Infinite Image Zoom Flight [Windows only]

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Re: Infinite Image Zoom Flight [Windows only]

Post by jj2007 »

UEZ wrote:No, there are usually two kind of same functions in the GDI+ lib. One is integer, the 2nd one is float.

Code: Select all

CPU GdipDrawImageRectI    8BFF                 mov edi, edi   ; start of "integer version"
... (26 instructions converting integers to floats) ...
708DE25A              E8 49FEFFFF          call GdipDrawImageRect   ; oops!
GdipSetInterpolationMode is the magic function
Excellent, thanks.
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Re: Infinite Image Zoom Flight [Windows only]

Post by dodicat »

You seem to have some folding over at the top of the screen with your updated code.

I got mine a little faster, but I fear that I am all out of steroids now for pixel by pixel mapping.
Boost with the mousewheel.
click anything to remove the boost.

using images/...

Code: Select all

#if sizeof(integer)=8
#include ""
#Include  "win/"
Declare Function setT       Alias "timeBeginPeriod"(As Ulong=1) As Long
Declare Function freeT      Alias "timeEndPeriod"  (As Ulong=1) As Long
type bar
    as single start,finish,variable
    as uinteger fillcol,rimcol
    end type

sub ShowBar(startx as integer,starty as integer,length as integer,thickness as integer,B as bar)
    #define map(a,b,x,c,d) ((d)-(c))*((x)-(a))/((b)-(a))+(c)
    var xpos=map(b.start,b.finish,b.variable,startx,(startx+length))
end sub
dim as bar z

screenres 1200,900,32
'An idea from UEZ in another thread.
Function PloadToImage(Picture as String,byref i as any ptr) as long
    #define putpixel(_x,_y,colour)    *cptr(ulong ptr,row+ (_y)*pitch+ (_x) shl 2)  =(colour)
    static as integer pitch
    static as any ptr row
     Imageinfo i,,,,pitch,row
   Dim As uinteger TMP 
   Dim as any Ptr Img
   if GDIPLUS.GdipLoadImageFromFile(Picture,@Img)>0 then return 0
   Dim As Single w,h
   if w*h=0 then return 0
   Dim As GDIPLUS.BitmapData Pdata
   Dim As Rect R=Type(0,0,w-1,h-1)
   GDIPLUS.GdipBitmapLockBits(Img,Cast(Any Ptr,@R),GDIPLUS.ImageLockModeRead,PixelFormat32bppARGB,@Pdata)
   For y as long = 0 To h-1
      For x as long = 0 To w-1 
           'pset i,(x,y),Cast(ulong Ptr,Pdata.Scan0)[y*w+x]
        putpixel(x,y,(Cast(ulong Ptr,Pdata.Scan0)[y*w+x]))
return w*h
End Function

sub getsize(picture as string,byref w as single,byref h as single) 'unused
    Dim As uinteger TMP 
   Dim as any Ptr Img
   if GDIPLUS.GdipLoadImageFromFile(Picture,@Img)>0 then exit sub
end sub

Function Regulate(Byval MyFps As long,Byref fps As long) As long
    Static As Double timervalue,_lastsleeptime,t3,frames
    If (Timer-t3)>=1 Then t3=Timer:fps=frames:frames=0
    Var sleeptime=_lastsleeptime+((1/myfps)-Timer+timervalue)*1000
    If sleeptime<1 Then sleeptime=1
    Return sleeptime
End Function

function resize(im As Any Ptr,Wdth As Single,Hght as single,dx as long=0,dy as long=0) as any ptr
     #define putpixel(_x,_y,colour)    *cptr(ulong ptr,rowS+ (_y)*pitchS+ (_x) shl 2)  =(colour)
     #define _getpixel(_x,_y)           *cptr(ulong ptr,row + (_y)*pitch + (_x) shl 2)
     #define map(a,b,x,c,d) ((d)-(c))*((x)-(a))\((b)-(a))+(c)
    static As Integer pitch,pitchs
    static As Any Ptr row,rowS
    static As Ulong Ptr pixel,pixels
    static As Integer ddx,ddy,resultx,resulty
    Imageinfo im,ddx,ddy,,pitch,row
    dim as any ptr im2=imagecreate(Wdth-dx,Hght-dy)
    imageinfo im2,,,,pitchS,rowS
    For y As long=0+dy To Hght-1 -dy
        For x As long=0+dx To Wdth-1 -dx
        Next x
    Next y
    return im2
End function

sub show(x as long,y as long,s as string,e as single=1,col as ulong,alph as ubyte=255)
    dim as any ptr i=imagecreate(8*len(s),16)
    draw string i,(0,0),s,col
    imagedestroy i
    end sub

dim as string file="images/arkadia0.jpg" 

dim as any ptr pict=imagecreate(1200,900)
if PloadToImage(file,pict) =0  then print "unable to load":sleep:end 'TEST IF IMAGES ARE AVAILABLE.
show(500,300,"Please wait ...",2,rgb(255,255,255))
dim as integer w,h
screeninfo w,h

dim as any ptr im(0 to 48),tmp
for n as long=0 to 48
    z.variable=n              'n always lies between start and finish

dim as single x,y,number
dim as long fps,myfps,c,mwheel,rflag,btn
dim as integer ww,hh
#define map(a,b,x,c,d) ((d)-(c))*((x)-(a))\((b)-(a))+(c)
#define resetwheel(w,fl) fl=w
#define wheel(w,f) w-f
    getmouse c,c,mwheel,btn
    if btn then  resetwheel(mwheel,rflag)
    if (w+x)>=w*2 then number+=1:x=0:y=0 'double scale
    number=number mod 49

show 600,300,"FPS  " &fps,2,rgb(255,255,255)
draw string(600,320),str(number) + " of 48",rgb(255,255,255)
draw string(600,340),"Wheel boost "&abs(mwheel)
sleep  regulate(myfps,fps)
imagedestroy tmp
loop until len(inkey)
for n as long=0 to 48
imagedestroy pict

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Joined: Jun 04, 2005 9:51

Re: Infinite Image Zoom Flight [Windows only]

Post by dafhi »

kudos. I pulled Pload and made it less pretty but it's fast.
dodicat, your new loader is faster and pretty.

and of course resize is faster. as a programming challenge, this whole arcadia thing remains at the top of my list :D
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Re: Infinite Image Zoom Flight [Windows only]

Post by UEZ »

I updated the code again - now you can move your mouse up and down for speed and flight direction.

Of course the challenge is to write everything by ourselves but the WinAPI is huge and some of the functions are really fast. I'm too lazy to reinvent the wheel again but would give a lot of fun...
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Re: Infinite Image Zoom Flight [Windows only]

Post by dodicat »

Thanks UEZ.
You still have folding at the frame top (and bottom).
If r = 0.75 * iW_Dt is changed to
r = iW_Dt both times,(i.e. drop the .75) it seems to get rid of it here.
My desktop is 1290 by 1024.
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Joined: May 05, 2017 19:59
Location: Germany

Re: Infinite Image Zoom Flight [Windows only]

Post by UEZ »

dodicat wrote:Thanks UEZ.
You still have folding at the frame top (and bottom).
If r = 0.75 * iW_Dt is changed to
r = iW_Dt both times,(i.e. drop the .75) it seems to get rid of it here.
My desktop is 1290 by 1024.
I changed the variable for desktop w/h to your dimension and now I see what you mean with folding. But when I remove the multiplier 0.75 then the ratio (w / h) of image will get corrupted and the sun looks like an ellipse.

I never heard about 1290 x 1024 as a desktop dimension.
Posts: 1641
Joined: Jun 04, 2005 9:51

Re: Infinite Image Zoom Flight [Windows only]

Post by dafhi »

well thanks you both for sharing. the only win api I've had success with is StretchDiBits
Posts: 7983
Joined: Jan 10, 2006 20:30
Location: Scotland

Re: Infinite Image Zoom Flight [Windows only]

Post by dodicat »

A nice little project would be to create 49 freebasic images, with very simple objects.
Say trees:

Code: Select all

Sub Tree(x1 As Single,y1 As Single,size As Single,angle As Single,depth As Single,colb As ulong=0,colL As ulong=0,im as any ptr=0)
    Dim  As Single spread,scale,x2,y2
    #define incircle(cx,cy,radius,x,y) (cx-x)*(cx-x) +(cy-y)*(cy-y)<= radius*radius
    Static As Integer count,fx,fy,sz,z
    If count=0 Then  fx=x1:fy=y1:sz=size:z=2^(depth+1)-1
    Line im,(x1,y1)-(x2,y2),colb
    If count=0 Then  fx=x2:fy=y2:sz=size
    If count>z Then count=0
    If incircle(fx,fy,(.45*sz),x2,y2)=0 Then Circle im,(x2,y2),.01*sz,colL 
    If depth>0 Then
        Tree(x2, y2, size * Scale, angle - Spread, depth - 1,colB,colL,im)
        Tree(x2, y2, size * Scale, angle + Spread, depth - 1,colB,colL,im)
    End If
End Sub
screen 19
dim as any ptr i=imagecreate(350,350)
line i,(20,20)-(300,300),7,bf

and have them merge infinitly
Say the middle section of an image is next image full section.

Using whatever stretch you like.
Perhaps your own roto zoom scaler Dafhi.
Posts: 1641
Joined: Jun 04, 2005 9:51

Re: Infinite Image Zoom Flight [Windows only]

Post by dafhi »

nice, they look great! I think i'll have a go after this

got my zoomer working though.
I'm not certain if it's the quality of my sampler or some kind of x y w h miscalculation at image transition

Code: Select all

' ------- uses GDI+ to load jpg

#Ifndef Floor
   #Define Floor(x) (((x) * 2.0 - 0.5) Shr 1) ''
   #Define Ceiling(x) (-((-(x) * 2.0 - 0.5) Shr 1))
Union UnionARGB
  As Ulong col:  Type: As UByte  B,G,R,A:  End Type
End Union

Type sng2D
    As Single                     x,y
End Type

type myint as integer

type imagevars '2017 Jan 7 - by dafhi
  as myint              w,h,bpp,bypp,pitch,rate,  wm, hm, pitchBy, num_pages, flags 'helpers
  as any ptr            im, pixels
  as ulong ptr          p32
  as string             driver_name
  declare sub           get_info(im as any ptr=0)
  as single             wh, hh, diagonal
  declare sub           screen_init(w as myint=0, h as myint=0, bpp as myint=32, npages as myint=1, flags as myint=0)
  declare sub           create(w as myint=0, h as myint=0, col as ulong=&HFF000000)
  Declare Sub           SkewRect_ScaleRotate(ByVal scale_ As Single = 1.0, ByVal angle_ As Single = 0.0)
  Declare Sub           SkewRect_Render(ByRef dest As imagevars ptr, _
    ByVal x As myint = 0, _
    ByVal y As myint = 0, _
    ByVal wid As myint = -1, _
    ByVal hgt As myint = -1)
  declare               destructor
  As sng2D              ptA,ptB,ptC,ptD
  declare sub           destroy
end type
Destructor.imagevars:  destroy
End Destructor
Sub imagevars.Destroy():  If ImageInfo(im) = 0 <> 0 Then ImageDestroy im: im = 0: endif:  End Sub
sub imagevars.get_info(im as any ptr)
  if im=0 then
    pixels=screenptr:  ScreenInfo w,h, bpp, bypp, pitch, rate, driver_name
  elseif Imageinfo(im)=0 then
    ImageInfo im, w, h, bypp, pitch, pixels
    bpp = bypp * 8: = im
  endif:  pitchBy=pitch\bypp
  wm=w-1: wh=w/2:  diagonal = sqr(w*w+h*h)
  hm=h-1: hh=h/2:  p32=pixels
end sub
sub imagevars.create(w as myint, h as myint, col as ulong)
  destroy:  get_info imagecreate(w,h,col)
End Sub
Sub imagevars.screen_init(w As myint, h As myint, _bpp as myint, _pages as myint, _flags as myint)
  Destroy:  ScreenRes w,h,_bpp,_pages,_flags: get_info
  num_pages=_pages: flags=_flags:  if num_pages > 1 then screenset 0,1
End sub
Sub imagevars.SkewRect_ScaleRotate(ByVal scale_ As Single, ByVal angle_ As Single)
  If scale_ = 0 Then Exit Sub
  scale_ = 1 / scale_
  Dim As Single xLeft = wh * -scale_
  Dim As Single xRight = wh * scale_
  Dim As Single yTop = hh * -scale_
  Dim As Single yBot = hh * scale_
  Dim As Single cos_ = Cos( -angle_ )
  Dim As single sin_ = Sin( -angle_ )
  Dim As Single tmpA,tmpB
  #Macro Rot8_Trans(init_a,init_b,dsta, dstb)
     dsta = init_a
     dstb = init_b
     tmpA = cos_ * dsta + sin_ * dstb
     tmpB = cos_ * dstb - sin_ * dsta
     dsta = tmpA + wh + .5
     dstb = tmpB + hh + .5
  Rot8_Trans( xLeft, yTop, ptA.x, ptA.y )
  Rot8_Trans( xRight, yTop, ptB.x, ptB.y )
  Rot8_Trans( xLeft, yBot, ptC.x, ptC.y )
  Rot8_Trans( xRight, yBot, ptD.x, ptD.y )
End Sub
Sub imagevars.SkewRect_Render(ByRef pDest As imagevars ptr, _
  ByVal x As myint, ByVal y As myint, _
  ByVal wid_ As myint, ByVal hgt_ As myint)
  #Macro InterpolatePoint(dest_,from_,to_)
    dest_.x = from_.x + lerp * (to_.x - from_.x)
    dest_.y = from_.y + lerp * (to_.y - from_.y)
  #Macro LayerSource_Components(aa_mul1, aa_mul2)
    aa_fractional = aa_mul1 * aa_mul2
    sRed += aa_fractional * ptrSource->R
    sGrn += aa_fractional * ptrSource->G
    sBlu += aa_fractional * ptrSource->B
  #Macro BoundsCheckSource(aa_mul1, aa_mul2)
    If srcY >= 0 Then
      If srcX >= 0 Then
        If srcY < h Then
          If srcX < w Then
            LayerSource_Components( aa_mul1, aa_mul2 )
            'c += 1
  Dim As myint  clipLeft,clipTop,xLeft=floor(x+.5),yTop=floor(y+.5)
  If x < 0 Then clipLeft = -x: xLeft = 0
  If y < 0 Then clipTop = -y: yTop = 0
  Dim As myint  widM_ = wid_ - 1
  Dim As myint  hgtM_ = hgt_ - 1
  Dim As myint  xRight = xleft + widM_
  Dim As myint  yBot = ytop + hgtM_
  If xRight > pDest->wM Then xRight = pDest->wM
  If yBot > pDest->hM Then yBot = pDest->hM
  Dim As Single aa_fractional, xGridStep = 1 / (wid_) '2018 Jan 8
  For yDest As myint = yTop To yBot
    Dim As myint  yGrid = yDest + ClipTop
    Dim As single     lerp = (yGrid - yTop) / (hgt_) '2018 Jan 8
    Dim As sng2D      ptAC, ptBD
    InterpolatePoint( ptAC, ptA, ptC )
    InterpolatePoint( ptBD, ptB, ptD )
    Dim As UnionARGB Ptr pixDest = pDest->pixels + yDest * pDest->pitch
    For xDest As myint = xLeft To xRight
      Dim As myint  xGrid = xDest + ClipLeft
      Dim As sng2D srcFloatPos
      lerp = (xGrid - xLeft) * xGridStep
      InterpolatePoint( srcFloatPos, ptAC, ptBD )
      Dim As myint  srcX = floor(srcFloatPos.x)
      Dim As myint  srcY = floor(srcFloatPos.y)
      Dim As Single   aa_Left = srcX + 1 - srcFloatPos.x
      Dim As Single   aa_Top = srcY + 1 - srcFloatPos.y
      Dim As Single   aa_Right = 1 - aa_Left
      Dim As Single   aa_Bot = 1 - aa_Top
      Dim As Single   sRed, sGrn, sBlu
      Dim As UnionARGB ptr ptrSource = pixels
      ptrSource += srcY * pitchBy + srcX
      'var c = 0 '2018 Jan 8
      BoundsCheckSource( aa_Left, aa_Top ) ''A
      srcX += 1
      ptrSource += 1
      BoundsCheckSource( aa_Right, aa_Top ) ''B
      srcY += 1
      ptrSource += pitchBy
      BoundsCheckSource( aa_Right, aa_Bot ) ''D
      srcX -= 1
      ptrSource -= 1
      BoundsCheckSource( aa_Left, aa_Bot ) ''C
      'if c>0 then
      pixDest[xDest].B = sBlu
      pixDest[xDest].G = sGrn
      pixDest[xDest].R = sRed
End Sub

function round(in as single, places as ubyte = 2) as single
  dim as integer mul = 10 ^ places
  return int(in * mul + .5) / mul
End Function

#if sizeof(integer)=8
#include ""
#Include  "win/"

type bar
    as single start,finish,variable
    as uinteger fillcol,rimcol
    end type

sub proBar(startx as integer,starty as integer,length as integer,thickness as integer,B as bar)
    #define map(a,b,x,c,d) ((d)-(c))*((x)-(a))/((b)-(a))+(c)
    var xpos=map(b.start,b.finish,b.variable,startx,(startx+length))
end sub
dim as bar z

'An idea from UEZ in another thread.
Function Pload(file as String,byref i as any ptr=0) as long
    #define putpixel(_x,_y,colour)    *cptr(ulong ptr,row+ (_y)*pitch+ (_x) shl 2)  =(colour)
    static as integer pitch
    static as any ptr row
     Imageinfo i,,,,pitch,row
   Dim As uinteger TMP
   Dim as any Ptr Img
   if GDIPLUS.GdipLoadImageFromFile(file,@Img)>0 then return 0
   Dim As Single w,h
   if w*h=0 then return 0
   Dim As GDIPLUS.BitmapData Pdata
   Dim As Rect R=Type(0,0,w-1,h-1)
   GDIPLUS.GdipBitmapLockBits(Img,Cast(Any Ptr,@R),GDIPLUS.ImageLockModeRead,PixelFormat32bppARGB,@Pdata)
   For y as long = 0 To h-1
      For x as long = 0 To w-1
           'pset i,(x,y),Cast(ulong Ptr,Pdata.Scan0)[y*w+x]
        putpixel(x,y,(Cast(ulong Ptr,Pdata.Scan0)[y*w+x]))
return w*h
End Function

function resize(im As Any Ptr,Wdth As Single,Hght as single) as any ptr
     #define putpixel(_x,_y,colour)    *cptr(ulong ptr,rowS+ (_y)*pitchS+ (_x) shl 2)  =(colour)
     #define _getpixel(_x,_y)           *cptr(ulong ptr,row + (_y)*pitch + (_x) shl 2)
     #define map(a,b,x,c,d) ((d)-(c))*((x)-(a))\((b)-(a))+(c)
    static As Integer pitch,pitchs
    static As Any Ptr row,rowS
    static As Ulong Ptr pixel,pixels
    static As Integer ddx,ddy,resultx,resulty
    Imageinfo im,ddx,ddy,,pitch,row
    dim as any ptr im2=imagecreate(Wdth,Hght)
    imageinfo im2,,,,pitchS,rowS
    For y As long=0 To Hght-1
        For x As long=0 To Wdth-1
        Next x
    Next y
    return im2
End function

sub text(x as long,y as long,s as string,e as single=1,col as ulong=-1,alph as ubyte=255)
    dim as any ptr i=imagecreate(8*len(s),16)
    draw string i,(0,0),s,col
    imagedestroy i
    end sub

dim as imagevars buf:  buf.screen_init 960,720

dim as single w=1200,h=900

var uc = 48
dim as imagevars  imv(uc-1)
imv(0).create w,h
chdir exepath
if Pload("images/arkadia0.jpg", imv(0).im) =0  then print "unable to load":sleep:end 'TEST IF IMAGES ARE AVAILABLE.

text(500,300,"Please wait ...",2,rgb(255,255,255))

for n as long=1 to uc-1
  z.variable=n              'n always lies between start and finish
  with imv(n)
    .create w,h
    Pload( "images/arkadia"+str(n)+".jpg", .im )
  end with
  if inkey<>"" then exit for

type blitrect
  as myint          x,y,w,h
  as imagevars ptr  pdest
  as single         iscale
  declare sub       vals(byref as imagevars ptr, as single=0)
  declare sub       blit(byref as imagevars ptr)
  declare constructor(byref as imagevars ptr=0, as single=0)
End Type
constructor.blitrect(byref dest as imagevars ptr, scale as single)
  if dest<>0 then vals dest, scale
end constructor
sub blitrect.vals(byref dest as imagevars ptr, _scale as single)
  w = int(dest->w * _scale * 2 + .5) \ 2
  h = int(dest->h * _scale * 2 + .5) \ 2
  x = (dest->w - w) \ 2
  y = (dest->h - h) \ 2
  iscale = dest->diagonal / sqr(w*w+h*h)
  pdest = dest
End Sub
sub blitrect.blit(byref src as imagevars ptr)
  src->skewRect_Render pdest, x, y, w,h
End Sub

dim as blitrect     rc_2 = type(@buf, 1/2)
dim as blitrect     rc_4 = type(@buf, 1/4)

dim as single td0, td1, fps_report_interval = 1
dim as double trigger_report = timer

Dim as Single b

  var c = 2^Frac(b), angle = 0, t = timer
    For e as long = 0 to 2
      var a = (Floor(b) + e) Mod uc
      select case e:  case 0
        imv(a).skewRect_ScaleRotate c,angle
        imv(a).skewRect_Render @buf, 0,0,buf.w,buf.h
      case 1
        imv(a).skewRect_ScaleRotate c*rc_2.iscale,angle
        rc_2.blit @imv(a)
      case 2
        imv(a).skewRect_ScaleRotate c*rc_4.iscale,angle
        rc_4.blit @imv(a)
      end select
      c *= 0.5
    var t2 = timer
    if t2 >= trigger_report then
      td0 = td1
      td1 = t2-t
      trigger_report += fps_report_interval
    text 5, 5, "fps " & round(2/(td1+td0))
   b += 0.01
   b -= uc*int(b/uc) '' mod .. uc = 48
  sleep 1
loop until len(inkey)
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