Very fast Blur

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Very fast Blur

Post by UEZ »

I adapted the code from here:

It takes ~35 ms for a 800x800 px image.

Code: Select all

Type tImage 
    As Integer width, height, pitch
    As Long Ptr pixels
End Type

Declare Function FastBlur(img As tImage, iRadius As Ubyte) As Any Ptr
Declare Function BlurPass(img As tImage, iRadius As Ubyte, iW as UShort, iH as UShort) As Any Ptr

Const w = 800, h = 800   ' <<<<<<< change dimension accordingly before starting
ScreenRes w, h, 32
Dim pImage As Any Ptr = ImageCreate(w, h, 0, 32)

Bload("Kapuzineraeffchen.bmp", pImage) ' <<<<<<< change filename before starting

Dim As tImage img
Imageinfo(pImage, img.Width, img.height, , img.pitch, img.pixels)

Dim As Double fEnd, fStart = Timer
Dim pImgBlurred As Any Ptr = FastBlur(img, 10)
fEnd = Timer - fStart

Windowtitle("Image blurred in " & fEnd * 1000 & " ms")

Put (0, 0), pImgBlurred

'BSave("Result_FastBlur.bmp", pImgBlurred)



'Copyright (c) 2007, Romain Guy All rights reserved.
Function FastBlur(img As tImage, iRadius As Ubyte) As Any Ptr
   iRadius = Iif(iRadius < 1, 1, iRadius)
	Dim pImgPassH As Any Ptr = BlurPass(img, iRadius, img.width, img.height) 'horizontal pass
   Dim As tImage img2
   Imageinfo(pImgPassH, img2.Width, img2.height, , img2.pitch, img2.pixels)
	Dim pImgPassW As Any Ptr = BlurPass(img2, iRadius, img.height, img.Width) 'vertical pass
	Return pImgPassW
End Function

Function BlurPass(img As tImage, iRadius As Ubyte, iW as UShort, iH as UShort) As Any Ptr

   dIM AS UShort iW1 = iW - 1, iH1 = iH - 1
	Dim As Ulong Ptr srcPixels = img.pixels
   Dim pImage_blurred As Any Ptr = Imagecreate(img.height, img.width, 0, 32)
   Dim As tImage img_b
	Imageinfo(pImage_blurred, img_b.Width, img_b.height, , img_b.pitch, img_b.pixels)
	Dim As Ulong Ptr dstPixels = img_b.pixels

	Dim As Long previousPixelIndex, sumAlpha, sumRed, sumGreen, sumBlue, i
	Dim As Ulong pixel, windowSize = iRadius * 2 + 1, radiusPlusOne = iRadius + 1, _
                srcIndex = 0, sumLookupTable(256 * windowSize), indexLookupTable(radiusPlusOne), _
                dstIndex, x, y, nextPixelIndex, nextPixel, previousPixel
	Dim as Integer pitch_img = img.pitch Shr 2, pitch_b = img_b.pitch Shr 2

	For i = 0 To Ubound(sumLookupTable) - 1
		sumLookupTable(i) = i \ windowSize
	If iRadius < iW Then
		For i = 0 To Ubound(indexLookupTable) - 1
			indexLookupTable(i) = i
		For i = 0 To iW - 1
			indexLookupTable(i) = i
		For i = iW To Ubound(indexLookupTable) - 1
			indexLookupTable(i) = iW1
	For y = 0 To iH1
		sumAlpha = 0: sumRed = 0: sumGreen = 0: sumBlue = 0
		dstIndex = y
		pixel = srcPixels[srcIndex]
		sumAlpha += radiusPlusOne * ((pixel Shr 24) And &hFF)
		sumRed   += radiusPlusOne * ((pixel Shr 16) And &hFF)
		sumGreen += radiusPlusOne * ((pixel Shr  8) And &hFF)
		sumBlue  += radiusPlusOne * ( pixel         And &hFF)
		For i = 1 To iRadius
			pixel = srcPixels[srcIndex + indexLookupTable(i)]
			sumAlpha += ((pixel Shr 24) And &hFF)			
			sumRed   += ((pixel Shr 16) And &hFF)			
			sumGreen += ((pixel Shr  8) And &hFF)			
			sumBlue  += ( pixel         And &hFF)				
		For x = 0 To iW1
			dstPixels[dstIndex] = sumLookupTable(sumAlpha) Shl 24 Or _
                               sumLookupTable(sumRed)   Shl 16 Or _
                               sumLookupTable(sumGreen) Shl  8 Or _
			'dstPixels[dstIndex] = Rgba(sumLookupTable(sumRed), sumLookupTable(sumGreen), sumLookupTable(sumBlue), sumLookupTable(sumAlpha))
			dstIndex += pitch_b
			nextPixelIndex = x + radiusPlusOne
			If nextPixelIndex >= iW Then nextPixelIndex = iW1
			previousPixelIndex = x - iRadius
			If previousPixelIndex < 0 Then previousPixelIndex = 0
			nextPixel = 	srcPixels[srcIndex + nextPixelIndex]
			previousPixel = srcPixels[srcIndex + previousPixelIndex]
			sumAlpha += (nextPixel		Shr 24) And &hFF
			sumAlpha -= (previousPixel	Shr 24) And &hFF
			sumRed += (nextPixel		   Shr 16) And &hFF
			sumRed -= (previousPixel	Shr 16) And &hFF
			sumGreen += (nextPixel		Shr  8) And &hFF
			sumGreen -= (previousPixel	Shr  8) And &hFF
			sumBlue += (nextPixel			   ) And &hFF
			sumBlue -= (previousPixel	      ) And &hFF
		srcIndex += pitch_img
	Return pImage_Blurred
End Function
Similar performance (with -gen gcc -Wc -O2) as the assembler code by Eukalyptus but the quality isn't that good.
Last edited by UEZ on Oct 31, 2018 15:45, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Very fast Blur

Post by counting_pine »

Is this a different algorithm from the one at

It works very well with square dimensions that are divisible by four, but I encounter some weird issues if I change them:
- if I use a width that doesn't divide by 4, I get phasing problems in the output. (The image pitch is generally a multiple of 16, so check for places where you've assumed it to be w*4)
- if I set h = w+n, the output image is displayed 'n' pixels out from the left edge
- if I set h = w-n, the program crashes
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Re: Very fast Blur

Post by UEZ »

counting_pine wrote:Is this a different algorithm from the one at

It works very well with square dimensions that are divisible by four, but I encounter some weird issues if I change them:
- if I use a width that doesn't divide by 4, I get phasing problems in the output. (The image pitch is generally a multiple of 16, so check for places where you've assumed it to be w*4)
- if I set h = w+n, the output image is displayed 'n' pixels out from the left edge
- if I set h = w-n, the program crashes
That's correct, unfortunately, I had not tested that. Similar issue with SuperFastBlur function from here: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=27121#p253920


Edit: I updated the code which runs more "stable" now but for some images it produces still the annoying borders.
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Re: Very fast Blur

Post by counting_pine »

Whatever you changed, it seems to have fixed the crashes, and the image being offset to the right, so that's good.
There is still a visible skewing on the blur though, for non-multiples of four..

There's a line of code near the bottom of the source: 'srcIndex += iW'. I have two potential concerns about this line:
- it uses the pitch rather than the width (although my initial attempts to pad this doesn't seem to help)
- the width (as defined by the iW parameter) is not always equal to the image width (because the vertical pass seems to swap the width/height parameters, while acting on an image of the same dimensions).

Thinking about the second point, I can see now that blurPass basically transposes/rotates the image, i.e. swaps the dimensions. (Because it does both a horizontal/vertical pass, the original dimensions end up the same.)

So taking all that into consideration, it looks like you need to find/fix these lines:

Code: Select all

Dim pImage_blurred As Any Ptr = Imagecreate(img.width, img.height, 0, 32)
dstIndex += iH
srcIndex += iW

Code: Select all

Dim pImage_blurred As Any Ptr = Imagecreate(img.height, img.width, 0, 32)
dstIndex += img_b.pitch\4
srcIndex += img.pitch\4
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Re: Very fast Blur

Post by UEZ »

counting_pine wrote:Whatever you changed, it seems to have fixed the crashes, and the image being offset to the right, so that's good.
There is still a visible skewing on the blur though, for non-multiples of four..

There's a line of code near the bottom of the source: 'srcIndex += iW'. I have two potential concerns about this line:
- it uses the pitch rather than the width (although my initial attempts to pad this doesn't seem to help)
- the width (as defined by the iW parameter) is not always equal to the image width (because the vertical pass seems to swap the width/height parameters, while acting on an image of the same dimensions).

Thinking about the second point, I can see now that blurPass basically transposes/rotates the image, i.e. swaps the dimensions. (Because it does both a horizontal/vertical pass, the original dimensions end up the same.)

So taking all that into consideration, it looks like you need to find/fix these lines:

Code: Select all

Dim pImage_blurred As Any Ptr = Imagecreate(img.width, img.height, 0, 32)
dstIndex += iH
srcIndex += iW

Code: Select all

Dim pImage_blurred As Any Ptr = Imagecreate(img.height, img.width, 0, 32)
dstIndex += img_b.pitch\4
srcIndex += img.pitch\4
Perfect, that's what I tried to find out since your reply. ^^

This blur version is even faster than fastblur what you have converted.

I tested both versions with an image (2000x1149) with x64 -gen gcc -Wc -O2
fastblur (Super Fast Blur v1.1): ~533 ms
FastBlur (this version): ~190 ms
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