Sprite editor/animation studio...PP256 for FB...RGB modes??

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Sprite editor/animation studio...PP256 for FB...RGB modes??

Post by zomcoder »

Anyone remember PP256 for QB? Has it been ported to FB or are there any comparable sprite design programs available for FB? If not, I intend to design my own.

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Post by axipher »

I'd say go for it yourself, even if there is one, that way you can implement all the features you want.
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Post by Skyler »

Yes, I think I saw PIXELPerfect Professional or something like that somewhere, just a minute and I'll look...

Okay, I found it. PixelPlus eXtended. It's on SourceForge. However... there are no downloads. The project admin is "i_am_drv"... we don't have anyone like that around here, do we? :D

I would suggest Microsoft Paint. I hear you can import bitmaps with FB. I've been using paint for drawing pixel graphics(though not for programs) for a long time.
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Post by CutterSlade »

I recommend Tile Studio, it's free and reminds me a lot of Pixel Plus. In fact, I use it all the time to design my sprites, it's worth a look!

Link: http://tilestudio.sourceforge.net/
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Post by badmrbox »

I have been thinking about asking DrV whatever happened to PixelPlus eXtended. It was an great idea. I would surely use it if it ever happens. I'm using Graphicsgale as for now.
To zomcoder I say; go for it :).
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Post by DrV »

Well, as things usually go, other projects came up; also, that project was waiting on a good cross-platform GUI library, which was waiting on OOP, etc... so maybe someday. :)
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Post by zomcoder »

CutterSlade wrote:I recommend Tile Studio, it's free and reminds me a lot of Pixel Plus. In fact, I use it all the time to design my sprites, it's worth a look!

Link: http://tilestudio.sourceforge.net/
Wow CutterSlade, this looks absolutely fantastic! Even the ability to have it export files for your own language etc. and level editor capability. Thanks so much for the link!
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Post by zomcoder »

It looks as though Tile Studio exports in RGB format. Is this so? Also...I sat down a couple nights ago and designed a GUI for a tile/sprite editor and this one has ALL of the features I was going to include and more so....screw writing my own! I'm gonna start on the game engine code.
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Post by L_O_J »

You know this made me wonder, is the original author of PP256 still around ? cause AFAIK PP256 is made with QB (not the interpreter QBasic), so if he is willing to release the source that would be GREAT and maybe we can do some conversion to FB (with gfxlib).
Lachie Dazdarian
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Post by Lachie Dazdarian »

Yeah CutterSlade. Same thing. Thanks for the great tip.
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Post by ciw1973 »

I can highly recommend GraphicsGale, the English version of which can be found here: http://www.humanbalance.net/gale/us/index.html.

It's free and fully functional unless you need to load/save Windows icon and cursor files or animated GIFs, in which case you'll need the Shareware version which comes in at less than £9 anyway.

It works with pretty much any image depth, has layers, animation/frames, onion-skinning and plenty of other nice things to play with, and I've really grown rather fond of it.

I'd always been a big fan of DPaint, and bought Cosmigo's excellent ProMotion ($29 for the Lite version) for all my 8bpp drawing needs mainly because I was used to the keyboard shortcuts, which made it "feel" just right.

However, I needed to draw a few quick things at a friend's place recently, so I downloaded GraphicsGale and discovered that you can set up your own shortcuts, so aside from one or two minor things which I had to get used to (and now much prefer anyway) I've found it just as good if not better.
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PP256 to Freebasic all colour modes.

Post by Xcoder »

The posted code below will load PP256 images in all colour modes..
Feel free to modify to your needs.

Excuse the sloppy code!!

PS: the bank variable is so you can load multiple palletes at one time.

Code: Select all

'This code will load pp256 in all colour modes

'simple sprite engine
#include once "fbgfx.bi"
declare FUNCTION Colour_256 (col as ubyte,bank as byte) as longint

type img
    xe as integer
    ye as integer
    pic as any ptr
    used as byte
    id as byte
end type

type imageslott
    id as byte
    image(255) as img
    max as integer
end type
type col_256
    R as ubyte
    G as ubyte
    B as ubyte
end type

dim shared pal_256(255,64) as col_256,index(256) as integer
'#include "fbgfx.bi"

dim shared imageslot(64) as imageslott

SUB LoadPal_256 (FileName as string,bank as integer)
dim as integer colour,r,g,b,n,fileno
    'Size array to hold all 256 colours.
    DIM PaletteArray(0 TO 255) as integer

    IF FileName <> "" THEN
        '*** Read palette data from file ***
        FileNo = FREEFILE
        OPEN FileName FOR BINARY AS #FileNo
        FOR n = 0 TO 255
        GET #FileNo, , colour
        b = colour\ 65536: colour = colour - b * 65536
        g = colour \ 256: colour = colour - g * 256
        r = colour
        NEXT n
        CLOSE #FileNo
end if
end sub

SUB LoadPP_256 (FileName as string,bank as byte)

    IF FileName <> "" THEN
        '***** Read image data from file *****
        'thanks to pp256 format
    dim as integer X,ints,fileno,im,xp,yp,a,yy
    dim as string * 1 st

        FileNo = FREEFILE
        OPEN FileName FOR BINARY AS #FileNo
        Ints = (LOF(FileNo) - 7) \ 2
        CLOSE #FileNo
        DIM imagearray(1 to Ints) as short
      BLOAD FileName,@imagearray(1)
      'put (0,0),imagearray(1),trans
        DIM temp(1 TO 1000) as integer
        dim  as integer pptr,lastint,indexno,n,lastimage,tt,xxx,yyy,re
        pptr = 1: indexNo = 1: 
        OPEN FileName FOR BINARY AS #FileNo
        'Ints = (LOF(FileNo) - 7) \ 2
        temp(indexNo) = pptr
        xp= (imagearray(pptr) \ 8) 
        yp= (imagearray(pptr+1)) + 4
        if re<lof(fileno) then seek #fileno,re'*indexno
        'view screen (0,0)-(xp,yp)
        for yyy=0 to yp
        for xxx=0 to xp -1
        get #fileno,,St
        if xxx<xp-4 and yyy<yp-4 and asc(st)>0 then  pset imageslot(bank).image(indexno).pic,(1+xxx,1+yyy),colour_256(asc(st),bank)
        x = (imagearray(pptr) \ 8) * (imagearray(pptr+1)) + 4
        IF x MOD 2 THEN x = x + 1
        pptr = pptr + (x \ 2)
        indexNo = indexNo + 1
  ' cls
    LOOP WHILE pptr < ints
 CLOSE #FileNo
    LastImage = indexNo - 1
   ' var 
   exit sub
  end if

FUNCTION Colour_256 (col as ubyte,bank as byte) as longint
dim as integer w,h,depth
SCREENINFO , , depth,,,,
select case depth
case is <15 
return col    
case else
return rgb(pal_256(col,bank).r,pal_256(col,bank).g,pal_256(col,bank).b)
end select

'sub put256

screenres  320,200,16,,1
var path = "C:\PP256\"

LoadPal_256 (path + "palettes\default.pal",1)
'line (0,0)-(320,200),colour_256(15,1),bf

LoadPP_256 (path + "images\tilesa.put",1)

put (50,50),imageslot(1).image(11).pic,trans

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