800x600x24 bitmap fun...

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800x600x24 bitmap fun...

Post by Mysoft »

ok... first you need to get the bitmap

its a 800x600x24 bitmap = 1.3mb

you can check it wherever you want... or maybe in freebasic with

Code: Select all

screenres 800,600,32
bload "image.bmp"
so... now try this! :)

Code: Select all

#include "fbgfx.bi"

declare sub Blur(WHERE as any ptr)

#define Cvt(WHAT) ((WHAT and &h00030303) shl 6)

screenres 800,600,32,,fb.gfx_high_priority

dim as any ptr IMG = ImageCreate(800,600)
dim PIX as integer ptr,BT as double

' bload the bitmap and clear alpha
bload "image.bmp",IMG:PIX = IMG+sizeof(fb.image)
for D as integer=1 to 800*600:*PIX or= &hFF202020: PIX += 1:next D

' do the magic
PIX = IMG+sizeof(fb.image)
for D as integer = 1 to 800*600
  if (*PIX and &HFF000000) then *PIX = Cvt(*PIX)
  PIX += 1
next D

' wait key
  BT xor= 1:sleep 300,1
  if BT then WindowTitle ("PRESS A KEY TO CONTINUE!") else WindowTitle ("")
  if BT then if inkey$ <> "" then exit do

' alpha effect
BT = timer
for D as integer = 0 to 39
  while (timer-BT) < 1/15
    sleep 1
  BT += 1/15
next D
WindowTitle ("Press any key to finish")

' blur to raise image quality
sub Blur(WHERE as any ptr)
  dim as ubyte ptr PIX
  dim as integer TMP
  for D as integer = 1 to 800*598*4
    TMP = *PIX+PIX[4]+PIX[3200]+PIX[3204]
    TMP += PIX[8]+PIX[3208]+PIX[6400]+PIX[6404]
    *PIX = (TMP shr 3)
    PIX += 1
  next D
end sub
funny isnt it?
no? oh then... try changing the #define there (line 5) for...

Code: Select all

#define Cvt(WHAT) ((WHAT and &h000C0C0C) shl 4)
and then run it again!
haaa! there it goes again...

want another one??
well maybe then let's try something different
try this one:

Code: Select all

#include "fbgfx.bi"

screenres 800,600,32,,fb.gfx_high_priority or fb.gfx_alpha_primitives

declare sub Blur(WHERE as any ptr)

dim as uinteger ptr PIX
dim as ubyte TST,BITS
dim as uinteger PTX,PTZ
dim as string NNM = chr$(118,105,100,101,111,46,119,109,118)
dim as double BT
dim as string TT

' bload the image
bload "image.bmp"

' *** extract magic ***
open NNM for binary as #1
open cons for output as #99
PIX = screenptr: BITS = 0: TST = 0
for Y as integer = 1 to 600  
  for X as integer = 1 to 800
    PTX = (*PIX and &h303030)    
    *PIX and= (not &h303030)
    TST shr= 2: TST or= ((PTX shr 14) and &hC0)
    PTX shl= 8
    BITS = (BITS+1) and 3
    if BITS = 0 then put #1,,TST
    TST shr= 2: TST or= ((PTX shr 14) and &hC0)
    PTX shl= 8
    BITS = (BITS+1) and 3
    if BITS = 0 then put #1,,TST
    TST shr= 2: TST or= ((PTX shr 14) and &hC0)
    BITS = (BITS+1) and 3
    if BITS = 0 then put #1,,TST
    PIX += 1    
  next X
  sleep 1
next Y

' blur fade!
BT = timer
var BUF = imagecreate(800,600)
BITS = 0:TST = 0
for C as integer = 0 to 128
  BITS xor= 1: TST += 1
  if BITS then
  end if
  while (timer-BT) < 1/10
    sleep 1
  BT += 1/10
next C

shell NNM

' blur to raise image quality
sub Blur(WHERE as any ptr)
  dim as ubyte ptr PIX
  dim as integer TMP
  for D as integer = 1 to 800*598*4
    TMP = *PIX+PIX[4]+PIX[3200]+PIX[3204]
    *PIX = TMP/3.94
    PIX += 1
  next D
end sub
and that's all folks...
ps: if you're a linux user... than you probabily need to execute the file manually after executing the last one... but enjoy the fade/blur effect too :P

subliminar .bmp ftw! xD
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Post by duke4e »

3 images + titus the fox video all in one tiny bmp file. awesome!
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Post by Hezad »

yey ! dude, that's awesome oO

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Post by h4tt3n »

Cool stuff mysoft!

really amazing, at least to me who knows very little of image handling beyond "bload" and "put".

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Post by Deleter »

cool. "and you thought that was the main menu file :P"
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Post by stylin »

Out of This World, yeah !
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Post by phishguy »

That's wild! I kinda freaked out when the last one started playing a video. I had thoughts of viruses attacking my PC. Oh, the nasty stuff you could do if you were an evil genius instead of just a plain genius.
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Post by notthecheatr »

That is insane. I haven't seen something as impressive as this in... a long time.
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Post by BastetFurry »

This is scene gold!
Ever thought about attending the Breakpoint with stuff like that in a tiny, as in size, demo and kick some Farbrausch butt with it?
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Post by angros47 »

I've heard about steganography, but you brought it to the next level.

Have you ever heard about notpron and others online riddles, where you have to find an hidden message inside a page? Maybe you could solve them.

One last comment... if you could fit three images and a video in the same space wich is normally used to store only one image... what a waste of memory are normally BMP!
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Post by Deleter »

angros47 wrote:... what a waste of memory are normally BMP!
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Location: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Indaial (ouch!)

Post by Mysoft »

yeah its sure that it's a waste... but also the images there are 2 bits per component instead of 8... (so instead of one image with 8 bits per component is 3 images with 2 bits the 2 remaining bits are used for form 6/8 of a byte (per pixel)...

i like those sites... i sometimes try some challenge when my soul is calm enough for that... its fun =)
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