New array features

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Re: New array features

Post by jj2007 »

Code: Select all

*** compiling TmpFb.bas with -w all -asm att -Wc -O3 -s console ***
C:\Juergen\FB64\inc\ error 1: Argument count mismatch, found ')' in 'function = fb_ArraySort( byval ap, byval sa, byval t, byval cp, byval ai.p, byval, byval n)'
C:\Juergen\FB64\inc\ error 58: Type mismatch, at parameter 6 in 'function = fb_ArrayScan(byval p, byval cbp, ast.l, byval ast.p, ast.o, ai, flag, n)'
C:\Juergen\FB64\tmp\TmpFb.bas(72) warning 43(-1): Argument count mismatch, expanding: ARRAY
C:\Juergen\FB64\tmp\TmpFb.bas(72) error 42: Variable not declared, nocase
Posts: 7983
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Re: New array features

Post by dodicat »

Hi JK.
I hate doing this again, but sorry the errors are still there with your FB64 fbc.exe

for the dodicat-sortorig I get
error 42: Variable not declared, nocase in 'array(sort, (l, nocase)) '0.58'
if I switch to my own sort
I get .9 seconds for the sort and .7 seconds for the scan.
So that bit is OK.

I had a look and I can see no definition of nocase in, array - or
I found 14 locations of nocase in the folder FB64, but these locations include inside dll's, .a files e.t.c.

Search code:

Code: Select all

#include ""
#include ""
Declare Function stats Cdecl Alias "_stat"(As zstring Ptr,As Any Ptr) As Integer

Function String_Split(s_in As String,chars As String,result() As String) As Long
    Dim As Long ctr,ctr2,k,n,LC=Len(chars)
    Dim As boolean tally(Len(s_in))
    #macro check_instring()
    While n<Lc
        If chars[n]=s_in[k] Then 
            If (ctr2-1) Then ctr+=1
            Exit While
        End If
    #macro split()
    If tally(k) Then
        If (ctr2-1) Then ctr+=1:result(ctr)=Mid(s_in,k+2-ctr2,ctr2-1)
    End If
    '==================  LOOP TWICE =======================
    For k  =0 To Len(s_in)-1
    Next k
     if ctr=0 then
         if len(s_in) andalso instr(chars,chr(s_in[0])) then ctr=1':beep
         end if
    If ctr Then Redim result(1 To ctr): ctr=0:ctr2=0 Else  Return 0
    For k  =0 To Len(s_in)-1
    Next k
    '===================== Last one ========================
    If ctr2>0 Then
        Redim Preserve result(1 To ctr+1)
    End If
    Return Ubound(result)
End Function

Function _Remove(Byval Text As String,Char As String) As String
    Var index = 0,asci=Asc(char)
    For i As Integer = 0 To Len(Text) - 1
        If Text[i] <> ASCi Then Text[index] = Text[i] : index =index+ 1
    Return Left(Text,index)
End Function

Function loadfile(file As String) As String
    file= _remove(file,Chr(34))
    If file="" Then Exit Function
    If Fileexists(file)=0 Then Print file;" CAN'T READ OR EMPTY FOLDER":Exit Function
    Var  f=Freefile
    Open file For Binary Access Read As #f
    Dim As String text
    If Lof(f) > 0 Then
        text = String(Lof(f), 0)
        Get #f, , text
    End If
    Close #f
    Return text
End Function

Function isfolder(path As zstring Ptr) As Long
    #define S_ISDIR(m)   (((m) And &hF000) = &h4000)
    Dim As stat statbuf
    If (stats(path, @statbuf) <> 0) Then Return 0
    Return S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode)
End Function

Function isfile(fname As String) As boolean
    Return Iif(isfolder(fname),0,1)
End Function

Function pipeout(Byval s As String="") Byref As String
    Var f=Freefile
    Dim As String tmp
    Open Pipe s For Input As #f 
    Do Until Eof(f)
        Line Input #f,tmp
    Close #f
    Return s
End Function 

Function tally (somestring As String,partstring As String) As Integer
    Dim As Integer i,j,ln,lnp,count,num
        If somestring[i] <> partstring[0] Then Goto skip 
        If somestring[i] = partstring[0] Then
            For j=0 To lnp-1 
                If somestring[j+i]<>partstring[j] Then Goto skip
            Next j
        End If
    Loop Until i>=ln-1 
    Return count
End Function

function search(inputs As String,st As String) as long
    dim as long dflag
    If isfile(inputs) Then 'for a single file or a drive:
        if len(inputs)=2 and inputs[1]=asc(":") then dflag=1:goto skip
        Var L=Lcase(loadfile(inputs))
        If Instr(L,st) Then Print inputs:Return 1 Else Return 0
    End If
    Dim As String file
    If Instr(inputs," ") Then inputs=Chr(34)+inputs+Chr(34)
    Dim As String s=pipeout("dir /b " + inputs)
    Dim As String a()
    Static As Long counter
    if dflag=0 then 'not a drive
    redim as string tmp()
    if instr(tmp(ubound(tmp)),st) then print inputs;" >> (In folder name)":counter+=1
end if
    For n As Long=Lbound(a) To Ubound(a)
        Dim As String path=(inputs+"\"+a(n))
        If isfile(path) Then
            Redim As String tmp()
            file= tmp(Ubound(tmp))
            If Instr(file,st) Then Print path;" >> (In file name)":counter+=1
            If Instr(file," ") Then file=Chr(34)+file+Chr(34)
            Var L=Lcase(loadfile(path))
            If Len(L) Andalso Instr(L,st) Then Print path + "  ("+ str(tally(L,st))+")":counter+=1
            search(path,st) 'for nested folders
        End If
    Next n
    return counter
End function 

Dim  As String location="C:\Users\User\Desktop\fbv1.06\64\jk\FB64" '<---- serarch path
print "You are using fb version ";__fb_version__

print "output format:"
print "path to file  (number of occurencies in the file)"
Print "Searching  . . .";
var c=search(location,"nocase")
Print "Done ",c; "  locations"
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Re: New array features

Post by coderJeff »

Juergen Kuehlwein wrote:This will be no problem anymore as soon as Jeff changes the descriptor´s definition, because then this workaround will be obsolete.
By next weekend should be merge in. I ran out of time this weekend to get the array descriptor changes added.
Juergen Kuehlwein
Posts: 284
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Location: Germany

Re: New array features

Post by Juergen Kuehlwein »


well, something must still be wrong!

So the line:

Code: Select all

n = array(scan, l, for(@userscan))
compiles and runs

What happens, if you omit "nocase", like this?

Code: Select all

array(sort, l)
And what happens if you make "nocase" uppercase, like this?

Code: Select all

array(sort, (l, NOCASE))

Posts: 7983
Joined: Jan 10, 2006 20:30
Location: Scotland

Re: New array features

Post by dodicat »

array(sort, (l, NOCASE)) works.
(Uppercase nocase)
I get about .88 seconds for the sort and about .7 for the scan.
My machine is obviously slower than yours.
For the syntax_test_sort.bas I had to change all to uppercase.

Code: Select all

'#compile console 32 exe /o "-pp -maxerr 10"
'#compile console 32 exe /o "-gen gcc"
'#compile console 64 exe 

#include ""
#include ""

type testtype
  i as long
  n as byte
end type

private Function custom_sort_proc (byref a as testtype, byref b as testtype, byval flag as integer) as long
' sample custom sort proc, byref parameters, flag > 0 -> sort up, flag <= 0 -> sort down

  if flag > 0 then
    if a.n > b.n then                              
        return 1
    end if

    if a.n < b.n then                              
        return 1
    end if
  end if

  return 0

end function


'const sort = 1                                        'this works
'#define sort 1                                        'this doesn´t

' i can have CONSTs, ENUMs, procedures and variables with the keywords name´s (sort, etc.)
' but obviously i cannot not have #DEFINEs for these words !

'dim a(1 to 5) as string '* 16
'dim a() as zstring * 16
dim a(1 to 5) as zstring * 16

'dim as integer a1 '= 0  
'dim as integer a2 '= 0  

'dim b(1 to 1000000) as byte
dim b(1 to 5) as byte
dim c(1 to 5) as testtype
dim limit as long = 1000000
'redim d(1 to limit) as byte'double
redim d(1 to limit) as double
redim d2(1 to limit) as double

dim i as long
'randomize timer
for i = 1 to limit
  d(i) = rnd '* 255
  d2(i) = d(i)
next i

'redim a(1 to 5) 'as zstring * 16

'print "a1: "; hex(@a1), hex(a1)
'print "a2: "; hex(@a2), hex(a2)
'print "desc a(): "; hex(fb_ArrayDesc(a(), 60))
'print "desc b(): "; hex(fb_ArrayDesc(b(), 60))
'print hex(@a(1)), a(1)
'print hex(@a(2)), a(2)
'print hex(@a(5)), a(5)

sub setupa(a() as zstring)
dim i as long
'dim n as long

'print "setupa"
'print sizeof(a)
'print array(sizeof, a)
'print hex(array(data, a))                             'address correct!
'print sizeof(a(1))
'print sizeof(a(2))
'print sizeof(a(3))
'print sizeof(a(4))
'print sizeof(a(5))

'print hex(@a(1))                                      'address wrong in 64 bit, why ?
'print hex(@a(2))                                      'a(1) + 16, which is expected

  for i = 1 to 5
'    for n = 4 to 7
 '     b(i,n) = i*10 + n
      a(i) = "string" + str(i)

'      a(i) = "1"                                      'gpf in 64 bit

'    next n
  next i
end sub  

sub setupb(b() as byte)
dim i as long
'dim n as long

'  for i = 1 to 1000000
  for i = 1 to 5
'    for n = 4 to 7
 '     b(i,n) = i*10 + n
      b(i) = i
'    next n
  next i
end sub  

sub setupc(c() as testtype)
dim i as long
'dim n as long

  for i = 1 to 5
    c(i).i = 100 - i
    c(i).n = i
  next i
end sub  

'Sub show(d() As byte) 'double)
Sub show(d() as double)
    For n As Long=Lbound(d) To 10
'    For n As Long=Lbound(d) To ubound(d)
        Print d(n)
'    For n As Long=1 To 4
        Print "..."
'    Next
    For n As Long=Ubound(d)-10 To Ubound(d)
        Print d(n)
End Sub

sub showa(a() as zstring)
dim i as long

  print err, "Error #"
  for i = 1 to 5
    print "-" + a(i) + "-" '+ hex(varptr(a(i)))
  next i
end sub  

sub showb(b() as byte)
dim i as long
'dim n as long

  print err, "Error #"
  for i = 1 to 5
'    for n = 4 to 7
'      print i,n, b(i,n)
      print i, b(i)
'    next n
  next i
end sub  

sub showc(c() as testtype)
dim i as long
'dim n as long

  print err, "Error #"
  for i = 1 to 5
    print i, c(i).i, c(i).n
  next i
end sub  

'array(sort, (a, a), UP, at(1), 5)                     'error
'array(sort, (a, a, NOCASE), UP, (1), 5)             'error
'array(sort, (a, b, NOCASES), UP, (1), 5)            'error
'array(sort, (b, a)UP)                                 'error


dim as double t  'timer


print "**********************************"
print "array(sort, d, DOWN)"
'array(sort, d, DOWN)
'array(sort, d)
'array(sort, (d2, d))
array(sort, d)
print "Time taken  "; timer-t                         '0,26 (dedicated, without callback) /  0.33 (with 2 callbacks) / 0.35 sec (one callback [fb] with dflag)
' make dedicated functions, dflag before while loops
dim n as long
for i as long = 1 to limit -1
  if d(i) > d(i+1) then
    n = n +1
    if n = 1 then
      print " error at", i
      print d(i)
      print d(i+1)
    end if
  end if
next i
print "# of errors:", n

print "**********************************"
print "array(sort, b, DOWN)"
array(sort, b, DOWN)
'array(sort, b)
print "Time taken  "; timer-t

print "**********************************"
print "array(sort, a)"
array(sort, a)

print "**********************************"
print "array(sort, a, DOWN)"
array(sort, a, DOWN)

print "**********************************"
print "array(sort, (a, b), DOWN)"
array(sort, (a, b), DOWN)

print "**********************************"
print "array(sort, (a, NOCASE), DOWN, (2), 3)"
array(sort, (a, NOCASE), DOWN, (2), 3)

print "**********************************"
print "array(sort, a, DOWN, (1), 5)"
array(sort, a, DOWN, (1), 5)
print "**********************************"
print "array(sort, a, UP, (1))"
array(sort, a, UP, (1))
print "**********************************"
print "array(sort, a, UP)"
array(sort, a, UP)
print "**********************************"
print "array(sort, (a, b), DOWN, (1), 5)"
array(sort, (a, b), DOWN, (1), 5)
print "**********************************"
print "array(sort, (a, b, NOCASE), UP, (1), 5)"
array(sort, (a, b, NOCASE), UP, (1), 5)
print "**********************************"
print "array(sort, c, @custom_sort_proc)"
array(sort, c, @custom_sort_proc)
print "**********************************"
print "array(sort, c, @custom_sort_proc, (2), 3)"
array(sort, c, @custom_sort_proc, (2), 3)
print "**********************************"



So generally I must write those instructions in uppercase.
Thanks JK.
Juergen Kuehlwein
Posts: 284
Joined: Mar 07, 2018 13:59
Location: Germany

Re: New array features

Post by Juergen Kuehlwein »

@ dodocat,

uppercase - yes, that´s it. What a silly bug! I wouldn´t have found it, if you hadn´t helped me - thanks.

I do some parameter parsing in "", and guess what, i do it in uppercase. At the very beginning of this project i installed a workaround making my "array(..." statements all uppercase. The idea was to let the compiler stringize these parameters later as uppercase. I totally forgot this :-(.

So for a start just make words like "up","down", nocase", etc. uppercase and then it should work. I don´t know when i will find time to fix that (make it case insensitive, as expected). Maybe by the end of the week, maybe earlier.


thanks for testing! "-asm att" doesn´t work for me, throws a lot of strange errors. "-Wc -O3" runs here. Some of the warnings ("Argument count mismatch, expanding: ARRAY) are expected. In case of variadic array parameters, the compiler now skips an error, if there is an argument count mismatch, but still issues a warning. "From the error lines you posted, i can see that you don´t have the latest version of "".

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Re: New array features

Post by jj2007 »

Down to a few errors, using uppercase and no -asm att:

Code: Select all

*** compiling TmpFb.bas with -w all -Wc -O3 -s console ***
Juergen\FB64\inc\ error 1: Argument count mismatch, found ')' in 'function = fb_ArraySort( byval ap, byval sa, byval t, byval cp, byval ai.p, byval, byval n)'
Juergen\FB64\inc\ error 58: Type mismatch, at parameter 6 in 'function = fb_ArrayScan(byval p, byval cbp, ast.l, byval ast.p, ast.o, ai, flag, n)'
Juergen\FB64\tmp\TmpFb.bas(72) warning 43(-1): Argument count mismatch, expanding: ARRAY
Juergen Kuehlwein
Posts: 284
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Location: Germany

Re: New array features

Post by Juergen Kuehlwein »

A new version fixing (hopefully) the "uppercase bug" i had is available as usual here.

For testing you must exchange all binaries (as described above) + "" and "" with the new ones in the "new" folder. There is a file (documentation.txt) which explains a bit more how it works.

I recommend using the 32 (gen gas) version for testing, because 32 bit (gen gcc) and 64 bit still have a problem with memory alignment. As Jeff will change the array descriptor anyway (which will make my workaround and thus my problem obsolete), i don´t want to invest time for a fix!

From the error lines you posted, i can see that you don´t have the latest version of ""
Please update all files and re-try. In case it still doesn´t work, please post error message and code you are trying to compile - thanks.

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Re: New array features

Post by coderJeff »

coderJeff wrote:
Juergen Kuehlwein wrote:This will be no problem anymore as soon as Jeff changes the descriptor´s definition, because then this workaround will be obsolete.
By next weekend should be merge in. I ran out of time this weekend to get the array descriptor changes added.
The first part needed, which is to document existing array descriptor is started at Re: Array Descriptor (split from Wiki Improvements) and can continue the discussion there for a bit as it relates to the array descriptor specifically.
Juergen Kuehlwein
Posts: 284
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Location: Germany

Re: New array features

Post by Juergen Kuehlwein »

I will delete this fork of fbc, so the link provided in previous posts will no longer be valid.

Forked from the latest fbc version i will rebuild, what i have, separated in smaller commits for preparing a PR.

Juergen Kuehlwein
Posts: 284
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Location: Germany

Re: New array features

Post by Juergen Kuehlwein »

For all interested in testing the new fork is here. PR # 173 is ready for review.

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