FLTK-C-1.3.3 for FreeBASIC

Headers, Bindings, Libraries for use with FreeBASIC, Please include example of use to help ensure they are tested and usable.
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Re: FLTK C for FreeBASIC Jan 09, 2017

Post by Coolman »

test under linux 64 based on ubuntu. all examples work. great job.
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Re: FLTK C for FreeBASIC Jan 09, 2017

Post by oyster »

long time no see D. J. Peters. is he busy coding the oop interface?
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Re: FLTK C for FreeBASIC Jan 09, 2017

Post by FreeBasic+FLTK »

I've a question regarding the redrawing of the FLTK menu bar. With invoking the sub below only the textsize of the submenus increases automatically, but not not of the main menu bar. In C++ there one needs to code "menu->redraw()" (*). What is the FreeBasic Code for that?
(* according to https://fltk.easysw.narkive.com/RBRol6S ... at-runtime) .

Many thanks!
I'm quite new to FLTK (and GUI programming in general) and I'm not a native speaker of English.

sub IncreaseSizeCB cdecl (byval self as FL_Widget ptr, byval userdata as any ptr)
Fl_Menu_SetTextSize(mnb, Fl_Menu_GetTextSize(mnb)+1)
end sub
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Re: FLTK C for FreeBASIC Jan 09, 2017

Post by jdebord »

You may try Fl_Redraw (Redraws all widgets) or Fl_WidgetRedraw(mnb) (Redraws a specific widget)
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Re: FLTK C for FreeBASIC Jan 09, 2017

Post by FreeBasic+FLTK »

Thank you, that works. Some other questions:
1) Is there a download for fltk-c-1.3.3-static.zip ?
2) Closing a window with the x-button isn't the same as quitting the program via menu (in some occasions it doesn't completely close the application).
What does the x-button trigger?

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Re: FLTK C for FreeBASIC Jan 09, 2017

Post by D.J.Peters »

FreeBasic+FLTK wrote:Closing a window with the x-button isn't the same as quitting the program via menu (in some occasions it doesn't completely close the application). What does the x-button trigger?
If you not a robot take a look at:
file: "Fl_WindowCallback01.bas"

Code: Select all

#include once "fltk-c.bi"

sub WindowCB cdecl (byval self as FL_WIDGET ptr)
  Fl_WindowHide Fl_WidgetAsWindow(self)
  print "window closed !"
  beep:sleep 1000
end sub
' main
var Win = Fl_WindowNew(320,200)
Fl_WidgetSetCallback0 Win, @WindowCB
Fl_WindowShow Win
and "Fl_WindowCallback02.bas"

Code: Select all

#include once "fltk-c.bi"

sub WindowCB cdecl (byval self as FL_WIDGET ptr)
  if ((Fl_EventNumber()=FL_EVENT_SHORTCUT) andalso (Fl_EventKey()=FL_Escape)) then
    return ' ignore Escape
  end if
  Fl_WindowHide Fl_WidgetAsWindow(self)
end sub
' main
var Win = Fl_WindowNew(320,200)
Fl_WidgetSetCallback0 Win, @WindowCB
Fl_WindowShow Win
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Re: FLTK C for FreeBASIC Jan 09, 2017

Post by badidea »

dkr wrote:Found out how to deactivate an item in a menu. To show it, I used Joshy's menu_bar example.

in the NewFile callback:

Code: Select all

t1 = Fl_Menu_FindItemByName(m1,"File/New")    'this gets the menu item pointer
Fl_Menu_ItemDeactivate(t1)         'this will deactivate the "File/New" item
I was playing a bit with FLTK today, and I found that you can also make a "Fl_Menu_FindItemByIndex" by "pointer hack":

Code: Select all

'A drop-down (or choice) menu  
dim as Fl_Choice ptr pChoice = Fl_ChoiceNew ( 10, 10, 200, 25 )
Fl_Menu_Add ( pChoice, "bla1" )
Fl_Menu_Add ( pChoice, "bla2" )
Fl_Menu_ItemDeactivate ( Fl_Menu_GetMenu ( pChoice ) + index )
This may be unsafe, but I don't see another way to do this.

Edit: Maybe it is safe (as long as you don't go 'out-of-bounds'), menu can be filled with an array as well, see: https://www.fltk.org/doc-1.1/Fl_Menu_Item.html

Edit2: And this (ugly) thing gives you the menu size (minus menu terminator):

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print Fl_Menu_ItemSize ( Fl_Menu_GetMenu ( pChoice ) ) - 1
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Re: FLTK C for FreeBASIC Jan 09, 2017

Post by badidea »

Just for fun, a small Resistor / voltage / current / power calculator. Prefixes to be done still.

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#include once "fltk-c-1.3.3/fltk-c.bi"

enum : E_R, E_U, E_I, E_P : end enum
const as integer NUM_PREFIX = 6

dim shared as Fl_Window ptr pWinMain
dim shared as Fl_Float_input ptr pValue(E_R to E_P)
dim shared as Fl_Choice ptr pChoUnit(E_R to E_P)
dim shared as Fl_Button ptr pButton(E_R to E_I)

sub setInputColors(flColor as Fl_COLOR)
	for i as integer = E_R to E_P
		Fl_Input_SetTextColor(pValue(i), flColor)
end sub

sub inputCallBack cdecl (byval pWidget as Fl_Widget ptr, byval userData as long)
	dim as double value = val(*Fl_Input_GetValue(*pWidget))
	if value <= 0 then
		value = 0
		Fl_Input_SetValue(*pWidget, "0")
	end if
	setInputColors(FL_RED) 'something changed set values invalid / red
end sub

sub unitCallBack cdecl (byval pWidget as Fl_Widget ptr, byval userData as long)
end sub

sub buttonCallBack cdecl (byval pWidget as Fl_Widget ptr, byval userData as long)
	dim as double R, U, I, P
	select case userData 'switch on changed input
		case E_R
			U = val(*Fl_Input_GetValue(pValue(E_U)))
			I = val(*Fl_Input_GetValue(pValue(E_I)))
			if I = 0 then R = 1e+99 else R = U / I
			Fl_Input_SetValue(pValue(E_R), str(R))
		case E_U
			R = val(*Fl_Input_GetValue(pValue(E_R)))
			I = val(*Fl_Input_GetValue(pValue(E_I)))
			U = I * R
			Fl_Input_SetValue(pValue(E_U), str(U))
		case E_I
			R = val(*Fl_Input_GetValue(pValue(E_R)))
			U = val(*Fl_Input_GetValue(pValue(E_U)))
			if R = 0 then I = 1e+99 else I = U / R
			Fl_Input_SetValue(pValue(E_I), str(I))
		case else
			print "buttonCallBack: Unknown case"
	end select
	P = U * I
	Fl_Input_SetValue(pValue(E_P), str(P))
	setInputColors(Fl_BLACK) 'set value valid / black again
end sub

dim as string label(E_R to E_P) = {"Resistance:", "Voltage:", "Current:", "Power:"}
dim as string unit(E_R to E_P) = {"Ω", "V", "A", "W"}
dim as string prefix(NUM_PREFIX-1) = {"n", "μ", "m", "", "k", "M"}

'Set up the GUI
pWinMain = Fl_WindowNew(520, 190, "Resistor Calculator / badidea / 2019-04-08")
for i as integer = E_R to E_P
	dim as integer y = 20 + 40 * i
	'set up value input and label
	pValue(i) = Fl_Float_InputNew(140, y, 160, 30, label(i))
	Fl_WidgetSetCallback1Arg(pValue(i), @inputCallBack, i)
	Fl_Input_SetTextSize(pValue(i), 20)
	Fl_WidgetSetLabelSize(pValue(i), 20)
	Fl_Input_SetMaximumSize(pValue(i), 10)
	Fl_Input_SetValue(pValue(i), "1")
	if i = E_P then Fl_Input_SetReadonly(pValue(i), FL_INPUT_READONLY)
	'set up unit selector
	pChoUnit(i) = Fl_ChoiceNew(310, y, 80, 30)
	for j as integer = 0 to NUM_PREFIX-1
		Fl_Menu_Add(pChoUnit(i), prefix(j) + unit(i))
		'A bit ugly but works, get menu by index
		if j <> 3 then Fl_Menu_ItemDeactivate(Fl_Menu_GetMenu(pChoUnit(i)) + j)
	'print Fl_Menu_ItemSize ( Fl_Menu_GetMenu ( pChoUnit ( i ) ) ) - 1
	Fl_Menu_SetTextSize(pChoUnit(i), 20)
	Fl_ChoiceSetValue(pChoUnit(i), 3) 'set with no prefix
	Fl_WidgetSetCallback1Arg(pChoUnit(i), @unitCallBack, i)
	'set up buttons
	if i <= E_I then 'skip power button
		pButton(i) = Fl_ButtonNew(400, y, 110, 30, "Calculate")
		Fl_WidgetSetCallback1Arg(pButton(i), @buttonCallBack, i)
	end if
Fl_WindowShow(pWinMain) 'Show or raise window
Fl_Run() 'Run until all windows are closed
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Re: FLTK C for FreeBASIC Jan 09, 2017

Post by darwin4ever »


I have 2 questions :

1) Actually I have the following FB directory-structure :
  • bin
It seems the zip-file doesn't follow that structure.
Which files should I put where ?

2) I seems there is a newer 1.3.5 version at https://www.fltk.org/index.php

Can that version been used ?

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Re: FLTK C for FreeBASIC Jan 09, 2017

Post by badidea »

I have a "projects" folder for all my freebasic projects, inside it are a.o.:
* "fltk-c-1.3.3" with all the examples, media and stuff. For quick FLTK tests, I use this folder.
* Projects that use FLTK. Here I just put a stripped version of FLTK (only essentials, ~10 files) in a sub-folder, again called "fltk-c-1.3.3"
/projects/fltk-c-1.3.3 (for testing FLTK)
Whenever I copy a project to another system, it always works (assuming FBC is installed).
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Re: FLTK C for FreeBASIC Jan 09, 2017

Post by darwin4ever »

So you don't "merge" the (essential) files into the FreeBasic directory structure ?
Could you give a list of those "essentials" ?
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Re: FLTK C for FreeBASIC Jan 09, 2017

Post by badidea »

darwin4ever wrote:So you don't "merge" the (essential) files into the FreeBasic directory structure ?
I don't.
darwin4ever wrote:Could you give a list of those "essentials" ?
For Windows & Linux:


Maybe I should have added the license file and or documentation. Need to check this...
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Linker error Codeblocks/MinGW+FLTK-C

Post by FreeBasic+FLTK »

Hello, I've tried to build the fltk-c dll library with code::blocks (up-to-date mingw 32bit, Windows 10). The fltc-1.3.3 library was bulit without error (but many warnings), but the fltk-c library creation was aborted after
||=== Build: win32 in fltk-c-wrapper-1.3.3-dynamic (compiler: GNU GCC Compiler) ===|
d:\mingw\bin\..\lib\gcc\mingw32\8.2.0\..\..\..\..\mingw32\bin\ld.exe: ..\fltk-1.3.3\lib\win32\libfltk.a(Fl.o):Fl.cxx|| undefined reference to `__WSAFDIsSet@8'|
d:\mingw\bin\..\lib\gcc\mingw32\8.2.0\..\..\..\..\mingw32\bin\ld.exe: ..\fltk-1.3.3\lib\win32\libfltk.a(Fl.o):Fl.cxx|| undefined reference to `__WSAFDIsSet@8'|
d:\mingw\bin\..\lib\gcc\mingw32\8.2.0\..\..\..\..\mingw32\bin\ld.exe: ..\fltk-1.3.3\lib\win32\libfltk.a(Fl.o):Fl.cxx|| undefined reference to `__WSAFDIsSet@8'|
||error: ld returned 1 exit status|
||=== Build failed: 5 error(s), 0 warning(s) (0 minute(s), 35 second(s)) ===|

__WSAFDIsSet@8 seems to be a Windows issue
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Post by FreeBasic+FLTK »

The solution for this problem is:
In the main menu go "Settings->Compiler" and then in the new window in the folder "Linker Settings" add the libraries (<MinGW-path>\lib\libws2_32.a and <MinGW-path>\lib\libwinmm.a

Another problem was that when I created the dll-library fltk-c-1.3.3-32.dll that there was no link library (*.dll.a) created and fbc couldn't link it.
The soltion for that was that one has to use alias name for the functions and subs of the C-library in the Freebasic function and sub declarations.
So in "fltk-main.bi" one has to write
declare function Fl_WindowNew alias "Fl_WindowNew" (byval w as long, byval h as long, byval title as const zstring ptr=0) as Fl_Window ptr
instead of:
declare function Fl_WindowNew (byval w as long, byval h as long, byval title as const zstring ptr=0) as Fl_Window ptr
With this one doesn't need the ftlk*.dll.a library anymore.

Another problem was when I wanted to use fltk-1.3.5. Then there was a problem with the FL_ABI_VERSION. My work-around was to insert two new lines in Enumertions.H
#undef FL_ABI_VERSION // new
#define FL_ABI_VERSION 10305 //-new

And there was a problem with glut. In the .h file there was (char*) in some function header, it had to be changed to const char*
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Re: FLTK C for FreeBASIC

Post by FreeBasic+FLTK »

I've added some new functions and sub (new in fltk-1.3.4/5)

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function Fl_WidgetIsLabelCopied alias "Fl_WidgetIsLabelCopied" (byval wgt as Fl_Widget ptr) as long
function Fl_AbiVersion alias "Fl_AbiVersion" () as long
sub Fl_Shared_ImageScale alias "Fl_Shared_ImageScale" (byval si as Fl_Shared_Image ptr, byval w as long, byval h as long, byval prop as long=1, byval can_expand as long=0)
sub Fl_Copy_SurfaceDrawDecoratedWindow alias "Fl_Copy_SurfaceDrawDecoratedWindow" (byval cs as Fl_Copy_Surface ptr, byval win as Fl_Window ptr, byval delta_x as long=0, byval delta_y as long=0)
function Fl_Copy_SurfaceGetW alias "Fl_Copy_SurfaceGetW" (byval cs as Fl_Copy_Surface ptr) as long
Fl_Copy_SurfaceGetH alias "Fl_Copy_SurfaceGetH" (byval cs as Fl_Copy_Surface ptr) as long
Fl_ImageFail alias "Fl_ImageFail" (byval img as Fl_Image ptr) as long
(Used long since in win32 "integer" is the same, for win64 one should perhaps use integer)

Does anybody know of broken code in fltk-1.3.5?

At those who have written FLTK-C for FreeBasic: How about publishing it in GitHub? (The main project (FLTK) is there, too.)
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