7-Segment LED Clock (using SevenSegment static lib)

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7-Segment LED Clock (using SevenSegment static lib)

Post by MrSwiss »

A Clock sporting a 7-Segment LED (graphical) display (pure FB code, for both: 32/64-bit's).

First: the needed lib (bi, bas -- source(s)), are found in Forum --> Projects.


Code: Select all

' SevenSegmentClock.bas -- 2017-08-19, by MrSwiss
' compile: -s gui

#Include "SevenSegment.bi"

' decimal splitter macro (range: 0 to 99), tens/units
#Define T_U(num)    ( CUShort(((num \ 10) Shl 8) + num Mod 10) )

' init code: clock specific positioning (spaces in between HR/MIN/SEC)
Dim As SevenSeg SS(5)       ' 6 elements SevenSeg (0 to 5)
Dim As UShort   startx, starty, endx, endy, sp_sec, sp_min, sp_hou

For i As UInteger = 0 To 5
    SS(i).initSS()          ' sizes SevenSeg (default = 6)
    SS(i).clr_SS(b_red, d_red, black, blue) ' bright/dark LED, bg, frame
    Select Case As Const i  ' positioning depending on prev. set position
        Case 0 :        SS(i).pos_SS(30, 30)        ' first position only
        Case 1, 3, 5 :  SS(i).pos_SS(endx + 1, 30)  ' to position, border
        Case 2, 4 :     SS(i).pos_SS(endx + 21, 30) ' pos. + space = 20
    End Select
    SS(i).gframe( ,, endx)  ' get end pos. x-axis (+1 = next start pos.)
    If i = 0 Then SS(i).gframe(startx, starty)  ' store start pos. SS(0)
    If i = 5 Then SS(i).gframe( ,,, endy)   ' on SS(5), endpos. y-axis
Next    ' we now have start/end coordinates of the whole SevenSeg block!

' seconds in a different color (than hours/minutes)
SS(4).clr_SS(b_blu, d_blu) : SS(5).clr_SS(b_blu, d_blu)
' done (init)

' ===== MAIN =====
' using obtained sizes (from init), to size the screen (no need to know them!)
ScreenRes(endx + startx, endy + starty, 32, 2, &h60) ' Alpha Primitives + allways on top
ScreenSet(1, 0)
WindowTitle "SevenSegmentClock  --  " + _   ' display (hpefully) useful info's
            "width: " + Str(endx + startx) + "   " + _ 
            "height: " + Str(endy + starty)
Color(white, &hFF003F00) : Cls      ' custom green (background)

Dim As String   cTime = Time, TM = "MrSwiss made(TM)", _
                title = "Digital 24 hour's clock, using SevenSegment-Library"

    If Time <> cTime Then   ' run's once a second only, (> fails: on date change!)
        cTime = Time                ' update time (below: use of the defined macro!)
        sp_hou = T_U(CUByte(Left(cTime, 2)))    ' split: tens digit, units digit
        sp_min = T_U(CUByte(Mid(cTime, 4, 2)))  ' as above (minutes)
        sp_sec = T_U(CUByte(Right(cTime, 2)))   ' as above (seconds)
        If HiByte(sp_hou) = 0 Then          ' switch OFF, leading zero (on Hour's, only)
            SS(0).dec_SS(16)                ' all segments OFF (on a SevenSeg)
            SS(0).dec_SS(HiByte(sp_hou))    ' decode it (LED's: ON/OFF status)
        End If : SS(0).dis_SS()             ' show it, no frame: default
        SS(1).dec_SS(LoByte(sp_hou)) : SS(1).dis_SS()   ' decode digit : display digit
        SS(2).dec_SS(HiByte(sp_min)) : SS(2).dis_SS()   ' as above ...
        SS(3).dec_SS(LoByte(sp_min)) : SS(3).dis_SS()
        SS(4).dec_SS(HiByte(sp_sec)) : SS(4).dis_SS()
        SS(5).dec_SS(LoByte(sp_sec)) : SS(5).dis_SS()
        Draw String ( 23, 12), title        ' using default foreground color
        Draw String (165,135), TM, &hFFFFCF00   ' custom yellow
    End If
    If Len(InKey()) Then Exit Do            ' check for user input
    Sleep(100, 1)                           ' wait for 100 mS (no user interrupt)
' ===== END-MAIN =====  ' ----- EOF -----
For a simple test (without compiling the library first), replace the line:
#Include "SevenSegment.bi" with: #Include "SevenSegment[nn].bas"
(nn = either 32 or 64), place the included .bas next to SevenSegmentClock.bas,
then compile SevenSegmentClock.bas only ...
Posts: 3379
Joined: Sep 25, 2005 21:54

Re: 7-Segment LED Clock (using SevenSegment static lib)

Post by srvaldez »

very nice MrSwiss, runs ok on my Mac
Posts: 7983
Joined: Jan 10, 2006 20:30
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Re: 7-Segment LED Clock (using SevenSegment static lib)

Post by dodicat »

Very nice Mr Swiss.
Luckily, in this neck of the woods we are allowed to produce cheap and cheerful timepieces.
(We no longer have the reputation for producing quality clocks)

Code: Select all

Sub digits(t As String,x As long,y As long,clr As Ulong,sz As single,gap as long=1,img As Any Pointer=0)
        dim as single s=any,c=any
        dim as single  d =iif(gap, sz/10,0)
        #macro thickline(x1,y1,x2,y2)
            Line img,(x1-s,y1-c)-(x2+s,y2+c),clr,bf
        #macro display(_a,_b,_c,_d,_e,_f,_g)
        If _a=1 Then :thickline(x+d,y,(x-d+sz),y):End If 
        If _b=1 Then :thickline((x+sz),y+d,(x+sz),(y-d+sz)):End If
        If _c=1 Then :thickline((x+sz),(y+d+sz),(x+sz),(y-d+2*sz)):End If 
        If _d=1 Then :thickline((x-d+sz),(y+2*sz),x+d,(y+2*sz)):End If ''
        If _e=1 Then :thickline(x,(y-d+2*sz),x,(y+d+sz)):End If
        If _f=1 Then :thickline(x,(y-d+sz),x,y+d):End If
        If _g=1 Then :thickline(x+d,(y+sz),(x-d+sz),(y+sz)):End If 
        For z As long=0 To Len(t)-1
            Select Case As Const t[z]
            Case 48 :display(1,1,1,1,1,1,0)             '"0"
            Case 49 :display(0,1,1,0,0,0,0)             '"1"
            Case 50 :display(1,1,0,1,1,0,1)             '"2"
            Case 51 :display(1,1,1,1,0,0,1)             '"3"
            Case 52 :display(0,1,1,0,0,1,1)             '"4"
            Case 53 :display(1,0,1,1,0,1,1)             '"5"
            Case 54 :display(1,0,1,1,1,1,1)             '"6"
            Case 55 :display(1,1,1,0,0,0,0)             '"7"
            Case 56 :display(1,1,1,1,1,1,1)             '"8"
            Case 57 :display(1,1,1,1,0,1,1)            '"9"
            Case 58                                     '":"                   
                Circle img,((x+2*sz),(y+sz/2)),(sz/5),clr,,,,f
                Circle img,((x+2*sz),(y+1.5*sz)),(sz/5),clr,,,,f
            Case 45 :display(0,0,0,0,0,0,1)              '"-"                       
            Case 46                                      '"."                       
                Circle img,((x+2*sz),(y+1.9*sz)),(sz/5),clr,,,,f
            Case 32                                      '" "
            End Select
        Next z
    End Sub  

sub miniclock(x as long,y as long,size as long,Maincol as ulong,ShadowCol as ulong,Backcol as ulong,i as any ptr=0)
     dim as string t=time
    digits "88 88 88",x,y,ShadowCol,size
    digits t,x,y,MainCol,size
end sub

sub minidate(x as long,y as long,size as long,Maincol as ulong,ShadowCol as ulong,Backcol as ulong)
     dim as string t=date
    digits "88  88  8888",x,y,ShadowCol,size,0
    digits t,x,y,MainCol,size,0
    end sub

screen 19,32,,64
color , rgb(100,100,100)

draw string(50,75),"Raw times:",rgb(0,0,0)
digits(time+":"+ mid( str(frac(timer)),3,1) ,50,170,rgb(100,50,25),15,0)
draw string(50,255),"Times with bulbs:",rgb(0,0,0)
draw string(50,530),"Raw timer:",rgb(0,0,0)

   sleep 1,1
loop until  len(inkey)

The date viewer may not be correct (different regional formats)
Posts: 3910
Joined: Jun 02, 2013 9:27
Location: Switzerland

Re: 7-Segment LED Clock (using SevenSegment static lib)

Post by MrSwiss »

@srvaldez, thanks for the feedback (always good to know, about other OS's).

@dodicat, cool way (to make it similarly) too ...
dodicat wrote:The date viewer may not be correct (different regional formats)
That is easily fixed:

Code: Select all

sub minidate(x as long,y as long,size as long,Maincol as ulong,ShadowCol as ulong,Backcol as ulong)
    Dim as string t=Date, dd=Mid(t,4,2), mm=Left(t,2), yyyy=Right(t,4)  ' for format change <--
    t=dd+"-"+mm+"-"+yyyy    ' european date format, MrSwiss <--
    digits "88  88  8888",x,y,ShadowCol,size,0
    digits t,x,y,MainCol,size,0
End sub
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