button events try

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button events try

Post by bluatigro »

this migth be useful for somone

Code: Select all

'' bluatigro 19 dec 2017
'' button

screen 20 , 32 
dim shared as integer mousex , mousey , winx , winy , mousebutton
screeninfo winx , winy

type tbutton
public :
  dim as integer x , y , w , h
  dim as ulong kl , hover , push
  declare function hit( a as integer , b as integer ) as integer
  declare sub show
end type
function tbutton.hit( a as integer , b as integer ) as integer
  if a < x then return 0
  if a > x + w then return 0
  if b < y then return 0
  if b > y + h then return 0
  return 1
end function
sub tbutton.show
  if hit( mousex , mousey ) then
    if mousebutton then
      line ( x , y ) - step ( w , h ) , push , bf
      line ( x , y ) - step ( w , h ) , hover , bf
    end if
    line ( x , y ) - step ( w , h ) , kl , bf
  end if
end sub
dim as tbutton button( 20 )
dim as integer i
for i = 0 to ubound( button )
  button(i).x = i * 50
  button(i).y = winy / 2 - 20
  button(i).w = 40
  button(i).h = 40
  button(i).kl = rgb( 0 , 255 , 0 )
  button(i).hover = rgb( 0 , 0 , 255 )
  button(i).push = rgb( 255 , 0 , 0 )
next i

  if not getmouse( mousex , mousey , , mousebutton )  then
  end if
  for i = 0 to ubound( button )
  next i
  sleep 100
loop until inkey = chr( 27 )

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