A crappy FreeBASIC gui code maker

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Joined: Aug 31, 2007 23:34
Location: Saskatchewan, Canada

Post by Turd »

Heres the latest one:

Code: Select all

type btype

    as integer x, y, w, h

    as string s, g

end type


dim as string s, ifelse

'this will be used to draw a box the size of the form

dim shared box as string

'this four will be used for the buttons. it shouldn't need this many but i haven't got around to changing it

dim shared bstring(300) as btype

dim shared bdraw(300) as btype

dim bif(300) as btype

dim brelease(300) as btype

'this two will be used for the in/out boxes. it should need only one but i haven't got around to changing it

dim shared inbox(300) as btype

dim inboxif(300) as btype

'this one is for the progress bars

dim shared pbar(300) as btype

'this one is for radio buttons

dim shared radio(300) as btype

'this one will be used for check boxes

dim shared cbox(300) as btype

'this one will be used for labels

dim shared label(300) as btype

'this one will be used for slides

dim shared sliderh(300) as btype

dim as integer x, y, x1, y1, w, h, hh, buttons, wheel, boxes, bttns, pbars, cboxs, radios, labels, sliderhs, resx, resy

dim shared as integer i, ii

dim shared as integer bg, fg, sd

'this will draw all the objects that have been made

declare sub drawform

'this draws the color picker everything screen

declare sub drawcolors()

'this draws the buttons on the color picker screen

declare sub bttn(x as integer, y as integer, s as string)

'quotes that will be used in the outputed .bas file

const q = chr(34)

'find out the desktop size and make the window a bit smaller

screeninfo x, y

screenres x - x / 5, y - y / 5

'get the output file name

input "Form name"; s

open s & ".bas" for binary as #1


' draw the color bar

for x = 1 to 738

	for y = 60 to 90

		pset (x, y), x / 3

	next y

next x

'difine the foreground, background and shadow colors

fg = 0: bg = 15: sd = 7

'draw the buttons for the color picker


'mian color picker loop


	'wait for a mouse click or end the program by clicking the X or hitting Esc

	do while buttons < 1

		getmouse (x, y, , buttons)

		s = inkey$

		if s = chr(255) & "k" or s = chr(27) then end

		sleep 10



	'foreground button

	if x > 219 and x < 313 and y > 14 and y < 44 then

		'hang while the mouse button is still down

		getmouse (x, y, , buttons)

		do while x > 1 and buttons > 0: getmouse (x, y, , buttons): sleep 10: loop

		'color the buttons foreground using the mouses x

		do while buttons < 1

			getmouse (x, y, , buttons)

			'end the program by clicking the X or hitting Esc

			s = inkey$

			if s = chr(255) & "k" or s = chr(27) then end

			'divide x by 3 because each color is made of 3 vertical lines

			fg = x / 3

			'stop the color from going out of range

			if fg > 256 then fg = 0

			'draw the buttons for the color picker


			sleep 10



	elseif x > 323 and x < 417 and y > 14 and y < 44 then

		'hang while the mouse button is still down

		getmouse (x, y, , buttons)

		do while x > 1 and buttons > 0: getmouse (x, y, , buttons): sleep 10: loop

		'color the buttons foreground using the mouses x

		do while buttons < 1

			getmouse (x, y, , buttons)

			'end the program by clicking the X or hitting Esc

			s = inkey$

			if s = chr(255) & "k" or s = chr(27) then end

			'divide x by 3 because each color is made of 3 vertical lines

			bg = x / 3

			'stop the color from going out of range

			if bg > 256 then bg = 0

			'draw the buttons for the color picker


			sleep 10



	elseif x > 427 and x < 489 and y > 14 and y < 44 then

		'hang while the mouse button is still down

		getmouse (x, y, , buttons)

		do while x > 1 and buttons > 0: getmouse (x, y, , buttons): sleep 10: loop

		'color the buttons foreground using the mouses x

		do while buttons < 1

			getmouse (x, y, , buttons)

			'end the program by clicking the X or hitting Esc

			s = inkey$

			if s = chr(255) & "k" or s = chr(27) then end

			'divide x by 3 because each color is made of 3 vertical lines

			sd = x / 3

			'stop the color from going out of range

			if sd > 256 then sd = 0

			'draw the buttons for the color picker


			sleep 10



	elseif x > 547 and x < 593 and y > 14 and y < 44 then

		exit do

	end if

	sleep 10

	getmouse (x, y, , buttons)

	do while x > 1 and buttons > 0: getmouse (x, y, , buttons): sleep 10: loop


'hang while the mouse button is still down

getmouse (x, y, , buttons)

do while x > 1 and buttons > 0: getmouse (x, y, , buttons): sleep 10: loop

'clear the screen


'form size picker

do while buttons < 1

	getmouse (resx, resy, , buttons)

	'end the program by clicking the X or hitting Esc

	s = inkey$

	if s = chr(255) & "k" or s = chr(27) then end

	'write the form size in the midle of the box

	color 15, 0: locate resy/2/9,resx/2/8 - 5

	print using "#### : ####"; resx; resy

	'draw the form size box up and left from the curser

	line (0, 0)-(resx, 0), 15

	line (0, 0)-(0, resy), 15

	line (0, resy)-(resx, resy), 15

	line (resx, 0)-(resx, resy), 15

	sleep 10

	'clear the screen



'hang while the mouse button is still down

getmouse (resx, resy, , buttons)

do while resx > 1 and buttons > 0: getmouse (resx, resy, , buttons): sleep 10: loop

'make the form using chosen color and size + plus some

screenres resx + 10, resy + 25, 8

color fg, bg

'clear the screen


'start the objects(button, boxes etc.) at 1 in the arrays

boxes = 1

bttns = 1

pbars = 1

cboxs = 1

radios = 1

labels = 1

sliderhs = 1

'draw a the size of the form

box = "C" & fg & "BM5,20 D" & resy & "R" & resx & "U" & resy & "L" & resx

'main loop for the object picker/placer

do while inkey$ = ""

	'loop until a button is preesed


		s = inkey$

		'end the program and build the .bas file by clicking the X or hitting Esc

		if s = chr(255) & "k" or s = chr(27) then

			print #1, "dim as integer x, y, buttons, i";

			'print the progress bar's state variable if there was a progress bar placed

			if pbar(1).x > 0 then

				print #1, ", pbarstate"


				print #1,

			end if

			print #1, "dim as string s"

			print #1,

			'prints the radiogroup variable if a radio button was placed (not yet used)

			if radio(1).x > 0 then print #1, "dim radiogroup(30) as integer": print #1,

			'an array for use with check boxes

			if cbox(1).x > 0 then print #1, "dim checkbox(" & cboxs - 1 & ") as integer": print #1,

			'declare the subs

			print #1, "declare sub bttn(x as integer, y as integer, s as string)"

			print #1, "declare sub buttonup(x as integer, y as integer, s as integer)"

			print #1, "declare sub buttondown(x as integer, y as integer, s as integer)"

			print #1, "declare sub inbox(x as integer, y as integer, w as integer, h as integer)"

			print #1, "declare sub clearbox(x as integer, y as integer)"

			print #1, "declare sub pbar(x as integer, y as integer, w as integer, state as double)"

			print #1, "declare sub cbox(x as integer, y as integer, check as integer)"

			print #1, "declare sub label(x as integer, y as integer, s as string)"

			print #1, "declare sub radio(x as integer, y as integer, fill as integer)"

			print #1, "declare function sliderh(x as integer, y as integer, w as integer) as integer"

			print #1, 

			print #1, "screenres " & resx & "," & resy

			print #1, "color " & fg & ", " & bg

			print #1, "cls"

			print #1,

			'outputs lines that draw the buttons

			for i = 1 to 300

				if bdraw(i).x = 0 then exit for

				print #1, "bttn (" & bdraw(i).x - 5 & ", " & bdraw(i).y - 20 & ", " & q & bstring(i).s & q & ")" & "	'Button #" & i

			next i

			'outputs lines that draw the in/out boxes

			for i = 1 to 300

				if inbox(i).x = 0 then exit for

				print #1, "inbox (" & inbox(i).x - 5 & ", " & inbox(i).y - 20 & ", " & inbox(i).w & ", " & inbox(i).h & ")" & "	'In/Out box #" & i

			next i

			'outputs lines that draw the progress bars

			for i = 1 to 300

				if pbar(i).x = 0 then exit for

				print #1, "pbar (" & pbar(i).x - 5 & ", " & pbar(i).y - 20 & ", " & pbar(i).w & ", pbarstate)" & "	'Progrees bar #" & i

			next i

			'outputs lines that draw the radio buttons

			for i = 1 to 300

				if radio(i).x = 0 then exit for

				print #1, "radio (" & radio(i).x - 5 & ", " & radio(i).y - 20 & ", 0)" & "	'Radio button #" & i & " Group #" & radio(i).g

			next i

			'outputs lines that draw the check boxes

			for i = 1 to 300

				if cbox(i).x = 0 then exit for

				print #1, "cbox (" & cbox(i).x - 5 & ", " & cbox(i).y - 20 & ", 0)" & "	'Check box #" & i

			next i

			'outputs lines that draw the labels

			for i = 1 to 300

				if label(i).x = 0 then exit for

				print #1, "label (" & label(i).x - 5 & ", " & label(i).y - 20 & ", " & q & label(i).s & q & ")" & "	'Label #" & i

			next i

			'outputs lines that draw the sliders

			for i = 1 to 300

				if sliderh(i).x = 0 then exit for

				print #1, "i = sliderh (" & sliderh(i).x - 5 & ", " & sliderh(i).y - 20 & ", " & sliderh(i).w  & ")" & "	'Slider #" & i

			next i

			print #1,

			print #1, "do"

			print #1, "	do while buttons < 1"

			print #1, "		getmouse (x, y, , buttons)"

			print #1, "		s = inkey$"

			print #1, "		if s = chr(255) & " & q & "k" & q & " or s = chr(27) then end"

			print #1, "		sleep 10"

			print #1, "	loop"

			print #1,

			'prints out the if statments for the buttons

			if bttns > 1 then print #1, "'BUTTONS========================================================"

			ifelse = "	if x > "

			for i = 1 to 300

				if bif(i).x = 0 then exit for

				print #1, "'" & bstring(i).s

				print #1, ifelse & bif(i).x - 5 & " and x < " & bif(i).x + bif(i).w - 1 & " and y > " & bif(i).y - 20 & " and y < " & bif(i).y + 10 & " then" & chr(13) & "		buttondown (" & bif(i).x - 2 & ", " & bif(i).y + 9 & ", " & bif(i).w & ")"

				print #1, "		"

				ifelse = "	elseif x > "

			next i

			if boxes > 1 then print #1, "'IN/OUT BOXES==================================================="

			if bttns > 1 then

				ifelse = "	elseif x > "


				ifelse = "	if x > "

			end if

			'prints out the if statments for the in/out boxes

			for i = 1 to 300

				if inboxif(i).x = 0 then exit for

				print #1, "'Box #" & i

				print #1, ifelse & inboxif(i).x - 5 & " and x < " & inboxif(i).x + inboxif(i).w - 1 & " and y > " & inboxif(i).y - 20 & " and y < " & inbox(i).h + inboxif(i).y - 17 & " then" & chr(13) & "		'clearbox (" & inboxif(i).x - 2 & ", " & inboxif(i).y - 17 & ")"

				print #1, "		'locate " & cint(inboxif(i).y / 8) & ", " & 1 + cint(inboxif(i).x / 8) & ": color " & fg & "," & bg & ": print " & q & "???" & q

				print #1, "		"

				ifelse = "	elseif x > "

			next i

			if radios > 1 then print #1, "'RADIO BUTTONS=================================================="

			if bttns > 1 or boxes > 1 then

				ifelse = "	elseif x > "


				ifelse = "	if x > "

			end if

			'prints out the if statments for the radio buttons

			for i = 1 to 300

				if radio(i).x = 0 then exit for

				print #1, "'Radio button #" & i

				print #1, ifelse & radio(i).x - 12 & " and x < " & radio(i).x + 2 & " and y > " & radio(i).y - 25 & " and y < " & radio(i).y - 11 & " then"

				print #1, "	";

				for ii = 1 to 300

					if radio(ii).g = radio(i).g then

						print #1, "radio (" & radio(ii).x - 5 & ", " & radio(ii).y - 20 & ", 0): ";

					end if

				next ii

				print #1, "radio (" & radio(i).x - 5 & ", " & radio(i).y - 20 & ", 1)"

				print #1, "		"

				ifelse = "	elseif x > "

			next i

			if cboxs > 1 then print #1, "'CHECK BOXES===================================================="

			if bttns > 1 or boxes > 1 or radios > 1 then

				ifelse = "	elseif x > "


				ifelse = "	if x > "

			end if

			'prints out the if statments for the check boxes

			for i = 1 to 300

				if cbox(i).x = 0 then exit for

				print #1, "'Chech box #" & i

				print #1, ifelse & cbox(i).x - 5 & " and x < " & cbox(i).x + 10 & " and y > " & cbox(i).y - 13 & " and y < " & cbox(i).y + 2 & " then" & chr(13) & "		if checkbox(" & i & ") = 1 then" & chr(13) & "		cbox ("& cbox(i).x - 5 & ","& cbox(i).y - 20 & ", 0)" & chr(13) & "		checkbox(" & i & ") = 0" & chr(13)

				print #1, "		elseif checkbox(" & i & ") = 0 then" & chr(13) & "		cbox ("& cbox(i).x - 5 & ", "& cbox(i).y - 20 & ", 1)" & chr(13) & "		checkbox(" & i & ") = 1" & chr(13) & "		end if"

				print #1, "		"

				ifelse = "	elseif x > "

			next i

			if cboxs > 1 then print #1, "'SLIDERS===================================================="

			if bttns > 1 or boxes > 1 or radios > 1 then

				ifelse = "	elseif x > "


				ifelse = "	if x > "

			end if

			'prints out the if statments for the check boxes

			for i = 1 to 300

				if sliderh(i).x = 0 then exit for

				print #1, "'sliderh #" & i

				print #1, ifelse & sliderh(i).x - 5 & " and x < " & sliderh(i).x + w & " and y > " & sliderh(i).y - 15 & " and y < " & sliderh(i).y + 5 & " then"

				print #1, "		i = sliderh (" & sliderh(i).x - 5 & ", " & sliderh(i).y - 20 & ", " & sliderh(i).w  & ")"

				print #1, "		"

				ifelse = "	elseif x > "

			next i

			print #1, "	end if"

			print #1,

			print #1, "	sleep 10"

			print #1, "	getmouse (x, y, , buttons)"

			print #1, "	do while x > 1 and buttons > 0: getmouse (x, y, , buttons): sleep 10: loop"

			'prints out the button up lines if there are buttons

			for i = 1 to 300

				if brelease(i).x = 0 then exit for

				print #1, "	buttonup (" & brelease(i).x & "," & brelease(i).y & "," & brelease(i).w & ")"

			next i

			print #1, "loop"

			print #1,

			'prints out the subs

			print #1, "sub bttn(x as integer, y as integer, s as string)" & chr(13) & "	dim as integer w" & chr(13) & "	w = len(s) * 8 + 10" & chr(13) & "	draw string (x + 8, y + 10), s" & chr(13) & "	draw " & q & "C" & fg & " BM" & q & " & x & " & q & "," & q & " & y & " & q & "D26 R D R D R" & q & " & w & " & q & "U R U R U26 L U L U L" & q & " & w & " & q & "D L D L C" & sd & " BM" & q & " & x + 1 & " & q & "," & q & " & y + 1 & " & q & "BD26 BR BD BR BD R" & q & " & w & " & q & "U R U R U26 C" & fg & q & chr(13) & "end sub"

			print #1,

			print #1, "sub buttonup(x as integer, y as integer, w as integer)" & chr(13) & "	draw " & q & "C" & bg & " BM" & q & " & x & " & q & "," & q & " & y & " & q & "U24 R U R U R" & q & " & w - 2 & " & q & "C" & sd & " BM" & q & " & x + 2 & " & q & "," & q & " & y + 4 & " & q & "R" & q & " & w & " & q & "U R U R U26" & q & chr(13) & "end sub"

			print #1,

			print #1, "sub buttondown(x as integer, y as integer, w as integer)" & chr(13) & "	draw " & q & "C" & bg & " BM" & q & " & x & " & q & "," & q & " & y & " & q & " R " & q & " & w & " & q & " U R U R U26 C" & sd & " BM" & q & " & x - 2 & " & q & "," & q & " & y - 4 & " & q & " U24 R U R U R" & q & " & w - 2" & chr(13) & "end sub"

			print #1,

			print #1, "sub inbox(x as integer, y as integer, w as integer, h as integer)" & chr(13) & "	draw " & q & "C" & fg & " BM" & q & " & x & " & q & "," & q & " & y & " & q & " D" & q & " & h & " & q & " R D R D R" & q & " & w & " & q & " U R U R U" & q &  " & h & " & q & " L U L U L" & q & " & w & " & q & " D L D L C" & sd & " BM" & q & " & x + 1 & " & q & "," & q & " & y + 1 & " & q & " D" & q & " & h - 2 & " & q & " R D R D R" & q & " & w - 2 & " & q & " U R U R U" & q & " & h - 2 & " & q & " L U L U L" & q & " & w - 2 & " & q & "D L D" & q & chr(13) & "end sub"

			print #1,

			print #1, "sub clearbox(x as integer, y as integer)" & chr(13) & "	draw " & q & "BM" & q & " & x & " & q & "," & q & " & y & " & q & "P" & bg & "," & sd & " C" & fg & q & chr(13) & "end sub"

			print #1,

			print #1, "sub pbar(x as integer, y as integer, w as integer, state as double)" & chr(13) & "	dim as integer i" & chr(13) & "	state = state / 100" & chr(13) & "	screenlock"& chr(13) & "	draw " & q & " C" & fg & " BM" & q & " & x & " & q & "," & q & " & y & " & q & " D26 R" & q & " & w + 4 & " & q & " U26 L" & q & " & w + 4 & " & q & " C" & sd & " BM" & q & " & x + 1 & " & q & "," & q & " & y + 1 & " & q & " D24 R" & q & " & w + 2 & " & q & " U24  L" & q & " & w + 2 & "& q & "BM" & q & " & x + 4 & " & q & "," & q & " & y + 4 & " & q & "P" & bg & ","& sd & q

			print #1, "	for i = 0 to w * state" & chr(13) & "		line (x + 2 + i, y + 2)-(x + i + 2, y + 24)," & fg & chr(13) & "	next i" & chr(13) & "	if state > .5 then" & chr(13) & "		draw string (x - 8 + w / 2, y + 10), str(cint(state * 100)) & " & q & "%" & q & "," & bg & chr(13) & "	else" & chr(13) & "		draw string (x - 8 + w / 2, y + 10), str(cint(state * 100)) & " & q & "%" & q & "," & fg & chr(13) & "	end if" & chr(13) & "	screenunlock" & chr(13) & "end sub"

			print #1,

			print #1, "sub cbox(x as integer, y as integer, check as integer)" & chr(13) & "	draw " & q & "C" & fg & " BM" & q & " & x & " & q & "," & q & " & y + 5 & " & q & " D15 R15 U15 L14 D C" & sd & " D13 R13 U13 L13" & q & chr(13) & "	if check = 1 then" & chr(13) & "		line (x + 3, y + 8)-(x + 12, y + 17), " & fg & chr(13) & "		line (x + 12, y + 8)-(x + 3, y + 17), " & fg & chr(13) & "	elseif check = 0 then"

			print #1, "		line (x + 3, y + 8)-(x + 12, y + 17), " & bg & chr(13) & "		line (x + 12, y + 8)-(x + 3, y + 17), " & bg & chr(13) & "	end if" & chr(13) & "end sub"

			print #1,

			print #1, "sub label(x as integer, y as integer, s as string)" & chr(13) & "	draw string (x, y), s, " & fg & chr(13) & "end sub"

			print #1,

			print #1, "sub radio(x as integer, y as integer, fill as integer)" & chr(13) & "	circle (x, y), 6," & fg & chr(13) & "	circle (x, y), 3," & fg & chr(13) & "	if fill = 1 then" & chr(13) & "		draw " & q & "BM" & q & " & x & " & q & "," & q & " & y & " & q & "P" & sd & "," & fg & q & chr(13) & "	else" & chr(13) & "		draw " & q & "BM" & q & " & x & " & q & "," & q & " & y & " & q & "P" & bg & "," & fg & q & chr(13) & "	end if" & chr(13) & "end sub"

			print #1,

			print #1, "function sliderh(x as integer, y as integer, w as integer) as integer" & chr(13) & "	dim as integer buttons, y1, x1" & chr(13) & "		draw " & q & "C" & fg & " BM" & q & " & x + 0 & " & q & "," & q & " & y + 3 & " & q & " D20 R" & q & " & w + 4 & " & q & " U20 L" & q & " & w + 4 & " & q & " C" & sd & " BM" & q & " & x + 1 & " & q & "," & q & " & y + 4 & " & q & " D18 R" & q & " & w + 2 & " & q & " U18  L" & q & " & w + 2"

			print #1, "	do" & chr(13) & "		screenlock" & chr(13) & "		getmouse (x1, y1, , buttons)" & chr(13) & "		if x1 < x + 10 then x1 = x + 10" & chr(13) & "		draw" & q & "C" & fg & " BM" & q & " & x + 0 & " & q & "," & q & " & y + 3 & " & q & " D20 R" & q & " & w + 4 & " & q & " U20 L" & q & " & w + 4 & " & q & " C" & sd & " BM" & q & " & x + 1 & " & q & "," & q & " & y + 4 & " & q & " D18 R" & q & " & w + 2 & " & q & " U18  L" & q & " & w + 2"

			print #1, "		if x1 > x + w - 6 then x1 = x + w - 6" & chr(13) & "		draw " & q & "BM" & q & " & x + 2 & " & q & "," & q & " & y + 6 & " & q & "P" & bg & "," & sd & q & chr(13) & "		draw " & q & "BM" & q & " & x + 2 & " & q & "," & q & " & y + 6 & " & q & "P" & bg & "," & fg & " C" & fg & " BM" & q & " & x + 0 & " & q & "," & q & " & y + 3 & " & q & " D20 R" & q & " & w + 4 & " & q & " U20 L" & q & " & w + 4 & " & q & " C" & sd & " BM" & q & " & x + 1 & " & q & "," & q & " & y + 4 & " & q & " D18 R" & q & " & w + 2 & " & q & " U18  L" & q & " & w + 2" & chr(13) & "		circle (x1, y + 13), 8," & fg & chr(13) & "		draw " & q & "BM" & q & " & x1 & " & q & "," & q & " & y + 13 & " & q & "P" & sd & "," & fg & "C" & fg & q

			print #1, "		screenunlock" & chr(13) & "		sleep 10" & chr(13) & "	loop while x > 1 and buttons > 0" & chr(13) & "	return 100 * (x1 - x - 10) / (w - 16)" & chr(13) & "end function"

			print #1,

			'print #1, "function sliderv(x as integer, y as integer, w as integer) as integer" & chr(13) & "	dim as integer buttons, y1, x1" & chr(13) & "		draw " & q & "C" & fg & " BM" & q & " & x + 3 & " & q & "," & q & " & y + 0 & " & q & " D" & q & " & w + 4 & " & q & "R20 U" & q & w + 4 & " L20" & q & " C" & sd & " BM" & q & " & x + 1 & " & q & "," & q & " & y + 4 & " & q & " D18 R" & q & " & w + 2 & " & q & " U18  L" & q & " & w + 2"

			'print #1, "	do" & chr(13) & "		screenlock" & chr(13) & "		getmouse (x1, y1, , buttons)" & chr(13) & "		if x1 < x + 10 then x1 = x + 10" & chr(13) & "		draw" & q & "C" & fg & " BM" & q & " & x + 0 & " & q & "," & q & " & y + 3 & " & q & " D20 R" & q & " & w + 4 & " & q & " U20 L" & q & " & w + 4 & " & q & " C" & sd & " BM" & q & " & x + 1 & " & q & "," & q & " & y + 4 & " & q & " D18 R" & q & " & w + 2 & " & q & " U18  L" & q & " & w + 2"

			'print #1, "		if x1 > x + w - 6 then x1 = x + w - 6" & chr(13) & "		draw " & q & "BM" & q & " & x + 2 & " & q & "," & q & " & y + 6 & " & q & "P" & bg & "," & sd & q & chr(13) & "		draw " & q & "BM" & q & " & x + 2 & " & q & "," & q & " & y + 6 & " & q & "P" & bg & "," & fg & " C" & fg & " BM" & q & " & x + 0 & " & q & "," & q & " & y + 3 & " & q & " D20 R" & q & " & w + 4 & " & q & " U20 L" & q & " & w + 4 & " & q & " C" & sd & " BM" & q & " & x + 1 & " & q & "," & q & " & y + 4 & " & q & " D18 R" & q & " & w + 2 & " & q & " U18  L" & q & " & w + 2" & chr(13) & "		circle (x1, y + 13), 8," & fg & chr(13) & "		draw " & q & "BM" & q & " & x1 & " & q & "," & q & " & y + 13 & " & q & "P" & sd & "," & fg & "C" & fg & q

			'print #1, "		screenunlock" & chr(13) & "		sleep 10" & chr(13) & "	loop while x > 1 and buttons > 0" & chr(13) & "	return 100 * (x1 - x - 10) / (w - 16)" & chr(13) & "end function"

			close #1


		end if

		'lock the screen, clear it and redraw it





		sleep 10

	loop while s = ""


	'place a button

	if s = "1" then

		'color using the chosen colors

		color fg, bg: locate 2, 1

		'get the button text

		input "Button text"; s

		getmouse (x, y, , buttons)

		'loop and draw the button where ever the mouse is

		do while buttons < 1

			getmouse (x, y, , buttons)

			'snap the object to make it easier to aline and easier to use the "Input" and "Print" in the outputed .bas file

			x1 = cint(x / 8) * 8

			y1 = cint(y / 8) * 8 + 2

			'find out how wide to make the button using the amount of characters in the string

			w = len(s) * 8 + 10

			'lock the screen, draw the object where the mouse is, draw the rest of the objects and draw x and y lines to help aline the objects


			'clear the screen


			'write the x and y(-5 and - 20 because form is out and down) using the chosen colors

			color fg, bg: locate 1,1

			print using "##### : ##### : #        "; x1 - 5; y1 - 20; buttons

			'draw the button text down and right from the x and y

			draw string (x1 + 8, y1 + 10), s, fg

			'draw the button with shadow using the chosen colors

			draw "C" & fg & "BM" & x1 & "," & y1 & " D26 R D R D R" & w & " U R U R U26 L U L U L" & w & " D L D L C" & sd & " C" & sd & "BM" & x1 + 1 & "," & y1 + 1 & " BD26 BR BD BR BD R" & w & " U R U R U26 C0"

			'draw the rest of the objects


			'draw the x and y lines to help aline the objects

			line (5, y1 - 2)-(resx + 5, y1 - 2), fg

			line (x1, 20)-(x1, resy + 20), fg


			sleep 20



		'load the arrays with the info

		bstring(bttns).x = x1 + 8: bstring(bttns).y = y1 + 10: bstring(bttns).s = s

		bdraw(bttns).x = x1: bdraw(bttns).y = y1: bdraw(bttns).w = w

		bif(bttns).x = x1: bif(bttns).y = y1: bif(bttns).w = w

		brelease(bttns).x = x1 - 4: brelease(bttns).y = y1 + 5: brelease(bttns).w = w


		'increment the object number

		bttns += 1


	end if


	'place an input/output box

	if s = "2" then

		'color using the chosen colors

		color fg, bg: locate 1, 1

		'get the size of the box

		input "Box width"; i

		input "Box hight"; hh

		'clear the screen


		'fill "s" with spaces so we can use this: "w = len(s) * 8 + 11" to find the width

		s = space(i - 1)

		getmouse (x, y, , buttons)

		'loop and draw the box where ever the mouse is

		do while buttons < 1

			getmouse (x, y, , buttons)

			'snap the object to make it easier to aline and easier to use the "Input" and "Print" in the outputed .bas file

			x1 = cint(x / 8) * 8

			y1 = cint(y / 8) * 8 + 2

			'find out how wide to make the box using the amount of spaces in the string

			w = len(s) * 8 + 11

			'I forget what this does lol

			if hh = 0 then hh = 1

			h = 18 + 8 * hh

			'lock the screen, draw the object where the mouse is, draw the rest of the objects and draw x and y lines to help aline the objects


			'clear the screen


			'write the x and y(-5 and - 20 because form is out and down) using the chosen colors

			color fg, bg: locate 1,1

			print using "##### : ##### : #        "; x1 - 5; y1 - 20; buttons

			'draw the box with inside shadow using the chosen colors

			draw "C" & fg & " BM" & x1 & "," & y1 & " D" & h & " R D R D R" & w & " U R U R U" & h & " L U L U L" & w & " D L D L C" & sd & " BM" & x1 + 1 & "," & y1 + 1 & " D" & h - 2 & " R D R D R" & w - 2 & " U R U R U" & h - 2 & " L U L U L" & w - 2 & "D L D"

			'draw the rest of the objects


			'draw the x and y lines to help aline the objects

			line (5, y1 - 2)-(resx + 5, y1 - 2), fg

			line (x1, 20)-(x1, resy + 20), fg


			sleep 20



		'load the arrays with the info

		inbox(boxes).x = x1: inbox(boxes).y = y1: inbox(boxes).w = w: inbox(boxes).h = h

		inboxif(boxes).x = x1: inboxif(boxes).y = y1: inboxif(boxes).w = w: inboxif(boxes).h = h


		'increment the object number

		boxes += 1


	end if


	'place a progress bar

	if s = "3" then

		'color using the chosen colors

		color fg, bg: locate 2, 1

		'get the width of the bar

		input "Bar width"; i

		'clear the screen


		'fill "s" with spaces so we can use this: "w = len(s) * 8 + 11" to find the width

		s = space(i - 1)

		getmouse (x, y, , buttons)

		'loop and draw the bar where ever the mouse is

		do while buttons < 1

			getmouse (x, y, , buttons)

			'snap the object to make it easier to aline and easier to use the "Input" and "Print" in the outputed .bas file

			x1 = cint(x / 8) * 8

			y1 = cint(y / 8) * 8 + 2

			'find out how wide to make the box using the amount of spaces in the string

			w = len(s) * 8 + 11

			'lock the screen, draw the object where the mouse is, draw the rest of the objects and draw x and y lines to help aline the objects


			'clear the screen


			'write the x and y(-5 and - 20 because form is out and down) using the chosen colors

			color fg, bg: locate 1,1

			print using "##### : ##### : #        "; x1 - 5; y1 - 20; buttons

			'draw the bar with inside shadow using the chosen colors

			draw "C" & fg & " BM" & x1 & "," & y1 & " D26 R" & w + 4 & " U26 L" & w + 4 & " C" & sd & " BM" & x1 + 1 & "," & y1 + 1 & " D24 R" & w + 2 & " U24  L" & w + 2

			'draw the rest of the objects


			'draw the x and y lines to help aline the objects

			line (5, y1 - 2)-(resx + 5, y1 - 2), fg

			line (x1, 20)-(x1, resy + 20), fg


			sleep 20



		'load the arrays with the info

		pbar(pbars).x = x1: pbar(pbars).y = y1: pbar(pbars).w = w


		'increment the object number

		pbars += 1


	end if


	'place a radio button

	if s = "4" then

		'color using the chosen colors

		color fg, bg: locate 2, 1

		'get the width of the bar

		input "Group #"; radio(radios).g

		'clear the screen


		getmouse (x, y, , buttons)

		'loop and draw the radio button where ever the mouse is

		do while buttons < 1

			getmouse (x, y, , buttons)

			'snap the object to make it easier to aline and easier to use the "Input" and "Print" in the outputed .bas file

			x1 = cint(x / 8) * 8

			y1 = cint(y / 8) * 8 + 2

			'lock the screen, draw the object where the mouse is, draw the rest of the objects and draw x and y lines to help aline the objects


			'clear the screen


			'write the x and y(-5 and - 20 because form is out and down) using the chosen colors

			color fg, bg: locate 1,1

			print using "##### : ##### : #        "; x1 - 5; y1 - 20; buttons

			'draw the radio button with inside shadow using the chosen colors

			circle (x1 + 7, y1 + 13), 6, fg

			circle (x1 + 7, y1 + 13), 3, fg

			'draw the rest of the objects


			'draw the x and y lines to help aline the objects

			line (5, y1 - 2)-(resx + 5, y1 - 2), fg

			line (x1, 20)-(x1, resy + 20), fg


			sleep 20



		'load the arrays with the info

		radio(radios).x = x1 + 7: radio(radios).y = y1 + 13


		'increment the object number

		radios += 1


	end if


	'place a check box

	if s = "5" then

		getmouse (x, y, , buttons)

		'loop and draw the check box where ever the mouse is

		do while buttons < 1

			getmouse (x, y, , buttons)

			'snap the object to make it easier to aline and easier to use the "Input" and "Print" in the outputed .bas file

			x1 = cint(x / 8) * 8

			y1 = cint(y / 8) * 8 + 2

			'lock the screen, draw the object where the mouse is, draw the rest of the objects and draw x and y lines to help aline the objects


			'clear the screen


			'write the x and y(-5 and - 20 because form is out and down) using the chosen colors

			color fg, bg: locate 1,1

			print using "##### : ##### : #        "; x1 - 5; y1 - 20; buttons

			'draw the check box with inside shadow using the chosen colors

			draw "C" & fg & " BM" & x1 & "," & y1 + 5 & " D15 R15 U15 L14 D C" & sd & " D13 R13 U13 L13"

			'draw the X in the check box

			line (x1 + 3, y1 + 8)-(x1 + 12, y1 + 17), fg

			line (x1 + 12, y1 + 8)-(x1 + 3, y1 + 17), fg

			'draw the rest of the objects


			'draw the x and y lines to help aline the objects

			line (5, y1 - 2)-(resx + 5, y1 - 2), fg

			line (x1, 20)-(x1, resy + 20), fg


			sleep 20



		'load the arrays with the info

		cbox(cboxs).x = x1: cbox(cboxs).y = y1


		'increment the object number

		cboxs += 1


	end if



	'place a label

	if s = "6" then

		'color using the chosen colors

		color fg, bg: locate 2, 1

		'get the label text

		input "Label text"; s

		getmouse (x, y, , buttons)

		'loop and draw the label where ever the mouse is

		do while buttons < 1

			getmouse (x, y, , buttons)

			'snap the object to make it easier to aline and easier to use the "Input" and "Print" in the outputed .bas file

			x1 = cint(x / 8) * 8

			y1 = cint(y / 8) * 8 + 2

			'lock the screen, draw the object where the mouse is, draw the rest of the objects and draw x and y lines to help aline the objects


			'clear the screen


			'write the x and y(-5 and - 20 because form is out and down) using the chosen colors

			color fg, bg: locate 1,1

			print using "##### : ##### : #        "; x1 - 5; y1 - 20; buttons

			'draw the label using the chosen colors

			draw string (x1 + 8, y1 + 10), s, fg

			'draw the x and y lines to help aline the objects


			'draw the x and y lines to help aline the objects

			line (5, y1 - 2)-(resx + 5, y1 - 2), fg

			line (x1, 20)-(x1, resy + 20), fg


			sleep 20



		'load the arrays with the info

		label(labels).x = x1 + 8: label(labels).y = y1 + 10: label(labels).s = s


		'increment the object number

		labels += 1


	end if


	'place a slider

	if s = "7" then

		'color using the chosen colors

		color fg, bg: locate 2, 1

		'get the width of the bar

		input "Slider width"; i

		'clear the screen


		'fill "s" with spaces so we can use this: "w = len(s) * 8 + 11" to find the width

		s = space(i - 1)

		getmouse (x, y, , buttons)

		'loop and draw the bar where ever the mouse is

		do while buttons < 1

			getmouse (x, y, , buttons)

			'snap the object to make it easier to aline and easier to use the "Input" and "Print" in the outputed .bas file

			x1 = cint(x / 8) * 8

			y1 = cint(y / 8) * 8 + 2

			'find out how wide to make the box using the amount of spaces in the string

			w = len(s) * 8 + 11

			'lock the screen, draw the object where the mouse is, draw the rest of the objects and draw x and y lines to help aline the objects


			'clear the screen


			'write the x and y(-5 and - 20 because form is out and down) using the chosen colors

			color fg, bg: locate 1,1

			print using "##### : ##### : #        "; x1 - 5; y1 - 20; buttons

			'draw the bar with inside shadow using the chosen colors

			draw " BM" & x1 + 0 & "," & y1 + 3 & " D20 R" & w + 4 & " U20 L" & w + 4 & " C" & sd & " BM" & x1 + 1 & "," & y1 + 4 & " D18 R" & w + 2 & " U18  L" & w + 2

			circle (x1 + 10, y1 + 13), 8, fg

			draw "BM" & x1 + 10 & "," & y1 + 13 & "P" & sd & "," & fg & "C0"

			'draw the rest of the objects


			'draw the x and y lines to help aline the objects

			line (5, y1 - 2)-(resx + 5, y1 - 2), fg

			line (x1, 20)-(x1, resy + 20), fg


			sleep 20



		'load the arrays with the info

		sliderh(sliderhs).x = x1: sliderh(sliderhs).y = y1: sliderh(sliderhs).w = w


		'increment the object number

		sliderhs += 1


	end if


	'undo an object

	if s = "0" then

		'clear the screen


		'color using the chosen colors

		color fg, bg: locate 1, 1

		'print undo options and put the answer into "s"

		print "Undo button: 1"

		print "Undo box: 2"

		print "Undo pbar: 3"

		print "Undo radio: 4"

		print "Undo checkbox: 5"

		print "Undo label: 6"

		print "Undo slider: 7"

		input "", s

		'undo string

		if s = "1" then

			'clear the last data to be put into the button arrays

			bstring(bttns - 1).x = 0: bstring(bttns - 1).y = 0: bstring(bttns - 1).s = ""

			bdraw(bttns - 1).x = 0: bdraw(bttns - 1).y = 0: bdraw(bttns - 1).w = 0

			bif(bttns - 1).x = 0: bif(bttns - 1).y = 0: bif(bttns - 1).w = 0

			brelease(bttns - 1).x = 0: brelease(bttns - 1).y = 0: brelease(bttns - 1).w = 0

			if bttns = 1 then


				'decrement the button number

				bttns -= 1

			end if

		'undo in/out box

		elseif s = "2" then

			'clear the last data to be put into the in/out box arrays

			inbox(boxes - 1).x = 0: inbox(boxes - 1).y = 0: inbox(boxes - 1).w = 0

			inboxif(boxes - 1).x = 0: inboxif(boxes - 1).y = 0: inboxif(boxes - 1).w = 0

			if boxes = 1 then


				'decrement the in/out box number

				boxes -= 1

			end if

		'undo progress bar

		elseif s = "3" then

			'clear the last data to be put into the progress bar array

			pbar(pbars - 1).x = 0: pbar(pbars - 1).y = 0: pbar(pbars - 1).w = 0

			if pbars = 1 then


				'decrement the progress bar number

				pbars -= 1

			end if

		'undo radio

		elseif s = "4" then

			'clear the last data to be put into the radio button array

			radio(radios - 1).x = 0: radio(radios - 1).y = 0: radio(radios - 1).w = 0

			if radios = 1 then


				'decrement the radio button box number

				radios -= 1

			end if

		'undo check box

		elseif s = "5" then

			'clear the last data to be put into the check box array

			cbox(cboxs - 1).x = 0: cbox(cboxs - 1).y = 0: cbox(cboxs - 1).w = 0

			if cboxs = 1 then


				'decrement the check box number

				cboxs -= 1

			end if

		'undo label

		elseif s = "6" then

			'clear the last data to be put into the label array

			label(labels - 1).x = 0: label(labels - 1).y = 0: label(labels - 1).s = ""

			if labels = 1 then


				'decrement the label number

				labels -= 1

			end if

		'undo slider

		elseif s = "7" then

			'clear the last data to be put into the check box array

			sliderh(sliderhs - 1).x = 0: sliderh(sliderhs - 1).y = 0: sliderh(sliderhs - 1).w = 0

			if sliderhs = 1 then


				'decrement the check box number

				sliderhs -= 1

			end if

		end if

	end if	



'draw all the buttons, in/out boxes, progress bars and labes

sub drawform

	for i = 1 to 300

		if bstring(i).s = "" then exit for

		draw string (bstring(i).x, bstring(i).y), bstring(i).s, fg

	next i

	for i = 1 to 300

		if bdraw(i).x = 0 then exit for

		draw "C" & fg & " BM" & bdraw(i).x & "," & bdraw(i).y & " D26 R D R D R" & bdraw(i).w & " U R U R U26 L U L U L" & bdraw(i).w & " D L D L C" & sd & " BM" & bdraw(i).x + 1 & "," & bdraw(i).y + 1 & " BD26 BR BD BR BD R" & bdraw(i).w & " U R U R U26 C0" & q

	next i

	for i = 1 to 300

		if inbox(i).x = 0 then exit for

		draw "C" & fg & " BM" & inbox(i).x & "," & inbox(i).y & " D" & inbox(i).h & " R D R D R" & inbox(i).w & " U R U R U" & inbox(i).h & " L U L U L" & inbox(i).w & " D L D L C" & sd & " BM" & inbox(i).x + 1 & "," & inbox(i).y + 1 & " D" & inbox(i).h - 2 & " R D R D R" & inbox(i).w - 2 & " U R U R U" & inbox(i).h - 2 & " L U L U L" & inbox(i).w - 2 & "D L D"

	next i

	for i = 1 to 300

		if pbar(i).x = 0 then exit for

		draw "C" & fg & " BM" & pbar(i).x & "," & pbar(i).y & " D26 R" & pbar(i).w + 4 & " U26 L" & pbar(i).w + 4 & " C" & sd & " BM" & pbar(i).x + 1 & "," & pbar(i).y + 1 & " D24 R" & pbar(i).w + 2 & " U24  L" & pbar(i).w + 2

	next i

	for i = 1 to 300

		if radio(i).x = 0 then exit for

		circle (radio(i).x, radio(i).y), 6, fg

		circle (radio(i).x, radio(i).y), 3, fg

	next i

	for i = 1 to 300

		if cbox(i).x = 0 then exit for

		draw "C" & fg & " BM" & cbox(i).x & "," & cbox(i).y + 5 & " D15 R15 U15 L14 D C" & sd & " D13 R13 U13 L13"

		line (cbox(i).x + 3, cbox(i).y + 8)-(cbox(i).x + 12, cbox(i).y + 17), fg

		line (cbox(i).x + 12, cbox(i).y + 8)-(cbox(i).x + 3, cbox(i).y + 17), fg

	next i

	for i = 1 to 300

		if label(i).s = "" then exit for

		draw string (label(i).x, label(i).y), label(i).s, fg

	next i

	for i = 1 to 300

		if sliderh(i).x = 0 then exit for

		draw "C" & fg & " BM" & sliderh(i).x + 0 & "," & sliderh(i).y + 3 & " D20 R" & sliderh(i).w + 4 & " U20 L" & sliderh(i).w + 4 & " C" & sd & " BM" & sliderh(i).x + 1 & "," & sliderh(i).y + 4 & " D18 R" & sliderh(i).w + 2 & " U18  L" & sliderh(i).w + 2

		circle (sliderh(i).x + 10, sliderh(i).y + 13), 8, fg

		draw "BM" & sliderh(i).x + 10 & "," & sliderh(i).y + 13 & "P" & sd & "," & fg & "C0"

	next i


	draw box

end sub

'draws everything on the color picker screen

sub drawcolors()

	dim as integer x, y




	'draws two boxes ,with the buttons inside,using two color so when the inside of the box is filled it doesn't overflow

	line (211, 6)-(602, 6), 15

	line (211, 50)-(602, 50), 15

	line (211, 6)-(211, 50), 15

	line (602, 6)-(602, 50), 15

	line (212, 7)-(601, 7), 31

	line (212, 49)-(601, 49), 31

	line (212, 7)-(212, 49), 31

	line (601, 7)-(601, 49), 31

	if bg <> 15 then

		draw "BM214,9 P" & bg & ",15"

	elseif bg <> 31 then

		draw "BM214,9 P" & bg & ",31"

	end if

	'draws the buttons

	bttn (219, 14, "Foreground")

	bttn (323, 14, "Background")

	bttn (427, 14, "Shadow")

	bttn (547, 14, "Done")

	'draws the color bar

	for x = 1 to 738

		for y = 60 to 90

			pset (x, y), x / 3

		next y

	next x


end sub

'draws the buttons on the color picker screen

sub bttn(x as integer, y as integer, s as string)

	dim as integer w

	w = len(s) * 8 + 10

	draw string (x + 8, y + 10), s, fg

	draw "C" & fg & " BM" & x & "," & y & "D26 R D R D R" & w & "U R U R U26 L U L U L" & w & "D L D L C" & sd & "BM" & x + 1 & "," & y + 1 & "BD26 BR BD BR BD R" & w & "U R U R U26"

end sub
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Re: A crappy FreeBASIC gui code maker

Post by Gablea »

Just a quick Question

Can the buttons be made bigger and smaller? on the design view? and is it possible to save the design and then edit it latter?
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Re: A crappy FreeBASIC gui code maker

Post by BasicCoder2 »

This old post uses the old qbasic DRAW command which is something I wouldn't use as it is cryptic and limited. Quark, dodicat and myself had a long thread on using the DRAW command to draw images including a magnification option.

Personally I prefer using the graphic commands as seen below. You can make your buttons whatever size you like. It is simple enough to extend the BUTTON type to handle text and graphics. It is also not hard to write a simple gui editor for buttons which will generate the .bas file source code that draws the buttons to copy into your own program.

Code: Select all

'some useful defines
Const Pi = 4 * Atn(1)
Dim Shared As Double TwoPi = 8 * Atn(1)
Dim Shared As Double RtoD = 180 / Pi   ' radians * RtoD = degrees
Dim Shared As Double DtoR = Pi / 180   ' degrees * DtoR = radians

screenres 640,480,32
color rgb(0,0,0),rgb(100,100,255):cls

dim as integer mx,my,mb

    as integer x
    as integer y
    as integer w
    as integer h
    as integer r   'size of curved corners
end type

dim shared as BUTTON btn1,btn2

btn1.r = 15
btn1.x = 100
btn1.y = 100
btn1.w = 100
btn1.h = 150

btn2.r = 15
btn2.x = 400
btn2.y = 100
btn2.w = 100
btn2.h = 50

sub DrawButton(btn as BUTTON)
    line (btn.x+btn.r,btn.y)-(btn.x+btn.w-btn.r,btn.y),rgb(0,0,0) 'top line
    line (btn.x,btn.y+btn.r)-(btn.x,btn.y+btn.h-btn.r),rgb(0,0,0) 'left line
    line (btn.x+btn.r,btn.y+btn.h)-(btn.x+btn.w-btn.r,btn.y+btn.h),rgb(0,0,0) 'bottom line
    line (btn.x+btn.w,btn.y+btn.r)-(btn.x+btn.w,btn.y+btn.h-btn.r),rgb(0,0,0), 'right line
    circle (btn.x+btn.r,btn.y+btn.r),btn.r,rgb(0,0,0),90*DtoR,180*DtoR         'top left side corner
    circle (btn.x+btn.r,btn.y+btn.h-btn.r),btn.r,rgb(0,0,0),180*DtoR,270*DtoR  'bottom left side corner
    circle (btn.x+btn.w-btn.r,btn.y-btn.r+btn.h),btn.r,rgb(0,0,0),270*DtoR,0*DtoR  'bottom right side corner
    circle (btn.x+btn.w-btn.r,btn.y+btn.r),btn.r,rgb(0,0,0),360*DtoR,90*DtoR      'top right side corner
end sub

    sleep 2
loop until multikey(&H01)
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Location: Northampton, United Kingdom

Re: A crappy FreeBASIC gui code maker

Post by Gablea »

It may be simple for you but I think what i know about BASIC was wrong (Plus I think because I have been coding for a long time with Visual Basic I have lost what I know about the BASIC language)

It is getting to a Point now where i am seriously thinking about offering someone a job JUST to create a clone of my Windows Applications in FreeBASIC :)
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Re: A crappy FreeBASIC gui code maker

Post by BasicCoder2 »

Gablea wrote:It is getting to a Point now where i am seriously thinking about offering someone a job JUST to create a clone of my Windows Applications in FreeBASIC :)
As you have already put that out on the forum for someone to do just that I would say you might just have to forget about it.
http://www.freebasic.net/forum/viewtopi ... =3&t=25779

Your question about buttons is easy and a far cry from cloning your windows application which would require knowing how to use libraries for things like the sql interface not to mention interfacing to POS hardware with FreeBASIC.
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Re: A crappy FreeBASIC gui code maker

Post by dodicat »

The thing is Gablea, you ask for suggestions, and I might send on little code examples to try and fix simple tasks one at a time, and I ask you if they work or are suitable, and you don't reply.
What to think??
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