Library Pointers & OS Crashes

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Library Pointers & OS Crashes

Post by storm5510 »

I have a program which a member here, whom I shall not name, offered to modify it to increase its performance. He used the GMP libraries. The performance increase was incredible. Here is the caveat. The new program runs excellently on my Windows 10 Pro x64 system. If I try to run it on my Windows 7 Pro x64 system, it crashes immediately. I was able to detect the first instance of the problem by commenting large blocks of the source code.

Code: Select all

#include ""

dim as __mpz_struct p
dim as __mpz_struct o
dim as __mpz_struct r
dim as __mpz_struct e

A crash occurs at mpz_init(@p). There are many more instances of the pointer designation throughout the program. I do not understand how it can perform excellently on one OS and totally fail on another of the same basic type. I feel like the Windows 7 system needs something additional for this to work. I am not sure what this may be. Any ideas?
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Re: Library Pointers & OS Crashes

Post by dodicat »

Here are some functions for gmp for you to test.
The first instance of __mpz_struct is in factorial.
The max output length string is 10000000.
If you need more then goto line 421 to reset.

Code: Select all

'  1 December 2016 - orinal by dodicat
' 11 December 2016 - frisian, added mpf_clear/mpz_clear statements

#Include Once ""
Type mpf_t As __mpf_struct
'approx list

Dim Shared As ULongInt PRECISION
'========= Just in case you forget to set_precision ==========
mpf_set_default_prec(PRECISION * 4)

Sub set_precision(n As UInteger)
    mpf_set_default_prec(PRECISION * 4)
End Sub

Function equals Overload(a As mpf_t, b As mpf_t) As Integer
    If Mpf_cmp(@a, @b) = 0 Then Return -1
    Return 0
End Function

Function greater Overload(a As mpf_t, b As mpf_t) As Integer 'a>b
    If mpf_cmp(@a, @b) > 0 Then Return -1
    Return 0
End Function

Function less Overload(a As mpf_t, b As mpf_t) As Integer 'a<b
    If mpf_cmp(@a, @b) < 0 Then Return -1
    Return 0
End Function

Function Absolute Overload(a As mpf_t) As mpf_t
    Dim As mpf_t Ab
    mpf_abs(@Ab, @a)
    Return Ab
End Function

Function Pi_ui Overload(places As UInteger) As mpf_t
    ' Dim As __mpf_struct a,b,t,p,aa,bb,tt,pp,pi
    Dim As __mpf_struct a, b, t, aa, bb, tt, pi
    mpf_init2(@a, 4*places)
    mpf_init2(@b, 4*places)
    mpf_init2(@t, 4*places)
    ' mpf_init2( @p, 4*places)
    Dim As UInteger p
    ' mpf_init2( @pp,4*places)
    mpf_set_ui(@a, 1)
    mpf_set_ui(@b, 2) : mpf_sqrt(@b, @b)
    ' mpf_set_str(@p,"1",10)
        mpf_add(@aa, @a, @b)
        ' mpf_div_ui(@aa, @aa, 2)
        mpf_div_2exp(@aa, @aa, 1)
        mpf_mul(@bb, @a, @b)
        mpf_sqrt(@bb, @bb)
        mpf_sub(@tt, @a, @aa)
        ' mpf_mul(@tt, @tt,@p)
        mpf_mul_2exp(@tt, @tt, p)
        p += 1
        mpf_sub(@tt, @t, @tt)
        ' mpf_mul_ui(@pp, @p, 2)
        mpf_swap(@a, @aa)
        mpf_swap(@b, @bb)
        mpf_swap(@t, @tt)
        ' mpf_swap(@p, @pp)
    Loop Until  Mpf_cmp(@a, @aa) = 0
    mpf_add(@pi, @a, @b)
    mpf_mul(@pi, @pi, @pi)
    ' mpf_div_ui(@pi, @pi, 4)
    mpf_div_2exp(@pi, @pi, 2)
    mpf_div(@pi, @pi, @t)
    ' remove big int's from memory
    mpf_clear(@a) : mpf_clear(@aa)
    mpf_clear(@b) : mpf_clear(@bb)
    mpf_clear(@t) : mpf_clear(@tt)
    Return pi
End Function

Function _sin Overload(x As mpf_t) As mpf_t
    Dim As mpf_t XX, Term, Accum, _x, temp2, fac, pi2
    mpf_init_set(@_x, @x)
    If mpf_cmp_d(@x, 6.283185) >= 0 OrElse mpf_cmp_ui(@x, 0) < 0 Then
        '======== CENTRALIZE ==============
        'floor/ceil to centralize
        pi2 = Pi_ui(precision)
        mpf_mul_2exp(@pi2, @pi2, 1)   ' pi2 = pi * 2
        mpf_div(@temp2, @_x, @pi2)    ' temp2 = _x / pi2
        mpf_floor(@temp2, @temp2)     ' temp2 = floor(temp2) 'rounds temp2 down towards minus infinity
        mpf_mul(@temp2, @temp2, @pi2) ' temp2 = temp2 * p2
        mpf_sub(@_x, @_x, @temp2)     ' _x = _x - temp2 (_x = _x mod 2*pi)
    End If
    ' based on Richard methode for sin/cos in squares
    Dim As Integer c = 1
    mpf_init_set(@accum, @_x)
    mpf_init_set_ui(@fac, 1)
    mpf_mul(@XX, @_x, @_x)
    mpf_neg(@XX, @XX) ' make XX negative
        c = c + 2
        Mpf_swap(@temp2, @Accum)
        mpf_mul_ui(@fac, @fac, c)      ' avoid an overflow when c > 65536
        mpf_mul_ui(@fac, @fac, (c -1)) ' split in two separate multiply's
        mpf_mul(@_x , @_x, @XX)        ' _x alternates between negative an positive
        mpf_div(@Term, @_x, @fac)
        mpf_add(@Accum, @temp2, @term) ' temp2 and accum are swapped, temp2 holds the previous content of accum
    Loop Until  Mpf_cmp(@Accum, @temp2) = 0
    ' clean up
    mpf_clear(@XX) : mpf_clear(@Term)  : mpf_clear(@fac)
    mpf_clear(@_x) : mpf_clear(@temp2) : mpf_clear(@pi2)

    Return accum
End Function

Function _cos Overload(x As mpf_t) As mpf_t
    Dim As mpf_t XX, Term, Accum, _x, p, temp2, fac, pi2
    If mpf_cmp_d(@x, 6.283185) >= 0 OrElse mpf_cmp_ui(@x, 0) < 0 Then
        '======== CENTRALIZE ==============
        'floor/ceil to centralize
        pi2 = Pi_ui(precision)
        mpf_mul_2exp(@pi2, @pi2, 1)   ' pi2 = pi * 2
        mpf_div(@temp2, @_x, @pi2)    ' temp2 = _x / pi2
        mpf_floor(@temp2, @temp2)     ' temp2 = floor(temp2) 'rounds temp2 down towards minus infinity
        mpf_mul(@temp2, @temp2, @pi2) ' temp2 = temp2 * p2
        mpf_sub(@_x, @_x, @temp2)     ' _x = _x - temp2 (_x = _x mod 2*pi)
    End If
    ' based on Richard methode for sin/cos in squares
    Dim As Integer c
    mpf_init_set_ui(@Accum, 1)
    mpf_init_set_ui(@fac, 1)
    mpf_init_set_ui(@p, 1)
    mpf_mul(@XX, @_x, @_x)
    mpf_neg(@XX, @XX)
        c += 2
        Mpf_swap(@temp2, @accum)
        mpf_mul_ui(@fac, @fac, c)
        mpf_mul_ui(@fac, @fac, (c-1))
        mpf_mul(@p, @p, @XX)
        mpf_div(@term, @p, @fac)
        mpf_add(@accum, @temp2, @term)
    Loop Until Mpf_cmp(@accum, @temp2) = 0
    ' clean up
    mpf_clear(@XX) : mpf_clear(@Term)  : mpf_clear(@fac)
    mpf_clear(@_x) : mpf_clear(@temp2) : mpf_clear(@pi2)

    Return accum
End Function

Function _tan Overload(x As mpf_t) As mpf_t
    Dim As mpf_t s, c, ans
    s = _sin(x)
    c = _cos(x)
    mpf_div(@ans, @s, @c)
    mpf_clear(@c) : mpf_clear(@s)

    Return ans
End Function

Function _logTaylor(x As mpf_t) As mpf_t
    'taylor series
    '====================Log Guard==================
    If mpf_cmp_ui(@x, 0) <= 0 Then Exit Function ' exit if x = 0 or x = negative
    Dim As Integer invflag
    Dim As Mpf_t Q, tmp, _x, accum, term, XX
    mpf_init_set(@_x, @x)
    If mpf_cmp_ui(@_x, 1) < 0 Then
        invflag = 1
        mpf_ui_div(@_x, 1, @_x)
    End If
    mpf_sub_ui(@tmp, @_x, 1)
    mpf_add_ui(@Q, @_x, 1)     ' q = b
    mpf_div(@accum,@tmp, @Q)
    Mpf_set(@Q , @accum)
    Mpf_mul(@XX, @Q, @Q)
    Dim As Integer c=1
        c += 2
        mpf_mul(@Q, @Q, @XX)
        mpf_div_ui(@term, @Q, c)
        mpf_add(@Accum, @tmp, @Term)
    Loop Until Mpf_cmp(@tmp, @accum) = 0
    mpf_mul_2exp(@accum, @accum, 1)
    If invflag Then
        mpf_neg(@accum, @accum)
    End If
    mpf_clear(@_x) : mpf_clear(@tmp) : mpf_clear(@Q)
    mpf_clear(@XX) : mpf_clear(@term)

    Return accum
End Function

Function _log Overload(x As mpf_t) As mpf_t
         '====================Log Guard==================
         If Mpf_cmp_ui(@x, 0) <= 0 Then Exit Function ' exit if x = 0 or x is negative
         Dim As mpf_t approx, ans, logx   ',factor
         Mpf_init_set(@approx, @x)
         mpf_sqrt(@approx, @approx) ' 1
         mpf_sqrt(@approx, @approx) ' 2
         mpf_sqrt(@approx, @approx) ' 3
         logx = _logTaylor(approx)
         mpf_mul_2exp(@ans, @logx, 3)
         ' clean up
         mpf_clear(@approx) : mpf_clear(@logx)
    '====================Log Guard==================
    If Mpf_cmp_ui(@x, 0) <= 0 Then Exit Function ' exit if x = 0 or x is negative
    Dim As mpf_t approx, ans, logx   ',factor
    Mpf_init_set(@approx, @x)
    Dim As Integer c
    While mpf_cmp_d(@approx, 1.25) > 0
        mpf_sqrt(@approx, @approx)
        c += 1
    logx = _logTaylor(approx)
    mpf_mul_2exp(@ans, @logx, c)
    ' clean up
    mpf_clear(@approx) : mpf_clear(@logx)
    Return ans
End Function

Function _exp Overload(x As mpf_t) As mpf_t
    'taylor series
    Dim As mpf_t fac, temp2, accum, p, term
    mpf_init_set_ui(@fac, 1)
    mpf_init_set_ui(@p, 1)
    mpf_init_set_ui(@accum, 1)
    Dim As Integer c
        c += 1
        Mpf_swap(@temp2, @accum)
        mpf_mul_ui(@fac, @fac, c)
        mpf_mul(@p, @p, @x)
        mpf_div(@term, @p, @fac)
        mpf_add(@Accum, @temp2, @Term)
    Loop Until Mpf_cmp(@accum, @temp2) = 0
    ' clean up
    mpf_clear(@temp2) : mpf_clear(@fac)
    mpf_clear(@term)  : mpf_clear(@p)

    Return accum
End Function

Function power Overload(a As mpf_t,p As mpf_t) As mpf_t
    'a^p= exp(p*log(a))
    '====================Power Guard==================
    If Mpf_cmp_ui(@a, 0) <= 0 Then Exit Function ' exit if x = 0 or x is negative
    Dim As mpf_t loga, product, ans
    loga = _log(a)
    mpf_mul(@product, @p, @loga)
    ans = _exp(product)
    'clean up
    mpf_clear(@loga) : mpf_clear(@product)

    Return ans
End Function

Function _Atn Overload(x As mpf_t) As mpf_t
    #Macro ArctanTaylor(decnum)
        mpf_init_set(@mt, @decnum)
        mpf_init_set(@p, @decnum)
        mpf_mul(@XX, @mt, @mt)
        mpf_neg(@XX, @XX)
            c += 2
            mpf_mul(@p, @p, @XX)
            mpf_div_ui(@Term, @p, c)
            mpf_add(@Accum, @mt, @Term)
            Mpf_swap(@mt, @Accum)
        Loop Until Mpf_cmp(@mt, @accum) = 0
    Dim As UInteger c = 1
    Dim As mpf_t XX, Term, Accum, mt, p, _temp, _temp2
    mpf_init_set(@_temp2, @x)
    Dim As Integer limit = 16
    For z As Integer = 1 To limit
        mpf_mul(   @_temp, @_temp2, @_temp2)
        mpf_add_ui(@_temp ,@_temp, 1)
        mpf_sqrt(  @_temp, @_temp)
        mpf_add_ui(@_temp, @_temp, 1)
        mpf_div(   @_temp, @_temp2, @_temp)
        Mpf_swap(  @_temp, @_temp2)
    Next z
    mpf_mul_2exp(@mt, @mt, (limit -1))
    mpf_clear(@_temp) : mpf_clear(@_temp2) : mpf_clear(@XX)
    mpf_clear(@accum) : mpf_clear(@term)   : mpf_clear(@p)

    Return mt
End Function

Function _Acos Overload(x As mpf_t) As mpf_t
    'ARCCOS = ATN(-x / SQR(-x * x + 1)) + 2 * ATN(1)
    '============= ARCCOS GUARD =========
    Dim As Mpf_t B : Mpf_init(@B)
    Mpf_mul(@B, @x, @x) 'x*x
    If Mpf_cmp_ui(@B, 1) > 0 Then
        mpf_clear(@B) ' need to clean up B
        Exit Function
    End If
    Dim As Mpf_t atn1, term1, ans
    Mpf_init_set_ui(@term1, 1)
    If Mpf_cmp_ui(@B, 1) = 0 Then
        'for 1 and -1
        If Mpf_cmp_si(@x, -1) = 0 Then
            Mpf_mul_2exp(@ans, @atn1, 2)
        End If
        mpf_clear(@B) : mpf_clear(@atn1) : mpf_clear(@term1)
        ' ans = pi or 0
        Return ans
    End If
    Dim As Mpf_t tail, T, atnterm1
    mpf_mul_2exp(@tail, @atn1, 1)  ' 2*atn(1)
    mpf_neg(@T, @x)                ' -x
    'mpf_mul(@B,@x,@x)             ' x*x ' done at the begin
    mpf_ui_sub(@B, 1, @B)          ' 1 - x*x
    mpf_sqrt(@B, @B)               ' sqr(1 - x*x)
    mpf_div(@term1, @T, @B)
    atnterm1 = _Atn(term1)
    mpf_add(@ans, @atnterm1, @tail)
    'clean up
    mpf_clear(@B) : mpf_clear(@atn1) : mpf_clear(@term1)
    mpf_clear(@T) : mpf_clear(@tail) : mpf_clear(@atnterm1)

    Return ans
End Function

Function _Asin Overload(x As mpf_t) As mpf_t
    ' ARCSIN = ATN(x / SQR(-x * x + 1))
    '============= ARCSIN GUARD =========
    Dim As Mpf_t B : Mpf_init(@B)
    Mpf_mul(@B, @x, @x) 'x*x
    If Mpf_cmp_ui(@B, 1) > 0 Then
        Exit Function
    End If
    Dim As mpf_t term1
    mpf_init_set_ui(@term1, 1)
    'for 1 and -1
    If Mpf_cmp_ui(@B, 1) = 0 Then
        Dim As mpf_t atn1
        atn1 = _Atn(term1)
        mpf_mul_2exp(@atn1, @atn1, 1)
        If mpf_cmp_si(@x, -1) = 0 Then
            mpf_neg(@atn1, @atn1)
        End If
        ' clean up
        mpf_clear(@B) : mpf_clear(@term1)
        Return atn1
    End If
    Dim As Mpf_t T, atnterm1
    Mpf_init_set(@T, @x)
    mpf_ui_sub(@B, 1, @B)       '1 - x*x
    mpf_sqrt(@B, @B)            'sqr(1 - x*x)
    mpf_div(@term1, @T, @B)
    atnterm1 = _Atn(term1)
    ' clean up
    mpf_clear(@B) : mpf_clear(@T) : mpf_clear(@term1)

    Return atnterm1

End Function

'======================= OVERLOADS FOR STRINGS =============================

Dim Shared As ZString * 10000000 outtext

Function Pi_ui Overload(places As Integer) As String
    Dim As Mpf_t ans
    Var pl=CUInt(places)
    gmp_sprintf(@outtext, "%." & pl & "Ff", @ans )
    Var outtxt=Trim(outtext)
    If InStr(outtxt,".") Then outtxt= RTrim(outtxt,"0"):outtxt=RTrim(outtxt,".")
    Return Trim(outtxt)
End Function

Function _sin Overload(x As String) As String
    Dim As Mpf_t _x, ans
    mpf_init_set_str(@_x, x, 10)
    ans = _sin(_x)
    gmp_sprintf(@outtext, "%." & precision & "Ff", @ans )
    mpf_clear(@_x) : mpf_clear(@ans)
    Var outtxt=Trim(outtext)
    If InStr(outtxt,".") Then outtxt= RTrim(outtxt,"0"):outtxt=RTrim(outtxt,".")
    Return Trim(outtxt)
End Function

Function _cos Overload(x As String) As String
    Dim As Mpf_t _x, ans
    ans = _cos(_x)
    gmp_sprintf(@outtext, "%." & precision & "Ff", @ans )
    mpf_clear(@_x) : mpf_clear(@ans)
    Var outtxt=Trim(outtext)
    If InStr(outtxt,".") Then outtxt= RTrim(outtxt,"0"):outtxt=RTrim(outtxt,".")
    Return Trim(outtxt)
End Function

Function _tan Overload(x As String) As String
    Dim As Mpf_t _x, ans
    ans = _tan(_x)
    gmp_sprintf( @outtext, "%." & precision & "Ff", @ans )
    mpf_clear(@_x) : mpf_clear(@ans)
    Var outtxt=Trim(outtext)
    If InStr(outtxt,".") Then outtxt= RTrim(outtxt,"0"):outtxt=RTrim(outtxt,".")
    Return Trim(outtxt)
End Function

Function _log Overload(x As String) As String
    Dim As Mpf_t _x, ans
    ans = _log(_x)
    gmp_sprintf( @outtext,"%." & precision & "Ff",@ans )
    mpf_clear(@_x) : mpf_clear(@ans)
    Var outtxt=Trim(outtext)
    If InStr(outtxt,".") Then outtxt= RTrim(outtxt,"0"):outtxt=RTrim(outtxt,".")
    Return Trim(outtxt)
End Function

Function _exp Overload(x As String) As String
    Dim As Mpf_t _x, ans
    mpf_init_set_str(@_x, x, 10)
    ans = _exp(_x)
    gmp_sprintf( @outtext,"%." & precision & "Ff",@ans )
    mpf_clear(@_x) : mpf_clear(@ans)
    Var outtxt=Trim(outtext)
    If InStr(outtxt,".") Then outtxt= RTrim(outtxt,"0"):outtxt=RTrim(outtxt,".")
    Return Trim(outtxt)
End Function

Function power Overload(a As String,p As String) As String
    Dim As Mpf_t _x, ans, pow
    mpf_init_set_str(@_x, a, 10)
    mpf_init_set_str(@pow, p, 10)
    ans = power(_x, pow)
    gmp_sprintf( @outtext,"%." & precision & "Ff",@ans )
    mpf_clear(@_x) : mpf_clear(@ans) : mpf_clear(@pow)
    Var outtxt=Trim(outtext)
    If InStr(outtxt,".") Then outtxt= RTrim(outtxt,"0"):outtxt=RTrim(outtxt,".")
    Return Trim(outtxt)
End Function

Function _Atn Overload(x As String) As String
    Dim As Mpf_t _x, ans
    mpf_init_set_str(@_x, x, 10)
    ans = _Atn(_x)
    gmp_sprintf( @outtext,"%." & precision & "Ff",@ans )
    mpf_clear(@_x) : mpf_clear(@ans)
    Var outtxt=Trim(outtext)
    If InStr(outtxt,".") Then outtxt= RTrim(outtxt,"0"):outtxt=RTrim(outtxt,".")
    Return Trim(outtxt)
End Function

Function _Acos Overload(x As String) As String
    Dim As Mpf_t _x, ans
    mpf_init_set_str(@_x, x, 10)
    ans = _Acos(_x)
    gmp_sprintf( @outtext,"%." & precision & "Ff",@ans )
    mpf_clear(@_x) : mpf_clear(@ans)
    Var outtxt=Trim(outtext)
    If InStr(outtxt,".") Then outtxt= RTrim(outtxt,"0"):outtxt=RTrim(outtxt,".")
    Return Trim(outtxt)
End Function

Function _Asin Overload(x As String) As String
    Dim As Mpf_t _x, ans
    mpf_init_set_str(@_x, x, 10)
    ans = _Asin(_x)
    gmp_sprintf( @outtext,"%." & precision & "Ff",@ans )
    mpf_clear(@_x) : mpf_clear(@ans)
    Var outtxt=Trim(outtext)
    If InStr(outtxt,".") Then outtxt= RTrim(outtxt,"0"):outtxt=RTrim(outtxt,".")
    Return Trim(outtxt)
End Function

Function factorial(n As UInteger) As String 'Automatic precision
    Dim As __mpz_struct Intanswer
    mpz_init( @Intanswer)
    gmp_sprintf( @outtext,"%Zi", @Intanswer )
    Return Trim(outtext)
End Function

Function _mod(n1 As String,n2 As String) As String
    Dim As __mpz_struct answer, mn1, mn2
    mpz_init_set_str(@mn1, n1, 10)
    mpz_init_set_str(@mn2, n2, 10)
    mpz_mod(@answer, @mn1, @mn2)
    gmp_sprintf( @outtext,"%Zi", @answer )
    mpz_clear(@answer) : mpz_clear(@mn1) : mpz_clear(@mn2)
    Return Trim(outtext)
End Function

Function _div(n1 As String,n2 As String) As String
    Dim As __mpz_struct answer, mn1, mn2

    mpz_init_set_str(@mn1, n1, 10)
    mpz_init_set_str(@mn2, n2, 10)
    mpz_div(@answer, @mn1, @mn2)
    gmp_sprintf( @outtext,"%Zi", @answer )
    mpz_clear(@answer) : mpz_clear(@mn1) : mpz_clear(@mn2)
    Return Trim(outtext)
End Function

Function Sqrroot(number As String,decimals As UInteger=PRECISION) As String'precision parameter
    If InStr(number,"-") Then Exit Function
    Dim As __mpf_struct num, FloatAnswer
    Dim As Integer LN = Len(number)
    mpf_init2(@num, 4*Ln) : mpf_init2(@FloatAnswer, 4*Ln+4*decimals)
    mpf_set_str(@num, number, 10)
    mpf_sqrt( @FloatAnswer, @num)
    gmp_sprintf( @outtext,"%." & Str(decimals) & "Ff",@FloatAnswer )
    mpf_clear(@num) : mpf_clear(@FloatAnswer)
    Return Trim(outtext)
End Function

Function mult(number1 As String,number2 As String) As String'Automatic precision
    Dim As Integer Ln1 = Len(number1), Ln2 = Len(number2)
    Dim As __mpf_struct num1,num2,FloatAnswer
    mpf_init2(@num1, 4*(Ln1+Ln2+1) )
    mpf_init2(@num2, 4*(Ln1+Ln2+1) )
    mpf_init2(@Floatanswer, 4*(Ln1+Ln2+1))
    Ln1=InStr(1, number1, ".") : Ln2 = InStr(1, number2, ".")
    Var decimals = Len(Mid(number1, Ln1+1))+Len(Mid(number2, Ln2+1))+1
    mpf_set_str(@num1, number1, 10)
    mpf_set_str(@num2, number2, 10)
    mpf_mul(@Floatanswer, @num1, @num2)
    gmp_sprintf( @outtext,"%." & Str(decimals) & "Ff",@FloatAnswer )
    mpf_clear(@num1) : mpf_clear(@num2) : mpf_clear(@FloatAnswer)
    Var outtxt=Trim(outtext)
    If InStr(outtxt,".") Then outtxt= RTrim(outtxt,"0"):outtxt=RTrim(outtxt,".")
    Return Trim(outtxt)
End Function

'precision parameter
Function divide(number1 As String,number2 As String,decimals As UInteger=PRECISION) As String
    Dim As Integer Ln1=Len(number1),Ln2=Len(number2),Ln
    If Ln1>=Ln2 Then  Ln=Ln1 Else Ln=Ln2
    Dim As __mpf_struct num1,num2,FloatAnswer
    mpf_init2(@num1, 4*(Ln+1) )
    mpf_init2(@num2, 4*(Ln+1) )
    mpf_init2(@Floatanswer, 4*(Ln+1)+4*decimals)
    mpf_set_str(@num1, number1, 10)
    mpf_set_str(@num2, number2, 10)
    mpf_div(@Floatanswer, @num1, @num2)
    gmp_sprintf( @outtext,"%." & Str(decimals) & "Ff",@FloatAnswer)
    mpf_clear(@num1) : mpf_clear(@num2) : mpf_clear(@FloatAnswer)
    Return Trim(outtext)
End Function

Function power Overload(number As String, n As UInteger) As String'automatic precision
    #Define dp 3321921
    Dim As __mpf_struct _number, FloatAnswer
    Dim As ULongInt ln=Len(number)*(n)*4
    If ln>dp Then ln=dp
    mpf_init2(@FloatAnswer, ln)
    mpf_init2(@_number, ln) 'or 4*len(number)
    mpf_set_str(@_number, number, 10)
    mpf_pow_ui(@Floatanswer, @_number, n)
    gmp_sprintf( @outtext,"%." & Str(n) & "Ff",@FloatAnswer )
    mpf_clear(@_number) : mpf_clear(@FloatAnswer)
    Var outtxt=Trim(outtext)
    If InStr(outtxt,".") Then outtxt= RTrim(outtxt,"0"):outtxt=RTrim(outtxt,".")
    Return Trim(outtxt)
End Function

Function plus(number1 As String,number2 As String) As String'automatic precision
    Dim As Integer Ln1=Len(number1),Ln2=Len(number2),decimals,Ln
    If Ln1>=Ln2 Then Ln=Ln1 Else Ln=Ln2
    Dim As __mpf_struct num1,num2,FloatAnswer
    mpf_init2(@num1, 4*(Ln1+1) )
    mpf_init2(@num2, 4*(Ln2+1) )
    mpf_init2(@Floatanswer, 4*(Ln))
    If Ln1 Or Ln2 Then
    End If
    mpf_add(@Floatanswer, @num1, @num2)
    gmp_sprintf( @outtext,"%." & Str(decimals) & "Ff",@FloatAnswer )
    mpf_clear(@num1) : mpf_clear(@num2) : mpf_clear(@FloatAnswer)
    Var outtxt=Trim(outtext)
    If InStr(outtxt,".") Then outtxt= RTrim(outtxt,"0"):outtxt=RTrim(outtxt,".")
    Return Trim(outtxt)
End Function

Function minus(number1 As String,number2 As String) As String'automatic precision
    Dim As Integer Ln1=Len(number1),Ln2=Len(number2),decimals,Ln
    If Ln1>=Ln2 Then  Ln=Ln1 Else Ln=Ln2
    Dim As __mpf_struct num1, num2, FloatAnswer
    mpf_init2(@num1, 4*(Ln1+1) )
    mpf_init2(@num2, 4*(Ln2+1) )
    mpf_init2(@Floatanswer, 4*(Ln))
    mpf_set_str(@num1, number1, 10)
    mpf_set_str(@num2, number2, 10)
    If Ln1 Or Ln2 Then
    End If
    mpf_sub(@Floatanswer, @num1, @num2)
    gmp_sprintf( @outtext,"%." & Str(decimals) & "Ff",@FloatAnswer )
    mpf_clear(@num1) : mpf_clear(@num2) : mpf_clear(@FloatAnswer)
    Var outtxt=Trim(outtext)
    If InStr(outtxt,".") Then outtxt= RTrim(outtxt,"0"):outtxt=RTrim(outtxt,".")
    Return Trim(outtxt)
End Function

Function Absolute Overload(a As String) As  String
    Dim As __mpf_struct Ab, Floatanswer
    mpf_init2(@FloatAnswer, 4*precision )
    mpf_init2(@Ab, 4*precision )
    mpf_set_str(@Ab, a, 10)
    mpf_abs(@FloatAnswer, @Ab)
    gmp_sprintf( @outtext,"%." & Str(precision) & "Ff",@FloatAnswer )
    mpf_clear(@Ab) : mpf_clear(@FloatAnswer)
    Var outtxt=Trim(outtext)
    If InStr(outtxt,".") Then outtxt= RTrim(outtxt,"0"):outtxt=RTrim(outtxt,".")
    Return Trim(outtxt)
End Function

Function greater Overload(a As String,b As String) As Integer
    Dim As mpf_t ma, mb
    mpf_init2(@ma, 4*precision)
    mpf_init2(@mb, 4*precision)
    mpf_set_str(@ma, a, 10)
    mpf_set_str(@mb, b, 10)
    Return greater(ma,mb)
End Function

Function equals Overload(a As String,b As String) As Integer
    Dim As mpf_t ma, mb
    mpf_init2(@ma, 4*precision)
    mpf_init2(@mb, 4*precision)
    mpf_set_str(@ma, a, 10)
    mpf_set_str(@mb, b, 10)
    Return equals(ma, mb)
End Function

Function less Overload(a As String,b As String) As Integer
    If equals(a,b) Then Return 0
    If greater(a,b) Then Return 0
    Return -1
End Function

'======================== TESTS ===============================


    Print "GMP version "; *gmp_version
    Print Pi_ui(100);tab(105);"  Pi_ui(100)"
    Print _sin("1");tab(105);"  _sin(1)"
    Print _cos("1");tab(105);"  _cos(1)"
    Print _tan("1");tab(105);"  _tan(1)"
    Print _log("12.88");tab(105);"  _log(12.88)"
    Print _exp("1");tab(105);"  _exp(1)"
    Print power("5","-.5");tab(105);"  power(5,-.5)"
    Print _Asin(".5");tab(105);"  _Asin(.5)"
    Print _Acos(".5");tab(105);"  _Acos(.5)"
    Print _Atn("1000");tab(105);"  _Atn(1000)"
    Print factorial(50);tab(105);" factorial(50)"
    Print Sqrroot("2");tab(105);"  sqrroot(2)"
    Print mult("123","10000.888");tab(95);" mult(123,10000.888)"
    Print divide("1.0096","1023",70);tab(95);" divide(1.0096,1023,70))"
    Print power("2",200);tab(105);"  power(2,200)"
    Print plus("100","200");tab(105);" Plus(100,200)"
    Print minus("100","200");tab(105);" Minus(100,200)"
    Print Absolute("-67");tab(105);" absolute(-67)"
    Print _mod("1999012345678987654321","414");tab(80);" _mod(1999012345678987654321,414)"
    Print _div("1999012345678987654321","414");tab(80);" _div(1999012345678987654321,414)"
My results:

Code: Select all

GMP version 6.1.1
3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286208998628034825342117068     Pi_ui(100)
0.841470984807896506652502321630298999622563060798371065672751709991910404391239668948639744              _sin(1)
0.540302305868139717400936607442976603732310420617922227670097255381100394774471764517951856              _cos(1)
1.557407724654902230506974807458360173087250772381520038383946605698861397151727289555099965              _tan(1)
2.555675720676207556127819030259177137103762470245516740753409753965608755291246752331655162              _log(12.88)
2.718281828459045235360287471352662497757247093699959574966967627724076630353547594571382179              _exp(1)
0.447213595499957939281834733746255247088123671922305144854179449082104185127560979882882882              power(5,-.5)

0.523598775598298873077107230546583814032861566562517636829157432051302734381034833104672471              _Asin(.5)
1.047197551196597746154214461093167628065723133125035273658314864102605468762069666209344942              _Acos(.5)
1.569796327128229752564797882004830898086963765133284897396041247966262730802434937022743938              _Atn(1000)
30414093201713378043612608166064768844377641568960512000000000000                                        factorial(50)
1.414213562373095048801688724209698078569671875376948073176679737990732478462107038850387534              sqrroot(2)
1230109.224                                                                                    mult(123,10000.888)
0.0009869012707722385141739980449630034483641390379151376584269357329671                       divide(1.0096,1023,70))
1606938044258990275541962092341162602522202993782792835301376                                             power(2,200)
300                                                                                                      Plus(100,200)
-100                                                                                                     Minus(100,200)
67                                                                                                       absolute(-67)
37                                                                              _mod(1999012345678987654321,414)
4828532235939583706                                                             _div(1999012345678987654321,414)
Posts: 3379
Joined: Sep 25, 2005 21:54

Re: Library Pointers & OS Crashes

Post by srvaldez »

I suspect that your PC has bad RAM, press Windows Key + R, type “mdsched.exe” and test the RAM
Posts: 59
Joined: Nov 28, 2019 15:47

Re: Library Pointers & OS Crashes

Post by storm5510 »

dodicat wrote:Here are some functions for gmp for you to test.
The first instance of __mpz_struct is in factorial.
The max output length string is 10000000.
If you need more then goto line 421 to reset.
Line 421 of which file? I don't recall seeing a name in your sample. I wonder why a fix length string? I have been working with numbers which may have over 60 integer digits.

I tested the RAM. No problems there that I can find.
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Joined: Oct 23, 2016 15:28
Location: Roma, Italia

Re: Library Pointers & OS Crashes

Post by jj2007 »

Code: Select all

'======================= OVERLOADS FOR STRINGS =============================

Dim Shared As ZString * 10000000 outtext	' *** this is line 421 ***
Posts: 3379
Joined: Sep 25, 2005 21:54

Re: Library Pointers & OS Crashes

Post by srvaldez »

I think that we may have a misunderstanding of terms, when you say that the program crashes at mpz_init(@p) does that mean that the program successfully compiled (without your commenting-out) and then crashed when you run the executable?
or do you get errors when trying to compile the program?
if so, then please post the error messages.
also, if you run the executable from your Windows 10 on the Windows 7 PC, does it crash or run OK?
Posts: 3379
Joined: Sep 25, 2005 21:54

Re: Library Pointers & OS Crashes

Post by srvaldez »

may I suggest that you try to compile the program from the command line?
the reason is I don't know if your IDE is reporting warnings or errors, FB doesn't necessarily have to be on the PATH, just give the full path of fbc.exe, for example from the command prompt
cd to where the program source resides
C:\FreeBASIC-1.07.1-win64\fbc.exe prog.bas
then post any error messages that the compiler reports.

just to make sure there's no misunderstanding, FreeBASIC is a compiler, not an interpreter, it produces executables independent of FB or an IDE like FBedit.
FBedit and other IDE's have a quick-run button, what happens is that the IDE invokes the FB compiler and after successful compilation launches the executable, but after a successful compile you don't need the IDE to launch the program, simply launch the program directly either from the command prompt or by double-clicking on the application, that's why I suggested that you copy the executable from your Window 10 PC to your Windows 7 PC and launch it and see if it works.
Posts: 59
Joined: Nov 28, 2019 15:47

Re: Library Pointers & OS Crashes

Post by storm5510 »

srvaldez wrote:@storm5510
I think that we may have a misunderstanding of terms, when you say that the program crashes at mpz_init(@p) does that mean that the program successfully compiled (without your commenting-out) and then crashed when you run the executable?
or do you get errors when trying to compile the program?
if so, then please post the error messages.
also, if you run the executable from your Windows 10 on the Windows 7 PC, does it crash or run OK?
Let's see. No errors using the compiler from the command line on either machine. The compiled program from my Windows 10 system crashes on the Windows 7 system. I only compiled code without comments.

I just realized I have a third system I can try it on. My Dell laptop. It is Windows 7 Pro x64 also....
No go on the laptop either. This has got to be a Windows 7 issue, in my case.

Question: Is FB, and all its libraries, a 32 bit process or is it all 64 bit? I do not recall it specifying one way or another. Both Window 7 and 10 will run 32-bit applications. If FB is a combination of both 32-bit and 64-bit elements, then this may cause problems.
Posts: 3379
Joined: Sep 25, 2005 21:54

Re: Library Pointers & OS Crashes

Post by srvaldez »

FB comes in 32-bit and 64-bit versions
I tried to cover all possible issues but I can't see what's going on your PC's, it works fine here on a Windows 7 x64 VM
Posts: 59
Joined: Nov 28, 2019 15:47

Re: Library Pointers & OS Crashes

Post by storm5510 »

srvaldez wrote:FB comes in 32-bit and 64-bit versions
I tried to cover all possible issues but I can't see what's going on your PC's, it works fine here on a Windows 7 x64 VM
VM is Virtual Machine. I just looked this up. it is an add-on which I do not have on my HP. I found it on the MS website and downloaded the 64 bit model. I will give it a try to see if it makes a difference.
Posts: 2157
Joined: Feb 26, 2007 5:32

Re: Library Pointers & OS Crashes

Post by caseih »

srvaldez doesn't mean you need a virtual machine. But virtual machines are good for testing since you can install different operating system versions to see how they work. All he meant was it worked when he used the 64-bit version of FB on his 64-bit Windows 7 installation, which happens to be in a VM, so that likely rules out Windows 7 64-bit itself being the culprit.
Posts: 59
Joined: Nov 28, 2019 15:47

Re: Library Pointers & OS Crashes

Post by storm5510 »

caseih wrote:srvaldez doesn't mean you need a virtual machine. But virtual machines are good for testing since you can install different operating system versions to see how they work. All he meant was it worked when he used the 64-bit version of FB on his 64-bit Windows 7 installation, which happens to be in a VM, so that likely rules out Windows 7 64-bit itself being the culprit.
I cannot use a VM on my HP. It doesn't have virtualization technology. It is too old, 2012. The same probably applies to my laptop. Both are 64-bit machines using a 64-bit installation, and they run quite well. My i7 system with Window 10 Pro x64 runs the program without any problems. There are other options. Using another language, like Perl. I have been dabbling with it for a month or so.

Anyway, I believe it is time to close the book on this, and leave it as a mystery...
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