integer)
	redim myData(bufferSize - 1)
	this.bufferSize = bufferSize
end constructor

destructor rolling_buffer_type()
	erase myData
	bufferSize = 0
end destructor

function rolling_buffer_type.add(newData as data_type) as integer
	dim as integer index
	if numData < bufferSize then
		'add data
		index = first + numData
		if index >= bufferSize then index -= bufferSize
		numData += 1
		myData(index) = newData
		'replace data
		myData(first) = newData
		first += 1 'move first pointer
		if first >= bufferSize then first -= bufferSize
	end if
	return 0 'always zero for now
end function

'normally not needed
sub rolling_buffer_type.readerReset()
	numRead = 0
end sub

'returns -1 when last item is reached
function rolling_buffer_type.getValue(byref readData as data_type) as integer
	if numData > numRead then
		reader = first + numRead
		if reader >= bufferSize then reader -= bufferSize
		readData = myData(reader)
		numRead += 1
		return 0
		numRead = 0
		return -1
	end if
end function

'for debugging
sub rolling_buffer_type.show()
	print "bufferSize: " & bufferSize
	print "numData: " & numData
	print "numRead: " & numRead
	print "first: " & first
	print "reader: " & reader
	for i as integer = 0 to bufferSize - 1
		print myData(i)
end sub

'----------------------------- Main program ------------------------------------

'create a buffer for 4 items
dim as rolling_buffer_type buffer = rolling_buffer_type(4)
dim as data_type readData

'add 3 items
for i as integer = 1 to 3
	buffer.add(data_type(i, i))

'read and print buffer contents
print "Buffer:"
while buffer.getValue(readData) = 0
	print readData

'add 2 more items, last one overwrites the first
for i as integer = 4 to 5
	buffer.add(data_type(i, i))

'read and print buffer contents
print "Buffer:"
while buffer.getValue(readData) = 0
	print readData
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Re: A circular buffer implementation

Post by badidea »

Popping added:

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'-------------------------- Example data type ----------------------------------

type data_type
	dim as double absTime
	dim as integer sample
	declare constructor()
	declare constructor(absTime as double, sample as integer)
	declare operator cast() as string
end type

constructor data_type()
	this.absTime = 0.0 : this.sample = 0
end constructor

constructor data_type(absTime as double, sample as integer)
	this.absTime = absTime : this.sample = sample
end constructor

operator data_type.cast() as string
  return str(absTime) & "," & str(sample)
end operator

'---------------------------- Circular buffer ----------------------------------

type rolling_buffer_type
	dim as data_type myData(any)
	dim as integer first, reader, numRead, numData, bufferSize
	declare constructor(dataSize as integer)
	declare destructor()
	declare function add(newData as data_type) as integer
	declare function pop(byref readData as data_type) as integer
	declare sub readerReset()
	declare function getValue(byref readData as data_type) as integer
	declare function getNumData() as integer
	declare sub show()
end type

constructor rolling_buffer_type(bufferSize as integer)
	redim myData(bufferSize - 1)
	this.bufferSize = bufferSize
end constructor

destructor rolling_buffer_type()
	erase myData
	bufferSize = 0
end destructor

function rolling_buffer_type.add(newData as data_type) as integer
	dim as integer index
	if numData < bufferSize then
		'add data
		index = first + numData
		if index >= bufferSize then index -= bufferSize
		numData += 1
		myData(index) = newData
		'replace data
		myData(first) = newData
		first += 1 'move first pointer
		if first >= bufferSize then first -= bufferSize
	end if
	return 0 'always zero for now
end function

'Get and remove first / oldest item from list 
'don't mix / interleave with getValue calls
function rolling_buffer_type.pop(byref readData as data_type) as integer
	if numData > 0 then
		readData = myData(first)
		first += 1
		if first >= bufferSize then first -= bufferSize
		numData -= 1
		return -1
	end if
end function

'normally not needed
sub rolling_buffer_type.readerReset()
	numRead = 0
end sub

'returns -1 when last item is reached
function rolling_buffer_type.getValue(byref readData as data_type) as integer
	if numData > numRead then
		reader = first + numRead
		if reader >= bufferSize then reader -= bufferSize
		readData = myData(reader)
		numRead += 1
		return 0
		numRead = 0
		return -1
	end if
end function

function rolling_buffer_type.getNumData() as integer
	return numData
end function

'for debugging
sub rolling_buffer_type.show()
	print "bufferSize: " & bufferSize
	print "numData: " & numData
	print "numRead: " & numRead
	print "first: " & first
	print "reader: " & reader
	for i as integer = 0 to bufferSize - 1
		print myData(i)
end sub

'----------------------------- Main program ------------------------------------

'create a buffer for 4 items
dim as rolling_buffer_type buffer = rolling_buffer_type(4)
dim as data_type readData

'add 3 items
for i as integer = 1 to 3
	buffer.add(data_type(i, i))

'read and print buffer contents
print "Buffer (after 3 items added):"
while buffer.getValue(readData) = 0
	print readData

'add 2 more items, last one overwrites the first
for i as integer = 4 to 5
	buffer.add(data_type(i, i))

'read and print buffer contents
print "Buffer (after 2 more added):"
while buffer.getValue(readData) = 0
	print readData

'pop first item from list
print "Removed item:"
if buffer.pop(readData) = 0 then
	print readData
end if

'read and print buffer contents
print "Buffer (after 1 item removed):"
while buffer.getValue(readData) = 0
	print readData

'pop all remaing items from list
print "Removed items:"
while buffer.pop(readData) = 0
	print readData

print "Number of items in buffer: " & buffer.getNumData()
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Re: A circular buffer implementation

Post by sero »

I really like this idea. I can imagine using this for my own project. I need to replace off screen data with incoming data to replace it. I have a similar method in place already for map data but when it gets more complex I'll want something more robust. This makes me think of how the early side scroller games worked by replacing off screen data with the new screen data. I think I remember that being a new thing when Carmack worked on a Mario brothers clone for the PC. It turned into the Commander Keen series after Nintendo told him no thanks.
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Re: A circular buffer implementation

Post by badidea »

sero wrote:I really like this idea. I can imagine using this for my own project. I need to replace off screen data with incoming data to replace it. I have a similar method in place already for map data but when it gets more complex I'll want something more robust. This makes me think of how the early side scroller games worked by replacing off screen data with the new screen data. I think I remember that being a new thing when Carmack worked on a Mario brothers clone for the PC. It turned into the Commander Keen series after Nintendo told him no thanks.
If a map (of tiles indexes) is not too big, you can keep the whole map in memory. And in addition an array of the tiles images. During the game you only draw the tiles that are visible. No need to copy maps during drawing. I have posted some demo's in the past, lets if I can find them...
* One with hexagon tiles: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=21153
* Oblique view and square tiles: viewtopic.php?f=15&t=24464
(not tested with new compiler versions)
For a large or infinite map, the method often used is to load (and unload) 'chunks' of map sections.
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