hashing technique

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hashing technique

Post by dafhi »

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/' ------------ hash table v.04 demo - 2017 Oct 9 - by dafhi

 Background:  Thread about color quantization rekindled my interest
to develop a color quant of my own.

Most standard images contain less than 500K unique colors,
and it seems wasteful to create a 16M size array.

The most untrivial part is to read a source pixel and tell
which palette index it associates with.

Ponder that if you care to.

A short answer to this problem:  modulus (whatever palette size you prefer)
A more complete answer:  hashing technique

There is a great video about this on youtube - mFY0J5W8Udk


' ------------ hash table v.04 - 2017 Oct 9 - by dafhi

type byteTriple         'for counting or binning, uses 3 bytes
  as ubyte              a,b,c
  declare operator      cast as ulong
  declare operator      cast as string
End Type
operator byteTriple.cast as ulong
  return ((c)shl 16)or((b)shl 8)or a
End Operator
operator byteTriple.cast as string
  return str(culng(this))
End Operator
operator +(lhs as byteTriple, rhs as ulong) as byteTriple
  rhs+=lhs.a+((lhs.b)shl 8)+((lhs.c)shl 16)
  lhs.a=rhs and 255: lhs.b=(rhs shr 8)and 255: lhs.c=(rhs shr 16)and 255
  return lhs
End Operator

type HashInput          as ulong

type val_and_count
  as HashInput          v
  as byteTriple         c
End Type

type HashTable
  as long               u = -1, c, uniq, colli
  as HashInput          lo, hi
  as val_and_count      histo(any)
  declare property      get(v as HashInput) as long
  declare function      push(v as HashInput) as long
  declare sub           size(in as long)
  declare constructor
  as long               trig, push0
  as single             i, j
End Type
constructor.HashTable:  size 290000
end constructor
sub HashTable.size(in as long):  c=in: u=c-1: trig = c*1.0: redim histo(u)
  colli=0: push0=0: uniq=0
End sub
property HashTable.get(v as HashInput) as long
  v and= &HFFFFFF
  j=1: i = int(v+.5) mod c
  while histo(i).v <> v
    if histo(i).c=0 then exit while
    i=(i+j)mod c
    if j>trig then return 0 '-1 v.03
    j *= 1.11
  Wend: return i
End Property
function HashTable.push(v as HashInput) as long
  v and= &HFFFFFF
  if push0<1 then lo=v: hi=v: push0=1
  j=1: i = int(v+.5) mod c
  while histo(i).v <> v
    if histo(i).c=0 then exit while
    i=(i+j)mod c
    if j>trig then colli+=1: return 0 ' -1 v.03
    j *= 1.11
  Wend: if histo(i).c=0 then uniq+=1
  histo(i).c+=1:  return i
End function

var u = 9
dim as ulong cols(u)

dim as hashtable ht:  ht.size (u+1)*1.1

for i as long = 0 to u
  cols(i) = int(rnd*&H1000000)
  ht.push cols(i)

if ht.colli=0 then
  ? "low  "; ht.lo
  ? "high "; ht.hi
  ? "unique values "; ht.uniq
  ? "table size    "; ht.c
  ? "there was a collision"

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