I start to make a little command line IDE for BASIC

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I start to make a little command line IDE for BASIC

Post by exagonx »

Before I start Happy Easter to all

Yesterday during the afternoon I lose a little of time with a hold pc "Pentium 166Mhz MMX" 32MB RAM and S3Trio Virge DX/GX 2MB with Windows 98
I download last FreeBASIC for DOS CWSDPMI Driver and I writed a little code for make a Command Line IDE.

Its seems like it works
But Im not sure Is writed correctly.

Code: Select all

CONST PROJ_NAME = "IDEBAS" '                                                   >
CONST PROJ_DESC = "BASIC IDE for Command Line" '                               >
CONST PROJ_VERS = "0.01.00" '                                                  >
CONST PROJ_YEAR = "2018" '                                                     >
CONST PROJ_AUTH = "Graziano Falcone" '                                         >
CONST PROJ_MAIL = "exagonx@hotmail.com" '                                      >
CONST PROJ_WEBS = "exagonx.altervista.org" '                                   >
CONST PROJ_LICE = "" '                                                         >

Declare sub Comandi(ByVal Comando as String)

Declare Function IsCommand(ByVal Stringa As String, ByVal dfcm As String)As Integer

Function IsCommand(ByVal Stringa As String, ByVal dfcm As String)As Integer
rem dfcm = "funzi" dfcm = "defin"
Dim As Integer CiR, ISC
Dim As String StrCom

If ucase(dfcm) = "FUNZI" then Restore Funzioni
If ucase(dfcm) = "DEFIN" then Restore Definizione

CiR = 0
Do Until CiR = 1
Read StrCom

If Ucase(StrCom) = Ucase(Stringa) Then 
ISC = 1
CiR = 1
End If
If StrCom = "000" Then 
ISC = 0
CiR = 1
End If

Return ISC

End Function

Sub Interprete(ByVal Stringa as String, ByVal CCom As Integer, ByVal CFun As Integer,ByVal CNor As Integer, ByVal CStri As Integer)

Dim As String MyCom, Parola, Compose, Estratto, SiCh
Dim As Integer FinStr, LunStr, Passo, LunPar, Conf, ConStr, Riga, Colonna, ContStr

FinStr = 0
Passo = 0

Input "<> ", MyCom

LunStr = Len(MyCom)
ConStr = 0

Riga = Csrlin + 1
'Print Riga
if Riga > 24 Then Print " ": Riga = 24
Colonna = 1

Do Until FinStr = 1
Passo = Passo + 1
If Passo > (LunStr + 1) Then
End If

	SiCh = Mid(MyCom, Passo, 1)
	If SiCh = Chr(32) Or SiCh = Chr(34) Or SiCh = Chr(39) Or Passo > (LunStr + 1) Then
		If ConStr = 0 Then
			If SiCh = Chr(32) Or Passo > (LunStr + 1) Then 
				Conf = 0
				if IsCommand(Parola,"FUNZI") = 1 Then
					Color CCom, 0
					Locate Riga , Colonna
					Print Parola 
					Colonna = Colonna + Len(Parola) + 1
					Conf = 1
				End If
				if IsCommand(Parola,"DEFIN") = 1 Then
					Color CFun, 0
					Locate Riga , Colonna
					Print Parola 
					Colonna = Colonna + Len(Parola) + 1
					Conf = 1
				End if
				If Conf = 0 Then
					Color CNOr, 0
					Locate Riga , Colonna
					Print Parola 
					Colonna = Colonna + Len(Parola) + 1
					Conf = 1
				End If
				If Conf = 1 Then  Parola = ""
			End If
			If SiCh = Chr(34) Then ConStr = 1:Parola = Parola & SiCh
			If SiCh = Chr(39) Then ConStr = 2:Parola = Parola & SiCh
			If 	ContStr = 1 Then 
				Parola = Parola & SiCh
				Color CStri, 0
				Locate Riga , Colonna
				Print Parola 	
				Colonna = Colonna + Len(Parola) + 1	
				Parola = ""	
				If SiCh = Chr(34) or SiCh = Chr(39) Then
					Parola = Parola & SiCh
				End if
				Color Cstri, 0
				Locate Riga , Colonna
				Print Parola 
				Colonna = Colonna + Len(Parola) + 1
				Parola = ""
			End If
		End If
		Parola = Parola & SiCh
	End If 
	If Passo > (LunStr + 1) Then FinStr = 1

Color 7, 0
print " "

End Sub

Interprete("", 10, 14, 7, 12)

DATA "abs", "access", "acos", "add", "alias", "allegro", "allocate", "alpha", "and", "any", "andalso", "append", "as"
DATA "asc", "ascii", "asi", "asm", "assert", "atn", "bass", "bassmod", "beep", "bfd", "big_int", "bin", "binary", "bit"
DATA "bload", "bsave", "byref", "byval", "byte", "caca", "call", "callocate", "case", "cast", "cbyte", "cdbl", "cdecl"
DATA "cgi-util", "cgui", "chain", "chdir", "chr", "cint", "circle", "class", "clear", "clng", "clngint", "close", "cls"
DATA "color", "command", "comments", "common", "condbroadcast", "condcreate", "conddestroy", "condsignal", "condwait"
DATA "const", "constants", "constructor", "continue", "continue do", "continue for", "continue while", "control flow"
DATA "cos", "cptr", "cryptlib", "cshort", "csign", "csng", "csrlin", "cubyte", "cuint", "culng", "culngint", "cunit", "cunsg"
DATA "curdir", "curl", "curses", "cushort", "cvd", "cvi", "cvl", "cvlongint", "cvs", "cvshort", "data", "date"
DATA "dateadd", "datediff", "datepart", "dateserial", "datevalue", "day", "deallocate", "debugging", "declare", "default"
DATA "defbyte", "defdbl", "defined", "defint", "deflng", "deflongint", "defshort", "defsng", "defstr", "defubyte", "defuint"
DATA "defulongint", "defushort", "delete", "destructor", "dim", "dir", "dislin", "disphelper", "do", "loop", "while", "double"
DATA "draw", "draw string", "dylibfree", "dylibload", "dylibsymbol", "else", "else if", "encoding", "end", "end if", "enum"
DATA "end enum", "environ", "environ statement", "eof", "eqv", "erase", "erfn", "erl", "ermn", "err", "error", "error handling"
DATA "herror handling functions", "exec", "exepath", "exit", "exit do", "exit for", "exit select", "exit while", "exp", "expat"
DATA "export", "extern", "end extern", "fastcgi"
DATA "field", "fileattr", "filecopy", "filedatetime", "fileexists", "filelen", "fix", "flip", "fmod", "for", "next", "to"
DATA "step", "format", "frac", "fre", "freefile", "function", "gd", "gdsl", "get", "get #", "getjoystick", "getkey", "getmouse"
DATA "gif_lib", "gmp", "gosub", "goto", "grx", "gsl", "gtk", "hex", "hibyte", "hiword", "hour", "if", "then", "else"
DATA "end if", "else if", "imp", "import", "implicit", "inkey", "initialization", "inp", "inline asm", "input", "input #"
DATA "input$", "installing", "instr", "instrrev", "int", "integer", "ls", "lsdate", "iup", "japi", "jni", "jpeglib"
DATA "jpegalleg", "kill", "labels", "lbound", "lcase", "left", "len", "let", "lib", "libpng", "lbxml", "libslt", "line"
DATA "line input", "line input #", "literals", "lobyte", "loc", "local", "locate", "lock", "lof", "log", "long"
DATA "long", "longint", "loop", "loword", "lpos", "lprint", "lpt", "lset", "ltrim", "lua", "lzo", "mid", "minute", "mkd"
DATA "mkdir", "mki", "mkl", "mklongint", "mks", "mkshrt", "mod", "modularizing", "month", "monthname", "multikey"
DATA "mutexcreate", "mutexdestroy", "mutexlock", "mutexunlock", "mxml", "mysql", "name", "namespace", "new", "newton"
DATA "next", "not", "now", "oct", "ode", "offsetof", "on error", "on gosub", "on goto", "on local error", "goto", "gosub"
DATA "once", "open", "open com", "open cons", "open err", "open lpt", "open pipe", "open scm", "openal", "opengl", "or"
DATA "orelse", "output", "overload", "overview", "paint", "palette", "pascal", "pcopy", "pcre", "pdflib"
DATA "peek", "pmap", "point", "pointer", "poke", "pos", "postgresql", "preset", "print", "print #", "print using"
DATA "print using #", "private", "procedures", "procptr", "profiling", "property", "protected", "pset", "ptr", "public"
DATA "put", "put #", "quicklz", "radians", "random", "randomize", "read", "reallocate", "redim", "requirements", "rem"
DATA "reset", "restore", "resume", "resume next", "return", "rgb", "rgba", "right", "rmdir", "rnd", "rset", "rtrim", "run"
DATA "sadd", "scope", "screen", "screencontrol", "screencopy", "screenevent", "screenglproc", "screeninfo", "screenlist"
DATA "screenlock", "screenptr", "screenres", "screenset", "screensync", "screenunlock", "sdl", "second", "seek", "select case"
DATA "select", "case", "end select", "setdate", "setenviron", "setmouse", "settime", "sgn", "shared", "shl", "short", "shr"
DATA "sin", "single", "sizeof", "sleep", "space", "spc", "spidermonkey", "sqlite", "sqr", "static", "stdcall", "step"
DATA "stick", "stop", "str", "storage classes", "strig", "string", "strptr", "sub", "swap", "system", "tab", "tan", "then"
DATA "this", "threadcreate", "thread wait", "time", "timer", "timeserial", "timevalue", "tinyptc", "to", "trans"
DATA "tre", "trim", "type", "end type", "typeof", "ubound", "ubyte", "ucase", "uinteger", "ulong", "ulongint", "union"
DATA "end union", "unlock", "unsigned", "until", "ushort", "using", "va_arg", "va_first", "va_next", "val", "valint"
DATA "vallng", "valuint", "valulng", "var", "varptr", "variables", "view", "wait", "wbin", "wchr", "weekday", "weekdayname"
DATA "wend", "whex", "while", "wend", "width", "window", "window title", "winput", "with", "woct", "write", "write #", "wspace"
DATA "wstr", "wstring", "xor", "zlib", "zstring", "year"
DATA "000"

DATA "__FB_CYGWIN__", "__FB_DEBUG__", "__FB_DOS__", "__FB_ERR__", "__FB_FREEBSD__", "__FB_LANG__", "__FB_LINUX__"
DATA "__FB_OPTION_EXPLICIT__", "__Fb_Option_Gosub__", "__FB_OPTION_PRIVATE__", "__FB_OUT_DLL__", "__FB_OUT_EXE__"
DATA "__FB_OUT_LIB__", "__FB_OUT_OBJ__", "__FB_SIGNATURE__", "__FB_SSE__", "__FB_VER_MAJOR__", "__FB_VER_MINOR__"
DATA "__FB_VER_PATCH__", "__FB_VERSION__", "__FB_WIN32__", "__FB_XBOX__", "__TIME__", "__PATH__", "__LINE__", "__DATE__"
DATA "+", "-", "*", "/", "=", "?"
DATA "000"

This is the output
If Someone can give me a tip for make something better im happy ^_^
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