Win API function EM_SETSEL not highliting

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Win API function EM_SETSEL not highliting

Post by Tonigau »

Using FB 1.07.2-win32, win7Px64 (same with FB 1.07.3-win64)

I need some help testing Win API functions EM_SETSEL & EM_REPLACESEL (? is the hilight issue just my PC's)
With EM_SETSEL it is selecting the text in edit box but its not hilight'd (verified by paste & the selection is overwritten)
as I want to hilight some text in response to an error message i am a bit stuck.
SendMessage(Editor1, EM_SETSEL, SelStrt, SelEnd)
Setting focus on the edit box selects all text SetFocus(Editor1) '< Selects all text!

The other issue is a Type mismatch error on the last parameter of EM_REPLACESEL, it should be of type text but if I set an integer is no error(but not work of course)
SendMessage(Editor1, EM_REPLACESEL, UndoEn, Text)

If below code is working for you then I maybe have a local issue.
All the functions & subs that I use with work perfectly.

Code: Select all

' Testing SendMessage EM_SETSEL EM_REPLACESEL Windows API Function
' 2 Issues...
' EM_SETSEL does not highlite selected text but the selection handles are present(evident when paste).
' EM_REPLACESEL may be a bug somewhere as 4th parameter in SendMessage should be String (expecting int)

#Include ""

Dim Shared As HWND Window_Main, Editor1, EditB, Btn_Sel, Btn_Paste, Btn_Clear, Btn_Exit, Group1
Dim Shared As HWND Edit_Font
Dim Shared As HFONT hFont
Dim As MSG msg
Dim As Long x0, y0, W1, H1, Rpos, Vpos1, Vpos2
Dim As Integer  BtnX, pos1, pos2    
Dim Shared As String CR_LF, OutString, Text1, Text2
Declare Sub Process (Editor1 As HWND) 

  W1 = 1050	  ' Window Width
  H1 = 720    ' Window Height
  Vpos1 = 40  ' Editor 1
  Vpos2 = 410 ' Editor 2
  Rpos = 210  ' Right ref
  BtnX = 30   ' Button x ref
  CR_LF = Chr(13, 10)
  Text1 = "Editor1"
  Text2 = "Select/Copy, below text then Clik Paste Button before and after clik Select Button"

'  Create window Form with edit & buttons
	Window_Main = Window_New	(500, 100, W1, H1, "Test EM_SETSEL, EM_REPLACESEL")
'                               X    Y   W   H
	Editor1 = Editor_New		   (20, 40, 800, 350, "",, Window_Main)
	EditB = EditBox_New			(100, 10, 100, 20, "0",, Window_Main)
	Var Label_txt1 = Label_New	(30, Vpos1 - 20, 800, 20, Text1,, Window_Main) ' & chr(38) does not show in label
	Var Label_txt2 = Label_New	(30, Vpos2 - 20, 800, 20, Text2,, Window_Main)
	Btn_Paste = Button_New		(W1-180, 100, 100, 40, "Paste",, Window_Main)
	Btn_Clear = Button_New		(W1-180, 100, 100, 40, "Clear",, Window_Main)
	Btn_Sel = Button_New		(W1-180, 100, 100, 40, "Select",, Window_Main)
	Btn_Exit = Button_New		(W1-180, 100, 100, 40, "EXIT",, Window_Main)
	Group1 = GroupBox_New		(W1-180, 100, W1-10, H1-10, "", Window_Main) ' Main window border
   'EditBox_SetText(Editor1, OutString) '< WinGUI same
   SetWindowText(Editor1, OutString) '< Testing API function here = ok
   EditBox_SetText(EditB, "-0123456789-")

	hFont = Control_Createfont("Courier New",,, FW_BOLD)
	Control_SetFont(Editor1), hFont

Sub Process (Editor1 As HWND)	
	 OutString = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"	+ CR_LF + "||||||||||||||||||||||||||"
	 SetWindowText(Editor1, OutString ) ' Test here in Sub = ok
    Dim As String Text = "-1--++--9-"
    Dim As Integer UndoEn = 1, SelStrt = 10, SelEnd = 12 ' ( selection end is SelEnd-1)
	SendMessage(Editor1, EM_SETSEL, SelStrt, SelEnd)  '< This line seems to select, but no highlite can see 
'	SendMessage(Editor1, EM_REPLACESEL, UndoEn, Text)  '< This line expects an integer at param 4 !!
'	(62) error 58: Type mismatch, at parameter 4 of SENDMESSAGE() in 'SendMessage(Editor1, EM_REPLACESEL, UndoEn, Text)'

' Uncomment line  SendMessage(Editor1, EM_REPLACESEL, ... to see Error 	
End Sub

'Event loop:  This loop runs continuously,  capture events from WinAPI
	WaitEvent(Window_Main, msg)
	Select Case msg.hwnd
		Case Btn_Paste
			If msg.message = WM_LBUTTONUP Then
			End If

		Case Btn_Clear
			If msg.message = WM_LBUTTONUP Then
'			  EditBox_Clear(Editor1) '< This clears selected text
			End If  		

		Case Btn_Sel
			If msg.message = WM_LBUTTONUP Then
			End If

		Case Btn_Exit
			If msg.message = WM_LBUTTONUP Then
'			SendMessage(Window_Main, WM_CLOSE,0,0)'< this just removed KBD focus
'			DestroyWindow(Window_Main) '< Close window but exe still run as task
'			PostQuitMessage(0)			'< Seems to do nothing
			  Exit Do						'< Exit Application- yai                
			End If			

		Case Else	
		 'Resize/Repos Controls x if window size change
       Window_GetSize(Window_Main, x0, y0, W1, H1)

       Control_Resize(Editor1, 20, Vpos1, W1-Rpos, 350)
       Control_Resize(EditB , 20, Vpos2, W1-(Rpos+300), 20)       
       Control_Resize(Btn_Paste, W1-(Rpos-BtnX), Vpos1, 100, 40)
       Control_Resize(Btn_Clear, W1-(Rpos-BtnX), Vpos1 + 60, 100, 40)
       Control_Resize(Btn_Sel, W1-(Rpos-BtnX), Vpos1 + 220, 100, 40)  
       Control_Resize(Btn_Exit, W1-(Rpos-BtnX), H1- 60, 100, 40)       
       Control_Resize(Group1,x0+5, y0+5, W1-15, H1-15) '< Main window border
'       Group1 = GroupBox_New		(510, 110, W1-10, H1-10, "PointerGen", Window_Main) 
'		 Vpos1 = 40, Vpos2 = 410, W1 = 1000, H1 = 750  
	End Select

Loop Until Window_Event_Close(Window_Main, msg)

	Control_DeleteFont(hFont) ' < If exit pressed

'Wait until window is closed:
	WaitEvent(Window_Main, msg) ' How to test this code(file write?)
Loop Until Window_Event_Close(Window_Main, msg)

'Delete font:

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Joined: May 27, 2005 7:15
Location: FRANCE

Re: Win API function EM_SETSEL not highliting

Post by SARG »

For SendMessage(Editor1, EM_SETSEL, SelStrt, SelEnd) '< This line seems to select, but no highlite can see

After that line add : setfocus(editor1)

For SendMessage(Editor1, EM_REPLACESEL, UndoEn, Text) '< This line expects an integer at param 4 !!

replace text by Cast(LPARAM,strptr(text))

Not tested but it's how I do in fbdebugger and it's working fine.
Posts: 36
Joined: Feb 25, 2021 20:19

Re: Win API function EM_SETSEL not highliting

Post by Tonigau »

Thanks SARG, That works perfect on both.
With the SETSEL I should have clicked when the caret was not flashing,
but the Cast(LPARAM,strptr(text)), that would have taken me to infinitum-1 to get.

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