ON TIMER substitute

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ON TIMER substitute

Post by v1ctor »

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'' timer.bi
#ifndef __timer_bi__
#define __timer_bi__

#ifdef __FB_DOS__
# error "Unsupported platform, switch to a real OS"

#inclib "timer"

type TIMER_CALLBACK as sub( byval userdata as integer )

declare function timercreate				( _
					   		   				  byval interval as integer, _
					   		   				  byval callback as TIMER_CALLBACK, _
					   		   				  byval userdata as integer = 0 _
					 		 				) as integer

declare sub 	 timeron					( _
											  byval id as integer _

declare sub 	 timeroff					( _
											  byval id as integer _

declare sub 	 timerdestroy				( _
											  byval id as integer _


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'' timer.bas
'' simple timer library using threads
'' (note: to use this library *always* compile the client using the -mt option for threading safety)
'' to compile: fbc timer.bas -lib

option explicit

#include once "timer.bi"

end enum

	state		as TIMER_STATES
	interval	as integer
	callback	as TIMER_CALLBACK
	userdata	as integer
	cond		as integer
	thread		as integer
end type

private sub timer_thread( byval ctx as TIMER_CTX ptr )
		select case ctx->state
			exit do
			condwait( ctx->cond )
			dim interval as integer
			interval = ctx->interval
				sleep iif( interval <= 100, interval, 100 ), 1
				if( ctx->state <> TIMER_STATE_RUNNING ) then
					exit do
				end if
				interval -= 100
			loop while( interval > 0 )
			if( interval <= 0 ) then
				ctx->callback( ctx->userdata )
			end if
		end select
end sub

function timercreate( _
				      byval interval as integer, _
					  byval callback as TIMER_CALLBACK, _
					  byval userdata as integer = 0 _
					) as integer
	dim as TIMER_CTX ptr ctx
	ctx = allocate( len( TIMER_CTX ) )
	ctx->state	  = TIMER_STATE_STOPPED
	ctx->interval = interval
	ctx->callback = callback
	ctx->userdata = userdata
	ctx->cond	  = condcreate( )
	ctx->thread   = threadcreate( @timer_thread, cint( ctx ) )
	function = cint( ctx )

end function

sub timeron( _
		     byval id as integer _
	dim ctx as TIMER_CTX ptr = cast( TIMER_CTX ptr, id )
	if( ctx = 0 ) then
		exit sub
	end if
	if( ctx->state = TIMER_STATE_KILLED ) then
		exit sub
	end if
	condsignal( ctx->cond )

end sub

sub timeroff( _
			  byval id as integer _
	dim ctx as TIMER_CTX ptr = cast( TIMER_CTX ptr, id )
	if( ctx = 0 ) then
		exit sub
	end if

	if( ctx->state = TIMER_STATE_KILLED ) then
		exit sub
	end if


end sub

sub timerdestroy( _
			      byval id as integer _
	dim ctx as TIMER_CTX ptr = cast( TIMER_CTX ptr, id )
	if( ctx = 0 ) then
		exit sub
	end if

	if( ctx->state = TIMER_STATE_KILLED ) then
		exit sub
	end if

	condsignal( ctx->cond )
	threadwait( ctx->thread )			
	conddestroy( ctx->cond )
	ctx->state = TIMER_STATE_KILLED
	deallocate( ctx )
end sub

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'' test.bas
'' test for the timer library
'' to compile: fbc test.bas -mt 
'' (compile timer.bas first, of course)

option explicit

#include once "timer.bi"

declare sub timer_handler ( byval id as integer )

	dim t1, t2, t3
	print "starting.."
	t1 = timercreate( 500, @timer_handler, 1 )
	t2 = timercreate( 5000, @timer_handler, 2 )
	t3 = timercreate( 10000, @timer_handler, 3 )
	timeron t1
	timeron t2
	timeron t3
		print "(main loop)"
		sleep 1000
    loop until len( inkey ) > 0

	print "exiting.."
	timeroff t3
	timeroff t2
	timeroff t1
	timerdestroy t3
	timerdestroy t2
	timerdestroy t1

sub timer_handler ( byval id as integer )
	print "(timer:" & id & " handler)" 
end sub
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Post by rdc »

Ah, very cool and very useful too.
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Post by D.J.Peters »

Where are condcreate, condwait, condsignal , conddestroy documented?
I know only about mutex in FreeBASIC.

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Post by v1ctor »

Indeed, they are not documented yet, i didn't see that.

There's also CondBroadcast, may Angelo could give a description about each cond* function, they are that simple to use thanks to him.
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Post by yetifoot »

I was going to ask a couple of days ago what cond* where for, i saw them in the keyword list, but had never seen them in action.
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Post by JohnB »

type TIMER_CALLBACK as sub( byval userdata as integer )
I do not understand the above line of code. Is this for 0.16. Can someone explain.


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Post by Antoni »

It's a pointer to a function, it has always been there...
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Post by cha0s »

JohnB wrote:
type TIMER_CALLBACK as sub( byval userdata as integer )
I do not understand the above line of code. Is this for 0.16. Can someone explain.


heres a simpler application:

http://www.freebasic.net/forum/viewtopi ... highlight=
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Post by v1ctor »

TYPE symbol AS datatype is used to create new types as typedef does in C, it can also handle forward declarations http://www.freebasic.net/wiki/wikka.php ... yPgTypeDef.
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Post by JohnB »

Thanks for the help and information. I keep looking in my local docs and not the FBWiki.

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Post by DB1BMN »

Hm ok,

I`ve made it now to compile it. Seems to work.
But some things I do not understand. The main programm is so far clear, but why has the timer.bi to be included? Why can´t it be included while compiling the timer.bas?
But then, in the programm timer.bi, why there stands in line 9 #inclib "timer"? Why can a a programm, that ist compiled, include itself?
And why can´t it be run in "real" DOS-mode?

Sorry for my stupid-questions but I worked only with the MS QB.

bye, Marek
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Post by VirusScanner »

This timer example uses threads, something that DOS can't do apparently.
But then, in the programm timer.bi, why there stands in line 9 #inclib "timer"?
You shouldn't be compiling timer.bi, it's an include file not a program (bi = BASIC include)
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Post by Sisophon2001 »

The code above is designed to be compiled as a library. Notice in the file timer.bas

'' to compile: fbc timer.bas –lib

This creates a library.

Timer.bas needs the types and defines from timer.bi, so it must be included. The linker directive to link the library

#inclib "timer"

is ignored when creating the library because when you create a library there is no linking anyway.

To use the library, you just need to but the library file where the linker will find it, and include the timer.bi file in the user code. You then have access to the functions in the timer library. When you compile the end user code, the new library will be linked correctly because of the #inclib "timer"

v1ctors half-joke about DOS is because DOS does not support multithreading, and therefore does not qualify as a modern OS.

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Post by cha0s »

Please see http://therealcha0s.net/fb/fb.timer.zip for an updated version of this library.
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Post by DesignDevil »

Is there anywhere a update for this timer library?

The download adress ist not working and i can not compile the above version (i use Version 0.20.0 Beta)

thanks in advice
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