Chromosome viewer - a brick for a genetic lab game

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Tourist Trap
Posts: 2958
Joined: Jun 02, 2015 16:24

Chromosome viewer - a brick for a genetic lab game

Post by Tourist Trap »

I'm posting this demo stuff, that I projected to use in a bigger game that I had in mind. But truly if someone gets more inspired and involved than myself here it is. I really can think of tons of funny games from this starting bloc.
So just clic somewhere in the rotating chromosome to select a genus!

Code: Select all

'_______         FREEBASIC GENETICS LAB        
'_______            NEW GAME OF LIFE           
'_______                 V1.0                  
'_______program purpose:
'_______manipulate some ADN
'_______the program is indebted to BasicCoder2 
'_______for the 3Dsphere viewer.               
'_______The quick-'sort routine is a dodicat's 
'_______piece of art.                          

'_______note for further development:
'_______this is all big enough now to deserve a
'_______refactoring before adding anything new.

#include once ""
#include once "utility.bas"
#include once "dodi_interpolator.bas"

dim shared as ulong	_maxDots	=> 178
const as double		_pi			=> 4*atn(1)
const as double		_2pi		=> 2*_pi
const as double		_rToD		=> 180/_pi
const as double		_dToR		=> _pi/180

#define _up		<,>
#define _down	>,<
#macro _SETQSORT(datatype, fname, b1, b2, dot)
    sub fname(array() As datatype, Begin as long, Finish as long)
	    dim as long i	=> Begin, _ 
	    			j	=> Finish
	    dim as datatype	x => array(((i + j)\2))
	    while  (i<=j)
	    	while array(i)dot b1 x dot : i += 1 : wend
	        while array(j)dot b2 x dot : j -= 1 : wend
	    	if i<=j then swap array(i), array(j): i += 1 : j -= 1
	    if j>Begin	then	fname(array(), Begin, j)
	    if i<Finish	then	fname(array(), i, Finish)
    end sub

    as double	_x
    as double	_y
    as double	_z
    as ulong	_c
    as integer	_id
end type : _SETQSORT(SORTABLEP3D, Qsort_z, _down, ._z)

	declare constructor()
		as SORTABLEP3D ptr		_sp3DPtr
		as integer				_id
end type
constructor GENETICUNIT()
end constructor

declare function DrawAppFrameWindow(byval as double) as integer


randomize TIMER
dim as integer	scrW, scrH
declare sub ShowActiveAdnNodeBox(byval as integer, _ 
								 () as GENETICUNIT, _ 
								 byval as integer, _ 
								 byval as integer)
	screen 0
	dim as integer	desktopW, desktopH
		screenInfo	desktopW, desktopH
	scrW	=> desktopW*0.8
	scrH	=> desktopH*0.8
	screenRes scrW, scrH, 32, 1, fb.GFX_NO_FRAME + fb.GFX_SHAPED_WINDOW
	color , rgb(255,0,255)
end scope

dim as DBUTTON	playAdnButton
dim as DBUTTON	stopAdnButton
	dim as integer  topLeftCornerPositionX	=> 100
	dim as integer  topLeftCornerPositionY	=> 210
	dim as integer  btnWidth				=> 42
	dim as integer  btnHeight				=> 08
	dim as string   buttonText				=> "PLAY"
	dim as double   btnDelay            	=> 0.8
	playAdnButton	= _
		DBUTTON(topLeftCornerPositionX, _ 
				topLeftCornerPositionY, _
		    	btnWidth, _ 
		    	btnHeight, _
		    	buttonText, _
		    	btnBehav, _
end scope
	dim as integer  topLeftCornerPositionX	=> 160
	dim as integer  topLeftCornerPositionY	=> 210
	dim as integer  btnWidth				=> 42
	dim as integer  btnHeight				=> 08
	dim as string   buttonText				=> " STOP"
	dim as double   btnDelay            	=> 0.8
	stopAdnButton	= _
		DBUTTON(topLeftCornerPositionX, _ 
				topLeftCornerPositionY, _
		    	btnWidth, _ 
		    	btnHeight, _
		    	buttonText, _
		    	btnBehav, _
end scope

dim as SORTABLEP3D 	sp3D
	sp3D._x => -0.14*scrW
	sp3D._y => -.12*scrH
	sp3D._z => 900
dim as SORTABLEP3D	absolute3DPosition(_maxDots)
dim as SORTABLEP3D	relative3DPosition(_maxDots)
dim as GENETICUNIT	geneticUnitInstance(_maxDots)
dim as double		radius	=> 100, _ 
					angle1, _ 
dim as double angle, _ 
			  x, y, z, _ 
			  rx, ry, rz, _ 
			  px, py, _ 
			  cosAngle, sinAngle, aRot

	dim as integer	index
	for angle1 = 160 to 259 step 4
	    for angle2 = 0 to 159 step 80 
	        absolute3DPosition(index)._x = radius*sin(angle1*_dToR)*cos(angle2*_dToR)
	        absolute3DPosition(index)._y = radius*sin(angle1*_dToR)*sin(angle2*_dToR)
	        absolute3DPosition(index)._z = radius*cos(angle1*_dToR)
	        absolute3DPosition(index)._c = rgb(angle2\2, int(rnd(1)*256), angle1\2)
	        absolute3DPosition(index)._id = index
	    	geneticUnitInstance(index)._sp3DPtr		= @absolute3DPosition(index)
	    	geneticUnitInstance(index)._id			= index
	        geneticUnitInstance(index)._text		= ""
	        geneticUnitInstance(index)._isQuiet		= TRUE
	        if index<_maxDots then
	            index += 1
	        end if
	    next angle2
	next angle1
end scope

	const as double	_degreeToRadianCoefficient => _dToR
		_rad	=> 0
		_deg	=> 1
	end enum
	declare constructor()
	declare constructor(byval as double)
	declare constructor(byval AngleInAngleUnit as double=0, _
						byval MinValueInAngleUnit as double, _ 
						byval MaxValueInAngleUnit as double, _ 
						byval AngleUnit as _ANGLEUNIT=1)
	declare operator Let(byval as double)
	declare operator Cast() as double
	declare property MinDegreeValue() as double
	declare property MinDegreeValue(byval as double)
	declare property MaxDegreeValue() as double
	declare property MaxDegreeValue(byval as double)
	declare property CurrentDegreeValue() as double
	declare function IncrementValueByDegreeUnit(byval as double=+1) as double
		as double	_angRad
		as double	_minDegValue
		as double	_maxDegValue
end type
constructor ANGULAR()
	THIS._angRad		=> 0
	THIS._minDegValue	=> 0
	THIS._minDegValue	=> 359
end constructor
constructor ANGULAR(byval AngleInRad as double)
	THIS._angRad	=> AngleInRad
end constructor
constructor ANGULAR(byval AngleInAngleUnit as double=0, _ 
					byval MinValueInAngleUnit as double, _ 
					byval MaxValueInAngleUnit as double, _ 
					byval AngleUnit as _ANGLEUNIT=1)
	select case AngleUnit
			THIS._angRad		=> AngleInAngleUnit
			THIS._minDegValue	=> MinValueInAngleUnit*1/ANGULAR._degreeToRadianCoefficient
			THIS._maxDegValue	=> MinValueInAngleUnit*1/ANGULAR._degreeToRadianCoefficient
		case else
			THIS._angRad		=> AngleInAngleUnit*ANGULAR._degreeToRadianCoefficient
			THIS._minDegValue	=> MinValueInAngleUnit
			THIS._maxDegValue	=> MaxValueInAngleUnit
	end select
end constructor
operator ANGULAR.Let(byval LetValue as double)
	THIS._angRad	=> LetValue
end operator
operator ANGULAR.Cast() as double
	return THIS._angRad
end operator
property ANGULAR.MinDegreeValue() as double
	if THIS._minDegValue>THIS._maxDegValue then
		swap THIS._minDegValue, THIS._maxDegValue
	end if
	return THIS._minDegValue
end property
property ANGULAR.MinDegreeValue(byval SetValue as double)
	THIS._minDegValue = SetValue
end property
property ANGULAR.MaxDegreeValue() as double
	if THIS._minDegValue>THIS._maxDegValue then
		swap THIS._minDegValue, THIS._maxDegValue
	end if
	return THIS._maxDegValue
end property
property ANGULAR.MaxDegreeValue(byval SetValue as double)
	THIS._maxDegValue = SetValue
end property
property ANGULAR.CurrentDegreeValue() as double
	return THIS._angRad*ANGULAR._degreeToRadianCoefficient
end property
function ANGULAR.IncrementValueByDegreeUnit(byval IncValue as double=+1) as double
	THIS._angRad += IncValue*1/ANGULAR._degreeToRadianCoefficient
	return THIS._angRad
end function

	declare constructor()
	declare constructor(byval MaxDot as integer, _ 
						byval Radius as integer, _ 
						byval Angle1 as integer, _ 
						byval Angle2 as integer)
	declare property X2D() as integer
	declare property Y2D() as integer
	declare sub SimpleRotationByAngleInDegree(byval as ANGULAR=90)
	'declare sub RotateByAngleInDegree(byval as double=90, byval as double=90)
		as uByte		_maxDot
		as SORTABLEP3D	_sp3dSphereCenter
		as double		_mainSphereRadius
		as double		_individualItemRadius
		as SORTABLEP3D	_absolute3DItemPosition(any)
		as SORTABLEP3D	_relative3DItemPosition(any)
		as GENETICUNIT	_gItemUnit(any)
		as ANGULAR		_angle
		as ANGULAR		_angle1
		as ANGULAR		_angle2
		as double		_projection2DX
		as double		_projection2DY
		as double		_x
		as double		_y
		as double		_z
		as double		_rx
		as double		_ry
		as double		_rz
		as double		_cosAngle
		as double		_sinAngle
		as double		_aRot
end type

dim as SORTABLEP3D 	sp3D_2
	sp3D_2._x => scrW - 0.14*scrW
	sp3D_2._y => -.12*scrH
	sp3D_2._z => 900
dim as SORTABLEP3D	absolute3DPosition_2(_maxDots)
dim as SORTABLEP3D	relative3DPosition_2(_maxDots)
dim as GENETICUNIT	geneticUnitInstance_2(_maxDots)
dim as double		radius_2	=> 100, _ 
					angle1_2, _ 
dim as double angle_2, _ 
			  x_2, y_2, z_2, _ 
			  rx_2, ry_2, rz_2, _ 
			  px_2, py_2, _ 
			  cosAngle_2, sinAngle_2, aRot_2

	dim as integer	index
	for angle1 = 160 to 259 step 4
	    for angle2 = 0 to 159 step 80 
	        absolute3DPosition(index)._x = radius*sin(angle1*_dToR)*cos(angle2*_dToR)
	        absolute3DPosition(index)._y = radius*sin(angle1*_dToR)*sin(angle2*_dToR)
	        absolute3DPosition(index)._z = radius*cos(angle1*_dToR)
	        absolute3DPosition(index)._c = rgb(angle2\2, int(rnd(1)*256), angle1\2)
	        absolute3DPosition(index)._id = index
	    	geneticUnitInstance(index)._sp3DPtr		= @absolute3DPosition(index)
	    	geneticUnitInstance(index)._id			= index
	        geneticUnitInstance(index)._text		= ""
	        geneticUnitInstance(index)._isQuiet		= TRUE
	        if index<_maxDots then
	            index += 1
	        end if
	    next angle2
	next angle1
end scope

dim as integer	activeAdnNodeIndex		=> -1
dim as boolean	isAdnNodeClicked		=> FALSE
dim as boolean	isPlayAdnButtonClicked	=> TRUE
dim as boolean	isStopAdnButtonClicked	=> FALSE
dim as double w
	'interaction flags__________________________________________________________________
	if playAdnButton._mouseClick then
		if not isPlayAdnButtonClicked then isPlayAdnButtonClicked = TRUE
		if isStopAdnButtonClicked then isStopAdnButtonClicked = FALSE
	end if
	if stopAdnButton._mouseClick then
		if not isStopAdnButtonClicked then isStopAdnButtonClicked = TRUE
		if isStopAdnButtonClicked then isPlayAdnButtonClicked = FALSE
	end if
    'rotation rate
    if isPlayAdnButtonClicked then aRot = aRot + 1
    if aRot >= 360 then aRot = 0
    angle		= aRot*_dToR
    cosAngle	= cos(angle)
    sinAngle	= sin(angle)
	'3Dpoint rotation
    for i as integer = 0 to (_maxDots - 1)
        x = absolute3DPosition(i)._x
        y = absolute3DPosition(i)._y
        z = absolute3DPosition(i)._z
        relative3DPosition(i)._x = (cosAngle*x) - (sinAngle*z)
        relative3DPosition(i)._y = y
        relative3DPosition(i)._z = (sinAngle*x) + (cosAngle*z)
        relative3DPosition(i)._x = relative3DPosition(i)._x - sp3D._x
        relative3DPosition(i)._y = relative3DPosition(i)._y - sp3D._y
        relative3DPosition(i)._z = relative3DPosition(i)._z - sp3D._z
        relative3DPosition(i)._c = absolute3DPosition(i)._c
        relative3DPosition(i)._id = absolute3DPosition(i)._id
		'refresh the associated 3D coordinates
        geneticUnitInstance(absolute3DPosition(i)._id)._sp3DPtr		= @relative3DPosition(i)
        geneticUnitInstance(absolute3DPosition(i)._id)._id			= relative3DPosition(i)._id
        if activeAdnNodeIndex=absolute3DPosition(i)._id then
        	geneticUnitInstance(absolute3DPosition(i)._id)._text	= _ 
        	geneticUnitInstance(absolute3DPosition(i)._id)._text	= ""
        end if
        geneticUnitInstance(absolute3DPosition(i)._id)._isQuiet		= TRUE
    next i
    'sort by distance along z axis
    Qsort_z( relative3DPosition(), _ 
    		 lBound(relative3DPosition), _ 
    		 uBound(relative3DPosition) )
        'draw application window frame______________________________________________________
	        'ADN viewer button
        'draw application window frame______________________________________________________
        '3D to 2D ADN viewing
        for i as integer = 0 to _maxDots - 1
            'this bit is purely to add perspective
            w = 1 + (relative3DPosition(i)._z/sp3D._z)
            relative3DPosition(i)._x = (relative3DPosition(i)._x - sp3D._x)/w + sp3D._x
            relative3DPosition(i)._y = (relative3DPosition(i)._y - sp3D._y)/w + sp3D._y
            relative3DPosition(i)._z = (relative3DPosition(i)._z - sp3D._z)/w + sp3D._z
            'convert 3d to 2d coordinates
            px = (relative3DPosition(i)._x/relative3DPosition(i)._z) * 2000
            py = (relative3DPosition(i)._y/relative3DPosition(i)._z) * 2000
            circle (px + scrW/2, py + scrH/2), 5, relative3DPosition(i)._c, , , , f
            'refresh dbutton position
            geneticUnitInstance(relative3DPosition(i)._id)._topLeftCornerX	= px + scrW/2 - 2
            geneticUnitInstance(relative3DPosition(i)._id)._topLeftCornerY	= py + scrH/2 - 2
	        geneticUnitInstance(relative3DPosition(i)._id)._bottomRightCornerX	= px + scrW/2 + 4
	        geneticUnitInstance(relative3DPosition(i)._id)._bottomRightCornerY	= py + scrH/2 + 4
            'draw button
            'tracking when adn node clicked
            if geneticUnitInstance(relative3DPosition(i)._id)._mouseClick then
            	if not isAdnNodeClicked then isAdnNodeClicked = TRUE
            	activeAdnNodeIndex	= relative3DPosition(i)._id
            end if
        next i
        ShowActiveAdnNodeBox(activeAdnNodeIndex, geneticUnitInstance(), scrW, scrH)
    sleep 20
loop until multikey(&H01)

function DrawAppFrameWindow(byval RotAngle as double) as integer
	dim as integer scrW, scrH
		screenInfo scrW, scrH
    line (60, 20)-(scrW - 10, scrH - 10), rgb(0,56,56), bf
    line (60, 100)-(scrW - 10, scrH - 10), rgb(0,56,56), bf
    line (60, 180)-(scrW - 10, scrH - 10), rgb(0,56,56), bf
    line (60, 260)-(scrW - 10, scrH - 10), rgb(0,62,62), bf
    line (60, 340)-(scrW - 10, scrH - 10), rgb(0,70,70), bf
    line (60, 420)-(scrW - 10, scrH - 10), rgb(0,78,78), bf
    for i as integer = 0 to 6
    	line (60 + i, 20 + i)-(scrW - 10 - i, scrH - 10 - i), rgb(80,00,100), b
    	line (60 + i, 20 + i)-(scrW - 10 - i, scrH - 10 - i), rgb(80,00,100), b
    next i
    line (60, 20)-(scrW - 10, scrH - 10), rgb(5,60,180), b
    line (60 + scrW\3, 0)-step(scrW\3 - 60, 40), rgb(80,200,100), bf
    line (60 + scrW\3, 0)-step(scrW\3 - 60, 43), rgb(5,60,180), b
    line (61 + scrW\3, 2)-step(scrW\3 - 62, 40), rgb(80,200,100), bf
    'ADN frame background
    circle (155, 120), 60, rgb(05,090,080), , , , f
    circle (155, 120), 40, rgb(05,120,080), , , , f
    line (80, 210)-step(145, 14), rgb(0,180,180), bf
    'rotation rate text
    draw string (140, 190), "ADN", rgb(100,180,120)
    draw string (100, 200), "rotation::"& str(RotAngle), rgb(100,180,120)
    return 0
end function

sub ShowActiveAdnNodeBox(byval ActiveIndex as integer, _ 
						 GI() as GENETICUNIT, _ 
						 byval SW as integer, _ 
						 byval SH as integer)
	static as integer	_activeIndex			=> -1
	static as integer	_processGraphicsStep	=> -1
	if _activeIndex<>ActiveIndex then
		/'new value'/
		_activeIndex = ActiveIndex
		_processGraphicsStep = 0
	end if
	if _processGraphicsStep=-1 then exit sub
	'- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
	dim as integer x = GI(_activeIndex)._topLeftCornerX
	dim as integer y = GI(_activeIndex)._topLeftCornerY
	select case _processGraphicsStep
		case is<100
			line(x + 2,y + 2)-step(16,16), rgb(055,105,055 + _processGraphicsStep), b
			line(x,y)-step(20 - 80\(_processGraphicsStep + 2),20 - 80\(_processGraphicsStep + 2)), _ 
				rgb(055,205,155 + _processGraphicsStep), _ 
			circle (x + 10, y + 10), 20, _ 
					rgb(55,100 + _processGraphicsStep,180), _
					_processGraphicsStep, _ 
					_processGraphicsStep + 1
			draw string (x + 2, y + 8), _ 
						str(ActiveIndex), _ 
						rgb(55,100, 120 + _processGraphicsStep)
		case is>=100 , is<150
			circle (x + 10, y + 10), _ 
					1980\_processGraphicsStep, _ 
					rgb(55, 200 ,80 + _processGraphicsStep), _
					_processGraphicsStep, _ 
					_processGraphicsStep + 2
			draw string (x + 3, y + 8), _ 
						str(ActiveIndex), _ 
						rgb(55, _processGraphicsStep,180)
	end select
	if _processGraphicsStep>-1		then _processGraphicsStep += 1
	if _processGraphicsStep>150		then _processGraphicsStep = -1
end sub

Thanks ;)

(edit) I'm looking for the dependancies! sorry it's coming!

Code: Select all

'1- DBUTTON :: button with delay

#include once ""

	  _useDelay   = -1
	  _standard   = 0
	end enum '_BTNBEHAVIOUR
    declare constructor()
    declare constructor(byval as integer, _
	                	byval as integer, _
	                	byval as string)
    declare constructor(byval as integer, _
                		byval as integer, _
                		byval as integer, _
                		byval as integer, _
                		byval as string, _
                		byval as _BTNBEHAVIOUR=_BTNBEHAVIOUR._useDelay, _
                		byval as double=0.5)
	declare property Behaviour() as _BTNBEHAVIOUR
	declare property Behaviour(byval as _BTNBEHAVIOUR)
    declare property ClickTimeInterval() as double   
    declare property ClickTimeInterval(byval as double)
    declare property LastClickTime() as double
    declare sub TestButton()
    declare sub DrawButton()
		as integer			_topLeftCornerX
		as integer			_topLeftCornerY
		as integer			_bottomRightCornerX
		as integer			_bottomRightCornerY
		as string			_text
		as boolean			_mouseOver
		as boolean			_mouseClick
		as boolean			_mouseLegalIntervalClick
		as boolean			_isQuiet
		as _BTNBEHAVIOUR	_behaviour
		as double			_lastClickedTime
		as double			_minClickTimeInterval
end type 'DBUTTON
constructor DBUTTON()
    dim as integer scrW, scrH
    if screenPtr()=0 then
       scrW = 200
       scrH = 200
       screenInfo scrW, scrH
    end if
    with THIS
      ._text              => "DBUTTON"
      ._topLeftCornerX    => (scrW - 8*len(._text))\2
      ._topLeftCornerY    => (scrH - 20)\2
      ._bottomRightCornerX=> (scrW - 8*len(._text))\2 + 56
      ._bottomRightCornerY=> (scrH + 10)\2
      ._mouseOver       => FALSE
      ._mouseClick      => FALSE
      ._lastClickedTime         => 0
      ._behaviour               => DBUTTON._BTNBEHAVIOUR._standard
      ._minClickTimeInterval      => 0.5
      ._mouseLegalIntervalClick   => FALSE
    end with 'THIS
end constructor 'DBUTTON explicit default constructor
constructor DBUTTON(byval TLCX as integer, _
               byval TLCY as integer, _
               byval Text as string)
    with THIS
      ._text              => Text
      ._topLeftCornerX    => TLCX
      ._topLeftCornerY    => TLCY
      ._bottomRightCornerX=> ._topLeftCornerX + 8*len(._text)
      ._bottomRightCornerY=> ._topLeftCornerY + 15
      ._mouseOver       => FALSE
      ._mouseClick      => FALSE
      ._lastClickedTime         => 0
      ._behaviour               => DBUTTON._BTNBEHAVIOUR._standard
      ._minClickTimeInterval      => 0.5
      ._mouseLegalIntervalClick   => FALSE
    end with 'THIS
end constructor 'DBUTTON(valINT,valINT,valSTR)
constructor DBUTTON(byval TLCX as integer, _
               byval TLCY as integer, _
               byval BtnWidth as integer, _
               byval BtnHeight as integer, _
               byval Text as string, _,
               byval BtnBehaviour as DBUTTON._BTNBEHAVIOUR=-1, _
               byval CTI as double=0.5)
    if BtnHeight<15 then BtnHeight = 15
    with THIS
      ._topLeftCornerX    => TLCX
      ._topLeftCornerY    => TLCY
      ._bottomRightCornerX=> ._topLeftCornerX + BtnWidth
      ._bottomRightCornerY=> ._topLeftCornerY + BtnHeight
      ._text            => left(Text, BtnWidth\8)
      ._mouseOver       => FALSE
      ._mouseClick      => FALSE
      ._lastClickedTime         => 0
      ._behaviour               => DBUTTON._BTNBEHAVIOUR._standard
      ._minClickTimeInterval      => CTI
      ._mouseLegalIntervalClick   => FALSE
    end with 'THIS
end constructor 'DBUTTON(valINT,valINT,valINT,valINT,valSTR)
   return THIS._behaviour
end property 'get BUTTON_BTNBEHAVIOUR:=DBUTTON.Behaviour
property DBUTTON.Behaviour(byval SetValue as DBUTTON._BTNBEHAVIOUR)
   THIS._behaviour = SetValue
end property 'set DBUTTON.Behaviour(valBUTTON_BTNBEHAVIOUR)
property DBUTTON.ClickTimeInterval() as double 
   return THIS._minClickTimeInterval
end property 'get DBL:=DBUTTON.ClickTimeInterval   
property DBUTTON.ClickTimeInterval(byval SetValue as double)
   THIS._minClickTimeInterval = SetValue
end property 'set DBUTTON.ClickTimeInterval(valDBL)
property DBUTTON.LastClickTime() as double
   return THIS._lastClickedTime
end property 'get DBL:=DBUTTONLastClickTime
sub DBUTTON.TestButton()
    dim as integer gmX, gmY, gmBtn1
    getMouse gmX, gmY, , gmBtn1
    with THIS
       if gmX>._topLeftCornerX and _
         gmY>._topLeftCornerY and _
         gmX<._bottomRightCornerX and _
         gmY<._bottomRightCornerY then
          if ._mouseOver=FALSE then ._mouseOver = TRUE
          if gmBtn1=+1 then
             if ._mouseClick=FALSE then ._mouseClick = TRUE
             if (TIMER - ._lastClickedTime)>._minClickTimeInterval then
               THIS._lastClickedTime = TIMER
               if ._mouseLegalIntervalClick=FALSE then _
                              ._mouseLegalIntervalClick = TRUE
               if ._mouseLegalIntervalClick=TRUE then _
                              ._mouseLegalIntervalClick = FALSE
             end if
             if ._mouseClick=TRUE then ._mouseClick = FALSE
             if ._mouseLegalIntervalClick=TRUE then _
                              ._mouseLegalIntervalClick = FALSE
          end if
          if ._mouseOver=TRUE then ._mouseOver = FALSE
          if ._mouseClick=TRUE then ._mouseClick = FALSE
          if ._mouseLegalIntervalClick=TRUE then _
                              ._mouseLegalIntervalClick = FALSE
       end if
    end with 'THIS
end sub 'DBUTTON.TestButton()
sub DBUTTON.DrawButton()
    dim as ulong btnColor
    with THIS
		if ._mouseClick=TRUE then
			if ._behaviour=-1 then
				btnColor = rgb(255,180,140)
				btnColor = rgb(255,190,140)
			end if
		elseif ._mouseOver=TRUE then
			if (TIMER - ._lastClickedTime)<._minClickTimeInterval and _
		                                	._behaviour=-1 then
				btnColor = rgb(180,140,120)
		    	btnColor = rgb(200,150,120)
			end if
			if (TIMER - ._lastClickedTime)<._minClickTimeInterval and _
		    	                            ._behaviour=-1 then
				if not ._isQuiet then
					btnColor = rgb(100,180,240)
				end if
				if not ._isQuiet then
					btnColor = rgb(180,180,220)
				end if
			end if
		end if
		if not ._isQuiet then
			line (._topLeftCornerX, ._topLeftCornerY)-_
				 (._bottomRightCornerX, ._bottomRightCornerY), _
				  btnColor, _
			if btnColor=0 then
				line (._topLeftCornerX + 3, ._topLeftCornerY + 3)-_
					 (._bottomRightCornerX - 1, ._bottomRightCornerY - 1), _
					  0, _
				line (._topLeftCornerX, ._topLeftCornerY)-_
					 (._bottomRightCornerX, ._bottomRightCornerY), _
					  btnColor, _
			end if
		end if
		draw string (._topLeftCornerX + 1, ._topLeftCornerY - 1 + _ 
					(._bottomRightCornerY - _topLeftCornerY)\2), _
					left(._text, (._bottomRightCornerX - ._topLeftCornerX)), _
    end with 'THIS
end sub 'DBUTTON.DrawButton()

Ok I need dodi's doodle now... Digging up for it!

Code: Select all


nameSpace dodi
	declare sub GaussJordan(() as double, () as double, () as double)
	declare sub Interpolate(() as double, () as double, () as double)
	declare function PolyEval(() as double, byval as double) as double
	sub GaussJordan(Matrix() as double, Rhs() as double, Ans() as double)
	'solve linear equations
	    dim as long n	=> uBound(Matrix, 1)
	    redim Ans(1 to n)
	    dim as double b(1 to n, 1 to n), r(1 to n)
	    for c as long = 1 to n		''take copies
	        r(c) = Rhs(c)
	        for d as long = 1 to n
	            b(c,d) = Matrix(c,d)
	        next d
	    next c
	    #macro _PIVOT(num)
		    for p1 as long  = num to n - 1
		        for p2 as long  = p1 + 1 to n 
		            if abs(b(p1,num))<abs(b(p2,num)) then
		                swap r(p1), r(p2)
		                for g as long = 1 to n
		                    swap b(p1,g), b(p2,g)
		                next g
		            end if
		        next p2
		    next p1
	    for k as long = 1 to n-1
	        _PIVOT(k)              ''full pivoting
	        for row as long = k to n-1
	            if b(row+1,k) = 0 then exit for
	            var f = b(k, k)/b(row + 1, k)
	            r(row + 1) = r(row + 1)*f - r(k)
	            for g as long = 1 to n
	                b((row + 1), g) = b((row + 1), g)*f - b(k, g)
	            next g
	        next row
	    next k
	    'back substitute
	    for z as long = n to 1 step - 1
	        Ans(z) = r(z)/b(z, z)
	        for j as long = n to z + 1 step - 1
	            Ans(z) = Ans(z) - (b(z, j)*Ans(j)/b(z, z))
	        next j
	    next z
	end sub
	sub Interpolate(Xvalues() as double, Yvalues() as double, P() as double)
	'interpolate through points
	    var n = uBound(Xvalues)
	    redim P(1 to n)
	    dim as double matrix(1 to n, 1 to n), rhs(1 to n)
	    for a as long = 1 to n
	        rhs(a) = Yvalues(a)
	        for b as long = 1 to n
	            matrix(a,b) = Xvalues(a)^(b - 1)
	        next b
	    next a
	    'solve the linear equations
	    GaussJordan(matrix(), rhs(), P())
	end sub
	function PolyEval(Coefficients() as double, byval X as double) as double
	'evaluate a polynomial at X
	    dim as double	acc
	    for i as long = uBound(Coefficients) to lBound(Coefficients) step -1
	        acc = acc*X + Coefficients(i)
	    next i
	    return acc
	end function
end nameSpace

Outch! It should work now... That's not so easy when you have a modular program and that you forgot where are the spare parts :)
Tourist Trap
Posts: 2958
Joined: Jun 02, 2015 16:24

Re: Chromosome viewer - a brick for a genetic lab game

Post by Tourist Trap »

Some update. I finally figured out how it was supposed to work. That's old stuff. The history of this started with the conversion of a code from BasicCoder2 that rotates a sphere. I wanted to make it a UDT. Then playing with it it became a chromosome. And finally I found that I should make a game of it where one would tweak the chromosomes to make a beetle that he would send to fight on the battle ground (of Mars!). The concept sounded funny. Of course it went not very far, just this piece of quite complicated code...

Code: Select all

'_______         FREEBASIC GENETICS LAB        
'_______            NEW GAME OF LIFE           
'_______                 V1.0                  
'_______program purpose:
'_______manipulate some ADN
'_______the program is indebted to BasicCoder2 
'_______for the 3Dsphere viewer.               
'_______The quick-'sort routine is a dodicat's 
'_______piece of art.                          

'_______note for further development:
'_______this is all big enough now to deserve a
'_______refactoring before adding anything new.

#include once ""
#include once "utility.bas"
#include once "dodi_interpolator.bas"

dim shared as ulong	_maxDots	=> 178
const as double		_pi			=> 4*atn(1)
const as double		_2pi		=> 2*_pi
const as double		_rToD		=> 180/_pi
const as double		_dToR		=> _pi/180

#define _up		<,>
#define _down	>,<
#macro _SETQSORT(datatype, fname, b1, b2, dot)
    sub fname(array() As datatype, Begin as long, Finish as long)
	    dim as long i	=> Begin, _ 
	    			j	=> Finish
	    dim as datatype	x => array(((i + j)\2))
	    while  (i<=j)
	    	while array(i)dot b1 x dot : i += 1 : wend
	        while array(j)dot b2 x dot : j -= 1 : wend
	    	if i<=j then swap array(i), array(j): i += 1 : j -= 1
	    if j>Begin	then	fname(array(), Begin, j)
	    if i<Finish	then	fname(array(), i, Finish)
    end sub

    as double	_x
    as double	_y
    as double	_z
    as ulong	_c
    as integer	_id
end type : _SETQSORT(SORTABLEP3D, Qsort_z, _down, ._z)

	declare constructor()
		as SORTABLEP3D ptr		_sp3DPtr
		as integer				_id
end type
constructor GENETICUNIT()
end constructor

	const as double	_degreeToRadianCoefficient => _dToR
		_rad	=> 0
		_deg	=> 1
	end enum
	declare constructor()
	declare constructor(byval as double)
	declare constructor(byval AngleInAngleUnit as double=0, _
						byval MinValueInAngleUnit as double, _ 
						byval MaxValueInAngleUnit as double, _ 
						byval AngleUnit as _ANGLEUNIT=1)
	declare operator Let(byval as double)
	declare operator Cast() as double
	declare property MinDegreeValue() as double
	declare property MinDegreeValue(byval as double)
	declare property MaxDegreeValue() as double
	declare property MaxDegreeValue(byval as double)
	declare property CurrentDegreeValue() as double
	declare function IncrementValueByDegreeUnit(byval as double=+1) as double
		as double	_angRad
		as double	_minDegValue
		as double	_maxDegValue
end type
constructor ANGULAR()
	THIS._angRad		=> 0
	THIS._minDegValue	=> 0
	THIS._minDegValue	=> 359
end constructor
constructor ANGULAR(byval AngleInRad as double)
	THIS._angRad	=> AngleInRad
end constructor
constructor ANGULAR(byval AngleInAngleUnit as double=0, _ 
					byval MinValueInAngleUnit as double, _ 
					byval MaxValueInAngleUnit as double, _ 
					byval AngleUnit as _ANGLEUNIT=1)
	select case AngleUnit
			THIS._angRad		=> AngleInAngleUnit
			THIS._minDegValue	=> MinValueInAngleUnit*1/ANGULAR._degreeToRadianCoefficient
			THIS._maxDegValue	=> MinValueInAngleUnit*1/ANGULAR._degreeToRadianCoefficient
		case else
			THIS._angRad		=> AngleInAngleUnit*ANGULAR._degreeToRadianCoefficient
			THIS._minDegValue	=> MinValueInAngleUnit
			THIS._maxDegValue	=> MaxValueInAngleUnit
	end select
end constructor
operator ANGULAR.Let(byval LetValue as double)
	THIS._angRad	=> LetValue
end operator
operator ANGULAR.Cast() as double
	return THIS._angRad
end operator
property ANGULAR.MinDegreeValue() as double
	if THIS._minDegValue>THIS._maxDegValue then
		swap THIS._minDegValue, THIS._maxDegValue
	end if
	return THIS._minDegValue
end property
property ANGULAR.MinDegreeValue(byval SetValue as double)
	THIS._minDegValue = SetValue
end property
property ANGULAR.MaxDegreeValue() as double
	if THIS._minDegValue>THIS._maxDegValue then
		swap THIS._minDegValue, THIS._maxDegValue
	end if
	return THIS._maxDegValue
end property
property ANGULAR.MaxDegreeValue(byval SetValue as double)
	THIS._maxDegValue = SetValue
end property
property ANGULAR.CurrentDegreeValue() as double
	return THIS._angRad*ANGULAR._degreeToRadianCoefficient
end property
function ANGULAR.IncrementValueByDegreeUnit(byval IncValue as double=+1) as double
	THIS._angRad += IncValue*1/ANGULAR._degreeToRadianCoefficient
	return THIS._angRad
end function

	declare constructor()
	declare constructor(byval MaxDot as integer, _ 
						byval Radius as integer, _ 
						byval Angle1 as integer, _ 
						byval Angle2 as integer)
	declare property X2D() as integer
	declare property Y2D() as integer
	declare sub SimpleRotationByAngleInDegree(byval as ANGULAR=90)
	'declare sub RotateByAngleInDegree(byval as double=90, byval as double=90)
		as uByte		_maxDot
		as SORTABLEP3D	_sp3dSphereCenter
		as double		_mainSphereRadius
		as double		_individualItemRadius
		as SORTABLEP3D	_absolute3DItemPosition(any)
		as SORTABLEP3D	_relative3DItemPosition(any)
		as GENETICUNIT	_gItemUnit(any)
		as ANGULAR		_angle
		as ANGULAR		_angle1
		as ANGULAR		_angle2
		as double		_projection2DX
		as double		_projection2DY
		as double		_x
		as double		_y
		as double		_z
		as double		_rx
		as double		_ry
		as double		_rz
		as double		_cosAngle
		as double		_sinAngle
		as double		_aRot
end type

declare function DrawAppFrameWindow(byval as double) as integer


randomize TIMER
dim as integer	scrW, scrH
declare sub ShowActiveAdnNodeBox(byval as integer, _ 
								 () as GENETICUNIT, _ 
								 byval as integer, _ 
								 byval as integer)
	screen 0
	dim as integer	desktopW, desktopH
		screenInfo	desktopW, desktopH
	scrW	=> desktopW*0.8
	scrH	=> desktopH*0.8
	screenRes scrW, scrH, 32, 1, fb.GFX_NO_FRAME + fb.GFX_SHAPED_WINDOW
	color , rgb(255,0,255)
end scope

dim as DBUTTON	playAdnButton
dim as DBUTTON	stopAdnButton
	dim as integer  topLeftCornerPositionX	=> scrW\2 - 30
	dim as integer  topLeftCornerPositionY	=> 210
	dim as integer  btnWidth				=> 42
	dim as integer  btnHeight				=> 08
	dim as string   buttonText				=> "PLAY"
	dim as double   btnDelay            	=> 0.8
	playAdnButton	= _
		DBUTTON(topLeftCornerPositionX, _ 
				topLeftCornerPositionY, _
		    	btnWidth, _ 
		    	btnHeight, _
		    	buttonText, _
		    	btnBehav, _
end scope
	dim as integer  topLeftCornerPositionX	=> scrW\2 + 30
	dim as integer  topLeftCornerPositionY	=> 210
	dim as integer  btnWidth				=> 42
	dim as integer  btnHeight				=> 08
	dim as string   buttonText				=> " STOP"
	dim as double   btnDelay            	=> 0.8
	stopAdnButton	= _
		DBUTTON(topLeftCornerPositionX, _ 
				topLeftCornerPositionY, _
		    	btnWidth, _ 
		    	btnHeight, _
		    	buttonText, _
		    	btnBehav, _
end scope

dim as SORTABLEP3D 	sp3D
	sp3D._x => -0.14*scrW
	sp3D._y => -.12*scrH
	sp3D._z => 1200
dim as SORTABLEP3D	absolute3DPosition(_maxDots)
dim as SORTABLEP3D	relative3DPosition(_maxDots)
dim as GENETICUNIT	geneticUnitInstance(_maxDots)
dim as double		radius	=> 150, _ 
					angle1, _ 
dim as double angle, _ 
			  x, y, z, _ 
			  rx, ry, rz, _ 
			  px, py, _ 
			  cosAngle, sinAngle, aRot
	dim as integer	index
	for angle1 = 160 to 259 step 4
	    for angle2 = 0 to 159 step 80 
	        absolute3DPosition(index)._x = radius*sin(angle1*_dToR)*cos(angle2*_dToR)
	        absolute3DPosition(index)._y = radius*sin(angle1*_dToR)*sin(angle2*_dToR)
	        absolute3DPosition(index)._z = radius*cos(angle1*_dToR)
	        absolute3DPosition(index)._c = rgb(angle2\2, int(rnd(1)*256), angle1\2)
	        absolute3DPosition(index)._id = index
	    	geneticUnitInstance(index)._sp3DPtr		= @absolute3DPosition(index)
	    	geneticUnitInstance(index)._id			= index
	        geneticUnitInstance(index)._text		= ""
	        geneticUnitInstance(index)._isQuiet		= TRUE
	        if index<_maxDots then
	            index += 1
	        end if
	    next angle2
	next angle1
end scope
dim as SORTABLEP3D 	sp3D_2
	sp3D_2._x => .14*scrW
	sp3D_2._y => -.12*scrH
	sp3D_2._z => 1200

dim as SORTABLEP3D	absolute3DPosition_2(_maxDots)
dim as SORTABLEP3D	relative3DPosition_2(_maxDots)
dim as GENETICUNIT	geneticUnitInstance_2(_maxDots)
dim as double		radius_2	=> 150, _ 
					angle1_2, _ 
dim as double angle_2, _ 
			  x_2, y_2, z_2, _ 
			  rx_2, ry_2, rz_2, _ 
			  px_2, py_2, _ 
			  cosAngle_2, sinAngle_2, aRot_2
	dim as integer	index
	for angle1_2 = 160 to 259 step 4
	    for angle2_2 = 0 to 159 step 80 
	        absolute3DPosition_2(index)._x = radius_2*sin(angle1_2*_dToR)*cos(angle2_2*_dToR)
	        absolute3DPosition_2(index)._y = radius_2*sin(angle1_2*_dToR)*sin(angle2_2*_dToR)
	        absolute3DPosition_2(index)._z = radius_2*cos(angle1_2*_dToR)
	        absolute3DPosition_2(index)._c = rgb(angle2_2\2, int(rnd(1)*256), angle1_2\2)
	        absolute3DPosition_2(index)._id = index
	    	geneticUnitInstance_2(index)._sp3DPtr		= @absolute3DPosition_2(index)
	    	geneticUnitInstance_2(index)._id			= index
	        geneticUnitInstance_2(index)._text			= ""
	        geneticUnitInstance_2(index)._isQuiet		= TRUE
	        if index<_maxDots then
	            index += 1
	        end if
	    next angle2_2
	next angle1_2
end scope

dim as integer	activeAdnNodeIndex		=> -1
dim as boolean	isAdnNodeClicked		=> FALSE
dim as boolean	isPlayAdnButtonClicked	=> TRUE
dim as boolean	isStopAdnButtonClicked	=> FALSE
dim as double w				''for perspective
	'interaction flags__________________________________________________________________
	if playAdnButton._mouseClick then
		if not isPlayAdnButtonClicked then isPlayAdnButtonClicked = TRUE
		if isStopAdnButtonClicked then isStopAdnButtonClicked = FALSE
	end if
	if stopAdnButton._mouseClick then
		if not isStopAdnButtonClicked then isStopAdnButtonClicked = TRUE
		if isStopAdnButtonClicked then isPlayAdnButtonClicked = FALSE
	end if
    'rotation rate
    if isPlayAdnButtonClicked then
    	aRot = aRot + 1
    	aRot_2 = aRot_2 - 1
    end if
    if aRot >= 360 then aRot = 0
    if aRot_2 <= 0 then aRot_2 = 360
    angle		= aRot*_dToR
    angle_2		= aRot_2*_dToR
    cosAngle	= cos(angle)	:	sinAngle	= sin(angle)
    cosAngle_2	= cos(angle_2)	:	sinAngle_2	= sin(angle_2)
	'3Dpoint rotation
	'3Dpoint rotation <1>
    for i as integer = 0 to (_maxDots - 1)
        x = absolute3DPosition(i)._x
        y = absolute3DPosition(i)._y
        z = absolute3DPosition(i)._z
        relative3DPosition(i)._x = (cosAngle*x) - (sinAngle*z)
        relative3DPosition(i)._y = y
        relative3DPosition(i)._z = (sinAngle*x) + (cosAngle*z)
        relative3DPosition(i)._x = relative3DPosition(i)._x - sp3D._x
        relative3DPosition(i)._y = relative3DPosition(i)._y - sp3D._y
        relative3DPosition(i)._z = relative3DPosition(i)._z - sp3D._z
        relative3DPosition(i)._c = absolute3DPosition(i)._c
        relative3DPosition(i)._id = absolute3DPosition(i)._id
		'refresh the associated 3D coordinates
        geneticUnitInstance(absolute3DPosition(i)._id)._sp3DPtr		= @relative3DPosition(i)
        geneticUnitInstance(absolute3DPosition(i)._id)._id			= relative3DPosition(i)._id
        if activeAdnNodeIndex=absolute3DPosition(i)._id then
        	geneticUnitInstance(absolute3DPosition(i)._id)._text	= _ 
        	geneticUnitInstance(absolute3DPosition(i)._id)._text	= ""
        end if
        geneticUnitInstance(absolute3DPosition(i)._id)._isQuiet		= TRUE
    next i
    ''3Dpoint rotation <2>
    for i as integer = 0 to (_maxDots - 1)
        x_2 = absolute3DPosition_2(i)._x
        y_2 = absolute3DPosition_2(i)._y
        z_2 = absolute3DPosition_2(i)._z
        relative3DPosition_2(i)._x = y_2
        relative3DPosition_2(i)._y = (cosAngle_2*x_2) - (sinAngle_2*z_2)
        relative3DPosition_2(i)._z = (sinAngle_2*x_2) + (cosAngle_2*z_2)
        relative3DPosition_2(i)._x = relative3DPosition_2(i)._x - sp3D_2._x
        relative3DPosition_2(i)._y = relative3DPosition_2(i)._y - sp3D_2._y
        relative3DPosition_2(i)._z = relative3DPosition_2(i)._z - sp3D_2._z
        relative3DPosition_2(i)._c = absolute3DPosition_2(i)._c
        relative3DPosition_2(i)._id = absolute3DPosition_2(i)._id
		'refresh the associated 3D coordinates
        geneticUnitInstance_2(absolute3DPosition_2(i)._id)._sp3DPtr		= @relative3DPosition_2(i)
        geneticUnitInstance_2(absolute3DPosition_2(i)._id)._id			= relative3DPosition_2(i)._id
        if activeAdnNodeIndex=absolute3DPosition_2(i)._id then
        	geneticUnitInstance_2(absolute3DPosition_2(i)._id)._text	= _ 
        	geneticUnitInstance_2(absolute3DPosition_2(i)._id)._text	= ""
        end if
        geneticUnitInstance_2(absolute3DPosition_2(i)._id)._isQuiet		= TRUE
    next i    
    'sort by distance along z axis
    Qsort_z( relative3DPosition(), _ 
    		 lBound(relative3DPosition), _ 
    		 uBound(relative3DPosition) )
    Qsort_z( relative3DPosition_2(), _ 
    		 lBound(relative3DPosition_2), _ 
    		 uBound(relative3DPosition_2) )
        'draw application window frame______________________________________________________
	        'ADN viewer button
        'draw application window frame______________________________________________________
        '3D to 2D ADN viewing
        for i as integer = 0 to _maxDots - 1
            'this bit is purely to add perspective
            w = 1 + (relative3DPosition(i)._z/sp3D._z)
            relative3DPosition(i)._x = (relative3DPosition(i)._x - sp3D._x)/w + sp3D._x
            relative3DPosition(i)._y = (relative3DPosition(i)._y - sp3D._y)/w + sp3D._y
            relative3DPosition(i)._z = (relative3DPosition(i)._z - sp3D._z)/w + sp3D._z
            'convert 3d to 2d coordinates
            px = (relative3DPosition(i)._x/relative3DPosition(i)._z) * 2000
            py = (relative3DPosition(i)._y/relative3DPosition(i)._z) * 2000
            circle (px + scrW/2, py + scrH/2), 5, relative3DPosition(i)._c, , , , f
            'refresh dbutton position
            geneticUnitInstance(relative3DPosition(i)._id)._topLeftCornerX	= px + scrW/2 - 2
            geneticUnitInstance(relative3DPosition(i)._id)._topLeftCornerY	= py + scrH/2 - 2
	        geneticUnitInstance(relative3DPosition(i)._id)._bottomRightCornerX	= px + scrW/2 + 4
	        geneticUnitInstance(relative3DPosition(i)._id)._bottomRightCornerY	= py + scrH/2 + 4
            'draw button
            'tracking when adn node clicked
            if geneticUnitInstance(relative3DPosition(i)._id)._mouseClick then
            	if not isAdnNodeClicked then isAdnNodeClicked = TRUE
            	activeAdnNodeIndex	= relative3DPosition(i)._id
            end if
        next i
        ShowActiveAdnNodeBox(activeAdnNodeIndex, geneticUnitInstance(), scrW, scrH)
        for i as integer = 0 to _maxDots - 1
            'this bit is purely to add perspective
            w = 1 + (relative3DPosition_2(i)._z/sp3D_2._z)
            relative3DPosition_2(i)._x = (relative3DPosition_2(i)._x - sp3D_2._x)/w + sp3D_2._x
            relative3DPosition_2(i)._y = (relative3DPosition_2(i)._y - sp3D_2._y)/w + sp3D_2._y
            relative3DPosition_2(i)._z = (relative3DPosition_2(i)._z - sp3D_2._z)/w + sp3D_2._z
            'convert 3d to 2d coordinates
            px_2 = (relative3DPosition_2(i)._x/relative3DPosition_2(i)._z) * 2000
            py_2 = (relative3DPosition_2(i)._y/relative3DPosition_2(i)._z) * 2000
            circle (px_2 + scrW/2, py_2 + scrH/2), 5, relative3DPosition_2(i)._c, , , , f
            'refresh dbutton position
            geneticUnitInstance_2(relative3DPosition_2(i)._id)._topLeftCornerX	= px_2 + scrW/2 - 2
            geneticUnitInstance_2(relative3DPosition_2(i)._id)._topLeftCornerY	= py_2 + scrH/2 - 2
	        geneticUnitInstance_2(relative3DPosition_2(i)._id)._bottomRightCornerX	= px_2 + scrW/2 + 4
	        geneticUnitInstance_2(relative3DPosition_2(i)._id)._bottomRightCornerY	= py_2 + scrH/2 + 4
            'draw button
            'tracking when adn node clicked
            if geneticUnitInstance_2(relative3DPosition_2(i)._id)._mouseClick then
            	if not isAdnNodeClicked then isAdnNodeClicked = TRUE
            	activeAdnNodeIndex	= relative3DPosition_2(i)._id
            end if
        next i
        ShowActiveAdnNodeBox(activeAdnNodeIndex, geneticUnitInstance_2(), scrW, scrH)
    sleep 20
loop until multikey(&H01)

function DrawAppFrameWindow(byval RotAngle as double) as integer
	dim as integer scrW, scrH
		screenInfo scrW, scrH
    line (60, 20)-(scrW - 10, scrH - 10), rgb(0,156,156), bf
    line (60, 100)-(scrW - 10, scrH - 10), rgb(0,156,156), bf
    line (60, 180)-(scrW - 10, scrH - 10), rgb(0,156,156), bf
    line (60, 260)-(scrW - 10, scrH - 10), rgb(0,162,162), bf
    line (60, 340)-(scrW - 10, scrH - 10), rgb(0,170,170), bf
    line (60, 420)-(scrW - 10, scrH - 10), rgb(0,178,178), bf
    for i as integer = 0 to 6
    	line (60 + i, 20 + i)-(scrW - 10 - i, scrH - 10 - i), rgb(80,00,100), b
    	line (60 + i, 20 + i)-(scrW - 10 - i, scrH - 10 - i), rgb(80,00,100), b
    next i
    line (60, 20)-(scrW - 10, scrH - 10), rgb(5,60,180), b
    line (60 + scrW\3, 0)-step(scrW\3 - 60, 40), rgb(80,200,100), bf
    line (60 + scrW\3, 0)-step(scrW\3 - 60, 43), rgb(5,60,180), b
    line (61 + scrW\3, 2)-step(scrW\3 - 62, 40), rgb(180,200,100), bf
    'ADN frame background
    circle (scrW\2 + 20, scrH\2 - 60), 60, rgb(05,090,080), , , , f
    circle (scrW\2 + 20, scrH\2 - 60), 40, rgb(05,120,080), , , , f
    line (scrW\2 - 50, 210)-step(145, 14), rgb(0,180,180), bf
    'rotation rate text
    draw string (scrW\2 - 20, 190), "ADN", rgb(100,180,120)
    draw string (scrW\2 - 40, 200), "rotation::"& str(RotAngle), rgb(100,180,120)
    return 0
end function

sub ShowActiveAdnNodeBox(byval ActiveIndex as integer, _ 
						 GI() as GENETICUNIT, _ 
						 byval SW as integer, _ 
						 byval SH as integer)
	static as integer	_activeIndex			=> -1
	static as integer	_processGraphicsStep	=> -1
	if _activeIndex<>ActiveIndex then
		/'new value'/
		_activeIndex = ActiveIndex
		_processGraphicsStep = 0
	end if
	if _processGraphicsStep=-1 then exit sub
	'- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
	dim as integer x = GI(_activeIndex)._topLeftCornerX
	dim as integer y = GI(_activeIndex)._topLeftCornerY
	select case _processGraphicsStep
		case is<100
			line(x + 2,y + 2)-step(16,16), rgb(055,105,055 + _processGraphicsStep), b
			line(x,y)-step(20 - 80\(_processGraphicsStep + 2),20 - 80\(_processGraphicsStep + 2)), _ 
				rgb(055,205,155 + _processGraphicsStep), _ 
			circle (x + 10, y + 10), 20, _ 
					rgb(55,100 + _processGraphicsStep,180), _
					_processGraphicsStep, _ 
					_processGraphicsStep + 1
			draw string (x + 2, y + 8), _ 
						str(ActiveIndex), _ 
						rgb(55,100, 120 + _processGraphicsStep)
		case is>=100 , is<150
			circle (x + 10, y + 10), _ 
					1980\_processGraphicsStep, _ 
					rgb(55, 200 ,80 + _processGraphicsStep), _
					_processGraphicsStep, _ 
					_processGraphicsStep + 2
			draw string (x + 3, y + 8), _ 
						str(ActiveIndex), _ 
						rgb(55, _processGraphicsStep,180)
	end select
	if _processGraphicsStep>-1		then _processGraphicsStep += 1
	if _processGraphicsStep>150		then _processGraphicsStep = -1
end sub

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