Physics question

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Re: Physics question

Post by BasicCoder2 »

My attempts just result in the coffin spinning out of control! Can you get it on target?
So I cheated!!
changed line 258 to make finer adjustments to the direction,

Code: Select all

        Dim As pt x2=Getline(mx,my,wheel/90,length)
And inserted these guidelines in the display code,

Code: Select all

        circle (200,400),5,rgb(255,0,0),,,,f
        circle (700,300),5,rgb(0,0,255),,,,f
        line (200,400)-(700,300),rgb(255,255,0)
I then rotated the red line until it aligned with the yellow line and with one click sent it onto the target.
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Re: Physics question

Post by dodicat »

Thanks for testing, basiccoder2 & badidea.
You can make a slightly bigger grave, line 221--Dim As Long roomforerror=10
You could make 15 or something.
But your tweak has been noted, and it would make sense in the real universe for a nice send off.
Thank you.
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Joined: May 24, 2007 22:10
Location: The Netherlands

Re: Physics question

Post by badidea »

BasicCoder2 wrote:...
Spacecraft can pass through the asteroid belt with virtually no chance of a collision.
How about a belt of neutron stars (or at least one):

Code: Select all

#include ""

const as single PI = 4 * atn(1)
dim shared as single PPM = 2 'pixels per meter
const SW = 800, SH = 600

const K_ESC = chr(27)
const K_MIN = chr(45)
const K_UND = chr(95)
const K_PLU = chr(61)
const K_EQU = chr(43)

screenres SW, SH, 32
width SW \ 8, SH \ 16


type sgl2d
	dim as single x, y
	declare constructor
	declare constructor(x as single, y as single)
	declare operator cast() as string
end type

constructor sgl2d
end constructor

constructor sgl2d(x as single, y as single)
	this.x = x : this.y = y
end constructor

operator sgl2d.cast () as string
	return str(x) & "," & str(y)
end operator

operator +(a as sgl2d, b as sgl2d) as sgl2d
	return sgl2d(a.x + b.x, a.y + b.y)
end operator

operator -(a as sgl2d, b as sgl2d) as sgl2d
	return sgl2d(a.x - b.x, a.y - b.y)
end operator

operator /(a as sgl2d, div as single) as sgl2d
	return sgl2d(a.x / div, a.y / div)
end operator

operator *(a as sgl2d, mul as single) as sgl2d
	return sgl2d(a.x * mul, a.y * mul)
end operator

function cross(a as sgl2d, b as sgl2d) as single
	return a.x * b.y - a.y * b.x
end function

function length(a as sgl2d) as single
	return sqr((a.x * a.x) + (a.y * a.y)) 
end function

function lengthSqrd(a as sgl2d) as single
	return (a.x * a.x) + (a.y * a.y) 
end function

function dist(a as sgl2d, b as sgl2d) as single
	dim as single dx = a.x - b.x
	dim as single dy = a.y - b.y
	return sqr((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)) 
end function

function distSqrd(a as sgl2d, b as sgl2d) as single
	dim as single dx = a.x - b.x
	dim as single dy = a.y - b.y
	return (dx * dx) + (dy * dy) 
end function


type polar
	dim as single angle
	dim as single magnitude
end type

function polarToCartesian(angle as single, radius as single) as sgl2d
	return sgl2d(cos(angle) * radius, sin(angle) * radius)
end function

function degToRad(degrees as single) as single
	return (degrees / 180) * PI
end function

function rotatedVector(v as sgl2d, rotAngle as single) as sgl2d
	dim as sgl2d tmp
	tmp.x = cos(rotAngle) * v.x - sin(rotAngle) * v.y
	tmp.y = sin(rotAngle) * v.x + cos(rotAngle) * v.y
	return tmp
end function

sub clearScreen(c as ulong)
	line(0, 0)-(SW - 1, SH - 1), c, bf
end sub

'scaled circle using PPM, y-axis pointing up, center = 0, 0
sub drawCircle(p as sgl2d, r as single, c as ulong)
	circle(SW \ 2 + p.x * PPM, SH \ 2 - p.y * PPM), r * PPM, c
end sub

'scaled line using PPM, y-axis pointing up, center = 0, 0
sub drawLine(p1 as sgl2d, p2 as sgl2d, c as ulong)
	line(SW \ 2 + p1.x * PPM, SH \ 2 - p1.y * PPM)-_
		(SW \ 2 + p2.x * PPM, SH \ 2 - p2.y * PPM), c
end sub

sub drawArrow(p1 as sgl2d, p2 as sgl2d, c as ulong)
	drawLine(p1, p2, c)
	dim as sgl2d posVector = p2 - p1
	posVector /= 3 '1/3 length
	drawLine(p1, p1 + rotatedVector(posVector, degToRad(+30)), c)
	drawLine(p1, p1 + rotatedVector(posVector, degToRad(-30)), c)
end sub


type disc_object
	dim as single radius '[m]
	dim as single height '[m]
	dim as single density '[kg/m^3]
	dim as ulong colour '[m]
	'linear motion properties
	dim as sgl2d position 'position [m]
	dim as single lin_m 'mass [kg]
	dim as sgl2d lin_F 'force [N] [kg*m/s^2]
	dim as sgl2d lin_a 'acceleration [m/s^2]
	dim as sgl2d lin_v 'velocity [m/s]
	'dim as sgl2d lin_p 'momentum [kg*m/s]
	'dim as single lin_E 'Kinetic energy [J] [kg*m^2/s^2]
	'Rotational motion properties
	dim as single angle 'angular position (theta) [rad]
	dim as single ang_m 'angular mass, moment of inertia (I) [kg*m^2]
	dim as single ang_F 'torque (tau) [N*m] [kg*m^2/s^2]
	dim as single ang_a 'angular velocity (alpha) [rad/s^2]
	dim as single ang_v 'angular velocity (omega) [rad/s]
	'dim as single ang_p 'angular momentum (L) [kg*m^2/s]
	'dim as single ang_E 'Kinetic energy [J] [kg*m^2/s^2]
	declare sub init(r as single, h as single, d as single, p as sgl2d, c as ulong)
	declare sub update(dt as double)
	declare function getKineticEnergy() as single
end type

'Set radius, height, density, position
'Calculate mass and rotational inertia
sub disc_object.init(r as single, h as single, d as single, p as sgl2d, c as ulong)
	radius = r
	height = h
	density = d
	position = p
	colour = c
	lin_m = PI * r ^ 2 * d
	ang_m = 0.5 * lin_m * r ^ 2
end sub

'update position and angle
sub disc_object.update(dt as double)
	lin_a = lin_F / lin_m
	lin_v += lin_a * dt
	position += lin_v * dt
	ang_a = ang_F / ang_m
	ang_v += ang_a * dt
	angle += ang_v * dt
end sub

function disc_object.getKineticEnergy() as single
	dim as single lin_E = 0.5 * lin_m * lengthSqrd(lin_v)
	dim as single ang_E = 0.5 * ang_m * ang_v * ang_v
	return lin_E + ang_E
end function


type thruster_type
	'''init paramaters
	dim as polar polarForce '(rad, N)
	dim as polar polarPos '(rad, m)
	'''variable paramaters
	dim as sgl2d forceVector '(N, N)
	dim as sgl2d relPos, absPos '(m, m)
	dim as integer active
	declare sub init(forceMagnitude as single, forceDirection as single, posAngle as single, posRadius as single)
	declare sub updatePosition(bodyPos as sgl2d, bodyAngle as single)
end type

sub thruster_type.init(forceDirection as single, forceMagnitude as single, posAngle as single, posRadius as single)
	polarForce = type(forceDirection, forceMagnitude) 'thruster action
	polarPos = type(posAngle, posRadius) 'position of thruster on ship
end sub

sub thruster_type.updatePosition(bodyPos as sgl2d, bodyAngle as single)
	relPos = polarToCartesian(bodyAngle + polarPos.angle, polarPos.magnitude)
	absPos = bodyPos + relPos
end sub


const as single GRAV_CONST = 6.67e-11 '[m3/(kg*s^2)

type astro_body
	dim as single radius '[m]
	dim as single density '[kg/m^3]
	dim as ulong colour '[m]
	dim as sgl2d position 'position [m]
	dim as single mass '[kg]
	declare sub init(r as single, d as single, p as sgl2d, c as ulong)
end type

'Set radius, density, position
'Calculate mass and rotational inertia
sub astro_body.init(r as single, d as single, p as sgl2d, c as ulong)
	radius = r
	density = d
	position = p
	colour = c
	mass = PI * r ^ 2 * d
end sub

function gravForce(m1 as single, m2 as single, r as single) as single
	return GRAV_CONST * (m1 * m2) / (r * r)
end function

function gravForceVector(m1 as single, pos1 as sgl2d, m2 as single, pos2 as sgl2d) as sgl2d
	dim as single distSquared = distSqrd(pos2, pos1)
	dim as sgl2d unitVector12 = (pos1 - pos2) / sqr(distSquared)
	return unitVector12 * (-GRAV_CONST * (m1 * m2) / distSquared)
end function


const as single MOON_RADIUS = 1737e+6 '[m]
const as single MOON_DENSITY = 3344 '[kg/m^3]

const L_FW_THR = 0 'left forward thruster
const R_FW_THR = 1 'right forward thruster
const L_LO_THR = 2
const R_LO_THR = 3
const L_HI_THR = 4
const R_HI_THR = 5

dim as string key
dim as integer quit = 0
dim as disc_object disc
dim as thruster_type thruster(NUM_THRUSTERS - 1)
dim as astro_body moon, neutronstar

'moon.init(MOON_RADIUS, MOON_DENSITY, sgl2d(+40, +20), rgb(255, 127, 0))
neutronstar.init(MOON_RADIUS * 1e-8, MOON_DENSITY * 1e8, sgl2d(+40, +20), rgb(255, 127, 0))
disc.init(10, 1, 5, sgl2d(0, -50), rgb(127, 255, 0))
'force angle, force magnitude, polar thruster position 
thruster(L_FW_THR).init(0.5 * pi, 1e4, -0.75 * pi, disc.radius)
thruster(R_FW_THR).init(0.5 * pi, 1e4, -0.25 * pi, disc.radius)
thruster(L_LO_THR).init(0.0 * pi, 5e3, -0.75 * pi, disc.radius)
thruster(R_LO_THR).init(1.0 * pi, 5e3, -0.25 * pi, disc.radius)
thruster(L_HI_THR).init(0.0 * pi, 5e3, +0.75 * pi, disc.radius)
thruster(R_HI_THR).init(1.0 * pi, 5e3, +0.25 * pi, disc.radius)

dim as double tNow = timer, tPrev = tNow, dt = 0
while quit = 0
	'reset stuff
	disc.lin_F = sgl2d(0, 0)
	disc.ang_F = 0
	for i as integer = 0 to NUM_THRUSTERS - 1
		thruster(i).active = 0

	'do always for display
	for i as integer = 0 to NUM_THRUSTERS - 1
		thruster(i).updatePosition(disc.position, disc.angle)

	if multikey(FB.SC_UP) then
		thruster(L_FW_THR).active = 1
		thruster(R_FW_THR).active = 1
	end if

	if multikey(FB.SC_LEFT) then
		thruster(L_LO_THR).active = 1
		thruster(R_HI_THR).active = 1
	end if

	if multikey(FB.SC_RIGHT) then
		thruster(R_LO_THR).active = 1
		thruster(L_HI_THR).active = 1
	end if

	if key = K_MIN or key = K_UND then ppm /= 1.1 'zoom out
	if key = K_PLU or key = K_EQU then ppm *= 1.1 'zoom in
	if key = K_ESC then quit = 1

	for i as integer = 0 to NUM_THRUSTERS - 1
		'forces on body by active thrusters
		if thruster(i).active = 1 then
			thruster(i).forceVector = polarToCartesian(disc.angle + thruster(i).polarForce.angle, thruster(i).polarForce.magnitude)
			disc.lin_F += thruster(i).forceVector
			disc.ang_F += cross(thruster(i).relPos, thruster(i).forceVector)
		end if

	disc.lin_F += gravForceVector(disc.lin_m, disc.position, neutronstar.mass, neutronstar.position)
	if dist(disc.position, neutronstar.position) < (disc.radius + neutronstar.radius) then quit = 2 'crashed
	locate 2, 2 : print "<UP>, <LEFT>, <RIGHT> for thrusters";
	locate 3, 2 : print "<+>, <-> for zoom in/out";
	locate 4, 2 : print "<ESC> to exit";
	locate 5, 2 : print "Kinetic engergy [J]: "; disc.getKineticEnergy();
	'locate 6, 2 : print str(cint(length(disc.position)))
	drawCircle(disc.position, disc.radius, disc.colour) 'flying saucer
	drawArrow(disc.position + disc.lin_v / 1, disc.position, rgb(255, 0, 127)) 'lin. speed ind.
	drawArrow(disc.position + disc.lin_F / 1e3, disc.position, rgb(0, 127, 255)) 'lin. speed ind.
	for i as integer = 0 to NUM_THRUSTERS - 1
		dim as ulong c = iif(i < 4, rgb(255, 255, 0), rgb(255, 255, 255))
		drawLine(disc.position, thruster(i).absPos, c) 'rotation indicator
		if thruster(i).active = 1 then
			drawArrow(thruster(i).absPos, thruster(i).absPos - thruster(i).forceVector / 1e3, rgb(255, 127, 0)) 'thruster force indicator
		end if
	drawCircle(neutronstar.position, neutronstar.radius, neutronstar.colour) 'flying saucer

	'time update
	key = inkey()
	sleep 1
	tPrev = tNow
	tNow = timer
	dt = tNow - tPrev
locate 8, 2: print iif(quit = 2, "You crashed into the neutron star", "User quit request") + " (wait 3 sec)"
sleep 3000, 1
screen 0
print "End"
Posts: 698
Joined: Oct 22, 2005 21:12
Location: Denmark

Re: Physics question

Post by h4tt3n »

Oh man, this is just my kind of thread :-) Awesome to come back to the forums after a long break to see you guys hard at work making cool stuff!

I have made loads of space physics doodle stuff just like this in the past few years, just gimme a bit of time and I'll dig out some stuff that is definitely useful...
Posts: 2594
Joined: May 24, 2007 22:10
Location: The Netherlands

Re: Physics question

Post by badidea »

This starts to look like a ship between asteroids:

Code: Select all

#Include ""

Type int2d
	As Integer x, y
	Declare Constructor
	Declare Constructor(x As Integer, y As Integer)
	Declare Operator Cast () As String
End Type

Constructor int2d
End Constructor

Constructor int2d(x As Integer, y As Integer)
	This.x = x : This.y = y
End Constructor

Operator = (a As int2d, b As int2d) As boolean
	If a.x <> b.x Then Return false
	If a.y <> b.y Then Return false
	Return true
End Operator

Operator <> (a As int2d, b As int2d) As boolean
	If a.x = b.x And a.y = b.y Then Return false
	Return true
End Operator

' "x, y"
Operator int2d.cast () As String
  Return Str(x) & "," & Str(y)
End Operator

' a + b 
Operator + (a As int2d, b As int2d) As int2d
	Return Type(a.x + b.x, a.y + b.y)
End Operator

' a - b
Operator - (a As int2d, b As int2d) As int2d
	Return Type(a.x - b.x, a.y - b.y)
End Operator

' -a
Operator - (a As int2d) As int2d
	Return Type(-a.x, -a.y)
End Operator

' a * b
Operator * (a As int2d, b As int2d) As int2d
	Return Type(a.x * b.x, a.y * b.y)
End Operator

' a * mul
Operator * (a As int2d, mul As Integer) As int2d
	Return Type(a.x * mul, a.y * mul)
End Operator

' a \ b
Operator \ (a As int2d, b As int2d) As int2d
	Return Type(a.x \ b.x, a.y \ b.y)
End Operator

' a \ div
Operator \ (a As int2d, div As Integer) As int2d
	Return Type(a.x \ div, a.y \ div)
End Operator


Type sgl2d
	As Single x, y
	Declare Constructor
	Declare Constructor(x As Single, y As Single)
	Declare Operator Cast () As String
End Type

Constructor sgl2d
End Constructor

Constructor sgl2d(x As Single, y As Single)
	This.x = x : This.y = y
End Constructor

' "x, y"
Operator sgl2d.cast () As String
	Return Str(x) & "," & Str(y)
End Operator

'---- operators ---

' distance / lenth
Operator Len (a As sgl2d) As Single
	Return Sqr(a.x * a.x + a.y * a.y)
End Operator

' a = b ?
Operator = (a As sgl2d, b As sgl2d) As boolean
	If a.x <> b.x Then Return false
	If a.y <> b.y Then Return false
	Return true
End Operator

' a != b ?
Operator <> (a As sgl2d, b As sgl2d) As boolean
	If a.x = b.x And a.y = b.y Then Return false
	Return true
End Operator

' a + b 
Operator + (a As sgl2d, b As sgl2d) As sgl2d
	Return Type(a.x + b.x, a.y + b.y)
End Operator

' a - b
Operator - (a As sgl2d, b As sgl2d) As sgl2d
	Return Type(a.x - b.x, a.y - b.y)
End Operator

' -a
Operator - (a As sgl2d) As sgl2d
	Return Type(-a.x, -a.y)
End Operator

' a * b
Operator * (a As sgl2d, b As sgl2d) As sgl2d
	Return Type(a.x * b.x, a.y * b.y)
End Operator

' a * mul
Operator * (a As sgl2d, mul As Single) As sgl2d
	Return Type(a.x * mul, a.y * mul)
End Operator

' a / div
Operator / (a As sgl2d, div As Single) As sgl2d
	Return Type(a.x / div, a.y / div)
End Operator

'---- extra functions ---

Function cross(a As sgl2d, b As sgl2d) As Single
	Return a.x * b.y - a.y * b.x
End Function

Function length(a As sgl2d) As Single
	Return Sqr((a.x * a.x) + (a.y * a.y)) 
End Function

Function lengthSqrd(a As sgl2d) As Single
	Return (a.x * a.x) + (a.y * a.y) 
End Function

Function dist(a As sgl2d, b As sgl2d) As Single
	Dim As Single dx = a.x - b.x
	Dim As Single dy = a.y - b.y
	Return Sqr((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)) 
End Function

Function distSqrd(a As sgl2d, b As sgl2d) As Single
	Dim As Single dx = a.x - b.x
	Dim As Single dy = a.y - b.y
	Return (dx * dx) + (dy * dy) 
End Function


'Note: y+ = up, x+ = right, (0,0) = center
Type scaled_graphics_type
	Dim As Single scale = 1 ' = 1 / pixel_size 'pixels / meter
	'dim as int2d offset' = (scrn_w \ 2, h \ 2) 'offset in pixels
	Dim As sgl2d offset
	Dim As Integer w = -1, h = -1
	Dim As Integer wc = -1, hc = -1 'center x,y
	Declare Sub setScreen(w As Integer, h As Integer)
	Declare Sub setScaling(scale As Single, offset As sgl2d)
	Declare Sub clearScreen(c As ULong)
	Declare Function pos2screen(p As sgl2d) As int2d
	Declare Sub drawPixel(p As sgl2d, c As Integer)
	Declare Sub drawCircle(p As sgl2d, r As Single, c As Integer)
	Declare Sub drawLine(p1 As sgl2d, p2 As sgl2d, c As Integer)
End Type

Sub scaled_graphics_type.setScreen(w As Integer, h As Integer)
	This.w = w 'width
	This.h = h 'height
	wc = w \ 2
	hc = h \ 2
	ScreenRes w, h, 32
	Width w \ 8, h \ 16 'bigger font
End Sub

Sub scaled_graphics_type.setScaling(scale As Single, offset As sgl2d)
	This.scale = scale
	This.offset = offset
End Sub

Sub scaled_graphics_type.clearScreen(c As ULong)
	Line(0, 0)-(w - 1, h - 1), c, bf
End Sub

Function scaled_graphics_type.pos2screen(p As sgl2d) As int2d
	Return int2d(Int(wc + (p.x - offset.x) * scale), h - Int(hc + (p.y - offset.y) * scale))
End Function

Sub scaled_graphics_type.drawPixel(p As sgl2d, c As Integer)
	Dim As int2d posScrn = pos2screen(p)
	PSet(posScrn.x, posScrn.y), c
End Sub

Sub scaled_graphics_type.drawCircle(p As sgl2d, r As Single, c As Integer)
	Dim As int2d posScrn = pos2screen(p)
	Circle(posScrn.x, posScrn.y), r * scale, c
End Sub

Sub scaled_graphics_type.drawLine(p1 As sgl2d, p2 As sgl2d, c As Integer)
	Dim As int2d posScrn1 = pos2screen(p1)
	Dim As int2d posScrn2 = pos2screen(p2)
	Line(posScrn1.x, posScrn1.y)-(posScrn2.x, posScrn2.y), c
End Sub


Const As Single PI = 4 * Atn(1)
Const As Single sinA = Sin((10 / 180) * PI)
Const As Single cosA = Cos((10 / 180) * PI)

Const K_ESC = Chr(27)
Const K_MIN = Chr(45)
Const K_UND = Chr(95)
Const K_PLU = Chr(61)
Const K_EQU = Chr(43)

Const SCRN_W = 800, SCRN_H = 600

Dim Shared As scaled_graphics_type sg
sg.setScaling(2.0, sgl2d(0, 0))
sg.setScreen(SCRN_W, SCRN_H)


Type polar
	Dim As Single angle
	Dim As Single magnitude
End Type

Function polarToCartesian(angle As Single, radius As Single) As sgl2d
	Return sgl2d(Cos(angle) * radius, Sin(angle) * radius)
End Function

Function degToRad(degrees As Single) As Single
	Return (degrees / 180) * PI
End Function

Function rotatedVector(v As sgl2d, rotAngle As Single) As sgl2d
	Dim As sgl2d tmp
	tmp.x = Cos(rotAngle) * v.x - Sin(rotAngle) * v.y
	tmp.y = Sin(rotAngle) * v.x + Cos(rotAngle) * v.y
	Return tmp
End Function


Sub drawArrow(p1 As sgl2d, p2 As sgl2d, c As ULong)
	sg.drawLine(p1, p2, c)
	Dim As sgl2d dp = (p2 - p1) * 0.95 'reduce length
	'sg.drawLine(p1, p1 + rotatedVector(dp, degToRad(+30)), c)
	'sg.drawLine(p1, p1 + rotatedVector(dp, degToRad(-30)), c)
	sg.drawLine(p1, p1 + sgl2d(cosA * dp.x - sinA * dp.y, sinA * dp.x + cosA * dp.y), c)
	sg.drawLine(p1, p1 + sgl2d(cosA * dp.x + sinA * dp.y, cosA * dp.y - sinA * dp.x), c)
End Sub


Type disc_object
	Dim As Single radius '[m]
	Dim As Single height '[m]
	Dim As Single density '[kg/m^3]
	Dim As ULong colour '[m]
	'linear motion properties
	Dim As sgl2d position 'position [m]
	Dim As Single lin_m 'mass [kg]
	Dim As sgl2d lin_F 'force [N] [kg*m/s^2]
	Dim As sgl2d lin_a 'acceleration [m/s^2]
	Dim As sgl2d lin_v 'velocity [m/s]
	'dim as sgl2d lin_p 'momentum [kg*m/s]
	'dim as single lin_E 'Kinetic energy [J] [kg*m^2/s^2]
	'Rotational motion properties
	Dim As Single angle 'angular position (theta) [rad]
	Dim As Single ang_m 'angular mass, moment of inertia (I) [kg*m^2]
	Dim As Single ang_F 'torque (tau) [N*m] [kg*m^2/s^2]
	Dim As Single ang_a 'angular velocity (alpha) [rad/s^2]
	Dim As Single ang_v 'angular velocity (omega) [rad/s]
	'dim as single ang_p 'angular momentum (L) [kg*m^2/s]
	'dim as single ang_E 'Kinetic energy [J] [kg*m^2/s^2]
	Declare Sub init(r As Single, h As Single, d As Single, p As sgl2d, c As ULong)
	Declare Sub update(dt As Double)
	Declare Function getKineticEnergy() As Single
End Type

'Set radius, height, density, position
'Calculate mass and rotational inertia
Sub disc_object.init(r As Single, h As Single, d As Single, p As sgl2d, c As ULong)
	radius = r
	height = h
	density = d
	position = p
	colour = c
	lin_m = PI * r ^ 2 * d
	ang_m = 0.5 * lin_m * r ^ 2
End Sub

'update position and angle
Sub disc_object.update(dt As Double)
	lin_a = lin_F / lin_m
	lin_v += lin_a * dt
	position += lin_v * dt
	ang_a = ang_F / ang_m
	ang_v += ang_a * dt
	angle += ang_v * dt
End Sub

Function disc_object.getKineticEnergy() As Single
	Dim As Single lin_E = 0.5 * lin_m * lengthSqrd(lin_v)
	Dim As Single ang_E = 0.5 * ang_m * ang_v * ang_v
	Return lin_E + ang_E
End Function


Type thruster_type
	'''init paramaters
	Dim As polar polarForce '(rad, N)
	Dim As polar polarPos '(rad, m)
	'''variable paramaters
	Dim As sgl2d forceVector '(N, N)
	Dim As sgl2d relPos, absPos '(m, m)
	Dim As Integer active
	Declare Sub init(forceMagnitude As Single, forceDirection As Single, posAngle As Single, posRadius As Single)
	Declare Sub updatePosition(bodyPos As sgl2d, bodyAngle As Single)
End Type

Sub thruster_type.init(forceDirection As Single, forceMagnitude As Single, posAngle As Single, posRadius As Single)
	polarForce = Type(forceDirection, forceMagnitude) 'thruster action
	polarPos = Type(posAngle, posRadius) 'position of thruster on ship
End Sub

Sub thruster_type.updatePosition(bodyPos As sgl2d, bodyAngle As Single)
	relPos = polarToCartesian(bodyAngle + polarPos.angle, polarPos.magnitude)
	absPos = bodyPos + relPos
End Sub


Const As Single GRAV_CONST = 6.67e-11 '[m3/(kg*s^2)

Type astro_body
	Dim As Single radius '[m]
	Dim As Single density '[kg/m^3]
	Dim As ULong colour '[m]
	Dim As sgl2d position 'position [m]
	Dim As Single mass '[kg]
	Declare Sub init(r As Single, d As Single, p As sgl2d, c As ULong)
End Type

'Set radius, density, position
'Calculate mass and rotational inertia
Sub astro_body.init(r As Single, d As Single, p As sgl2d, c As ULong)
	radius = r
	density = d
	position = p
	colour = c
	mass = PI * r ^ 2 * d
End Sub

Function gravForce(m1 As Single, m2 As Single, r As Single) As Single
	Return GRAV_CONST * (m1 * m2) / (r * r)
End Function

Function gravForceVector(m1 As Single, Pos1 As sgl2d, m2 As Single, pos2 As sgl2d) As sgl2d
	Dim As Single distSquared = distSqrd(pos2, Pos1)
	Dim As sgl2d unitVector12 = (Pos1 - pos2) / Sqr(distSquared)
	Return unitVector12 * (-GRAV_CONST * (m1 * m2) / distSquared)
End Function


Const As Single MOON_RADIUS = 1737e+6 '[m]
Const As Single MOON_DENSITY = 3344 '[kg/m^3]

Const L_FW_THR = 0 'left forward thruster
Const R_FW_THR = 1 'right forward thruster
Const L_LO_THR = 2
Const R_LO_THR = 3
Const L_HI_THR = 4
Const R_HI_THR = 5

Dim As String key
Dim As Integer quit = 0
Dim As disc_object disc
Dim As thruster_type thruster(NUM_THRUSTERS - 1)
'dim as astro_body moon, neutronstar
Const NUM_ASTROID = 100
Dim As astro_body astroid(NUM_ASTROID-1)

'moon.init(MOON_RADIUS, MOON_DENSITY, sgl2d(+40, +20), rgb(255, 127, 0))
'neutronstar.init(MOON_RADIUS * 1e-8, MOON_DENSITY * 1e8, sgl2d(+40, +20), rgb(255, 127, 0))
disc.init(10, 1, 5, sgl2d(0, -50), RGB(127, 255, 0))
For i As Integer = 0 To UBound(astroid)
	astroid(i).init(10, 1000, sgl2d((Rnd - 0.5) * 2000, (Rnd - 0.5) * 2000), RGB(255, 127, 0))

'force angle, force magnitude, polar thruster position 
thruster(L_FW_THR).init(0.5 * pi, 1.2e4, -0.75 * pi, disc.radius)
thruster(R_FW_THR).init(0.5 * pi, 1.2e4, -0.25 * pi, disc.radius)
thruster(L_LO_THR).init(0.0 * pi, 8e3, -0.75 * pi, disc.radius)
thruster(R_LO_THR).init(1.0 * pi, 8e3, -0.25 * pi, disc.radius)
thruster(L_HI_THR).init(0.0 * pi, 8e3, +0.75 * pi, disc.radius)
thruster(R_HI_THR).init(1.0 * pi, 8e3, +0.25 * pi, disc.radius)

Dim As Double tNow = Timer, tPrev = tNow, dt = 0
While quit = 0
	'reset stuff
	disc.lin_F = sgl2d(0, 0)
	disc.ang_F = 0
	For i As Integer = 0 To NUM_THRUSTERS - 1
		thruster(i).active = 0

	'do always for display
	For i As Integer = 0 To NUM_THRUSTERS - 1
		thruster(i).updatePosition(disc.position, disc.angle)

	If MultiKey(FB.SC_UP) Then
		thruster(L_FW_THR).active = 1
		thruster(R_FW_THR).active = 1
	End If

	If MultiKey(FB.SC_LEFT) Then
		thruster(L_LO_THR).active = 1
		thruster(R_HI_THR).active = 1
	End If

	If MultiKey(FB.SC_RIGHT) Then
		thruster(R_LO_THR).active = 1
		thruster(L_HI_THR).active = 1
	End If

	'If key = K_MIN Or key = K_UND Then sg.scale /= 1.1 'zoom out
	'If key = K_PLU Or key = K_EQU Then sg.scale *= 1.1 'zoom in
	If key = K_ESC Then quit = 1

	For i As Integer = 0 To NUM_THRUSTERS - 1
		'forces on body by active thrusters
		If thruster(i).active = 1 Then
			thruster(i).forceVector = polarToCartesian(disc.angle + thruster(i).polarForce.angle, thruster(i).polarForce.magnitude)
			disc.lin_F += thruster(i).forceVector
			disc.ang_F += cross(thruster(i).relPos, thruster(i).forceVector)
		End If

	'disc.lin_F += gravForceVector(disc.lin_m, disc.position, neutronstar.mass, neutronstar.position)
	'if dist(disc.position, neutronstar.position) < (disc.radius + neutronstar.radius) then quit = 2 'crashed
	'X_C = -disc.position.x
	'Y_C = disc.position.y
	'sg.offset = int2d(cint(disc.position.x), cint(disc.position.y))
	sg.offset = disc.position
	Dim As Single ppm = 100 / Len(disc.lin_v)
	If ppm < 0.5 Then ppm = 0.5
	If ppm > 2.0 Then ppm = 2.0
	sg.scale = ppm

	'calculate ship direction pointer / triangle
	Dim As Single forwardAngle = disc.angle - PI/2
	Dim As Single leftBackAngle = forwardAngle + degToRad(135)
	Dim As Single rightBackAngle = forwardAngle - degToRad(135)
	Dim As sgl2d forwardPos = sgl2d(Cos(forwardAngle), Sin(forwardAngle)) * (disc.radius * 2.2)
	Dim As sgl2d leftBackPos = sgl2d(Cos(leftBackAngle), Sin(leftBackAngle)) * (disc.radius * 1.1)
	Dim As sgl2d rightBackPos = sgl2d(Cos(rightBackAngle), Sin(rightBackAngle)) * (disc.radius * 1.1) 
	Locate 2, 2 : Print "<UP>, <LEFT>, <RIGHT> for thrusters";
	'Locate 3, 2 : Print "<+>, <-> for zoom in/out";
	Locate 4, 2 : Print "<ESC> to exit";
	Locate 5, 2 : Print "Kinetic engergy [J]: "; disc.getKineticEnergy();
	Locate 6, 2 : Print "ppm: "; ppm
	'draw ship
	sg.drawCircle(disc.position, disc.radius, disc.colour) 'flying saucer
	sg.drawLine(disc.position - forwardPos, disc.position - leftBackPos, disc.colour)
	sg.drawLine(disc.position - forwardPos, disc.position - rightBackPos, disc.colour)
	sg.drawLine(disc.position - leftBackPos, disc.position - rightBackPos, disc.colour)
	'drawArrow(disc.position + disc.lin_v / 1, disc.position, rgb(255, 0, 127)) 'lin. speed ind.
	'drawArrow(disc.position + disc.lin_F / 1e3, disc.position, rgb(0, 127, 255)) 'lin. speed ind.
	For i As Integer = 0 To NUM_THRUSTERS - 1
		Dim As ULong c = IIf(i < 4, RGB(255, 255, 0), RGB(255, 255, 255))
		'sg.drawLine(disc.position, thruster(i).absPos, c) 'rotation indicator
		If thruster(i).active = 1 Then
			drawArrow(thruster(i).absPos, thruster(i).absPos - thruster(i).forceVector / 1e3, RGB(255, 127, 0)) 'thruster force indicator
		End If
	'drawCircle(neutronstar.position, neutronstar.radius, neutronstar.colour) 'flying saucer
	For i As Integer = 0 To UBound(astroid)
		sg.drawCircle(astroid(i).position, astroid(i).radius, astroid(i).colour)

	'time update
	key = InKey()
	Sleep 1
	tPrev = tNow
	tNow = Timer
	dt = tNow - tPrev
'locate 8, 2: print iif(quit = 2, "You crashed into the neutron star", "User quit request") + " (wait 3 sec)"
'sleep 300, 1
Screen 0
Print "End"

'center of universe indicator?
'nearest object indicator + distance
'better looking ship
Ship centered view, and view scaling with speed.
No collisions, space battles or death stars yet.
Posts: 2594
Joined: May 24, 2007 22:10
Location: The Netherlands

Re: Physics question

Post by badidea »

'Improved' ship design with a nearest asteroid indicator:

Code: Select all

#Include ""

Type int2d
	As Integer x, y
	Declare Constructor
	Declare Constructor(x As Integer, y As Integer)
	Declare Operator Cast () As String
End Type

Constructor int2d
End Constructor

Constructor int2d(x As Integer, y As Integer)
	This.x = x : This.y = y
End Constructor

Operator = (a As int2d, b As int2d) As boolean
	If a.x <> b.x Then Return false
	If a.y <> b.y Then Return false
	Return true
End Operator

Operator <> (a As int2d, b As int2d) As boolean
	If a.x = b.x And a.y = b.y Then Return false
	Return true
End Operator

' "x, y"
Operator int2d.cast () As String
  Return Str(x) & "," & Str(y)
End Operator

' a + b 
Operator + (a As int2d, b As int2d) As int2d
	Return Type(a.x + b.x, a.y + b.y)
End Operator

' a - b
Operator - (a As int2d, b As int2d) As int2d
	Return Type(a.x - b.x, a.y - b.y)
End Operator

' -a
Operator - (a As int2d) As int2d
	Return Type(-a.x, -a.y)
End Operator

' a * b
Operator * (a As int2d, b As int2d) As int2d
	Return Type(a.x * b.x, a.y * b.y)
End Operator

' a * mul
Operator * (a As int2d, mul As Integer) As int2d
	Return Type(a.x * mul, a.y * mul)
End Operator

' a \ b
Operator \ (a As int2d, b As int2d) As int2d
	Return Type(a.x \ b.x, a.y \ b.y)
End Operator

' a \ div
Operator \ (a As int2d, div As Integer) As int2d
	Return Type(a.x \ div, a.y \ div)
End Operator


Type sgl2d
	As Single x, y
	Declare Constructor
	Declare Constructor(x As Single, y As Single)
	Declare Operator Cast () As String
End Type

Constructor sgl2d
End Constructor

Constructor sgl2d(x As Single, y As Single)
	This.x = x : This.y = y
End Constructor

' "x, y"
Operator sgl2d.cast () As String
	Return Str(x) & "," & Str(y)
End Operator

'---- operators ---

' distance / lenth
Operator Len (a As sgl2d) As Single
	Return Sqr(a.x * a.x + a.y * a.y)
End Operator

' a = b ?
Operator = (a As sgl2d, b As sgl2d) As boolean
	If a.x <> b.x Then Return false
	If a.y <> b.y Then Return false
	Return true
End Operator

' a != b ?
Operator <> (a As sgl2d, b As sgl2d) As boolean
	If a.x = b.x And a.y = b.y Then Return false
	Return true
End Operator

' a + b 
Operator + (a As sgl2d, b As sgl2d) As sgl2d
	Return Type(a.x + b.x, a.y + b.y)
End Operator

' a - b
Operator - (a As sgl2d, b As sgl2d) As sgl2d
	Return Type(a.x - b.x, a.y - b.y)
End Operator

' -a
Operator - (a As sgl2d) As sgl2d
	Return Type(-a.x, -a.y)
End Operator

' a * b
Operator * (a As sgl2d, b As sgl2d) As sgl2d
	Return Type(a.x * b.x, a.y * b.y)
End Operator

' a * mul
Operator * (a As sgl2d, mul As Single) As sgl2d
	Return Type(a.x * mul, a.y * mul)
End Operator

' a / div
Operator / (a As sgl2d, div As Single) As sgl2d
	Return Type(a.x / div, a.y / div)
End Operator

'---- extra functions ---

Function cross(a As sgl2d, b As sgl2d) As Single
	Return a.x * b.y - a.y * b.x
End Function

Function lengthSqrd(a As sgl2d) As Single
	Return (a.x * a.x) + (a.y * a.y) 
End Function

Function dist(a As sgl2d, b As sgl2d) As Single
	Dim As Single dx = a.x - b.x
	Dim As Single dy = a.y - b.y
	Return Sqr((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)) 
End Function

Function distSqrd(a As sgl2d, b As sgl2d) As Single
	Dim As Single dx = a.x - b.x
	Dim As Single dy = a.y - b.y
	Return (dx * dx) + (dy * dy) 
End Function

Function normalise(a As sgl2d) As sgl2d
	Dim As sgl2d temp
	Dim As Single length = Len(a)
	Return sgl2d(a.x / length, a.y / length)
End Function


'Note: y+ = up, x+ = right, (0,0) = center
Type scaled_graphics_type
	Dim As Single scale = 1 ' = 1 / pixel_size 'pixels / meter
	'dim as int2d offset' = (scrn_w \ 2, h \ 2) 'offset in pixels
	Dim As sgl2d offset
	Dim As Integer w = -1, h = -1
	Dim As Integer wc = -1, hc = -1 'center x,y
	Declare Sub setScreen(w As Integer, h As Integer)
	Declare Sub setScaling(scale As Single, offset As sgl2d)
	Declare Sub clearScreen(c As ULong)
	Declare Function pos2screen(p As sgl2d) As int2d
	Declare Sub drawPixel(p As sgl2d, c As Integer)
	Declare Sub drawCircle(p As sgl2d, r As Single, c As Integer)
	Declare Sub drawLine(p1 As sgl2d, p2 As sgl2d, c As Integer)
End Type

Sub scaled_graphics_type.setScreen(w As Integer, h As Integer)
	This.w = w 'width
	This.h = h 'height
	wc = w \ 2
	hc = h \ 2
	ScreenRes w, h, 32
	Width w \ 8, h \ 16 'bigger font
End Sub

Sub scaled_graphics_type.setScaling(scale As Single, offset As sgl2d)
	This.scale = scale
	This.offset = offset
End Sub

Sub scaled_graphics_type.clearScreen(c As ULong)
	Line(0, 0)-(w - 1, h - 1), c, bf
End Sub

Function scaled_graphics_type.pos2screen(p As sgl2d) As int2d
	Return int2d(Int(wc + (p.x - offset.x) * scale), h - Int(hc + (p.y - offset.y) * scale))
End Function

Sub scaled_graphics_type.drawPixel(p As sgl2d, c As Integer)
	Dim As int2d posScrn = pos2screen(p)
	PSet(posScrn.x, posScrn.y), c
End Sub

Sub scaled_graphics_type.drawCircle(p As sgl2d, r As Single, c As Integer)
	Dim As int2d posScrn = pos2screen(p)
	Circle(posScrn.x, posScrn.y), r * scale, c
End Sub

Sub scaled_graphics_type.drawLine(p1 As sgl2d, p2 As sgl2d, c As Integer)
	Dim As int2d posScrn1 = pos2screen(p1)
	Dim As int2d posScrn2 = pos2screen(p2)
	Line(posScrn1.x, posScrn1.y)-(posScrn2.x, posScrn2.y), c
End Sub


Const As Single PI = 4 * Atn(1)
Const As Single RAD_PER_DEG = (PI / 180)
Const As Single DEG_PER_RAD = 180 / PI
Const As Single sinA = Sin((10 / 180) * PI)
Const As Single cosA = Cos((10 / 180) * PI)
Const As Single sinB = Sin((20 / 180) * PI)
Const As Single cosB = Cos((20 / 180) * PI)

Const K_ESC = Chr(27)
Const K_MIN = Chr(45)
Const K_UND = Chr(95)
Const K_PLU = Chr(61)
Const K_EQU = Chr(43)

Const SCRN_W = 800, SCRN_H = 600

Dim Shared As scaled_graphics_type sg
sg.setScaling(2.0, sgl2d(0, 0))
sg.setScreen(SCRN_W, SCRN_H)


Function limit(value As Single, min As Single, max As Single) As Single
	If value < min Then Return min
	If value > max Then Return max
	Return value
End Function

Type polar
	Dim As Single angle
	Dim As Single magnitude
End Type

Function polarToCartesian(angle As Single, radius As Single) As sgl2d
	Return sgl2d(Cos(angle) * radius, Sin(angle) * radius)
End Function

Function rotatedVector(v As sgl2d, rotAngle As Single) As sgl2d
	Dim As sgl2d tmp
	tmp.x = Cos(rotAngle) * v.x - Sin(rotAngle) * v.y
	tmp.y = Sin(rotAngle) * v.x + Cos(rotAngle) * v.y
	Return tmp
End Function


Sub drawArrow(p1 As sgl2d, p2 As sgl2d, c As ULong)
	sg.drawLine(p1, p2, c)
	Dim As sgl2d dp = (p2 - p1) * 0.30 'reduce length
	sg.drawLine(p2, p2 - sgl2d(cosB * dp.x - sinB * dp.y, sinB * dp.x + cosB * dp.y), c)
	sg.drawLine(p2, p2 - sgl2d(cosB * dp.x + sinB * dp.y, cosB * dp.y - sinB * dp.x), c)
End Sub

Sub drawThruster(p1 As sgl2d, p2 As sgl2d, c As ULong)
	sg.drawLine(p1, p2, c)
	Dim As sgl2d dp = (p2 - p1) * 0.95 'reduce length
	sg.drawLine(p1, p1 + sgl2d(cosA * dp.x - sinA * dp.y, sinA * dp.x + cosA * dp.y), c)
	sg.drawLine(p1, p1 + sgl2d(cosA * dp.x + sinA * dp.y, cosA * dp.y - sinA * dp.x), c)
End Sub


Type disc_object
	Dim As Single radius '[m]
	Dim As Single height '[m]
	Dim As Single density '[kg/m^3]
	Dim As ULong colour '[m]
	'linear motion properties
	Dim As sgl2d position 'position [m]
	Dim As Single lin_m 'mass [kg]
	Dim As sgl2d lin_F 'force [N] [kg*m/s^2]
	Dim As sgl2d lin_a 'acceleration [m/s^2]
	Dim As sgl2d lin_v 'velocity [m/s]
	'dim as sgl2d lin_p 'momentum [kg*m/s]
	'dim as single lin_E 'Kinetic energy [J] [kg*m^2/s^2]
	'Rotational motion properties
	Dim As Single angle 'angular position (theta) [rad]
	Dim As Single ang_m 'angular mass, moment of inertia (I) [kg*m^2]
	Dim As Single ang_F 'torque (tau) [N*m] [kg*m^2/s^2]
	Dim As Single ang_a 'angular velocity (alpha) [rad/s^2]
	Dim As Single ang_v 'angular velocity (omega) [rad/s]
	'dim as single ang_p 'angular momentum (L) [kg*m^2/s]
	'dim as single ang_E 'Kinetic energy [J] [kg*m^2/s^2]
	Declare Sub init(r As Single, h As Single, d As Single, p As sgl2d, c As ULong)
	Declare Sub update(dt As Double)
	Declare Function getKineticEnergy() As Single
End Type

'Set radius, height, density, position
'Calculate mass and rotational inertia
Sub disc_object.init(r As Single, h As Single, d As Single, p As sgl2d, c As ULong)
	radius = r
	height = h
	density = d
	position = p
	colour = c
	lin_m = PI * r ^ 2 * d
	ang_m = 0.5 * lin_m * r ^ 2
End Sub

'update position and angle
Sub disc_object.update(dt As Double)
	lin_a = lin_F / lin_m
	lin_v += lin_a * dt
	position += lin_v * dt
	ang_a = ang_F / ang_m
	ang_v += ang_a * dt
	angle += ang_v * dt
End Sub

Function disc_object.getKineticEnergy() As Single
	Dim As Single lin_E = 0.5 * lin_m * lengthSqrd(lin_v)
	Dim As Single ang_E = 0.5 * ang_m * ang_v * ang_v
	Return lin_E + ang_E
End Function


Type thruster_type
	'''init paramaters
	Dim As polar polarForce '(rad, N)
	Dim As polar polarPos '(rad, m)
	'''variable paramaters
	Dim As sgl2d forceVector '(N, N)
	Dim As sgl2d relPos, absPos '(m, m)
	Dim As Integer active
	Declare Sub init(forceMagnitude As Single, forceDirection As Single, posAngle As Single, posRadius As Single)
	Declare Sub updatePosition(bodyPos As sgl2d, bodyAngle As Single)
End Type

Sub thruster_type.init(forceDirection As Single, forceMagnitude As Single, posAngle As Single, posRadius As Single)
	polarForce = Type(forceDirection, forceMagnitude) 'thruster action
	polarPos = Type(posAngle, posRadius) 'position of thruster on ship
End Sub

Sub thruster_type.updatePosition(bodyPos As sgl2d, bodyAngle As Single)
	relPos = polarToCartesian(bodyAngle + polarPos.angle, polarPos.magnitude)
	absPos = bodyPos + relPos
End Sub


Const As Single GRAV_CONST = 6.67e-11 '[m3/(kg*s^2)

Type astro_body
	Dim As Single radius '[m]
	Dim As Single density '[kg/m^3]
	Dim As ULong colour '[m]
	Dim As sgl2d position 'position [m]
	Dim As Single mass '[kg]
	Declare Sub init(r As Single, d As Single, p As sgl2d, c As ULong)
End Type

'Set radius, density, position
'Calculate mass and rotational inertia
Sub astro_body.init(r As Single, d As Single, p As sgl2d, c As ULong)
	radius = r
	density = d
	position = p
	colour = c
	mass = PI * r ^ 2 * d
End Sub

Function gravForce(m1 As Single, m2 As Single, r As Single) As Single
	Return GRAV_CONST * (m1 * m2) / (r * r)
End Function

Function gravForceVector(m1 As Single, Pos1 As sgl2d, m2 As Single, pos2 As sgl2d) As sgl2d
	Dim As Single distSquared = distSqrd(pos2, Pos1)
	Dim As sgl2d unitVector12 = (Pos1 - pos2) / Sqr(distSquared)
	Return unitVector12 * (-GRAV_CONST * (m1 * m2) / distSquared)
End Function


Const As Single MOON_RADIUS = 1737e+6 '[m]
Const As Single MOON_DENSITY = 3344 '[kg/m^3]

Const L_FW_THR = 0 'left forward thruster
Const R_FW_THR = 1 'right forward thruster
Const L_LO_THR = 2
Const R_LO_THR = 3
Const L_HI_THR = 4
Const R_HI_THR = 5

Dim As String key
Dim As Integer quit = 0
Dim As disc_object ship
Dim As thruster_type thruster(NUM_THRUSTERS - 1)
Const NUM_asteroid = 100
Dim As astro_body asteroid(NUM_ASTEROID-1)

ship.init(10, 1, 5, sgl2d(0, -50), RGB(127, 223, 0))
For i As Integer = 0 To UBound(asteroid)
	asteroid(i).init(5 + 4 / (Rnd + 0.2), 1000, sgl2d((Rnd - 0.5) * 2000, (Rnd - 0.5) * 2000), RGB(255, 191, 0))

'force angle, force magnitude, polar thruster position 
thruster(L_FW_THR).init(0.5 * pi, 1.2e4, -0.75 * pi, ship.radius)
thruster(R_FW_THR).init(0.5 * pi, 1.2e4, -0.25 * pi, ship.radius)
thruster(L_LO_THR).init(0.0 * pi, 8e3, -0.75 * pi, ship.radius)
thruster(R_LO_THR).init(1.0 * pi, 8e3, -0.25 * pi, ship.radius)
thruster(L_HI_THR).init(0.0 * pi, 8e3, +0.75 * pi, ship.radius)
thruster(R_HI_THR).init(1.0 * pi, 8e3, +0.25 * pi, ship.radius)

Dim As Double tNow = Timer, tPrev = tNow, dt = 0
While quit = 0
	'reset stuff
	ship.lin_F = sgl2d(0, 0)
	ship.ang_F = 0
	For i As Integer = 0 To NUM_THRUSTERS - 1
		thruster(i).active = 0

	If MultiKey(FB.SC_UP) Then
		thruster(L_FW_THR).active = 1
		thruster(R_FW_THR).active = 1
	End If

	'~ if multikey(FB.SC_SPACE) then
		'~ thruster(L_FW_THR).active = 2 'hyper-drive
		'~ thruster(R_FW_THR).active = 2 'hyper-drive
	'~ end if

	If MultiKey(FB.SC_LEFT) Then
		thruster(L_LO_THR).active = 1
		thruster(R_HI_THR).active = 1
	End If

	If MultiKey(FB.SC_RIGHT) Then
		thruster(R_LO_THR).active = 1
		thruster(L_HI_THR).active = 1
	End If

	If key = K_ESC Then quit = 1

	For i As Integer = 0 To NUM_THRUSTERS - 1
		'forces on body by active thrusters
		If thruster(i).active > 0 Then
			Dim As Single thrust = thruster(i).polarForce.magnitude
			'if thruster(i).active = 2 then thrust *= 10 'hyper-drive
			thruster(i).forceVector = polarToCartesian(ship.angle + thruster(i).polarForce.angle, thrust)
			ship.lin_F += thruster(i).forceVector
			ship.ang_F += cross(thruster(i).relPos, thruster(i).forceVector)
		End If

	ship.update(dt) 'position and angle
	sg.offset = ship.position
	sg.scale = limit(100 / Len(ship.lin_v), 0.5, 2.0)

	'calculate ship direction pointer / triangle
	Dim As sgl2d forwardPos = polarToCartesian(ship.angle - 90 * RAD_PER_DEG, ship.radius * 2.2)
	Dim As sgl2d leftBackPos = polarToCartesian(ship.angle - 135 * RAD_PER_DEG, ship.radius * 1.0) '(90 + 45)
	Dim As sgl2d rightBackPos = polarToCartesian(ship.angle - 45 * RAD_PER_DEG, ship.radius * 1.0) '(90 - 45)

	'do always for display
	For i As Integer = 0 To NUM_THRUSTERS - 1
		thruster(i).updatePosition(ship.position, ship.angle)

	'find nearest asteroid
	Dim As Integer nearestAsteroidId = 0
	Dim As Single nearestAsteroidDistSqrd = distSqrd(ship.position, asteroid(0).position)
	Dim As Single currenAsteroidDistSqrd
	For i As Integer = 1 To UBound(asteroid)
		currenAsteroidDistSqrd = distSqrd(ship.position, asteroid(i).position)
		If currenAsteroidDistSqrd < nearestAsteroidDistSqrd Then
			nearestAsteroidDistSqrd = currenAsteroidDistSqrd
			nearestAsteroidId = i
		End If
	Locate 2, 2 : Print "<UP>, <LEFT>, <RIGHT> for thrusters, <ESC> to exit";
	Locate 3, 2 : Print "Nearest asteroid distance [m]: "; CInt(Sqr(nearestAsteroidDistSqrd));
	Locate 4, 2 : Print "Kinetic engergy [kJ]: "; CInt(ship.getKineticEnergy() * 1e-3);
	'draw ship
	sg.drawCircle(ship.position, ship.radius, ship.colour) 'flying saucer
	sg.drawLine(ship.position + forwardPos, ship.position + leftBackPos, ship.colour)
	sg.drawLine(ship.position + forwardPos, ship.position + rightBackPos, ship.colour)
	'draw active thrusters
	For i As Integer = 0 To NUM_THRUSTERS - 1
		'Dim As ULong c = IIf(i < 4, RGB(255, 255, 0), RGB(255, 255, 255))
		If thruster(i).active > 0 Then
			drawThruster(thruster(i).absPos, thruster(i).absPos - thruster(i).forceVector / 1e3, RGB(255, 63, 0)) 'thruster force indicator
		End If
	'draw astroids
	For i As Integer = 0 To UBound(asteroid)
		sg.drawCircle(asteroid(i).position, asteroid(i).radius, IIf(nearestAsteroidId = i, RGB(191, 191, 255), asteroid(i).colour))
	Dim As sgl2d asteroidPointer = normalise(ship.position - asteroid(nearestAsteroidId).position)
	drawArrow(ship.position, ship.position - asteroidPointer * ship.radius * 2, RGB(191, 191, 255))

	'time update
	key = InKey()
	Sleep 1
	tPrev = tNow
	tNow = Timer
	dt = tNow - tPrev
Screen 0
Print "End"

'center of universe indicator
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Joined: May 24, 2007 22:10
Location: The Netherlands

Re: Physics question

Post by badidea »

While patiently waiting for h4tt3n's space physics doodle stuff, I slowly convert my code to a small game:

Code: Select all

#Include ""

Type int2d
	As Integer x, y
	Declare Constructor
	Declare Constructor(x As Integer, y As Integer)
	Declare Operator Cast () As String
End Type

Constructor int2d
End Constructor

Constructor int2d(x As Integer, y As Integer)
	This.x = x : This.y = y
End Constructor

Operator = (a As int2d, b As int2d) As boolean
	If a.x <> b.x Then Return false
	If a.y <> b.y Then Return false
	Return true
End Operator

Operator <> (a As int2d, b As int2d) As boolean
	If a.x = b.x And a.y = b.y Then Return false
	Return true
End Operator

' "x, y"
Operator int2d.cast () As String
  Return Str(x) & "," & Str(y)
End Operator

' a + b 
Operator + (a As int2d, b As int2d) As int2d
	Return Type(a.x + b.x, a.y + b.y)
End Operator

' a - b
Operator - (a As int2d, b As int2d) As int2d
	Return Type(a.x - b.x, a.y - b.y)
End Operator

' -a
Operator - (a As int2d) As int2d
	Return Type(-a.x, -a.y)
End Operator

' a * b
Operator * (a As int2d, b As int2d) As int2d
	Return Type(a.x * b.x, a.y * b.y)
End Operator

' a * mul
Operator * (a As int2d, mul As Integer) As int2d
	Return Type(a.x * mul, a.y * mul)
End Operator

' a \ b
Operator \ (a As int2d, b As int2d) As int2d
	Return Type(a.x \ b.x, a.y \ b.y)
End Operator

' a \ div
Operator \ (a As int2d, div As Integer) As int2d
	Return Type(a.x \ div, a.y \ div)
End Operator


Type sgl2d
	As Single x, y
	Declare Constructor
	Declare Constructor(x As Single, y As Single)
	Declare Operator Cast () As String
End Type

Constructor sgl2d
End Constructor

Constructor sgl2d(x As Single, y As Single)
	This.x = x : This.y = y
End Constructor

' "x, y"
Operator sgl2d.cast () As String
	Return Str(x) & "," & Str(y)
End Operator

'---- operators ---

' distance / lenth
Operator Len (a As sgl2d) As Single
	Return Sqr(a.x * a.x + a.y * a.y)
End Operator

' a = b ?
Operator = (a As sgl2d, b As sgl2d) As boolean
	If a.x <> b.x Then Return false
	If a.y <> b.y Then Return false
	Return true
End Operator

' a != b ?
Operator <> (a As sgl2d, b As sgl2d) As boolean
	If a.x = b.x And a.y = b.y Then Return false
	Return true
End Operator

' a + b 
Operator + (a As sgl2d, b As sgl2d) As sgl2d
	Return Type(a.x + b.x, a.y + b.y)
End Operator

' a - b
Operator - (a As sgl2d, b As sgl2d) As sgl2d
	Return Type(a.x - b.x, a.y - b.y)
End Operator

' -a
Operator - (a As sgl2d) As sgl2d
	Return Type(-a.x, -a.y)
End Operator

' a * b
Operator * (a As sgl2d, b As sgl2d) As sgl2d
	Return Type(a.x * b.x, a.y * b.y)
End Operator

' a * mul
Operator * (a As sgl2d, mul As Single) As sgl2d
	Return Type(a.x * mul, a.y * mul)
End Operator

' a / div
Operator / (a As sgl2d, div As Single) As sgl2d
	Return Type(a.x / div, a.y / div)
End Operator

'---- extra functions ---

Function cross(a As sgl2d, b As sgl2d) As Single
	Return a.x * b.y - a.y * b.x
End Function

'~ function length(a as sgl2d) as single
	'~ return sqr((a.x * a.x) + (a.y * a.y)) 
'~ end function

Function lengthSqrd(a As sgl2d) As Single
	Return (a.x * a.x) + (a.y * a.y) 
End Function

Function dist(a As sgl2d, b As sgl2d) As Single
	Dim As Single dx = a.x - b.x
	Dim As Single dy = a.y - b.y
	Return Sqr((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)) 
End Function

Function distSqrd(a As sgl2d, b As sgl2d) As Single
	Dim As Single dx = a.x - b.x
	Dim As Single dy = a.y - b.y
	Return (dx * dx) + (dy * dy) 
End Function

Function normalise(a As sgl2d) As sgl2d
	Dim As sgl2d temp
	Dim As Single length = Len(a)
	Return sgl2d(a.x / length, a.y / length)
End Function


'Note: y+ = up, x+ = right, (0,0) = center
Type scaled_graphics_type
	Dim As Single scale = 1 ' = 1 / pixel_size 'pixels / meter
	'dim as int2d offset' = (scrn_w \ 2, h \ 2) 'offset in pixels
	Dim As sgl2d offset
	Dim As Integer w = -1, h = -1
	Dim As Integer wc = -1, hc = -1 'center x,y
	Declare Sub setScreen(w As Integer, h As Integer)
	Declare Sub setScaling(scale As Single, offset As sgl2d)
	Declare Sub clearScreen(c As ULong)
	Declare Function pos2screen(p As sgl2d) As int2d
	Declare Sub drawPixel(p As sgl2d, c As Integer)
	Declare Sub drawCircle(p As sgl2d, r As Single, c As Integer)
	Declare Sub drawElipse(p As sgl2d, r As Single, aspect As Single, c As Integer)
	Declare Sub drawLine(p1 As sgl2d, p2 As sgl2d, c As Integer)
End Type

Sub scaled_graphics_type.setScreen(w As Integer, h As Integer)
	This.w = w 'width
	This.h = h 'height
	wc = w \ 2
	hc = h \ 2
	ScreenRes w, h, 32
	Width w \ 8, h \ 16 'bigger font
End Sub

Sub scaled_graphics_type.setScaling(scale As Single, offset As sgl2d)
	This.scale = scale
	This.offset = offset
End Sub

Sub scaled_graphics_type.clearScreen(c As ULong)
	Line(0, 0)-(w - 1, h - 1), c, bf
End Sub

Function scaled_graphics_type.pos2screen(p As sgl2d) As int2d
	Return int2d(Int(wc + (p.x - offset.x) * scale), h - Int(hc + (p.y - offset.y) * scale))
End Function

Sub scaled_graphics_type.drawPixel(p As sgl2d, c As Integer)
	Dim As int2d posScrn = pos2screen(p)
	PSet(posScrn.x, posScrn.y), c
End Sub

Sub scaled_graphics_type.drawCircle(p As sgl2d, r As Single, c As Integer)
	Dim As int2d posScrn = pos2screen(p)
	Circle(posScrn.x, posScrn.y), r * scale, c
End Sub

Sub scaled_graphics_type.drawElipse(p As sgl2d, r As Single, aspect As Single, c As Integer)
	Dim As int2d posScrn = pos2screen(p)
	Circle(posScrn.x, posScrn.y), r * scale, c, , , aspect
End Sub

Sub scaled_graphics_type.drawLine(p1 As sgl2d, p2 As sgl2d, c As Integer)
	Dim As int2d posScrn1 = pos2screen(p1)
	Dim As int2d posScrn2 = pos2screen(p2)
	Line(posScrn1.x, posScrn1.y)-(posScrn2.x, posScrn2.y), c
End Sub


Const As Single PI = 4 * Atn(1)
Const As Single RAD_PER_DEG = (PI / 180)
Const As Single DEG_PER_RAD = 180 / PI
Const As Single sinA = Sin((10 / 180) * PI)
Const As Single cosA = Cos((10 / 180) * PI)
Const As Single sinB = Sin((20 / 180) * PI)
Const As Single cosB = Cos((20 / 180) * PI)

Const K_ESC = Chr(27)
Const K_MIN = Chr(45)
Const K_UND = Chr(95)
Const K_PLU = Chr(61)
Const K_EQU = Chr(43)

Const SCRN_W = 800, SCRN_H = 600

Dim Shared As scaled_graphics_type sg
sg.setScaling(2.0, sgl2d(0, 0))
sg.setScreen(SCRN_W, SCRN_H)


Function limit(value As Single, min As Single, max As Single) As Single
	If value < min Then Return min
	If value > max Then Return max
	Return value
End Function

Type polar
	Dim As Single angle
	Dim As Single magnitude
End Type

Function polarToCartesian(angle As Single, radius As Single) As sgl2d
	Return sgl2d(Cos(angle) * radius, Sin(angle) * radius)
End Function

Function rotatedVector(v As sgl2d, rotAngle As Single) As sgl2d
	Dim As sgl2d tmp
	tmp.x = Cos(rotAngle) * v.x - Sin(rotAngle) * v.y
	tmp.y = Sin(rotAngle) * v.x + Cos(rotAngle) * v.y
	Return tmp
End Function


Sub drawArrow(p1 As sgl2d, p2 As sgl2d, c As ULong)
	sg.drawLine(p1, p2, c)
	Dim As sgl2d dp = (p2 - p1) * 0.30 'reduce length
	sg.drawLine(p2, p2 - sgl2d(cosB * dp.x - sinB * dp.y, sinB * dp.x + cosB * dp.y), c)
	sg.drawLine(p2, p2 - sgl2d(cosB * dp.x + sinB * dp.y, cosB * dp.y - sinB * dp.x), c)
End Sub

Sub drawThruster(p1 As sgl2d, p2 As sgl2d, c As ULong)
	sg.drawLine(p1, p2, c)
	Dim As sgl2d dp = (p2 - p1) * 0.95 'reduce length
	sg.drawLine(p1, p1 + sgl2d(cosA * dp.x - sinA * dp.y, sinA * dp.x + cosA * dp.y), c)
	sg.drawLine(p1, p1 + sgl2d(cosA * dp.x + sinA * dp.y, cosA * dp.y - sinA * dp.x), c)
End Sub

Sub drawHelium3(p As sgl2d, r As Single, c As ULong)
	For i As Integer = 0 To 2
		sg.drawCircle(p + polarToCartesian((i / 3) * 2 * PI, 0.15 * r), 0.15 * r, c)
	sg.drawElipse(p, r, 2.0, c)
	sg.drawElipse(p, r, 0.5, c)
End Sub


Type disc_object
	Dim As Single radius '[m]
	Dim As Single height '[m]
	Dim As Single density '[kg/m^3]
	Dim As ULong colour '[m]
	'linear motion properties
	Dim As sgl2d position 'position [m]
	Dim As Single lin_m 'mass [kg]
	Dim As sgl2d lin_F 'force [N] [kg*m/s^2]
	Dim As sgl2d lin_a 'acceleration [m/s^2]
	Dim As sgl2d lin_v 'velocity [m/s]
	'dim as sgl2d lin_p 'momentum [kg*m/s]
	'dim as single lin_E 'Kinetic energy [J] [kg*m^2/s^2]
	'Rotational motion properties
	Dim As Single angle 'angular position (theta) [rad]
	Dim As Single ang_m 'angular mass, moment of inertia (I) [kg*m^2]
	Dim As Single ang_F 'torque (tau) [N*m] [kg*m^2/s^2]
	Dim As Single ang_a 'angular velocity (alpha) [rad/s^2]
	Dim As Single ang_v 'angular velocity (omega) [rad/s]
	'dim as single ang_p 'angular momentum (L) [kg*m^2/s]
	'dim as single ang_E 'Kinetic energy [J] [kg*m^2/s^2]
	Declare Sub init(r As Single, h As Single, d As Single, p As sgl2d, c As ULong)
	Declare Sub update(dt As Double)
	Declare Function getKineticEnergy() As Single
End Type

'Set radius, height, density, position
'Calculate mass and rotational inertia
Sub disc_object.init(r As Single, h As Single, d As Single, p As sgl2d, c As ULong)
	radius = r
	height = h
	density = d
	position = p
	colour = c
	lin_m = PI * r ^ 2 * d
	ang_m = 0.5 * lin_m * r ^ 2
End Sub

'update position and angle
Sub disc_object.update(dt As Double)
	lin_a = lin_F / lin_m
	lin_v += lin_a * dt
	position += lin_v * dt
	ang_a = ang_F / ang_m
	ang_v += ang_a * dt
	angle += ang_v * dt
End Sub

Function disc_object.getKineticEnergy() As Single
	Dim As Single lin_E = 0.5 * lin_m * lengthSqrd(lin_v)
	Dim As Single ang_E = 0.5 * ang_m * ang_v * ang_v
	Return lin_E + ang_E
End Function

Sub drawShip(ship As disc_object)
	'calculate ships tail pointer / triangle
	Dim As sgl2d forwardPos = polarToCartesian(ship.angle - 90 * RAD_PER_DEG, ship.radius * 2.2)
	Dim As sgl2d leftBackPos = polarToCartesian(ship.angle - 135 * RAD_PER_DEG, ship.radius * 1.0) '(90 + 45)
	Dim As sgl2d rightBackPos = polarToCartesian(ship.angle - 45 * RAD_PER_DEG, ship.radius * 1.0) '(90 - 45)
	sg.drawCircle(ship.position, ship.radius, ship.colour) 'flying saucer
	sg.drawLine(ship.position + forwardPos, ship.position + leftBackPos, ship.colour)
	sg.drawLine(ship.position + forwardPos, ship.position + rightBackPos, ship.colour)
End Sub


Type thruster_type
	'''init paramaters
	Dim As polar polarForce '(rad, N)
	Dim As polar polarPos '(rad, m)
	'''variable paramaters
	Dim As sgl2d forceVector '(N, N)
	Dim As sgl2d relPos, absPos '(m, m)
	Dim As Integer active
	Declare Sub init(forceMagnitude As Single, forceDirection As Single, posAngle As Single, posRadius As Single)
	Declare Sub updatePosition(bodyPos As sgl2d, bodyAngle As Single)
End Type

Sub thruster_type.init(forceDirection As Single, forceMagnitude As Single, posAngle As Single, posRadius As Single)
	polarForce = Type(forceDirection, forceMagnitude) 'thruster action
	polarPos = Type(posAngle, posRadius) 'position of thruster on ship
End Sub

Sub thruster_type.updatePosition(bodyPos As sgl2d, bodyAngle As Single)
	relPos = polarToCartesian(bodyAngle + polarPos.angle, polarPos.magnitude)
	absPos = bodyPos + relPos
End Sub


Const As Single GRAV_CONST = 6.67e-11 '[m3/(kg*s^2)

Type astro_body
	Dim As Single radius '[m]
	Dim As Single density '[kg/m^3]
	Dim As ULong colour '[m]
	Dim As sgl2d position 'position [m]
	Dim As Single mass '[kg]
	Declare Sub init(r As Single, d As Single, p As sgl2d, c As ULong)
End Type

'Set radius, density, position
'Calculate mass and rotational inertia
Sub astro_body.init(r As Single, d As Single, p As sgl2d, c As ULong)
	radius = r
	density = d
	position = p
	colour = c
	mass = PI * r ^ 2 * d
End Sub

Function gravForce(m1 As Single, m2 As Single, r As Single) As Single
	Return GRAV_CONST * (m1 * m2) / (r * r)
End Function

Function gravForceVector(m1 As Single, Pos1 As sgl2d, m2 As Single, pos2 As sgl2d) As sgl2d
	Dim As Single distSquared = distSqrd(pos2, Pos1)
	Dim As sgl2d unitVector12 = (Pos1 - pos2) / Sqr(distSquared)
	Return unitVector12 * (-GRAV_CONST * (m1 * m2) / distSquared)
End Function

Function findNearestBody(refPos As sgl2d, body() As astro_body) As Integer
	Dim As Integer nearestBodyId = 0
	Dim As Single nearestBodyDistSqrd = distSqrd(refPos, body(0).position)
	Dim As Single currentBodyDistSqrd
	For i As Integer = 1 To UBound(body)
		currentBodyDistSqrd = distSqrd(refPos, body(i).position)
		If currentBodyDistSqrd < nearestBodyDistSqrd Then
			nearestBodyDistSqrd = currentBodyDistSqrd
			nearestBodyId = i
		End If
	Return nearestBodyId 
End Function


Const As Single MOON_RADIUS = 1737e+6 '[m]
Const As Single MOON_DENSITY = 3344 '[kg/m^3]

Const L_FW_THR = 0 'left forward thruster
Const R_FW_THR = 1 'right forward thruster
Const L_LO_THR = 2
Const R_LO_THR = 3
Const L_HI_THR = 4
Const R_HI_THR = 5

Dim As String key
Dim As Integer quit = 0
Dim As disc_object ship
Dim As thruster_type thruster(NUM_THRUSTERS - 1)
Dim As astro_body asteroid(NUM_ASTEROID-1)
Const NUM_HELIUM = 20
Dim As astro_body helium(NUM_HELIUM-1)
Const As Single maxFuel = 1e6 'N*s
Dim As Single fuel = maxFuel

ship.init(10, 1, 5, sgl2d(0, -50), RGB(127, 223, 0))
For i As Integer = 0 To UBound(asteroid)
	asteroid(i).init(5 + 4 / (Rnd + 0.2), 1000, sgl2d((Rnd - 0.5) * 2000, (Rnd - 0.5) * 2000), RGB(255, 191, 0))
For i As Integer = 0 To UBound(helium)
	helium(i).init(5 + 4 / (Rnd + 0.2), 1000, sgl2d((Rnd - 0.5) * 2000, (Rnd - 0.5) * 2000), RGB(255, 191, 0))

'force angle, force magnitude, polar thruster position 
thruster(L_FW_THR).init(0.5 * pi, 1.2e4, -0.75 * pi, ship.radius)
thruster(R_FW_THR).init(0.5 * pi, 1.2e4, -0.25 * pi, ship.radius)
thruster(L_LO_THR).init(0.0 * pi, 8e3, -0.75 * pi, ship.radius)
thruster(R_LO_THR).init(1.0 * pi, 8e3, -0.25 * pi, ship.radius)
thruster(L_HI_THR).init(0.0 * pi, 8e3, +0.75 * pi, ship.radius)
thruster(R_HI_THR).init(1.0 * pi, 8e3, +0.25 * pi, ship.radius)

Dim As Double tNow = Timer, tPrev = tNow, dt = 0
While quit = 0
	'reset stuff
	ship.lin_F = sgl2d(0, 0)
	ship.ang_F = 0
	For i As Integer = 0 To NUM_THRUSTERS - 1
		thruster(i).active = 0

	If MultiKey(FB.SC_UP) Then
		thruster(L_FW_THR).active = 1
		thruster(R_FW_THR).active = 1
		fuel -= thruster(L_FW_THR).polarForce.magnitude * dt
		fuel -= thruster(R_FW_THR).polarForce.magnitude * dt
	End If

	If MultiKey(FB.SC_LEFT) Then
		thruster(L_LO_THR).active = 1
		thruster(R_HI_THR).active = 1
		fuel -= thruster(L_LO_THR).polarForce.magnitude * dt
		fuel -= thruster(R_HI_THR).polarForce.magnitude * dt
	End If

	If MultiKey(FB.SC_RIGHT) Then
		thruster(R_LO_THR).active = 1
		thruster(L_HI_THR).active = 1
		fuel -= thruster(R_LO_THR).polarForce.magnitude * dt
		fuel -= thruster(L_HI_THR).polarForce.magnitude * dt
	End If

	If key = K_ESC Then quit = 1

	For i As Integer = 0 To NUM_THRUSTERS - 1
		'forces on body by active thrusters
		If thruster(i).active > 0 Then
			Dim As Single thrust = thruster(i).polarForce.magnitude
			thruster(i).forceVector = polarToCartesian(ship.angle + thruster(i).polarForce.angle, thrust)
			ship.lin_F += thruster(i).forceVector
			ship.ang_F += cross(thruster(i).relPos, thruster(i).forceVector)
		End If

	ship.update(dt) 'position and angle
	sg.offset = ship.position
	sg.scale = limit(100 / Len(ship.lin_v), 0.5, 2.0)

	'do always for display
	For i As Integer = 0 To NUM_THRUSTERS - 1
		thruster(i).updatePosition(ship.position, ship.angle)

	Dim As Integer nearestHeliumId = findNearestBody(ship.position, helium())
	Dim As Integer nearestAsteroidId = findNearestBody(ship.position, asteroid())

	Dim As astro_body Ptr pAsteroid = @asteroid(nearestAsteroidId)
	If dist(ship.position, pAsteroid->position) < ship.radius + pAsteroid->radius Then
		quit = 2 'crash
	End If

	If fuel <= 0 Then quit = 3
	Locate 2, 2 : Print "<UP>, <LEFT>, <RIGHT> for thrusters, <ESC> to exit";
	Locate 3, 2 : Print "Nearest helium distance [m]: "; CInt(dist(ship.position, helium(nearestHeliumId).position));
	Locate 4, 2 : Print "Kinetic engergy [kJ]: "; CInt(ship.getKineticEnergy() * 1e-3);
	Locate 5, 2 : Print "Fuel remaining [%]: "; CInt((fuel / maxFuel) * 100);
	'draw active thrusters
	For i As Integer = 0 To NUM_THRUSTERS - 1
		Dim As ULong c = IIf(i < 4, RGB(255, 255, 0), RGB(255, 255, 255))
		If thruster(i).active > 0 Then
			drawThruster(thruster(i).absPos, thruster(i).absPos - thruster(i).forceVector / 1e3, RGB(255, 63, 0)) 'thruster force indicator
		End If
	'draw asteroids
	For i As Integer = 0 To UBound(asteroid)
		sg.drawCircle(asteroid(i).position, asteroid(i).radius, asteroid(i).colour)
	'draw helium 'clouds'
	For i As Integer = 0 To UBound(helium)
		drawHelium3(helium(i).position, helium(i).radius, IIf(nearestHeliumId = i, RGB(191, 191, 255), helium(i).colour))
	Dim As sgl2d heliumPointer = normalise(ship.position - helium(nearestHeliumId).position)
	drawArrow(ship.position, ship.position - heliumPointer * ship.radius * 2, RGB(191, 191, 255))

	'time update
	key = InKey()
	Sleep 1
	tPrev = tNow
	tNow = Timer
	dt = tNow - tPrev

If quit > 1 Then 'Crashed or No fuel
	If quit = 2 Then ship.colour = RGB(233, 0, 0)
	If quit = 3 Then ship.colour = RGB(233, 191, 191)
	While InKey <> Chr(13)
		Locate 7, 2 
		If quit = 2 Then Print "Ship crashed, press <ENTER> to exit."
		If quit = 3 Then Print "Ship out of fuel, press <ENTER> to exit."
		Sleep 1
End If
Screen 0
Print "End"

'collect / remove helium3
'shoot asteroids
Posts: 698
Joined: Oct 22, 2005 21:12
Location: Denmark

Re: Physics question

Post by h4tt3n »

I'm still around :-) Here, as promised, are some space physics examples. Some are rather old, but I'll just post them as they are, warts and all.

First, a vector library and a ball shaped space ship, asteroids in orbit around a central planet, also featuring collision with friction.

You control the yellow ball with the arrow keys. Up = thrust, left/right = rotate, down = stop rotating.

Code: Select all

''   FreeBASIC 2D Floating Point Vector Library
''   Written in FreeBASIC 1.05
''   Version 1.3.0, November 2016, Michael "h4tt3n" Nissen
''   Function syntax:
''   (Return Type) (Name) (Argument Type (, ...)) (Description)
''   Vector  Absolute         ( Vector )          Absolute value
''   Vector  AngleToUnit      ( Scalar )          unit vector from angle scalar
''   Vector  Component        ( Vector, Vector )  Vector Component
''   Scalar  Dot              ( Vector, Vector )  Dot product
''   Vector  Dot              ( Vector, Scalar )  Dot product 
''   Vector  Dot              ( Scalar, Vector )  Dot product
''   Vector  PerpCW           ( Vector )          Right hand perpendicular
''   Vector  PerpCCW          ( Vector )          Left hand perpendicular
''   Vector  Unit             ( Vector )          Unit Vector
''   Scalar  Length           ( Vector )          Length
''   Scalar  LengthSquared    ( Vector )          Length squared
''   Scalar  PerpDot          ( Vector, Vector )  Perp dot product (2d cross)
''   Vector  PerpDot          ( Vector, Scalar )  Perp dot product (2d cross)
''   Vector  PerpDot          ( Scalar, Vector )  Perp dot product (2d cross)
''   Vector  Project          ( Vector, Vector )  Vector Projection
''   Vector  RandomizeSquare  ( Scalar )          Randomize in range +/- value
''   Vector  RandomizeCircle  ( Scalar )          Randomize in range +/- value
''   Vector  Rotate           ( Vector )          Rotate
''   Scalar  UnitToAngle      ( Vector )          angle scalar from unit vector
''   Library supports both member and non-member function useage:
''   A.function(B) <-> function(A, B)

#Ifndef __VEC2_BI__
#Define __VEC2_BI__

''  Vec2 Vector class
Type Vec2
	''  Vec2 constructor declarations
	Declare Constructor ()
	Declare Constructor ( ByRef v As Const Vec2 )
	Declare Constructor ( ByVal x As Const Single, ByVal y As Const Single )
	'' Vec2 destructor
	Declare Destructor()
	''  Vec2 assignment operator (=)
	Declare Operator Let ( ByRef B As Const Vec2 )
	''	Vec2 compound arithmetic member operator declarations
	Declare Operator +=  ( ByRef B As Const Vec2   )
	Declare Operator -=  ( ByRef B As Const Vec2   )
	Declare Operator *=  ( ByRef B As Const Vec2   )
	Declare Operator *=  ( ByVal B As Const Single )
	Declare Operator /=  ( ByVal B As Const Single )
	''  Vec2 member function declarations
	Declare Const Function Absolute_        () As Vec2
	Declare Const Function PerpCW          () As Vec2
	Declare Const Function PerpCCW         () As Vec2
	Declare Const Function Unit            () As Vec2
	Declare Const Function Length          () As Single
	Declare Const Function LengthSquared   () As Single
	Declare Const Function Dot             ( ByRef B As Const Vec2   ) As Single
	Declare Const Function Dot             ( ByVal B As Const Single ) As Vec2
	Declare Const Function PerpDot         ( ByRef B As Const Vec2   ) As Single
	Declare Const Function PerpDot         ( ByVal B As Const Single ) As Vec2
	Declare Const Function Project         ( ByRef B As Const Vec2   ) As Vec2
	Declare Const Function Component       ( ByRef B As Const Vec2   ) As Vec2
	Declare Const Function RandomizeCircle ( ByVal B As Const Single ) As Vec2
	Declare Const Function RandomizeSquare ( ByVal B As Const Single ) As Vec2
	Declare Const Function RotateCW        ( ByRef B As Const Vec2   ) As Vec2
	Declare Const Function RotateCCW       ( ByRef B As Const Vec2   ) As Vec2
	Declare Const Function RotateCW        ( ByRef B As Const Single ) As Vec2
	Declare Const Function RotateCCW       ( ByRef B As Const Single ) As Vec2
	''  Vec2 variables
	As Single x, y
End Type

''  Vec2 unary arithmetic non-member operator declarations
Declare Operator - ( ByRef B As Const Vec2 ) As Vec2

''  Vec2 binary arithmetic non-member operator declarations
Declare Operator + ( ByRef A As Const Vec2  , ByRef B As Const Vec2   ) As Vec2
Declare Operator - ( ByRef A As Const Vec2  , ByRef B As Const Vec2   ) As Vec2
Declare Operator * ( ByVal A As Const Single, ByRef B As Const Vec2   ) As Vec2
Declare Operator * ( ByRef A As Const Vec2  , ByVal B As Const Single ) As Vec2
Declare Operator * ( ByRef A As Const Vec2  , ByRef B As Const Vec2   ) As Vec2
Declare Operator / ( ByRef A As Const Vec2  , ByVal B As Const Single ) As Vec2

''  Vec2 binary relational non-member operator declarations
Declare Operator =  ( ByRef A As Const Vec2, ByVal B As Const Vec2 ) As Integer
Declare Operator <> ( ByRef A As Const Vec2, ByVal B As Const Vec2 ) As Integer
Declare Operator <  ( ByRef A As Const Vec2, ByVal B As Const Vec2 ) As Integer
Declare Operator >  ( ByRef A As Const Vec2, ByVal B As Const Vec2 ) As Integer

''  Vec2 non-member function declarations
Declare Function Absolute_ OverLoad ( ByRef A As Const Vec2 ) As Vec2
Declare Function Unit              ( ByRef A As Const Vec2 ) As Vec2
Declare Function Length            ( ByRef A As Const Vec2 ) As Single
Declare Function LengthSquared     ( ByRef A As Const Vec2 ) As Single
Declare Function Dot      Overload ( ByRef A As Const Vec2  , ByRef B As Const Vec2   ) As Single
Declare Function Dot               ( ByRef A As Const Vec2  , ByVal B As Const Single ) As Vec2
Declare Function Dot               ( ByVal A As Const Single, ByRef B As Const Vec2   ) As Vec2
Declare Function PerpDot  OverLoad ( ByRef A As Const Vec2  , ByRef B As Const Vec2   ) As Single
Declare Function PerpDot           ( ByRef A As Const Vec2  , ByVal B As Const Single ) As Vec2
Declare Function PerpDot           ( ByVal A As Const Single, ByRef B As Const Vec2   ) As Vec2
Declare Function Project           ( ByRef A As Const Vec2  , ByRef B As Const Vec2   ) As Vec2
Declare Function Component         ( ByRef A As Const Vec2  , ByRef B As Const Vec2   ) As Vec2
Declare Function RandomizeCircle   ( ByRef A As Const Vec2  , ByVal B As Const Single ) As Vec2
Declare Function RandomizeSquare   ( ByRef A As Const Vec2  , ByVal B As Const Single ) As Vec2

Declare Function RotateCW  OverLoad ( ByRef A As Const Vec2, ByVal B As Const Single ) As Vec2
Declare Function RotateCCW OverLoad ( ByRef A As Const Vec2, ByVal B As Const Single ) As Vec2

Declare Function AngleToUnit       ( ByVal A As Const Single ) As Vec2
Declare Function UnitToAngle       ( ByRef A As Const Vec2 ) As Single

''  Vec2 constructors
Constructor Vec2()

  This.x = 0.0 : This.y = 0.0
End Constructor

Constructor Vec2( ByRef v As Const Vec2 )
	This = v
End Constructor

Constructor Vec2( ByVal x As Const Single, ByVal y As Const Single )

  This.x = x : This.y = y
End Constructor

'' Destructor
Destructor Vec2()

End Destructor

Operator Vec2.Let ( ByRef B As Const Vec2 )
	If ( Not @This = @B ) Then
		This.x = B.x : This.y = B.y
End Operator

''  Vec2 compound arithmetic member operators
Operator Vec2.+= ( ByRef B As Const Vec2 )
	This.x += B.x : This.y += B.y
End Operator

Operator Vec2.-= ( ByRef B As Const Vec2 )
	This.x -= B.x : This.y -= B.y
End Operator

Operator Vec2.*= ( ByRef B As Const Vec2 )
	This.x *= B.x : This.y *= B.y
End Operator

Operator Vec2.*= ( ByVal B As Const Single )
	This.x *= B : This.y *= B
End Operator

Operator Vec2./= ( ByVal B As Const Single )
	This.x /= B : This.y /= B 
End Operator

''  Vec2 member functions
Function Vec2.Absolute_() As Vec2
	Return Vec2( Abs( This.x ), Abs( This.y ) )
End Function

Function Vec2.PerpCW() As Vec2
	Return Vec2( This.y, -This.x )
End Function

Function Vec2.PerpCCW() As Vec2
	Return Vec2( -This.y, This.x )
End Function 

Function Vec2.Unit() As Vec2
	Return IIf( This <> Vec2( 0.0, 0.0 ) , Vec2( This / This.Length() ) , Vec2( 0.0, 0.0 ) )
End Function

Function Vec2.Length() As Single
	'Dim As Single length_squared = This.LengthSquared()
	'Return Sqr( length_squared )
	Return Sqr( This.LengthSquared() )
End Function

Function Vec2.LengthSquared() As Single
	'Return This.Dot( This )
	Return ( This.x * This.x + This.y * This.y )
End Function

Function Vec2.Dot( ByVal B As Const Single ) As Vec2
	Return Vec2( This.x * B, This.y * B )
End Function

Function Vec2.Dot( ByRef B As Const Vec2 ) As Single
	Return ( This.x * B.x + This.y * B.y )
End Function

Function Vec2.PerpDot( ByVal B As Const Single  ) As Vec2
	Return Vec2( -This.y * B, This.x * B )
End Function

Function Vec2.PerpDot( ByRef B As Const Vec2 ) As Single
	Return ( -This.y * B.x + This.x * B.y  )
	'Return ( This.x * B.y - This.y * B.x )
	'Return ( This.Dot( B.Perp() ) )
End Function

Function Vec2.Project( ByRef B As Const Vec2 ) As Vec2
	Return ( B.Dot( This ) / This.Dot( This ) ) * This
End Function

Function Vec2.Component( ByRef B As Const Vec2 ) As Vec2
	Return ( This.Dot( B ) / B.Dot( B ) ) * B
End Function

Function Vec2.RandomizeCircle( ByVal B As Const Single ) As Vec2
	Dim As Single a = Rnd() * 8.0 * Atn( 1.0 )
	Dim As Single r = Sqr( Rnd() * B * B )
	Return Vec2( Cos( a ), Sin( a ) ) * r 
End Function

Function Vec2.RandomizeSquare( ByVal B As Const Single ) As Vec2
	Return Vec2( ( Rnd() - Rnd() ) * B, ( Rnd() - Rnd() ) * B )
End Function

Function Vec2.RotateCW( ByRef B As Const Vec2 ) As Vec2
	Return Vec2( B.Dot( This ), B.PerpDot( This ) )
End Function

Function Vec2.RotateCCW( ByRef B As Const Vec2 ) As Vec2
	'Dim As vec2 v = Vec2( B.x, -B.y )
	'Return Vec2( v.Dot( This ), v.PerpDot( This ) )
	Return Vec2( B.x * This.x - B.y * This.y , B.y * This.x + B.x * This.y )
	''perpccw = -y, x
End Function

Function Vec2.RotateCW( ByRef B As Const Single ) As Vec2
	Dim As Vec2 v = Vec2( Cos( B ), Sin( B ) )
	Return This.RotateCW( v )
End Function

Function Vec2.RotateCCW( ByRef B As Const Single ) As Vec2
	Dim As Vec2 v = Vec2( Cos( B ), Sin( B ) )
	Return This.RotateCCW( v )
End Function

''  Vec2 unary arithmetic non-member operators
Operator - ( ByRef B As Const Vec2 ) As Vec2
	Return Vec2( -B.x, -B.y )
End Operator

''  Vec2 binary arithmetic non-member operators
Operator + ( ByRef A As Const Vec2, ByRef B As Const Vec2 ) As Vec2
	Return Vec2( A.x + B.x, A.y + B.y )
End Operator

Operator - ( ByRef A As Const Vec2, ByRef B As Const Vec2 ) As Vec2
	Return Vec2( A.x - B.x, A.y - B.y )
End Operator

Operator * ( ByVal A As Const Single, ByRef B As Const Vec2 ) As Vec2
	Return Vec2( A * B.x, A * B.y)
End Operator

Operator * ( ByRef A As Const Vec2, ByVal B As Const Single ) As Vec2
	Return Vec2( A.x * B, A.y * B)
End Operator

Operator * ( ByRef A As Const Vec2, ByRef B As Const Vec2 ) As Vec2
	Return Vec2( A.x * B.x, A.y * B.y )
End Operator

Operator / ( ByRef A As Const Vec2, ByVal B As Const Single ) As Vec2
	Return Vec2( A.x / B, A.y / B )
End Operator

''  Vec2 binary relational non-member operators
Operator = ( ByRef A As Const Vec2, ByVal B As Const Vec2 ) As Integer
	Return ( A.x = B.x ) And ( A.y = B.y )
End Operator

Operator <> ( ByRef A As Const Vec2, ByVal B As Const Vec2 ) As Integer
	Return ( A.x <> B.x ) Or ( A.y <> B.y )
End Operator

Operator < ( ByRef A As Const Vec2, ByVal B As Const Vec2 ) As Integer
	Return ( A.x < B.x ) And ( A.y < B.y )
End Operator

Operator > ( ByRef A As Const Vec2, ByVal B As Const Vec2 ) As Integer
	Return ( A.x > B.x ) And ( A.y > B.y )
End Operator

''  Vec2 non-member functions
Function Absolute_( ByRef A As Const Vec2 ) As Vec2
	Return A.Absolute_()
End Function

Function Unit( ByRef A As Const Vec2 ) As Vec2
	Return A.Unit()
End Function

Function Length( ByRef A As Const Vec2 ) As Single
	Return A.Length()
End Function

Function LengthSquared( ByRef A As Const Vec2 ) As Single
	Return A.LengthSquared()
End Function

Function Dot( ByRef A As Const Vec2, ByRef B As Const Vec2 ) As Single
	Return A.Dot( B )
End Function

Function Dot( ByRef A As Const Vec2, ByVal B As Const Single ) As Vec2
	Return A.Dot( B )
End Function

Function Dot( ByVal A As Const Single, ByRef B As Const Vec2 ) As Vec2
	Return B.Dot( -A )
End Function

Function PerpDot( ByRef A As Const Vec2, ByRef B As Const Vec2 ) As Single
	Return A.PerpDot( B )
End Function

Function PerpDot( ByRef A As Const Vec2, ByVal B As Const Single ) As Vec2
	Return A.PerpDot( B )
End Function

Function PerpDot( ByVal A As Const Single, ByRef B As Const Vec2 ) As Vec2
	Return B.PerpDot( -A )
End Function

Function Project( ByRef A As Const Vec2, ByRef B As Const Vec2 ) As Vec2
	Return A.Project( B )
End Function

Function Component( ByRef A As Const Vec2, ByRef B As Const Vec2 ) As Vec2
	Return A.Component( B )
End Function

Function RandomizeCircle( ByRef A As Const Vec2, ByVal B As Const Single ) As Vec2
	Return A.RandomizeCircle( B )
End Function

Function RandomizeSquare( ByRef A As Const Vec2, ByVal B As Const Single ) As Vec2
	Return A.RandomizeSquare( B )
End Function

Function RotateCW( ByRef A As Const Vec2, ByVal B As Const Single ) As Vec2
	Return A.RotateCW( B )
End Function

Function RotateCCW( ByRef A As Const Vec2, ByVal B As Const Single ) As Vec2
	Return A.RotateCCW( B )
End Function

Function AngleToUnit( ByVal A As Const Single ) As Vec2
	Return Vec2( Cos( A ), Sin( A ) )
End Function

Function UnitToAngle( ByRef A As Const Vec2 ) As Single
	Return ATan2( A.y, A.x )
End Function

#EndIf __VEC2_BI__
And here the physics doodle:

Code: Select all

'' Ball - Ball collision detection and response with friction.
'' Written by Michael "h4tt3n" Schmidt Nissen

#include ""
#include ""

Const pi        					= 4*atn(1)
Const G 								= 4
const num_balls 					= 32
const rest_fps      				= 60                  ''  ideal framerate
'const inv_rest_fps  				= 1.0 / (rest_fps+2)  ''  inverse ideal framerate
Const inv_rest_fps  				= 1.0 / rest_fps  ''  inverse ideal framerate
Const dt            				= inv_rest_fps        ''  timestep, delta time
Const inv_dt            		= 1.0 / dt        ''  timestep, delta time
Const StaticFrictionVelocity 	= 1.0

randomize timer

type ball_type
As UInteger col
as Vec2 Impulse
as Vec2 Velocity
as Vec2 Position
as Vec2 AngleVector
as Single angular_impulse, ang_Velocity, sin_ang, cos_ang, ang_Position, mass, InverseMass, dens, radius, _
RadiusSquared, I, InverseI, CollisionStiffness, COllisionDamping, dynamicfriction, staticfriction
end type

dim shared as Vec2 dst, separation_vector, closest_point
dim shared as ball_type ptr ball
dim shared as Single dst_sqd, radius, RadiusSquared, distance
dim shared as integer a, b, scrn_wid, scrn_hgt
dim shared as integer FPS, FPS_Counter
dim shared as Single FPS_Timer, t0

declare sub InitBall(byref a as ball_type)
declare sub BallBallCollisionDetection()
Declare Sub Controls()
Declare Sub Gravity()
declare sub Integrate()
declare sub DrawSceneToScreen()
declare sub brake()

scrn_wid = 1000:	scrn_hgt = 800
ScreenRes scrn_wid, scrn_hgt, 32
WindowTitle "force based 2d ball-ball collision with friction"
Color RGB(0, 0, 0), RGB(192, 192, 244)
'color 0, rgb(255, 255, 255)

ball = New Ball_Type[Num_Balls]

with ball[0]
Dim As UByte Clr = ((Num_Balls-a)/num_Balls)*255
.col = rgb(Clr, 255, clr)
.mass = 800000
.InverseMass = 1/.mass
.dens = 0.2
.radius = ((.mass/.dens)/((4/3)*pi))^(1/3)
.RadiusSquared = .radius*.radius
.I = 0.5*.mass*.RadiusSquared			''	flat disc
'.I = (2*.mass*.RadiusSquared)/5		''	solid sphere
.InverseI = 1/.I
.Position.x = scrn_wid\2
.Position.y = scrn_hgt\2
.ang_Velocity = 0.0
.ang_Position = rnd*2*pi
.cos_ang = cos(.ang_Position)
.sin_ang = sin(.ang_Position)
.CollisionStiffness = 0.5
.COllisionDamping = 0.1
.dynamicfriction = 0.5
.staticfriction = 1.0
end with

''  set startup condition
for a = 1 to num_balls-1
Dim As Single angle = 2*pi*Rnd
Dim As Single radius = ball[0].radius + 128 + Rnd*256
with ball[a]
''	brightest first, darkest last
Dim As UByte Clr = ((Num_Balls-a)/num_Balls)*255
.col = rgb(Clr, 255, clr)
.mass = 10+(rnd*80^(1/2))^2
.InverseMass = 1/.mass
.dens = 0.01
.radius = ((.mass/.dens)/((4/3)*pi))^(1/3)
.RadiusSquared = .radius*.radius
'.I = 0.5*.mass*.RadiusSquared			''	flat disc
.I = (2*.mass*.RadiusSquared)/5		''	solid sphere
.InverseI = 1/.I
.Position.x = ball[0].Position.x + Cos(angle)*Radius
.Position.y = ball[0].Position.y + Sin(angle)*Radius
.Velocity.X = Sqr((G*ball[0].mass)/radius)*Sin(-Angle)
.Velocity.Y = Sqr((G*ball[0].mass)/radius)*Cos(Angle)
ball[0].Velocity -= .Velocity*(.mass/ball[0].mass)
.ang_Position = rnd*2*pi
.cos_ang = cos(.ang_Position)
.sin_ang = sin(.ang_Position)
.ang_Velocity = 0.0'(Rnd-Rnd) * 0.2
.CollisionStiffness = 0.5
.COllisionDamping = 0.1
.dynamicfriction = 0.5
.staticfriction = 1.0
end with

With ball[1]
.col = RGB(255, 255, 64)
.mass = 20
.InverseMass = 1/.mass
.dens = 0.001
.radius = ((.mass/.dens)/((4/3)*pi))^(1/3)
.RadiusSquared = .radius*.radius
.I = 0.5*.mass*.radius*.radius
.InverseI = 1/.I
End With




loop until multikey(1)

Delete[] Ball



sub BallBallCollisionDetection()
	For a As Integer = 0 to num_balls-2
		For b As Integer = a+1 to num_balls-1
			Dim As Vec2 DistanceVector = ball[a].Position-ball[b].Position
			Dim As Single DistanceSquared = LengthSquared(DistanceVector)
			Dim As Single rest_distance = ball[a].radius + ball[b].radius
			If DistanceSquared > ( rest_distance * rest_distance ) Then Continue For
			Dim As Single Distance = sqr(DistanceSquared)
			Dim as Vec2 NormalVector = IIf( Not Distance = 0.0 , DistanceVector/Distance , Vec2( 0.0, 0.0 ) )
			Dim as Vec2 TangentVector = NormalVector.PerpCW()
			Dim as Single distance_error = distance - rest_distance
			Dim As Vec2 contact_a = ball[a].Position-ball[a].radius*NormalVector
			Dim As Vec2 contact_b = ball[b].Position+ball[b].radius*NormalVector
			Dim as Vec2 contact_velocity_a = ball[a].Velocity+ball[a].ang_Velocity*(ball[a].Position-contact_a).PerpCW()
			Dim as Vec2 contact_velocity_b = ball[b].Velocity+ball[b].ang_Velocity*(ball[b].Position-contact_b).PerpCW()
			Dim as Vec2 contact_velocity = contact_velocity_a - contact_velocity_b
			Dim as Single contact_velocityNormal = Dot(contact_velocity, normalVector)
			If contact_velocityNormal > 0.0 Then Continue For
			Dim As Single K = ( ball[a].CollisionStiffness + ball[b].CollisionStiffness ) * 0.5
			Dim As Single D = ( ball[a].CollisionDamping + ball[b].CollisionDamping ) * 0.5
			'dim as Single impulseNormal = -(1+Restitution)*contact_velocityNormal/(ball[a].InverseMass+ball[b].InverseMass)
			Dim as Single impulseNormal = -(distance_error*inv_dt*k + contact_velocityNormal*D ) * ( 1.0 / (ball[a].InverseMass+ball[b].InverseMass) )
			Dim As Single contact_velocityTangent = Dot(contact_velocity, tangentvector)
			Dim As Single FrictionCoefficient = IIf( Abs(contact_velocityTangent) < StaticFrictionVelocity, _
			                                         ( Ball[a].StaticFriction  + Ball[b].StaticFriction  ) * 0.5, _
			                                         ( Ball[a].DynamicFriction + Ball[b].DynamicFriction ) * 0.5 )
			Dim as Single MaxImpulseTangent = -contact_velocityTangent * ( 1.0 / (Ball[a].InverseMass+Ball[b].InverseMass+_
			Ball[a].RadiusSquared*Ball[a].InverseI+Ball[b].RadiusSquared*Ball[b].InverseI) )
			Dim As Single ImpulseTangent = IIf( Abs( MaxImpulseTangent ) < ( FrictionCoefficient * ImpulseNormal ), _
			                                    MaxImpulseTangent, _
			                                    Sgn( MaxImpulseTangent ) * ( FrictionCoefficient * ImpulseNormal ) )
			'Dim As Single ImpulseTangent = MaxImpulseTangent
			Dim As Vec2 Impulse = ImpulseNormal * NormalVector + ImpulseTangent * TangentVector
			ball[a].Impulse += Impulse*ball[a].InverseMass
			ball[a].angular_impulse += PerpDot(Impulse, ball[a].Position-contact_a)*ball[a].InverseI
			ball[b].Impulse -= Impulse*ball[b].InverseMass
			ball[b].angular_impulse -= Perpdot(Impulse, ball[b].Position-contact_b)*ball[b].InverseI
End Sub

Sub Controls()
	With Ball[1]
		If MultiKey(&h48) Then
			.Impulse.X += Cos(.Ang_Position)*100*.InverseMass
			.Impulse.Y += Sin(.Ang_Position)*100*.InverseMass
		'If MultiKey(&h4b) Then .Ang_Position -= 0.05
		'If MultiKey(&h4d) Then .Ang_Position += 0.05
		If MultiKey(&h4b) Then .ang_Velocity -= 0.1
		If MultiKey(&h4d) Then .ang_Velocity += 0.1
		If MultiKey(&h50) Then .ang_Velocity = 0
		'.ang_Velocity = 0
		.cos_ang = cos(.ang_Position)
		.sin_ang = sin(.ang_Position)
	End With
End Sub

Sub Gravity()

For a As Integer = 0 to num_balls-2

For b As Integer = a+1 to num_balls-1

Dim As Vec2 DistanceVector = ball[a].Position-ball[b].Position
Dim As Single DistanceSquared = LengthSquared(DistanceVector)
Dim As Single DistanceCubed = DistanceSquared*Sqr(DistanceSquared)

Ball[a].Impulse -= Ball[b].mass * G * DT * DistanceVector / DistanceCubed
Ball[b].Impulse += Ball[a].mass * G * DT * DistanceVector / DistanceCubed



End Sub

Sub Integrate()



For a As Integer = 0 to num_balls-1

With Ball[a]

.Velocity += .Impulse
.Position += .Velocity * dt
.Impulse = Vec2( 0.0, 0.0 )

.ang_Velocity += .angular_impulse
.ang_Position += .ang_Velocity * dt
.angular_impulse = 0.0

.cos_ang = cos(.ang_Position)
.sin_ang = sin(.ang_Position)

end With


End Sub

sub DrawSceneToScreen()



locate  2, (scrn_wid\8)-3: print using "###"; fps

for a As Integer = 0 to num_balls-1

with ball[a]

circle (.Position.x, .Position.y), .radius, 0,,,1, f
circle (.Position.x, .Position.y), .radius-2, .col,,,1, f
Line(.Position.x, .Position.y)-(.Position.x+.cos_ang*.radius, .Position.y+.sin_ang*.radius), 0

end With



end sub

sub brake()

if timer < fps_timer then
fps_counter += 1
fps_timer = timer+1
fps = fps_counter
fps_counter = 0
end if

Do while ( Timer - t0 ) < ( inv_rest_fps )

Sleep 1, 1


t0 = timer

end Sub
Posts: 2594
Joined: May 24, 2007 22:10
Location: The Netherlands

Re: Physics question

Post by badidea »

h4tt3n wrote:I'm still around :-) Here, as promised, are some space physics examples. Some are rather old, but I'll just post them as they are, warts and all.

First, a vector library and a ball shaped space ship, asteroids in orbit around a central planet, also featuring collision with friction.

You control the yellow ball with the arrow keys. Up = thrust, left/right = rotate, down = stop rotating.

Cool, I see that you have a 'slightly' modified the gravitational constant, else thing would be very slow.
For linux systems: Dim shared as Single Double FPS_Timer, t0
Posts: 698
Joined: Oct 22, 2005 21:12
Location: Denmark

Re: Physics question

Post by h4tt3n »

badidea wrote: Cool, I see that you have a 'slightly' modified the gravitational constant, else thing would be very slow.
For linux systems: Dim shared as Single Double FPS_Timer, t0
It's just a constant, you can give it any value you want. The real G is just as arbitrary, it depends on the random units we use. If you prefer to use G = 6.67e-11 then just crank up mass or delta time.
Posts: 2594
Joined: May 24, 2007 22:10
Location: The Netherlands

Re: Physics question

Post by badidea »

h4tt3n wrote:
badidea wrote: Cool, I see that you have a 'slightly' modified the gravitational constant, else thing would be very slow.
For linux systems: Dim shared as Single Double FPS_Timer, t0
It's just a constant, you can give it any value you want. The real G is just as arbitrary, it depends on the random units we use. If you prefer to use G = 6.67e-11 then just crank up mass or delta time.
I know, that is why I had in my previous code a heavy 'neutron star':

Code: Select all

neutronstar.init(MOON_RADIUS * 1e-8, MOON_DENSITY * 1e8, sgl2d(+40, +20), rgb(255, 127, 0))
Not sure if density and radius are realistic for a neutron star, but that were the numbers needed for a real-time gravity effect.
Never mind, I had the moon radius wrong by a factor of 1000.
Posts: 2594
Joined: May 24, 2007 22:10
Location: The Netherlands

Re: Physics question

Post by badidea »

Possibly the most frustrating game ever:

Code: Select all

#Include ""

Type int2d
	As Integer x, y
	Declare Constructor
	Declare Constructor(x As Integer, y As Integer)
	Declare Operator Cast () As String
End Type

Constructor int2d
End Constructor

Constructor int2d(x As Integer, y As Integer)
	This.x = x : This.y = y
End Constructor

Operator = (a As int2d, b As int2d) As boolean
	If a.x <> b.x Then Return false
	If a.y <> b.y Then Return false
	Return true
End Operator

Operator <> (a As int2d, b As int2d) As boolean
	If a.x = b.x And a.y = b.y Then Return false
	Return true
End Operator

' "x, y"
Operator int2d.cast () As String
  Return Str(x) & "," & Str(y)
End Operator

' a + b 
Operator + (a As int2d, b As int2d) As int2d
	Return Type(a.x + b.x, a.y + b.y)
End Operator

' a - b
Operator - (a As int2d, b As int2d) As int2d
	Return Type(a.x - b.x, a.y - b.y)
End Operator

' -a
Operator - (a As int2d) As int2d
	Return Type(-a.x, -a.y)
End Operator

' a * b
Operator * (a As int2d, b As int2d) As int2d
	Return Type(a.x * b.x, a.y * b.y)
End Operator

' a * mul
Operator * (a As int2d, mul As Integer) As int2d
	Return Type(a.x * mul, a.y * mul)
End Operator

' a \ b
Operator \ (a As int2d, b As int2d) As int2d
	Return Type(a.x \ b.x, a.y \ b.y)
End Operator

' a \ div
Operator \ (a As int2d, div As Integer) As int2d
	Return Type(a.x \ div, a.y \ div)
End Operator


Type sgl2d
	As Single x, y
	Declare Constructor
	Declare Constructor(x As Single, y As Single)
	Declare Operator Cast () As String
End Type

Constructor sgl2d
End Constructor

Constructor sgl2d(x As Single, y As Single)
	This.x = x : This.y = y
End Constructor

' "x, y"
Operator sgl2d.cast () As String
	Return Str(x) & "," & Str(y)
End Operator

'---- operators ---

' distance / lenth
Operator Len (a As sgl2d) As Single
	Return Sqr(a.x * a.x + a.y * a.y)
End Operator

' a = b ?
Operator = (a As sgl2d, b As sgl2d) As boolean
	If a.x <> b.x Then Return false
	If a.y <> b.y Then Return false
	Return true
End Operator

' a != b ?
Operator <> (a As sgl2d, b As sgl2d) As boolean
	If a.x = b.x And a.y = b.y Then Return false
	Return true
End Operator

' a + b 
Operator + (a As sgl2d, b As sgl2d) As sgl2d
	Return Type(a.x + b.x, a.y + b.y)
End Operator

' a - b
Operator - (a As sgl2d, b As sgl2d) As sgl2d
	Return Type(a.x - b.x, a.y - b.y)
End Operator

' -a
Operator - (a As sgl2d) As sgl2d
	Return Type(-a.x, -a.y)
End Operator

' a * b
Operator * (a As sgl2d, b As sgl2d) As sgl2d
	Return Type(a.x * b.x, a.y * b.y)
End Operator

' a * mul
Operator * (a As sgl2d, mul As Single) As sgl2d
	Return Type(a.x * mul, a.y * mul)
End Operator

' a / div
Operator / (a As sgl2d, div As Single) As sgl2d
	Return Type(a.x / div, a.y / div)
End Operator

'---- extra functions ---

Function cross(a As sgl2d, b As sgl2d) As Single
	Return a.x * b.y - a.y * b.x
End Function

Function lengthSqrd(a As sgl2d) As Single
	Return (a.x * a.x) + (a.y * a.y) 
End Function

Function dist(a As sgl2d, b As sgl2d) As Single
	Dim As Single dx = a.x - b.x
	Dim As Single dy = a.y - b.y
	Return Sqr((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)) 
End Function

Function distSqrd(a As sgl2d, b As sgl2d) As Single
	Dim As Single dx = a.x - b.x
	Dim As Single dy = a.y - b.y
	Return (dx * dx) + (dy * dy) 
End Function

Function normalise(a As sgl2d) As sgl2d
	Dim As sgl2d temp
	Dim As Single length = Len(a)
	Return sgl2d(a.x / length, a.y / length)
End Function


'Note: y+ = up, x+ = right, (0,0) = center
Type scaled_graphics_type
	Dim As Single scale = 1 ' = 1 / pixel_size 'pixels / meter
	'dim as int2d offset' = (scrn_w \ 2, h \ 2) 'offset in pixels
	Dim As sgl2d offset
	Dim As Integer w = -1, h = -1
	Dim As Integer wc = -1, hc = -1 'center x,y
	Declare Sub setScreen(w As Integer, h As Integer)
	Declare Sub setScaling(scale As Single, offset As sgl2d)
	Declare Sub clearScreen(c As ULong)
	Declare Function pos2screen(p As sgl2d) As int2d
	Declare Sub drawPixel(p As sgl2d, c As ULong)
	Declare Sub drawCircle(p As sgl2d, r As Single, c As ULong)
	Declare Sub drawCircleFilled(p As sgl2d, r As Single, c As ULong, cFill As ULong)
	Declare Sub drawElipse(p As sgl2d, r As Single, aspect As Single, c As ULong)
	Declare Sub drawLine(p1 As sgl2d, p2 As sgl2d, c As ULong)
End Type

Sub scaled_graphics_type.setScreen(w As Integer, h As Integer)
	This.w = w 'width
	This.h = h 'height
	wc = w \ 2
	hc = h \ 2
	ScreenRes w, h, 32
	Width w \ 8, h \ 16 'bigger font
End Sub

Sub scaled_graphics_type.setScaling(scale As Single, offset As sgl2d)
	This.scale = scale
	This.offset = offset
End Sub

Sub scaled_graphics_type.clearScreen(c As ULong)
	Line(0, 0)-(w - 1, h - 1), c, bf
End Sub

Function scaled_graphics_type.pos2screen(p As sgl2d) As int2d
	Return int2d(Int(wc + (p.x - offset.x) * scale), h - Int(hc + (p.y - offset.y) * scale))
End Function

Sub scaled_graphics_type.drawPixel(p As sgl2d, c As ULong)
	Dim As int2d posScrn = pos2screen(p)
	PSet(posScrn.x, posScrn.y), c
End Sub

Sub scaled_graphics_type.drawCircle(p As sgl2d, r As Single, c As ULong)
	Dim As int2d posScrn = pos2screen(p)
	Circle(posScrn.x, posScrn.y), r * scale, c
End Sub

Sub scaled_graphics_type.drawCircleFilled(p As sgl2d, r As Single, c As ULong, cFill As ULong)
	Dim As int2d posScrn = pos2screen(p)
	Circle(posScrn.x, posScrn.y), r * scale, 0,,,,f
	Circle(posScrn.x, posScrn.y), r * scale, c
End Sub

Sub scaled_graphics_type.drawElipse(p As sgl2d, r As Single, aspect As Single, c As ULong)
	Dim As int2d posScrn = pos2screen(p)
	Circle(posScrn.x, posScrn.y), r * scale, c, , , aspect
End Sub

Sub scaled_graphics_type.drawLine(p1 As sgl2d, p2 As sgl2d, c As ULong)
	Dim As int2d posScrn1 = pos2screen(p1)
	Dim As int2d posScrn2 = pos2screen(p2)
	Line(posScrn1.x, posScrn1.y)-(posScrn2.x, posScrn2.y), c
End Sub


Const As Single PI = 4 * Atn(1)
Const As Single RAD_PER_DEG = (PI / 180)
Const As Single DEG_PER_RAD = 180 / PI
Const As Single sinA = Sin((10 / 180) * PI)
Const As Single cosA = Cos((10 / 180) * PI)
Const As Single sinB = Sin((20 / 180) * PI)
Const As Single cosB = Cos((20 / 180) * PI)

Const K_ESC = Chr(27)
Const K_MIN = Chr(45)
Const K_UND = Chr(95)
Const K_PLU = Chr(61)
Const K_EQU = Chr(43)

Const SCRN_W = 800, SCRN_H = 600

Dim Shared As scaled_graphics_type sg
sg.setScaling(2.0, sgl2d(0, 0))
sg.setScreen(SCRN_W, SCRN_H)


Function limit(value As Single, min As Single, max As Single) As Single
	If value < min Then Return min
	If value > max Then Return max
	Return value
End Function

Type polar
	Dim As Single angle
	Dim As Single magnitude
End Type

Function polarToCartesian(angle As Single, radius As Single) As sgl2d
	Return sgl2d(Cos(angle) * radius, Sin(angle) * radius)
End Function

Function rotatedVector(v As sgl2d, rotAngle As Single) As sgl2d
	Dim As sgl2d tmp
	tmp.x = Cos(rotAngle) * v.x - Sin(rotAngle) * v.y
	tmp.y = Sin(rotAngle) * v.x + Cos(rotAngle) * v.y
	Return tmp
End Function


Sub drawArrow(p1 As sgl2d, p2 As sgl2d, c As ULong)
	sg.drawLine(p1, p2, c)
	Dim As sgl2d dp = (p2 - p1) * 0.30 'reduce length
	sg.drawLine(p2, p2 - sgl2d(cosB * dp.x - sinB * dp.y, sinB * dp.x + cosB * dp.y), c)
	sg.drawLine(p2, p2 - sgl2d(cosB * dp.x + sinB * dp.y, cosB * dp.y - sinB * dp.x), c)
End Sub

Sub drawThruster(p1 As sgl2d, p2 As sgl2d, c As ULong)
	sg.drawLine(p1, p2, c)
	Dim As sgl2d dp = (p2 - p1) * 0.95 'reduce length
	sg.drawLine(p1, p1 + sgl2d(cosA * dp.x - sinA * dp.y, sinA * dp.x + cosA * dp.y), c)
	sg.drawLine(p1, p1 + sgl2d(cosA * dp.x + sinA * dp.y, cosA * dp.y - sinA * dp.x), c)
End Sub

Sub drawHelium3(p As sgl2d, r As Single, c As ULong)
	For i As Integer = 0 To 2
		sg.drawCircle(p + polarToCartesian((i / 3) * 2 * PI, 0.15 * r), 0.15 * r, c)
	sg.drawElipse(p, r, 2.0, c)
	sg.drawElipse(p, r, 0.5, c)
End Sub

Sub drawStar(p As sgl2d, size As Single, c As ULong)
	sg.drawLine(p - sgl2d(size / 2, 0) , p + sgl2d(size / 2, 0), c)
	sg.drawLine(p - sgl2d(0, size / 2) , p + sgl2d(0, size / 2), c)
End Sub


Type disc_object
	Dim As Single radius '[m]
	Dim As Single height '[m]
	Dim As Single density '[kg/m^3]
	Dim As ULong colour '[m]
	'linear motion properties
	Dim As sgl2d position 'position [m]
	Dim As Single lin_m 'mass [kg]
	Dim As sgl2d lin_F 'force [N] [kg*m/s^2]
	Dim As sgl2d lin_a 'acceleration [m/s^2]
	Dim As sgl2d lin_v 'velocity [m/s]
	'dim as sgl2d lin_p 'momentum [kg*m/s]
	'dim as single lin_E 'Kinetic energy [J] [kg*m^2/s^2]
	'Rotational motion properties
	Dim As Single angle 'angular position (theta) [rad]
	Dim As Single ang_m 'angular mass, moment of inertia (I) [kg*m^2]
	Dim As Single ang_F 'torque (tau) [N*m] [kg*m^2/s^2]
	Dim As Single ang_a 'angular velocity (alpha) [rad/s^2]
	Dim As Single ang_v 'angular velocity (omega) [rad/s]
	'dim as single ang_p 'angular momentum (L) [kg*m^2/s]
	'dim as single ang_E 'Kinetic energy [J] [kg*m^2/s^2]
	Declare Sub init(r As Single, h As Single, d As Single, p As sgl2d, c As ULong)
	Declare Sub update(dt As Double)
	Declare Function getKineticEnergy() As Single
End Type

'Set radius, height, density, position
'Calculate mass and rotational inertia
Sub disc_object.init(r As Single, h As Single, d As Single, p As sgl2d, c As ULong)
	radius = r
	height = h
	density = d
	position = p
	colour = c
	lin_m = PI * r ^ 2 * d
	ang_m = 0.5 * lin_m * r ^ 2
End Sub

'update position and angle
Sub disc_object.update(dt As Double)
	lin_a = lin_F / lin_m
	lin_v += lin_a * dt
	position += lin_v * dt
	ang_a = ang_F / ang_m
	ang_v += ang_a * dt
	angle += ang_v * dt
End Sub

Function disc_object.getKineticEnergy() As Single
	Dim As Single lin_E = 0.5 * lin_m * lengthSqrd(lin_v)
	Dim As Single ang_E = 0.5 * ang_m * ang_v * ang_v
	Return lin_E + ang_E
End Function

Sub drawShip(ship As disc_object)
	'calculate ships tail pointer / triangle
	Dim As sgl2d forwardPos = polarToCartesian(ship.angle - 90 * RAD_PER_DEG, ship.radius * 2.2)
	Dim As sgl2d leftBackPos = polarToCartesian(ship.angle - 135 * RAD_PER_DEG, ship.radius * 1.0) '(90 + 45)
	Dim As sgl2d rightBackPos = polarToCartesian(ship.angle - 45 * RAD_PER_DEG, ship.radius * 1.0) '(90 - 45)
	sg.drawCircle(ship.position, ship.radius, ship.colour) 'flying saucer
	sg.drawLine(ship.position + forwardPos, ship.position + leftBackPos, ship.colour)
	sg.drawLine(ship.position + forwardPos, ship.position + rightBackPos, ship.colour)
End Sub


Type thruster_type
	'''init paramaters
	Dim As polar polarForce '(rad, N)
	Dim As polar polarPos '(rad, m)
	'''variable paramaters
	Dim As sgl2d forceVector '(N, N)
	Dim As sgl2d relPos, absPos '(m, m)
	Dim As Integer active
	Declare Sub init(forceMagnitude As Single, forceDirection As Single, posAngle As Single, posRadius As Single)
	Declare Sub updatePosition(bodyPos As sgl2d, bodyAngle As Single)
End Type

Sub thruster_type.init(forceDirection As Single, forceMagnitude As Single, posAngle As Single, posRadius As Single)
	polarForce = Type(forceDirection, forceMagnitude) 'thruster action
	polarPos = Type(posAngle, posRadius) 'position of thruster on ship
End Sub

Sub thruster_type.updatePosition(bodyPos As sgl2d, bodyAngle As Single)
	relPos = polarToCartesian(bodyAngle + polarPos.angle, polarPos.magnitude)
	absPos = bodyPos + relPos
End Sub


Const As Single GRAV_CONST = 6.67e-11 '[m3/(kg*s^2)

Type astro_body
	Dim As Single radius '[m]
	Dim As Single density '[kg/m^3]
	Dim As ULong colour '[m]
	Dim As sgl2d position 'position [m]
	Dim As Single mass '[kg]
	Declare Sub init(r As Single, d As Single, p As sgl2d, c As ULong)
End Type

'Set radius, density, position
'Calculate mass and rotational inertia
Sub astro_body.init(r As Single, d As Single, p As sgl2d, c As ULong)
	radius = r
	density = d
	position = p
	colour = c
	mass = PI * r ^ 2 * d
End Sub

Function gravForce(m1 As Single, m2 As Single, r As Single) As Single
	Return GRAV_CONST * (m1 * m2) / (r * r)
End Function

Function gravForceVector(m1 As Single, Pos1 As sgl2d, m2 As Single, pos2 As sgl2d) As sgl2d
	Dim As Single distSquared = distSqrd(pos2, Pos1)
	Dim As sgl2d unitVector12 = (Pos1 - pos2) / Sqr(distSquared)
	Return unitVector12 * (-GRAV_CONST * (m1 * m2) / distSquared)
End Function

Function findNearestBody(refPos As sgl2d, body() As astro_body) As Integer
	Dim As Integer nearestBodyId = 0
	Dim As Single nearestBodyDistSqrd = distSqrd(refPos, body(0).position)
	Dim As Single currentBodyDistSqrd
	For i As Integer = 1 To UBound(body)
		currentBodyDistSqrd = distSqrd(refPos, body(i).position)
		If currentBodyDistSqrd < nearestBodyDistSqrd Then
			nearestBodyDistSqrd = currentBodyDistSqrd
			nearestBodyId = i
		End If
	Return nearestBodyId 
End Function

Type star_type
	Dim As sgl2d position '[m]
	Dim As Single size
	Dim As ULong colour
	Declare Sub init(p As sgl2d, s As Single, c As ULong)
End Type

Sub star_type.init(p As sgl2d, s As Single, c As ULong)
	position = p
	size = s
	colour = c
End Sub


Const As Single MOON_RADIUS = 1737e+6 '[m]
Const As Single MOON_DENSITY = 3344 '[kg/m^3]

Const L_FW_THR = 0 'left forward thruster
Const R_FW_THR = 1 'right forward thruster
Const L_LO_THR = 2
Const R_LO_THR = 3
Const L_HI_THR = 4
Const R_HI_THR = 5

Dim As String key
Dim As Integer quit = 0
Dim As disc_object ship
Dim As thruster_type thruster(NUM_THRUSTERS - 1)
Dim As astro_body asteroid(NUM_ASTEROID-1)
Const NUM_HELIUM = 10
ReDim As astro_body helium(NUM_HELIUM-1)
Const As Single maxFuel = 1e6 'N*s
Dim As Single fuel = maxFuel
Const NUM_STARS = 150
Dim As star_type star(NUM_STARS-1)

ship.init(10, 1, 5, sgl2d(0, -50), RGB(127, 223, 0))
For i As Integer = 0 To UBound(asteroid)
	asteroid(i).init(5 + 4 / (Rnd + 0.2), 1000, sgl2d((Rnd - 0.5) * 2000, (Rnd - 0.5) * 2000), RGB(Rnd * 64 + 127, Rnd * 64 + 95, 127))
For i As Integer = 0 To UBound(helium)
	helium(i).init(5 + 4 / (Rnd + 0.2), 1000, sgl2d((Rnd - 0.5) * 2000, (Rnd - 0.5) * 2000), RGB(255, 191, 0))
For i As Integer = 0 To UBound(star)
	star(i).init(sgl2d((Rnd - 0.5) * 4000, (Rnd - 0.5) * 4000), Rnd * 5 + 2, RGB(Rnd * 64 + 191, Rnd * 64 + 191, Rnd * 64 + 191))

'force angle, force magnitude, polar thruster position 
thruster(L_FW_THR).init(0.5 * pi, 1.2e4, -0.75 * pi, ship.radius)
thruster(R_FW_THR).init(0.5 * pi, 1.2e4, -0.25 * pi, ship.radius)
thruster(L_LO_THR).init(0.0 * pi, 8e3, -0.75 * pi, ship.radius)
thruster(R_LO_THR).init(1.0 * pi, 8e3, -0.25 * pi, ship.radius)
thruster(L_HI_THR).init(0.0 * pi, 8e3, +0.75 * pi, ship.radius)
thruster(R_HI_THR).init(1.0 * pi, 8e3, +0.25 * pi, ship.radius)

'intro text
Locate 10, 20: Print "HELIUM-3 SPACE RACE"
Locate 12, 20: Print "Scoop up all the helium-3 clouds as fast as possible."
Locate 13, 20: Print "Your ship needs helium-3 for its fusion powered trhusters."
Locate 14, 20: Print "Do not run out of it and do not collide with the asteroids."
Locate 15, 20: Print "Post your best time on the forum."
Locate 17, 20: Print "Press <ENTER> to start";
While InKey <> Chr(13)
	Sleep 1

Dim As Double tStart = Timer, tNow = tStart, tPrev = tNow, dt = 0
While quit = 0
	'reset stuff
	ship.lin_F = sgl2d(0, 0)
	ship.ang_F = 0
	For i As Integer = 0 To NUM_THRUSTERS - 1
		thruster(i).active = 0

	If MultiKey(FB.SC_UP) Then
		thruster(L_FW_THR).active = 1
		thruster(R_FW_THR).active = 1
		fuel -= thruster(L_FW_THR).polarForce.magnitude * dt
		fuel -= thruster(R_FW_THR).polarForce.magnitude * dt
	End If

	If MultiKey(FB.SC_LEFT) Then
		thruster(L_LO_THR).active = 1
		thruster(R_HI_THR).active = 1
		fuel -= thruster(L_LO_THR).polarForce.magnitude * dt
		fuel -= thruster(R_HI_THR).polarForce.magnitude * dt
	End If

	If MultiKey(FB.SC_RIGHT) Then
		thruster(R_LO_THR).active = 1
		thruster(L_HI_THR).active = 1
		fuel -= thruster(R_LO_THR).polarForce.magnitude * dt
		fuel -= thruster(L_HI_THR).polarForce.magnitude * dt
	End If

	If key = K_ESC Then quit = 1

	For i As Integer = 0 To NUM_THRUSTERS - 1
		'forces on body by active thrusters
		If thruster(i).active > 0 Then
			Dim As Single thrust = thruster(i).polarForce.magnitude
			thruster(i).forceVector = polarToCartesian(ship.angle + thruster(i).polarForce.angle, thrust)
			ship.lin_F += thruster(i).forceVector
			ship.ang_F += cross(thruster(i).relPos, thruster(i).forceVector)
		End If

	ship.update(dt) 'position and angle
	sg.offset = ship.position
	sg.scale = limit(100 / Len(ship.lin_v), 0.5, 2.0)

	'do always for display
	For i As Integer = 0 To NUM_THRUSTERS - 1
		thruster(i).updatePosition(ship.position, ship.angle)

	Dim As Integer nearestAsteroidId = findNearestBody(ship.position, asteroid())
	Dim As astro_body Ptr pAsteroid = @asteroid(nearestAsteroidId)
	If dist(ship.position, pAsteroid->position) < (ship.radius + pAsteroid->radius) Then
		quit = 2 'crash
	End If

	Dim As Integer nearestHeliumId = findNearestBody(ship.position, helium())
	If fuel <= 0 Then quit = 3
	Locate 2, 2 : Print "<UP>, <LEFT>, <RIGHT> for thrusters, <ESC> to exit";
	Locate 3, 2 : Print "Nearest helium distance [m]: "; CInt(dist(ship.position, helium(nearestHeliumId).position));
	Locate 4, 2 : Print "Kinetic engergy [kJ]: "; CInt(ship.getKineticEnergy() * 1e-3);
	Locate 5, 2 : Print "Fuel remaining [%]: "; CInt((fuel / maxFuel) * 100);
	Locate 6, 2 : Print "Remaining helium3 clouds: "; UBound(helium) + 1;
	'draw stars background
	For i As Integer = 0 To UBound(star)
		drawStar(star(i).position * 0.75 + ship.position * 0.25, star(i).size, star(i).colour)
	'draw active thrusters
	For i As Integer = 0 To NUM_THRUSTERS - 1
		Dim As ULong c = IIf(i < 4, RGB(255, 255, 0), RGB(255, 255, 255))
		If thruster(i).active > 0 Then
			drawThruster(thruster(i).absPos, thruster(i).absPos - thruster(i).forceVector / 1e3, RGB(255, 63, 0)) 'thruster force indicator
		End If
	'draw asteroids
	For i As Integer = 0 To UBound(asteroid)
		sg.drawCircleFilled(asteroid(i).position, asteroid(i).radius, asteroid(i).colour, 0)
	'draw helium 'clouds'
	For i As Integer = 0 To UBound(helium)
		drawHelium3(helium(i).position, helium(i).radius, IIf(nearestHeliumId = i, RGB(191, 191, 255), helium(i).colour))
	Dim As sgl2d heliumPointer = normalise(ship.position - helium(nearestHeliumId).position)
	drawArrow(ship.position, ship.position - heliumPointer * ship.radius * 2, RGB(191, 191, 255))

	'clean up after displaying
	Dim As astro_body Ptr pHelium = @helium(nearestHeliumId)
	If dist(ship.position, pHelium->position) < (ship.radius + pHelium->radius * 0.5) Then
		If UBound(helium) > 0 Then
			'remove form list
			helium(nearestHeliumId) = helium(UBound(helium))
			ReDim Preserve helium(UBound(helium) - 1)
			fuel = maxFuel
			'last item
			quit = 4
		End If
	End If

	'time update
	key = InKey()
	Sleep 1
	tPrev = tNow
	tNow = Timer
	dt = tNow - tPrev

If quit > 1 Then 'Crashed or No fuel
	If quit = 2 Then ship.colour = RGB(233, 0, 0)
	If quit = 3 Then ship.colour = RGB(233, 191, 191)
	Locate 8, 2
	If quit = 2 Then Print "Ship crashed";
	If quit = 3 Then Print "Ship out of fuel";
	If quit = 4 Then Print "Well done all helium3 collected. Your time: " + Str(CInt(tNow - tStart)) + " seconds";
	Locate 9, 2: Print "press <ENTER> to exit";
	While InKey <> Chr(13)
		Sleep 1
End If
Screen 0
Print "End"

'rotating helium3
'shoot asteroids
'background stars : optimize performance

Update 2019-09-04: Backgound stars added. New personal record: 244 seconds.
Posts: 107
Joined: Mar 08, 2016 19:10
Location: The Netherlands

Re: Physics question

Post by Gunslinger »

Just got 189 seconds on second run full hd :-)
I'm a drone drone pilot and that is 3 axels, gravity and momentum to fight with.
Posts: 2594
Joined: May 24, 2007 22:10
Location: The Netherlands

Re: Physics question

Post by badidea »

Small update:
* One can shoot at a asteroid to remove it, costs 10% fuel
* Helium-3 atom clouds with rotating core animation
* Additional control of side thrusters <A>, <D> (does not make control easier)

Code: Select all

#Include ""

Type int2d
	As Integer x, y
	Declare Constructor
	Declare Constructor(x As Integer, y As Integer)
	Declare Operator Cast () As String
End Type

Constructor int2d
End Constructor

Constructor int2d(x As Integer, y As Integer)
	This.x = x : This.y = y
End Constructor

Operator = (a As int2d, b As int2d) As boolean
	If a.x <> b.x Then Return false
	If a.y <> b.y Then Return false
	Return true
End Operator

Operator <> (a As int2d, b As int2d) As boolean
	If a.x = b.x And a.y = b.y Then Return false
	Return true
End Operator

' "x, y"
Operator int2d.cast () As String
  Return Str(x) & "," & Str(y)
End Operator

' a + b 
Operator + (a As int2d, b As int2d) As int2d
	Return Type(a.x + b.x, a.y + b.y)
End Operator

' a - b
Operator - (a As int2d, b As int2d) As int2d
	Return Type(a.x - b.x, a.y - b.y)
End Operator

' -a
Operator - (a As int2d) As int2d
	Return Type(-a.x, -a.y)
End Operator

' a * b
Operator * (a As int2d, b As int2d) As int2d
	Return Type(a.x * b.x, a.y * b.y)
End Operator

' a * mul
Operator * (a As int2d, mul As Integer) As int2d
	Return Type(a.x * mul, a.y * mul)
End Operator

' a \ b
Operator \ (a As int2d, b As int2d) As int2d
	Return Type(a.x \ b.x, a.y \ b.y)
End Operator

' a \ div
Operator \ (a As int2d, div As Integer) As int2d
	Return Type(a.x \ div, a.y \ div)
End Operator


Type sgl2d
	As Single x, y
	Declare Constructor
	Declare Constructor(x As Single, y As Single)
	Declare Operator Cast () As String
End Type

Constructor sgl2d
End Constructor

Constructor sgl2d(x As Single, y As Single)
	This.x = x : This.y = y
End Constructor

' "x, y"
Operator sgl2d.cast () As String
	Return Str(x) & "," & Str(y)
End Operator

'---- operators ---

' distance / lenth
Operator Len (a As sgl2d) As Single
	Return Sqr(a.x * a.x + a.y * a.y)
End Operator

' a = b ?
Operator = (a As sgl2d, b As sgl2d) As boolean
	If a.x <> b.x Then Return false
	If a.y <> b.y Then Return false
	Return true
End Operator

' a != b ?
Operator <> (a As sgl2d, b As sgl2d) As boolean
	If a.x = b.x And a.y = b.y Then Return false
	Return true
End Operator

' a + b 
Operator + (a As sgl2d, b As sgl2d) As sgl2d
	Return Type(a.x + b.x, a.y + b.y)
End Operator

' a - b
Operator - (a As sgl2d, b As sgl2d) As sgl2d
	Return Type(a.x - b.x, a.y - b.y)
End Operator

' -a
Operator - (a As sgl2d) As sgl2d
	Return Type(-a.x, -a.y)
End Operator

' a * b
Operator * (a As sgl2d, b As sgl2d) As sgl2d
	Return Type(a.x * b.x, a.y * b.y)
End Operator

' a * mul
Operator * (a As sgl2d, mul As Single) As sgl2d
	Return Type(a.x * mul, a.y * mul)
End Operator

' a / div
Operator / (a As sgl2d, div As Single) As sgl2d
	Return Type(a.x / div, a.y / div)
End Operator

'---- extra functions ---

Function cross(a As sgl2d, b As sgl2d) As Single
	Return a.x * b.y - a.y * b.x
End Function

Function lengthSqrd(a As sgl2d) As Single
	Return (a.x * a.x) + (a.y * a.y) 
End Function

Function dist(a As sgl2d, b As sgl2d) As Single
	Dim As Single dx = a.x - b.x
	Dim As Single dy = a.y - b.y
	Return Sqr((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)) 
End Function

Function distSqrd(a As sgl2d, b As sgl2d) As Single
	Dim As Single dx = a.x - b.x
	Dim As Single dy = a.y - b.y
	Return (dx * dx) + (dy * dy) 
End Function

Function normalise(a As sgl2d) As sgl2d
	Dim As sgl2d temp
	Dim As Single length = Len(a)
	Return sgl2d(a.x / length, a.y / length)
End Function


'Note: y+ = up, x+ = right, (0,0) = center
Type scaled_graphics_type
	Dim As Single scale = 1 ' = 1 / pixel_size 'pixels / meter
	'dim as int2d offset' = (scrn_w \ 2, h \ 2) 'offset in pixels
	Dim As sgl2d offset
	Dim As Integer w = -1, h = -1
	Dim As Integer wc = -1, hc = -1 'center x,y
	Declare Sub setScreen(w As Integer, h As Integer)
	Declare Sub setScaling(scale As Single, offset As sgl2d)
	Declare Sub clearScreen(c As ULong)
	Declare Function pos2screen(p As sgl2d) As int2d
	Declare Sub drawPixel(p As sgl2d, c As ULong)
	Declare Sub drawCircle(p As sgl2d, r As Single, c As ULong)
	Declare Sub drawCircleFilled(p As sgl2d, r As Single, c As ULong, cFill As ULong)
	Declare Sub drawElipse(p As sgl2d, r As Single, aspect As Single, c As ULong)
	Declare Sub drawLine(p1 As sgl2d, p2 As sgl2d, c As ULong)
End Type

Sub scaled_graphics_type.setScreen(w As Integer, h As Integer)
	This.w = w 'width
	This.h = h 'height
	wc = w \ 2
	hc = h \ 2
	ScreenRes w, h, 32
	Width w \ 8, h \ 16 'bigger font
End Sub

Sub scaled_graphics_type.setScaling(scale As Single, offset As sgl2d)
	This.scale = scale
	This.offset = offset
End Sub

Sub scaled_graphics_type.clearScreen(c As ULong)
	Line(0, 0)-(w - 1, h - 1), c, bf
End Sub

Function scaled_graphics_type.pos2screen(p As sgl2d) As int2d
	Return int2d(Int(wc + (p.x - offset.x) * scale), h - Int(hc + (p.y - offset.y) * scale))
End Function

Sub scaled_graphics_type.drawPixel(p As sgl2d, c As ULong)
	Dim As int2d posScrn = pos2screen(p)
	PSet(posScrn.x, posScrn.y), c
End Sub

Sub scaled_graphics_type.drawCircle(p As sgl2d, r As Single, c As ULong)
	Dim As int2d posScrn = pos2screen(p)
	Circle(posScrn.x, posScrn.y), r * scale, c
End Sub

Sub scaled_graphics_type.drawCircleFilled(p As sgl2d, r As Single, c As ULong, cFill As ULong)
	Dim As int2d posScrn = pos2screen(p)
	Circle(posScrn.x, posScrn.y), r * scale, 0,,,,f
	Circle(posScrn.x, posScrn.y), r * scale, c
End Sub

Sub scaled_graphics_type.drawElipse(p As sgl2d, r As Single, aspect As Single, c As ULong)
	Dim As int2d posScrn = pos2screen(p)
	Circle(posScrn.x, posScrn.y), r * scale, c, , , aspect
End Sub

Sub scaled_graphics_type.drawLine(p1 As sgl2d, p2 As sgl2d, c As ULong)
	Dim As int2d posScrn1 = pos2screen(p1)
	Dim As int2d posScrn2 = pos2screen(p2)
	Line(posScrn1.x, posScrn1.y)-(posScrn2.x, posScrn2.y), c
End Sub


Const As Single PI = 4 * Atn(1)
Const As Single RAD_PER_DEG = (PI / 180)
Const As Single DEG_PER_RAD = 180 / PI
Const As Single sinA = Sin((10 / 180) * PI)
Const As Single cosA = Cos((10 / 180) * PI)
Const As Single sinB = Sin((20 / 180) * PI)
Const As Single cosB = Cos((20 / 180) * PI)

Const K_ENTER = Chr(13)
Const K_ESC = Chr(27)
Const K_MIN = Chr(45)
Const K_UND = Chr(95)
Const K_PLU = Chr(61)
Const K_EQU = Chr(43)

Const SCRN_W = 800, SCRN_H = 600

Dim Shared As scaled_graphics_type sg
sg.setScaling(2.0, sgl2d(0, 0))
sg.setScreen(SCRN_W, SCRN_H)


Sub waitForKey(key As String)
	While InKey <> key
		Sleep 1
End Sub

Function limit(value As Single, min As Single, max As Single) As Single
	If value < min Then Return min
	If value > max Then Return max
	Return value
End Function

Type polar
	Dim As Single angle
	Dim As Single magnitude
End Type

Function polarToCartesian(angle As Single, radius As Single) As sgl2d
	Return sgl2d(Cos(angle) * radius, Sin(angle) * radius)
End Function

Function rotatedVector(v As sgl2d, rotAngle As Single) As sgl2d
	Dim As sgl2d tmp
	tmp.x = Cos(rotAngle) * v.x - Sin(rotAngle) * v.y
	tmp.y = Sin(rotAngle) * v.x + Cos(rotAngle) * v.y
	Return tmp
End Function


Sub drawArrow(p1 As sgl2d, p2 As sgl2d, c As ULong)
	sg.drawLine(p1, p2, c)
	Dim As sgl2d dp = (p2 - p1) * 0.30 'reduce length
	sg.drawLine(p2, p2 - sgl2d(cosB * dp.x - sinB * dp.y, sinB * dp.x + cosB * dp.y), c)
	sg.drawLine(p2, p2 - sgl2d(cosB * dp.x + sinB * dp.y, cosB * dp.y - sinB * dp.x), c)
End Sub

Sub drawThruster(p1 As sgl2d, p2 As sgl2d, c As ULong)
	sg.drawLine(p1, p2, c)
	Dim As sgl2d dp = (p2 - p1) * 0.95 'reduce length
	sg.drawLine(p1, p1 + sgl2d(cosA * dp.x - sinA * dp.y, sinA * dp.x + cosA * dp.y), c)
	sg.drawLine(p1, p1 + sgl2d(cosA * dp.x + sinA * dp.y, cosA * dp.y - sinA * dp.x), c)
End Sub

Sub drawHelium3(p As sgl2d, r As Single, rot As Single, c As ULong)
	For i As Integer = 0 To 2
		sg.drawCircle(p + polarToCartesian((i / 3) * 2 * PI + rot, 0.15 * r), 0.15 * r, c)
	sg.drawElipse(p, r, 2.0, c)
	sg.drawElipse(p, r, 0.5, c)
End Sub

Sub drawStar(p As sgl2d, size As Single, c As ULong)
	sg.drawLine(p - sgl2d(size / 2, 0) , p + sgl2d(size / 2, 0), c)
	sg.drawLine(p - sgl2d(0, size / 2) , p + sgl2d(0, size / 2), c)
End Sub


Type disc_object
	Dim As Single radius '[m]
	Dim As Single height '[m]
	Dim As Single density '[kg/m^3]
	Dim As ULong colour '[m]
	'linear motion properties
	Dim As sgl2d position 'position [m]
	Dim As Single lin_m 'mass [kg]
	Dim As sgl2d lin_F 'force [N] [kg*m/s^2]
	Dim As sgl2d lin_a 'acceleration [m/s^2]
	Dim As sgl2d lin_v 'velocity [m/s]
	'dim as sgl2d lin_p 'momentum [kg*m/s]
	'dim as single lin_E 'Kinetic energy [J] [kg*m^2/s^2]
	'Rotational motion properties
	Dim As Single angle 'angular position (theta) [rad]
	Dim As Single ang_m 'angular mass, moment of inertia (I) [kg*m^2]
	Dim As Single ang_F 'torque (tau) [N*m] [kg*m^2/s^2]
	Dim As Single ang_a 'angular velocity (alpha) [rad/s^2]
	Dim As Single ang_v 'angular velocity (omega) [rad/s]
	'dim as single ang_p 'angular momentum (L) [kg*m^2/s]
	'dim as single ang_E 'Kinetic energy [J] [kg*m^2/s^2]
	Declare Sub init(r As Single, h As Single, d As Single, p As sgl2d, c As ULong)
	Declare Sub update(dt As Double)
	Declare Function getKineticEnergy() As Single
End Type

'Set radius, height, density, position
'Calculate mass and rotational inertia
Sub disc_object.init(r As Single, h As Single, d As Single, p As sgl2d, c As ULong)
	radius = r
	height = h
	density = d
	position = p
	colour = c
	lin_m = PI * r ^ 2 * d
	ang_m = 0.5 * lin_m * r ^ 2
End Sub

'update position and angle
Sub disc_object.update(dt As Double)
	lin_a = lin_F / lin_m
	lin_v += lin_a * dt
	position += lin_v * dt
	ang_a = ang_F / ang_m
	ang_v += ang_a * dt
	angle += ang_v * dt
End Sub

Function disc_object.getKineticEnergy() As Single
	Dim As Single lin_E = 0.5 * lin_m * lengthSqrd(lin_v)
	Dim As Single ang_E = 0.5 * ang_m * ang_v * ang_v
	Return lin_E + ang_E
End Function

Sub drawShip(ship As disc_object)
	'calculate ships tail pointer / triangle
	Dim As sgl2d forwardPos = polarToCartesian(ship.angle - 90 * RAD_PER_DEG, ship.radius * 2.2)
	Dim As sgl2d leftBackPos = polarToCartesian(ship.angle - 135 * RAD_PER_DEG, ship.radius * 1.0) '(90 + 45)
	Dim As sgl2d rightBackPos = polarToCartesian(ship.angle - 45 * RAD_PER_DEG, ship.radius * 1.0) '(90 - 45)
	sg.drawCircle(ship.position, ship.radius, ship.colour) 'flying saucer
	sg.drawLine(ship.position + forwardPos, ship.position + leftBackPos, ship.colour)
	sg.drawLine(ship.position + forwardPos, ship.position + rightBackPos, ship.colour)
End Sub


Type thruster_type
	'''init paramaters
	Dim As polar polarForce '(rad, N)
	Dim As polar polarPos '(rad, m)
	'''variable paramaters
	Dim As sgl2d forceVector '(N, N)
	Dim As sgl2d relPos, absPos '(m, m)
	Dim As Integer active
	Declare Sub init(forceMagnitude As Single, forceDirection As Single, posAngle As Single, posRadius As Single)
	Declare Sub updatePosition(bodyPos As sgl2d, bodyAngle As Single)
End Type

Sub thruster_type.init(forceDirection As Single, forceMagnitude As Single, posAngle As Single, posRadius As Single)
	polarForce = Type(forceDirection, forceMagnitude) 'thruster action
	polarPos = Type(posAngle, posRadius) 'position of thruster on ship
End Sub

Sub thruster_type.updatePosition(bodyPos As sgl2d, bodyAngle As Single)
	relPos = polarToCartesian(bodyAngle + polarPos.angle, polarPos.magnitude)
	absPos = bodyPos + relPos
End Sub


Const As Single GRAV_CONST = 6.67e-11 '[m3/(kg*s^2)

Type astro_body
	Dim As Single radius '[m]
	Dim As Single density '[kg/m^3]
	Dim As ULong colour '[m]
	Dim As sgl2d position 'position [m]
	Dim As Single mass '[kg]
	Dim As Single rotation '[rad]
	Declare Sub init(r As Single, d As Single, p As sgl2d, c As ULong)
End Type

'Set radius, density, position
'Calculate mass and rotational inertia
Sub astro_body.init(r As Single, d As Single, p As sgl2d, c As ULong)
	radius = r
	density = d
	position = p
	colour = c
	mass = PI * r ^ 2 * d
End Sub

Function gravForce(m1 As Single, m2 As Single, r As Single) As Single
	Return GRAV_CONST * (m1 * m2) / (r * r)
End Function

Function gravForceVector(m1 As Single, Pos1 As sgl2d, m2 As Single, pos2 As sgl2d) As sgl2d
	Dim As Single distSquared = distSqrd(pos2, Pos1)
	Dim As sgl2d unitVector12 = (Pos1 - pos2) / Sqr(distSquared)
	Return unitVector12 * (-GRAV_CONST * (m1 * m2) / distSquared)
End Function

Function findNearestBody(refPos As sgl2d, body() As astro_body) As Integer
	Dim As Integer nearestBodyId = 0
	Dim As Single nearestBodyDistSqrd = distSqrd(refPos, body(0).position)
	Dim As Single currentBodyDistSqrd
	For i As Integer = 1 To UBound(body)
		currentBodyDistSqrd = distSqrd(refPos, body(i).position)
		If currentBodyDistSqrd < nearestBodyDistSqrd Then
			nearestBodyDistSqrd = currentBodyDistSqrd
			nearestBodyId = i
		End If
	Return nearestBodyId 
End Function

Type star_type
	Dim As sgl2d position '[m]
	Dim As Single size
	Dim As ULong colour
	Declare Sub init(p As sgl2d, s As Single, c As ULong)
End Type

Sub star_type.init(p As sgl2d, s As Single, c As ULong)
	position = p
	size = s
	colour = c
End Sub

Type bullet_type
	Dim As sgl2d position
	Dim As sgl2d velocity
	Dim As Single radius = 3.0
	Dim As Integer active
	Dim As Double endTime
	Dim As ULong colour
	Declare Sub init(p As sgl2d, v As sgl2d, lifeTime As Double, c As ULong)
End Type

Sub bullet_type.init(p As sgl2d, v As sgl2d, lifeTime As Double, c As ULong)
	position = p
	velocity = v
	endTime = Timer + lifeTime
	active = 1
	colour = c
End Sub


Const As Single MOON_RADIUS = 1737e+6 '[m]
Const As Single MOON_DENSITY = 3344 '[kg/m^3]

Const L_FW_THR = 0 'left forward thruster
Const R_FW_THR = 1 'right forward thruster
Const L_LO_THR = 2
Const R_LO_THR = 3
Const L_HI_THR = 4
Const R_HI_THR = 5

Const QUIT_NO = 0
Const QUIT_USER = 1
Const QUIT_CRASH = 2
Const QUIT_FUEL = 3

Dim As Integer quit = 0
Dim As disc_object ship
Dim As thruster_type thruster(NUM_THRUSTERS - 1)
'const NUM_ASTEROID = 80
ReDim As astro_body asteroid(80 - 1)
'const NUM_HELIUM = 10
ReDim As astro_body helium(10 - 1)
Const As Single maxFuel = 1e6 'N*s
Dim As Single fuel = maxFuel
Const NUM_STARS = 150
Dim As star_type star(NUM_STARS-1)
Dim As bullet_type bullet
Dim As astro_body Ptr pAsteroid, pHelium
Dim As Integer nearestAsteroidToBulletId = -1
Dim As Integer nearestHeliumId
Dim As Integer nearestAsteroidId
Dim As Integer asteroidRemove = 0

ship.init(10, 1, 5, sgl2d(0, -50), RGB(127, 223, 0))
For i As Integer = 0 To UBound(asteroid)
	asteroid(i).init(5 + 4 / (Rnd + 0.2), 1000, sgl2d((Rnd - 0.5) * 2000, (Rnd - 0.5) * 2000), RGB(Rnd * 64 + 127, Rnd * 64 + 95, 127))
For i As Integer = 0 To UBound(helium)
	helium(i).init(5 + 4 / (Rnd + 0.2), 1000, sgl2d((Rnd - 0.5) * 2000, (Rnd - 0.5) * 2000), RGB(255, 191, 0))
For i As Integer = 0 To UBound(star)
	star(i).init(sgl2d((Rnd - 0.5) * 4000, (Rnd - 0.5) * 4000), Rnd * 5 + 2, RGB(Rnd * 64 + 191, Rnd * 64 + 191, Rnd * 64 + 191))

'force angle, force magnitude, polar thruster position 
thruster(L_FW_THR).init(0.5 * pi, 1.2e4, -0.75 * pi, ship.radius)
thruster(R_FW_THR).init(0.5 * pi, 1.2e4, -0.25 * pi, ship.radius)
thruster(L_LO_THR).init(0.0 * pi, 8e3, -0.75 * pi, ship.radius)
thruster(R_LO_THR).init(1.0 * pi, 8e3, -0.25 * pi, ship.radius)
thruster(L_HI_THR).init(0.0 * pi, 8e3, +0.75 * pi, ship.radius)
thruster(R_HI_THR).init(1.0 * pi, 8e3, +0.25 * pi, ship.radius)

'intro text
Locate 10, 20: Print "HELIUM-3 SPACE RACE"
Locate 12, 20: Print "Scoop up all the helium-3 clouds as fast as possible."
Locate 13, 20: Print "Your ship needs helium-3 for its fusion powered trhusters."
Locate 14, 20: Print "Do not run out of it and do not collide with the asteroids."
Locate 15, 20: Print "Post your best time on the forum."
Locate 17, 20: Print "Press <ENTER> to start";

Locate 24, 20: Print "Controls:";
Locate 26, 20: Print " Fire: <SPACE>";
Locate 27, 20: Print " Forward thrusters: <UP>";
Locate 28, 20: Print " Rotation thrusters: <LEFT>, <RIGHT>";
Locate 29, 20: Print " Side thrusters: <A>, <D>";
Locate 30, 20: Print " Abort game: <ESC>";

Dim As Double tStart = Timer, tNow = tStart, tPrev = tNow, dt = 0
While quit = 0
	'reset stuff
	ship.lin_F = sgl2d(0, 0)
	ship.ang_F = 0
	For i As Integer = 0 To NUM_THRUSTERS - 1
		thruster(i).active = 0

	If MultiKey(FB.SC_UP) Then
		thruster(L_FW_THR).active = 1
		thruster(R_FW_THR).active = 1
		fuel -= thruster(L_FW_THR).polarForce.magnitude * dt
		fuel -= thruster(R_FW_THR).polarForce.magnitude * dt
	End If

	If MultiKey(FB.SC_LEFT) Then
		thruster(L_LO_THR).active = 1
		thruster(R_HI_THR).active = 1
		fuel -= thruster(L_LO_THR).polarForce.magnitude * dt
		fuel -= thruster(R_HI_THR).polarForce.magnitude * dt
	End If

	If MultiKey(FB.SC_RIGHT) Then
		thruster(R_LO_THR).active = 1
		thruster(L_HI_THR).active = 1
		fuel -= thruster(R_LO_THR).polarForce.magnitude * dt
		fuel -= thruster(L_HI_THR).polarForce.magnitude * dt
	End If

	If MultiKey(FB.SC_A) Then
		thruster(R_LO_THR).active = 1
		thruster(R_HI_THR).active = 1
		fuel -= thruster(R_LO_THR).polarForce.magnitude * dt
		fuel -= thruster(R_HI_THR).polarForce.magnitude * dt
	End If

	If MultiKey(FB.SC_D) Then
		thruster(L_LO_THR).active = 1
		thruster(L_HI_THR).active = 1
		fuel -= thruster(L_LO_THR).polarForce.magnitude * dt
		fuel -= thruster(L_HI_THR).polarForce.magnitude * dt
	End If

	'~ if multikey(FB.SC_P) then
		'~ sleep 5000,1 'for taking a screenshot
	'~ end if

	If MultiKey(FB.SC_SPACE) Then
		If = 0 Then
			Dim As sgl2d vBullet = ship.lin_v + polarToCartesian(ship.angle + pi/2, 50)
			bullet.init(ship.position, vBullet, 3.0, RGB(255, 0, 0))
			fuel -= maxFuel * 0.05 'takes 5% of fuel 
		End If
	End If

	If MultiKey(FB.SC_ESCAPE) Then quit = QUIT_USER

	For i As Integer = 0 To NUM_THRUSTERS - 1
		'forces on body by active thrusters
		If thruster(i).active > 0 Then
			Dim As Single thrust = thruster(i).polarForce.magnitude
			thruster(i).forceVector = polarToCartesian(ship.angle + thruster(i).polarForce.angle, thrust)
			ship.lin_F += thruster(i).forceVector
			ship.ang_F += cross(thruster(i).relPos, thruster(i).forceVector)
		End If

	ship.update(dt) 'position and angle
	sg.offset = ship.position
	sg.scale = limit(100 / Len(ship.lin_v), 0.5, 2.0)

	'do always for display
	For i As Integer = 0 To NUM_THRUSTERS - 1
		thruster(i).updatePosition(ship.position, ship.angle)

	For i As Integer = 0 To UBound(helium)
		helium(i).rotation += 300 * RAD_PER_DEG * dt 'N * degrees / second

	nearestAsteroidId = findNearestBody(ship.position, asteroid())
	pAsteroid = @asteroid(nearestAsteroidId)
	If dist(ship.position, pAsteroid->position) < (ship.radius + pAsteroid->radius) Then
		quit = QUIT_CRASH
	End If

	nearestHeliumId = findNearestBody(ship.position, helium())
	If fuel <= 0 Then quit = QUIT_FUEL
	If = 1 Then
		If tNow > bullet.EndTime Then = 0
			bullet.position += bullet.velocity * dt
			nearestAsteroidToBulletId = findNearestBody(bullet.position, asteroid())
			asteroidRemove = 1
		End If
	End If
	'draw stars background
	For i As Integer = 0 To UBound(star)
		drawStar(star(i).position * 0.75 + ship.position * 0.25, star(i).size, star(i).colour)
	'draw active thrusters
	For i As Integer = 0 To NUM_THRUSTERS - 1
		Dim As ULong c = IIf(i < 4, RGB(255, 255, 0), RGB(255, 255, 255))
		If thruster(i).active > 0 Then
			drawThruster(thruster(i).absPos, thruster(i).absPos - thruster(i).forceVector / 1e3, RGB(255, 63, 0)) 'thruster force indicator
		End If
	'draw asteroids
	For i As Integer = 0 To UBound(asteroid)
		sg.drawCircleFilled(asteroid(i).position, asteroid(i).radius, asteroid(i).colour, 0)
	'draw helium 'clouds'
	For i As Integer = 0 To UBound(helium)
		drawHelium3(helium(i).position, helium(i).radius, helium(i).rotation, IIf(nearestHeliumId = i, RGB(191, 191, 255), helium(i).colour))
	Dim As sgl2d heliumPointer = normalise(ship.position - helium(nearestHeliumId).position)
	drawArrow(ship.position, ship.position - heliumPointer * ship.radius * 2, RGB(191, 191, 255))
	If = 1 Then
		sg.drawCircle(bullet.position, bullet.radius, bullet.colour)
	End If
	Draw String (8, 8 + 0 * 16), "Nearest helium distance [m]: " + Str(CInt(dist(ship.position, helium(nearestHeliumId).position)))
	Draw String (8, 8 + 1 * 16), "Kinetic engergy [kJ]: " + Str(CInt(ship.getKineticEnergy() * 1e-3))
	Draw String (8, 8 + 2 * 16), "Fuel remaining [%]: " + Str(CInt((fuel / maxFuel) * 100))
	Draw String (8, 8 + 3 * 16), "Remaining helium3 clouds: " + Str(UBound(helium) + 1)

	'clean up after displaying
	pHelium = @helium(nearestHeliumId)
	If dist(ship.position, pHelium->position) < (ship.radius + pHelium->radius * 0.5) Then
		If UBound(helium) > 0 Then
			'remove form list
			helium(nearestHeliumId) = helium(UBound(helium))
			ReDim Preserve helium(UBound(helium) - 1)
			fuel = maxFuel
			'last item
			Erase helium
			quit = QUIT_WINNER
		End If
	End If

	'asteroid hit by bullet?
	If nearestAsteroidToBulletId <> -1 Then
		pAsteroid = @asteroid(nearestAsteroidToBulletId)
		If dist(bullet.position, pAsteroid->position) < (bullet.radius + pAsteroid->radius) Then
			'remove asteroid from list
			If UBound(asteroid) > 0 Then
				'remove form list
				asteroid(nearestAsteroidToBulletId) = asteroid(UBound(asteroid))
				ReDim Preserve asteroid(UBound(asteroid) - 1)
				'last item
				Erase asteroid
			End If
			bullet.endTime = tNow + 0.1
			' = 0
		End If
		nearestAsteroidToBulletId = -1
	End If

	'time update
	Sleep 1
	tPrev = tNow
	tNow = Timer
	dt = tNow - tPrev

Select Case quit
	Draw String (8, 8 + 6 * 16), "Abort by user"
	ship.colour = RGB(233, 0, 0)
	Draw String (8, 8 + 6 * 16), "Ship crashed"
	ship.colour = RGB(233, 191, 191)
	Draw String (8, 8 + 6 * 16), "Ship out of fuel"
	Draw String (8, 8 + 6 * 16), "Well done all helium3 collected. Your time: " + Str(CInt(tNow - tStart)) + " seconds"
Case Else
End Select

Draw String (8, 8 + 7 * 16), "press <ENTER> to exit"

Screen 0
Print "End"
* Code clean-up, move stuff into classes
* Add some simple sounds (using: Audio library for FreeBasic - Features)
Posts: 7987
Joined: Jan 10, 2006 20:30
Location: Scotland

Re: Physics question

Post by dodicat »

Windows for fun with some sound.
(Some help from angros47's post regarding playing .mp3 files on win 10) ...
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