RMChart Control Example

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RMChart Control Example

Post by gbos »

This is an example of how to use the freeware rmchart control to create charts into your freebasic windows applications.


The example creates two charts from scratch and also demonstrates how you can load a pre-made .rmc chart file.

Basicaly all you need for creating charts is rmchart.dll in the same folder with your application.
If you don't have win-xp or vista an additional dll is reqired as described in the control's documentation.

You can download the dll and the documentation from here


Code: Select all


'' Sub Declarations

Declare Sub S_myopen()
Declare Sub MakeSampleCharts()

Declare Sub S_dialog(Byref filetoopen as string)

'' Include

#include once "windows.bi"
#include once "win/commctrl.bi"

Function StringToBSTR( cnv_string As String ) As BSTR
    Dim sb As BSTR
    sb = SysAllocStringByteLen( Strptr( cnv_string ), Len( cnv_string ) )
    *cast( Zstring Ptr, sb ) = cnv_string
    Return sb
End Function

'' Declare

Declare Sub register_classes
Declare Function message_loop As integer
Declare Function wnd_proc0(Byval thiswnd As hwnd, Byval message As uinteger, Byval w_param As wparam, Byval l_param As lparam) As lresult
Declare Function create_wnd0 As hwnd
Declare Sub create_wnd_content0(byval parent as hwnd)

'' Names of Window Classes

Const WND_CLASS_NAME0 = "my_wnd_class_name_0"

'' Global Data

Dim Shared instance as hmodule
Dim Shared h_font as HFONT

'' Menu Module Header

	hnd as HMENU
End Type

	title as string
	id as integer
End Type

Const MENUID_BASE = 100
Const MAXMENUS = 10

Declare Sub init_menus(byval hWnd as HWND)
Declare Sub menu_insert(byval hmenu as HMENU, byval submenu as integer, title as string, byval flags as integer = 0)
Declare Sub menu_append(byval submenu as integer, byval id as integer, title as string, byval flags as integer = 0)
Declare Sub menu_separator(byval submenu as integer)

Dim Shared submenuTB(0 to MAXMENUS) as TMENU
Dim Shared menuitemTB(0 to MAXMENUITEMS-1) as TMENUITEM

Declare Function file_getname( byval hWnd as HWND ) as string

Const myopen = 100

Dim Shared hwndform As hwnd  '' Form Handle

'' Menu Module Subs

Sub menu_insert(byval hmenu as HMENU, byval submenu as integer, title as string, byval flags as integer = 0)
	With submenuTB(submenu)
		.hnd = CreatePopupMenu( )
		InsertMenu(hmenu, submenu, MF_BYPOSITION Or MF_POPUP Or MF_STRING or flags, cuint( .hnd ), title)
	End With
End Sub

Sub menu_append(byval submenu as integer, byval id as integer, title as string, byval flags as integer = 0)
	With menuitemTB(id-MENUID_BASE)
		.id = id
		.title = title
		AppendMenu(submenuTB(submenu).hnd, MF_STRING or flags, id, title)
	End With
End Sub

Sub menu_separator(byval submenu as integer)
	AppendMenu(submenuTB(submenu).hnd, MF_SEPARATOR, 0, NULL)
End Sub

Sub init_menus(byval hWnd as HWND)
	Dim menu as HMENU
	menu = CreateMenu( )
	menu_insert(menu, 0,"&file")
	menu_append( 0,myopen,"&open...")
	SetMenu(hWnd, menu)
End Sub

Function file_getname( byval hWnd as HWND ) as string
	Dim filename as zstring * MAX_PATH+1
	With ofn
	.lStructSize 		= sizeof( OPENFILENAME )
	.hwndOwner	 		= hWnd
	.hInstance	 		= GetModuleHandle( NULL )
	.lpstrFilter 		= strptr( !"All Files, (*.*)\0*.*\0RMS Files, (*.RMC)\0*.rmc\0\0" )
	.lpstrCustomFilter 	= NULL
	.nMaxCustFilter 	= 0
	.nFilterIndex 		= 1
	.lpstrFile			= @filename
	.nMaxFile			= sizeof( filename )
	.lpstrFileTitle		= NULL
	.nMaxFileTitle		= 0
	.lpstrInitialDir	= NULL
	.lpstrTitle			= @"Open a File"
	.nFileOffset		= 0
	.nFileExtension		= 0
	.lpstrDefExt		= NULL
	.lCustData			= 0
	.lpfnHook			= NULL
	.lpTemplateName		= NULL
	End With
	If( GetOpenFileName( @ofn ) = FALSE ) Then
	Return ""
	Return filename
	End If
End Function

'' Main Code

instance = GetModuleHandle(null)
LoadLibrary "RICHED32.DLL"
h_font = CreateFont(-13, 0, 0, 0, FW_NORMAL, 0, _
End message_loop

'' Register Windows Classes

Sub register_classes
	With wc
		.cbClsExtra    = 0
		.cbWndExtra    = 0
		.hbrBackground = cast(hbrush, COLOR_3DFACE + 1)
		.hCursor       = LoadCursor(null, byval IDC_ARROW)
		.hIcon         = LoadIcon(null, byval IDI_APPLICATION)
		.hInstance     = instance
		.lpszMenuName  = null
		.style         = CS_PARENTDC or CS_DBLCLKS
	End with
	wc.lpfnWndProc   = @wnd_proc0
	wc.lpszClassName = strptr(WND_CLASS_NAME0)
	RegisterClass @wc
End Sub

'' Message Loop

Function message_loop As Integer
	Dim message As MSG
	While (GetMessage(@message, null, 0, 0) <> false)
		TranslateMessage @message
		DispatchMessage @message
	DeleteObject h_font
	Return message.wParam
End Function

'' Create Window #0

Function create_wnd0 As hwnd
	Dim wnd As hwnd
	wnd = CreateWindowEx(&h00000100, WND_CLASS_NAME0, "RMChart Example", &h14CF0000, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, 800, 600, null, null, instance, null)
	hwndform = wnd
	ShowWindow wnd, SW_SHOWNORMAL
	UpdateWindow wnd
	Return wnd
End Function

Sub create_wnd_content0(byval parent as hwnd)
End Sub

'' window procedure #0

Function wnd_proc0(byval thiswnd as hwnd, byval message as uinteger, byval w_param as wparam, byval l_param as lparam) as lresult
	Select Case message
			create_wnd_content0 thiswnd
			If IDYES = MessageBox(thiswnd, "Quit?", "Exit Program...", MB_YESNO or MB_ICONQUESTION) Then
				DestroyWindow thiswnd
			End If
			PostQuitMessage 0
			Select Case loword(w_param)
			Case myopen
			Case Else
			End Select
	Case Else
		Return DefWindowProc(thiswnd, message, w_param, l_param)
	End Select
	Return 0
End Function

'' Sub Codes

Sub S_myopen()
	Dim a As string
	Dim rc As Long
	Dim Chart_Draw As Function (ByVal nParentHndl As long,ByVal nCtrlId As long, ByVal nX As long, ByVal nY As long, ByVal nExportOnly As long, Byval aa As bstr) As long
	Dim Chart2_Draw As Function ( ByVal nCtrlId As Long ) As Long
	Dim Chart_DeleteChart As Function (ByVal oh As Long) As Long
	Dim hndl As Any Ptr
	' find the proc address (case matters!)
	Chart_Draw = DyLibSymbol( hndl, "RMC_CREATECHARTFROMFILE" )
	Chart2_Draw = DyLibSymbol( hndl, "RMC_DRAW" )
	Chart_DeleteChart = DyLibSymbol( hndl, "RMC_DELETECHART" )
	' call it..
	' First delete the two sample charts created when started application
	rc = Chart_DeleteChart(5000)
	rc = Chart_DeleteChart(5001)
	'Then Load the chart from the file
	rc = Chart_Draw (hwndform,6000,10,10,0,StringToBSTR(a))
	rc = Chart2_Draw(6000)
End Sub

Sub MakeSampleCharts()
Dim o_h As Long : o_h = 5000
Dim r_c As Long
Dim va(9) As Double
	va(0) = 20
	va(1) = 32
	va(2) = 45
	va(3) = 76
	va(4) = 50
	va(5) = 89
	va(6) = 72
	va(7) = 41
	va(8) = 45
	va(9) = 27

Dim hndl_pointer As Any ptr
hndl_pointer = DyLibLoad("rmchart.dll")

Dim Chart_CreateChart As Function (ByVal fh As Long, ByVal oh As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, ByVal dx As Long, byVal dy As Long, _
ByVal a1 As Long, ByVal a2 As Long, ByVal a3 As Long, ByVal a4 As bstr, ByVal a5 As bstr, ByVal a6 As Long, ByVal a7 As Long) As Long

Dim Chart_AddRegion As Function (ByVal oh As Long, _
ByVal a1 As Long, ByVal a2 As Long, ByVal a3 As Long, ByVal a4 As Long, ByVal a5 As bstr, ByVal a6 As Long ) As Long

Dim Chart_AddGrid As Function (ByVal oh As Long, ByVal r As Long, _
ByVal a1 As Long, ByVal a2 As Long, ByVal a3 As Long, ByVal a4 As Long, ByVal a5 As Long, ByVal a6 As Long, ByVal a7 As Long) As Long

Dim Chart_AddLabelAxis As Function (ByVal oh As Long, ByVal r As Long, Byval s As bstr, _
ByVal a1 As Long, ByVal a2 As Long, ByVal a3 As Long, ByVal a4 As Long, ByVal a5 As Long, ByVal a6 As Long, ByVal a7 As Long, ByVal a8 As Long, ByVal a9 As bstr) As Long

Dim Chart_AddDataAxis As Function (ByVal oh As Long, ByVal r As Long, _
ByVal a1 As Long, ByVal a2 As Double, ByVal a3 As Double, ByVal a4 As Long, ByVal a5 As Long, ByVal a6 As Long, ByVal a7 As Long, ByVal a8 As Long, ByVal a9 As Long, ByVal a10 As bstr, ByVal a11 As bstr, ByVal a12 As bstr, ByVal a13 As Long) As Long

Dim Chart_AddLineSeries As Function (ByVal oh As Long, ByVal r As Long, ByRef a1 As Double, ByVal a2 As Long, ByVal a3 As Long,ByVal a4 As Long,ByVal a5 As Long,ByVal a6 As Long,ByVal a7 As Long,ByVal a8 As Long,ByVal a9 As Long,ByVal a10 As Long,ByVal a11 As Long,ByVal a12 As Long,ByVal a13 As Long) As Long

Dim Chart_SetSeriesData As Function (ByVal oh As Long, ByVal r As Long , ByVal sr As Long, ByRef d As Double, ByVal n As Long, _
ByVal a1 As Long) As Long

Dim Chart_Draw As Function (ByVal oh As Long) As Long

Dim Chart_AddGridlessSeries As Function (ByVal oh As Long, ByVal r As Long, _
ByRef a1 As Double, ByVal a2 As Long, ByRef a3 As Long, ByVal a4 As Long, ByVal a5 As Long,ByVal a6 As Long,ByVal a7 As Long,ByVal a8 As Long,ByVal a9 As Long,ByVal a10 As Long,ByVal a11 As Long) As Long

Chart_CreateChart = DylibSymbol(hndl_pointer,"RMC_CREATECHART")
Chart_AddRegion = DylibSymbol(hndl_pointer,"RMC_ADDREGION")
Chart_AddGrid = DylibSymbol(hndl_pointer,"RMC_ADDGRID")
Chart_AddLabelAxis = DylibSymbol(hndl_pointer,"RMC_ADDLABELAXIS")
Chart_AddDataAxis = DylibSymbol(hndl_pointer,"RMC_ADDDATAAXIS")
Chart_AddLineSeries = DylibSymbol(hndl_pointer,"RMC_ADDLINESERIES")
Chart_SetSeriesData = DylibSymbol(hndl_pointer,"RMC_SETSERIESDATA")
Chart_Draw = DylibSymbol(hndl_pointer,"RMC_DRAW")
Chart_AddGridlessSeries = DylibSymbol(hndl_pointer,"RMC_ADDGRIDLESSSERIES") 

' Create a Pie Chart
r_c = Chart_CreateChart(hwndform, o_h, 20 , 20 , 320 , 240, 0, 0, 0, StringToBSTR(" "), StringToBSTR(" "), 0, 0 )
r_c = Chart_AddRegion(o_h , 0 ,0 ,0 ,0 , StringToBSTR(" ") , 0)
r_c = Chart_AddGridlessSeries(o_h,1,va(0),10,0,0,0,0,0,0,RMC_VLABEL_PERCENT,0,0)
r_c = Chart_Draw(o_h)

' Create a line Chart
r_c = Chart_CreateChart(hwndform, o_h+1, 400 , 20 , 320 , 240, 0, 0, 0, StringToBSTR(" "), StringToBSTR(" "), 0, 0 )
r_c = Chart_AddRegion(o_h+1 , 0 ,0 ,0 ,0 , StringToBSTR(" ") , 0)
r_c = Chart_AddGrid(o_h+1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
r_c = Chart_AddLabelAxis(o_h+1, 1 , StringToBSTR("10*20*30*40*50*60*70*80*90*100"), 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,StringToBSTR(" "))
r_c = Chart_AddDataAxis(o_h+1,1,0,0,100,0,0,0,0,0,0,StringToBSTR(" "),StringToBSTR(" "),StringToBSTR(" "),0)
r_c = Chart_AddLineSeries(o_h+1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
r_c = Chart_SetSeriesData(o_h+1, 1, 1, va(0), 10, 0)
r_c = Chart_Draw(o_h+1)
'MessageBox(NULL, Str$(r_c), "Event!",MB_ICONEXCLAMATION Or MB_OK)
End Sub

Sub S_dialog(Byref filetoopen as string)
	filetoopen = file_getname(hwndform)
End Sub
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Post by Mysoft »

Very Good for professionals apps, generally i will make them by myself... but =)
Posts: 1710
Joined: Sep 11, 2005 7:08
Location: England

Post by yetifoot »

they look very nice
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