(Const's, Macro's & Func's)

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Joined: Jun 02, 2013 9:27
Location: Switzerland (Const's, Macro's & Func's)

Post by MrSwiss »

Hi all,

over time I've collected, what I consider *essentials* to work with FB's GFX-lib.
I've made it all, into an easy to include .bi file, which I want to share here.
Sources, other than my own stuff, are noted, however, limited to my memory.
(if I've made any mistakes, in quoting sources, please let me know ...)

  • constants: PI (Π), PI2 (double Π), GolderRatio -- others are used by macro's
  • all Macro's are *single line*, aka: #Define (not listed, quite a few)
  • two Function's: Contrast(), CContrast()
  • updated: 2018-04-12 (added single alpha-/color-channel getters/setters)
Here goes

Code: Select all

' -- mathematics for fbGFX (Singles only) -- 2016/18, MrSwiss
' update     : 2017-05-06   changed: added Smap (renamed map to Imap)
' last update: 2018-04-11/12changed: added color-channel getters/setters
' some math const(s) + macro(s) + conrast Func's -- #Define = single line macro
' forum:

#Ifndef __GFX_MATH_BI__
#Define __GFX_MATH_BI__

' from: FB-manual (maybe: Forum??)
Const As Single PI      = Atn( 1f ) * 4f	' semi-circle, in RADians
Const As Single PI2     = Atn( 1f ) * 8f	' full-circle, RAD
' original, by bluatigro (I assume)
Const As Single GoldenRatio = ( Sqr(5f) - 1f ) / 2f
' original, by FB-manual
Const As Single D2R     = pi / 180f		    ' conversion factor, DEG --> RAD
Const As Single R2D     = 180f / pi		    ' conversion factor, RAD --> DEG
' original, by MrSwiss (I don't want to have to remember the Const's names!)
#Define RAD(d)          ( CSng(d * D2R) )	' conversion macro, DEG --> RAD
#Define DEG(r)          ( CSng(r * R2D) )	' conversion macro, RAD --> DEG

Randomize(Timer, 3) ' seed for Rnd(), Mersenne Twister (FB-default)
' original, by dodicat, modified for returning defined variable type, by MrSwiss
#Define LRange(l, h)    ( CLng(Rnd() * (h - l) + l) )   ' general use, Long    (32bit)
#Define LIRange(l, h)   ( CLngInt(Rnd() * (h - l) + l) )' general use, LongInt (64bit)
#Define IRange(l, h)    ( CInt(Rnd() * (h - l) + l) )   ' general use, Integer (FBC-bitness)
#Define SRange(l, h)    ( CSng(Rnd() * (h - l) + l) )   ' general use, Single  (GFX-Float, 32bit)
' original, by dodicat modified: MrSwiss (removed brackets around var's), added brackets _
#define Imap(a,b,x,c,d) ( (d - c) * (x - a) \ (b - a) + c ) ' around 'whole body' (readability)
#define Smap(a,b,x,c,d) ( (d - c) * (x - a) / (b - a) + c )

' -- all Color stuff, original, by MrSwiss --
#Define ClrRng(l, h)    ( CULng(Rnd() * (h - l) + l) )  ' Color, aka: ULong
' random Color RGB range, ULong (full alpha, always)
#Define RndRGB          ( CULng(Rnd() * &hFFFFFF + &hFF000000ul) )
' random Color ARGB range, ULong (random Alpha & Color)
#Define RndARGB         ( CULng(Rnd() * &hFFFFFFFFul) )
' color inverter, not touching/changing of Alpha-Chan.
#Define InvClr(c)       ( CULng(c Xor &h00FFFFFF) )
' color inverter, incl. Alpha
#Define InvAClr(c)      ( CULng(c Xor &hFFFFFFFFul) )

' 2018-04-12, function like MACRO's (getters) for alpha-/color-channel's values (UByte, from 32-bit color)
#Define ga_ch(c)        ( CULng(c) Shr 24 And 255 )         ' get alpha-channel
#Define gr_ch(c)        ( CULng(c) Shr 16 And 255 )         ' get red-channel
#Define gg_ch(c)        ( CULng(c) Shr  8 And 255 )         ' get green-channel
#Define gb_ch(c)        ( CULng(c)        And 255 )         ' get blue-channel
' 2018-04-11, function like MACRO's (setters) for alpha-/color-channel's (32-bit color, ULong)
#Define sa_ch(c,a)      ( CULng(c) + ((a And 255) Shl 24) ) ' set alpha-channel
#Define sr_ch(c,r)      ( CULng(c) + ((r And 255) Shl 16) ) ' set red-channel
#Define sg_ch(c,g)      ( CULng(c) + ((g And 255) Shl  8) ) ' set green-channel
#Define sb_ch(c,b)      ( CULng(c) +  (b And 255) )         ' set blue-channel

' 2017-04-28, by MrSwiss (simplified version, of below Function: CContrast())
' reason: with CContrast() and, many diff. colors, it's too quickly Carnival-like!
Function Contrast ( ByVal cin As ULong _    ' param:  'in' ARGB-Color
                    ) As ULong              ' result: ARGB-Color (black or white)
    ' if NOT full alpha --> set it to full alpha (for easy evaluation)
    If CPtr(UByte Ptr, @cin)[3] < 255 Then CPtr(UByte Ptr, @cin)[3] = 255
    ' bright half of RGB range --> return black
    If cin > &hFF7F7F7F Then Return &hFF000000ul
    ' dark half of RGB range   --> return white
    Return &hFFFFFFFFul
End Function

' make one random colour over another different: original by dodicat, recoded: _
' 2017-04-28, by MrSwiss -- reason: more efficient code & independent of macro's
Function CContrast( ByVal cin As ULong _    ' param:  'in' ARGB-Color
                    ) As ULong              ' result: ARGB-Color 
    Dim As UByte    a = CPtr(Ubyte Ptr, @cin)[3], _ ' save curr. alpha-chan
                    r = CPtr(Ubyte Ptr, @cin)[2], _ ' save curr. red-chan
                    g = CPtr(Ubyte Ptr, @cin)[1], _ ' save curr. green-chan
                    b = CPtr(Ubyte Ptr, @cin)[0], _ ' save curr. blue-chan
                    r2, g2, b2                      ' temp. var's (uninit)
    Dim As Boolean  rf, gf, bf                      ' color channels flags
    ' minimal required difference from original: 127 / &h7F (aka: 50% of range)
    While Not rf    ' run's only: until new red val found
        r2 = CUByte(Rnd() * 255) : If Abs(r - r2) > 126 Then rf = TRUE
    While Not gf    ' run's only: until new green val found
        g2 = CUByte(Rnd() * 255) : If Abs(g - g2) > 126 Then gf = TRUE
    While Not bf    ' run's only: until new blue val found
        b2 = CUByte(Rnd() * 255) : If Abs(b - b2) > 126 Then bf = TRUE
    ' got them all: return result
    Return RGBA(r2, g2, b2, a)  ' leave alpha unchanged (use saved original)
End Function

#EndIf  ' __GFX_MATH_BI__
and a short Demo (uses Grid.bas), which can be found at the given location, here in the Forum:

Code: Select all

' Demo1_GFX_MATH_bi.bas -- 2017-05-02, by MrSwiss
' last update: 2017-05-02   changed: nothing yet

' compile with: -s GUI

#Include ""          ' see:
#Include Once "Grid.bas"        ' see:

' NOTE: if only RGB() is used with GFX_ALPHA_PRIMITIVES, nothing is shown (alpha = 0)
Dim As ULong    c1 = RGBA(255,   0,   0, 191), _    ' red 3/4 alpha = 1/4 transparent
                c2 = RGBA(127, 127, 127, 255), _    ' grey 100% alpha = opaque (0% trans)
                c3 = RGBA(  0,   0, 255, 191)       ' blue (as red)
' for program execution control
Dim As Boolean  quit = FALSE, sw = TRUE                 ' flags

' ===== MAIN =====
ScreenRes(641, 641, 32, 2, 64)      ' GFX_ALPHA_PRIMITIVES = &h40 / 64 dec; double buffer
'Randomize(Timer, 3)                 ' seed for RND(), set in
c2 = RGBA(255, 255, 255, 255)       ' redefine c2 to: white / opaque

    ' cell size 68 (square), border 48 = cells: h/v = 8/8 (aka: chessboard)
    Grid(640, 640, 68, 48,, c2)     ' grid color = c2 (default = medium-gray)
    For j As UInteger = 1 To 8      ' rows (cells vertical)
        Var y = j * 68 + 24         ' calc. injection point y (paint, aka: flood-fill)
        For i As UInteger = 1 To 8  ' columns (cells horizontal)
            Var x = i * 68 + 24     ' calc. injection point x (paint)
            If sw Then
                Paint (x, y), ClrRng(&h7F7F7F7F, &hFFFFFFFF), c2    ' in
                ' random color RGB range only (100% alpha always)
                Paint (x, y), RndRGB, c2    ' in
        If Len(InKey()) Then quit = TRUE : Exit For ' exit outer For loop (only)
        sw = Not sw                 ' change macro used, every new row
    If quit Then Exit Do
    Sleep 1500, 1 : Cls
' ===== END-MAIN =====  ' ----- EOF -----
[edit: 2017-05-06] Another test code, without additional #Includes:

Code: Select all

' GFX_MATH_Test2.bas -- 2017-05-06, by MrSwiss
' last update: 2017-05-06   changed: ---

' compile with: -s GUI

#Include Once ""     ' see:

' for program execution control
Dim As Boolean  quit = FALSE    ' flag(s)

' ===== MAIN =====
ScreenRes(641, 641, 32, 2, 64)  ' GFX_ALPHA_PRIMITIVES = &h40 / 64 dec; double buffer

    For j As UInteger = 0 To 10         ' rows (steps vertical)
        Var y = j * 55                  ' calc. y-axis pos.
        For i As UInteger = 0 To 10     ' columns (steps horizontal)
            Var x = i * 55              ' calc. x-axis pos.
            Var h = IRange(25, 85)      ' get a random height between 25 and 85
            Var w = IRange(35, 150)     ' get a random width between 35 and 150
            Line (x, y)-Step(w, h), RndARGB, BF ' random color full ARGB range
        If Len(InKey()) Then quit = TRUE : Exit For ' exit outer For loop (only)
    If quit Then Exit Do                ' end prog. (if quit = TRUE)
    Sleep 1000, 1 : Cls                 ' give user some time, to 'look at it'
' ===== END-MAIN =====  ' ----- EOF -----
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