Fooling around with platform game-like code

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Fooling around with platform game-like code

Post by badidea »

Not even close to a game yet, but it might evolve in to something...
I my first try at platform game logic, inspired after a visit to

Code: Select all

#include ""

const as integer SCRN_W = 800, SCRN_H = 600
'const as integer BLOCK_SZ = 20
'const as integer BLOCKS_X = SCRN_W \ 20, BLOCKS_Y = SCRN_H \ 20
const as single GRAVITY = 3000 '[pixels/s^2]

type xy_sgl
	dim as single x, y
end type

type player_type
	dim as xy_sgl p '[pixels]
	dim as xy_sgl v '[pixels/s]
	dim as integer state
end type

sub clearScreen()
	line(0, 0)-(SCRN_W-1, SCRN_H-1), &h00000000, bf
end sub

sub printAt(x as integer, y as integer, text as string)
	locate y, x: print text;
end sub

end enum

dim as string states(ST_NONE) = {"STANDING", "WALKING", "JUMPING", "NONE"}

'dim as integer blocks(BLOCKS_X-1, BLOCKS_Y-1)
dim as double tNow, tPrev, dt
dim as boolean quit = false
dim as player_type player
player.p = type(100.0, 100.0)
player.state = ST_JUMPING

screenres(SCRN_W, SCRN_H, 32)

tNow = timer
dt = 0
while not quit
	if multikey(FB.SC_ESCAPE) then quit = true
	with player
		if (.state <> ST_JUMPING) then
			.v.x = 0
			.state = ST_STANDING
			if multikey(FB.SC_LEFT) then
				.v.x = -200.0
				.state = ST_WALKING 'maybe
			end if 
			if multikey(FB.SC_RIGHT) then
				.v.x = +200.0
				.state = ST_WALKING 'maybe
			end if
		end if
		.p.x += .v.x * dt
		'jump if not in air
		if multikey(FB.SC_UP) then
			'if (.p.y > 499) then
			if (.state <> ST_JUMPING) then
				.v.y = -800.0
				.state = ST_JUMPING
			end if
		end if
		.v.y += GRAVITY * dt '[m/s] = [m/s^2] * [s]
		.p.y += .v.y * dt '[m] = [m/s] * [s]
		'jumped (or dropped) on to somthing
		if (.p.y > 500.0) then
			.p.y = 500.0
			.v.y = 0
			if (.state = ST_JUMPING) then .state = ST_STANDING
		end if
	end with
	printAt(2, 2, "Keys: <left>, <right>, <up>")
	printAt(2, 4, "Player state: " + str(player.state) + " = " + states(player.state))
	printAt(2, 6, "x: " + str(player.p.x) + ", " + str(player.p.y))
	circle(int(player.p.x + 0.5), int(player.p.y + 0.5)), 20, &h00ff0088 

	sleep 1, 1
	inkey 'clear key buffer
	tPrev = tNow
	tNow = timer
	dt = tNow - tPrev
Sometimes, when pressing (LEFT or RIGHT) with UP at the same time, jumping does not work. Not sure if this is a bug in my code or some limitation of my laptop keyboard.
Last edited by badidea on Feb 20, 2018 7:36, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Fooling around with platform game-like code

Post by leopardpm »

nicely done! I didn't notice the left/right + jumping issue... but only tested for a minute
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Re: Fooling around with platform game-like code

Post by BasicCoder2 »

Your example, I assume, is using the the ideas explained here, ... #tutorial1
"Platform Games 101 - A Jump and Run Game Article for the 6 Year Old in All of Us - Part 3"
So, "The number of seconds elapsed in a fast or a slow computer would always be the same."

Must confess it all seemed very complicated. It also seems more like real physics than game physics?
There are other issues like the force of a jump which the user might input by how long the jump key is pressed.

As it must have some state I think ST_NONE is not required?

Although I see variables for tiles I assume you are not going any further with it?
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Re: Fooling around with platform game-like code

Post by badidea »

Yes, I want to combine this with my Tetris code (don't tell anyone, still a secret). But progress is slow. Busy with some python code and I will be on holiday the next 2 weeks.
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