An arithmetic problem

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Re: An arithmetic problem

Post by lrcvs »

To dodicat:

Very true!

... then you have to update the problem ...

... also there are wheels with nucleus of exagonal (honeycomb of bees), that do not prick.
Tourist Trap
Posts: 2958
Joined: Jun 02, 2015 16:24

Re: An arithmetic problem

Post by Tourist Trap »

lrcvs wrote:.. then you have to update the problem ...
It comforts me in the approach I choosed, of tracking each wheel one by one with surveying their state along the road. Work in progress, but here is for a possible wheel system:

Code: Select all

'arithmetic of car wheels exchange

'(new wheel system implemented)

#include once ""

#define _MIN(a, b)		iif((a)<(b), (a), (b))
#define _MAX(a, b)		iif((a)>(b), (a), (b))

type FBIMAGEPTR	as fb.IMAGE ptr
type CAR_FWD	as CAR ptr
type WHEEL
	declare constructor()
	declare constructor(byref WheelName as const string, _ 
						byref WheelPositionName as const string, _ 
						byref InitialStateString as const string, _ 
						byval InitialTime as single=0., _ 
						byval InitialUseTime as single=0.	)
	declare operator cast() as string
	declare property StateString(byref as const string)
	declare property StateString() as const string
	declare property TotalTimeInUse() as single
	declare property OwnerCar() as CAR_FWD
	declare property TimeLinePicture() as FBIMAGEPTR
	declare property WheelPicture() as FBIMAGEPTR
	declare sub SetWaitingStateTo(byval State as boolean)
	declare sub SetInUseStateTo(byval State as boolean)
	declare sub SetRetiredStateTo(byval State as boolean)
	declare function BreakLinkWithCurrentOwnerCar() as boolean
	declare sub MakePictureOfTimeLineReportedToInterval(	byval IntervalStartingTime as single=0, _ 
												byval IntervalEndingTime as single=1000	)
	declare sub MakePictureOfWheel()
		as string		_name
		as string		_positionName
		as CAR_FWD		_ownerCar
		as single		_startingTimeOfUsageArray(any)
		as single		_timeInUseArray(any)
		as single		_totalTimeInUse
		as single		_initialTime
		as single		_initialUseTime
		as string		_stateString
		as boolean		_isWaitingForBeingUsed
		as boolean		_isCurrentlyInUse
		as boolean		_isCurrentlyRetired
		as FBIMAGEPTR	_timeLinePicture
		as FBIMAGEPTR	_wheelPicture
end type
constructor WHEEL()
	with THIS
		._name					  	=> "undefined"
		._positionName			  	=> "undefined"
		._ownerCar					=> 0
		._totalTimeInUse			=> 0.
		._initialTime				=> 0.
		._initialUseTime			=> 0.
		._stateString			   	=> "100"
		._timeLinePicture			=> 0
		._wheelPicture				=> 0
	end with
	redim THIS._startingTimeOfUsageArray(0)
	redim THIS._timeInUseArray(0)
	THIS._startingTimeOfUsageArray(0)	=> THIS._initialTime
	THIS._timeInUseArray(0)				=> THIS._initialUseTime
	THIS.StateString	=> THIS._stateString
end constructor
constructor WHEEL(	byref WheelName as const string, _ 
					byref WheelPositionName as const string, _ 
					byref InitialStateString as const string, _ 
					byval InitialTime as single=0., _ 
					byval InitialUseTime as single=0.	)
	with THIS
		._name					  	=> WheelName
		._positionName			  	=> WheelPositionName
		._ownerCar					=> 0
		._totalTimeInUse			=> 0.
		._initialTime				=> InitialTime
		._initialUseTime			=> InitialUseTime
		._stateString			   	=> InitialStateString
		._timeLinePicture			=> 0
		._wheelPicture				=> 0
	end with
	redim THIS._startingTimeOfUsageArray(0)
	redim THIS._timeInUseArray(0)
	THIS._startingTimeOfUsageArray(0)	=> THIS._initialTime
	THIS._timeInUseArray(0)				=> THIS._initialUseTime
	THIS.StateString	=> THIS._stateString
end constructor
operator WHEEL.cast() as string
	dim as string	carResolution	=> "not_mounted"
	#if typeOf(THIS._ownerCar)=typeOf(CAR_FWD)
		carResolution = str(THIS._ownerCar)
	return  "<"& _
			":"& THIS._name & _
			":"& THIS._positionName & _
			":"& THIS._totalTimeInUse & _
			":"& THIS.StateString & _
			":"& carResolution &">"
end operator
property WHEEL.StateString(byref SetValue as const string)
	dim as string   workString  => SetValue
	'invalid state fix
	if not (	val("&b"& workString)=1 orElse _ 
				val("&b"& workString)=2 orElse _ 
				val("&b"& workString)=4 _ 
				) then
		if val(mid(workString, 2, 1))=1 then
			workString  = "010"
		elseIf val(mid(workString, 3, 1))=1 then
			workString  = "001"
		elseIf val(mid(workString, 1, 1))=0 then
			workString  = "100"
		end if
	end if
	'incomplete state fix
	while len(workString)<3
		if len(workString)=0 then
			workString  += "1"
		elseIf len(workString)=2 andAlso val(workString)=0 then
			workString  += "1"
			workString  += "0"
		end if
	if val("&b"& workString)=4 then
		THIS._isWaitingForBeingUsed	= TRUE
		THIS._isCurrentlyInUse		= FALSE
		THIS._isCurrentlyRetired	= FALSE
	elseIf val("&b"& workString)=2 then
		THIS._isWaitingForBeingUsed	= FALSE
		THIS._isCurrentlyInUse		= TRUE
		THIS._isCurrentlyRetired	= FALSE
		THIS._isWaitingForBeingUsed	= FALSE
		THIS._isCurrentlyInUse		= FALSE
		THIS._isCurrentlyRetired	= TRUE
	end if
	THIS._stateString   => workString
end property
property WHEEL.StateString() as const string
	return  str(iif(THIS._isWaitingForBeingUsed, "1", "0")) & _
			str(iif(THIS._isCurrentlyInUse, "1", "0")) & _
			str(iif(THIS._isCurrentlyRetired, "1", "0"))
end property
property WHEEL.TotalTimeInUse() as single
	dim as single	totalTime	=> 0
	for arrayIndex as integer =	lBound(THIS._timeInUseArray) to _ 
		totalTime += THIS._timeInUseArray(arrayIndex)
	next arrayIndex
	return totalTime
end property
property WHEEL.OwnerCar() as CAR_FWD
	#if typeOf(THIS._ownerCar)<>typeOf(CAR_FWD)
		return -1
		return THIS._ownerCar
end property
property WHEEL.TimeLinePicture() as FBIMAGEPTR
	return THIS._timeLinePicture
end property
property WHEEL.WheelPicture() as FBIMAGEPTR
	return THIS._wheelPicture
end property
sub WHEEL.SetWaitingStateTo(byval State as boolean)
	THIS._isWaitingForBeingUsed	= State
	THIS._isCurrentlyInUse		= not State
	THIS._isCurrentlyRetired	= not State
end sub
sub WHEEL.SetInUseStateTo(byval State as boolean)
	THIS._isWaitingForBeingUsed	= not State
	THIS._isCurrentlyInUse		= State
	THIS._isCurrentlyRetired	= not State
end sub
sub WHEEL.SetRetiredStateTo(byval State as boolean)
	THIS._isWaitingForBeingUsed	= not State
	THIS._isCurrentlyInUse		= not State
	THIS._isCurrentlyRetired	= State
end sub
sub WHEEL.MakePictureOfTimeLineReportedToInterval(	byval IntervalStartingTime as single=0, _ 
													byval IntervalEndingTime as single=1000	)
	THIS._timeLinePicture	= 0
	'compute some convenient picture box dimension
	dim as integer	scrW, scrH
		screenInfo	scrW, scrH
	dim as integer	picW	=> scrW/4
	dim as integer	picH	=> scrH/10
	THIS._timeLinePicture	= imageCreate(picW, picH, rgb(105,105,125), 32)
	line	THIS._timeLinePicture, _ 
			(2, picH\2 - 1)-_ 
			(THIS._timeInUseArray(uBound(THIS._timeInUseArray))/(	IntervalEndingTime - _ 
																	IntervalStartingTime	)*picW - _ 
																	2 - _ 
																	1, picH\2 - 1), _ 
			rgb(0,200,_MAX(0, 255*(1000 - THIS.TotalTimeInUse)/1000))
	line	THIS._timeLinePicture, _ 
			(2, picH\2 + 1)-_ 
			(THIS._timeInUseArray(uBound(THIS._timeInUseArray))/(	IntervalEndingTime - _ 
																	IntervalStartingTime	)*picW - _ 
																	2 - _ 
																	1, picH\2 + 1), _ 
			rgb(0,200,_MAX(0, 255*(1000 - THIS.TotalTimeInUse)/1000))
	line	THIS._timeLinePicture, _ 
			(2, picH\2)-_ 
			(THIS._timeInUseArray(uBound(THIS._timeInUseArray))/(	IntervalEndingTime - _ 
																	IntervalStartingTime	)*picW - _ 
																	2 - _ 
																	1, picH\2), _ 
			rgb(_MIN(255, 255*(THIS.TotalTimeInUse)/1000),200,_MAX(0, 255*(1000 - THIS.TotalTimeInUse)/1000))
end sub
sub WHEEL.MakePictureOfWheel()
	THIS._wheelPicture	= 0
	'compute some convenient picture box dimension
	dim as integer	scrW, scrH
		screenInfo	scrW, scrH
	dim as integer	picL	=> _MIN(scrW, scrH)\10
	THIS._wheelPicture		= imageCreate(picL, picL, rgb(255,0,255), 32)
	for radius as integer =	picL\4 to picL\2
		circle	THIS._wheelPicture, _ 
				(picL\2, picL\2), _ 
				radius, _ 
				rgb(_MIN(255, 255*(THIS.TotalTimeInUse)/1000),200/(1 + THIS.TotalTimeInUse),_MAX(0, 255*(1000 - THIS.TotalTimeInUse)/1000))
	next radius
	circle THIS._wheelPicture, (picL\2, picL\2), picL\2, rgb(100,100,200)
	circle THIS._wheelPicture, (picL\2, picL\2), picL\4, rgb(100,100,200)
end sub

randomize TIMER

'we set some well defined application screen
dim as integer	scrW => any
dim as integer	scrH => any
	var dskW	=> -1
	var dskH	=> -1
	screenControl	fb.GET_DESKTOP_SIZE, _ 
					dskW, _ 
	scrW	= dskW - 2*dskW\32
	scrH	= dskH - 2*dskH\8
	screenRes	scrW, scrH, _								'sets application screen dimension
				32, _ 										'sets application screen color depth
				2, _ 										'sets application screen page number
				fb.GFX_SHAPED_WINDOW	+ _					'enables application standard transparency
				fb.GFX_ALPHA_PRIMITIVES	+ _					'enables application standard alpha
				fb.GFX_NO_FRAME								'sets application borders to none
end scope

dim as WHEEL	w	=> WHEEL("test_wheel", "test_garage", "100", , 0.)

dim as single	driveTime
	screenSet 1, 0
		line (10, 10)-(scrW - 10 - 1, scrH - 10 - 1), rgb(100,100,205), b
		paint(1,1), rgb(100,100,255), rgb(100,100,205)
		draw string (12,12), w
		draw string (8*len(str(w)) + 22, 12),	str(w.TotalTimeInUse) & _ 
												space(12) & _ 
		put (12,20), w.WheelPicture, TRANS
		dim as integer	wheelPictureWidth
			imageInfo	w._wheelPicture, wheelPictureWidth
		put (12 + wheelPictureWidth + 12,20), w.TimeLinePicture, TRANS
	screenCopy 1, 0
	driveTime += .005
	w._timeInUseArray(uBound(w._timeInUseArray))	+= driveTime
	sleep 15
loop until chr(27)=inkey()


Now a car is required, and the wheel exchange issue.
Posts: 56
Joined: May 01, 2017 15:57

Re: An arithmetic problem

Post by bplus »

Is Ircvs son a genius or a monk?
Tourist Trap
Posts: 2958
Joined: Jun 02, 2015 16:24

Re: An arithmetic problem

Post by Tourist Trap »

bplus wrote:Is Ircvs son a genius or a monk?
A monk would walk rather than drive a car, so it must be a genius.
Posts: 56
Joined: May 01, 2017 15:57

Re: An arithmetic problem

Post by bplus »

lol -good point

A: Tourist Trap

Q: What do you call a guy who makes unnecessary complications necessary?
Posts: 3910
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Location: Switzerland

Re: An arithmetic problem

Post by MrSwiss »

bplus wrote:Q: What do you call a guy who makes unnecessary complications <snip>
The opposite of a genius? (just to stay politically correct)
Posts: 56
Joined: May 01, 2017 15:57

Re: An arithmetic problem

Post by bplus »

Yes, we want to stay politically correct ;-))

But I had another idea besides the opposite of genius, there are those that can make the unnecessary complications, necessary.

I will now boldly, flat out risk all political in-correctness and call them artists!
Tourist Trap
Posts: 2958
Joined: Jun 02, 2015 16:24

Re: An arithmetic problem

Post by Tourist Trap »

Ouch, now it starts looking as a car.... Ok, there is some more effort required. Then also it would be great to change the wheels by clicking with the mouse. I'll see all that later!

Code: Select all

'arithmetic of car wheels exchange

'(new wheel system implemented)
'(new car system implemented)

#include once ""

#define _MIN(a, b)		iif((a)<(b), (a), (b))
#define _MAX(a, b)		iif((a)>(b), (a), (b))

type FBIMAGEPTR	as fb.IMAGE ptr
type CAR_FWD	as CAR ptr
type WHEEL
	declare constructor()
	declare constructor(byref WheelName as const string, _ 
						byref WheelPositionName as const string, _ 
						byref InitialStateString as const string, _ 
						byval InitialTime as single=0., _ 
						byval InitialUseTime as single=0.	)
	declare operator cast() as string
	declare property StateString(byref as const string)
	declare property StateString() as const string
	declare property TotalTimeInUse() as single
	declare property OwnerCar() as CAR_FWD
	declare property TimeLinePicture() as FBIMAGEPTR
	declare property WheelPicture() as FBIMAGEPTR
	declare sub SetWaitingStateTo(byval State as boolean)
	declare sub SetInUseStateTo(byval State as boolean)
	declare sub SetRetiredStateTo(byval State as boolean)
	declare sub RegisterWheelLifeTime(byval LifeTime as single=0.)
	declare function BreakLinkWithCurrentOwnerCar() as boolean
	declare sub MakePictureOfTimeLineReportedToInterval(	byval IntervalStartingTime as single=0, _ 
												byval IntervalEndingTime as single=1000	)
	declare sub MakePictureOfWheel()
		as string		_name
		as string		_positionName
		as CAR_FWD		_ownerCar
		as single		_startingTimeOfUsageArray(any)
		as single		_timeInUseArray(any)
		as single		_totalTimeInUse
		as single		_initialTime
		as single		_initialUseTime
		as string		_stateString
		as boolean		_isWaitingForBeingUsed
		as boolean		_isCurrentlyInUse
		as boolean		_isCurrentlyRetired
		as FBIMAGEPTR	_timeLinePicture
		as FBIMAGEPTR	_wheelPicture
end type
constructor WHEEL()
	with THIS
		._name					  	=> "undefined"
		._positionName			  	=> "undefined"
		._ownerCar					=> 0
		._totalTimeInUse			=> 0.
		._initialTime				=> 0.
		._initialUseTime			=> 0.
		._stateString			   	=> "100"
		._timeLinePicture			=> 0
		._wheelPicture				=> 0
	end with
	redim THIS._startingTimeOfUsageArray(0)
	redim THIS._timeInUseArray(0)
	THIS._startingTimeOfUsageArray(0)	=> THIS._initialTime
	THIS._timeInUseArray(0)				=> THIS._initialUseTime
	THIS.StateString	=> THIS._stateString
end constructor
constructor WHEEL(	byref WheelName as const string, _ 
					byref WheelPositionName as const string, _ 
					byref InitialStateString as const string, _ 
					byval InitialTime as single=0., _ 
					byval InitialUseTime as single=0.	)
	with THIS
		._name					  	=> WheelName
		._positionName			  	=> WheelPositionName
		._ownerCar					=> 0
		._totalTimeInUse			=> 0.
		._initialTime				=> InitialTime
		._initialUseTime			=> InitialUseTime
		._stateString			   	=> InitialStateString
		._timeLinePicture			=> 0
		._wheelPicture				=> 0
	end with
	redim THIS._startingTimeOfUsageArray(0)
	redim THIS._timeInUseArray(0)
	THIS._startingTimeOfUsageArray(0)	=> THIS._initialTime
	THIS._timeInUseArray(0)				=> THIS._initialUseTime
	THIS.StateString	=> THIS._stateString
end constructor
operator WHEEL.cast() as string
	dim as string	carResolution	=> "not_mounted"
	#if typeOf(THIS._ownerCar)=typeOf(CAR_FWD)
		carResolution = str(THIS._ownerCar)
	return  "<"& _
			":"& THIS._name & _
			":"& THIS._positionName & _
			":"& THIS._totalTimeInUse & _
			":"& THIS.StateString & _
			":"& carResolution &">"
end operator
property WHEEL.StateString(byref SetValue as const string)
	dim as string   workString  => SetValue
	'invalid state fix
	if not (	val("&b"& workString)=1 orElse _ 
				val("&b"& workString)=2 orElse _ 
				val("&b"& workString)=4 _ 
				) then
		if val(mid(workString, 2, 1))=1 then
			workString  = "010"
		elseIf val(mid(workString, 3, 1))=1 then
			workString  = "001"
		elseIf val(mid(workString, 1, 1))=0 then
			workString  = "100"
		end if
	end if
	'incomplete state fix
	while len(workString)<3
		if len(workString)=0 then
			workString  += "1"
		elseIf len(workString)=2 andAlso val(workString)=0 then
			workString  += "1"
			workString  += "0"
		end if
	if val("&b"& workString)=4 then
		THIS._isWaitingForBeingUsed	= TRUE
		THIS._isCurrentlyInUse		= FALSE
		THIS._isCurrentlyRetired	= FALSE
	elseIf val("&b"& workString)=2 then
		THIS._isWaitingForBeingUsed	= FALSE
		THIS._isCurrentlyInUse		= TRUE
		THIS._isCurrentlyRetired	= FALSE
		THIS._isWaitingForBeingUsed	= FALSE
		THIS._isCurrentlyInUse		= FALSE
		THIS._isCurrentlyRetired	= TRUE
	end if
	THIS._stateString   => workString
end property
property WHEEL.StateString() as const string
	return  str(iif(THIS._isWaitingForBeingUsed, "1", "0")) & _
			str(iif(THIS._isCurrentlyInUse, "1", "0")) & _
			str(iif(THIS._isCurrentlyRetired, "1", "0"))
end property
property WHEEL.TotalTimeInUse() as single
	dim as single	totalTime	=> 0
	for arrayIndex as integer =	lBound(THIS._timeInUseArray) to _ 
		totalTime += THIS._timeInUseArray(arrayIndex)
	next arrayIndex
	return totalTime
end property
property WHEEL.OwnerCar() as CAR_FWD
	'I leave this around here because it doesn't hurt but:
	'this approach below is not good, the type of THIS._ownerCar is well know and won't change
	'the problem was to let the program say if, or not, 
	'typeOf(INT(THIS._ownerCar)) is still in touch with a pointer to a CAR, or typeOf(i) with i an integer
	#if typeOf(THIS._ownerCar)<>typeOf(CAR_FWD)
		return -1
		return THIS._ownerCar
end property
property WHEEL.TimeLinePicture() as FBIMAGEPTR
	return THIS._timeLinePicture
end property
property WHEEL.WheelPicture() as FBIMAGEPTR
	return THIS._wheelPicture
end property
sub WHEEL.SetWaitingStateTo(byval State as boolean)
	THIS._isWaitingForBeingUsed	= State
	THIS._isCurrentlyInUse		= not State
	THIS._isCurrentlyRetired	= not State
end sub
sub WHEEL.SetInUseStateTo(byval State as boolean)
	THIS._isWaitingForBeingUsed	= not State
	THIS._isCurrentlyInUse		= State
	THIS._isCurrentlyRetired	= not State
end sub
sub WHEEL.SetRetiredStateTo(byval State as boolean)
	THIS._isWaitingForBeingUsed	= not State
	THIS._isCurrentlyInUse		= not State
	THIS._isCurrentlyRetired	= State
end sub
sub WHEEL.RegisterWheelLifeTime(byval LifeTime as single=0.)
	if THIS._ownerCar=0 then
		exit sub
	end if
	'the wheel has some owner, if it's a wheel in use then add some <lifetime> to it
	if THIS.StateString="010" then
		THIS._timeInUseArray(uBound(THIS._timeInUseArray))	+= LifeTime
	end if
end sub
sub WHEEL.MakePictureOfTimeLineReportedToInterval(	byval IntervalStartingTime as single=0, _ 
													byval IntervalEndingTime as single=1000	)
	THIS._timeLinePicture	= 0
	'compute some convenient picture box dimension
	dim as integer	scrW, scrH
		screenInfo	scrW, scrH
	dim as integer	picW	=> scrW/4
	dim as integer	picH	=> scrH/10
	THIS._timeLinePicture	= imageCreate(picW, picH, rgb(105,105,125), 32)
	line	THIS._timeLinePicture, _ 
			(2, picH\2 - 1)-_ 
			(THIS._timeInUseArray(uBound(THIS._timeInUseArray))/(	IntervalEndingTime - _ 
																	IntervalStartingTime	)*picW - _ 
																	2 - _ 
																	1, picH\2 - 1), _ 
			rgb(0,200,_MAX(0, 255*(1000 - THIS.TotalTimeInUse)/1000))
	line	THIS._timeLinePicture, _ 
			(2, picH\2 + 1)-_ 
			(THIS._timeInUseArray(uBound(THIS._timeInUseArray))/(	IntervalEndingTime - _ 
																	IntervalStartingTime	)*picW - _ 
																	2 - _ 
																	1, picH\2 + 1), _ 
			rgb(0,200,_MAX(0, 255*(1000 - THIS.TotalTimeInUse)/1000))
	line	THIS._timeLinePicture, _ 
			(2, picH\2)-_ 
			(THIS._timeInUseArray(uBound(THIS._timeInUseArray))/(	IntervalEndingTime - _ 
																	IntervalStartingTime	)*picW - _ 
																	2 - _ 
																	1, picH\2), _ 
			rgb(_MIN(255, 255*(THIS.TotalTimeInUse)/1000),200,_MAX(0, 255*(1000 - THIS.TotalTimeInUse)/1000))
end sub
sub WHEEL.MakePictureOfWheel()
	THIS._wheelPicture	= 0
	'compute some convenient picture box dimension
	dim as integer	scrW, scrH
		screenInfo	scrW, scrH
	dim as integer	picL	=> _MIN(scrW, scrH)\10
	THIS._wheelPicture		= imageCreate(picL, picL, rgb(255,0,255), 32)
	for radius as integer =	picL\4 to picL\2
		circle	THIS._wheelPicture, _ 
				(picL\2, picL\2), _ 
				radius, _ 
				rgb(	_MIN(255, _ 
						255*(THIS.TotalTimeInUse)/1000),200/(1 + THIS.TotalTimeInUse), _
						_MAX(0, 255*(1000 - THIS.TotalTimeInUse)/1000)	)
	next radius
	circle THIS._wheelPicture, (picL\2, picL\2), picL\2, rgb(100,100,200)
	circle THIS._wheelPicture, (picL\2, picL\2), picL\4, rgb(100,100,200)
end sub

type CAR
	declare constructor()
	declare property CarPicture() as FBIMAGEPTR
	declare sub AddWheelToCarHistoryByPointer(byval WheelPtr as WHEEL ptr, byval WheelPosition as integer)
	declare sub ChangeWheelRandomlyWithOnlyOneChangeAllowed(byval WheelPtr as WHEEL ptr)
	declare sub RegisterCarLifeTime(byval LifeTime as single=0.)
	declare sub StartCar()
	declare sub StopCar()
	declare sub MakeCarPicture()
		as string		_carName
		as single		_fullDrivingTime
		as boolean		_isCarStopped
		as WHEEL ptr	_wheelsArrayOfPtr(any)
		as boolean		_hasPosition1WheelBeenExhanged(any)
		as boolean		_hasPosition2WheelBeenExhanged(any)
		as boolean		_hasPosition3WheelBeenExhanged(any)
		as boolean		_hasPosition4WheelBeenExhanged(any)
		as boolean		_hasSpareWheelBeenExhanged(any)
		as FBIMAGEPTR	_carPicture
end type
function WHEEL.BreakLinkWithCurrentOwnerCar() as boolean
	if THIS._ownerCar=0 then
		return FALSE
	end if
	#if typeOf(THIS._ownerCar)<>typeOf(CAR_FWD)
		return FALSE
	THIS._ownerCar	= 0
	return TRUE
end function
constructor CAR()
	with THIS
		._carName			=> "undefined"
		._fullDrivingTime	=> 0.
		._isCarStopped		=> TRUE
		._carPicture		=> 0
	end with
	redim THIS._wheelsArrayOfPtr(4)
end constructor
property CAR.CarPicture() as FBIMAGEPTR
	return THIS._carPicture
end property
sub CAR.AddWheelToCarHistoryByPointer(byval WheelPtr as WHEEL ptr, byval WheelPosition as integer)
	if WheelPtr>0 andAlso ( WheelPosition=0 orElse _ 
							WheelPosition=1 orElse _ 
							WheelPosition=2 orElse _ 
							WheelPosition=3 orElse _ 
							WheelPosition=4 ) then
		THIS._wheelsArrayOfPtr(WheelPosition)  = WheelPtr
		WheelPtr->_positionName	 = "c"& str(WheelPosition)
		if WheelPosition<>0 then
			if WheelPtr->StateString="100" then
				WheelPtr->_ownerCar	= @THIS
			end if
			WheelPtr->_ownerCar	= @THIS
		end if
	end if
end sub
sub CAR.ChangeWheelRandomlyWithOnlyOneChangeAllowed(byval WheelPtr as WHEEL ptr)
	if not WheelPtr->_isWaitingForBeingUsed then
		exit sub
	end if
	dim as integer  exchangePosition
	exchangePosition	= 1 + int(rnd()*4)
	dim as integer arrayIndex   => -1
	for arrayIndex = lBound(THIS._wheelsArrayOfPtr) to uBound(THIS._wheelsArrayOfPtr)
		if (THIS._wheelsArrayOfPtr(arrayIndex)->_positionName="c"& exchangePosition) then
			exit for
		end if
	next arrayIndex
	if arrayIndex>uBound(THIS._wheelsArrayOfPtr) then
		exit sub
	end if
	THIS._wheelsArrayOfPtr(arrayIndex)->_positionName   = "undefined"
	THIS._wheelsArrayOfPtr(arrayIndex)->StateString		= "001"
	WheelPtr->_positionName	= "c"& exchangePosition
	WheelPtr->StateString	= "010"
	redim WheelPtr->_startingTimeOfUsageArray(uBound(WheelPtr->_startingTimeOfUsageArray) + 1)
	redim WheelPtr->_timeInUseArray(uBound(WheelPtr->_timeInUseArray) + 1)
	WheelPtr->_startingTimeOfUsageArray(uBound(WheelPtr->_startingTimeOfUsageArray))	= THIS._fullDrivingTime
	WheelPtr->_timeInUseArray(uBound(WheelPtr->_timeInUseArray))						= 0.
	THIS.AddWheelToCarHistoryByPointer(WheelPtr, exchangePosition)
end sub
sub CAR.RegisterCarLifeTime(byval LifeTime as single=0.)
	if not THIS._isCarStopped then
		THIS._fullDrivingTime	+= LifeTime
	end if
	for arrayIndex as integer =	lBound(THIS._wheelsArrayOfPtr) to _ 
		if THIS._wheelsArrayOfPtr(arrayIndex)<>0 then
		end if
	next arrayIndex
end sub
sub CAR.StartCar()
	for arrayIndex as integer =	1 to _ 
		if THIS._wheelsArrayOfPtr(arrayIndex)=0 then
			'we won't drive with a missing wheel
			exit sub
		end if
	next arrayIndex
	THIS._isCarStopped	= FALSE
end sub
sub CAR.StopCar()
	THIS._isCarStopped	= TRUE
end sub
sub CAR.MakeCarPicture()
	THIS._carPicture	= 0
	'compute some convenient picture box dimension
	dim as integer	scrW, scrH
		screenInfo	scrW, scrH
	dim as integer	picL	=> _MIN(scrW, scrH)\2
	THIS._carPicture		= imageCreate(picL, picL, rgb(100,100,155), 32)
	'draw main carriage
	'draw wheels
	for arrayIndex as integer =	lBound(THIS._wheelsArrayOfPtr) to _ 
		if THIS._wheelsArrayOfPtr(arrayIndex)=0 then
			continue for
		end if
		draw string (22,22 + 10*arrayIndex), *THIS._wheelsArrayOfPtr(arrayIndex)
		select case arrayIndex
			case 1
				put 	THIS._carPicture, _ 
						(10,20), _ 
						THIS._wheelsArrayOfPtr(arrayIndex)->WheelPicture, _ 
			case 2
				put THIS._carPicture,	(62,20), _ 
										THIS._wheelsArrayOfPtr(arrayIndex)->WheelPicture, _ 
			case 3
				put THIS._carPicture,	(10,62), _ 
										THIS._wheelsArrayOfPtr(arrayIndex)->WheelPicture, _ 
			case 4
				put THIS._carPicture,	(62,62), _ 
										THIS._wheelsArrayOfPtr(arrayIndex)->WheelPicture, _ 
			case else
				put THIS._carPicture,	(32,132), _ 
										THIS._wheelsArrayOfPtr(arrayIndex)->WheelPicture, _ 
		end select
	next arrayIndex
end sub

randomize TIMER

'we set some well defined application screen
dim as integer	scrW => any
dim as integer	scrH => any
	var dskW	=> -1
	var dskH	=> -1
	screenControl	fb.GET_DESKTOP_SIZE, _ 
					dskW, _ 
	scrW	= dskW - 2*dskW\32
	scrH	= dskH - 2*dskH\8
	screenRes	scrW, scrH, _								'sets application screen dimension
				32, _ 										'sets application screen color depth
				2, _ 										'sets application screen page number
				fb.GFX_SHAPED_WINDOW	+ _					'enables application standard transparency
				fb.GFX_ALPHA_PRIMITIVES	+ _					'enables application standard alpha
				fb.GFX_NO_FRAME								'sets application borders to none
end scope

dim as WHEEL	w	=> WHEEL("test_wheel", "test_garage", "100", , 0.)

dim as WHEEL	w0	=> WHEEL("wheel0", "undefined", "100", , 0.)
dim as WHEEL	w1	=> WHEEL("wheel1", "undefined", "100", , 0.)
dim as WHEEL	w2	=> WHEEL("wheel2", "undefined", "100", , 0.)
dim as WHEEL	w3	=> WHEEL("wheel3", "undefined", "100", , 0.)
dim as WHEEL	w4	=> WHEEL("wheel4", "undefined", "100", , 0.)

dim as CAR		lrcvsCar
with lrcvsCar
	.AddWheelToCarHistoryByPointer(@w0, 0)
	.AddWheelToCarHistoryByPointer(@w1, 1)
	.AddWheelToCarHistoryByPointer(@w2, 2)
	.AddWheelToCarHistoryByPointer(@w3, 3)
	.AddWheelToCarHistoryByPointer(@w4, 4)
end with


dim as single	fullDriveTime
dim as single	driveTimeStep	=> .5
	screenSet 1, 0
		line (10, 10)-(scrW - 10 - 1, scrH - 10 - 1), rgb(100,100,205), b
		paint(1,1), rgb(100,100,255), rgb(100,100,205)
		draw string (12, 12), 	str(lrcvsCar._carName) & _ 
								space(12) & _ 
								str(lrcvsCar._fullDrivingTime) & _ 
								space(8) & _ 
		put (scrW\4, scrH\4), lrcvsCar.CarPicture, TRANS
	screenCopy 1, 0
	fullDriveTime += driveTimeStep
	sleep 15
loop until chr(27)=inkey()


To give a word of explanation, the wheels show their lifetime while the car is driving. The light blue wheel is the spare wheel because it's not in use. The other wheels are getting red with the time being used by the car and will need to be changed after a while, at least I think it should be so.
Of course any wheel not in use would not become red anymore, but the car will drive if it has its wheels mounted.
Posts: 578
Joined: Mar 06, 2008 19:27
Location: Spain

Re: An arithmetic problem

Post by lrcvs »

Hi, all:

Tourist Trap: Thank you!

Last edited by lrcvs on May 23, 2017 18:38, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 538
Joined: Jul 15, 2005 4:13

Re: An arithmetic problem

Post by thesanman112 »



couldn't resist....
Tourist Trap
Posts: 2958
Joined: Jun 02, 2015 16:24

Re: An arithmetic problem

Post by Tourist Trap »

Just better showcase.

Code: Select all

'arithmetic of car wheels exchange

#include once ""

#define _MIN(a, b)		iif((a)<(b), (a), (b))
#define _MAX(a, b)		iif((a)>(b), (a), (b))

type FBIMAGEPTR	as fb.IMAGE ptr
type CAR_FWD	as CAR ptr
type WHEEL
	declare constructor()
	declare constructor(byref WheelName as const string, _ 
						byref WheelPositionName as const string, _ 
						byref InitialStateString as const string, _ 
						byval InitialTime as single=0., _ 
						byval InitialUseTime as single=0.	)
	declare operator cast() as string
	declare property StateString(byref as const string)
	declare property StateString() as const string
	declare property TotalTimeInUse() as single
	declare property OwnerCar() as CAR_FWD
	declare property TimeLinePicture() as FBIMAGEPTR
	declare property WheelPicture() as FBIMAGEPTR
	declare sub SetWaitingStateTo(byval State as boolean)
	declare sub SetInUseStateTo(byval State as boolean)
	declare sub SetRetiredStateTo(byval State as boolean)
	declare sub RegisterWheelLifeTime(byval LifeTime as single=0.)
	declare function BreakLinkWithCurrentOwnerCar() as boolean
	declare sub MakePictureOfTimeLineReportedToInterval(	byval IntervalStartingTime as single=0, _ 
												byval IntervalEndingTime as single=1000	)
	declare sub MakePictureOfWheel()
		as string		_name
		as string		_positionName
		as CAR_FWD		_ownerCar
		as single		_startingTimeOfUsageArray(any)
		as single		_timeInUseArray(any)
		as single		_totalTimeInUse
		as single		_initialTime
		as single		_initialUseTime
		as string		_stateString
		as boolean		_isWaitingForBeingUsed
		as boolean		_isCurrentlyInUse
		as boolean		_isCurrentlyRetired
		as FBIMAGEPTR	_timeLinePicture
		as FBIMAGEPTR	_wheelPicture
end type
constructor WHEEL()
	with THIS
		._name					  	=> "undefined"
		._positionName			  	=> "undefined"
		._ownerCar					=> 0
		._totalTimeInUse			=> 0.
		._initialTime				=> 0.
		._initialUseTime			=> 0.
		._stateString			   	=> "100"
		._timeLinePicture			=> 0
		._wheelPicture				=> 0
	end with
	redim THIS._startingTimeOfUsageArray(0)
	redim THIS._timeInUseArray(0)
	THIS._startingTimeOfUsageArray(0)	=> THIS._initialTime
	THIS._timeInUseArray(0)				=> THIS._initialUseTime
	THIS.StateString	=> THIS._stateString
end constructor
constructor WHEEL(	byref WheelName as const string, _ 
					byref WheelPositionName as const string, _ 
					byref InitialStateString as const string, _ 
					byval InitialTime as single=0., _ 
					byval InitialUseTime as single=0.	)
	with THIS
		._name					  	=> WheelName
		._positionName			  	=> WheelPositionName
		._ownerCar					=> 0
		._totalTimeInUse			=> 0.
		._initialTime				=> InitialTime
		._initialUseTime			=> InitialUseTime
		._stateString			   	=> InitialStateString
		._timeLinePicture			=> 0
		._wheelPicture				=> 0
	end with
	redim THIS._startingTimeOfUsageArray(0)
	redim THIS._timeInUseArray(0)
	THIS._startingTimeOfUsageArray(0)	=> THIS._initialTime
	THIS._timeInUseArray(0)				=> THIS._initialUseTime
	THIS.StateString	=> THIS._stateString
end constructor
property WHEEL.StateString(byref SetValue as const string)
	dim as string   workString  => SetValue
	'invalid state fix
	if not (	val("&b"& workString)=1 orElse _ 
				val("&b"& workString)=2 orElse _ 
				val("&b"& workString)=4 _ 
				) then
		if val(mid(workString, 2, 1))=1 then
			workString  = "010"
		elseIf val(mid(workString, 3, 1))=1 then
			workString  = "001"
		elseIf val(mid(workString, 1, 1))=0 then
			workString  = "100"
		end if
	end if
	'incomplete state fix
	while len(workString)<3
		if len(workString)=0 then
			workString  += "1"
		elseIf len(workString)=2 andAlso val(workString)=0 then
			workString  += "1"
			workString  += "0"
		end if
	if val("&b"& workString)=4 then
		THIS._isWaitingForBeingUsed	= TRUE
		THIS._isCurrentlyInUse		= FALSE
		THIS._isCurrentlyRetired	= FALSE
	elseIf val("&b"& workString)=2 then
		THIS._isWaitingForBeingUsed	= FALSE
		THIS._isCurrentlyInUse		= TRUE
		THIS._isCurrentlyRetired	= FALSE
		THIS._isWaitingForBeingUsed	= FALSE
		THIS._isCurrentlyInUse		= FALSE
		THIS._isCurrentlyRetired	= TRUE
	end if
	THIS._stateString   => workString
end property
property WHEEL.StateString() as const string
	return  str(iif(THIS._isWaitingForBeingUsed, "1", "0")) & _
			str(iif(THIS._isCurrentlyInUse, "1", "0")) & _
			str(iif(THIS._isCurrentlyRetired, "1", "0"))
end property
property WHEEL.TotalTimeInUse() as single
	dim as single	totalTime	=> 0
	for arrayIndex as integer =	lBound(THIS._timeInUseArray) to _ 
		totalTime += THIS._timeInUseArray(arrayIndex)
	next arrayIndex
	return totalTime
end property
property WHEEL.OwnerCar() as CAR_FWD
	'I leave this around here because it doesn't hurt but:
	'this approach below is not good, the type of THIS._ownerCar is well know and won't change
	'the problem was to let the program say if, or not, 
	'typeOf(INT(THIS._ownerCar)) is still in touch with a pointer to a CAR, or typeOf(i) with i an integer
	#if typeOf(THIS._ownerCar)<>typeOf(CAR_FWD)
		return -1
		return THIS._ownerCar
end property
property WHEEL.TimeLinePicture() as FBIMAGEPTR
	return THIS._timeLinePicture
end property
property WHEEL.WheelPicture() as FBIMAGEPTR
	return THIS._wheelPicture
end property
sub WHEEL.SetWaitingStateTo(byval State as boolean)
	THIS._isWaitingForBeingUsed	= State
	THIS._isCurrentlyInUse		= not State
	THIS._isCurrentlyRetired	= not State
end sub
sub WHEEL.SetInUseStateTo(byval State as boolean)
	THIS._isWaitingForBeingUsed	= not State
	THIS._isCurrentlyInUse		= State
	THIS._isCurrentlyRetired	= not State
end sub
sub WHEEL.SetRetiredStateTo(byval State as boolean)
	THIS._isWaitingForBeingUsed	= not State
	THIS._isCurrentlyInUse		= not State
	THIS._isCurrentlyRetired	= State
end sub
sub WHEEL.RegisterWheelLifeTime(byval LifeTime as single=0.)
	if THIS._ownerCar=0 then
		exit sub
	end if
	'the wheel has some owner, if it's a wheel in use then add some <lifetime> to it
	if THIS.StateString="010" then
		THIS._timeInUseArray(uBound(THIS._timeInUseArray))	+= LifeTime
	end if
end sub
sub WHEEL.MakePictureOfTimeLineReportedToInterval(	byval IntervalStartingTime as single=0, _ 
													byval IntervalEndingTime as single=1000	)
	THIS._timeLinePicture	= 0
	'compute some convenient picture box dimension
	dim as integer	scrW, scrH
		screenInfo	scrW, scrH
	dim as integer	picW	=> scrW/4
	dim as integer	picH	=> scrH/10
	THIS._timeLinePicture	= imageCreate(picW, picH, rgb(105,105,125), 32)
	line	THIS._timeLinePicture, _ 
			(2, picH\2 - 1)-_ 
			(THIS._timeInUseArray(uBound(THIS._timeInUseArray))/(	IntervalEndingTime - _ 
																	IntervalStartingTime	)*picW - _ 
																	2 - _ 
																	1, picH\2 - 1), _ 
			rgb(0,200,_MAX(0, 255*(1000 - THIS.TotalTimeInUse)/1000))
	line	THIS._timeLinePicture, _ 
			(2, picH\2 + 1)-_ 
			(THIS._timeInUseArray(uBound(THIS._timeInUseArray))/(	IntervalEndingTime - _ 
																	IntervalStartingTime	)*picW - _ 
																	2 - _ 
																	1, picH\2 + 1), _ 
			rgb(0,200,_MAX(0, 255*(1000 - THIS.TotalTimeInUse)/1000))
	line	THIS._timeLinePicture, _ 
			(2, picH\2)-_ 
			(THIS._timeInUseArray(uBound(THIS._timeInUseArray))/(	IntervalEndingTime - _ 
																	IntervalStartingTime	)*picW - _ 
																	2 - _ 
																	1, picH\2), _ 
			rgb(_MIN(255, 255*(THIS.TotalTimeInUse)/1000),200,_MAX(0, 255*(1000 - THIS.TotalTimeInUse)/1000))
end sub
sub WHEEL.MakePictureOfWheel()
	THIS._wheelPicture	= 0
	'compute some convenient picture box dimension
	dim as integer	scrW, scrH
		screenInfo	scrW, scrH
	dim as integer	picL	=> _MIN(scrW, scrH)\10
	THIS._wheelPicture		= imageCreate(picL, picL, rgb(255,0,255), 32)
	for radius as integer =	picL\4 to picL\2
		circle	THIS._wheelPicture, _ 
				(picL\2, picL\2), _ 
				radius, _ 
				rgb(	_MIN(255, _ 
						255*(THIS.TotalTimeInUse)/1000),200/(1 + THIS.TotalTimeInUse), _
						_MAX(0, 255*(1000 - THIS.TotalTimeInUse)/1000)	)
	next radius
	circle THIS._wheelPicture, (picL\2, picL\2), picL\2, rgb(100,100,200)
	circle THIS._wheelPicture, (picL\2, picL\2), picL\4, rgb(100,100,200)
end sub

type CAR
	declare constructor()
	declare property CarPicture() as FBIMAGEPTR
	declare sub AddWheelToCarHistoryByPointer(byval WheelPtr as WHEEL ptr, byval WheelPosition as integer)
	declare sub ChangeWheelRandomlyWithOnlyOneChangeAllowed(byval WheelPtr as WHEEL ptr)
	declare sub RegisterCarLifeTime(byval LifeTime as single=0.)
	declare sub StartCar()
	declare sub StopCar()
	declare sub MakeCarPicture()
		as string		_carName
		as single		_fullDrivingTime
		as boolean		_isCarStopped
		as WHEEL ptr	_wheelsArrayOfPtr(any)
		as boolean		_hasPosition1WheelBeenExhanged(any)
		as boolean		_hasPosition2WheelBeenExhanged(any)
		as boolean		_hasPosition3WheelBeenExhanged(any)
		as boolean		_hasPosition4WheelBeenExhanged(any)
		as boolean		_hasSpareWheelBeenExhanged(any)
		as FBIMAGEPTR	_carPicture
end type
operator WHEEL.cast() as string
	dim as string	carResolution	=> "not_mounted"
	#if typeOf(THIS._ownerCar)=typeOf(CAR_FWD)
		carResolution = str(THIS._ownerCar->_carName)
	return  "<"& _
			":"& THIS._name & _
			":"& THIS._positionName & _
			":"& THIS._totalTimeInUse & _
			":"& THIS.StateString & _
			":"& carResolution &">"
end operator
function WHEEL.BreakLinkWithCurrentOwnerCar() as boolean
	if THIS._ownerCar=0 then
		return FALSE
	end if
	#if typeOf(THIS._ownerCar)<>typeOf(CAR_FWD)
		return FALSE
	THIS._ownerCar	= 0
	return TRUE
end function
constructor CAR()
	with THIS
		._carName			=> "undefined"
		._fullDrivingTime	=> 0.
		._isCarStopped		=> TRUE
		._carPicture		=> 0
	end with
	redim THIS._wheelsArrayOfPtr(4)
end constructor
property CAR.CarPicture() as FBIMAGEPTR
	return THIS._carPicture
end property
sub CAR.AddWheelToCarHistoryByPointer(byval WheelPtr as WHEEL ptr, byval WheelPosition as integer)
	if WheelPtr>0 andAlso ( WheelPosition=0 orElse _ 
							WheelPosition=1 orElse _ 
							WheelPosition=2 orElse _ 
							WheelPosition=3 orElse _ 
							WheelPosition=4 ) then
		THIS._wheelsArrayOfPtr(WheelPosition)  = WheelPtr
		WheelPtr->_positionName	 = "c"& str(WheelPosition)
		if WheelPosition<>0 then
			if WheelPtr->StateString="100" then
				WheelPtr->_ownerCar	= @THIS
			end if
			WheelPtr->_ownerCar	= @THIS
		end if
	end if
end sub
sub CAR.ChangeWheelRandomlyWithOnlyOneChangeAllowed(byval WheelPtr as WHEEL ptr)
	if not WheelPtr->_isWaitingForBeingUsed then
		exit sub
	end if
	dim as integer  exchangePosition
	exchangePosition	= 1 + int(rnd()*4)
	dim as integer arrayIndex   => -1
	for arrayIndex = lBound(THIS._wheelsArrayOfPtr) to uBound(THIS._wheelsArrayOfPtr)
		if (THIS._wheelsArrayOfPtr(arrayIndex)->_positionName="c"& exchangePosition) then
			exit for
		end if
	next arrayIndex
	if arrayIndex>uBound(THIS._wheelsArrayOfPtr) then
		exit sub
	end if
	THIS._wheelsArrayOfPtr(arrayIndex)->_positionName   = "undefined"
	THIS._wheelsArrayOfPtr(arrayIndex)->StateString		= "001"
	WheelPtr->_positionName	= "c"& exchangePosition
	WheelPtr->StateString	= "010"
	redim WheelPtr->_startingTimeOfUsageArray(uBound(WheelPtr->_startingTimeOfUsageArray) + 1)
	redim WheelPtr->_timeInUseArray(uBound(WheelPtr->_timeInUseArray) + 1)
	WheelPtr->_startingTimeOfUsageArray(uBound(WheelPtr->_startingTimeOfUsageArray))	= THIS._fullDrivingTime
	WheelPtr->_timeInUseArray(uBound(WheelPtr->_timeInUseArray))						= 0.
	THIS.AddWheelToCarHistoryByPointer(WheelPtr, exchangePosition)
end sub
sub CAR.RegisterCarLifeTime(byval LifeTime as single=0.)
	if not THIS._isCarStopped then
		THIS._fullDrivingTime	+= LifeTime
	end if
	for arrayIndex as integer =	lBound(THIS._wheelsArrayOfPtr) to _ 
		if THIS._wheelsArrayOfPtr(arrayIndex)<>0 then
		end if
	next arrayIndex
end sub
sub CAR.StartCar()
	for arrayIndex as integer =	1 to _ 
		if THIS._wheelsArrayOfPtr(arrayIndex)=0 then
			'we won't drive with a missing wheel
			exit sub
		end if
	next arrayIndex
	THIS._isCarStopped	= FALSE
end sub
sub CAR.StopCar()
	THIS._isCarStopped	= TRUE
end sub
sub CAR.MakeCarPicture()
	THIS._carPicture	= 0
	'compute some convenient picture box dimension
	dim as integer	scrW, scrH
		screenInfo	scrW, scrH
	dim as integer	picL	=> _MIN(scrW, scrH)\2
	THIS._carPicture		= imageCreate(picL, picL, rgb(100,100,155), 32)
	'draw main carriage
	circle THIS._carPicture, (0,0), picL\4, rgb(255,0,255), , , , f
	circle THIS._carPicture, (0,picL), picL\4, rgb(255,0,255), , , , f
	circle THIS._carPicture, (picL,0), picL\4, rgb(255,0,255), , , , f
	circle THIS._carPicture, (picL,picL), picL\4, rgb(255,0,255), , , , f
	'draw wheels
	for arrayIndex as integer =	lBound(THIS._wheelsArrayOfPtr) to _ 
		if THIS._wheelsArrayOfPtr(arrayIndex)=0 then
			continue for
		end if
		dim as integer	imgW
		imageInfo THIS._wheelsArrayOfPtr(arrayIndex)->WheelPicture, imgW
		draw string THIS._carPicture, (8,62 + 10*arrayIndex), *THIS._wheelsArrayOfPtr(arrayIndex)
		select case arrayIndex
			case 1
				put THIS._carPicture, 	(10,20), _ 
										THIS._wheelsArrayOfPtr(arrayIndex)->WheelPicture, _ 
			case 2
				put THIS._carPicture,	(picL - imgW - 10,20), _ 
										THIS._wheelsArrayOfPtr(arrayIndex)->WheelPicture, _ 
			case 3
				put THIS._carPicture,	(10,picL - imgW - 10), _ 
										THIS._wheelsArrayOfPtr(arrayIndex)->WheelPicture, _ 
			case 4
				put THIS._carPicture,	(picL - imgW - 10,picL - imgW - 10), _ 
										THIS._wheelsArrayOfPtr(arrayIndex)->WheelPicture, _ 
			case else
				put THIS._carPicture,	(picL\2 - imgW\2, 42 + picL\2 - imgW\2), _ 
										THIS._wheelsArrayOfPtr(arrayIndex)->WheelPicture, _ 
		end select
	next arrayIndex
end sub

randomize TIMER

'we set some well defined application screen
dim as integer	scrW => any
dim as integer	scrH => any
	var dskW	=> -1
	var dskH	=> -1
	screenControl	fb.GET_DESKTOP_SIZE, _ 
					dskW, _ 
	scrW	= dskW - 2*dskW\32
	scrH	= dskH - 2*dskH\8
	screenRes	scrW, scrH, _								'sets application screen dimension
				32, _ 										'sets application screen color depth
				2, _ 										'sets application screen page number
				fb.GFX_SHAPED_WINDOW	+ _					'enables application standard transparency
				fb.GFX_ALPHA_PRIMITIVES	+ _					'enables application standard alpha
				fb.GFX_NO_FRAME								'sets application borders to none
end scope

dim as WHEEL	w	=> WHEEL("test_wheel", "test_garage", "100", , 0.)

dim as WHEEL	w0	=> WHEEL("wheel0", "undefined", "100", , 0.)
dim as WHEEL	w1	=> WHEEL("wheel1", "undefined", "100", , 0.)
dim as WHEEL	w2	=> WHEEL("wheel2", "undefined", "100", , 0.)
dim as WHEEL	w3	=> WHEEL("wheel3", "undefined", "100", , 0.)
dim as WHEEL	w4	=> WHEEL("wheel4", "undefined", "100", , 0.)

dim as CAR		lrcvsCar
with lrcvsCar
	.AddWheelToCarHistoryByPointer(@w0, 0)
	.AddWheelToCarHistoryByPointer(@w1, 1)
	.AddWheelToCarHistoryByPointer(@w2, 2)
	.AddWheelToCarHistoryByPointer(@w3, 3)
	.AddWheelToCarHistoryByPointer(@w4, 4)
end with


dim as single	fullDriveTime
dim as single	driveTimeStep	=> .5
	screenSet 1, 0
		line (10, 10)-(scrW - 10 - 1, scrH - 10 - 1), rgb(100,100,205), b
		paint(1,1), rgb(100,100,255), rgb(100,100,205)
		draw string (12, 12), 	str(lrcvsCar._carName) & _ 
								space(12) & _ 
								str(lrcvsCar._fullDrivingTime) & _ 
		'draw car with embedded wheels
		put (scrW\4, scrH\4), lrcvsCar.CarPicture, TRANS
		'draw wheels characteristics
		dim as integer	carImgW
		imageInfo lrcvsCar.CarPicture, carImgW
		for arrayIndex as integer =	lBound(lrcvsCar._wheelsArrayOfPtr) to _ 
			dim as integer	wheelImgH
			imageInfo lrcvsCar._wheelsArrayOfPtr(arrayIndex)->TimeLinePicture, , wheelImgH
			put	(scrW\4 + carImgW + 4,scrH\4 + arrayIndex*wheelImgH + 4), _ 
				lrcvsCar._wheelsArrayOfPtr(arrayIndex)->TimeLinePicture, _ 
		next arrayIndex
	screenCopy 1, 0
	fullDriveTime += driveTimeStep
	sleep 15
loop until chr(27)=inkey()


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