game : lander

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Posts: 660
Joined: Apr 25, 2012 10:35
Location: netherlands

game : lander

Post by bluatigro »

old idea

error :
trans gives no trasparent black
color of flame is not good

Code: Select all

'' bluatigro 6 jun 2018
'' lander

#include "_sprite.bas"
#include "_color.bas"
#include ""
#if __FB_LANG__ = "fb"
Using FB 

screen 20 , 32  , 2
dim as sprite lander( 1 )
lander( 0 ).create 100 , 100
lander( 1 ).create 100 , 100
dim as integer i
line lander( 0 ).image , ( 25 , 25 ) - ( 30 , 100 ) , gray , bf
line lander( 0 ).image , ( 75 , 25 ) - ( 70 , 100 ) , gray , bf
for i = 40 to 1 step -1
  circle lander( 0 ).image , ( 50 , 25 + i / 3 ) , i _
  , colormix( white , i / 40 , gray ) ,,,.5, f
next i
line lander( 1 ).image , ( 25 , 25 ) - ( 30 , 100 ) , gray , bf
line lander( 1 ).image , ( 75 , 25 ) - ( 70 , 100 ) , gray , bf
for i = 40 to 1 step -1
  circle lander( 1 ).image , ( 50 , 70 + i / 6 ) , i / 2 _
  , colormix( yellow , i / 40 , blue ) ,,,2, f  
  circle lander( 1 ).image , ( 50 , 25 + i / 3 ) , i _
  , colormix( white , i / 40 , gray ) ,,,.5, f
next i

dim as double delta_drop_speed = 0 , fuel = 100
lander( 0 ).posx = 1024 / 2 - 50
lander( 1 ).posx = 1024 / 2 - 50

  line ( 0 , 600 ) - ( 1024 , 800 ) , red , bf
  line ( 25 , 600 ) - step( 25 , -fuel * 5 ) , cyan , bf
  if multikey( sc_up ) and lander( 0 ).posy > 0 then
    lander( 1 ).show
    delta_drop_speed -= 1
    fuel -= 1
    if fuel < 0 then fuel = 0
    lander( 0 ).show
  end if
  delta_drop_speed += .1
  lander( 0 ).speedy += delta_drop_speed
  lander( 1 ).speedy += delta_drop_speed
  lander( 0 ).update
  lander( 1 ).update
  sleep 40
loop until inkey = chr( 27 ) or lander( 0 ).posy > 600
locate 10 , 20
print "GAME OVER"
locate 20 , 20
if lander( 0 ).speedy > 5 then
  print "Pitty on you : you crased !!"
  print "You landed savely !!"
end if
locate 25 , 20
print "[ push return ]"

Code: Select all

'' bluatigro 6 jun 2018
'' sprite

type sprite
public :
  dim as double posx,posy,speedx,speedy,sizex,sizey
  dim as any ptr image
  declare sub create ( a as double , b as double )
  declare sub show()
  declare sub update()
  declare function hit( q as sprite ) as integer
end type
sub sprite.create( w as double , h as double )
  sizex = w
  sizey = h
  image = imagecreate( sizex , sizey , rgba(0,0,0,0) )
end sub
  put ( posx , posy ) , image , trans
end sub
sub sprite.update()
  posx += speedx
  posy += speedy
end sub
function sprite.hit( q as sprite ) as integer
  if posx + sizex < q.posx then return 0
  if posx > q.posx + q.sizey then return 0
  if posy + sizey < q.posy then return 0
  if posy > q.posy + q.sizey then return 0
  return 1
end function

Code: Select all

'' bluatigro 6 jun 2018
'' color

const as uinteger black   = rgb(   0 ,   0 ,   0 )
const as uinteger red     = rgb( 255 ,   0 ,   0 )
const as uinteger green   = rgb(   0 , 255 ,   0 )
const as uinteger yellow  = rgb( 255 , 255 ,   0 )
const as uinteger blue    = rgb(   0 ,   0 , 255 )
const as uinteger magenta = rgb( 255 ,   0 , 255 )
const as uinteger cyan    = rgb(   0 , 255 , 255 )
const as uinteger white   = rgb( 255 , 255 , 255 )

const as uinteger gray    = rgb( 127 , 127 , 127 )
const as uinteger orange  = rgb( 255 , 127 , 0 )
const as uinteger pink    = rgb( 255 , 127 , 127 )

function colormix( color1 as uinteger _
  , f as double , color2 as uinteger ) as uinteger 
  dim as integer r1,g1,b1,r2,g2,b2,r,g,b
  r1 = color1 and 255
  g1 = ( color1 shr 8 ) and 255
  b1 = ( color1 shr 16 ) and 255
  r2 = color2 and 255
  g2 = ( color2 shr 8 ) and 255
  b2 = ( color2 shr 16 ) and 255
  r = r1 + ( r2 - r1 ) * f
  g = g1 + ( g2 - g1 ) * f
  b = b1 + ( b2 - b1 ) * f
  return rgb( r , g , b )
end function
Posts: 660
Joined: Apr 25, 2012 10:35
Location: netherlands

Re: game : lander

Post by bluatigro »

update :
added countdown + fuelnumber %

Code: Select all

'' bluatigro 6 jun 2018
'' lander

#include "_sprite.bas"
#include "_color.bas"
#include "_text.bas"
#include ""
#if __FB_LANG__ = "fb"
Using FB 

screen 20 , 32  , 2
dim as sprite lander( 1 )
lander( 0 ).create 100 , 100
lander( 1 ).create 100 , 100
dim as integer i , state = 9 * 25 
line lander( 0 ).image , ( 25 , 25 ) - ( 30 , 100 ) , gray , bf
line lander( 0 ).image , ( 75 , 25 ) - ( 70 , 100 ) , gray , bf
for i = 40 to 1 step -1
  circle lander( 0 ).image , ( 50 , 25 + i / 3 ) , i _
  , colormix( white , i / 40 , gray ) ,,,.5, f
next i
line lander( 1 ).image , ( 25 , 25 ) - ( 30 , 100 ) , gray , bf
line lander( 1 ).image , ( 75 , 25 ) - ( 70 , 100 ) , gray , bf
for i = 40 to 1 step -1
  circle lander( 1 ).image , ( 50 , 70 + i / 6 ) , i / 2 _
  , colormix( yellow , i / 40 , blue ) ,,,2, f  
  circle lander( 1 ).image , ( 50 , 25 + i / 3 ) , i _
  , colormix( white , i / 40 , gray ) ,,,.5, f
next i

dim as double delta_drop_speed = 0 , fuel = 100
lander( 0 ).posx = 1024 / 2 - 50
lander( 1 ).posx = 1024 / 2 - 50

  line ( 0 , 600 ) - ( 1024 , 800 ) , red , bf
  line ( 25 , 600 ) - step( 25 , -fuel * 5 ) , cyan , bf
  text 50 , 50 , str( fuel ) + "%" , 2 , white
  if state > 0 then
    text 200 , 50 , str( int( state / 25 ) ) , 5 , white
    state -= 1
  end if
  if multikey( sc_up ) _
  and lander( 0 ).posy > 0 _ 
  and state = 0 then
    lander( 1 ).show
    delta_drop_speed -= .3
    fuel -= 1
    if fuel < 0 then fuel = 0
    lander( 0 ).show
  end if
  if state = 0 then delta_drop_speed += .02
  lander( 0 ).speedy += delta_drop_speed
  lander( 1 ).speedy += delta_drop_speed
  lander( 0 ).update
  lander( 1 ).update
  sleep 40
loop until inkey = chr( 27 ) or lander( 0 ).posy > 600
locate 10 , 20
print "GAME OVER"
locate 20 , 20
if lander( 0 ).speedy > 5 then
  print "Pitty on you : you crased !!"
  print "You landed savely !!"
end if
locate 25 , 20
print "[ push return ]"

Code: Select all

'' bluatirgo 6 jun 2018
'' text
dim shared as integer letterpart( 40 , 7 ) 
dim as integer j , k 
const as string letters = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789[]=%"
dim as string q
for i as byte = 1 to len( letters )
  for j = 0 to 7
    read q
    for k = 0 to 7
      if mid( q , k + 1 , 1 ) = "1" then
        letterpart( i , j ) = letterpart( i , j ) or 2 ^ k
      end if
    next k
  next j
next i

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sub digit( x as integer , y as integer , b as integer , d as double , kl as ulong )
  dim as integer i , j
  for i = 0 to 7
    for j = 0 to 7
      if ( letterpart( b , i ) and 2 ^ j ) <> 0 then
        circle ( x + j * d - 3 * d , y + i * d - 3 * d ) , d / 2 , kl ,,,, f
      end if
    next j
  next i
end sub
const as ulong transparent = &h1000000
sub text( x as integer , y as integer _
  , t as string , d as double _
  , kl as ulong , bkl as ulong = transparent )
  dim as integer i , l = len( t )
  if bkl < transparent then
    line ( x - l * 4 * d + d * 4 , y - 4 * d ) _
    - step ( l * 8 * d + d * 4 , 9 * d ) , bkl , bf 
  end if
  for i = 1 to l
    digit x + i * 8 * d - l * 4 * d , y _
    , instr( letters , lcase( mid( t , i , 1 ) ) ) , d , kl
  next i
end sub
Posts: 7983
Joined: Jan 10, 2006 20:30
Location: Scotland

Re: game : lander

Post by dodicat »

Transparent is
imagecreate( sizex , sizey , rgb(255,0,255) )
or simply
imagecreate( sizex , sizey )
because rgb(255,0,255) is the 32 bit default image colour (transparent)
Posts: 660
Joined: Apr 25, 2012 10:35
Location: netherlands

Re: game : lander

Post by bluatigro »

@ dodicat
thans for that it helped

update :
sprite back is transparent now
last version of big chars added in game

error :
the ship flies somtimes away

Code: Select all

'' bluatigro 9 jun 2018
'' lander

#include "_sprite.bas"
#include "_color.bas"
#include "_big_chars.bas"
#include ""
#if __FB_LANG__ = "fb"
Using FB 

dim as sprite lander( 1 )
lander( 0 ).create 100 , 100
lander( 1 ).create 100 , 100
dim as integer i , state = 9 * 25 
line lander( 0 ).image , ( 25 , 25 ) - ( 30 , 100 ) , gray , bf
line lander( 0 ).image , ( 75 , 25 ) - ( 70 , 100 ) , gray , bf
for i = 40 to 1 step -1
  circle lander( 0 ).image , ( 50 , 25 + i / 3 ) , i _
  , colormix( white , i / 40 , gray ) ,,,.5, f
next i
line lander( 1 ).image , ( 25 , 25 ) - ( 30 , 100 ) , gray , bf
line lander( 1 ).image , ( 75 , 25 ) - ( 70 , 100 ) , gray , bf
for i = 40 to 1 step -1
  circle lander( 1 ).image , ( 50 , 70 + i / 6 ) , i / 2 _
  , colormix( yellow , i / 40 , blue ) ,,,2, f  
  circle lander( 1 ).image , ( 50 , 25 + i / 3 ) , i _
  , colormix( white , i / 40 , gray ) ,,,.5, f
next i

dim as double delta_drop_speed = 0 , fuel = 100
lander( 0 ).posx = 1024 / 2 - 50
lander( 1 ).posx = 1024 / 2 - 50

  line ( 0 , 600 ) - ( 1024 , 800 ) , red , bf
  line ( 25 , 600 ) - step( 25 , -fuel * 5 ) , cyan , bf
  text 100 , 50 , str( fuel ) + "%" , 3 , white
  if state > 0 then
    text 200 , 50 , str( int( state / 25 ) ) , 7 , white
    state -= 1
  end if
  if multikey( sc_up ) _
  and lander( 0 ).posy > 0 _ 
  and state = 0 then
    lander( 1 ).show
    delta_drop_speed -= .3
    fuel -= 1
    if fuel < 0 then fuel = 0
    lander( 0 ).show
  end if
  if state = 0 then delta_drop_speed += .02
  lander( 0 ).speedy += delta_drop_speed
  lander( 1 ).speedy += delta_drop_speed
  lander( 0 ).update
  lander( 1 ).update
  sleep 40
loop until inkey = chr( 27 ) or lander( 0 ).posy > 600

text winx / 2 , winy / 4 , "GAME OVER" , 7 , white
if lander( 0 ).speedy > 5 then
  text winx / 2 , winy / 2 _
  , "Pitty on you : you crased !!" , 5 , red
  text winx / 2 , winy / 2 _
  , "You landed savely !!" , 5 , white
end if
text winx / 2 , winy * 3 / 4 _
, "[ push return ]" , 5 , cyan

Code: Select all

'' bluatigro 9 jun 2018
'' automatic big chars

dim shared as integer letterpart( 255 , 8 ) 
dim as integer char , ix , iy

#include ""
#if __FB_LANG__ = "fb"
  Using FB '' Scan code constants are stored in the FB namespace in lang FB

DIM shared AS INTEGER winx, winy, bitdepth , nu
SCREENINFO winx , winy , bitdepth
SCREENRES winx , winy , 32 , 2 , FB.GFX_FULLSCREEN

for char = 30 to 255
  print chr( char )
  for ix = 0 to 8
    for iy = 0 to 8
      if point( ix , iy ) <> -16777216 then
        letterpart( char , iy ) += 2 ^ ix
      end if
    next iy
  next ix
next char

sub digit( a as double , b as double _
  , q as double , d as double  , kl as ulong )
  dim as double x , y
  for x = 0 to 8
    for y = 0 to 8
      if letterpart( q , y ) and 2 ^ x then 
        circle( a + ( x - 4 ) * d , b + ( y - 4 ) * d ) _
        , d / 2 , kl ,,,, f
      end if
    next y
  next x
end sub

sub text( a as double , b as double , txt as string _
  , d as double , kl as ulong )
  dim as double l = len( txt ) , x
  for x = 1 to l
    digit a + ( x - l / 2 - 1 ) * d * 8 , b _
    , asc( mid( txt , x , 1 ) ) , d , kl
  next x
end sub


Code: Select all

'' bluatigro 9 jun 2018
'' sprite

type sprite
public :
  dim as double posx,posy,speedx,speedy,sizex,sizey
  dim as any ptr image
  declare sub create ( a as double , b as double )
  declare sub show()
  declare sub update()
  declare function hit( q as sprite ) as integer
end type
sub sprite.create( w as double , h as double )
  sizex = w
  sizey = h
  image = imagecreate( sizex , sizey , rgb(255,0,255) )
end sub
  put ( posx , posy ) , image , trans
end sub
sub sprite.update()
  posx += speedx
  posy += speedy
end sub
function sprite.hit( q as sprite ) as integer
  if posx + sizex < q.posx then return 0
  if posx > q.posx + q.sizey then return 0
  if posy + sizey < q.posy then return 0
  if posy > q.posy + q.sizey then return 0
  return 1
end function

Code: Select all

'' bluatigro 6 jun 2018
'' color

const as uinteger black   = rgb(   0 ,   0 ,   0 )
const as uinteger red     = rgb( 255 ,   0 ,   0 )
const as uinteger green   = rgb(   0 , 255 ,   0 )
const as uinteger yellow  = rgb( 255 , 255 ,   0 )
const as uinteger blue    = rgb(   0 ,   0 , 255 )
const as uinteger magenta = rgb( 255 ,   0 , 255 )
const as uinteger cyan    = rgb(   0 , 255 , 255 )
const as uinteger white   = rgb( 255 , 255 , 255 )

const as uinteger gray    = rgb( 127 , 127 , 127 )
const as uinteger orange  = rgb( 255 , 127 , 0 )
const as uinteger pink    = rgb( 255 , 127 , 127 )

function colormix( color1 as uinteger _
  , f as double , color2 as uinteger ) as uinteger 
  dim as integer r1,g1,b1,r2,g2,b2,r,g,b
  r1 = color1 and 255
  g1 = ( color1 shr 8 ) and 255
  b1 = ( color1 shr 16 ) and 255
  r2 = color2 and 255
  g2 = ( color2 shr 8 ) and 255
  b2 = ( color2 shr 16 ) and 255
  r = r1 + ( r2 - r1 ) * f
  g = g1 + ( g2 - g1 ) * f
  b = b1 + ( b2 - b1 ) * f
  return rgb( r , g , b )
end function
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