hill climbing demonstration

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hill climbing demonstration

Post by dafhi »

[2017 Sep 3]

Code: Select all

type hcUnit
  as ubyte          best(any)
  as double         er_best
  as long           ub, c
  declare sub       mutate
  declare sub       source_data(p as ubyte ptr, ub as long = -1)
  declare function  get_err(i as long) as single
  as double         er_temp
  as ubyte ptr      psrc
end type
sub hcUnit.source_data(_p as ubyte ptr, _ub as long)
  psrc=_p: ub=_ub: c=ub+1: redim best(ub)
  er_best = 0
  for i as long = 0 to ub
    er_best += get_err(i)
end sub
sub hcUnit.mutate

  'typically, a solver adjusts inputs.
  'here i'm manipulating the actual bitmap (output)
  var elem = int(rnd*c)
  var err0 = get_err(elem)
  var sav_best = best(elem)
  best(elem) = int(rnd*256)
  var err1 = get_err(elem)
  if err1 < err0 then
    er_best += err1 - err0
    best(elem) = sav_best
end sub
function hcUnit.get_err(i as long) as single
  return abs(best(i) - psrc[i])
end function

dim as ubyte      source(9)
for i as long = 0 to ubound(source)
  source(i) = int(rnd*256)

dim as hcUnit     hc
hc.source_data @source(0), ubound(source)

for i as long = 1 to 1000

sub printout(p as ubyte ptr, ub as long = -1)
  for i as long = 0 to ub
    ? p[i];
end sub

? "desired error:  "; 0
? "obtained error:  "; hc.er_best
? "original: ";: printout @source(0), hc.ub: ?
? "result:   ";: printout @hc.best(0), hc.ub
Last edited by dafhi on Sep 05, 2017 3:49, edited 49 times in total.
Posts: 555
Joined: Apr 19, 2006 10:55
Location: Kissimmee, FL

Re: hill climbing demonstration

Post by owen »

Unable to test your code at the moment but curious, is this about approximating curves?
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Joined: Jun 04, 2005 9:51

Re: hill climbing demonstration

Post by dafhi »

hi owen .. i haven't 'forgotten' about your query. i lost interest in my demo after failed optimization attempts.
The wind is back in my sail and I nailed the optimization. Since then i've been conceptualizing a more general approach.

if you're talking about splines, something like this:

Code: Select all


3 splines:  1 reference and 2 temporary
  A.  udt.reference (spline)
    [secondary goal:  reduce sampling size]
    for each udt.reference pixel, pixloc(i) = location 1d
  B.  sub compare()
    1.  udt.temp (spline) = udt.best (spline)
    2.  mutate udt.temp (spline)  
    3.  erase udt.best (spline)
    4.  draw udt.temp (spline)
    5.  error function
       a. err_temp = 0:  loop:  err_temp += reference(pixloc(i)) - temp(pixloc(i))
  C.  udt.best (spline): initialize as being offscreen.  call compare().  error will be maximum first run
  D.  while err_best > threshold:
    1. compare()
    2. if err_temp < err_best then
        err_best = err_temp
        udt.best = udt.temp
        erase udt.temp
        draw udt.best
Hopefully I haven't forgotten anything.
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Location: Kissimmee, FL

Re: hill climbing demonstration

Post by owen »

wow, i really left you hanging. sorry about that.

so i saved a 400x400 px bit map with a few circles (a.bmp) and ran it. it ran but not quite sure what im supposed to be seeing.

please explain

Posts: 1641
Joined: Jun 04, 2005 9:51

Re: hill climbing demonstration

Post by dafhi »

Code: Select all

sub Main

  dim as single         etime = 30
  var                   fidelity = 0.02 / (11/3) '11 bytes per circle
  dim as single         mip = 1   'these 2 values also found via hill climb,
  dim as single         mipi = 1 'producing good speed
  dim as imagevars      buf:  buf.screen_init 320,240
  dim as tRenderer      ren
  ren.bmp_load filename

  var w = ren.imv.w
  var h = ren.imv.h + 16
  w/=2: w*=2
  h/=2: h*=2

  buf.screen_init w, h
  dim as double         t = timer, tnext = t, t0 = t, update_interval = .15
  dim as string         kstr, s
  etime /= int((1-mip)/mipi+.5) + 1
  with ren
    while .er_best > .001
      ren.mip mip
      var circles_ub = int( mip*fidelity*(ren.imv.ub+1) + .5)
      for i as integer = .ubv+1 to circles_ub
        for k as long = 1 to 4 / (mip + .1)
          .mutate .ubv
      dim as single report_compression = (.ubi+1)/(.ubv+1)*(3/11)
      dim as double hours, t1=timer
        t = timer
        hours = (t-t0)/3600
        var er = .er_best*999
        s = "error: " & round(er) & "  hours: " & round(hours)
        if t >= tnext then
          tnext = t+update_interval
          windowtitle s
          draw string (0,ren.h+1), str(circles_ub+1) + " circles" '& "  compression: " & round(report_compression)
        kstr = inkey
        if kstr <> "" then exit while
      loop until (t-t1)>etime
      mip += mipi
      if mip >= 1.01 then exit while
      if kstr <> "" then exit while
    t = timer - t0
    var er = .er_best*999
    s = "error: " & round(er) & "  mip: " & round(mip-mipi) & "  score: " & round(1/er)
    windowtitle s
    draw string (0,ren.h+9), " time: " & round(t)
  end with

end sub

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Location: Kissimmee, FL

Re: hill climbing demonstration

Post by owen »

i update your main sub routine and ran it.
i can see it draws fuzzy circles around my thin lined circles.

you have to explain to me what your going for here.
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Joined: Jun 04, 2005 9:51

Re: hill climbing demonstration

Post by dafhi »

hill climbing could probably be considered an evolutionary algorithm - it is general and can be used for 'anything'

all i'm doing is randomizing circle parameters and comparing the results against previous, keeping new if the result is better.

that's the basic idea
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Re: hill climbing demonstration

Post by owen »

ok. so then, if you could give another example doing something with your algo other then what you use it for now, it will help me see your algo more clearly.
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Joined: Jun 04, 2005 9:51

Re: hill climbing demonstration

Post by dafhi »

Code: Select all

type hcUnit
  as single         val1=rnd, val2=rnd, val3=rnd
  declare function  get_err as single
end type
function hcUnit.get_err as single

                    '1.  error function is the creative part
  'here i'm just making something up
  return abs(val1-val2) + abs(val1-val3) + abs(val2-val3)
end function

dim as hcUnit     temp, best

dim as single     er_best = best.get_err

for i as long = 1 to 1000
  var er_temp = temp.get_err
  if er_temp < er_best then best = temp: er_best = er_temp
  temp = best       '2.  best result as new platform
  var s = rnd       '3.  randomize a parameter
  if s < .33 then
    temp.val1 = rnd
  elseif s < .67 then
    temp.val2 = rnd
    temp.val3 = rnd

? "desired error:  "; 0
? "obtained error:  "; er_best
? "values: "; best.val1; best.val2; best.val3
Posts: 555
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Location: Kissimmee, FL

Re: hill climbing demonstration

Post by owen »

actually very interesting.
i am finding things i did not know. for example:
function declarations in a type
colon after if then is part of the if statement without using an if then block

from what I can gather so far, over all, you're picking a lesser value.

Code: Select all

Dim As Integer a,i,r
Print "r=";r
for i = 1 to 3
	Print i,"a=";a
	If a<r then r=a
	Print i,"r=";r
print "r=";r
Posts: 1641
Joined: Jun 04, 2005 9:51

Re: hill climbing demonstration

Post by dafhi »

[moved to first post]
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