checker grid pattern

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checker grid pattern

Post by BasicCoder2 »

Numeral keys [1] and [2] will change the size of the squares.
Numeral keys [3] and [4] will change the number of squares.
The checker pattern can be moved by holding down the left mouse button.
I probably should have written this as a checker pattern object.

Code: Select all

screenres 800,600,32
color rgb(0,0,0),rgb(255,255,255):cls
dim as integer mx,my,ox,oy,mb,xd,yd

type CheckerPattern
  as integer x
  as integer y
  as integer w  'in squares
  as integer h  'in squares
  as integer s  'size of square
  as ulong   c1 'alternate colors
  as ulong   c2
end type

dim shared as CheckerPattern cp1
cp1.x = 10
cp1.y = 10
cp1.w = 8    'in squares not pixels
cp1.h = 8
cp1.c1 = rgb(100,50,0)
cp1.c2 = rgb(200,100,0)
cp1.s  = 40

sub drawCheckerPattern(cp as CheckerPattern)
  dim as integer counter,s,px,py
  s = cp.s
  px = cp.x
  py = cp.y
  for j as integer = 0 to cp.h-1
    for i as integer = 0 to cp.w-1
      if counter mod 2 = 0 then
        line (i*s+px,j*s+py)-(i*s+s+px,j*s+s+py),cp.c1,bf
        line (i*s+px,j*s+py)-(i*s+s+px,j*s+s+py),cp.c2,bf
      end if
      counter = counter + 1
    next i
    if cp.w mod 2 = 0 then counter = counter + 1
  next j
end sub

sub update()
end sub

dim as string key

  getmouse mx,my,,mb
  if mb = 1 then
    if mx>cp1.x and mx<cp1.x+cp1.w*cp1.s and my>cp1.y and my<cp1.y+cp1.h*cp1.s then 'over grid
      ox = mx
      oy = my
      while mb = 1
        getmouse mx,my,,mb
        if mx<>ox or my<>oy then 'mouse has moved
          xd = mx-ox
          yd = my-oy
          cp1.x = cp1.x + xd     'add movement to checkerPattern position
          cp1.y = cp1.y + yd
          ox = mx                'save new position
          oy = my
        end if
        sleep 2  'put in loop
    end if
  end if
  key = inkey
  while inkey<>"":wend
  if key="1" then cp1.s = cp1.s - 1
  if key="2" then cp1.s = cp1.s + 1
  if cp1.s < 1 then cp1.s = 1
  if key="3" then
    cp1.w = cp1.w + 1
    cp1.h = cp1.h + 1
  end if
  if key="4" then
    cp1.w = cp1.w - 1
    if cp1.w < 1 then cp1.w = 1
    cp1.h = cp1.w
  end if
  sleep 2
loop until multikey(&H01)

Posts: 3906
Joined: Jan 01, 2009 7:03
Location: Australia

Re: checker grid pattern OO version

Post by BasicCoder2 »

Here is my first attempt to create an OOP version.
I had to make my variables public for it to work and will remedy that later.
Will add the ability to change square sizes and dimensions later.
You can move the checker pattern around with left mouse button down.

Code: Select all

screenres 800,600,32
color rgb(0,0,0),rgb(255,255,255):cls
dim as integer mx,my,ox,oy,mb,xd,yd

type CheckerPattern
  as integer x
  as integer y
  as integer w  'width in squares not pixels
  as integer h
  as integer s  'size of squares
  as ulong   c1 'border color
  as ulong   c2 'fill color
  declare sub drawCheckerPattern()
  Declare Constructor()
  Declare Constructor(x As Integer, y As Integer, w As Integer,_ 
                        h As Integer, s as integer, c1 As ulong, c2 As ulong)
end type

sub CheckerPattern.drawCheckerPattern()
  dim as integer counter,s,px,py
  s = this.s
  px = this.x
  py = this.y
  for j as integer = 0 to this.h-1
    for i as integer = 0 to this.w-1
      if counter mod 2 = 0 then
        line (i*s+px,j*s+py)-(i*s+s+px,j*s+s+py),this.c1,bf
        line (i*s+px,j*s+py)-(i*s+s+px,j*s+s+py),this.c2,bf
      end if
      counter = counter + 1
    next i
    if this.w mod 2 = 0 then counter = counter + 1
  next j
end sub

Constructor CheckerPattern
    this.x = 30
    this.y = 30
    this.w = 10
    this.h = 10
    this.c2 = rgb(200,200,255)
    this.c1 = rgb(0,0,0)
End Constructor

Constructor CheckerPattern (xx As Integer, yy As Integer, ww As Integer,_ 
                        hh As Integer, ss as integer, oc As ulong, fc As ulong)
    this.x = xx
    this.y = yy
    this.w = ww
    this.h = hh
    this.s = ss
    this.c1 = oc
    this.c2 = fc
End Constructor

dim as string key

Dim shared chkPat1 As CheckerPattern = CheckerPattern(20, 20, 10, 10,40, rgb(100,200,100), rgb(200,100,20))

sub update()
end sub

  getmouse mx,my,,mb
  if mb = 1 then
    if mx>chkPat1.x and mx<chkPat1.x+chkPat1.w*chkPat1.s and my>chkPat1.y and my<chkPat1.y+chkPat1.h*chkPat1.s then 'over grid
      ox = mx
      oy = my
      while mb = 1
        getmouse mx,my,,mb
        if mx<>ox or my<>oy then 'mouse has moved
          xd = mx-ox
          yd = my-oy
          chkPat1.x = chkPat1.x + xd     'add movement to checkerPattern position
          chkPat1.y = chkPat1.y + yd
          ox = mx                'save new position
          oy = my
        end if
        sleep 2  'put in loop
    end if
  end if  
  sleep 2
loop until multikey(&H01)
Posts: 358
Joined: Sep 30, 2017 3:22

Re: checker grid pattern

Post by sancho3 »

I tried the oop version.
The movement is smooth. It looks good.
How about moving the update function into the object?
Posts: 3906
Joined: Jan 01, 2009 7:03
Location: Australia

Re: checker grid pattern

Post by BasicCoder2 »

sancho3 wrote:How about moving the update function into the object?
Well I haven't really written OO programs before and it never occurred to me.
Here I have added another checker patterned rectangle to move about.

Code: Select all

screenres 800,600,32
color rgb(0,0,0),rgb(255,255,255):cls
dim shared as integer mx,my,ox,oy,mb,xd,yd

type CheckerPattern
  as integer x
  as integer y
  as integer w  'width in squares not pixels
  as integer h
  as integer s  'size of squares
  as ulong   c1 'border color
  as ulong   c2 'fill color
  declare sub drawCheckerPattern()
  Declare Constructor()
  Declare Constructor(x As Integer, y As Integer, w As Integer,_ 
                        h As Integer, s as integer, c1 As ulong, c2 As ulong)
end type

sub CheckerPattern.drawCheckerPattern()
  dim as integer counter,s,px,py
  s = this.s
  px = this.x
  py = this.y
  for j as integer = 0 to this.h-1
    for i as integer = 0 to this.w-1
      if counter mod 2 = 0 then
        line (i*s+px,j*s+py)-(i*s+s+px,j*s+s+py),this.c1,bf
        line (i*s+px,j*s+py)-(i*s+s+px,j*s+s+py),this.c2,bf
      end if
      counter = counter + 1
    next i
    if this.w mod 2 = 0 then counter = counter + 1
  next j
end sub

Constructor CheckerPattern
    this.x = 30
    this.y = 30
    this.w = 10
    this.h = 10
    this.c2 = rgb(200,200,255)
    this.c1 = rgb(0,0,0)
End Constructor

Constructor CheckerPattern (xx As Integer, yy As Integer, ww As Integer,_ 
                        hh As Integer, ss as integer, oc As ulong, fc As ulong)
    this.x = xx
    this.y = yy
    this.w = ww
    this.h = hh
    this.s = ss
    this.c1 = oc
    this.c2 = fc
End Constructor

Dim shared chkPat1 As CheckerPattern = CheckerPattern(20, 20, 10, 10,10, rgb(100,200,100), rgb(200,100,20))
dim shared chkPat2 as CheckerPattern = CheckerPattern(100,100,5,5,30,rgb(255,100,0),rgb(200,200,10))

sub update()
end sub

sub movePattern(chk as CheckerPattern)
      ox = mx
      oy = my
      while mb = 1
        getmouse mx,my,,mb
        if mx<>ox or my<>oy then 'mouse has moved
          xd = mx-ox
          yd = my-oy
          chk.x = chk.x + xd     'add movement to checkerPattern position
          chk.y = chk.y + yd
          ox = mx                'save new position
          oy = my
        end if
        sleep 2  'put in loop
end sub
  getmouse mx,my,,mb
  if mb = 1 then
    if mx>chkPat1.x and mx<chkPat1.x+chkPat1.w*chkPat1.s and my>chkPat1.y and my<chkPat1.y+chkPat1.h*chkPat1.s then
    elseif mx>chkPat2.x and mx<chkPat2.x+chkPat2.w*chkPat2.s and my>chkPat2.y and my<chkPat2.y+chkPat2.h*chkPat2.s then
    end if
  end if  
  sleep 2
loop until multikey(&H01)
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