using gcc quadmath

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Re: using gcc quadmath

Post by dodicat »

Yea srvaldez.
That works fine (32 bits)
Posts: 3381
Joined: Sep 25, 2005 21:54

Re: using gcc quadmath

Post by srvaldez »

here's a working example

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#Inclib "quadmath-0"

Type float128
	As Long m1, m2, m3, m4
End Type

Extern "c"
	Declare Function strtoflt128 (Byval As Zstring Ptr, Byval As Byte Ptr Ptr) As float128
End Extern

Sub acosq_ Naked(Byval a As float128, Byref c As float128)
	'esp holds return address
	'esp+4 holds first dword of 'a'
	'esp+20 holds pointer to 'c'
		Push	ebp
		mov		ebp, esp
		Sub		esp, 2*oword
		And		esp, -16
		'copy 'a' to stack 
		movups	xmm1,xmmword Ptr [ebp+4+4] 'need to add 4 due to 'push 'ebp'
		movaps  xmmword Ptr [esp], xmm1
		Sub		esp,12	'subtract 12 from esp to make 'push eax' 16-byte aligned.
		Push	dword Ptr [ebp+20+4] 'push address of c onto stack
		Call	_acosq 'need extra underscore
		mov		esp,ebp
		Pop		ebp
	End Asm
End Sub

Sub acoshq_ Naked(Byval a As float128, Byref c As float128)
	'esp holds return address
	'esp+4 holds first dword of 'a'
	'esp+20 holds pointer to 'c'
		Push	ebp
		mov		ebp, esp
		Sub		esp, 2*oword
		And		esp, -16
		'copy 'a' to stack 
		movups	xmm1,xmmword Ptr [ebp+4+4] 'need to add 4 due to 'push 'ebp'
		movaps  xmmword Ptr [esp], xmm1
		Sub		esp,12	'subtract 12 from esp to make 'push eax' 16-byte aligned.
		Push	dword Ptr [ebp+20+4] 'push address of c onto stack
		Call	_acoshq 'need extra underscore
		mov		esp,ebp
		Pop		ebp
	End Asm
End Sub

Sub asinq_ Naked(Byval a As float128, Byref c As float128)
	'esp holds return address
	'esp+4 holds first dword of 'a'
	'esp+20 holds pointer to 'c'
		Push	ebp
		mov		ebp, esp
		Sub		esp, 2*oword
		And		esp, -16
		'copy 'a' to stack 
		movups	xmm1,xmmword Ptr [ebp+4+4] 'need to add 4 due to 'push 'ebp'
		movaps  xmmword Ptr [esp], xmm1
		Sub		esp,12	'subtract 12 from esp to make 'push eax' 16-byte aligned.
		Push	dword Ptr [ebp+20+4] 'push address of c onto stack
		Call	_asinq 'need extra underscore
		mov		esp,ebp
		Pop		ebp
	End Asm
End Sub

Sub asinhq_ Naked(Byval a As float128, Byref c As float128)
	'esp holds return address
	'esp+4 holds first dword of 'a'
	'esp+20 holds pointer to 'c'
		Push	ebp
		mov		ebp, esp
		Sub		esp, 2*oword
		And		esp, -16
		'copy 'a' to stack 
		movups	xmm1,xmmword Ptr [ebp+4+4] 'need to add 4 due to 'push 'ebp'
		movaps  xmmword Ptr [esp], xmm1
		Sub		esp,12	'subtract 12 from esp to make 'push eax' 16-byte aligned.
		Push	dword Ptr [ebp+20+4] 'push address of c onto stack
		Call	_asinhq 'need extra underscore
		mov		esp,ebp
		Pop		ebp
	End Asm
End Sub

Sub atanq_ Naked(Byval a As float128, Byref c As float128)
	'esp holds return address
	'esp+4 holds first dword of 'a'
	'esp+20 holds pointer to 'c'
		Push	ebp
		mov		ebp, esp
		Sub		esp, 2*oword
		And		esp, -16
		'copy 'a' to stack 
		movups	xmm1,xmmword Ptr [ebp+4+4] 'need to add 4 due to 'push 'ebp'
		movaps  xmmword Ptr [esp], xmm1
		Sub		esp,12	'subtract 12 from esp to make 'push eax' 16-byte aligned.
		Push	dword Ptr [ebp+20+4] 'push address of c onto stack
		Call	_atanq 'need extra underscore
		mov		esp,ebp
		Pop		ebp
	End Asm
End Sub

Sub atanhq_ Naked(Byval a As float128, Byref c As float128)
	'esp holds return address
	'esp+4 holds first dword of 'a'
	'esp+20 holds pointer to 'c'
		Push	ebp
		mov		ebp, esp
		Sub		esp, 2*oword
		And		esp, -16
		'copy 'a' to stack 
		movups	xmm1,xmmword Ptr [ebp+4+4] 'need to add 4 due to 'push 'ebp'
		movaps  xmmword Ptr [esp], xmm1
		Sub		esp,12	'subtract 12 from esp to make 'push eax' 16-byte aligned.
		Push	dword Ptr [ebp+20+4] 'push address of c onto stack
		Call	_atanhq 'need extra underscore
		mov		esp,ebp
		Pop		ebp
	End Asm
End Sub

Sub atan2q_ Naked(Byval a As float128, Byval b As float128, Byref c As float128)
	'esp holds return address
	'esp+4 holds first dword of 'a'
	'esp+20 holds first dword of 'b'
	'esp+36 holds pointer to 'c'
		Push	ebp
		mov		ebp, esp
		Sub		esp, 3*oword
		And		esp, -16
		'copy 'a' to stack 
		movups	xmm1,xmmword Ptr [ebp+4+4] 'need to add 4 due to 'push 'ebp'
		movaps  xmmword Ptr [esp], xmm1
		'copy 'b' to stack
		movups	xmm1,xmmword Ptr [ebp+20+4] 'need to add 4 due to 'push 'ebp'
		movaps  xmmword Ptr [esp+16], xmm1
		Sub		esp,12	'subtract 12 from esp to make 'push eax' 16-byte aligned.
		Push	dword Ptr [ebp+36+4] 'push address of c onto stack
		Call	_atan2q 'need extra underscore
		mov		esp,ebp
		Pop		ebp
	End Asm
End Sub

Sub cbrtq_ Naked(Byval a As float128, Byref c As float128)
	'esp holds return address
	'esp+4 holds first dword of 'a'
	'esp+20 holds pointer to 'c'
		Push	ebp
		mov		ebp, esp
		Sub		esp, 2*oword
		And		esp, -16
		'copy 'a' to stack 
		movups	xmm1,xmmword Ptr [ebp+4+4] 'need to add 4 due to 'push 'ebp'
		movaps  xmmword Ptr [esp], xmm1
		Sub		esp,12	'subtract 12 from esp to make 'push eax' 16-byte aligned.
		Push	dword Ptr [ebp+20+4] 'push address of c onto stack
		Call	_cbrtq 'need extra underscore
		mov		esp,ebp
		Pop		ebp
	End Asm
End Sub

Sub ceilq_ Naked(Byval a As float128, Byref c As float128)
	'esp holds return address
	'esp+4 holds first dword of 'a'
	'esp+20 holds pointer to 'c'
		Push	ebp
		mov		ebp, esp
		Sub		esp, 2*oword
		And		esp, -16
		'copy 'a' to stack 
		movups	xmm1,xmmword Ptr [ebp+4+4] 'need to add 4 due to 'push 'ebp'
		movaps  xmmword Ptr [esp], xmm1
		Sub		esp,12	'subtract 12 from esp to make 'push eax' 16-byte aligned.
		Push	dword Ptr [ebp+20+4] 'push address of c onto stack
		Call	_ceilq 'need extra underscore
		mov		esp,ebp
		Pop		ebp
	End Asm
End Sub

Sub copysignq_ Naked(Byval a As float128, Byval b As float128, Byref c As float128)
	'esp holds return address
	'esp+4 holds first dword of 'a'
	'esp+20 holds first dword of 'b'
	'esp+36 holds pointer to 'c'
		Push	ebp
		mov		ebp, esp
		Sub		esp, 3*oword
		And		esp, -16
		'copy 'a' to stack 
		movups	xmm1,xmmword Ptr [ebp+4+4] 'need to add 4 due to 'push 'ebp'
		movaps  xmmword Ptr [esp], xmm1
		'copy 'b' to stack
		movups	xmm1,xmmword Ptr [ebp+20+4] 'need to add 4 due to 'push 'ebp'
		movaps  xmmword Ptr [esp+16], xmm1
		Sub		esp,12	'subtract 12 from esp to make 'push eax' 16-byte aligned.
		Push	dword Ptr [ebp+36+4] 'push address of c onto stack
		Call	_copysignq 'need extra underscore
		mov		esp,ebp
		Pop		ebp
	End Asm
End Sub

Sub coshq_ Naked(Byval a As float128, Byref c As float128)
	'esp holds return address
	'esp+4 holds first dword of 'a'
	'esp+20 holds pointer to 'c'
		Push	ebp
		mov		ebp, esp
		Sub		esp, 2*oword
		And		esp, -16
		'copy 'a' to stack 
		movups	xmm1,xmmword Ptr [ebp+4+4] 'need to add 4 due to 'push 'ebp'
		movaps  xmmword Ptr [esp], xmm1
		Sub		esp,12	'subtract 12 from esp to make 'push eax' 16-byte aligned.
		Push	dword Ptr [ebp+20+4] 'push address of c onto stack
		Call	_coshq 'need extra underscore
		mov		esp,ebp
		Pop		ebp
	End Asm
End Sub

Sub cosq_ Naked(Byval a As float128, Byref c As float128)
	'esp holds return address
	'esp+4 holds first dword of 'a'
	'esp+20 holds pointer to 'c'
		Push	ebp
		mov		ebp, esp
		Sub		esp, 2*oword
		And		esp, -16
		'copy 'a' to stack 
		movups	xmm1,xmmword Ptr [ebp+4+4] 'need to add 4 due to 'push 'ebp'
		movaps  xmmword Ptr [esp], xmm1
		Sub		esp,12	'subtract 12 from esp to make 'push eax' 16-byte aligned.
		Push	dword Ptr [ebp+20+4] 'push address of c onto stack
		Call	_cosq 'need extra underscore
		mov		esp,ebp
		Pop		ebp
	End Asm
End Sub

Sub erfq_ Naked(Byval a As float128, Byref c As float128)
	'esp holds return address
	'esp+4 holds first dword of 'a'
	'esp+20 holds pointer to 'c'
		Push	ebp
		mov		ebp, esp
		Sub		esp, 2*oword
		And		esp, -16
		'copy 'a' to stack 
		movups	xmm1,xmmword Ptr [ebp+4+4] 'need to add 4 due to 'push 'ebp'
		movaps  xmmword Ptr [esp], xmm1
		Sub		esp,12	'subtract 12 from esp to make 'push eax' 16-byte aligned.
		Push	dword Ptr [ebp+20+4] 'push address of c onto stack
		Call	_erfq 'need extra underscore
		mov		esp,ebp
		Pop		ebp
	End Asm
End Sub

Sub erfcq_ Naked(Byval a As float128, Byref c As float128)
	'esp holds return address
	'esp+4 holds first dword of 'a'
	'esp+20 holds pointer to 'c'
		Push	ebp
		mov		ebp, esp
		Sub		esp, 2*oword
		And		esp, -16
		'copy 'a' to stack 
		movups	xmm1,xmmword Ptr [ebp+4+4] 'need to add 4 due to 'push 'ebp'
		movaps  xmmword Ptr [esp], xmm1
		Sub		esp,12	'subtract 12 from esp to make 'push eax' 16-byte aligned.
		Push	dword Ptr [ebp+20+4] 'push address of c onto stack
		Call	_erfcq 'need extra underscore
		mov		esp,ebp
		Pop		ebp
	End Asm
End Sub

Sub expq_ Naked(Byval a As float128, Byref c As float128)
	'esp holds return address
	'esp+4 holds first dword of 'a'
	'esp+20 holds pointer to 'c'
		Push	ebp
		mov		ebp, esp
		Sub		esp, 2*oword
		And		esp, -16
		'copy 'a' to stack 
		movups	xmm1,xmmword Ptr [ebp+4+4] 'need to add 4 due to 'push 'ebp'
		movaps  xmmword Ptr [esp], xmm1
		Sub		esp,12	'subtract 12 from esp to make 'push eax' 16-byte aligned.
		Push	dword Ptr [ebp+20+4] 'push address of c onto stack
		Call	_expq 'need extra underscore
		mov		esp,ebp
		Pop		ebp
	End Asm
End Sub

Sub expm1q_ Naked(Byval a As float128, Byref c As float128)
	'esp holds return address
	'esp+4 holds first dword of 'a'
	'esp+20 holds pointer to 'c'
		Push	ebp
		mov		ebp, esp
		Sub		esp, 2*oword
		And		esp, -16
		'copy 'a' to stack 
		movups	xmm1,xmmword Ptr [ebp+4+4] 'need to add 4 due to 'push 'ebp'
		movaps  xmmword Ptr [esp], xmm1
		Sub		esp,12	'subtract 12 from esp to make 'push eax' 16-byte aligned.
		Push	dword Ptr [ebp+20+4] 'push address of c onto stack
		Call	_expm1q 'need extra underscore
		mov		esp,ebp
		Pop		ebp
	End Asm
End Sub

Sub fabsq_ Naked(Byval a As float128, Byref c As float128)
	'esp holds return address
	'esp+4 holds first dword of 'a'
	'esp+20 holds pointer to 'c'
		Push	ebp
		mov		ebp, esp
		Sub		esp, 2*oword
		And		esp, -16
		'copy 'a' to stack 
		movups	xmm1,xmmword Ptr [ebp+4+4] 'need to add 4 due to 'push 'ebp'
		movaps  xmmword Ptr [esp], xmm1
		Sub		esp,12	'subtract 12 from esp to make 'push eax' 16-byte aligned.
		Push	dword Ptr [ebp+20+4] 'push address of c onto stack
		Call	_fabsq 'need extra underscore
		mov		esp,ebp
		Pop		ebp
	End Asm
End Sub

Sub fdimq_ Naked(Byval a As float128, Byval b As float128, Byref c As float128)
	'esp holds return address
	'esp+4 holds first dword of 'a'
	'esp+20 holds first dword of 'b'
	'esp+36 holds pointer to 'c'
		Push	ebp
		mov		ebp, esp
		Sub		esp, 3*oword
		And		esp, -16
		'copy 'a' to stack 
		movups	xmm1,xmmword Ptr [ebp+4+4] 'need to add 4 due to 'push 'ebp'
		movaps  xmmword Ptr [esp], xmm1
		'copy 'b' to stack
		movups	xmm1,xmmword Ptr [ebp+20+4] 'need to add 4 due to 'push 'ebp'
		movaps  xmmword Ptr [esp+16], xmm1
		Sub		esp,12	'subtract 12 from esp to make 'push eax' 16-byte aligned.
		Push	dword Ptr [ebp+36+4] 'push address of c onto stack
		Call	_fdimq 'need extra underscore
		mov		esp,ebp
		Pop		ebp
	End Asm
End Sub

Sub finiteq_ Naked(Byval a As float128, Byref c As float128)
	'esp holds return address
	'esp+4 holds first dword of 'a'
	'esp+20 holds pointer to 'c'
		Push	ebp
		mov		ebp, esp
		Sub		esp, 2*oword
		And		esp, -16
		'copy 'a' to stack 
		movups	xmm1,xmmword Ptr [ebp+4+4] 'need to add 4 due to 'push 'ebp'
		movaps  xmmword Ptr [esp], xmm1
		Sub		esp,12	'subtract 12 from esp to make 'push eax' 16-byte aligned.
		Push	dword Ptr [ebp+20+4] 'push address of c onto stack
		Call	_finiteq 'need extra underscore
		mov		esp,ebp
		Pop		ebp
	End Asm
End Sub

Sub floorq_ Naked(Byval a As float128, Byref c As float128)
	'esp holds return address
	'esp+4 holds first dword of 'a'
	'esp+20 holds pointer to 'c'
		Push	ebp
		mov		ebp, esp
		Sub		esp, 2*oword
		And		esp, -16
		'copy 'a' to stack 
		movups	xmm1,xmmword Ptr [ebp+4+4] 'need to add 4 due to 'push 'ebp'
		movaps  xmmword Ptr [esp], xmm1
		Sub		esp,12	'subtract 12 from esp to make 'push eax' 16-byte aligned.
		Push	dword Ptr [ebp+20+4] 'push address of c onto stack
		Call	_floorq 'need extra underscore
		mov		esp,ebp
		Pop		ebp
	End Asm
End Sub

Sub fmaq_ Naked(Byval a As float128, Byval b As float128, Byval d As float128, Byref c As float128)
	'esp holds return address
	'esp+4 holds first dword of 'a'
	'esp+20 holds first dword of 'b'
	'esp+36 holds first dword of 'c'
	'esp+52 holds pointer to 'd'
		Push	ebp
		mov		ebp, esp
		Sub		esp, 4*oword
		And		esp, -16
		'since the values of the arguments may not be 16-byte aligned we copy one dword at a time
		'copy 'a' to stack 
		movups	xmm1,xmmword Ptr [ebp+4+4] 'need to add 4 due to 'push 'ebp'
		movaps  xmmword Ptr [esp], xmm1
		'copy 'b' to stack
		movups	xmm1,xmmword Ptr [ebp+20+4] 'need to add 4 due to 'push 'ebp'
		movaps  xmmword Ptr [esp+16], xmm1
		'copy 'c' to stack
		movups	xmm1,xmmword Ptr [ebp+36+4] 'need to add 4 due to 'push 'ebp'
		movaps  xmmword Ptr [esp+32], xmm1
		'eax = address of 'd'
		mov		eax,dword Ptr [ebp+52+4]
		'subtract 12 from esp to make 'push eax' 16-byte aligned.
		Sub		esp,12
		Push	eax 'push address of d onto stack
		Call	_fmaq
		mov		esp,ebp
		Pop		ebp
	End Asm
End Sub

Sub fmaxq_ Naked(Byval a As float128, Byval b As float128, Byref c As float128)
	'esp holds return address
	'esp+4 holds first dword of 'a'
	'esp+20 holds first dword of 'b'
	'esp+36 holds pointer to 'c'
		Push	ebp
		mov		ebp, esp
		Sub		esp, 3*oword
		And		esp, -16
		'copy 'a' to stack 
		movups	xmm1,xmmword Ptr [ebp+4+4] 'need to add 4 due to 'push 'ebp'
		movaps  xmmword Ptr [esp], xmm1
		'copy 'b' to stack
		movups	xmm1,xmmword Ptr [ebp+20+4] 'need to add 4 due to 'push 'ebp'
		movaps  xmmword Ptr [esp+16], xmm1
		Sub		esp,12	'subtract 12 from esp to make 'push eax' 16-byte aligned.
		Push	dword Ptr [ebp+36+4] 'push address of c onto stack
		Call	_fmaxq 'need extra underscore
		mov		esp,ebp
		Pop		ebp
	End Asm
End Sub

Sub fminq_ Naked(Byval a As float128, Byval b As float128, Byref c As float128)
	'esp holds return address
	'esp+4 holds first dword of 'a'
	'esp+20 holds first dword of 'b'
	'esp+36 holds pointer to 'c'
		Push	ebp
		mov		ebp, esp
		Sub		esp, 3*oword
		And		esp, -16
		'copy 'a' to stack 
		movups	xmm1,xmmword Ptr [ebp+4+4] 'need to add 4 due to 'push 'ebp'
		movaps  xmmword Ptr [esp], xmm1
		'copy 'b' to stack
		movups	xmm1,xmmword Ptr [ebp+20+4] 'need to add 4 due to 'push 'ebp'
		movaps  xmmword Ptr [esp+16], xmm1
		Sub		esp,12	'subtract 12 from esp to make 'push eax' 16-byte aligned.
		Push	dword Ptr [ebp+36+4] 'push address of c onto stack
		Call	_fminq 'need extra underscore
		mov		esp,ebp
		Pop		ebp
	End Asm
End Sub

Sub fmodq_ Naked(Byval a As float128, Byval b As float128, Byref c As float128)
	'esp holds return address
	'esp+4 holds first dword of 'a'
	'esp+20 holds first dword of 'b'
	'esp+36 holds pointer to 'c'
		Push	ebp
		mov		ebp, esp
		Sub		esp, 3*oword
		And		esp, -16
		'copy 'a' to stack 
		movups	xmm1,xmmword Ptr [ebp+4+4] 'need to add 4 due to 'push 'ebp'
		movaps  xmmword Ptr [esp], xmm1
		'copy 'b' to stack
		movups	xmm1,xmmword Ptr [ebp+20+4] 'need to add 4 due to 'push 'ebp'
		movaps  xmmword Ptr [esp+16], xmm1
		Sub		esp,12	'subtract 12 from esp to make 'push eax' 16-byte aligned.
		Push	dword Ptr [ebp+36+4] 'push address of c onto stack
		Call	_fmodq 'need extra underscore
		mov		esp,ebp
		Pop		ebp
	End Asm
End Sub

Sub frexpq_ Naked(Byval a As float128, Byref n As long, Byref c As float128)
	'esp holds return address
	'esp+4 holds first dword of 'a'
	'esp+20 holds pointer to 'n'
	'esp+24 holds pointer to 'c'
        Push    ebp
        mov     ebp, esp
        Sub     esp, 2*oword
        And		esp,-16
        sub		esp,12
        Push    dword Ptr [ebp+20+4]
        sub		esp,16
        movups	xmm1,xmmword Ptr [ebp+4+4]
        movaps  xmmword Ptr [esp], xmm1
        Sub     esp, 12
        Push    dword Ptr [ebp+24+4]
        Call    _frexpq
		mov		esp,ebp
		Pop		ebp
	End Asm
End Sub

Sub hypotq_ Naked(Byval a As float128, Byval b As float128, Byref c As float128)
	'esp holds return address
	'esp+4 holds first dword of 'a'
	'esp+20 holds first dword of 'b'
	'esp+36 holds pointer to 'c'
		Push	ebp
		mov		ebp, esp
		Sub		esp, 3*oword
		And		esp, -16
		'copy 'a' to stack 
		movups	xmm1,xmmword Ptr [ebp+4+4] 'need to add 4 due to 'push 'ebp'
		movaps  xmmword Ptr [esp], xmm1
		'copy 'b' to stack
		movups	xmm1,xmmword Ptr [ebp+20+4] 'need to add 4 due to 'push 'ebp'
		movaps  xmmword Ptr [esp+16], xmm1
		Sub		esp,12	'subtract 12 from esp to make 'push eax' 16-byte aligned.
		Push	dword Ptr [ebp+36+4] 'push address of c onto stack
		Call	_hypotq 'need extra underscore
		mov		esp,ebp
		Pop		ebp
	End Asm
End Sub

Sub isinfq_ Naked(Byval a As float128, Byref c As float128)
	'esp holds return address
	'esp+4 holds first dword of 'a'
	'esp+20 holds pointer to 'c'
		Push	ebp
		mov		ebp, esp
		Sub		esp, 2*oword
		And		esp, -16
		'copy 'a' to stack 
		movups	xmm1,xmmword Ptr [ebp+4+4] 'need to add 4 due to 'push 'ebp'
		movaps  xmmword Ptr [esp], xmm1
		Sub		esp,12	'subtract 12 from esp to make 'push eax' 16-byte aligned.
		Push	dword Ptr [ebp+20+4] 'push address of c onto stack
		Call	_isinfq 'need extra underscore
		mov		esp,ebp
		Pop		ebp
	End Asm
End Sub

Sub ilogbq_ Naked(Byval a As float128, Byref c As float128)
	'esp holds return address
	'esp+4 holds first dword of 'a'
	'esp+20 holds pointer to 'c'
		Push	ebp
		mov		ebp, esp
		Sub		esp, 2*oword
		And		esp, -16
		'copy 'a' to stack 
		movups	xmm1,xmmword Ptr [ebp+4+4] 'need to add 4 due to 'push 'ebp'
		movaps  xmmword Ptr [esp], xmm1
		Sub		esp,12	'subtract 12 from esp to make 'push eax' 16-byte aligned.
		Push	dword Ptr [ebp+20+4] 'push address of c onto stack
		Call	_ilogbq 'need extra underscore
		mov		esp,ebp
		Pop		ebp
	End Asm
End Sub

Sub isnanq_ Naked(Byval a As float128, Byref c As float128)
	'esp holds return address
	'esp+4 holds first dword of 'a'
	'esp+20 holds pointer to 'c'
		Push	ebp
		mov		ebp, esp
		Sub		esp, 2*oword
		And		esp, -16
		'copy 'a' to stack 
		movups	xmm1,xmmword Ptr [ebp+4+4] 'need to add 4 due to 'push 'ebp'
		movaps  xmmword Ptr [esp], xmm1
		Sub		esp,12	'subtract 12 from esp to make 'push eax' 16-byte aligned.
		Push	dword Ptr [ebp+20+4] 'push address of c onto stack
		Call	_isnanq 'need extra underscore
		mov		esp,ebp
		Pop		ebp
	End Asm
End Sub

Sub j0q_ Naked(Byval a As float128, Byref c As float128)
	'esp holds return address
	'esp+4 holds first dword of 'a'
	'esp+20 holds pointer to 'c'
		Push	ebp
		mov		ebp, esp
		Sub		esp, 2*oword
		And		esp, -16
		'copy 'a' to stack 
		movups	xmm1,xmmword Ptr [ebp+4+4] 'need to add 4 due to 'push 'ebp'
		movaps  xmmword Ptr [esp], xmm1
		Sub		esp,12	'subtract 12 from esp to make 'push eax' 16-byte aligned.
		Push	dword Ptr [ebp+20+4] 'push address of c onto stack
		Call	_j0q 'need extra underscore
		mov		esp,ebp
		Pop		ebp
	End Asm
End Sub

Sub j1q_ Naked(Byval a As float128, Byref c As float128)
	'esp holds return address
	'esp+4 holds first dword of 'a'
	'esp+20 holds pointer to 'c'
		Push	ebp
		mov		ebp, esp
		Sub		esp, 2*oword
		And		esp, -16
		'copy 'a' to stack 
		movups	xmm1,xmmword Ptr [ebp+4+4] 'need to add 4 due to 'push 'ebp'
		movaps  xmmword Ptr [esp], xmm1
		Sub		esp,12	'subtract 12 from esp to make 'push eax' 16-byte aligned.
		Push	dword Ptr [ebp+20+4] 'push address of c onto stack
		Call	_j1q 'need extra underscore
		mov		esp,ebp
		Pop		ebp
	End Asm
End Sub

Sub jnq_ Naked(Byval n As Long, Byval a As float128, Byref c As float128)
	'esp holds return address
	'esp+4 holds 'n'
	'esp+8 holds first dword of 'a'
	'esp+24 holds pointer to 'c'
		Push	ebp
		mov		ebp, esp
		Sub		esp, 3*oword
		And		esp, -16
		'copy 'a' to stack 
		movups	xmm1,xmmword Ptr [ebp+8+4] 'need to add 4 due to 'push 'ebp'
		movaps  xmmword Ptr [esp], xmm1
		Sub		esp,8
		mov		eax,dword Ptr [ebp+4+4]
		Push	eax
		Push	dword Ptr [ebp+24+4] 'push address of c onto stack
		Call	_jnq 'need extra underscore
		mov		esp,ebp
		Pop		ebp
	End Asm
End Sub

Sub ldexpq_ Naked(Byval a As float128, Byval n As long, Byref c As float128)
	'esp holds return address
	'esp+4 holds first dword of 'a'
	'esp+20 holds pointer to 'n'
	'esp+24 holds pointer to 'c'
        Push    ebp
        mov     ebp, esp
        Sub     esp, 2*oword
        And		esp,-16
        sub		esp,12
        Push    dword Ptr [ebp+20+4]
        sub		esp,16
        movups	xmm1,xmmword Ptr [ebp+4+4]
        movaps  xmmword Ptr [esp], xmm1
        Sub     esp, 12
        Push    dword Ptr [ebp+24+4]
        Call    _ldexpq
		mov		esp,ebp
		Pop		ebp
	End Asm
End Sub

Sub lgammaq_ Naked(Byval a As float128, Byref c As float128)
	'esp holds return address
	'esp+4 holds first dword of 'a'
	'esp+20 holds pointer to 'c'
		Push	ebp
		mov		ebp, esp
		Sub		esp, 2*oword
		And		esp, -16
		'copy 'a' to stack 
		movups	xmm1,xmmword Ptr [ebp+4+4] 'need to add 4 due to 'push 'ebp'
		movaps  xmmword Ptr [esp], xmm1
		Sub		esp,12	'subtract 12 from esp to make 'push eax' 16-byte aligned.
		Push	dword Ptr [ebp+20+4] 'push address of c onto stack
		Call	_lgammaq 'need extra underscore
		mov		esp,ebp
		Pop		ebp
	End Asm
End Sub

Sub llrintq_ Naked(Byval a As float128, Byref c As Longint)
	'esp holds return address
	'esp+4 holds first dword of 'a'
	'esp+20 holds pointer to 'c'
		Push	ebp
		mov		ebp, esp
		Sub		esp, 2*oword
		And		esp, -16
		'copy 'a' to stack 
		movups	xmm1,xmmword Ptr [ebp+4+4] 'need to add 4 due to 'push 'ebp'
		movaps  xmmword Ptr [esp], xmm1
		Call	_llrintq 'need extra underscore
		mov		edx,dword Ptr [ebp+20+4] 'c
		mov		dword Ptr [edx],eax
		mov		esp,ebp
		Pop		ebp
	End Asm
End Sub

Sub llroundq_ Naked(Byval a As float128, Byref c As Longint)
	'esp holds return address
	'esp+4 holds first dword of 'a'
	'esp+20 holds pointer to 'c'
		Push	ebp
		mov		ebp, esp
		Sub		esp, 2*oword
		And		esp, -16
		'copy 'a' to stack 
		movups	xmm1,xmmword Ptr [ebp+4+4] 'need to add 4 due to 'push 'ebp'
		movaps  xmmword Ptr [esp], xmm1
		Call	_llroundq 'need extra underscore
		mov		edx,dword Ptr [ebp+20+4] 'c
		mov		dword Ptr [edx],eax
		mov		esp,ebp
		Pop		ebp
	End Asm
End Sub

Sub logbq_ Naked(Byval a As float128, Byref c As float128)
	'esp holds return address
	'esp+4 holds first dword of 'a'
	'esp+20 holds pointer to 'c'
		Push	ebp
		mov		ebp, esp
		Sub		esp, 2*oword
		And		esp, -16
		'copy 'a' to stack 
		movups	xmm1,xmmword Ptr [ebp+4+4] 'need to add 4 due to 'push 'ebp'
		movaps  xmmword Ptr [esp], xmm1
		Sub		esp,12	'subtract 12 from esp to make 'push eax' 16-byte aligned.
		Push	dword Ptr [ebp+20+4] 'push address of c onto stack
		Call	_logbq 'need extra underscore
		mov		esp,ebp
		Pop		ebp
	End Asm
End Sub

Sub logq_ Naked(Byval a As float128, Byref c As float128)
	'esp holds return address
	'esp+4 holds first dword of 'a'
	'esp+20 holds pointer to 'c'
		Push	ebp
		mov		ebp, esp
		Sub		esp, 2*oword
		And		esp, -16
		'copy 'a' to stack 
		movups	xmm1,xmmword Ptr [ebp+4+4] 'need to add 4 due to 'push 'ebp'
		movaps  xmmword Ptr [esp], xmm1
		Sub		esp,12	'subtract 12 from esp to make 'push eax' 16-byte aligned.
		Push	dword Ptr [ebp+20+4] 'push address of c onto stack
		Call	_logq 'need extra underscore
		mov		esp,ebp
		Pop		ebp
	End Asm
End Sub

Sub Log10q_ Naked(Byval a As float128, Byref c As float128)
	'esp holds return address
	'esp+4 holds first dword of 'a'
	'esp+20 holds pointer to 'c'
		Push	ebp
		mov		ebp, esp
		Sub		esp, 2*oword
		And		esp, -16
		'copy 'a' to stack 
		movups	xmm1,xmmword Ptr [ebp+4+4] 'need to add 4 due to 'push 'ebp'
		movaps  xmmword Ptr [esp], xmm1
		Sub		esp,12	'subtract 12 from esp to make 'push eax' 16-byte aligned.
		Push	dword Ptr [ebp+20+4] 'push address of c onto stack
		Call	_log10q 'need extra underscore
		mov		esp,ebp
		Pop		ebp
	End Asm
End Sub

Sub log2q_ Naked(Byval a As float128, Byref c As float128)
	'esp holds return address
	'esp+4 holds first dword of 'a'
	'esp+20 holds pointer to 'c'
		Push	ebp
		mov		ebp, esp
		Sub		esp, 2*oword
		And		esp, -16
		'copy 'a' to stack 
		movups	xmm1,xmmword Ptr [ebp+4+4] 'need to add 4 due to 'push 'ebp'
		movaps  xmmword Ptr [esp], xmm1
		Sub		esp,12	'subtract 12 from esp to make 'push eax' 16-byte aligned.
		Push	dword Ptr [ebp+20+4] 'push address of c onto stack
		Call	_log2q 'need extra underscore
		mov		esp,ebp
		Pop		ebp
	End Asm
End Sub

Sub Log1pq_ Naked(Byval a As float128, Byref c As float128)
	'esp holds return address
	'esp+4 holds first dword of 'a'
	'esp+20 holds pointer to 'c'
		Push	ebp
		mov		ebp, esp
		Sub		esp, 2*oword
		And		esp, -16
		'copy 'a' to stack 
		movups	xmm1,xmmword Ptr [ebp+4+4] 'need to add 4 due to 'push 'ebp'
		movaps  xmmword Ptr [esp], xmm1
		Sub		esp,12	'subtract 12 from esp to make 'push eax' 16-byte aligned.
		Push	dword Ptr [ebp+20+4] 'push address of c onto stack
		Call	_log1pq 'need extra underscore
		mov		esp,ebp
		Pop		ebp
	End Asm
End Sub

Sub lrintq_ Naked(Byval a As float128, Byref c As Long)
	'esp holds return address
	'esp+4 holds first dword of 'a'
	'esp+20 holds pointer to 'c'
		Push	ebp
		mov		ebp, esp
		Sub		esp, 2*oword
		And		esp, -16
		'copy 'a' to stack 
		movups	xmm1,xmmword Ptr [ebp+4+4] 'need to add 4 due to 'push 'ebp'
		movaps  xmmword Ptr [esp], xmm1
		Call	_lrintq 'need extra underscore
		mov		edx,dword Ptr [ebp+20+4] 'c
		mov		dword Ptr [edx],eax
		mov		esp,ebp
		Pop		ebp
	End Asm
End Sub

Sub lroundq_ Naked(Byval a As float128, Byref c As Long)
	'esp holds return address
	'esp+4 holds first dword of 'a'
	'esp+20 holds pointer to 'c'
		Push	ebp
		mov		ebp, esp
		Sub		esp, 2*oword
		And		esp, -16
		'copy 'a' to stack 
		movups	xmm1,xmmword Ptr [ebp+4+4] 'need to add 4 due to 'push 'ebp'
		movaps  xmmword Ptr [esp], xmm1
		Call	_lroundq 'need extra underscore
		mov		edx,dword Ptr [ebp+20+4] 'c
		mov		dword Ptr [edx],eax
		mov		esp,ebp
		Pop		ebp
	End Asm
End Sub

Sub modfq_ Naked(Byval a As float128, Byval b As float128, Byref c As float128)
	'esp holds return address
	'esp+4 holds first dword of 'a'
	'esp+20 holds first dword of 'b'
	'esp+36 holds pointer to 'c'
		Push	ebp
		mov		ebp, esp
		Sub		esp, 3*oword
		And		esp, -16
		'copy 'a' to stack 
		movups	xmm1,xmmword Ptr [ebp+4+4] 'need to add 4 due to 'push 'ebp'
		movaps  xmmword Ptr [esp], xmm1
		'copy 'b' to stack
		movups	xmm1,xmmword Ptr [ebp+20+4] 'need to add 4 due to 'push 'ebp'
		movaps  xmmword Ptr [esp+16], xmm1
		Sub		esp,12	'subtract 12 from esp to make 'push eax' 16-byte aligned.
		Push	dword Ptr [ebp+36+4] 'push address of c onto stack
		Call	_modfq 'need extra underscore
		mov		esp,ebp
		Pop		ebp
	End Asm
End Sub

Sub nanq_ Naked(Byval a As Const Zstring Ptr, Byref c As float128)
	'esp holds return address
	'esp+4 holds first dword of 'a'
	'esp+20 holds pointer to 'c'
		Push	ebp
		mov		ebp, esp
		Sub		esp, 2*oword
		And		esp, -16
		Push	dword Ptr [ebp+4+4]
		Push	dword Ptr [ebp+8+4] 'push address of c onto stack
		Call	_nanq 'need extra underscore
		mov		esp,ebp
		Pop		ebp
	End Asm
End Sub

Sub nearbyintq_ Naked(Byval a As float128, Byref c As float128)
	'esp holds return address
	'esp+4 holds first dword of 'a'
	'esp+20 holds pointer to 'c'
		Push	ebp
		mov		ebp, esp
		Sub		esp, 2*oword
		And		esp, -16
		'copy 'a' to stack 
		movups	xmm1,xmmword Ptr [ebp+4+4] 'need to add 4 due to 'push 'ebp'
		movaps  xmmword Ptr [esp], xmm1
		Sub		esp,12	'subtract 12 from esp to make 'push eax' 16-byte aligned.
		Push	dword Ptr [ebp+20+4] 'push address of c onto stack
		Call	_nearbyintq 'need extra underscore
		mov		esp,ebp
		Pop		ebp
	End Asm
End Sub

Sub nextafterq_ Naked(Byval a As float128, Byval b As float128, Byref c As float128)
	'esp holds return address
	'esp+4 holds first dword of 'a'
	'esp+20 holds first dword of 'b'
	'esp+36 holds pointer to 'c'
		Push	ebp
		mov		ebp, esp
		Sub		esp, 3*oword
		And		esp, -16
		'copy 'a' to stack 
		movups	xmm1,xmmword Ptr [ebp+4+4] 'need to add 4 due to 'push 'ebp'
		movaps  xmmword Ptr [esp], xmm1
		'copy 'b' to stack
		movups	xmm1,xmmword Ptr [ebp+20+4] 'need to add 4 due to 'push 'ebp'
		movaps  xmmword Ptr [esp+16], xmm1
		Sub		esp,12	'subtract 12 from esp to make 'push eax' 16-byte aligned.
		Push	dword Ptr [ebp+36+4] 'push address of c onto stack
		Call	_nextafterq 'need extra underscore
		mov		esp,ebp
		Pop		ebp
	End Asm
End Sub

Sub powq_ Naked(Byval a As float128, Byval b As float128, Byref c As float128)
	'esp holds return address
	'esp+4 holds first dword of 'a'
	'esp+20 holds first dword of 'b'
	'esp+36 holds pointer to 'c'
		Push	ebp
		mov		ebp, esp
		Sub		esp, 3*oword
		And		esp, -16
		'copy 'a' to stack 
		movups	xmm1,xmmword Ptr [ebp+4+4] 'need to add 4 due to 'push 'ebp'
		movaps  xmmword Ptr [esp], xmm1
		'copy 'b' to stack
		movups	xmm1,xmmword Ptr [ebp+20+4] 'need to add 4 due to 'push 'ebp'
		movaps  xmmword Ptr [esp+16], xmm1
		Sub		esp,12	'subtract 12 from esp to make 'push eax' 16-byte aligned.
		Push	dword Ptr [ebp+36+4] 'push address of c onto stack
		Call	_powq 'need extra underscore
		mov		esp,ebp
		Pop		ebp
	End Asm
End Sub

Sub remainderq_ Naked(Byval a As float128, Byval b As float128, Byref c As float128)
	'esp holds return address
	'esp+4 holds first dword of 'a'
	'esp+20 holds first dword of 'b'
	'esp+36 holds pointer to 'c'
		Push	ebp
		mov		ebp, esp
		Sub		esp, 3*oword
		And		esp, -16
		'copy 'a' to stack 
		movups	xmm1,xmmword Ptr [ebp+4+4] 'need to add 4 due to 'push 'ebp'
		movaps  xmmword Ptr [esp], xmm1
		'copy 'b' to stack
		movups	xmm1,xmmword Ptr [ebp+20+4] 'need to add 4 due to 'push 'ebp'
		movaps  xmmword Ptr [esp+16], xmm1
		Sub		esp,12	'subtract 12 from esp to make 'push eax' 16-byte aligned.
		Push	dword Ptr [ebp+36+4] 'push address of c onto stack
		Call	_remainderq 'need extra underscore
		mov		esp,ebp
		Pop		ebp
	End Asm
End Sub

Sub remquoq_ Naked(Byval a As float128, Byval b As float128, Byref n As Long, Byref c As float128)
	'esp holds return address
	'esp+4 holds first dword of 'a'
	'esp+20 holds first dword of 'b'
	'esp+36 holds pointer to 'c'
		Push	ebp
		mov		ebp, esp
		Sub		esp, 3*oword
		And		esp, -16
        Sub     esp, 12
        Push    dword Ptr [ebp+36+4]
        Sub     esp, 16
        mov     edx, dword Ptr [ebp+24]
        mov     dword Ptr [esp], edx
        mov     edx, dword Ptr [ebp+28]
        mov     dword Ptr [esp+4], edx
        mov     edx, dword Ptr [ebp+32]
        mov     dword Ptr [esp+8], edx
        mov     edx, dword Ptr [ebp+36]
        mov     dword Ptr [esp+12], edx
        Sub     esp, 16
        mov     edx, dword Ptr [ebp+8]
        mov     dword Ptr [esp], edx
        mov     edx, dword Ptr [ebp+12]
        mov     dword Ptr [esp+4], edx
        mov     edx, dword Ptr [ebp+16]
        mov     dword Ptr [esp+8], edx
        mov     edx, dword Ptr [ebp+20]
        mov     dword Ptr [esp+12], edx
        Sub     esp, 12
        Push    dword Ptr [ebp+40+4]
        Call    _remquoq
        mov		esp,ebp
        pop		ebp
	End Asm
End Sub

Sub rintq_ Naked(Byval a As float128, Byref c As float128)
	'esp holds return address
	'esp+4 holds first dword of 'a'
	'esp+20 holds pointer to 'c'
		Push	ebp
		mov		ebp, esp
		Sub		esp, 2*oword
		And		esp, -16
		'copy 'a' to stack 
		movups	xmm1,xmmword Ptr [ebp+4+4] 'need to add 4 due to 'push 'ebp'
		movaps  xmmword Ptr [esp], xmm1
		Sub		esp,12	'subtract 12 from esp to make 'push eax' 16-byte aligned.
		Push	dword Ptr [ebp+20+4] 'push address of c onto stack
		Call	_rintq 'need extra underscore
		mov		esp,ebp
		Pop		ebp
	End Asm
End Sub

Sub roundq_ Naked(Byval a As float128, Byref c As float128)
	'esp holds return address
	'esp+4 holds first dword of 'a'
	'esp+20 holds pointer to 'c'
		Push	ebp
		mov		ebp, esp
		Sub		esp, 2*oword
		And		esp, -16
		'copy 'a' to stack 
		movups	xmm1,xmmword Ptr [ebp+4+4] 'need to add 4 due to 'push 'ebp'
		movaps  xmmword Ptr [esp], xmm1
		Sub		esp,12	'subtract 12 from esp to make 'push eax' 16-byte aligned.
		Push	dword Ptr [ebp+20+4] 'push address of c onto stack
		Call	_roundq 'need extra underscore
		mov		esp,ebp
		Pop		ebp
	End Asm
End Sub

Sub scalblnq_ Naked(Byval a As float128, Byval n As Long, Byref c As float128) 'returns x * 2^n
	'esp holds return address
	'esp+4 holds 'n'
	'esp+8 holds first dword of 'a'
	'esp+24 holds pointer to 'c'
		Push	ebp
		mov		ebp, esp
		Sub		esp, oword
		And		esp, -16
		Sub		esp,12
		push	dword Ptr [ebp+20+4]
		sub		esp,16
		'copy 'a' to stack 
		movups	xmm1,xmmword Ptr [ebp+4+4] 'need to add 4 due to 'push 'ebp'
		movaps  xmmword Ptr [esp], xmm1
		Sub		esp,12	'subtract 12 from esp to make 'push eax' 16-byte aligned.
		Push	dword Ptr [ebp+24+4] 'push address of c onto stack
		Call	_scalblnq 'need extra underscore
		mov		esp,ebp
		Pop		ebp
	End Asm
End Sub

Sub scalbnq_ Naked(Byval a As float128, Byval n As Long, Byref c As float128) 'returns x * 2^n
	'esp holds return address
	'esp+4 holds 'n'
	'esp+8 holds first dword of 'a'
	'esp+24 holds pointer to 'c'
		Push	ebp
		mov		ebp, esp
		Sub		esp, oword
		And		esp, -16
		Sub		esp,12
		push	dword Ptr [ebp+20+4]
		sub		esp,16
		'copy 'a' to stack 
		movups	xmm1,xmmword Ptr [ebp+4+4] 'need to add 4 due to 'push 'ebp'
		movaps  xmmword Ptr [esp], xmm1
		Sub		esp,12	'subtract 12 from esp to make 'push eax' 16-byte aligned.
		Push	dword Ptr [ebp+24+4] 'push address of c onto stack
		Call	_scalbnq 'need extra underscore
		mov		esp,ebp
		Pop		ebp
	End Asm
End Sub

Sub signbitq_ Naked(Byval a As float128, Byref c As Long)
	'esp holds return address
	'esp+4 holds first dword of 'a'
	'esp+20 holds pointer to 'c'
		Push	ebp
		mov		ebp, esp
		Sub		esp, 2*oword
		And		esp, -16
		'copy 'a' to stack 
		movups	xmm1,xmmword Ptr [ebp+4+4] 'need to add 4 due to 'push 'ebp'
		movaps  xmmword Ptr [esp], xmm1
		Call	_signbitq 'need extra underscore
		mov		edx,dword Ptr [ebp+20+4] 'c
		mov		dword Ptr [edx],eax
		mov		esp,ebp
		Pop		ebp
	End Asm
End Sub

Sub sincosq_ Naked(Byval a As float128, Byref b As float128, Byref c As float128)
	'esp holds return address
	'esp+4 holds first dword of 'a'
	'esp+20 holds first dword of 'b'
	'esp+36 holds pointer to 'c'
        Push    ebp
        mov     ebp, esp
        Sub     esp, 8
        Sub     esp, 8
        Push    dword Ptr [ebp+28]
        Push    dword Ptr [ebp+24]
        Sub     esp, 16
        mov     eax, dword Ptr [ebp+8]
        mov     dword Ptr [esp], eax
        mov     eax, dword Ptr [ebp+12]
        mov     dword Ptr [esp+4], eax
        mov     eax, dword Ptr [ebp+16]
        mov     dword Ptr [esp+8], eax
        mov     eax, dword Ptr [ebp+20]
        mov     dword Ptr [esp+12], eax
        Call    _sincosq
        Add     esp, 32
	End Asm
End Sub

Sub sinhq_ Naked(Byval a As float128, Byref c As float128)
	'esp holds return address
	'esp+4 holds first dword of 'a'
	'esp+20 holds pointer to 'c'
		Push	ebp
		mov		ebp, esp
		Sub		esp, 2*oword
		And		esp, -16
		'copy 'a' to stack 
		movups	xmm1,xmmword Ptr [ebp+4+4] 'need to add 4 due to 'push 'ebp'
		movaps  xmmword Ptr [esp], xmm1
		Sub		esp,12	'subtract 12 from esp to make 'push eax' 16-byte aligned.
		Push	dword Ptr [ebp+20+4] 'push address of c onto stack
		Call	_sinhq 'need extra underscore
		mov		esp,ebp
		Pop		ebp
	End Asm
End Sub

Sub sinq_ Naked(Byval a As float128, Byref c As float128)
	'esp holds return address
	'esp+4 holds first dword of 'a'
	'esp+20 holds pointer to 'c'
		Push	ebp
		mov		ebp, esp
		Sub		esp, 2*oword
		And		esp, -16
		'copy 'a' to stack 
		movups	xmm1,xmmword Ptr [ebp+4+4] 'need to add 4 due to 'push 'ebp'
		movaps  xmmword Ptr [esp], xmm1
		Sub		esp,12	'subtract 12 from esp to make 'push eax' 16-byte aligned.
		Push	dword Ptr [ebp+20+4] 'push address of c onto stack
		Call	_sinq 'need extra underscore
		mov		esp,ebp
		Pop		ebp
	End Asm
End Sub

Sub sqrtq_ Naked(Byval a As float128, Byref c As float128)
	'esp holds return address
	'esp+4 holds first dword of 'a'
	'esp+20 holds pointer to 'c'
		Push	ebp
		mov		ebp, esp
		Sub		esp, 2*oword
		And		esp, -16
		'copy 'a' to stack 
		movups	xmm1,xmmword Ptr [ebp+4+4] 'need to add 4 due to 'push 'ebp'
		movaps  xmmword Ptr [esp], xmm1
		Sub		esp,12	'subtract 12 from esp to make 'push eax' 16-byte aligned.
		Push	dword Ptr [ebp+20+4] 'push address of c onto stack
		Call	_sqrtq 'need extra underscore
		mov		esp,ebp
		Pop		ebp
	End Asm
End Sub

Sub tanq_ Naked(Byval a As float128, Byref c As float128)
	'esp holds return address
	'esp+4 holds first dword of 'a'
	'esp+20 holds pointer to 'c'
		Push	ebp
		mov		ebp, esp
		Sub		esp, 2*oword
		And		esp, -16
		'copy 'a' to stack 
		movups	xmm1,xmmword Ptr [ebp+4+4] 'need to add 4 due to 'push 'ebp'
		movaps  xmmword Ptr [esp], xmm1
		Sub		esp,12	'subtract 12 from esp to make 'push eax' 16-byte aligned.
		Push	dword Ptr [ebp+20+4] 'push address of c onto stack
		Call	_tanq 'need extra underscore
		mov		esp,ebp
		Pop		ebp
	End Asm
End Sub

Sub tanhq_ Naked(Byval a As float128, Byref c As float128)
	'esp holds return address
	'esp+4 holds first dword of 'a'
	'esp+20 holds pointer to 'c'
		Push	ebp
		mov		ebp, esp
		Sub		esp, 2*oword
		And		esp, -16
		'copy 'a' to stack 
		movups	xmm1,xmmword Ptr [ebp+4+4] 'need to add 4 due to 'push 'ebp'
		movaps  xmmword Ptr [esp], xmm1
		Sub		esp,12	'subtract 12 from esp to make 'push eax' 16-byte aligned.
		Push	dword Ptr [ebp+20+4] 'push address of c onto stack
		Call	_tanhq 'need extra underscore
		mov		esp,ebp
		Pop		ebp
	End Asm
End Sub

Sub tgammaq_ Naked(Byval a As float128, Byref c As float128)
	'esp holds return address
	'esp+4 holds first dword of 'a'
	'esp+20 holds pointer to 'c'
		Push	ebp
		mov		ebp, esp
		Sub		esp, 2*oword
		And		esp, -16
		'copy 'a' to stack 
		movups	xmm1,xmmword Ptr [ebp+4+4] 'need to add 4 due to 'push 'ebp'
		movaps  xmmword Ptr [esp], xmm1
		Sub		esp,12	'subtract 12 from esp to make 'push eax' 16-byte aligned.
		Push	dword Ptr [ebp+20+4] 'push address of c onto stack
		Call	_tgammaq 'need extra underscore
		mov		esp,ebp
		Pop		ebp
	End Asm
End Sub

Sub truncq_ Naked(Byval a As float128, Byref c As float128)
	'esp holds return address
	'esp+4 holds first dword of 'a'
	'esp+20 holds pointer to 'c'
		Push	ebp
		mov		ebp, esp
		Sub		esp, 2*oword
		And		esp, -16
		'copy 'a' to stack 
		movups	xmm1,xmmword Ptr [ebp+4+4] 'need to add 4 due to 'push 'ebp'
		movaps  xmmword Ptr [esp], xmm1
		Sub		esp,12	'subtract 12 from esp to make 'push eax' 16-byte aligned.
		Push	dword Ptr [ebp+20+4] 'push address of c onto stack
		Call	_truncq 'need extra underscore
		mov		esp,ebp
		Pop		ebp
	End Asm
End Sub

Sub y0q_ Naked(Byval a As float128, Byref c As float128)
	'esp holds return address
	'esp+4 holds first dword of 'a'
	'esp+20 holds pointer to 'c'
		Push	ebp
		mov		ebp, esp
		Sub		esp, 2*oword
		And		esp, -16
		'copy 'a' to stack 
		movups	xmm1,xmmword Ptr [ebp+4+4] 'need to add 4 due to 'push 'ebp'
		movaps  xmmword Ptr [esp], xmm1
		Sub		esp,12	'subtract 12 from esp to make 'push eax' 16-byte aligned.
		Push	dword Ptr [ebp+20+4] 'push address of c onto stack
		Call	_y0q 'need extra underscore
		mov		esp,ebp
		Pop		ebp
	End Asm
End Sub

Sub y1q_ Naked(Byval a As float128, Byref c As float128)
	'esp holds return address
	'esp+4 holds first dword of 'a'
	'esp+20 holds pointer to 'c'
		Push	ebp
		mov		ebp, esp
		Sub		esp, 2*oword
		And		esp, -16
		'copy 'a' to stack 
		movups	xmm1,xmmword Ptr [ebp+4+4] 'need to add 4 due to 'push 'ebp'
		movaps  xmmword Ptr [esp], xmm1
		Sub		esp,12	'subtract 12 from esp to make 'push eax' 16-byte aligned.
		Push	dword Ptr [ebp+20+4] 'push address of c onto stack
		Call	_y1q 'need extra underscore
		mov		esp,ebp
		Pop		ebp
	End Asm
End Sub

Sub ynq_ Naked(Byval n As Long, Byval a As float128, Byref c As float128)
	'esp holds return address
	'esp+4 holds 'n'
	'esp+8 holds first dword of 'a'
	'esp+24 holds pointer to 'c'
		Push	ebp
		mov		ebp, esp
		Sub		esp, 3*oword
		And		esp, -16
		'copy 'a' to stack 
		movups	xmm1,xmmword Ptr [ebp+8+4] 'need to add 4 due to 'push 'ebp'
		movaps  xmmword Ptr [esp], xmm1
		Sub		esp,8
		mov		eax,dword Ptr [ebp+4+4]
		Push	eax
		Push	dword Ptr [ebp+24+4] 'push address of c onto stack
		Call	_ynq 'need extra underscore
		mov		esp,ebp
		Pop		ebp
	End Asm
End Sub

Sub addq_ Naked(Byval a As float128, Byval b As float128, Byref c As float128)
	'esp holds return address
	'esp+4 holds first dword of 'a'
	'esp+20 holds first dword of 'b'
	'esp+36 holds pointer to 'c'
		Push	ebp
		mov		ebp, esp
		Sub		esp, 3*oword
		And		esp, -16
		'copy 'a' to stack 
		movups	xmm1,xmmword Ptr [ebp+4+4] 'need to add 4 due to 'push 'ebp'
		movaps  xmmword Ptr [esp], xmm1
		'copy 'b' to stack
		movups	xmm1,xmmword Ptr [ebp+20+4] 'need to add 4 due to 'push 'ebp'
		movaps  xmmword Ptr [esp+16], xmm1
		Sub		esp,12	'subtract 12 from esp to make 'push eax' 16-byte aligned.
		Push	dword Ptr [ebp+36+4] 'push address of c onto stack
		Call	___addtf3 'need extra underscore
		mov		esp,ebp
		Pop		ebp
	End Asm
End Sub

Sub subq_ Naked(Byval a As float128, Byval b As float128, Byref c As float128)
	'esp holds return address
	'esp+4 holds first dword of 'a'
	'esp+20 holds first dword of 'b'
	'esp+36 holds pointer to 'c'
		Push	ebp
		mov		ebp, esp
		Sub		esp, 3*oword
		And		esp, -16
		'copy 'a' to stack 
		movups	xmm1,xmmword Ptr [ebp+4+4] 'need to add 4 due to 'push 'ebp'
		movaps  xmmword Ptr [esp], xmm1
		'copy 'b' to stack
		movups	xmm1,xmmword Ptr [ebp+20+4] 'need to add 4 due to 'push 'ebp'
		movaps  xmmword Ptr [esp+16], xmm1
		Sub		esp,12	'subtract 12 from esp to make 'push eax' 16-byte aligned.
		Push	dword Ptr [ebp+36+4] 'push address of c onto stack
		Call	___subtf3 'need extra underscore
		mov		esp,ebp
		Pop		ebp
	End Asm
End Sub

Sub mulq_ Naked(Byval a As float128, Byval b As float128, Byref c As float128)
	'esp holds return address
	'esp+4 holds first dword of 'a'
	'esp+20 holds first dword of 'b'
	'esp+36 holds pointer to 'c'
		Push	ebp
		mov		ebp, esp
		Sub		esp, 3*oword
		And		esp, -16
		'copy 'a' to stack 
		movups	xmm1,xmmword Ptr [ebp+4+4] 'need to add 4 due to 'push 'ebp'
		movaps  xmmword Ptr [esp], xmm1
		'copy 'b' to stack
		movups	xmm1,xmmword Ptr [ebp+20+4] 'need to add 4 due to 'push 'ebp'
		movaps  xmmword Ptr [esp+16], xmm1
		Sub		esp,12	'subtract 12 from esp to make 'push eax' 16-byte aligned.
		Push	dword Ptr [ebp+36+4] 'push address of c onto stack
		Call	___multf3 'need extra underscore
		mov		esp,ebp
		Pop		ebp
	End Asm
End Sub

Sub divq_ Naked(Byval a As float128, Byval b As float128, Byref c As float128)
	'esp holds return address
	'esp+4 holds first dword of 'a'
	'esp+20 holds first dword of 'b'
	'esp+36 holds pointer to 'c'
		Push	ebp
		mov		ebp, esp
		Sub		esp, 3*oword
		And		esp, -16
		'copy 'a' to stack 
		movups	xmm1,xmmword Ptr [ebp+4+4] 'need to add 4 due to 'push 'ebp'
		movaps  xmmword Ptr [esp], xmm1
		'copy 'b' to stack
		movups	xmm1,xmmword Ptr [ebp+20+4] 'need to add 4 due to 'push 'ebp'
		movaps  xmmword Ptr [esp+16], xmm1
		Sub		esp,12	'subtract 12 from esp to make 'push eax' 16-byte aligned.
		Push	dword Ptr [ebp+36+4] 'push address of c onto stack
		Call	___divtf3 'need extra underscore
		mov		esp,ebp
		Pop		ebp
	End Asm
End Sub

'conversion functions
declare function lngf128 cdecl alias "__floatsitf"(byval a as long) as float128
declare function lngintf128 cdecl alias "__floatditf"(byval a as longint) as float128
declare function dblf128 cdecl alias "__extenddftf2"(byval a as double) as float128
declare function sngf128 cdecl alias "__extendsftf2"(byval a as single) as float128
declare function f128lng cdecl alias "__fixtfsi"(byval a as float128) as long
declare function f128lngint cdecl alias "__fixtfdi"(byval a as float128) as longint
declare function f128dbl cdecl alias "__trunctfdf2"(byval a as float128) as double
declare function f128sng cdecl alias "__trunctfsf2"(byval a as float128) as single

Sub snprintfq_ Naked(Byval st As Zstring Ptr, Byval size As Long, Byval form As Zstring Ptr, Byval prec As Long, Byval r As float128)
	'esp holds return address
	'esp+4 holds pointer to 'st'
	'esp+8 holds 'size'
	'esp+12 holds pointer to 'form'
	'esp+16 holds 'prec'
	'esp+20 holds first dword of 'r'
		Push	ebp
		mov		ebp, esp
		Sub		esp, 2*oword
		And		esp, -16
		'push value of float128 in reverse order
		Push	dword Ptr [ebp+20+12+4]
		Push	dword Ptr [ebp+20+8+4]
		Push	dword Ptr [ebp+20+4+4]
		Push	dword Ptr [ebp+20+0+4]
		Push	dword Ptr [ebp+16+4] 'prec
		Push	dword Ptr [ebp+12+4] 'form
		Push	dword Ptr [ebp+8+4]  'size
		Push	dword Ptr [ebp+4+4]  'st
		Call	_quadmath_snprintf
		mov		esp,ebp
		Pop		ebp
	End Asm
End Sub

Dim As float128 x, y, z
Dim As Zstring Ptr s= Allocate(256)

y  = strtoflt128 ("20.0q", 0)
Print "          sin quadmath"
For i As Long =1 To 20
	x = strtoflt128 (Str(i)+"Q", 0)
	Print Using "sinq(##";i;:Print "/20) = ";:snprintfq_(s, 256, "%33.*Qg", 33, z):?*s
	Print "sin fb       ";Sin(Cdbl(i)/20)

?"press return to end"

Code: Select all

123 + 321 =                               444
123 - 321 =                              -198
123 * 321 =                             39483
123 / 321 = 0.383177570093457943925233644859813
sin(1)    = 0.841470984807896506652502321630299
Last edited by srvaldez on Aug 07, 2017 14:48, edited 5 times in total.
Posts: 3381
Joined: Sep 25, 2005 21:54

Re: using gcc quadmath

Post by srvaldez »

dodicat, would you test this add function?

Code: Select all

sub addq_ naked(byval a as float128, byval b as float128, byref c as float128)
	'esp holds return address
	'esp+4 holds first dword of 'a'
	'esp+20 holds first dword of 'b'
	'esp+36 holds pointer to 'c'
        push    ebp
        mov     ebp, esp
        sub     esp, 56
        lea     eax, [ebp-24]
        sub     esp, 16
        mov     edx, DWORD PTR [ebp+24]
        mov     DWORD PTR [esp], edx
        mov     edx, DWORD PTR [ebp+28]
        mov     DWORD PTR [esp+4], edx
        mov     edx, DWORD PTR [ebp+32]
        mov     DWORD PTR [esp+8], edx
        mov     edx, DWORD PTR [ebp+36]
        mov     DWORD PTR [esp+12], edx
        sub     esp, 16
        mov     edx, DWORD PTR [ebp+8]
        mov     DWORD PTR [esp], edx
        mov     edx, DWORD PTR [ebp+12]
        mov     DWORD PTR [esp+4], edx
        mov     edx, DWORD PTR [ebp+16]
        mov     DWORD PTR [esp+8], edx
        mov     edx, DWORD PTR [ebp+20]
        mov     DWORD PTR [esp+12], edx
        sub     esp, 12
        push    eax
        call    ___addtf3
        add     esp, 44
        mov     eax, DWORD PTR [ebp-24]
        mov     DWORD PTR [ebp-56], eax
        mov     eax, DWORD PTR [ebp-20]
        mov     DWORD PTR [ebp-52], eax
        mov     eax, DWORD PTR [ebp-16]
        mov     DWORD PTR [ebp-48], eax
        mov     eax, DWORD PTR [ebp-12]
        mov     DWORD PTR [ebp-44], eax
        mov     eax, DWORD PTR [ebp-56]
        mov     DWORD PTR [ebp-40], eax
        mov     eax, DWORD PTR [ebp-52]
        mov     DWORD PTR [ebp-36], eax
        mov     eax, DWORD PTR [ebp-48]
        mov     DWORD PTR [ebp-32], eax
        mov     eax, DWORD PTR [ebp-44]
        mov     DWORD PTR [ebp-28], eax
        mov     eax, DWORD PTR [ebp+40]
        mov     ecx, DWORD PTR [ebp-40]
        mov     DWORD PTR [eax], ecx
        mov     ecx, DWORD PTR [ebp-36]
        mov     DWORD PTR [eax+4], ecx
        mov     ecx, DWORD PTR [ebp-32]
        mov     DWORD PTR [eax+8], ecx
        mov     ecx, DWORD PTR [ebp-28]
        mov     DWORD PTR [eax+12], ecx
	end asm
end sub
Posts: 2326
Joined: Oct 23, 2016 15:28
Location: Roma, Italia

Re: using gcc quadmath

Post by jj2007 »


> 'since the values of the arguments may not be 16-byte aligned we copy one dword at a time

You have movups for unaligned data.
Posts: 3381
Joined: Sep 25, 2005 21:54

Re: using gcc quadmath

Post by srvaldez »

thank you for the tip :-)
I am having no luck with frexpq however.
Posts: 3381
Joined: Sep 25, 2005 21:54

Re: using gcc quadmath

Post by srvaldez »

hello dodicat
you mentioned that you didn't have the 64-bit QuadMath dll, I uploaded them for you, both 32 and 64-bit.
the basic arithmetic functions are not part of quadmath dll but of the gcc runtime lib, I included them as well, I hope they will work for you.
regarding using quadmath in 64-bit, all you need is the function declarations, you can try this incomplete version.

Code: Select all

/' GCC Quad-Precision Math Library
   Copyright (C) 2010, 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
   Written by Francois-Xavier Coudert  <>

This file is part of the libquadmath library.
Libquadmath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

Libquadmath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
License along with libquadmath; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If
not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor,
Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.  '/

#inclib "quadmath-0"

type float128
	as long m1, m2, m3, m4
end type

declare function addf128 cdecl alias "__addtf3" (byval a as float128, byval b as float128) as float128
declare function subf128 cdecl alias "__subtf3" (byval a as float128, byval b as float128) as float128
declare function mulf128 cdecl alias "__multf3" (byval a as float128, byval b as float128) as float128
declare function divf128 cdecl alias "__divtf3" (byval a as float128, byval b as float128) as float128
'conversion functions
declare function lngf128 cdecl alias "__floatsitf"(byval a as long) as float128
declare function lngintf128 cdecl alias "__floatditf"(byval a as longint) as float128
declare function dblf128 cdecl alias "__extenddftf2"(byval a as double) as float128
declare function sngf128 cdecl alias "__extendsftf2"(byval a as single) as float128
declare function f128lng cdecl alias "__fixtfsi"(byval a as float128) as long
declare function f128lngint cdecl alias "__fixtfdi"(byval a as float128) as longint
declare function f128dbl cdecl alias "__trunctfdf2"(byval a as float128) as double
declare function f128sng cdecl alias "__trunctfsf2"(byval a as float128) as single

extern "C"
declare function acosq(byval as float128) as float128
declare function acoshq(byval as float128) as float128
declare function asinq(byval as float128) as float128
declare function asinhq(byval as float128) as float128
declare function atanq(byval as float128) as float128
declare function atanhq(byval as float128) as float128
declare function atan2q(byval as float128, byval as float128) as float128
declare function cbrtq(byval as float128) as float128
declare function ceilq(byval as float128) as float128
declare function copysignq(byval as float128, byval as float128) as float128
declare function coshq(byval as float128) as float128
declare function cosq(byval as float128) as float128
declare function erfq(byval as float128) as float128
declare function erfcq(byval as float128) as float128
declare function expq(byval as float128) as float128
declare function expm1q(byval as float128) as float128
declare function fabsq(byval as float128) as float128
declare function fdimq(byval as float128, byval as float128) as float128
declare function finiteq(byval as float128) as long
declare function floorq(byval as float128) as float128
declare function fmaq(byval as float128, byval as float128, byval as float128) as float128
declare function fmaxq(byval as float128, byval as float128) as float128
declare function fminq(byval as float128, byval as float128) as float128
declare function fmodq(byval as float128, byval as float128) as float128
declare function frexpq(byval as float128, byval as long ptr) as float128
declare function hypotq(byval as float128, byval as float128) as float128
declare function isinfq(byval as float128) as long
declare function ilogbq(byval as float128) as long
declare function isnanq(byval as float128) as long
declare function j0q(byval as float128) as float128
declare function j1q(byval as float128) as float128
declare function jnq(byval as long, byval as float128) as float128
declare function ldexpq(byval as float128, byval as long) as float128
declare function lgammaq(byval as float128) as float128
declare function llrintq(byval as float128) as longint
declare function llroundq(byval as float128) as longint
declare function logbq(byval as float128) as float128
declare function logq(byval as float128) as float128
declare function log10q(byval as float128) as float128
declare function log2q(byval as float128) as float128
declare function log1pq(byval as float128) as float128
declare function lrintq(byval as float128) as long
declare function lroundq(byval as float128) as long
declare function modfq(byval as float128, byval as float128 ptr) as float128
declare function nanq(byval as const zstring ptr) as float128
declare function nearbyintq(byval as float128) as float128
declare function nextafterq(byval as float128, byval as float128) as float128
declare function powq(byval as float128, byval as float128) as float128
declare function remainderq(byval as float128, byval as float128) as float128
declare function remquoq (byval as float128, byval as float128, byval as long ptr) as float128
declare function rintq(byval as float128) as float128
declare function roundq(byval as float128) as float128
declare function scalblnq(byval as float128, byval as long) as float128
declare function scalbnq(byval as float128, byval as long) as float128
declare function signbitq(byval as float128) as long
declare sub sincosq(byval as float128, byval as float128 ptr, byval as float128 ptr)
declare function sinhq(byval as float128) as float128
declare function sinq (byval as float128) as float128
declare function sqrtq(byval as float128) as float128
declare function tanq(byval as float128) as float128
declare function tanhq(byval as float128) as float128
declare function tgammaq(byval as float128) as float128
declare function truncq(byval as float128) as float128
declare function y0q(byval as float128) as float128
declare function y1q(byval as float128) as float128
declare function ynq(byval as long, byval as float128) as float128
declare function strtoflt128 (byval as zstring ptr, byval as byte ptr ptr) as float128
declare function quadmath_snprintf (byval st as zstring ptr, byval size as long, byval form as zstring ptr, byval as long, byval as float128) as long
end extern

dim as float128 x, y, z, one = strtoflt128 ("1Q", 0)
dim as zstring ptr s= allocate(256)
dim as longint k

x = strtoflt128 ("123Q", 0)
y = strtoflt128 ("321Q", 0)
z = strtoflt128 ("0Q", 0)

z=addf128(x, y):quadmath_snprintf(s, 256, "%33.*Qg", 33, z):?"123 + 321 = ";*s
z=subf128(x, y):quadmath_snprintf(s, 256, "%33.*Qg", 33, z):?"123 - 321 = ";*s
z=mulf128(x, y):quadmath_snprintf(s, 256, "%33.*Qg", 33, z):?"123 * 321 = ";*s
z=divf128(x, y):quadmath_snprintf(s, 256, "%33.*Qg", 33, z):?"123 / 321 = ";*s

y = strtoflt128 ("20Q", 0)
for i as long=1 to 20
	print using "sin(##/20) = ";k;:quadmath_snprintf(s, 256, "%33.*Qg", 33, z):?*s
	print "sin FB      ";sin(cdbl(i)/20)
	print "f128sng     ";f128sng(z)
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Location: Roma, Italia

Re: using gcc quadmath

Post by jj2007 »

srvaldez wrote:I am having no luck with frexpq however.
Works with me - have a look at this post. I inserted an int 3 into one of the executables, so that you can launch the debugger and see the args. I took the PI example from here.
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Re: using gcc quadmath

Post by srvaldez »

thanks jj2007 :-)

Code: Select all

Sub frexpq_ Naked(Byval a As float128, Byref n As long, Byref c As float128)
	'esp holds return address
	'esp+4 holds first dword of 'a'
	'esp+20 holds pointer to 'n'
	'esp+24 holds pointer to 'c'
        Push    ebp
        mov     ebp, esp
        Sub     esp, 2*oword
        And		esp,-16
        sub		esp,12
        Push    dword Ptr [ebp+20+4]
        sub		esp,16
        movups	xmm1,xmmword Ptr [ebp+4+4]
        movaps  xmmword Ptr [esp], xmm1
        Sub     esp, 12
        Push    dword Ptr [ebp+24+4]
        Call    _frexpq
		mov		esp,ebp
		Pop		ebp
	End Asm
End Sub
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Re: using gcc quadmath

Post by srvaldez »

just in case anyone is interested, I made wrapper of QuadMath, it's the only way it will work reliably with FB
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Re: using gcc quadmath

Post by dodicat »

Thanks srvaldez.
Unfortunately I keep getting an error (The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b).
(Both your sets of dll's)
Also I got libwinthread-1.dll not found when I try your asm code on 32 bits.

Funny the C code runs perfectly with the math functions in the dll I downloaded initially.
And with the four arithmetic ops.
But the fb code fails with the dll.
Anyway, I'll leave it for now and thanks again.
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Re: using gcc quadmath

Post by srvaldez »

thanks for trying it out, in my initial release I forgot to include the conversion functions, I re-uploaded them again, hopefully it will work now.
<edit> only works when compiling using -gen gcc, also changed in regard of the conversion functions, so you need to update that file also.
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Re: using gcc quadmath

Post by srvaldez »

in case anyone is interested I updated QuadMath with complex arithmetic and named the dll's according to 32 or 64 bit to prevent confusion.
remember to compile with -gen gcc

Code: Select all

#include ""

dim as float128 a, b
dim as complex128 x, z
dim as zstring ptr s= allocate(256)

b=lngf128(0) :
quadmath_snprintf(s, 256, "%33.*Qg", 10,
print "            csqrt(-2) = ";ltrim(*s);" + ";
quadmath_snprintf(s, 256, "%33.*Qg", 33,
print ltrim(*s);" i"
quadmath_snprintf(s, 256, "%33.*Qg", 10,
print "csqrt(-2) + csqrt(-2) = ";ltrim(*s);" + ";
quadmath_snprintf(s, 256, "%33.*Qg", 33,
print ltrim(*s);" i"

Code: Select all

            csqrt(-2) = 0 + 1.4142135623730950488016887242097 i
csqrt(-2) + csqrt(-2) = 0 + 2.8284271247461900976033774484194 i
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Location: Roma, Italia

Re: using gcc quadmath

Post by jj2007 »

srvaldez wrote:just in case anyone is interested, I made wrapper of QuadMath, it's the only way it will work reliably with FB
Looks interesting, but it throws an error:

\AllBasics\FreeBasic\fbc.exe -s console "C:\Masm32\MasmBasic\LibQuad\Quadmth\tmp\quad-math-test3.bas"

C:\AllBasics\FreeBasic\bin\win32\ld.exe: cannot find -lquadmath32

I don't use FB often, so probably it's a very dumb error... do I have to set a path somewhere?
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Re: using gcc quadmath

Post by srvaldez »

good day jj2007
you can either place a copy of the QuadMath import lib (or a copy of the dll) in C:\AllBasics\FreeBasic\lib\win32\ , sorry for forgetting to include them, (now they are included)
or compile with -p path of the quadmath32.dll
remember that it only works when compiling using -gen gcc, for example: fbc -w all -gen gcc quad-math-test3.bas
or if you don't have the import lib: fbc -w all -gen gcc -p path to quadmath32.dll quad-math-test3.bas
[edit] you also need and place the content of the bin folder into C:\AllBasics\FreeBasic\bin
you can get the zip archive from ... =1&t=24363
Last edited by srvaldez on Aug 09, 2017 13:42, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 3381
Joined: Sep 25, 2005 21:54

Re: using gcc quadmath

Post by srvaldez »

I use the geany IDE and if you have a dll for which you don't have an import lib you can set the compile command in granny as: fbc -w all -gen gcc "%f" -p "%d" it will search for the appropriate lib or dll in the same directory where your basic source is.
[darn spelling auto-correct, geany->granny]
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