Worm Tunnel Flight Example

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Worm Tunnel Flight Example

Post by UEZ »

Here an example for a simple Worm Tunnel Flight

Code: Select all

#Include "fbgfx.bi"

Using FB

Declare Function _Sin6th(fX As Double) As Double
Declare Function _Cos6th(fX As Double) As Double
Declare Function createStars(n As UShort) As Boolean

	x As Single
	y As Single
	r As Single
	speed As Single
	accel As Single
	angle As Single
End Type

Const As UInteger iW = 1200, iH = 800, iWh = iW \ 2, iHh = iH \ 2
Const As Single fPi = ACos(-1), fRAD = fPi / 180, fDEG = 180 / fPi

Dim Shared As Boolean bRandomize = TRUE
Dim Shared As UShort iHoleSize, iRotationDistance, iStarsPerLevel, iDrawDepth, iPos, c, ii
Dim Shared As Single r, fRotationStep, fRotationSpeed, fAccel, fAccel2, fLevelStarPos, fTargetAngle, mx, my, vx, vy
Dim As UByte grey

iHoleSize = 16
r = 0
iRotationDistance = 300
fRotationSpeed = 0.9
iStarsPerLevel = 128
fRotationStep = 8.0
iDrawDepth = iStarsPerLevel * 75
fAccel = 1.01
fAccel2 = 0.0015
fLevelStarPos = 0
iPos = 0
mx = 0
my = 0
Dim Shared aStars(0 To iDrawDepth + iStarsPerLevel) As tSHAPE

Dim As String sTitle = "Worm Tunnel Flight / "

ScreenRes iW, iH, 16,, GFX_HIGH_PRIORITY

Dim As ULong iFPS = 0, iLines = 0
Dim As Double fTimer
Dim evt As EVENT
fTimer = Timer

	r += fRotationSpeed
	If r < 360 Then
		mx = iWh
		my = iHh
		fTargetAngle = r * fRAD
		mx += iRotationDistance * _Cos6th(fTargetAngle + Timer) 
		my += iRotationDistance * ( _Sin6th(fTargetAngle )  + _Cos6th(2 * fTargetAngle - Timer  /  10)  / 2)
		r = 0

	c = 0
	While c < UBound(aStars)
		If aStars(c).x <> 0 Then
			vx = aStars(c).speed * _Cos6th(aStars(c).angle * fRAD)
			vy = aStars(c).speed * _Sin6th(aStars(c).angle * fRAD)
			grey = CUByte(c * iWh)
			Line (aStars(c).x, aStars(c).y) - (aStars(c).x + vx, aStars(c).y + vy), RGB(grey, grey, grey)
         iLines += 1
			aStars(c).x += vx
			aStars(c).y += vy
			aStars(c).speed *= aStars(c).accel
			aStars(c).accel += fAccel2
		c += 1	
	If iPos > iDrawDepth Then iPos = 0
	If Timer - fTimer > 0.99 Then
		WindowTitle sTitle & "Lines: " & iLines & " / FPS: " & iFPS
		iFPS = 0
      iLines = 0
		fTimer = Timer
		iFPS += 1
	If (ScreenEvent(@evt)) Then
		Select Case evt.Type 
				Exit Do
		End Select

Function createStars(n As UShort) As Boolean
	If mx = 0 Then Return FALSE
	For ii = 0 To n - 1
		aStars(iPos).x = mx
		aStars(iPos).y = my
		aStars(iPos).r = 1.0
		aStars(iPos).speed = 1.0
		aStars(iPos).accel = fAccel
		aStars(iPos).angle = IIf(bRandomize, Rnd() * 360, fLevelStarPos)
		If bRandomize = FALSE Then fLevelStarPos += fRotationStep
		vx = iHoleSize * _Cos6th(aStars(iPos).angle * fRAD)
		vy = iHoleSize * _Sin6th(aStars(iPos).angle * fRAD)
		aStars(iPos).x += vx
		aStars(iPos).y += vy
		iPos += 1
	Return TRUE
End Function

Function _Sin6th(fX As Double) As Double 'coded by Eukalyptus
      jmp _Sin6th_Start 
         _Sin6th_Mul: .double 683565275.57643158 
         _Sin6th_Div: .double -0.0000000061763971109087229 
         _Sin6th_Rnd: .double 6755399441055744.0 
         movq xmm0, [fX] 
         mulsd xmm0, [_Sin6th_Mul] 
         addsd xmm0, [_Sin6th_Rnd] 
         movd ebx, xmm0 
         lea  eax, [ebx *2 + 0x80000000] 
         sar  eax, 2 
         imul eax 
         sar  ebx, 31 
         lea  eax, [edx * 2 - 0x70000000] 
         lea  ecx, [edx * 8 + edx - 0x24000000] 
         imul edx 
         xor  ecx, ebx 
         lea  eax, [edx * 8 + edx + 0x44A00000] 
         imul ecx 
         cvtsi2sd xmm0, edx 
         mulsd xmm0, [_Sin6th_Div] 
         movq [Function], xmm0 
   End Asm 
End Function 

Function _Cos6th(fX As Double) As Double 'coded by Eukalyptus
      jmp _Cos6th_Start 
         _Cos6th_Mul: .double 683565275.57643158 
         _Cos6th_Div: .double -0.0000000061763971109087229 
         _Cos6th_Rnd: .double 6755399441055744.0 
         movq xmm0, [fX] 
         mulsd xmm0, [_Cos6th_Mul] 
         addsd xmm0, [_Cos6th_Rnd] 
         movd ebx, xmm0 
         add ebx, 0x40000000 'SinToCos 
         lea  eax, [ebx * 2 + 0x80000000] 
         sar  eax, 2 
         imul eax 
         sar  ebx, 31 
         lea  eax, [edx * 2 - 0x70000000] 
         lea  ecx, [edx * 8 + edx - 0x24000000] 
         imul edx 
         xor  ecx, ebx 
         lea  eax, [edx * 8 + edx + 0x44A00000] 
         imul ecx 
         cvtsi2sd xmm0, edx 
         mulsd xmm0, [_Cos6th_Div] 
         movq [Function], xmm0 
   End Asm 
End Function 
I don't know whether the code runs also on Linux systems.
Last edited by UEZ on Sep 02, 2017 19:27, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 7983
Joined: Jan 10, 2006 20:30
Location: Scotland

Re: Worm Tunnel Flight Example

Post by dodicat »

Really nice.
Fb has data type boolean, so you don't need to #include "windows.bi".
Then it might run on Linux.
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Re: Worm Tunnel Flight Example

Post by dafhi »

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Re: Worm Tunnel Flight Example

Post by deltarho[1859] »

I changed both the

Code: Select all

jmp _Sin6th_Start

Code: Select all

jmp _Cos6th_Start

Code: Select all

jmp 0f

Code: Select all

jmp 0f
respectively so that I could use '-gen gcc -Wc -O3' and used my PCG32II.bas replacing Rnd with pcg.randse.

It didn't seem to make a blind bit of difference. <laugh>

Awesome graphics UEZ.
Posts: 988
Joined: May 05, 2017 19:59
Location: Germany

Re: Worm Tunnel Flight Example

Post by UEZ »

Thanks all for your feedback. :)

@dodicat: thanks for the hint -> code updated.
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