terain creating

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terain creating

Post by bluatigro »

error :
my terain looks blocky

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''bluatigro 7 jul 2017
''rnd terain

#include "color.bas"

const as integer size = 256

dim shared as double hil( size , size )

sub create( x1 as integer , y1 as integer , x2 as integer , y2 as integer , dept as double )
  dim as integer x12 , y12 
  x12 = ( x1 + x2 ) / 2
  y12 = ( y1 + y2 ) / 2
  if dept < 1 then exit sub
  create x1,y1,x12,y12,dept/2
  create x12,y1,x2,y12,dept/2
  create x1,y12,x12,y2,dept/2
  create x12,y12,x2,y2,dept/2
end sub
create 0,0,size,size,size 

screen 20 , 32
dim as integer x,y
for x = 0 to size
  for y = 0 to size
    if hil(x,y)>-.5 then
    end if
  next y
next x

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''bluatigro 13 feb 2015

''some colors consts + functions

#ifndef COLOR_H
#define COLOR_H

#include "math.bas"

''primary colors
const as ulong black      = &hff000000
const as ulong red        = &hffff0000
const as ulong green      = &hff00ff00
const as ulong yellow     = &hffffff00
const as ulong blue       = &hff0000ff
const as ulong magenta    = &hffff00ff
const as ulong cyan       = &hff00ffff
const as ulong white      = &hffffffff
''mix colors
const as ulong orange     = &hffff7f00
const as ulong gray       = &hff7f7f7f
const as ulong pink       = &hffff7f7f
const as ulong purple     = &hff7f007f
const as ulong darkRed    = &hff7f0000
const as ulong darkYellow = &hff7f7f00
const as ulong darkGreen  = &hff007f00
const as ulong darkBlue   = &hff00007f

function mix( kla as ulong , f as single , klb as ulong ) as ulong
  dim as ulong ra , ga , ba , rb , gb , bb , r , g , b 
  ra = ( kla shr 16 ) and 255
  ga = ( kla shr 8 ) and 255
  ba = kla and 255
  rb = ( klb shr 16 ) and 255
  gb = ( klb shr 8 ) and 255
  bb = klb and 255
  r = ra + ( rb - ra ) * f
  g = ga + ( gb - ga ) * f
  b = ba + ( bb - ba ) * f
  return rgb( r , g , b )
end function

function rainbow( x as single ) as ulong
  dim as ulong r , g , b
  r = sin( rad( x ) ) * 127 + 128
  g = sin( rad( x - 120 ) ) * 127 + 128
  b = sin( rad( x + 120 ) ) * 127 + 128
  return rgb( r , g , b )
end function 

function rndcolor() as ulong
  return rgb( rnd * 255 , rnd * 255 , rnd * 255 )
end function

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