How old are you ?

General discussion for topics related to the FreeBASIC project or its community.
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Post by anonymous1337 »

Dr_D wrote:There was even a little web app that people signed up for which showed locations & stuff.
Yes, this was my thread.

My, how things have changed. The website doesn't even exist any more.
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Post by joseywales72 »

I'm 39 and work as an IT consultant (A glorified title, I just fix computers) in a factory and run a mom&pop computer store. I've been programming in BASIC for more than 25 years (began with a Spectrum 48K), mostly little things. I'm not a project man, I just fix little things.
I recently began to play with Android (I wish someday we would see FB to compile programs for it) and Arduino.
I'm also pleasantly surprised that many of you are in my age group also.
Mike Chambers
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Post by Mike Chambers »

i turned 27 a couple weeks ago. i started using BASIC in the late 80's when i was a kid. i can do C and assembly now, but sometimes i just get the itch to do some BASIC coding.
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Post by kiyotewolf »

I got a dozen beginner's C books, and I'm going to snag a Borland free C IDE and compiler package.
I'm looking forward to learning C finally.
I thank FB for demystifying C to me, because alot of the concepts that were absent before FB, have bridged the way for me to learn C now.


I missed the boat when the Commodore books went the way of C books.
I missed the boat when someone at a BBQ told me about the "Internet" when I was hooked on dial up BBS services.
I don't wanna miss the boat this time, with Android.
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Post by BasicCoder2 »

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Last edited by BasicCoder2 on May 03, 2011 23:11, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by kiyotewolf »

On the subject of old stuff, and old programmers, myself included, how many of you used BBS services, and what was your experience like?
What did you learn, what did you love, what did you hate, did you WRITE any of your own?
Can WE write some in FB using UDT or TCP?


<.< I want to have a BBS server program so bad, as close to an original BBS style as possible, with ANSI, RIP and ASCII graphics, including some easter eggs like OpenGL 3D.
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Post by fxm »

dodicat wrote:
fxm wrote:
fxm wrote:- I love this great mix of age and culture in this forum, almost as well as readers of Tintin (from 7 to 77).
It comes close to this age group of 7-77 years.
Theunis Jansen Congratulations!
And you, very very young, where are you?
Here's a spread of years with Theunis Jansen in the lead.

Code: Select all

Dim As Integer xres,yres
screeninfo xres,yres

Dim As Double PLOT_GRADE =10000

dim d as integer=31     'NUMBER OF AGES

Dim  As double bars(d):bars(0)=0

Dim  As Double r,g,b,delta 'the colour variables
'line drawer (bresenham)
#macro psetline(xf,yf,zf,xs,ys,zs)
Dim As Single x1=xf
Dim As Single y1=yf
Dim As Single z1=zf
Dim As Single x2=xs
Dim As Single y2=ys
Dim As Single z2=zs
Dim As Single nx=x2-x1
Dim As Single ny=y2-y1
Dim As Single nz=z2-z1
Dim As Single length=Sqr(nx^2+ny^2+nz^2)
For i As Integer=0 To length 
    Dim col As Uinteger=(255-delta)*(z1-zf)/(zs-zf)+delta
    Next i
    end scope

#macro HISTOGRAM(_function,minx,maxx,miny,maxy)

For x As Double=minx To maxx Step (maxx-minx)/PLOT_GRADE
    Dim As Double xx1=(xres)*(x-minx)/(maxx-minx)
    Dim As Double yy1=(yres)*(_function-maxy)/(miny-maxy)
Next x
end scope
sub bubblesort(array() as double)
    dim as integer n=ubound(array)
For p1 as integer = 1 To n - 1
    For p2 as integer  = p1 + 1 To n          
        If (array(p1)) > (array(p2)) Then Swap array(p1),array(p2)
         Next p2
    Next p1
end sub

'******************  given values **********************
'SET VALUES FOR BARS, always from 1 to number of bars
for z as integer =1 to d
  bars(1)=27  'mihail_b 27
  bars(2)=28  'Lachie Dazdarian 28
   bars(3)=48 'bcohio2001 48
   bars(4)=60 'fxm 60
    bars(5)=42'roook_ph 42
    bars(6)=57'djsfantasi 57
    bars(7)=33'rolliebollocks 33
    bars(8)=20'KristopherWindsor '20
    bars(9)=27'Imortis '27
    bars(10)=41'vdecampo '41
    bars(11)=65'Dinosaur '65
    bars(12)=60'MichaelW '60
    bars(13)=41'ike 41
    bars(14)=17'Galeon 17
    bars(15)=55'mico 55
    bars(16)=35'h4tt3n 35
    bars(17)=63'jcfuller 63
    bars(18)=46'kot 46
    bars(19)=33'badidea 33
    bars(20)=46'D.J.Peters 46
    bars(21)=33'kiyotewolf 33
    bars(22)=18'Cherry 18
    bars(23)=53'SARG 53
    bars(24)=63'nobozoz 63
    bars(25)=53'BasicScience 53
    bars(26)=21'FotonCat 21
    bars(27)=62'Dodicat 62
    bars(28)=25'Gonzo 25
    bars(29)=20'anonymous1337 20
    bars(30)=75'Theunis Jansen 75
    bars(31)=37'Dr_D 260/7 =37
next z

'  *******************************************************
Dim As double max = bars(1)
Dim As double min = max
For count As Integer = 0 To ubound (bars)
        If bars(count) > max Then
                max = bars(count)
        If bars(count) < min Then
                min = bars(count)
  '*******************  EXAMPLE  *****************************
'for z as integer=1 to d:print bars(z):next 'PRINT VALUES TO CONSOLE WINDOW
    'SET THE BAR COLOURS r,g and b set 0 to 1
    delta=0 'DELTA=0, full contrast, DELTA=255, no contrast
 screenres xres,yres,32,1
dim count as integer
  for x as single=0 to xres step xres/(d)  
draw string(x+5,yres-20),str(bars(count))
next x
Pretty and Interesting dodicat, but it's not very elegant at the end to finish the loop 'For' by an "out of bounds array access at line 124" (array: bar ()), for people who compile with option -exx.
I proposed this amendment:
for x as single=0 to xres - 1 step xres/(d)
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Post by kiyotewolf »

"for people who compile with option -exx. "

What did that do when you compiled?

Posts: 7983
Joined: Jan 10, 2006 20:30
Location: Scotland

Post by dodicat »

Hi fxm ~ strange.
I compile now with -exx, since our silent altercation of a few days ago.
I made especially sure that that bleeding array never got out of bounds, I checked the value of count and it terminates at the array upper bound.
No error here.
fb 21.1 plus an svn of a few days ago.
XP pro.
Hi kiyotewolf
the -exx compiler switch is a strange fish, it is supposed to report errors including array out of bounds, well it does, for some arrays and different people.
Posts: 7983
Joined: Jan 10, 2006 20:30
Location: Scotland

Post by dodicat »

Hey fxm
I see that you are 60, French, and a Radar fellow.
Before we fall out, remember:
And our paths crossed 39 years ago, as ships do in the night.

Code: Select all

'Old Marconi set and fxm
declare Sub draw_string(xpos As Integer,ypos As Integer,text As String,colour As Uinteger,size As Single,textangle As Single=0,charangle as single=0,im as any pointer=0)
declare sub box_compass
#define incircle(cx,cy,radius,x,y) (cx-x)*(cx-x) +(cy-y)*(cy-y)<= radius*radius

dim shared as integer xres,yres
screenres 600,600,32
screeninfo xres,yres
dim as double a=180
dim as uinteger green
dim as single sx,sy




draw_string(xres/2,yres/2,"O ...   MARCONI    ........................",rgb(100,100,10),.75,(a+270),-(a+270))

draw_string(xres/2,yres/2,"O ...   MARCONI    ........................",rgb(00,00,00),.75,(a+269.95),-(a+270))
draw_string(.4*xres,.9*yres,"Marconi technology 1972",rgb(100,0,0),.8)
for x as integer=0 to 40 
    if incircle(xres/2,yres/2,250,sx,sy) then
    circle (sx,sy),5,rgb(0,0,0),,,,f
    end if
next x
for x as integer=0 to 250 step 50
    next x
if a>=360 then a=0
loop until inkey<>""


sub box_compass
    dim as single cr=0.01745329,cx=xres/2,cy=yres/2,k=.02,x,y
    dim as integer cz
    for z as integer=0 to 360 step 1
        if cz>360 then cz=cz-360
        if z mod 10=0 then
        end if
        if (z mod 5=0) and (z mod 10 <> 0) then k=.04
        line (x,y)-(x+k*(xres/2-x),y+k*(yres/2-y)),rgb(100,100,100)
    next z
    end sub

Sub draw_string(xpos As Integer,ypos As Integer,text As String,colour As Uinteger,size As Single,textangle As Single=0,charangle as single=0,im as any pointer=0)
    Type point2d
        As single x,y
        As Uinteger col
    End Type
    Dim As Integer codenum=128            '(Full Asci 256 if required)
    Static As Integer runflag
    Static As point2d infoarray()
    Redim Preserve As point2d infoarray(64,codenum) '64 = 8 x 8 pixel size
    If runflag=0 Then   '                  'scan codenum of codepage once
        Dim As Uinteger background=Rgb(0,0,0)
        Screenres 10,10,32  '8 x 8 pixels on this screen
        Dim count As Integer
        For ch As Integer=1 To codenum
            Draw String(1,1),Chr(ch)
            For x As Integer=1 To 8  'scan for characters
                For y As Integer=1 To 8
                    If Point(x,y)<>background Then
                        infoarray(count,ch)=Type<point2d>(x,y)'save pixel position
                    End If 
                Next y
            Next x
        Next ch
    End If
    If size=0 Then Exit Sub
    Dim As point2d temp(1 To 64,codenum),np
    dim as single cr= 0.01745329,x1,y1,x2,y2 '(4*atn(1))/180=.017453....
    #macro rotate(p1,p2,a,d)
    np.x=d*(Cos(a*cr)*(p2.x-p1.x)-Sin(a*cr)*(p2.y-p1.y)) +p1.x
    np.y=d*(Sin(a*cr)*(p2.x-p1.x)+Cos(a*cr)*(p2.y-p1.y)) +p1.y
    #macro box()
    Dim As Single dx=x2-x1,dy=y2-y1
    Swap dx,dy:dx=-dx
    Dim As Single p1x=x1+dx/2,p1y=y1+dy/2
    Dim As Single p2x=x1-dx/2,p2y=y1-dy/2
    Dim As Single p3x=x2+dx/2,p3y=y2+dy/2
    Dim As Single p4x=x2-dx/2,p4y=y2-dy/2
    Dim As Uinteger c=Rgb(255,255,254)
    For x As Integer=1 To 2
        Line im,(p1x,p1y)-(p2x,p2y),c
        Line im,(p3x,p3y)-(p4x,p4y),c
        Line im,(p1x,p1y)-(p3x,p3y),c
        Line im,(p2x,p2y)-(p4x,p4y),c
        Paint im,((p1x+p2x+p3x+p4x)/4,(p1y+p2y+p3y+p4y)/4),c,c
    Next x
    Dim As point2d cpt(1 To 64),c=type<point2d>(xpos,ypos),c2
    Dim As Single sz =size/2
    Dim As Integer dx=xpos,dy=ypos,asci
    For z6 As Integer=1 To Len(text)
        For x1 As Integer=1 To 64
        Next x1
        For z2 As Integer=1 To 64
            if charangle<>0 then
            end if
        Next z2
        For z As Integer=1 To 64
           if infoarray(z,asci).x<>0 then 'paint only relevant points 
            If Abs(size)>1 Then
                Pset im,(cpt(z).x,cpt(z).y),cpt(z).col
            End If
            end if
        Next z
    Next z6 
End Sub
Posts: 209
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Post by nkk_kan »

I'm 21, and i'm a hobbyist Fb programmer. I will be working as a software engineer soon. I like to code little snippets here and there and games are my favourite area. I started Fb in 2006 i think, back then i had my little p3 ;p
Dr_D wrote:Too bad I don't do any of those things for a living. :p
You _know_ it ruins the "fun" if work mixes up with these things :P
Posts: 12110
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Location: Paris suburbs, FRANCE

Post by fxm »

dodicat wrote:Hi fxm ~ strange.
I compile now with -exx, since our silent altercation of a few days ago.
I made especially sure that that bleeding array never got out of bounds, I checked the value of count and it terminates at the array upper bound.
No error here.
fb 21.1 plus an svn of a few days ago.
XP pro.
Hi kiyotewolf
the -exx compiler switch is a strange fish, it is supposed to report errors including array out of bounds, well it does, for some arrays and different people.
In a loop 'For', it is preferable not to use floating iterator when the expected number of occurrences is important, because it may depend on rounding:
for x as single = 0 to xres step xres / d

In a perfect world, we should get d+1 values of x:
x = 0
x = xres / d
x = 2 * xres / d
x = 3 * xres / d
. . . . . . . . . .
x = d * xres / d
is one to many
but depending on rounding, you may obtain only d values of x.

I propose you to replace:

Code: Select all

dim count as integer
for x as single=0 to xres step xres/(d) 
  draw string(x+5,yres-20),str(bars(count))
next x

Code: Select all

for i as integer = 0 to d - 1 
  draw string(i * xres / d + 5, yres - 20), str(bars(i + 1))
  line(i * xres / d, yres)-(i * xres / d, 0), rgb(0, 0, 0)
next i
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Post by kiyotewolf »


Oh wow, I did not know that the -exx switch shows array out of bounds illegal accesses, do you have to compile with a console window to see all that error message stuff, or just direct the output of the compiler to see it, (aka read the error window in FBEdit.)

Does it show you pointer access illegal out of bounds errors to, say when you use the [] and * nomenclature?

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Re: Introductions

Post by Mihail_B »

Theunis Jansen wrote:Oh well here goes.
I was born on 28 September 1936 so In September I will be 75 years old.
My grandpa was born in '30 so now is 81 ...

He's still more healty then me :) :|
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Post by kiyotewolf »

Is there a thread I can revive & lurk in that is associated with BBS that exists here in the forum?


A FB powered BBS just like the old days, compatible with modem dial up connection, AND internet UDP or TCP connections, with multiple users / active connections at once.
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