Happy (Gregorian) New Year!
The DOWNLOADS you are MOST LIKELY looking for...
- windows: FreeBASIC-1.09.0-winlibs-gcc- - combined 32bit and 64bit standalone version
- linux-x86: FreeBASIC-1.09.0-linux-x86.tar.xz - built for ubuntu-16.04-x86
- linux-x86_64: FreeBASIC-1.09.0-linux-x86_64.tar.xz - built for ubuntu-16.04-x86_64
- linux-arm: FreeBASIC-1.09.0-linux-arm.tar.xz - built for raspbian9-arm 32-bit
- linux-aarch64: FreeBASIC-1.09.0-linux-aarch64.tar.xz - built for ubuntu-21.10-aarch64
- freebsd-x86: FreeBASIC-1.09.0-frebsd-x86.tar.xz - built for freebsd-13.0-x86
- freebsd-x86_64: FreeBASIC-1.09.0-freebsd-x86_64.tar.xz - built for freebsd-13.0-x86_64
- dos: FreeBASIC-1.09.0-dos.zip
- Many improvements how fbc handles overloaded, shadowed, and inherited symbols.
- Improvements allowing compiling and linking with both older and newer binutils & gcc.
- freebsd packages available (still gmake / gnu gcc heavy though)
- #cmdline directive to specify command line options in source code
For discussion on this release please post in the topic FreeBASIC 1.09 Release discussion
Thanks for downloading!
If for some reason you were expecting a different package, you may find it below. Read carefully - especially windows users! You do not need to download all these packages to make FreeBASIC work. These packages are made available for both historic and development reasons. If you are in doubt, try the windows package above and if you have trouble, please turn back now and post your question or concern on the forum.
Windows Binaries (default for fbc-1.09.x is winlibs gcc 9.3.0)
- FreeBASIC-1.09.0-win32.exe (installer) | .7z archive | .zip archive - 32bit standalone version (fbc.exe)
- FreeBASIC-1.09.0-win64.7z | .zip archive - 64bit standalone version (fbc.exe)
- FreeBASIC-1.09.0-win32-mingworg.7z | .zip archive - standalone package that may work better for older Win32 systems (fbc.exe)
- The MinGW-w64 toolchains used for the main win32/win64 builds can be found here:
- FreeBASIC-1.09.0-linux-x86.tar.gz | .tar.xz archive - 32bit x86 version
- FreeBASIC-1.09.0-linux-x86_64.tar.gz | .tar.xz archive - 64bit x86_64 version
- Run sudo ./install.sh -i to install into /usr/local, if wanted.
- FreeBASIC-1.09.0-linux-arm.tar.gz | .tar.xz archive - 32bit arm version
- FreeBASIC-1.09.0-linux-aarch64.tar.gz | .tar.xz archive - 64bit aarch64 version
- Run sudo ./install.sh -i to install into /usr/local, if wanted.
- FreeBASIC-1.09.0-dos.zip
- fbc-1.09.0-dos.zip - to be extracted into existing DJGPP toolchain
- FB-manual-1.09.0-chm.zip
- FB-manual-1.09.0-html.zip - Offline HTML pages (start at 00index.html)
- FB-manual-1.09.0-fbhelp.zip - For the fbhelp program (QB-like help viewer)
- FB-manual-1.09.0-txt.zip - As one .txt file, for printing to paper
- .tar.gz | .tar.xz | .zip | .7z
You can always find the latest FB source code in the fbc Git repository:
The following packages target specific versions of gcc on mingw-w64/mingw32, mingw-w64/mingw64, winlibs/mingw32, winlibs/mingw64
Windows Binaries (winlibs gcc 9.3.0)
- FreeBASIC-1.09.0-winlibs-gcc- - 32bit and 64bit combined version (fbc32.exe & fbc64.exe)
- FreeBASIC-1.09.0-win32-winlibs-gcc- | .zip archive - 32bit only version (fbc.exe)
- FreeBASIC-1.09.0-winlibs-win64-gcc- | .zip archive - 64bit only version (fbc.exe)
- fbc-1.09.0-win32-winlibs-gcc- | .zip archive - to be extracted into existing 32bit MinGW-w64 toolchain
- fbc-1.09.0-win64-winlibs-gcc- | .zip archive - to be extracted into existing 64bit MinGW-w64 toolchain
- The winlibs toolchains used for the main win32/win64 builds can be found here:
- FreeBASIC-1.09.0-mingw64-gcc- 32bit and 64bit combined version (fbc32.exe & fbc64.exe)
- FreeBASIC-1.09.0-win32-gcc- | .zip archive - 32bit only version (fbc.exe)
- FreeBASIC-1.09.0-win64-gcc- | .zip archive - 64bit only version (fbc.exe)
- fbc-1.09.0-win32-gcc- | .zip archive - to be extracted into existing 32bit MinGW-w64 toolchain
- fbc-1.09.0-win64-gcc- | .zip archive - to be extracted into existing 64bit MinGW-w64 toolchain
- The MinGW-w64 toolchains used for the main win32/win64 builds can be found here:
- FreeBASIC-1.09.0-mingw64-gcc- - 32bit and 64bit combined version (fbc32.exe & fbc64.exe)
- FreeBASIC-1.09.0-win32-gcc- | .zip archive - 32bit only version (fbc.exe)
- FreeBASIC-1.09.0-win64-gcc- | .zip archive - 64bit only version (fbc.exe)
- fbc-1.09.0-win32-gcc- | .zip archive- to be extracted into existing 32bit MinGW-w64 toolchain
- fbc-1.09.0-win64-gcc- | .zip archive- to be extracted into existing 64bit MinGW-w64 toolchain
- The MinGW-w64 toolchains used for the main win32/win64 builds can be found here:
Linux Binaries - Ubuntu 14.04
- FreeBASIC-1.09.0-ubuntu-14.04-x86.tar.gz | .tar.xz archive - 32bit x86 version
- FreeBASIC-1.09.0-ubuntu-14.04-x86_64.tar.gz | .tar.xz archive - 64bit x86_64 version
- FreeBASIC-1.09.0-ubuntu-16.04-x86.tar.gz | .tar.xz archive - 32bit x86 version
- FreeBASIC-1.09.0-ubuntu-16.04-x86_64.tar.gz | .tar.xz archive - 64bit x86_64 version
- FreeBASIC-1.09.0-ubuntu-18.04-x86.tar.gz | .tar.xz archive - 32bit x86 version
- FreeBASIC-1.09.0-ubuntu-18.04-x86_64.tar.gz | .tar.xz archive - 64bit x86_64 version
- FreeBASIC-1.09.0-ubuntu-20.04-x86_64.tar.gz | .tar.xz archive - 64bit x86_64 version
- FreeBASIC-1.09.0-ubuntu-21.10-aarch64.tar.gz | .tar.xz archive - 64bit aarch64 version
This is same package as the default, but with a more complete naming
- FreeBASIC-1.09.0-raspian9-arm.tar.gz | .tar.xz archive - 32bit arm version
Note: there is a lot of links here. Hopefully they are all correct. They may have suffered from some cut-and-paste error. If you find an incorrect link, or a problem with a package, please post about it the topic FreeBASIC 1.09 Release Discussion