FreeBASIC 1.07 Release Discussion

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Re: FreeBASIC 1.07 Release Discussion

Post by dodicat »

Would it be possible to fix the extremely slow gcc compile of data in data statements.
Here are some results for a test file:

Code: Select all

compiling . . .
Success ( 450.1857522999999  seconds)

FreeBASIC Compiler - Version 1.07.3 (2020-12-31), built for win64 (64bit)
Copyright (C) 2004-2019 The FreeBASIC development team.
-gen gcc -Wc -O3


compiling . . .
Success ( 435.4475182999995  seconds)

FreeBASIC Compiler - Version 1.07.2 (2020-12-25), built for win32 (32bit)
Copyright (C) 2004-2019 The FreeBASIC development team.
-gen gcc -Wc -O3


compiling . . .
Success ( 2.656405900001118  seconds)

FreeBASIC Compiler - Version 1.07.2 (2020-12-25), built for win32 (32bit)
Copyright (C) 2004-2019 The FreeBASIC development team.
-gen gas


compiling . . .
Success ( 5.384803700002522  seconds)

FreeBASIC Compiler - Version 1.07-(08).1 (2020-08-07), built for win64 (64bit)
Copyright (C) 2004-2019 The FreeBASIC development team.
-gen gas64

Here is the test code, I suggest popping it into a temp folder and running from there.
Please use the mouse wheel to adjust the magnification, probably make it 1.
The saved file is testbitmap.bas, approx 32000 lines of data, which you can test yourself with gas and gcc.
But please note you will have to wait 7 or 8 minutes to compile with -gen gcc, -gen gas is only a few seconds.

Code: Select all

'Data maker

Screen 17,32
 Dim As String nag = _

dim as any ptr tmp=imagecreate(640,400,rgb(0,100,255))
for x as long=50 to 590
    for y as long=50 to 350
        pset tmp,(x,y),rgb(x,x xor y,y)
    next y
next x
draw tmp,nag
draw string tmp,(0,0),"Test bitmap"
bsave "testbitmap.bmp",tmp
imagedestroy tmp
'bload "testbitmap.bmp"
open "testbitmap.bas" for output as #2

Type bitmap_size
    As long across,down
End Type

Dim  mybitmap As String ="testbitmap.bmp"

Redim shared As ulong pixel_colours(0,0) 'shared to increase potential size

Function size(bmp As String) As bitmap_size 'fetch bitmap width/height 
    Dim As long w,h
    Open bmp For Binary As #1
    Get #1, 19, w
    Get #1, 23, h
    Close #1
    Return Type<bitmap_size>(w,h)
End Function

Sub load(bmp As String,pixels() As ulong) 'load bitmap into array of point colours
    Bload bmp
    dim count as integer
    dim as string comma=","
    dim as string dash="_"
    Dim temp As bitmap_size=size(bmp)
    Redim pixels(temp.across,temp.down)
    dim max as integer=(1+temp.across)*(1+temp.down)
    For x As Integer=0 To temp.across
        For y As Integer=0 To temp.down
            if count=max then
            end if
            print #2,"&H"& hex(point(x,y))&comma;
            if count mod 8=0 then print #2,dash
        Next y
    Next x
End Sub

'Use mouse or keys to move bitmap in this run
Sub drawbitmap(mx As Integer,my As Integer,mybitmap As bitmap_size,scale as single=1)
    #macro magnify(pivotx,pivoty,px,py,scale)
    var rotx=scale*(px-pivotx)+pivotx
    var roty=scale*(py-pivoty)+pivoty
    For x As Integer=mx To mx+mybitmap.across
        For y As Integer=my To my+mybitmap.down
        Next y
    Next x
End Sub
Sub framecounter(msg as single)
    Static As double frame,fps
    Static As double t1,t2
    If frame>=fps Then
        t1 = Timer
        fps = frame/(t1-t2)
        Windowtitle "Frames per second = " + str(fps) + "   magnification= " +str( msg)
    End If
End Sub
Dim As bitmap_size bitmap_info=size(mybitmap) 'get height/width of bitmap
print #2,"redim shared as ulong a(";str(bitmap_info.across);",";str(bitmap_info.down);")"
print #2 ,"DATA _"
draw string(bitmap_info.across,bitmap_info.down), "PLEASE WAIT"
load mybitmap,pixel_colours() 'set bitmap into an array

'variables for the mouse and arrow keys
Dim As Integer mx,my,mw,mb,copymx,copymy
dim as string i
'Testing loop for this section.
    if mb=2 then exit do
    if mw<0 then mw=10
    if mw=0 then mw=1
    If mb=1 Then
    End If
    if i= chr(255) + "K"  then copymx=copymx-5
    if i= chr(255) + "M"  then copymx=copymx+5
    if i= chr(255) + "P"  then copymy=copymy+5
    if i= chr(255) + "H"  then copymy=copymy-5
    drawbitmap(copymx,copymy,bitmap_info,mw/10) 'SCALE 
    draw string(20,20),"TURN MOUSE WHEEL  --- MAGNIFICATION = "&str(mw/10),rgb(255,255,255)
    draw string(20,50),"END AT THE REQUIRED MAGNIFICATION",rgb(255,255,255)
    draw string(20,80),"LEFT CLICK TO SHIFT IMAGE",rgb(255,255,255)
    draw string(20,110),"ESC OR RIGHT CLICK TO END",rgb(255,255,255)
    Sleep 1,1
Loop Until i=Chr(27)
'Running code 
print #2," "

print #2,"screen 17,32"
print #2,"dim as double magnification"
print #2,"magnification= ";mw/10
print #2,"Type bitmap_size"
print #2,"As Integer across,down"
print #2,"End Type"

print #2,"sub read_data(mybitmap as bitmap_size)"

print #2,"for x as integer=0 to mybitmap.across"
print #2,"for y as integer=0 to mybitmap.down"
print #2,"read a(x,y)"
print #2,"next y"
print #2,"next x"
print #2,"end sub"

print #2,"dim shared as any pointer image"
print #2,"image=imagecreate(magnification*ubound(a,1),magnification*ubound(a,2))"

print #2,"Sub drawbitmap_to_image(mybitmap As bitmap_size,scale as single=1,mx As Integer=0,my As Integer=0)"
print #2,"#macro magnify(pivotx,pivoty,px,py,scale)"
print #2,"var rotx=scale*(px-pivotx)+pivotx"
print #2,"var roty=scale*(py-pivoty)+pivoty"
print #2,"#endmacro"
print #2,"For x As Integer=mx To mx+mybitmap.across"
print #2,"For y As Integer=my To my+mybitmap.down"
print #2,"magnify(mx,my,x,y,scale)"
print #2,"line image,(rotx-scale/2,roty-scale/2)-(rotx+scale/2,roty+scale/2),a(x-mx,y-my),BF"
print #2,"Next y"
print #2,"Next x"
print #2,"End Sub"

print #2,"Dim As bitmap_size bitmap_info"
print #2,"bitmap_info.across=ubound(a)"
print #2,"bitmap_info.down=ubound(a,2)"
print #2,"read_data(bitmap_info)"
print #2,"drawbitmap_to_image(bitmap_info,magnification)"
print #2,"'BITMAP image is now in image"
print #2,"'This just displays the image"
print #2,"dim as string i"
print #2,"Do"
print #2,"i=inkey"
print #2,"Screenlock"
print #2,"Cls"
print #2,"locate 2,2"
print #2,"print ""magnification ="";";mw/10
print #2,"put(";copymx;",";copymy;"),image,pset"
print #2,"Screenunlock"
print #2,"Sleep 1,1"
print #2,"Loop Until i=Chr(27)"
print #2,"imagedestroy image"
close #2
locate 10,10
color rgb(200,200,200)
print "SAVED -- testbitmap.bas is your file"
locate 12,10
print "Press a key to end"

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Re: FreeBASIC 1.07 Release Discussion

Post by jj2007 »


win32: FreeBASIC-1.07.3-win32.7z - 32bit standalone version
win64: FreeBASIC-1.07.3-win64.7z - 64bit standalone version
Windows Binaries (default for fbc-1.07.x is gcc 5.2.0)

FreeBASIC-1.07.3-win32.exe (installer) | .zip archive | .7z archive - 32bit standalone version | .7z archive - 64bit standalone version
So which one contains the fbc.exe for Windows? And does the 64bit version also contain the compiler for 32-bit code?
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Re: FreeBASIC 1.07 Release Discussion

Post by deltarho[1859] »

The phrase 'As clear as mud' comes to mind.

Is that a queue building for gcc 8.1?
No, it is an optical illusion. Image

Should we see the word 'experimental' used in an official distribution?
No, experimental toolchains should be in a separate thread.
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Re: FreeBASIC 1.07 Release Discussion

Post by dodicat »

jj2007 wrote:

win32: FreeBASIC-1.07.3-win32.7z - 32bit standalone version
win64: FreeBASIC-1.07.3-win64.7z - 64bit standalone version
Windows Binaries (default for fbc-1.07.x is gcc 5.2.0)

FreeBASIC-1.07.3-win32.exe (installer) | .zip archive | .7z archive - 32bit standalone version | .7z archive - 64bit standalone version
So which one contains the fbc.exe for Windows? And does the 64bit version also contain the compiler for 32-bit code?
You have the 64 bit compiler and the 32 bit compiler, in compressed form (.7Z or .zip).
Use one or the other to get 64 bit or 32 bit executables (or libraries).
Generally the .bas code should run on both compilers, unless any asm blocks within the code are specific to a compiler.
I assume by 32-bit code you mean code that contains 32 bit instructions in the asm blocks!
the 7z files:
The 32 bit compiler doesn't include gcc, it is gas only.
The 64 bit compiler uses gcc 5.2
What compiler are you using at the moment?
I have been using the latest 64 bit compiler mainly (gcc 5.2 to save any fuss)
I think confusion arises when the latest 32 bit compiler, freshly downloaded and expanded, has no gcc option.
Perhaps gcc should automatically be bundled with it, but that is up to the developer.
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Re: FreeBASIC 1.07 Release Discussion

Post by deltarho[1859] »

I don't know why this was not done for gcc 5.2 Windows binaries.

The link below is a 32-bit and 64-bit combined archive (fbc32.exe and fbc64.exe). The 32-bit has gcc 5.2.

This is how the 8.3 and 8.4 are made. A newcomer to FB won't have a clue how to do the same for 5.2; the default for goodness’ sake!
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Re: FreeBASIC 1.07 Release Discussion

Post by jj2007 »

dodicat wrote:What compiler are you using at the moment?
1. FreeBASIC Compiler - Version 1.07.1 (2019-09-27), built for win32 (32bit)
2. same as above (Version 1.07.1 (2019-09-27), built for win32), but with gcc version 8.1.0 (2018)
3. FreeBASIC Compiler - Version 1.07.1 (2019-09-27), built for win64 (64bit)
4. SARG's fbc64_gas64.exe

So the "Windows binaries" are not what the n00b is looking for?
Why do you recommend GCC 5.2 if 8.1 has been around since 2018?
deltarho[1859] wrote:This is how the 8.3 and 8.4 are made
What do you mean with "made"?
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Re: FreeBASIC 1.07 Release Discussion

Post by deltarho[1859] »

jj2007 wrote:What do you mean with "made"?
'32bit and 64bit combined archive (fbc32.exe and fbc64.exe)'

With my zip above we only have one download, instead of two, and no messing about putting 32-bit gcc into the FB-win32 package. When I first came to FB I didn't know what gcc was, and it took me a while to fathom out what was going on.

As for the comment "in case you want to use -gen gcc", I find that funny now because I have no time for gas or gas64.

As for gcc 8.1 in the 1.07.3 distribution, that is a joke given that we are now offered 8.3 or 8.4. OK, 8.1 is mingw-w64 but so what.

This is what my WinFBE Cpaths is now:
Unfortunately, the last two are no longer available at the forum after my anonymous German friend 'pulled the plug' on them. Of course that does not stop someone else building them. My German friend will continue to build for me so when fbc 1.08 comes out the Cpaths above will read 1.08.0.
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Re: FreeBASIC 1.07 Release Discussion

Post by coderJeff »

Just in case anyone is joining us for the first time, the fbc compiler is a console application. It needs an editor or an IDE to make files. If fbc compiler is run on it's own by double clicking on windows explorer, it will just flash a console for a second and disappear.

The purpose of the 1.07 *branch* is to maintain binary compatibility with some previous versions and fix a few of the worst bugs.

gcc not included based on previous releases - gcc not included todo item - a added last week but was not going to hold up getting the builds done.

The 32-bit and 64-bit downloads have been separate for a long time. To combine the builds, need to use separate names for fbc if we are to keep the defaults of having a 32 bit version make 32 bit exe's and a 64 bit version make 64 bit exe's.

But fbc32 and fbc64 names don't exist anywhere in fbc 1.07 or fbc 1.08 manual. Could also use a single fbc.exe with the proper tools installed, and make either 32 or 64 bit by passing '-target win32|win64'

Only secondary was packaging a couple of the tool chains with a newer / different gcc.
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Re: FreeBASIC 1.07 Release Discussion

Post by coderJeff »

jj2007 wrote:So the "Windows binaries" are not what the n00b is looking for?
Please don't use n00b to refer to beginners, novices, or newcomers. I think it comes across as pejorative. You're not the only, just the first one I'm saying something to.
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Re: FreeBASIC 1.07 Release Discussion

Post by coderJeff »

deltarho[1859] wrote:As for gcc 8.1 in the 1.07.3 distribution, that is a joke given that we are now offered 8.3 or 8.4. OK, 8.1 is mingw-w64 but so what.
I'll deal with this in the 1.08.0 development thread.
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Re: FreeBASIC 1.07 Release Discussion

Post by coderJeff »

dodicat wrote:Would it be possible to fix the extremely slow gcc compile of data in data statements.
I poked away this problem several times over the last few months. Seems obvious now, but I got stuck several times trying to find a solution.

Optimize Byref String Concatenation #299
This is merged now for fbc 1.08.0.

Thanks for reposting the test program. Your latest was easy to work with (I didn't have to copy a bitmap file).
For -gen gas, about 10 seconds
For -gen gcc, about 20 seconds
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Re: FreeBASIC 1.07 Release Discussion

Post by deltarho[1859] »

Apologies coderJeff - my comment on gcc 8.1 could have been better written. jj2007 and I have something in common - we both failed our diplomacy exams. Image

After posting my 32bit and 64bit combined archive for gcc 5.2 it occurred to me that whilst handy for most it is surplus to requirements for those with only a 32-bit OS; very few nowadays but there are some 'out there'.
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Re: FreeBASIC 1.07 Release Discussion

Post by jj2007 »

coderJeff wrote:
jj2007 wrote:So the "Windows binaries" are not what the n00b is looking for?
Please don't use n00b to refer to beginners, novices, or newcomers. I think it comes across as pejorative. You're not the only, just the first one I'm saying something to.
I call myself a n00b for FB, and don't perceive that as pejorative, but I'll try to be a diplomat from now on ;-)
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Re: FreeBASIC 1.07 Release Discussion

Post by Iczer »

Iczer wrote:About manual - strptr() changes still not included

Code: Select all

- SADD/STRPTR(wstring) returns WSTRING PTR

Code: Select all


Declare Operator StrPtr ( ByRef lhs As String ) As ZString Ptr
Declare Operator StrPtr ( ByRef lhs As WString )[b] As ZString Ptr[/b]

Return Value

Returns a ZString Ptr to a string's character data (null value in case of empty string).

[b]Note that when passed a WString, Operator Strptr still returns a ZString Ptr, which may not be the desired resul[/b]t.
still the same...
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Re: FreeBASIC 1.07 Release Discussion

Post by fxm »

But already done in the FBWiki:
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