Code parsing question

General FreeBASIC programming questions.
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Code parsing question

Post by sancho3 »

Consider the FB DRAW command and this example "B M100,100 R5.5 U3".
The draw command ignores the decimal portion and draws 5 pixels to the right and 3 pixels up.

If you are parsing that string would the token list be this:

Code: Select all

1 - B
2 - space
3 - M
4 - 100
5 - ,
6 - 100
7 - space
8 - R
9 - 5 
10 - . 
11 - 5 
12 - space
13 - U
14 - 3
..and process the decimal point afterwards or would you read the entire 5.5?
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Re: Code parsing question

Post by bcohio2001 »

I would just skip it, do not tokenize it, until finding a "valid" token. As in example either a comma or space.
How did you parse out the "100"?
paul doe
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Re: Code parsing question

Post by paul doe »

I don't know how you're lexing the string, but this is a very simple lexer that can be useful:

Code: Select all

type lexer
	'' public interface for the class
	  declare constructor( byref inpString as const string, byref del as const string )   
	  declare function getToken() as string
	'' private members for maintaining state
	  as string      m_lookChar   '' the current char that m_charPos points to           
	  as string      m_delimiters   '' delimiters that are used for string splicing
	  as string      m_inputString   '' the string to be spliced
	  as uinteger   m_charPos      '' current char position on string
	  as uinteger   m_stringLen   '' the input string length
	  '' helper functions
	  '' if one were to override these helpers in a derived classes, they should be declared protected
	  declare sub getChar()     
	  declare function isDelimiter( byref c as string ) as integer
end type

constructor lexer( byref inpString as const string, byref del as const string )   
	  the constructor for the class
	  note that, as it is an immutable class, it makes no sense to create a default, empty
	  constructor, for it needs data to perform its function. This form of passing data to
	  immutable objects is called 'dependency injection'
	m_inputString = inpString
	m_stringLen = len( m_inputString )
	m_charPos = 0
	m_lookChar = ""
	m_delimiters = del
end constructor

function lexer.getToken() as string
	  retrieves the next token on the input string
	  if there are no more tokens to retrieve, it returns an empty string to signal
	     that there are no more tokens to splice
	dim as string ret
	'' feed a char to the current char if it's empty
	if( asc( m_lookChar ) = 0 ) then
	end if
	  this is the only complicated piece of code of the class
	  it works like this:
	     IF the current char is a delimiter OR the char pos is beyond the string length THEN
	        get the next char to advance the char position to the beginning of the next token
	           (remember that, if there are no more chars in the string, getChar() returns an empty string)
	        return the delimiter
	         WHILE the current character isn't a delimiter and the current character is not an empty string DO
	            assemble the current char into the token
	            get the next char
	         return the assembled token
	     END IF
	if( ( isDelimiter( m_lookChar ) ) orElse ( m_charPos >= m_stringLen ) ) then
	  ret = m_lookChar
	  return( ret )
		do while( ( not isDelimiter( m_lookChar ) ) andAlso ( m_lookChar <> "" ) )
		  ret += m_lookChar
		return( ret )
	end if
end function

sub lexer.getChar()
	'' if the char pos is still less than the input string length, read the next char
	if( m_charPos < len( m_inputString ) ) then
	  m_lookChar = chr( m_inputString[ m_charPos ] )
	  m_charPos += 1
	  '' if not, this will signal the end of the string (as there are no more chars to read)
	  m_lookChar = ""
	end if
end sub

function lexer.isDelimiter( byref c as string ) as integer
	'' returns true (any value but zero) if the string c is a delimiter
	return( iif( instr( m_delimiters, c ) > 0, -1, 0 ) )
end function

dim as string inputString = "B M100,100 R5.5 U3"
dim as string delimiters = "BM,RU "

dim as lexer lx = lexer( inputString, delimiters )

dim as string token = lx.getToken()

do while( token <> "" )
	? token
	token = lx.getToken()

As you can see, the dot '.' is not used as a delimiter, so the lexer returns the number, which you can then interpret 'as is' with val().

EDIT: Updated the code a little (was somewhat old by now =D)
Last edited by paul doe on Jan 01, 2018 15:16, edited 2 times in total.
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Joined: Sep 30, 2017 3:22

Re: Code parsing question

Post by sancho3 »

Excellent example. Thanks.
I never thought to split via delimiters. Instead I was reading each character.
Your method should make it much simpler.
Thanks to you as well bcohio2001.
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Re: Code parsing question

Post by Munair »

In the lexer, why do you double test "not m_isDelimiter" in the function GetToken. It generates two extra expensive function calls:

Code: Select all

'if (not m_isDelimiter(m_lookChar)) and (m_charPos < m_stringLen) then
if m_charPos < m_stringLen then         
  while (not m_isDelimiter(m_lookChar)) and (m_lookChar <> "")
    ret += m_lookChar
  return ret
end if
paul doe
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Re: Code parsing question

Post by paul doe »

Munair wrote:In the lexer, why do you double test "not m_isDelimiter" in the function GetToken. It generates two extra expensive function calls:
Because that's some old code (my defacto lexer is more complicated, a little overkill for this simple task). That should read:

Code: Select all

         do while( not m_isDelimiter( m_lookChar ) and m_lookChar <> "" )
            ret &= m_lookChar
         return( ret )
The functionality covered there was refactored to the getChar() function, just forgot to update the code at that time. BTW, function calls aren't that expensive nowadays (especially if you use GCC), this isn't 1990 anymore.
paul doe
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Re: Code parsing question

Post by paul doe »

sancho3 wrote:Excellent example. Thanks.
I never thought to split via delimiters. Instead I was reading each character.
You're welcome. I updated the code, so now it's shorter and cleaner, as it was coded aeons ago and unmaintained (I only added those comments for another user, owen).
You can use this approach with multi-character tokens also. All you need to do is maintain a list of the delimiters, and then check for their occurrences along the input string.
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Re: Code parsing question

Post by dodicat »

Thought I would give this a try with a simple sub.
Please note that draw seems to ignore floating points.
Try a float at parameter 1 of ellipse to test.
(Is this thread concerned with the DRAW parser, or general things?)
Happy New Year.

Code: Select all

#include "" 'for puts

sub tokens(s as string, d as string,g() as string)
    redim g(0)
    dim as string tmp,char
    dim as long finish=len(s)-1
    #define update(z)  redim preserve g(1 to ubound(g)+1):g(ubound(g))=z:tmp=""
    for n as long=0 to finish
        if instr(d,char) or n=finish  then
            if len(tmp)>1 then
            end if
        end if
end sub

Dim As String s= "B M100,100 R5.5 U3"
Dim As String delim = "BM,RU "

redim as string results()

for n as long=lbound(results) to ubound(results)
    print results(n)
print "Press a key"

'==========  EXAMPLE 2 =======
function Ellipse(x as single,y as long,rx as long,ry as long,angle as long,col as ulong,paintflag as integer=1) as string
    dim as string s="Ta" &angle &"Bm" &x &"," &y:s+="Bm+" &rx &"," &0:s+="C" &col
    dim as single pi2=8*atn(1)
    dim as integer lx,ly
    for z as single=0 to pi2*1.1 step pi2/60 '60 steps
        if z>pi2 then exit for
        dim as integer xpos=rx*cos(z)
        dim as integer ypos=ry*sin(z)
       if z<>0 then s+="M+" &(xpos-lx) &"," &(ypos-ly)
    next z
    if paintflag then s+="BM" &x &"," &y &"P" &col &"," &col
    return s
end function

screen 19

dim as string e=ellipse(400,300,200,100,45,4,1)
draw E
color 15
print E
puts " "
puts " "
redim as string tkns()
for n as long=lbound(tkns) to ubound(tkns)
    puts tkns(n)

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Re: Code parsing question

Post by sancho3 »

Your code was enough to change the method I was using and set me on the better course. I also removed the double function call and changed it all quite a bit.
Thanks again.

My new version based on Pauls method is working so far.
I was fooling around with copying the Draw command. I noticed that I could draw much faster setting pixels using the screen pointer. I thought that I could make a fast version of Draw. After implementing the lexer its much slower lol. After taking it out of oop and much optimizing it remains about 3 or 4 times slower (even with an incomplete command set).
I'm still playing with it though as I had previously failed at parsing some other types of code and I want to try again.

The draw command is an hateful thing to work with (imho). I can only see very limited usefulness in it.
I can't imagine the thought process that went into deciding the command set.
All single character commands except TA. wtf?
Ok rlud make some sense, but why efgh? Wouldn't four corners on a keyboard make more sense?
Why are floating point numbers allowed? I guess maybe future considerations.
Changing colors is a nightmare of "c" & colorvalue & "... c" & nextcolorvalue & "...
I can only imagine the complex program that uses negative scaling and/or negative rotation.

If I get anywhere worthwhile I'll post it.
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Re: Code parsing question

Post by BasicCoder2 »

sancho3 wrote:The draw command is an hateful thing to work with (imho). I can only see very limited usefulness in it.
I simply replaced it with my own DRAW commands. That way it is readable rather than a cryptic shorthand language and you can add things like pen size and give it float values for rotation.
I also wrote a draw/trace program to generate a DRAW string.

Had long exchanges with Quark on the subject. I see it was 2 years ago.
and so on ...

There is also a FB Turtle program which is probably a better or more universal way of doing it.
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Re: Code parsing question

Post by dodicat »

To use draw you really need some simple gui , catching mouse inputs.
I made this a few years ago, around the same time basiccoder2 and quark were in conference.
<esc> ends with an option to save your drawing.
If you want to colour an area then put a new point somewhere inside.(Like coding for paint).
The parser for draw is written in C and is in the gfxlib.
This produces raw string for draw, no parsing.
Windows only.

Code: Select all

dim as string bitmap= "horse.bmp_"'if bitmap is valid it will load
dim as integer bitmapFlag
dim as string d
Dim Shared As Integer xres,yres
#define shaped 16 
#define alphablend 64 
#define OnTop 32
#define GetWindowHandle 2
Screeninfo xres,yres
Screenres int(.9*xres),int(.9*yres),32,,SHAPED Or ALPHABLEND Or ONTOP

Type v2
    As Integer x,y
    col As Ulong
    as ushort Bits
End Type
Function Size(bmp As String) As V2 'get bitmap width/height/ colour resolution 
    dim as V2 b
    Open bmp For Binary access read As #1
    Get #1, 19, b.X
    Get #1, 23, b.Y
    get #1, 29, b.Bits
    Close #1
    Return b
End Function
declare function FileLen alias "fb_FileLen" ( byval filename as zstring ptr ) as longint
declare function FileExists alias "fb_FileExists" ( byval filename as zstring ptr ) as integer
dim as any ptr bitmapim
if FileExists(bitmap) then
    var sz=size(bitmap)
    bload bitmap,bitmapim
    end if

Dim Shared As Integer monitorX,monitorY
Dim Shared As Integer WinposX,WinposY
Screeninfo monitorX,monitorY 
'set up for opaque screen
Extern "windows" Lib "user32"
Declare Function GetDC Alias "GetDC" (Byval As Any Ptr) As Any Ptr
End Extern
Extern "windows" Lib "gdi32"
Declare Function _point Alias "GetPixel"(Byval As Any Ptr,Byval As Integer,Byval As Integer) As Ulong
End Extern
Declare Function SLWA Alias "SetLayeredWindowAttributes" (Byval As Any Ptr, Byval As Uinteger, Byval As Ubyte, Byval As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function NoConsole Alias "FreeConsole"  As Integer
Declare Function _getmouse Alias "GetCursorPos" (Byval As Any Pointer) As Integer
declare function showconsole alias "AllocConsole"() as integer

Sub BlendWindow( Byval Alpha_Value As Ubyte )
    Dim Win As Any Ptr
    var Ip = Cptr(Integer Ptr,@Win )
    Screencontrol GETWINDOWHANDLE, *Ip
    SLWA Win,Rgba(255,0,255,0),Alpha_Value,2 Or 1
End Sub
Type Point
    As Single x,y,r
    As Integer counter
    As Ulong col
End Type
Type screenpoint
    As long x,y
End Type
Sub getmoose(Byref mx As Integer,Byref my As Integer,byref mb as integer=0,byref mw as integer=0)
    getmouse mx,my,mw,mb
    #define _map(a,b,_x_,c,d) ((d)-(c))*((_x_)-(a))/((b)-(a))+(c)
    ScreenControl 0, WinposX,WinposY 
    Dim As screenpoint mouse=Type<screenpoint>(mx,my)
End Sub
#define map(a,b,x,c,d) ((d)-(c))*((x)-(a))/((b)-(a))+(c)
#define inpoint(c,mx,my) (mx)>(c.x-c.r) And (mx)<(c.x+c.r) And (my)>(c.y-c.r) And (my)<(c.y+c.r)
#define Red(col)   cptr(ubyte ptr,@col)[2]
#define Green(col) cptr(ubyte ptr,@col)[1]
#define Blue(col)  cptr(ubyte ptr,@col)[0]
dim shared as integer sx=50,sy=50 'screen start position

Sub moveall
    Dim As Integer mx,my,mb,x,y,dx,dy
    Static As Integer lastmx,lastmy
    Getmouse mx,my,,mb
    Screencontrol 0, x, y
    Static As Integer pressed,moved
    If mb=1 Then pressed=-1 else pressed=0
    If lastmx<>mx Or lastmy<>my Then moved=-1 Else moved=0
    If moved Then dx=lastmx-mx:dy=lastmy-my
    If pressed And moved Then
        Screencontrol 100, x-dx, y - dy 
        Exit Sub
    End If
End Sub

sub traceover(a() as point, col as ulong,l as integer,im as any ptr=0)
    for n as integer=l to ubound(a)-1
        line im,(a(n).x,a(n).y)-(a(n+1).x,a(n+1).y),col
        next n
    end sub
Dim As Point c(1 To 5)         'the four boxes on top
Redim As Point Ccolours(0)     'the coloured boxes below
Redim As Point s(0)           'the array running parallel(Legacy from an older program, but still handy)
Dim As Point slide(1 To 3)    'the colour slider circles

Dim As Any Pointer im=imagecreate(.9*xres,.9*yres,Rgb(0,0,0))
Screeninfo xres,yres
Dim As Any Ptr MyScreen = GetDC(0)
'slider ball circles

'the three larger circles
'=========  DRAW STUFF TO AN IMAGE ================
'The colour boxes 
dim as string border=Str(Rgb(0,200,0))',lastborder,starter
Line im,(0,0)-(xres,50),Rgb(100,100,255),bf
Dim As Integer ypos=.9*yres
Dim As Integer _st=.4*xres/25
Dim As Ulong col,tally,total,delta1
Line im,(0,.9*yres)-(xres,yres),Rgb(100,100,255),bf
Line im,(.6*xres,.92*yres)-(.75*xres,.92*yres),Rgb(200,0,0)
Line im,(.6*xres,.94*yres)-(.75*xres,.94*yres),Rgb(0,200,0)
Line im,(.6*xres,.96*yres)-(.75*xres,.96*yres),Rgb(0,0,200)
For y As Integer=_st To 4*_st Step _st
    For x As Integer=.1*xres To .5*xres Step _st
        Select Case tally
        Case 1: col=Rgb(255,delta1,0)
        Case 2:col=Rgb(0,255,delta1)
        Case 3:col=Rgb(delta1,0,255)
        Case 4:col=Rgb(255-delta1,255-delta1,255-delta1)
        End Select
        Redim Preserve Ccolours(1 To total)
        Line im,(x-_st/2,ypos-_st/2+y)- (x+_st/2,ypos+_st/2+y),col,bf 
        Line im,(x-_st/2,ypos-_st/2+y)- (x+_st/2,ypos+_st/2+y),rgb(0,0,0),b
    Next x
Next y

'================= GRID AND CIRCLES =======================
For x As Integer=0 To xres Step 50
    Line im,(x,50)-(x,yres),Rgba(255,255,255,200)'50 before
Next x
For y As Integer=50 To yres Step 50
    Line im,(0,y)-(xres,y),Rgba(255,255,255,200)
Next y
For z As Integer=1 To 4
    line im,(c(z).x-c(z).r,c(z).y-c(z).r)-(c(z).x+c(z).r,c(z).y+c(z).r),Rgb(255,255,255),b
    'Circle im,(c(z).x,c(z).y),c(z).r+1,Rgb(255,255,255)
Next z
if bitmapflag=1 then line im,(c(5).x-c(5).r,c(5).y-c(5).r)-(c(5).x+c(5).r,c(5).y+c(5).r),Rgb(255,255,255),b
Line im,(0,.9*yres)-(xres,.9*yres),Rgb(0,200,0)
Draw String im,(c(1).x-150,c(1).y),"NEW POINTS -->"
Draw String im,(c(2).x-80,c(2).y),"FILL -->"
Draw String im,(5,5), "SCREEN RESOLOTIONS = " &xres-1 &"," &yres-1
Draw String im,(.9*xres-50,35),"SCREEN TOGGLE"
Draw String im,(.7*xres-70,35),"SEE THROUGH TOGGLE"
if bitmapflag=1 then
Draw String im,(.1*xres-70,40),"BITMAP TOGGLE"
end if

'================  IMAGE NOW DRAWN =========================

Noconsole        'hide the dos box
'some variables
Dim As Integer mx,my,mb,flag1,flag2,flag3,flag4,flag5,flag6,flag7,toggle=1,counter,paintflag,contrast=1
dim as integer flag8,bitmaptoggle=1
Dim As Integer dx,dy
Dim As String key
Dim As String fill=Str(Rgb(255,255,255))
dim as string delta,first
d="""C"+border+"B" +d

Dim As String f=d
Dim As Integer count,cm,z
Dim As Integer rd,gr,bl,lower=1
Dim As Ulong boxcol=valulng(fill),circ1col,circ2col
dim as integer bitmapx=0,bitmapy=50,bflagx,bflagy
'========================  SHOW THE SCREEN =================
#macro showscreen()
if bitmaptoggle=1 then
if bitmapflag then put(bitmapx,bitmapy),bitmapim,pset
end if
'highlight the newpoints box

'draw the colour slider circles
For z As Integer=1 To 3
Next z
'highlight the fill circle
'the coloured square
'top and base of drawing area
Line (0,.9*yres)-(xres,.9*yres),valuint(border)
line (0,50)-(xres,50),valuint(border)
Draw String(xres/3,60),"mouse " & mx &"   " & my 
Draw String(xres/2,60),"Previous mouse " &s(Ubound(s)).x & "  " &s(Ubound(s)).y
'the rbg values of the fill colour shown
Draw String(.8*xres,.975*yres),"RGB(" &RED(boxcol) &"," &GREEN(boxcol) &"," & BLUE(boxcol) &")",Rgb(255,255,255)


'small spot at mouse
pset (s(Ubound(s)).x,s(Ubound(s)).y)
 if contrast=1 then line(0,50)-(xres,.9*yres),rgba(0,0,0,150),bf

Sleep 1,1

    'Set the slider bobs to match the fill colour (boxcol)
    'colours highlight at mouse inside(Two boxes at the top, not the toggle)
    'arrow keys to shift the screen
    if bflagx=0 and bflagy=0 then
    If key=Chr(255)+"K" Then sx-=5:bflagx=1
    If key=Chr(255)+"M" Then sx+=5:bflagx=1
    If key=Chr(255)+"P" Then sy+=5:bflagy=1
    If key=Chr(255)+"H" Then sy-=5:bflagy=1
    end if
    if len(key)=0 then bflagx=0:bflagy=0
    if bitmapflag=0 then
    screencontrol 100,sx,sy
   if bflagx then bitmapx+=sgn(sx-50)*5:sx=50
   if bflagy then bitmapy+=sgn(sy-50)*5:sy=50
    end if
    If mb=1 And flag6=0 Then   'the colours in the boxes at the bottom
        For z =1 To Ubound(Ccolours)
            If inpoint(Ccolours(z),mx,my+5)=0 Then boxcol=Ccolours(z).col':border=str(boxcol)
        Next z
    End If
    For cm=Lbound(c) To Ubound(c) 'Check for mouse in a box (upper screen)
        If inpoint(c(cm),mx,my) Then Exit For
        If my>.9*yres Then cm=-1: Exit For
    Next cm
    If cm=5 and bitmapflag=1 Then 'BITMAP TOGGLE 
        If mb=1 And flag8=0 Then 
        End If
    End If
    If cm=4 Then 'CONTRAST TOGGLE 
        If mb=1 And flag7=0 Then 
        End If
    End If
    If cm=3 Then 'SCREEN TOGGLE 
        If mb=1 And flag5=0 Then 
            If toggle=-1 Then blendwindow(100) Else blendwindow(255)
        End If
    End If
    If cm=2 And Ubound(s)>=3 Then 'FILLER 
        If PaintFlag Then circ2col=boxcol
        If mb=1 And flag4=0 Then
            fill= Str(boxcol)
           'var t=ltrim(starter ,"""C")
           If PaintFlag  Then d+="P"+fill+","+border't'str(boxcol)'border
        End If
    End If
    If cm=1 Then         'NEW START 
        If mb=1 And flag3=0  Then
        End If
    End If
    If my<50 And cm=Ubound(c)+1 then moveall:cm=0 'if mouse in top frame
    If mb=1 And flag1=0 And cm=Ubound(c)+1 Then
        Redim Preserve s(1 To Ubound(s)+1)
        Dim As Integer dx,dy
        If counter=1 Then dx=mx:dy=my Else  dx=mx-s(Ubound(s)-1).x:dy=my-s(Ubound(s)-1).y
        If counter=1 Then d+="M"+Str(dx)+","+Str(dy) Else d+="M+"+Str(dx)+","+Str(dy)
        If count>5 Then d+=""""+"_"+Chr(10)+"&"+"""":count=0
    End If
    'go back on right mouse click(delete mistakes)
    If mb=2 And flag2=0 Then
        If counter>1 Then Redim Preserve s(1 To Ubound(s)-1):counter-=1
        If counter=1 Then Redim s(0):counter=0
    End If
    'the colour sliders
    For z As Integer=1 To 3 'in the colour sliders
        If inpoint(slide(z),mx,my) Then
            While mb = 1 
                Getmouse mx,my,,mb
                If mx<>slide(z).x Or my<>slide(z).y  Then
                    If slide(z).x<.6*xres Then slide(z).x=.6*xres
                    If slide(z).x>.75*xres Then slide(z).x=.75*xres
                    Select Case As Const z
                    Case 1: rd=map((.6*xres),(.75*xres),slide(1).x,0,255)
                    Case 2: gr=map((.6*xres),(.75*xres),slide(2).x,0,255)
                    Case 3: bl=map((.6*xres),(.75*xres),slide(3).x,0,255)
                    End Select
                    If rd<0 Then rd=0:If rd>255 Then rd=255
                    If gr<0 Then gr=0:If gr>255 Then gr=255
                    If bl<0 Then bl=0:If bl>255 Then bl=255
                End If
        End If
    Next z
  If Len(d)-Instrrev(d,"B")<18 Then PaintFlag=1 Else PaintFlag=0 
Loop Until key =Chr(27)
screeninfo xres,yres
dim as any ptr lastscreen=imagecreate(xres,yres,0)
dim as string q
screenres xres,yres,32
draw string(100,100),"Do you wish to save -- y/n",rgb(255,255,255)
var ff=freefile
loop until lcase(q)="n" or lcase(q)="y"
if lcase(q)="n" then goto fin

locate 6,6
if Open ("DRAWINGpoints.bas" For Output As #ff)=0 then print "saved":beep else print "Fail"
Print #ff,"Dim as string zz = _"
Print #ff,d

Print #ff,"'Number off points ";Ubound(s)

Print #ff,"Screenres ";xres;",";yres;",";32
Print #ff, "Draw zz"
Print #ff,"Sleep"
Close #ff

shell "notepad DRAWINGpoints.bas"
imagedestroy im
imagedestroy lastscreen
if bitmapim<>0 then imagedestroy bitmapim
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Joined: Sep 30, 2017 3:22

Re: Code parsing question

Post by sancho3 »

After looking at some of this, I have to admit I may have been too hard on the Draw command.
It has its quirks but it has its place.
But I think this is as far as I am going with my project.
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Joined: Sep 30, 2017 3:22

Re: Code parsing question

Post by sancho3 »

I'm trying to parse some basic code now and maybe you can push me in the right direction again.
This is what I am facing:
I can't use the split on tokens method because apart from basic keywords and operators, there are identifiers which can use basic keywords.
For example print_num is a valid variable name.
Another problem is that the token may be part of a literal (x = "print"), or it might be behind a comment ( ' print x).

My idea was to first create a single string of the code. Even this isn't straight forward. You can't just replace the CRLF's with a colon : because some lines are continued with the underscore_.
You can't just replace underscores with a space because they are valid in identifiers. You have to account for print_ which is a variable and could be followed by CRLF. You have to account for comments after the line continuation.
So maybe accounting for the underscore is the hardest part.

My first try is to iterate the code characters in 3 modes, normalMode, commentMode, literalMode, and create a new string ignoring comments. But I am stuck on that line continuation.
Posts: 7983
Joined: Jan 10, 2006 20:30
Location: Scotland

Re: Code parsing question

Post by dodicat »

The line end underscores are not available to parse anyway.
For all purposes they don't exist (as far as I can understand)

Code: Select all

 #Include ""
Sub savefile(filename As String,p As String)
    Dim As Integer n
    If Open (filename For Binary Access Write As #n)=0 Then
        Put #n,,p
        Print "Unable to save " + filename
    End If
End Sub
Function loadfile(file as string) as String
	If FileExists(file)=0 Then Print file;" not found":Sleep:end
   var  f=freefile
    Open file For Binary Access Read As #f
    Dim As String text
    If Lof(1) > 0 Then
      text = String(Lof(f), 0)
      Get #f, , text
    End If
    Close #f
    return text
end Function

Function FindAndReplace(byval s As String,Find As String,Replace As String) byref As const String
    static As long position
    While position>0
        s=Mid(s,1,position-1) & Replace & Mid(s,position+Len(Find))
    return s
End Function

      dim as string s
      s=!"Dim as string s\n"
      s+= "s=""Hello" _ bla bla bla
      !" World!""\n"
      print s
      dim as string g=loadfile("silly.txt")
      print g
     var h= FindAndReplace(g,chr(10),":")
      print h
      print h
      kill "silly.txt"
Posts: 358
Joined: Sep 30, 2017 3:22

Re: Code parsing question

Post by sancho3 »

Your example doesn't have any underscores in the basic code.
Try it with this as the string (note that this is valid fb code):

Code: Select all

      dim as string s
      s=!"Dim as string _\n"
      s &= !"s\n"
      s+= "s=""Hello" _ bla bla bla
      !" World!""\n"
      print s
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